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Submits Addl Info Re Structural Steel Joints Inaccessible During Reinsp Program.Design Margins for 83 Inaccessible Joints Encl.Compliance to Design Requirements Demonstrated
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 02/15/1985
From: Koester G
To: Denise R
Shared Package
ML20113A461 List:
KMLNRC-85-057, KMLNRC-85-57, NUDOCS 8504100602
Download: ML20113A517 (3)


{{#Wiki_filter:Page 17 of 17 Section IX k[NJ AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY Founded in 1919 to Advance the Science and Technology of Welding Feb rua ry 13, 1985 Mr. John G. Berra Vice President - Operations DANIEL INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION Daniel Building Greenville, SC 29602


Secondary inspections in Accordance with AWS D1.1-75 and Subsequent Issues


Daniel International Corporation Inquiry Dated February 13, 1985

Dear Mr. Berra:


This is in response to your inquiry concerning secondary inspections In accordance with AWS D1.1-75 and subsequent issues. INQUIRY 1: Does AWS 01.1 address secondary Inspections over f the life of the structure? ' ( INQUlRY 2: If AWS D1.1 does not address such secondary In-

                  -)             spections, what parties are recomended to develop-parameters for such inspections.                          .

REPLY 1: No. Inspection (secondary inspection) of welded joints that have been accepted after fabrication or ere.ction, or both, is not covered by AWS D1.1. REPLY 2: Inspection (secondary inspectioh) of accepted welds ^ subsequeht to the fabrication and erectron ls not covered by Code provisions and such inspections and criterla for acceptance would have to be as agreed upon by the owner or the Engineer (the owner's representative) and the contractor. We trust this answers your questions regarding this matter. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. yours,

                                          !     n:             g,
                                            *?,         Noss V. Davis, Secretary                      3 AWS Structural Velding Comittee MVD:Jw
!                      D1e/SCS

! 8504100602 850228 l PDR ADOCK 05C00492 l S PDR , 550 N.W. LeJeune Road

  • Miami, Florida 33126
  • Telephone (305) 443-WELO l (P.O. Box 351040, Miami Florida 33135)
  • Telex: AMWELD SOC. No. 51-9245

KANSAS GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY THE ELECTM CWANY GLENN L motstra m . - . . . . . .m u .. February 15, 1985 Mr. R.P. Denise Wblf Creek Task Force U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011 KMLNRC 85-057 Re Docket No. SIN 50-482 Ref: 1) Letter KMIEC 85-238, dated 12/31/84 frm GIKoester, KG&E, to RCDeYoung, NBC

2) Ietter KMIRRC 85-037, dated 1/21/85 from GIKoester, KG&E, to RGeYoung, NRC Subj: Supplemental Information Concerning Structural Steel Welding Dear Mr. Denise This letter provides infore tion you requested concerning

[ structural steel joints that were inaccessible during the

                   , reinspection program at Wolf Creek Generating Station.

The Architect / Engineer's (A/E) program for evaluating inaccessible joints was included in Appendix VI.D of the report trancmitted by References 1 and 2. As discunsed in the report there were 119 joints that were identified as totally imaalble and 165 joints with see portions of the welds in = =aible. Of the 119 totally 1-alble joints, 62 were l t evaluated on a case by case bases, typically using^ alternate load paths (i.e. the beam is enbedded in a concrete wall which is capable of suIporting the design load in the cocpleted structure). Of the 165 joints with some portions of the welds i m aalble, sufficient information was available on 139 of these joints to enable a case by case evaluation to be performed. Therefore, a total of 83 joints out of a total of 2670 joints (accessible and imible) were identified in which a case by case evaluation of the welds could not be determined. In addition to the information presented in References 1 and 2  ! concerning the acceptability of these 83 inaccessible joints, l KG&E in conjunction with the A/E and the Constructor have l reviewed the design margins and weld details for the joints to ' provide an added level of assurance that the joints meet design

.                   requirements. The attachment provides the design margins for these joints.

j 201 N. Market -- Wichts. Kansas - Und Jddress PO Bar 2tm I wk twtn Kansas 67201 Talenhnna Area t%<= to tm sa s.aa < e

Mr. R.P. Denise February 15, 1985 KMUmC 85-057 In order to provioe assurance that the weld details were clear and would not have been misinterpreted in a manner that could result in a structurally inadequate joint, a review of each of the weld details for the 83 joints was performed. 'Ihis was generally acconplished by having a welder and an inspector annotate on a drawing where welds should be located. This was then reviewed by the A/E to determine whether the welder's and inspector's interpretation of the weld detail was satisfactory. The results of the A/E's review concluded that the joints would have met the requirements as interpreted by the welder / inspector. As a result of this information and the information included in References 1 and 2, KG&E concludes that adequate assurance has been provided to denonstrate coupliance of the 83 joints to the design requirements. Yours very truly,

                                  ' Glenn L. Koester Vice President - M.1 clear 1

Attachment xc PO'Connor (2) BBundy  :. _ r - NGuldenond l I L

Attachment to j KMLNRC 85-057 l l CRITICALITY REVIEW OF INACCESSIBCE hT[DS AWS hTED PEINSPECTION PROGRAM During the AHS weld reinspection program a total of 83 welded joints were not individually evaluated due to inaccessibility for inspection (out of a total population of 2670 joints) . In order to establish the reserve capacity of these joints, a design review was perfonned to detennine original design loads, allowable joint capacity in the designed condition, and ultimate joint capacity in the designed condition. Minimun factors of safety were established for each of the joints without taking credit for possible reduction in load or actual material strengths. The results of the design review are: ( ... -

      .,                     Minimum factor of safety based on allowable stresses                  i M.F.O.S. greater than 4.01           -

50' joints M.F.O.S. from 2.01 to 4.00 - 12 joints M.F.O.S. from 1,51 to 2.00 - 8 joints , i M.F.O.S. from 1.00 to 1.50 - 13 joints


I i Minlan factor of safety based on ultimate stresses

           ,4 . ..4:         M.F.O.S.' greater than 4.01        -


  • joints M.F.O.S. from 2.01 to 4.00 -

14 joints l M.F.O.S. from 1.50 to 2.00 - 2 joints l l i v.


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February 18, 1925 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of !bclear Reactor Regulation U.S. !bclear Pagulatory Comnission hbshington, D.C. 20555 KMLNIC 85-058 Rc: Docket No. STN 50-482 Pef: (1) Iatter KMIRPC 84-238, dated 12/31/84 from GIKoester, KG&E, to FQeYoung, NFC (2) IAtter KMIERC 85-037, dated 1/21/85 fr:zn GIKoester, KG&E, to PGeYoung, NBC Subj: Supplemental Information on Structural Stemi W'd%

Dear Mr. Denton:

Glestions raised concerning the structural steel weldinsg att W3f Creek Generating Station resulted in an extensive e=Mm cif the Ah5 weldir.g procram. This included an evaluaHm cxf the ( V relevant aspects of the various progra::s from the M*4^ cif purchase orders for procurment of the structural =hM arad welding materials to final instal.lation and acceprenw- Opcm catoletion of tais evaluation, KG&E ccncluded that the " = -i steel welding at hblf Creek Generating Station meets Aiits 'nJI requirements and, : cost inportantly, that the structural MMtf of the buildings has been assured. This ev * =d4= was documented in the report trans:nitted by References 1 aW 2. As a result of additional questions raised con m a ,3 the validity of visual reirpions through paint and its P cm ccupliance with the code, KG&E initiated additional x h 2:o confirm the conclusions previously stated. These a::ttms included contacting the American Welding Society piist arm 3 rew'"ng three irxlependent leading authorities in tSe Se3d czf structural steel wlding to review the evaluation as hW l in References 1 and 2. Detailed justification for the reinspection of wlds that hadi been painted subsequent to the initial inspection /ac ;2 ~ <- was provicea a seu k.a *,C.E cf the evaluatien report, rm *** KG&E had Roger Reedy of Reedy Associates (Engineering *wmr==e Consultants), Doctors Slutter, Fisher, and Yen caf 'rA49 Chiversity (Fritz Engineering IAboratory) and Dr. G # m *mm of APIECH, Inc. to review KG&E's justification for v d =~; "m= t l through paint. The results of their reviews are hrhW' as , i s Attachments A, B, C, and D to this letter. All three of TSese same leading authorities independently came -to the same ) conclusion as KG&E in that the inportant attributes e the Mfh l 209 N. Market ~ Wictwta, Kmess -Med Addrese: P o. Bos 208 i Mctwts. Kansas 67201 - Te4 mane. AkunDatenattB; Ztns4453 h

KMLNRC. 85-058 (2) H.;Rf Denton can be reinspected through paint. In addition to the issue of reinspection through parrr, iga also had the same three leading authorities independently :er:ies e e overall program associated with the wlding verificati:n edE:r: documented in References 1 and 2. Again all three cerrlailed Imr the structural steel wlding at Wolf Creek me.ets cxr *wo tde structural requirements. In order to assure that the reinspection program hd i:n References 1 and 2 does not ecnflict with the AWS Cz!ie, MGa ami! Daniel International Corporation (DIC) contacted tdm h b > Weldina Society (AWS) to discuss the apolicability exE tie Mise Code to rei.W ien efforts at Wolf Creek. Attach 2 acsi!I document the- results of these discussions and s=4b 2dat tdm reinspections were not inconsistent with the AWS Code mul:fr fact ~ the Secretary of the AWS Structural Welding remmittee - ; w the authority of the Architect / Engineer acting as t$m enueras representative to establish pertinent reinspection e N = In conclusion the structural steel welding at Wolf C:zek meets

   '   the requirements of AWS D1.1 and far more ip                  37 ede structural integrity has been assured.

Yours very truly, p  ! Jf, 6n N ' Glenn L. Koester Vice President .P r'aar Gm:sjm Attach xc: PO'Connor, w/o

           *EBundy,w/o lBDanise , w/a i

r --

    .                                                                               RM m=n-       1 (A.',7-C == .:==

Febrar r 3, '; M Glenn Koester Vice. President-Nuclear Kansas Gas & Electric Company P.O. Box 208 Wichita, KS 67201 Dea r Mr. Koester, It is my opinion, based on the studies I have made sn :::re W45 site, cmi that the structural criteria of AWS D1.1. welding meets the z,wa!: c a<rcep tance BACKGROUND One of the major reasons welding at the Wolf Creekforsite the controversy is afeaJmey of two different welding inspection philosophiesdirectly relatefi im ebe ase <cf frames at the site. in tse ahiffere:rn. t:ume inspection of the physicalIn this regard, I am only refr+7mr :m the v===1-attributes each weld after c:imgfe*,mm. About plete, mid-1981, even though structural welding wars M -LH14, e completed a new inspection philosophy evolved for the n welds. r % of k by its very nature,This new philosophy, a "no toler==w" gdui3w-fy, been accepted, wouldguaranteed that many welds which had gser:!aursly be considered to be "inadesparat". Tde "no Welding Society) to candidatestolerance" philosophy i A:ue:ricanis contrary (CWI) test. (If this "no for their Certified Mder Tvar inspection of steel bridges and buildings welded in acrz atoleranc the AWS DI.1 Structural Code, these r men with have many " inadequate" welds.) structures winmid the faunal to The difference in inspection philosophies is as follsus:

1. AW3 philosophy -

Welds should be measured Weld sizes are designated to the nearest 1/16 imciand evaluated u of 1/32 inch or less are irrelevant. Weld lengths areDeraatimes with a tolerance of about =#---. ..-d all evaluations of attributes, 1/4 inch. Tolerances including are allemed for underent. TEsma3'Iy detected cracks are not allowed, but it is recoemized that : net all " crack-like" examination. linear : dicacios c:. .c ;w: 4 mm 'I If the Engineer is concerned ber==ce af diesip consideration always be about found by minute linear indications sthix2 visual examination, mane criticall can :nat examination methods, penetrant (PT) will be specified.such as magnetic particle C"L'") er l!fpuid b


                             "No tolerance" philosophy-All visual evaluations judgement       allowed) L tof      welds will be made on strte-te ra l                                         .,

criteria. interpretation of That is, acceptar.ce than 1/64 inch any is weld which is underrized, even by .'es ; unacceptable. The most interpreta on tion is applied for each critetta. e u:c2; is a "go-no go" basis, with no Each acceptanca philosophy is contrary to tolerance. Th u AWS requirements automatically result in the and wtll welds. rejection of AWS accertable The advantage of this philosophy is that an) -eld accepted this performs the way vill always be acceptable, no matter who inspection, and what the qualifications are. inspector's When inspecting any item, judgement must be used. For example, the inspector must choose the proper measuring tools for the condition to be examined, he must judge whether or not lighting is adequate, determine areas most likely to cause concern, and must judge how and where to make measurements. are taught in AWS Inspector Training courses. These judge-ments Engineers design structural welds to the nearest 1/16 inch. Therefore inch in accordance (ANSI 225.1 ) '. weld withsize

                                                   " Rulesmeasurements                   should be to the n for. Rounding Off Numerical Values" This standard provides that a weld 1/32 inch undersized accepted      as would adequate. be rounded off to the next        1/16 inch and therefore g

s inspection philosophy which Asevolved discussed at above, the "co tolerance" not allow rounding-off, and any deviationthe Wolf Creek site in does insignificant, is documented as inadequate. in size, no matter how The "no tolerance" philosophy was used on the site in order to demonstrate Creek are adequate. that by "any criteria" the structural welds at Wolf INSPECTION OF PAINTED WEGS At the time the "no-tolerance" philosophy. ev lved almost all structural welds had been completed, inspected, accepted painted. and Because of an inspection record control problem (some inspection records were lost or mis placed), it was decidedattha large number of structural weld joints (each joint may contain a number of welds) would be reviewed. This type of review is consistent with the requirements 'of provides that .the applicant take measure 10CFR50 Appendix B which "to provide adequate confidence that satisfactorily a structure, system, or component will perform

                                   -in service."

not painted welds The questier. . ... a ..cmes 'tatner or can reviewed to provide adequate confi'dence . This -reinspection performed 'and or review is s . verification that inspections were not requirement of AWS D1.1. a first time acceptance inspection, and not a

7-13, 1985 to Mr. John Mr. Moss V. Davis' letter of February of welds are outst out that secondary inspections that secondary insps points further states Engineer aos scope of DI.L. The letter - of welds should be agreed upon by the owner techniques used or the for the see:or-contractor. Obviously the severe than tAe ortyn inspection techniques should not be more inspection techniques. d It is known and understood inare allfar welding more Codes and severe than Standar Thual s tan magnetic particle inspections inspection. (The ASME and AWS Codes make this an obvious conchmurnThe by classification of inspection criteria.) all viumi of the structural welding in question on site are inspections. VISUAL INSPECTION OF WELDS The weld attributes usually required to be visually inspected . amer o Weld location (including existence) o Length o Size o Undercut ' o ;8cks o Craters o Fusion o Concavity o Convexity o Overlap o Porosity o Arc Strikes (with regard to cracks) o Slag and spatter attributes are more important tham st% -s. Obeiously, some weld attributes are those related to weld streq;ti or The most important In this category, I w,ald plan loss of load carrying capability. the following attributes as most important. o Weld location (and existence) o Length o Size o Cracks o Craters o Undercut o Fusion o Concavit" ' m The other attributes do not generally aucet therefore of less consequence, f t

p , With rega rd to patnted welds, may mask are some tight the only attributes *.hten the paint cracks, some tight undercut (a rare occurrence), fine po ro s i ty , some arc stetkes and some slag and


Arc strikes without cracks can be readtl evaluated through paint AWS D1.1 addressand slag and spatter on accepted welds ts immaterial cleanliness in slag the and spatter on as issue only with regard to weld chapter -Workmanship (pa ra graph 3.10). Porosity less than 1/16 inch is not even considered relevant by AS Codes, and larger porosity can be evaluated through paint. were ever considered necessary or desirable If it cracks could readily be evaluated tight undercut and tion through the paint, but this is by a magne, tic particle examina-The MT examination will find not a requirement o f AWS D1.1. naked eye and is therefore a more severe inspection. cracks which are un A demonstration was made at the Wolf Creek site to assure that a magnetic painted weldparticle surface.(MT) examination would detect cracks through a all cracks visually detectedEven with a heavy paint layer of 10-11 mils, were detected with MT af ter the weld sample prior to painting The NRC inspection team reviewed more than 70 random weld joints using both visual and magnetic particle examination methods and found no welds which did not meet the AWS D1.1 acceptance r eria. c it This that the sample size, assures with at least a 95/95 confidence level welds meet the AWS DI.1 acceptance criteria. x In summary, I feel that and reports, the based on my review of welds, documentatzon adequately demonstratereinspection programs used at the Wolf Creek site that the structural welding meets the acceptance the welds arecriteria of AWS Dl.1 and provides adequate evidence a th t specified. s tructurally sound and meet the design parameters O Rose F. Reedy, PE Re stered Structural Engineer (Illinois) Member AWS Member ASCE Fellow ASME-e

                                                                            -M a:naen: ; ._



Feb rua ry 1.' , 1985, Mr. John Bailey Kansas Gas and Electric C.mpany Wolf Creek Generating Station Post Office Box 309 Burlington, Kansas 66839

Dear Mr. Bailey:

RE: Evaluation of Structural Steel Welding at Wolf Creek - CER Yo,. 1.1 At your request I have reviewed the approach developed by M anm tmg r *M by Bechtel and DIC to evaluate welds on safety related s::: enil a, tali att the Wolf Creek Generating Station. This review has concentatett am M"5 hil report on corrective action request (CAR) number 19 (1)* amd A -T- CD) through (6).

  • My evaluation of the aporoach developed by KG&E was f ar ccamenmence 'inxteed into the following areas:
1) Impact on FSAR Commitment
2) Impact an Structural Integrity Some specific comments arising out of my review, and rela:ing to; these a,ress are su- seized below:

Impact on the FSAR Commitment In view of the FSAR commitment by KG&E to work to the requierm=:s. of AWS 32.1-75 incorporating (2), (3) and (5), it is entirely appropruce for M .ns c5:er to developareverification inspection program to provide aissarsace char :he provisions of AWS Dl.1 75 are met and to generate the dotwner:2 tham 22 n:pport that position. In addition, your review of related actirit:es .rmd Me r== trol has shown that this is not a generic problem but is confisch *a the stemctnn'. steel work, w-!ded to AWS D1.1 and ce"- ed k; 9" " h:L::=ml atee. .... records. These related activities include:

1) Assurance that all welders and welding procedures wer quahfied to AWS D1.1.
2) Determination that only acceptable filler metaI! (L, :lis enne CTIS) was used.

i Support References are included at the end of this les/ter. l 795 SAN ANTONIO ROAD Q PALO ALTO O CALIFORNIA 94303 O (*1156)ess mm t j I

      -                                                                                              1; s

3 4 J. A.' Bailey Page 2 ~ 2-17-85 '

3) Evaluation of DIC inspection criteria.
4) Validatien of inspections performed with paint on the weld.
5) Qualification and training for reinspection personnel.

All of these contribute to the conclusion that poor original documentation ~ procedures do not lead to poor welds. This was also confirmed by my examination of eclevant welds in the ' Auxiliary Building and the Reactor Building. I was able to examine both painted and unpainted welds and in all cases .the welds appear to be good with a generally uniform appearance, , indicative of skilled craf ts people. With regard to the ability to reinspect weld: after painting, I have alreacy stated that this is the proper approach for KC.2 to pursue for the following reasons: , The discontinuities that are being examined for (i.e porosity, lack of fusion, etc.) are rather gross imperfections and are readily detected by visual examination. A coating of a few mils thick would not obscure imperfections in the size ranges of 1/16 to 1/8 inch. Even these imperfection sizes are small comoared to the size that ( would compromise structural integrity. Carbon manganese steel welded with E7018 weld rod is probably one of the easiest combinations to produce high quality welds. Carbon i Manganese steels are readily weldable and do not harden significantly with welding thermal cycles as would alloy steels. With proper rod control (which is demonstrated in your review) the likelihood of weld cracking is low. This is confirmed by the results of the inspection of the uncoated steel in which few cracks and lack of fusion ipper-fections were discovered. The detection of size variances (either over or under) will not be impacted by the presence of paint or coatings. Missing weld elements would be rather obvious 'even where coatings are present. I understand frem discussions with KG&E that USNRC Region 1 made a site visit and performed a sampling inspection on more than 60 relevant joints. This inspection included examination by UT and MT. before and after etint removal and the results were positive. These data should be requested from Region 1 and

        ,. used to support your position.

In view of the_ fact that we are now using twenty:- twenty hindsight and are sensitized to the need to perform detailed inspections the defect rates are relatively low in those categories of attributes that +ere classed as defects (about 3% on a joint basis which would be much less on a tc*.al weld basis). i

y J. A. Batley Page 3 2-17-85 Normal reinspection detection rates come in at around 2% on a vei: $1 sis - 'Je recently performed a review of previously accepted welds in Class : 7:7 ng and established a reinspection call rate at about 1%. The focus of your program on structurally significant details das ena21ed you to evaluate those situations that are most important. It is w:rt engt2siztag that the extent of CAR No. 19 is limited to about 21% of these arr:c:: 21 details. The other details are either shop welded or bolted. I' believe that with your re-examination program, the related aztert:Les referred to earlier and the confirmation that examination under pmza: is effective, you have met the extent of (4) and complied with yotr caanttment in (7). Structural Integrity Since we have concluded that defective paper work does not necessar:ly esdicate a defective weld, the real question is, "What is the impact on struc:1:21 integrity of the imperfections discovered in the reinspection?'. Bechtel has evaluated those situations where the stresses coulf esceed tie design stress because of geometry indications (missing welds, lacie:r:2e,

             -        underrun) and in all cases the calculated stress are less than 16ese char souid be required to fail a weld (i.~e. the weld capacities are in~ no var 2gprsached under the design loads). I~ concur with Bechtel's approach, but unrid psist out that it is conservative (i.e. greater margins will be available := thet ctual joint than indicated by the Bechtel analysis).
    '                 The first factor contributing to the conservatism is that for the grneening allowable stresses, the specified minimum properties are used wherr2s actual properties of 'as deposited welds will usually run 20-25% higher : 2 22 tbd specified minimums. This means that based on actual propertie3 dar:at:ces f ecm allowable stresses at up to 20-25% would not violate design cra:e:11 hused on actual properties.                                .

The second factor relates to the consequences of exceeding the lesign allowable l stress in one weld, or for that matter all welds, in a conne'ctaem diat' cantains several. welds as:many of these joints do. There. are of course anne. En the joint one weld may be overstressed, however,- the structural inter:::y d the ! joint 'is not impaired at all.. It is important to' re-emphasize tins facct. The inteerity of a structural-detail is not affected by the incerfec ices uetecteu in tne retnspection program. If - this was more genera 0Ep -recer l "-d. we would be f aced with f ar. fewer reverification exercises in ruclear dacilities. A further fact that contributes'to the cons 'eevatism in the . BectaeE 'nunlysis . is l  : that where: undersize has been measured to. be intermittent- in the accumi 4etail, t ~ in the analysis it has been attributed ta) the' complete weld le24td. k


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J. A. Bailey

         ,                   Page 4 2-17-85 A question may arise about the integrity of those welds that .tre:
1) uninspectable (because of access) and
2) could not be ' evaluated for alternate load paths There are 83 joints in this category and the approach chosen hv Becntet is ta demonstrate that the expectation ts that in only one jotnt would the destan-stress be exceeded. This is derived from the frequency of those structural joints that exceed the design stress. Remembering, as noted above, that small amounts of undersize are attributed to the complete weld it may be instructive to consider this on a weld basis.

Assuming an average number of welds per joint of 4 and the same likithood af exceeding the' design stress in a weld as in a joint. the following table ' provides the prooability that 1, 2, 3 and 4 welds would exceed the dest;n stress:

                                 . Number of Welds In a 4 Weld Joint


                                 ~ Detail That Exceed-

Design Stress A BW q 1 3.17X10-2 3,7x10-3 2 1.0X10-3 7.6X10-3 3 3.2 X 10-5 6.6X10-7 4' 1.0X10-6 5.7X10-9 This column is based on a 0.87% rate which excludes the polar crane radial, stops. - These numbers illustrate the very remote liklihood of all welds in a joint exceeding the design allowable stress at the same time.and further confirm that structural' integrity is assured. On this basis, I would expect a timely-closeout of' CAR 19 because there is no safety impact and hence it is not reportable under 10 CFR 50.55(e). In the foregoing,' I. hava tried to eer"2si:2 -Se in-a *--- ; cts:related to :he closeout of CAR 19. I think you would agree that there - no safety-issue and the documentation problem did not . spill over to other related areas. There are. .however, a few points that may be worthwhile making, particularly if you have to present all of the work that has 'been done to date... to the management . j- - of KG&E. f


g First the question of cracks may be raised. What is the liklihood of having l cracks in uninspectable areas? . I-The Lonly cracks that have been observed were -from construction loading of beam seats and~not attributable to welding (1). The review of weld procedures, r i i

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k J. A. Bailey..

           ,                     Page 5 1

2-17-85 ..

                               - filler metal control, 'and welder records indicate that :le elficz, m aa>t                                                   cut i

of control. .Usually when something goes wrong with tie welding 7eocncs :.o cause cracking, the cracking is quite extensive and cirvious at :te Ides of welds. Moreover, the A36 structural ' steel and A516 emibef plates x? easy-to-weld carbon manganese steels ' not prone to cratite.g. '"tese stech are widely used in other industries in which the rigorous qualiry as.rurIrnre

                               -requirements of our commercial nuclear program are not adqt i. N sr
                               -industries include bridges, multi-story buildings, offshore qEathrms aret                                                                          >

pressure vessels. Our' record in these industries wruLf catfir:r t:hna i.zaegzi:f margins are available in welded structural steels. @n tis bash E wouild

conclude that there is no potential for' structural dep
adatiam due ca. 3:le
                               - presence of cracks.

Further confirmation of this fact is provided by the good ::nheren:. Taushnus .d these materials at the minimum operating temperature of I:be .sw+1 T'. tis wu.:.4 - preclude crack initiation and propagation from pre- -A c7* t. The thoroughness and detail of the reinspection prog: cam amb:::2,ae:t by KGaiiE attests to the commitment that you have already made z.m safecy 2: :ne WoPf Creek Nuclear Generating Station. j f In the rather short period that I have had to reviev ra:r ;7rcxh. :a. :.te ' resolution of CAR 19.- I have probabl~y- not done justt.: tm I:e e r m :m vari I already done by KG&E, Bechtel, DIC and other consultats 9m ::as ut::e.. I 5:pe, however, that I have been able to grasp -the main pon ts of :h:2 isJae 2nci :,'f. . you would like to discuss ~ any of the comments .I have made., yle.ase feef :leze :: Contact me. 4 Kind Regards, 1

                                                                                                               /D'                .
  • a.- /s!

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         . c.                  REFERENCES
 '          '                      s    -

1)ssiKansas Gas and Electric ~ Company Final Report

                                    }{.CorrectiveActionRequestNo. 19
2) Technical Specification for Erecting Miscellaneous Metal for the Standardized Nuclear Unit' Power Plant System -

Bechtel Specification No. 10466-C132Q

3) Technical Specification for Contract for Erection of Structural -



Steel for the Standardized Nuclear Power Plant System - Bechtel Specification No. 10466-CR2Q

4) AWS Structural Welding Code AWS DI.1-75
                             ' 5)         Daniel' Internationsl Corporation, Inspection of Velding Process Procedure No. QCP-VII-200 DATE-                       REVISION 3-30-77 10-28-77                        1 2-01-78               '

2 10-18-78 3 11-08-78 4 11-18-80 6

         -(                                  1-21-81                     7 3-12-81                      8 7                                        12-17                      9 6-29-81                     12 i-9-22-83                     17 12-17-84                      21 I
                             - 6)         Letter from C. M. Herbst (Bechtel) to G. L. Fouts (KG&E)~date 2-15-85 regarding Structural Steel Joint Sketches                                                         *
                             - 7)         Final Safety Analysis Report-4 SNUPPS Section

4 i , i 4 4

              .d - -   ., .,    -.        - _ . . , -   , , , , , , -        - _ , , , , , , . - - . - , . _ . - - . . - , . , , , . ,   ., - . . ,     . , , ~ . -

W. ~. u *=L. .~,, l C L 9 .7 if- Z a L EHIG H U NIV E R SITY 8etnienem, Pennsylvania 18015 Fritz Engineering Laboratory

  • S " F e b t ':2.r . ... 1993 Mr. John A. Bailey Wolf Creek Generating Station Kansas Cas and Electric Company P. O. Box 309 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Re: Visual Inspection of Painted Fillet Welds

Dear Mr. Bailey:

Dr. Fisher and I have reviewed the paper prepared bv Hec::rel hr Corporation regarding their position on the " Visual Inspec: ten of Painted Fillet Welds". Dr. Yen of our staf f has also reviewed this md' provties coc=ents on the paper. We.all agree that the important cl-terts: .:s: of the welds can be evaluated with the paint thickness of M ::L1 (c)) En the members. The evaluation must be cade on the basis that certain ;;t bhms that could occur in welding can be ruled out because they do nat estst or are not important for the type of welds and eaterials trzcIvef. 4 are concerned only about inspection items that might reduce the strecq _, of connections. Tests made on welds from the Hope Creek Flatrc (IFrt: 2 Engineering Laboratory Report revealed that evert very Iarge a=ounts of porosity in the welds reduced the strength of cannee.tions 17 only a small amount. Large porosity of the type present in weli::s from the Hope Creek Plant could be detected through paint. Fine per:steJ of a size that could not be observed through paint is of no importatz:e is eva2=ating the strength of these connections. We feel confident that the inspection results to date demons.trate that the quality of welding on the buildings was more char, aleg: ara is provide the strength required in the building connections. If ::hure are inspection items such as fine porosity, minor undercutting o7 crack h r in selds produced by joint restraint that can not be deteccet th:2ngts gai=:, these items are not apt to reduce the strength of conneettcms suffhhtly to be of concern. The redundancy in the completed struct:u a fa al'sw avail-able to provide alternate load paths if necessary in the avant tha:t a connection of lower than expected strength exists. Si cere . RCS/df Ro er G. Slutter cc: Richard I,vy Researen in Civil Engineering and Related FieMs John W. Fisher

                                                                                                                  ~r . ::.. . . . . r. '". r. . , . ..

L .4."c. .M .. Q. L E HIG H UNIVERSITY Sett. eae-i Gennsywania 13:15 Fritz T tqtneering 1.abcratcry e...m o

                                                                                                                       ~.. --....       .
                . . . Richard Ev?

Kansas Cas and ;.. eC~rt; uJ:pany . P.O. 3cx 203

               'Jicht:a, Kansas 57201

Dear P.:

. Evy: Re: Strue: ural Steel Welds a:

                                                        'Jolf Creek Cenerattag Stati:n We have reviewed :he proole=s associated with :he 5 :st..u::. e ..u                                                         . :- a strue:ures at         :he Wolf Creek Cenerating Station. Dr. Fh:::me us n Tr:e r::a on :*ovence: L anc 2. L?54 :o Observe firs; nan: se:e o i : e we..: . c. . ; : .:n ,, :r. e me:noc Of inspecn:n, inssection recores, and pecble=s e:-- m:
                                                                                                                                ; . :. -_ _3n : .

of the inscec: ten geogra= The pt ble=s encountete: at :nna,s.; > '-+ -- strue: ural welding prosle=s that we have seen 2: other accle.=r :54: : ,- n- .:.44 The problaes at Wolf Creen are pernaos more frust: 2 tag zu: "e-u a t.::ns --'- sisilar pr:ble=s at c:ner st:cs. The aspecach cetag use: :-i. Im:::2. :.s s.:- .a-Ot:ec in " Weld Oe't:a:;;; valua:t:n ?!et..:cciogy" da:ed JL-:ec: 4r . : . . rG :. .s also been rev:ewac. I _%..a 3a :a: b.. exacina: t:n c:. :.e we.t.s: . ....i.- .. -n.i....-.a.c. . .. .. .-..--__. _ .a- . . . .

..e L a an .3ve:y ::nne  ;;n, -*ca ins:ec:t:n has revealed some pro: Lens :ns: require evahn:. .::.:: .;-. a3, : d : .,e
I anaivsts :ota: ci v:ew an a cuca larger nu :e o f L..3:z:rczs : A e :ts+ :::::::L .:::ns ft:= N.'S 3 L.L - L}73 1:e re:arted na:

[0 a? pears fro: :ne latest su-lna:Vdo o fn0: cons:i:ure n J:~ 3::: r ::. aAit :en-CleS. f:c [nspec:io Sech:el (da:ed .';ovet:er 27, L930) :ha: no signifi::: v'G...E.: f: :@C e 1*.* 4 have been found.  : :sf.n ec:. n :a We have :he fell wing c: cen:s en .he vartaus ca:e;:: .as :f :::: _42.s have been found in :.e reinspec:: n:  ::1: L.  :!tss taz ~leids Obviously :na misstag velds sneu;a de replace: .c 23, :.: e ,.3e.:n to rests: des t;n . ads. 50:e Of :hese welds s;:.t

s. Ist :etc.::

bea: seat welds may not be required , and be necessary. '..~nere they are inac:essible and.:.:.===: repla:e.-e::: 5,:cen m:: bie reoL:. ed, an aapropetawe r 2.a.tv3 3 .- e . . . , . . . . , . i. 3

                                                               . .        . . .              ,2.-.                  >
                                                                                                                        . a.

provided. .


Aesearen in C.vd Engineering ana Aeiam M

1 . , _ ~. __ - . __ 4 e - Mr. Richard Ivv , . . s Decesoer 10, 19d4 Page 2-2. U.derst:e. Uneeual Lee. and Underlen2:n '*eldr The 'approaca tha: is being used :o evaluate ::.est r.-:ts :i ;;. ::-

                                    %  elds using tha: :ne smallest veld dimension is vu.: e c=sa:n:. v 2:e no more than lits'tn. understre ...                          re e- .a r- ..:: e s::en;:n n :.".e basis of :he la:est c:de rec & ---                                 a. 2. t -

allawaole stresses being used by 3echtel i::: ::a Je e". - 7" - -- A;5C p :vtce a conserva:tve basis for evaluata:c. 1. Overst:e and Cverlen2:5 %* elds These deviations are not generally a proble -:: w - re:m abcut. There are sc=e instances where the ac:c ::r% 4=:nn: :: weld causes :he connection to provide mo re rest =a=== :=n n-


tenced. kalding. The art;inal design actually sceciftati ac :.--" ! 4 In these structures the . additional 7.ML: not cause proolems. ' incu2 deforma: ton can resultEnd rotation in cracking of :heand :he u:f welfs resd.:d:ta

e v - ~::::ar:sa: -'l weld incraases :he bending stif fness of the c:n::er .rn 1.;::

decreases Oc::ili:y. k. s 1 7:::ked h ids I+: teen 3e n 1.d'3e2: deat

                                  ~hese ::acks resul:ed it:0 :otation of the ent J,f ::a tel= la concrete The          slabs
acking were does notpoured anc addi:icnal dead les.: m : ac.r;.:.

indicate a defic tency ic :ne - since the weld is not needed. The cracked welis, f. car se:r - de:ec:ad were probably undersi:e because of :hr ::oD 4:;n :.i che members ceing joined. 5. Re tur *.' eld s That Are Overtent:h Bu: Un: erst:e

The purpose of this weld is to produce a proper 01
--tra-:::: h;;

the vertical weld. 1975 si:e require:ents, It issince not necessarv L:  : hat i: ratta.JC3 :... - added length can increase capact:y is in nosct neeced -1:::. :.:C f. The e ins tar.:2s.

                                                                                                                      ~ta - :-

. cary objec:ive of end retu:ns is to minimize p:f: ar.: 415::::1.. 1 at ne roc: at :ne ,rimary weld. j- . 6. L::k of Ns ton tnd Undercut These prostens are very f ew La .utbe: handled in the Analysts. 1:4 are te Lig :11; s

s ,

     /   -

Mr. Richard tvi- , .

           .s             December 10. 1:34'               .


7. 3es: !aa: "issta:-

These say no: be needed bu: an analys ts of es: =a I: is assu ed : hat seats util be provided if rescel.  ; w.n : :2:e. 3. Fi:-Os Cas vt:5 Underst:e Jald This is a rare cc urrence considering s::uctu:es b.n .e.u.  ? : .e : analysis of this is being =ade by Bechtet.

9. inac:essible *; elds 3ince :here are no significan:

s::ue:::si def12 ~ :.=* =1 2 ::e ex:osec veids inspec:ed. 1: La reasonasie :o '*: d :".2  :.e --- - cessible velds are si=112:. expec:edThe s:2:13:t:2i general ::::Le= ci veld size should be ::nside: :. = ra :s: a: ::a vnere :ne ...uw 2. :sa:varta: ten ofare 4 s: esses veld dimenstens in :v::::1 +:=:n-:; .e.:in: appticaste. k Fig. e sacving :ne s:s:: set:al varta:ian of :he L, in. .:s.e: 3 : .- 2:r'.-: : :::: :n we.'ds ;sec :: : eve t:: :.e A".?S an: .d50 4:ecti:.:2::;. p :r.i ms. .:: . .. .n. Jacv :ne evia: :n in veld at:es : hat .

                                                                                                                      'aue :_:v24 The v2::.2: :n si vel:                             are :a he
s;:act:y cha: esui:ed f :: er.:e::a:
                                                                                       -.* KU-4 e.::   *C :;::::La:     :.:. :: .e. s.

scu:/ the :es:in Lis5 san:le. was in :ar due :s :he var: 2:::n in. weld size : .:.: sm:a-e v- a exts: vt:n all velds. These were19.3~t: Figure nor 21 p :au::ian velds, an: s=:.'.ar ra::::::s.:avi..' scran;:n based en n::inal veld size. Se 2:: ural St. eel :es:= 1.::vJ. :se snear the varis:t:n in capaci:y is based on;;the s cles veld:ns: st:e par: Of : e ra.s.s:: i: rs;ts:::- .. unless *lhen 1: a veld is found to be undersize by

                                     . falls below the range indicated by :he    -easuremen:.

curves. :: 11 9 : tr . _ :.i :. : .n : does

                     =ust     noc address :he ;;obles of devia:t:ns, and disocat: := :fT e ';I ire::. fica:. n be done using :he type of analysis chac 3een:el has 7:::. eses                       re:t; a ve'as
                                                                                                                 .        .4 fac:

che specifica: tons u'sec ':he lever bound undersi:e. da:2 r. :: of the. sis:e

                                                                                                                    .           :estchat the
                                                                                                             =2..h s :
  • 4 ;d
                           '.Jeld size deviations 'en the return velds does                          nott ar. tints. nese re:.:.t.

ceLds are noe incendad to increase.the s::en;:h af the cen *::t;:: soce addLeicnaL - 4t ren:;;h does :esu'l: f ro . 2L:..:cra

                   =ain func:ian cf re:uca velds is :o inc: case :ne'ultt ste s::arre:the add                                   '"h eL: ten o f ::e ture by'delayta; connec     t ion.           end tes:ta; of the veld and L:se: vin; :h                            id    :te      4: uc-
                                         ?hese velds need not                                     r Mr.:L :.: :d ::e
 .                 large enou;n to provide a sa:Lafsc:: y veld ter:inat Lonbeuntu.Ld    .      .

held :o M exact dime 6 O m -

4 _. - -

                               .~                                ~

Mr.-Richard Ivy , s Dece:her.-10, h,ow . Page C - The anal / sis work being d:ne by 3ech:el is ba:e : ele.s:.:.: du:.:~. .:. n ref aren:a :o This approaca .is conservative co= pared to the ul:1= ace 5: r2::: se:n.:.: .rs:. ' .

he Seven:n Edi: ion of :ne AI5C ".anual sf 3:eeJ.1.:::s:  ::_::.

able in the E.igh:h Edicion and the curren: acproaca used :: Im res:t:. 22 . given in Load and ?.esistance Fac::: Desi:n C t:arta S c-- *- :- c.. :4 :i che pr:fisions of ne earlier specifica::. n ::a: is n:r ::Inta: ::::::s.--- ---

                                                                   ~    applicable given as F = 0.'+

to weld capact:y is the all:waole stress i:r h:ase cat.d 10. i, V 7V . This 11=1: s: ace was arb itra:c12;a =~~ 1:n 1Piff .s:s: is o . not related in any way to weld capaci:y. This is cr.37 m hm:-~g. :me:satted in the AISC Specifications. The ac: ached copy of Table 12 I u=a :7e 1:::e: 11=ic scaca conditions : hat are used in the LR7D Spec * - *- ~ nte s s:e n: - underway. co change the allowable s::ess previsions i:r: uras :' . .cr did .a:

0.3 F in olace of :he value . 0.- ? .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .co.t: d in:: n u = 2d-. ::c. 4                               4 f: eccen:ric connec:ior.s :ha: one can er.oec: :o rar=.: __.--. u.2:.n.: :: a =J.:::.2:a strength by                cc: paring                                 analysis                          outlined in the Eign:h Edi:ica of :. bat .i2Ii. ". ira 2.1 c2= ce seen
ha resui:2 given in Table III en page - II.. "E:n .a 24l.: W:

of 11.3 in., the C-shaped weld and :na outs:ancing arsf.c vs:: mai 3 % .2:a sinala: to the waided exa: pia sne. t on page :oi o f ::e r+-m erat .:m mi 5  :.:: ursi Steel Dest:n. The ul:in.2:a 4:ran::n :nal.u:.5 plata Vatas ::: vices an $$ inC Sase  :: -ze :1_= 2.4 :: L.*. 1:aa. Iha 1-i" E w" ; 3* d t 2: t .e ; : ( angles :o bea: web are oe 01::ac :o car-v 2 2 ". o r e . r: cc: ::t c :. ' s 3..s.;.,

                                                                         . . .. ...                                                        ee ~... . ,. .a .           .        1.,. y.n .,e 3 s. e .. . a . . . . . . .. ._ 1..

t r ci:n ' ads in :he Sevan:n 2na Eiga:. Idi:i ns af :ne s.l.3 2 : :::22 . x. _ .

                                                                                                       . . e .z . c p . ...
                                                                                                            ..                                                   " * ..s '. - . s .'o r   .. .e A. s s ' .- . . . ' .. .. ' s . ..- s .. - . .. s . ..n..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ~x .. e~. .
nservative even wnen one uses the ul:iza:a s::eng:1 te - . '! a - :: .r::=

factor of saf a:y for a connec:ica dast;na: by :ne ul:tr.are s::2nz . . :e:::o: is given as 3.33 on page 4-74 of the Eign:n Idt: tan of ::4 3 3 2 "":: .z L .he usuai !ac::: :f safa:y in weld dasign f:: sin;1a ;;a: .:e;;;;a. .:a 1. D. -'he coca conserva:ive dest;n for this :/pe of ::nnec:i:n re: - a :::: .:::: devtacions wtli cc:ur. such as f:und in :ne c::nnec:i: .4 ~

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           '.l: L : C: w. Jsrers:::::i:.::.:=

AI3C provisi:34. hase deviations are act un : ::n. nd :nds .5 rire::n a: ::: : e . fillet va.lla are used.n particular, tha ve; A si:a varia:: ns, Ara : c:.: -:: aire recognizes.;cha: a:ner devia:t:ns The higher fac:o: of saia:y 1: f:: .::* ::12 ::12:s are LG.alv.

                                                                                                ..e' do no: teliava ::a: a s::uc: ural ;;:st,e: e y,                                                               3 2 v..        : :n .;gg .;;m welds once :na chvious prooi4: of misstaz Valds has i+e: :: e::an                                                                                                                               -
                                                                     ..ove ce . , , ., ): i su.-:arv, 3ach:al :                                                                                                                                                        2 - :e 2 :o r s a n .i .t 7 . 2 + 5- a .a.

to overs ress ei ;M 3 j:;,n:a svalua:a:. . . . _ , . _. ... . .. e vi*w of the c:nserva:ive .topeaach hatn: Thia is a ver 124 . eren:.::e . 1.n ua ed '. . :;.e ar. ,; c i:2. a h m .;,,,:. 3 cive approaca ,1:.: :e sult in an even snailer nu= se: . c:: 'p *.:.::s :::u -q rem,  :

  • L oa d_

I. l. Galascos, 2nd Zeits:ence G. !..Fact:r Oesi:n Cet: aria for conne: :-5,, i.- L '.;; F m-er, Kulag., Divis ion ASCE , '!:L . ' C'. , :;o . 3T'),anc . Sep:a:ee  !. K. ;373. 7.av:nara, JouW af bs I::ste:: d 9

n 4 L h

't . ~ Richara ;e. _. ' -

Cecember LO, M % Page 5-

n any even: s4-feel cha:

3ech:el's asp :acn in : .s.:e:: ; ne : s:ac:::n re-

;                                        po::s and : heir subsecuent analysis is adequa:4 2 .1 suf fitten:iy c: seres::cre fo: :he type af s::::.:ures and :he :ype af c:nnec:i:ns invoived. The vera.1 1                                       quality of the 'selds based on the inspection, da:a sn: caserva i: s :.3: se . cre
                                          .a:e exceeds c c.s. . ..... .. ..  .4.,.
ne requirenen:s far s::u::arai el:;ng f:: :nis :yte i 2

availaole. We would be pleased :o examine other 3ech:el discost: ions *snen they are We agree wl:n :he p 0cedure being used. *

 ,                                                                                                                      Sincerely youc Q i                                                                                                                                                                        i
                                                                                                               > %x          0,
                                                                                                                   % .g%%% s' s %\,W&                                         .\ h


                                     .                                                                                 John W. Tisne:                                      \
                                                                                                                       ?::desso: of Civti Ingt .eer:nz 1


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I 4

    ' -         t           *-*~'*w    -
                                                  "%                --#~    -
                                                                              ~'v'r*      r*  ~----'-r,             -
                                                                                                                         --3              e   --                -
                                                                                                                                                                                -- O  ww#'-       " = ' *        'm ~

Secc. .~ 2. Wel:'s Ta::e .2. 2 Cessen 5 trer c. - wa'c s

           '                       Ty pes cf weld anc -        Material ~           Resistance
                                  'S tress 3                                                                  'ac- e 7         rec       e':
                                                                                    =3cter 3                  1: ~ Y'I'                    2 : i ;; t '.
                                                                                                                 .,-=          ,                 .e.-'-

Ccmotete cenetrat:en -rceve da'c: Tension ncemat to l effective area  ! :'+- --- ; ' ^eee


al _

                              'Cemoression normat to
                     ,g effective area                        Sase                 0.90                   :

i .-e

                                                                                                                                                              - i

[ s . r~;;er.u se . ei Tension or ccmoression s e=u.I c c r s e s s f.tarallel to axis of welo lt : Im.a9, .anse "ma::r usecm g" r Shear on effective area Sase 0.c0 t N. 2.ste: it

                  ..                                          Welc elect.         0.30                   ^
                   ')                                                                                    .. i!.:$. ,, .y .

e Partial Penetration Gecove weres

                  .dCcmcesssion normal to                                                                                        i
                            ~ effective area                                                                                   [ eAe          netas e tn a
                    '- !                                     Base,-                                                            j E: eng:t *evet ec 0.90
                   ] Tension or comoressicn                                                                ..
  • i : :.c .ess t an parallel to axis of we!c " ' mm;"
  • ea c vs,

a av : _sec y Shear carallet to 3xis Sase' '* get welc .. 3 .E e We!c elect. 0.75 e, i

                                                                                                        '. E:{.,,


              ' }leffective        Tension  area   ncemas           to weic Electrece O.c0 O 30      !

0.'51:g (; 3 i g Fillet Wetcs

                 .t d
                    . Stress on effective area Sase.             '

O.75 Q? 0. E : N Welo elect. 0.75

                                                                                                                              ' e+e c metai wi tn a
2. EC2h s ' I:re g:n es ei ec,.a l

Tension or cc: oressien, Sase i 0. 90 .: . :: :r :ess t an parallel to axis of weic- ' " z :. c g * .s ei c h, ea:t mas ne usec Plug ce Slet welcs Shear parallel to fayir g Base' 'O.75 surfaces (en effective weic e!ect. 0.75 0.D , ) .se<c w .si .,itn a area) 0 50 : 1 5 . r- :n "ev ei ect a

                                                                                                                 - O' . 'i : cn ;tess . tn a n
                                                                                                                                ' ** l .** :7 g    .. e r a teit ma = ::e u s ec
                   ^=or cefinntion of effectsve area, see Section .I 2 .

g For "matening welo metal. See Tacle 4.1.1, 2Weld meCJi che strengtn tevel AWS 01. ! . strenger.than "matening" willi :.e =es*ritcl:n: Fillet welcs anc cartial cenetration grcove welcs scining cc;; men

           -   memcers, sucn as riange to wee connecticns, may Ceerst e

eiernrec2witncut cestgriec Of : wit u:reg e The design of connectec material is governec . ans cf t2y Ons wJ4 rcs.tensile o

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47 4 Ag . t ws) 4'r I8 ir* lig.J l..a W. B,' II.t.vJuse V. 6.l.aul .' test. . Asrg* 53 Sra f~ **~ = I=* 6e i** us. I ~~.a.*. a.J a se u ef Sumcew.! suelfeo B J.:.nn.. (""11' ' " * ** * * * '*

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I y / a424 hfPrfAs8tft1978 -h . * ,, 589 Sts s LOAD flESsSIANCE F ACTOR The Jc clopsacas w !1 t,c bascJ os she use of fasas osJcs psobabassiac suest.oJ 33 - i soTke k luaJan.casal erasusecsacest fos s wcil JcugacJ suance sena c eaWalJa.-lhe l.c s auJescJ wel1 sypes uscJ for sssuciusalpusposes are psunasily it.c geoo.c j

                                                                                                                             =ckt and the IJics welJ la shc case of gsuove welds, she fosses assms sec j     ;

I unustly scande os tossipsessive. Tests hawc st.own shes tumpicsc pencssaswa AJc.p.ase Sascassh-Is as gescsally consiJesed go.xl peassueshe sh.: groowc welJs of she samc abat t ucss as shc tennetscJ pass ase sapatic ul .{cwclopsag L ca acts.uas t.c so scwhas sasuster shan the pasas 1.csag gusacJ lben. of f aduse shc fiell capacuy of 31 as pass. Ssace is ss saoensal so senc wclJ sucyl is that shoulJ suus, as wits aske 3 la6e so the a.csabess sashes sham se she connesseums h as least as ssssu.g as shc 1ase entsal, this mcans shas the peopcssicg o{ (4:s I, esc I thcschy casussag shas saapic wassuag (c g . lasgs Jef!cat ss. mil wJi pac cJ suctal mdl govcen she Jcsaga lhus, wlica twnplcac pcacasatioss geopv9 wclJs e faduse 2 8L lc susse thats. hey- Cast esc uscJ. Jcsign saa Le bescJ on the psog.cssses saJ t><havios of the asemt.cs of the cuanc6sion su casuse shes Jusade 1.chavsoe =di scsulsmuss t.c of aues se sus t. so sekca wL*h the sa psog.use.une g she cicmcuse as I,cias snaJe ' h[


snaJcsisat!c phcao.acma as Ledhag of plasc cicascuss. t.saaste Isau sac, la allas ILc ahussasc sesenash of felics welJs sulycascJ so sl.s se (sl.c usual casci ss Ml sensing. anJ casessa.c Ls.1 J..soses a a.issa I.c a=o JcJ l*sowsuon of aJc.p.asc JcpcnJena upon shc asscogsh L.J a of sl.c welJ sewsal anJ the Jessssson of she sp foscs. J Lay a=JA e6s na abas sLc sisws.uc to.sassang she consictason will Lawc s;apasesy ILc welJ may be pass lcl so she shscstaua of si.c loaJ (a "longussJinal" distust ' t,. Lac saJ %dl abw fos she scJossat,uswa of loads ILc idict os at wcklL snaancesc so she Juccews. ul she loaJ la "ssensscasc" fdlesf mciJl. peo=sssoa s.f sJc pasc es a scqi sen.cas gmsally less well JctiucJ us any angle us bcs cen HegasJlcss of the osscasassoa al.c wclJs fad saa waJesse.oJ shan of aJcquase asscagih shcas, ahl.ougl st.c planc of supsusc wasses All capesunensal stuJacs have shown 3 1 tus asy- As los sJ' usustuset as Jcuest,8c cosactswas Lagnudinal idics wclJs psossJe lo cs sascngah teus hsghcs J.stsahey - f 4 t.c stomoa.esal et as.scual anJ t.c as as sa felakassoa ssenacssc Idica s.clJs 11.2.7) San 6e sa a joints ss is swa always puanit,8c so Jcime the duconoss of luaJang on she welJ and smcc slic longnuJ nal (J!cs

  • h welds psu nic sbc lowc la weeksag sascss Jeuge, spcasfasaswas 181) cussoasasdy specify alkwat.le leunJ so welJ sascaissis. shey wdl be uscJ b{sc so ses:sses a.ul gase sulcs segasdag t,askhas psollcass assJ she Lkc pau=sJe sbc bases los Jeugn scammmenJassous lhc sesuiss tan shess t,c ag.phcJ accessanly ut, ams stic Ah b mah nun in scacsal ass filles wclJs wobous scicscase to she Jucceson of loaJmg culcs los s mac swas esc.sses los fa.icas.ig etc acass anJ s.mse f eely scssa va low tasboa ss:cis connesscJ t,y manual ast Lngnudusal filles h sa late. bescJ um s.humesc stece.gsk u s*Je ssinoen s "IsaJaa mar
  • Jc 6*5a **I sa*ac t esos. as ans. h sloses appsoash sham anois escas .4 shese spc.sisses.o s g wektsto showcJ al.c l tLas 6t l itthe unsuuase shcas ssecusal. on the insosamm shsuas esca w as 6W BM of sLc scaule anscas sh of she JcpoisscJ sualesial (O 121 I I.c s c f,

c.aly 3:udscs also showcJ thas shcas yulJmg was nos tsunal su I.llca walJs I L= nue se Co..ecu.a Dem . Hace easos.s e 1.cs aunc abe snascasalsseaus La:JcacJ wahous taegc u=csallJclusmasmus sa s.usmg l ll us. al.c yaclJ gusus of filles welJs es sms sonoJescJ a sessulaans pasamcars 1hc LaJ f acsoas. ,s., an.J si.c scmssat e isssos, 4. s I .3 o ""asicsy u Ice." p. es cJ ty 4.I.lgaswa so I JcrenJ ugwus klosc sc6cus ecsss us. a wide sanac of uccia councs scJ wul. "usass h"*6" j suu.g u.uJasJ Jaegus clsatsuJ s Lawc psowsJc.4 Jasa on sascogsh and es =apaluhay (2.1.8 *si il us many 1 (ll) I Le a, at as sas c a.Jc J s h.s s us s e s .f ul os stese scus. Jasa wcac nos utasmcJ on she scnute uscasil. of si.c delescJ f a 1 kils l es tems e J s L..=>. p 1.a 3. ass psas ses c m s.s 1.c etc glassu.5 P ***'

                                                                                                                        . lJ a'cs*I. ouly she slacas sescngslas =csc olaasucJ l filo.itcas se*cs sc>ulas 8..a                       )

l.cen go nJ a t abc of p - 3 0 peouJc a 3.=J cum.aic .J sac hay p.secacus n. s ussent drugu n!! sauig lcs el s clJ sucsal los wha ts si.c nun. mum spesssscJ sau s.gsh isos is s.2 h u (upput lhe mcen scaule uscagels *. luc. (s.L. m a s or, o L u. iabc has 14ca sakta alw as sLc tem sos I Hila asescasa f..s all sal.cs sun of asswsus al mess.t. css la uc = of si.e Jcus si..a s a t. Lc st auda:J Jc teanuie. o.,. w as 2 h k st, anJ she . acilis ecos a.1 v anau..u. 8( p s = 4. 0 u 19 l os a saiuplc ..f Ils spessmens ul I./u cicsssi.Jc wc!J .mun. sus h

  • Jegs:c ad schabluy :L4= str! ces s8 c y joen. stc satss y smJe a li tes sewaca swas 5

shou!J be socica t,. s ve* shan

  • bis sal 4 s.l 10 3,.c.sised scavic *ssen s ub H N1: labela 6" d-.rn.oocJ ts.1, - "
  • 6*6 7 e

OS ct!.ksess.*h plaseessded estiJ leeff as tid game as SLas Is.llon6J los 12: j bi h el. 4st'l I .. ' !IllI4 l ,f[ j Il *1'l4ld sl+l 414.l 11 I t'Is #sid II'dIf I"i 'I4 lesni a :ff 4tif y ga t f Ill: - agg ! [ 4 :,, - itat g., 'wi,8 );. Il fil s.etis , j Ent s.Iddsas till Il mill 14 taisini uul 14 aosul.sustmus el .I,a4 en.1 last hast seJ ndi eoso a fl,li. Luis ents.alh imlin. and m.imelt la.lls a .eh ll; *ue til Si hb:.latif eIM hiildfac 3 4:!8 8'ud' ls '"' '" I' 8 '"' '

  • l )

h8 Illfle Aftdf 4 lI14 sicimfd Ill) a4 H :lf t"il- l Pl; I Yl- sa l I llt' flHilt4Id l 10 8 l'"utallif

  • ill "i II 'I'l' y* 1ssusIllcJgilftIsival la l' Walllt in:!llHg thst liladatil alus -l'8ault.l liihlli l..: 1111 tietilskje ucl.1 se flal slist Hit AN ll sla lld'st Intesj asul onnesseldi i is -

(8 la ela ulues haias.J I.y flasis sp.I 11"l!#

     * * ~                                                                                                                                                                1 *
  • La:s.lde ul 128 $Pa da" h' "" J'
                *      ["                                                                           I88 usmg !!!Jjl asiJ l'hlJb slailsende s Imssmmes.: spe s ilss J .lc saungel. Il 6 s.).

lah=lg ess 6.bsasutd

  • alue. D,l. " Il 4 h ss. u,, 4111u a J ( - O oit, k

liusd sause Jase ese a <adal,1c. se secsus oc a s..s.alde s.. s**c she lo*.c8 l~*d*J so wha h A, saJ (s. 4:s sLc a.cas. . ales ,i st.c scmsnia c and sl.c L.4 citess. aJ V as>J (ass shc a sta.a.Jo.g suc f f a unsa..( wansso m lhe sadsJ Jalma sc . is 8.sscJ so Isllc 4 as the I.aus ut al.c 1.oes.utasuu. l.cacm Il c *

  • lac "I of abcsc agamassaus aan 1.c vida.acJ f ause loca is she ses e of the a.sual scuule sascagsh of wel.1 sucial so est smau., usa spcsstad

l ss)3 g / /

  • Y SIPitstt:18 1978 .

SIS all TOAD itESISTAtsCE I ACIOst 4l Ws ..n t e c aa3cscJ sa to all cicssioJc slasuikes ons beang tonuJcacJ. a e . I us shsough I 8 80 Ihc socifatsamt of wassation of the scuss.ute. V . sc gusscJ fue she soh.isos

                                                                                                                                  ..! I;q ) as JchacJ as (lla Iy a sl.c s a J.unt.un.on of she sassa of fallet welJ shcas sascagsh so wc!J Jc sensJc sascr a'h 8 e a s.nal>lc a.i 131 spctamcas ll.c *clJ si.c ss sasc.igit.,                                     , *. , , , ,** p *. y'e s,.

g, as shes f a she oppe., suaschang c!ccesuJc uung si.c wel.scs Jcs e.l.c4 en

      &3scase       1besc paoweJe she fo!!omias sesulas: (s ), a 0 34, ,, 4 0trs. auJ                                              =hish the coeffisicans of vanation on st.c oghs hanJ side of the equation 3*.,6 48 IG fscg atsos,scscal      she uncess.sntics an a .alesial sascngth. Iabsit ainoa and a "psulpsaunal'*

scipcteetcly. 1 Abit 8 -f us.: W.8J 5s,s gis. Ihc wanalson in the psofesuonal assunsplsons scIlcs 1 the actusacy wish whash og c gestes assing on it.c fasscncss esc csismascJ 11.c casca desessninaison of a,s.n el.c c losccs as highly conspics and shcy as. usu.Ily asuancJ accusJing to a 3, .s.a .i J.58Hht.tson shas fulfills si.c static equal.hssuna sequiscinenes Ilow'c =c , los T s.... . a Jatule st. (tusc. si.c pasaceples of the lowes 1.ound shcosena of pl. sana y asc s.a s.s. a.a . .. Coatt.c ns sus . w.hJ ihus, as no ess..s as snade an sansets a J mclJ suasces.1 sa prows 3:4 33 en s .s. St.ndaeJ of / spec.l.t a - cJ to b.s.s 6 ** '

  • a .s 8= su a *
  • Je **a8*ua w a*.a8aca s.: bast the fostes assegacJ. slac jaans ew llI.c safe li.cac es, shesclusc. no tassal4 hey 8.*a t*n-
g. e s.. .. . .ne n ol the I sofcsuomal assan.ptsons: the assigncJ. statically cossus loss es wJl 1.c gel s.4. 4.. p_ o, r., sJ. scuncJ Auo Jingly, the sessa V,in I q $ as scs at nso

( 11 t il (*) til (H lil 8 aolo. I wel. Vanesson in fal sication scfletas it.c wassasson of the eclJ length and s,hsont Ien27 62 427 se o 2 36 thishacss (sona abosc assuancJ an the Jeugn As she pscicus sus.c. shese asc 0 019 8to E.7ute t fue 72 sia 7e 9 2 67 0 016 8 04 si.. enough Jasa available to obeaan V, quasituasswcly. A value V, - 015 will 160 s E na ala 87 9 4 14 e sHS 1,c assuancJ for 611cs welJs lhis amplacs shai shese is a lot psobst shay shas t to tvosa E w ss ;tas 2 4 12 0 04l e ea she attual shcas esca wdl be wolun s lut of 48.c asce assun.c.8 lius as

  • so 1,c a comicswouwc assusnpuun.

_8 __ _)' _ t he socifetscs.: of wanation of she nialenal sucngsh isoni che usinert el Jase am fus fillct wclJ sinength is g.e yn V*.

, *2 n

4 (o 10)' s (0 61)' - 0 0116 (s,1

                                              ,.a,                                                                                          ,,
                                                                                                                                               .       f*a Also niccJcJ fus the cahbsstson es the weid use scquascJ by ti.c 1978 1..suaus: uf S :ct Cue.steusison ( AISC) Spc (II) llung i 4a 2 of she I

__~ S. 6t.fa..sion, shc des'6 8 cH8c88on los a lo.J .o.nbmain.n of JcaJ and hvc l...J k- - g . I i G x p l i e s . - I l c tl8, eL) 478 us wlail: t; - l f atou i shlional arse lhto6,gli lhe slausi +.I th6 w eli. 18 .4 s 8 114 t o.le t alac i.i eliaJ lmd. l ., - mli he

  • losJ islos ., n .l.n e d f e.

no a, ha l a at att sAlairit toellklitil lientl t nosia lotJ sulo..ds l .

                                *>       l /,' I     I,',         ,        ,,          ,,,

i f I l.att lldole slui 11+ load hilot li 11 sp<aq net lu i uds ..I I q f, alie s

                                                     ,,,,,,,y,,g,,,,,,,                                                       le Jih e 1 sa inel I c,e nwa 18 ais 2..I 'l#hpmle mot m hiisdi. *8 so thes lo.l.
  • w l. -l ms s..ri va.e i
b. mid I !*E Ncp o8 'etaM IHi~a P2 l I. 811 +'# C8'" ha ' "8 'l el * *n4 q .tilkalesis I lid N . es wsnt s I , fil' s e 81 Je sihne.8 a.. is.t.y 19 alq fic I -16alati hable isl tiald bl. ass Lisaegit. le ll. tie J. Ianasta hassugil. j Pela Ahl'insetil a slai.s as liiteelois a 118 a f . it s. l.

The skc.s sase 3tla IJ lint.!c tastLgils Solid and est t ut tlet sis.t tsI  : -. ~ $abalo ' 'I $ 0 ~! N e.d Le nascJ se c = alo.ic si.c saics, u.Je a gi 11.c c.n shc.s sncogil, ut f.!!<l g,#** f helJ) s aa t4 cag.scsscJ .3 es..I the s an sc sja.n.l..ig t s list of w anen..o n f,1 f ,, 1 g ,. i. .- i  : - s,. 1, V I' ', s V*, ba Dilo e la s8121 H 88) ID

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O salt f Stria ussf es 19J8 519 s Sgg

                                                                                                                                                                                                         '                  R         .

ro i i- s040 IllSsSIAf4Cf FAClOR  :)$

  • Jt, . { .4-* 5 c (18, e f ,, ) ' r' g o, 5s l. 4, r,  :* .,

t (34) p, u -- 2 I Y lc(D,e L,,). f o, _ t'. > . a. ) (39) \. hc safety u.Jes 31 11.a 38 inn now t.c JcscenuncJ for NghTeseng.h t .lsa as' sing en scauon ILc watues of G. and V, asc defmed in Mci I I , = lu t e #,, As nosed fus she tasc of lagh ssscngah khs sa scasion, she spen 6cd snu.smum scaule aucugal. wdl I.c labcn as lhi ks: fo. Al21 f.olst anJ 130 k as los A 4W3 as gs cn toy lig 18 os 34 and V, t y Lig II. II.c spcu6cd nunimum scnule Wis s sss cag s te. #,. fus A l2% t .hs up to I sa. sa J.ameses is 120 kseand tiu has the pcsi.nsuhic shc s sesssses so the 494 Stescasch Counut fue A4*s bles up so I 1/2 sa. sa J.asacact. The attowabic senssic sascs . T , on HavcacJ and BlohcJ Sasuteural Joines Secu6 capon anJ ths .

  • S P '"I"'*'8'"i 4 as 44 ksa for All) Whs and 14 has los A49s) bohs au lu kse and 28 ksi fus Aus t 3hs (no ras shecaJs planc ist 9 g%8 A Ta t,1c 2 Ines she s. lues ..f is Jc:cenuncJ fos shss s~ase and asc also si.own anJ sl.ic4Js anscsccpsing a shess plasic. scspctesvcly), with she corresponding figuscs of 4u ksi and 28 ksi for A490 Whs sa l'ig 2 los the passe. las sesc of D, - L, = 30 psf. l'or All! Imass, et.c he sauos of shenc shcas sesenscs ase appsinnun4scly shc sense as she sano lees.cen she geon bols esca sud unc saicsy endes wasics Isom 4 si to 6 42 and fus A490 Whs a ras.ges (sos.: 4 74 go g g 8* ken thsougt. al c suos of the shscaded pussson of a t.ols ii'j i - II.c :=c.= sc>nsau.c of a Idata sesength t ols acting unJcs a foste it, for the swo cases wdl t.c neuly she same D' C **I"'$ t hus, e,hc safjliy sn.ic a, , s:nJmg so shcas as st.s..u.h . as.hs asuss session as *I i lfue lagt. sanngth tw h> loaded in shcas ase given m f alde 2 and ase st.own an I sg 2 for the casc of D. = l.., a 50 ps! Oscs she sange '

                '         I O = (,,.           I j ". {-

c anuacJ.11 for A490 Whs vancs feoen 5 36 to LS$ for A325 t. ohs and (sosu S.2) so 7 24 L

                  , g g f, j , '4* 7-m                                     '     ' '

( I S is is worth noting shas the safesy inJca fur high sisengsh khs h loadcJ in shcas n msgru6santly highcs shun shas fos fdics welJs -> $ in whs.h 3, a st.c sLc.: suscogst., o, = the sensde sascagsh of the Lis; F, Tsscaloni ssscagsh t. oles may lac uscJ in joints whcsc n as Jesssalde

   = she sgn.ficJ muonsom scnute seschgeh of the 61: mesesial; m a- abc nusnbcs                              shas shp nos oscus undes she washtag loads he sonssat.usson psowadcJ liy one                                         h ci shcas plancs sa shc 3.uns, as.J .4,                                                                      kla 30 the total shp sesissante as
                                                       - st.c csons-scosional asce of she tmh.                                                                                                                                       7 ILc seasnsical av.J.tJe los sl.c sass.. .,I boh shcas sescsigth to tsult tenuk s.nengsh ase (il (s,/o l = u t.25 .nd V., /a, *- O uS! Rcse ese                                  b " '"I
  • I $I
  • N"I r

fue bcah A32) and A49u 4.ohn the so I.c asscJ fue the sano of ta.h scnule an wlush m = she nusnber of shp plancs, 4, o a slip cocilauent scilcain g slic sascagsh so spec f.cJ nononuin senusc ssecu s sh asc the s suc as gswesi pseuously type .nd conj.non s.f the lapng suslan c, and f. - the slampmg f.nse paows.lcJ ' fos buha sa scnuun as.J arc J.Ifeses e fue shc s.o gssJcs of fassences ~I I.u s, by shc bla A good deal of infosmas.un n knows al.out she shp auclistient I'88 AI21 kI'$ ,,gggne gg p;,,g go,,c na gg,,,,,h3 ,,3og,oa3g33 f

                                                                                                                 'II.c mean value of the elempang touc and ses thssul.uuun Jepcm3 up..n the C = 0 625 x 12 A
  • f. m = 0 M J f.*m* V, a O lu glow) Suength of it.c boh anJ upon she mcsimJ uscJ fos n.ssettasmn ( .hin sicJ w scus h anJ fus A490 khs us cuen.of-nus) In cubes sac ehoJ. she al.n.pmg fosse as so t>c a nunn. nun os '

u 10 sancs the spcufacJ minunusu scasde stacogsh of the bol naican.l. t,, snues 0, - 0 621 x 3 ol n .e, f,m - o 67 .t. f,m, l',-uus (Isb l sLc scnute esca of the I .is, J, (Jung sl.c Jas4 los List auss.llcJ by el.c susa of nue m,,gma g33 la a fast.n.n smut.s su it.c Jca clopmcas ut lig II. st.c loh shcas esca scquucJ l la by the 1915 AISC asu>u t.n t.c Jc scloped as III c

                                                                                                                      -I D ^ U#UI = {y}.4,- 09s.d,t, Ill)             f.

.4 , - - (18, e l, ) r

f. m g i l) so whsst. I 2u/1 on si slac s sea of 18 c me.n scnute sucussh of 411 A lf) 1.otn g so sh6 .u6 su scu ult su c a sh ..f st.c p s su e.l.e los os I .in u .c.: en scs s sn wi. i, r su .a....uc su.s ,sm,u,, cs. . ii.a,.c. a.. .s y i '~ ' " ""+ " a '- ' I
                                                                                                                             ** '8* h is ol 8 **u'*8 <*-<"""-'-'"""~~-"+"'"e'-'9 ii.c :c sus..   .                                                  -

seems a.I th to a an nows.c = s u c ia .s dos A lf) I Jan 18 in 8 3 l' y u ung D '*a o s he m e n.s...n o. st.c s .no .a n.c i y .. su.I .luag wg I.. . c sa sh.s ss.culac.8 il los u us e it.c

                                                                                                                                                                                           .n u. n m st.c            L D. 4 0 71 a (18,       c      e f. 3                                                                    l Ju/ 4 sal, and u u) .. ihe a numcJ s n.u..n .s c s.. s. tan .smo un.; s
  • I o. A pu l.osts sn.s.ile J 1 ,

9 she suna of n a n.ol..-l. she e asu r u...n c.4wn .hns la s. (i) 5 os fus A4W t uhs R.-D67 - ( {18 e f ., s

  • I est gg,gy , g , _ g g, 1
                                                                                                                                                   , iu f_                                  gyg in gcac s.                                                                                                                                                                                                            g 4,sn.,. i    9 .. .an .c c a pu meJ sn st.c ...s..e
                                                                                                          . isi. . . ..c i s s. ic.o .. m .e.s..... c.p..i so u m 4

seJa Sil'IIMisfit 1978 f ., n s' $13 lhe . LOAD fil5651 AssCl # ACIOft 47 ocifiocas ol,s.sacJ isaan a semi de of 112 spc .mcas of A P, A ge,, A 440, ...cs, l.Ilce welJs anJ ingh aerength I.ols: A hl.ougl. :: woulJ lac umac ct on. .a. .l nJ l I- 17 and I'c $2 (1 usopcan) saccis es o lit wah a socif u.cas el eauss.on of a s,) (St Sundas Jana ese fus a numt.cs of oshes a ases ,n sessas of used. swu walucs of it woulJ msscase she Jcuan sonqJe nesy. I o# I os she scswnc. tubs y ss sc. gl = l 3 wd! t.c uscJ hescJ on she s au s c a suuncJ. esamg4c. gns tJasscJ A%34 ucci has a shp cucificacns of u llt woh a cocis k.c as of w a s..uun of o b4 ihn scinescass a scau.nahic saluc. 11.c weluc of she shp scussence capacsscJ by I q 20 can now I.c fuuhes gje ss.. mas ua os Ilsa.anaws f acica # quensdscJ ConuJesing I-.las sassalicJ 1,y she tuses of not enethoJ nJ ssec ts su.h cs A lb wish sican unit u nic, fus Alh I. uhs: II.c scussense lessor. 4 (1 9 lI. can 1,c c ag.scsscJ as (a ll P. - O llas.f,#,, F. - 0 24 (2 3.,) and for A490 8,olas r,- 0 29 m.6,1;. I*, - 0 24 4a #a cap ( n il V. ) (23) (216) /t, lhc 1978 AISC Secofkasion gacscass the scquucmcass fos isnamn syre en w hu h R_ -a ILc mean scsniance, R. - st.c scsusance as capscsscJ connesse..ns an scams of an ellaw.lJe shcas sancis (cwen shougle she l=>las asc aus assua!!y as sang an thcasi I.y the desgn a nsessa. and e. as a nuancen el f.. sus equal so u $5 (ll) 11. : scsms g .nJ V, havc 1.cen JelancJ pscwmusly t he scansons followmg well cssahinh F .4* as - r (Is' e t'I (24) al.c walucs of sl.c scussensc f acsos los she wasmus f asscues conJdmus L.long fue m anJ uung a I sil. W. l J s. -II.c nonunal sesneans c of a IJtes welJ m si cas as tussomanly

                                        .lue of 0 h for she saiso of scnute sesess esca                         saken as 0 6 suucs she spcuficJ nununum scnule sucngth of it.c JcpouscJ mclJ so gsuss t=ls .sca. A,/.e , shc sur gib scams an I:q 23 1,ccome, fus A l25 t=ula s                                                                                                      encial lius as t ascJ aus are assumpeum shas she fillcs welJ ss m g.uer shcas
                                                                                                                .nJ shes the Jasossu.n encag y shcosy Jcscsil,cs she conj.smu *,f g. tannic flow.

f, I. = 0 25 7 c (13 ef~l (t hc "casse** n t /V 3 us0 SH )Cathng she shaust asca ulthe wcIJ.*.f..shc E. smanm.1 scsas nte as then th8 , . i g, , ,, s, y, , , .4, (2al os f s A 4901,ulss. r,- o22 !.(Js,a f..I

r. II.c mean scu.sante of the welJ ss E In genceal scana. I q h e.= t-c w sesicn as a* < -<*s ) .

lin E f

                        ,g   y                                                                                                                                                                                               t As Jensdeed an abc Jcwelopmens of si c saft y suden los f elics * 3 -                               = .

I. - 14. 3. 8 T.I. - r (18, ,, ) 4 S. I s ), O b e t', . . . anJ l' + 0 19 Sol,suiunon ..I shc c . loc s an.8 she g y,,3  ! caguctuous t.y 4 .is 2d and 2 3 it.c e spectuon 8..s si., s c u s .o c [ l hc sg46.ficJ muumum 1.

                                            < us cus sia. 11 as e ...m 120 h ss. f..e Ain                      I " 8"8 13 4 dl E 8 * * * *I"C 4 " 0 9 I                                                                     E tehs nJ ISO Lsa los A4ws e                     ll.c welues gnen 3.y the AISC                         I II." b88 ' 'a " M8'; I '**I# ~ Ud "'d"8"'I 8 "8 '"' " * *I
  • I"ch sucogil. Imli 8

I fus 7, are i) 3 k u l..s A I!- lasauJ M Lu f..s 44W 1-Iss the values ..f 8" 8'"""" " Ill - abc sales y andc a.11. fos p .i A lo too ucci mut. sican pull s .lc g

  • m g, y f;y ag susf ates enJ uung cu. s th as A l'as t=.las aussalicJ by she sun. ..f m.: (1u3 mithsal esc sal.u!.scJ .a I.  ! A g.lus eJ wah.c s los sl.c s a sc ed is - t .aJ st.c suc an c, as gewcn cashe s. es M I 188 f . i ., f ue A ll) I ..h s
-    30 pst is shown m l eg 2e . she s.asc st.c safcay mJc a wanc s                                  anJ R. - I sal f. J . f as A , M !=>li s I ..a st.. se s.o f a ucar e s is w.s soon.1 Isom I 4c. Io 8 78 fos A lh Ima              nJ f un. I 12 su i t. 8 f..s A 4'sts i=Je s              V. - U8W I8 ABD b"hs as.J l'.                       o ut f.o A 4 as 1.utas Agam usu.4 A s c a pssscJ. st.c wah.cs .I ,

conncts ons as cuanpescJ so saics, e, Je a .sc low pos !..tsc a, e,pc 1 - 4 S. as a an I."c desc uan.<J17 is.un it as I+.3

                                                                                                                                                                                   - o 91 los A B2) 1. h s m
                                    . . sc s so. ..Je s c J Ihn as I,c. .u se she             se as~n an.14 - 18 9 8 f..s A 4us t 4:s en sc..iion consequenses J fe.luse ..f a              .sanm appe 1,ohcJ s..w.c. sum esc Icss scscoc                            III.h Nees .sb Lasc nces.              f l.c nosau..I sc inian. c .4 a loss . :Henad. l .h than shc laJusc ul lugt. ssscs.               I,uh > in si.cas en sc u a.m os ..i idice ni ts                  "*$l8888'lil sa st. car. A sepasast weluc of           :   salcty as.Jc s shoulJ 1.c css.1,InhcJ fos c a I' d*   - 0 6 h .4
  • f* 8888 of she ses *stc ahd sy 4.m.s ssese , leht su isass.m s>pc com.c ssons) and assenaih Laus semic s (tmhs an scnu.m a. c as anJ f.lles well>)
                                                                                                              .uJ s he suc e n s c a .s au c . a s lc s c lopc 4 m 1.g i t.. n N .,           H 1)    4, / . ... l .4 lhe a4 l1 - 4 3 =. ! i<          csecJ fus shc uncogel. lias se                   Ash imhs.uJ h.                    H8I 8. r.m los A iul I...h > l l.c .    .q u. s .      8'. a se aguur atausescly she v. lues a.: .nc J f..s IJ!ce welJs. cas eg s los a sses I. .u-a ao 1.c U I.s 1. s s ah I4 hs and es ul I." A lwl I .hs Ilm.g a s es .c of                          [

..f I"th I..e su Jc.J Io.J s ee . sol w Ji 1.c .. .cs..s..c so laft ,u,,,,sh 3 is 4 %. it.c s c .. s a u. c la's"8 (3 1 14 6 3- 88988"8 ^8'I 8"h' '"d + Imla a is =oulJ l< su usJc: so Ic a e I-u st.ilcsc e . luc > ut 1: f..e si.c sc := u 8 8 8W 8 "8 ^ 3 '" 8'"h * ,

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14 4 [ *trilksustaIsla

                                                                                                             $gg sig l      s                    >

O*4. a. aonses. ass.c foe als saw s LOAD RE SISlAtsCf FACIOR s448

                                                                   ..J, sag haak sescogsk blas ll.c eah.c                                                                                                                                                             (,

O - 315 scleiscJ tos sLc ses.m cal say I.uas saase as conses, ass.c, scli,.s.,, sulussmaanm essasy fos the Jcvclopmcas is also pscscascJ Ihc shows sLe less lutas =Ja al.sys t.c u..salacJ toy abc fusa of aus sucsLJ st.. s u,scas Jeugn ..lucs los l.lfcscas tonacisoss psovsde subasanssally J llesens tc, cts of schab.he y flatassa C , ecsua No.s.a )(9,1' Ac,,,,,,, mao,,,,

  • N Mfp lientassa.c Cs aa: ,j L,..: Ches k f c ssscagsk_-Wkca ss is tonssJescJ i sary :Las sonnesscJ g. asst i aos sh ssaso t,cassag ssades scessse lo Js.shc tuus.cata.a the wask stas sesulacJ sa stas papes sponsoscJ t>y stic Amcepan Ison mal t.c Jeua ncJ a. a is f.s shas case Is m>=ss t, :.o= syg.c jusas sissas s!.c csisena atacaJy Jcwct..l cJ saJ Saccl lashause IAISil -Consmances of Shatsusal Secci Psudiscces arJ Secci l* la
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      'l sesogasscJ. L=c cs, susis a Jctig.: Jocs sios                                             suJutess as AISI I sujets 168 "I uaJ 4 stsos De>+gn of Secci B.sdJusts **                                               ;

masummassa ally casisse sLas she sasses.a <> sal,8 shcJ for a locasing typc coansa ll.c ssoas ancuol. css of slec AJwasocy l=>k I os*c, I kl % css (Clinuman). W C.

        =JIalsol,c a c4 she ses a lusas Islaples t.cong cs uuucJ.                                ll.ascli Il uguiccoms Supcasnos).1 S tjecJic. C A. Council, il il Gaylos.                                                                p she assengsk lo as sease gl.osts ss.cas ssac gits a J 1. casa.g tapauy) suuss al>.s t,csLeskcJ                                                                                                           IA G !bgan. I kl llourcs. W A. El*le k. Is . C W l uJ hasu. saJ,j Wauscs,
                                                                                                                             !..=c l cen talg.ful =ssis thcas cuto smacancut and aJostc.

Os Jimas y is.J2s. g Es i<cs. sa the pass to apply she saase Jessges Aersasas -Ilseness. css sulc5 to y I 3s. [ 4 mess. a Sussesy 1.,a lcsssa.g and klascsaals ( AS ikil AlO7) as shose sg< J.cJ 1 s lugh sesca s m h 8%Jss ( ASIkl Al2i saJ A4908 Vesy I hussel. I 1. 5 l.asic Jasa at out she nascus h ul u Jueasy 3 ules asc ans! as as st.csci. s "Isc I *** J.*-

                                                                                                                                                            .J Autah. G l. . "$usasib **l 1. tics se a f e u swa ei laucanos                                 j secossumes.JcJ eLas st.c sassic I.,: 1.JioacJ. s e
  • si.c L Rl D st elJ g Jou,aaf. Isc c an t Coun. l. ha 16. Na S. 6say, 8971 EsoccJases I'3' "*" H Jcos3,prJ fas lagt. sascagste t=Jss I c c.nassJcacJ wahJ also los osJenssy Wiss 2 ui. stas. I I l'al. 5. and K ulah, G l . "I 6s cassu ally I meJsJ WalJs J d womciswas. ..

Of cousse. osJ.assy tavhs sbe*!J aos l c psestsat cJ fos lastsson type cuencesane j,,,,,g ,,j ,g', $,,,,,,,el ll .uwa. A 5( I-. hl vs. No S I S. I' sus Parcs aste. Esay, g s

s. ate she ic.clmassalic a,f st. css glau.g g fasse es 1.ush untessaue as so asagutsuJe saJ 19 72. s.e we stant psoLally lagldy' l (

th=c. I l . aaJ E"l8L U I . " Weld'd C****'uons uaJes Con.l.nacJ Sbcas saJ blasucas." J.ura A e/ she Se, csuset fin.asssa. AS: I!. Vol lou. No $14.1 sos I .pcs B Is*~ beastag Capselsy of CasanscJ hins.stal.-'ll.c t.caseseg capatasy of st.c ** ruaartscJ saascnal sawa.cJesicly aJjasca.s so a Imis as a Jes gs 4 , g , .1,I, ,, g.s I, lens usually ,,,na, g.u s44sLcJ 1 8. s aisuom. A .pcaJ.s ll." la cross c sossaacJ i.ssh sLc lasscnce Sasu ely l h" sg<stang. se si.oulJ t,c asugncJ so the .,g w,lJ 1...ct'ut she $ sect 5ssessesce issscent Cuana.ascc. Incpesnaces I hauenc ascant ce t a es =JI coussai.c Less so t,c sclascJ o st.,: lassence saJ I.J sses l ete scu.h. l eaJan, l eal**J ISl8 lte mosanaal se nassaa.c sa Lesso.g Lcca estat.luicJ as IS) i I ut.s s. I W . saJ huwak. I il A . 6-8Je 8.' ik *ls* C"8"dd la*' 8 "J saJ d'"J 3 be W.le y aaJ Lean, laa; . Nc= hek. H Y .1v 34  ! D.

  • a # ( s 3 s of ( & laccessa. I Is . Ibc 5ssessib 4 f as. WalJcJ fa*. ctJ'as s. latus *n de *I pgg t'sest l'as.asssa. I ..aJoe. ! agleaJ. hl lit.19 be. I's. All III y ia ekssh ( = sLc spcofscJ aneasmusa sta >Je j
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .I a ouesc.
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A rt. 19.3 } RESULTS OF TESTS O F W8ELOS g3 N T The incre$sec'use of hien.streng:$ steels and :he need :1 re :-

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spe:::::: tron prosistons resuitec in f urtner stu::es an . "et w:::e: ..:- :: . tions.t** Since di!ct wefds may be made wi:h e:e::: des ancs: meen:.m: 3t propert:es are not equal to those of :he Osse metal. : .e studv v.: us:es :. e induence of type of efecticde, si:e of d!!e: weld. we:d. :)pe of 1::et. :n: :.;e at All test spe :cens were des:gnec to failin the wer:s. esen :ncugn :ne me:nanical procerties of the wefd metal exceeded those of the ne - e::t, The stucy inc:cated that wnen long::udinal d!!et welds were ade wi:n l e! ::rc es that "mst:Med" :he Occ::::ed i:eet. :ne we:: . ren . ' rem t0 :o if :er cen: of :he e:e::roce :ensite stren .n as t.!as:::::: .n iric. 19 3. . The study inciested that the failure plane generai!y was ;:: an ang;. 0 :o.-

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Eig. 19.3 $hese streagtn ci fonptucinal fillte neids witn matenec ease metal. tess than 45' to the p!2ne of a fe!. Thus. use of the minimum :nec2t t .:e<.

                      ,          ness is conservatise.

Since wetd metal may be ceposi:ed on : 2se me:2l 4 ch ederent - e; .2n: eat properties ccmtinations of str0ng base metal uta we2' er wa em 2.u sice.sersa were also essluarec."' The resuas are su ,mstt- :in Fi,e i) 4 This resesled that the e:fect of dilution upon weld strenata was not [reat. W here plate bendin t :s not 2 proeiem. tests et ac!dt sucre.*ea :O ;e: ,::ned l bending failu re. 2nd shear ha$e indicated 2 52 rung t2ctor a ci s' fety against we*J The results of tests an .er::c:l weld ;toups are pkt' s in F ; L) 3 As the ratio of e::en:r:: sty to weid tentth NO var':es from O Cd'.4. to the P l M .5' M . M , @: : : '* . M . og*m.p' ~me

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                                        .eos. ase.asoo Feb rua ry 13. 1985 Dr. Moss V. Davis American Welding Society 550 N. W. LeJeune Road Miami, FL      33126                                                          *


Secondary inspection in Accordance with AWS 01.1-75 and Subsequent issues

Dear Sir:

Daniel International recognizes that AWS 01.1-75 and subsequent re-visions require that " welded joints shall not be painted 'until af ter the work has been completed and accepted" (3.10.1) . Further, i t is i our understanding that 01.1 is applicable to inspections performed during the fabrication and erection process and does not address sub-sequent, secondary inspections over the life of the structure. There-fore, when it is desired to perform secondary inspections of structures, (- It is necessary to develop inspection procedures, and results evalua-tion criteria specific to that structure. in light of the above, we submit the following inquiries:

1. Does AWS 01.1 address secondary inspections over the life of the structure?
2. If AWS 01.1 does not address such secondary inspections, what parties are recomended to develop parameters for such inspections?

L/- A hn r.. P O r3 hicePresident-Operations

                                      .hr M

11 207.r5D! F ~_ ; r3LXRC 55-05S [wW$ AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY founded on 1919 to Advance the Science and Tecnno'co : a u.--- Feb rua ry 13, 1985 Mr. John G. Berra Vice President - Operat ions DANIEL INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION Daniel Building Greenville, SC 29602


Secondary inspections in Accordance wi th AWS 01.1-75 and Subsequent issues


Daniel International Corporation Inquiry Dated February 13, 1985

Dear Mr. Berra:

This is in response to your inquiry concerning secondary in=ameni: ens- im accordance with AWS 01.1-75 and subsequent issues. INQUIRY 1: Does AWS 01.1 address secondary inspections ouem the life of the structure? INQUIRY 2: If AWS 01.1 does not address such secondary Irv-( spections, what parties are recommended to deneP<=z

 ,                       parameters for such inspections.

REPLY 1: No, inspection (secondary inspection) of we16ed joints that have been accepted af ter fabricatice or erection, or both, is not covered by AWS Cf.U. REPLY 2: Inspection (secondary inspection) of acceptee welfs subsequent to the fabrication and erecti'on is met covered by Code provisions and such inspections and criteria for acceptance would have to be as agreed upon by the owner or the Engineer (the sweer s. a representative) and the contractor. We trust this answers your questions regarding this matter. S&e=Fd yem have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours,


Moss V. Davis, Secretary AWS Structural Welding Committee MVD:Jw File: 01-30.1 Die /SC5 550 N W. LeJeune Road . .. Miams, Flonda 33126 = Telephone COSI 44:H4 ELD (P O. Box 351040. Miami, Finnda 33135) e Telen. AMWELD SOC.h 5MC45

l, See folder marked CAR 19 I-h I 1 h k .}}