ML20094L954 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Grand Gulf |
Issue date: | 11/17/1995 |
From: | Hutchinson C ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. |
References | |
GNRO-95-00126, GNRO-95-126, NUDOCS 9511210204 | |
Download: ML20094L954 (22) | |
Ent:rgy Oper: tion 2, Int.
q 5NTERGY "o Box 758
, Ptat Geson, MS 39150
. Tel 601437 2800 C. R. Hutchinson Voe Presdont Operators November 17, 1995 Grard Gulf Nuclear Staton U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Station P1-37 Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Document Control Desk
Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Docket No. 50-416 License No. NPF-29 Proposed Self-Assessment GNRO-95/00126 Gentlemen:
In accordance with the NRC's program to permit self-assessment alternatives to NRC team inspections, Entergy Operations, Inc proposes to conduct a self-assessment at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS) to examine the effectiveness of engineering activities, and programs and controls established for the identification, resolution and prevention of problems. The objective of the assessment is to evaluate these activities for strengths,' weaknesses, or opportunities for improvement while meeting the guidance of NRC Inspection Procedure (IP) 40501,
" Licensee Self-Assessments Related to Team Inspections" as an alternative to a full scope NRC inspection. Based on our discussions with the NRC Region IV staff, we understand that the staff concurs with the self-assessment option as an alternative to a full scope inspection.
Attachment 1 outlines the objective, scope, general approach, schedule, level of effort, and team qualifications. Attachment 2 provides the l details of the assessment plan and Attachment 3 includes the resumes of '
the assessment team members.
We appreciate the opportunity to participate in this program. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr.
Mike J. Meisner at (601) 437-6470.
Yours trul ,
' b a ' \
/RWB/mtc attachments: 1. Assessment Overview
- 2. Assessment Plan
- 3. Resumen of Assessment Team Members i cc: (See Next Page) 9511210204 951117 PDR ADOCK 05000416 - \i '
November 117, 1995 GNRO-95/00126 Page 2 of 3 cc: Mr. J. E. Tedrow (w/a)
Mr. H. W. Keiser (w/a) !
, Mr. R. B. McGehee (w/a) >
1 Mr. N. S. Reynolds (w/a) ,
Mr. H. L. Thomas (w/o)
Mr. L. J. Callan (w/a)
Regional Administrator ,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission !
Region IV l 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011 ,
l Mr. P. W. O'Connor, Project Manager (w/2) l Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 13H3 Washington, D.C. 20555 I Mr. T. P. Gwynn (w/a)
Director, Division of Reactor Safety U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011 Mr. J. E. Dyer (w/a)
Director, Division of Reactor Projects U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011 i
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" Attechnent 1 7 Page 1 of 3 -
The self-assessment is to be conducted to examine the effectiveness of i
- GGNS engineering' activities and GGNS programs and controls established- !
. for the identification, resolution, and prevention of problems which l could degrade the quality of plant operations or safety. The overall -
intent of the assessment is to recognize strengths and identify weaknesses or opportunities for improvement while meeting the guidance of USNRC IP 40501 as an alternative to a full-scope NRC inspection.
l SCOPE: ,
i The guidelines of USNRC IP 37550, " Engineering", and IP 40500, )
" Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying, Resolving, and Preventing Problems", are used to develop the details of the assessment plan provided in Attachment 2.
The assessment will include an evaluation of the following type of ,
activities: a e general engineering capabilities e design and configuration control I e system surveillance and testing i e controls for identifying, resolving, and preventing problems e operating experience e independent review and oversight The assessment team will be: evaluating the ability of the GGNS organization, including engineering, to identify, evaluate, and resolve problems. This includes an assessment of the effectiveness of the corrective action programs and self-assessment programs in reporting problems, performing root cause' analyses and correcting problems. The assessment team will also evaluate the operating experience feedback program for the effectiveness of assessing-and initiating corrective actions based on information from inside and outside the GGNS organization.
The effectiveness of independent review and oversight functions will also be assessed. This includes the onsite and offsite Safety Review Committees as well as the Independent Safety Engineering Group (ISEG) .
The assessment objective is to be accomplished by: j 1
- 1. Assessing the effectiveness of engineering abilities and processes by focusing on a vertical slice of selected safety I significant systems.
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' Attachment 1 Page 2 of 3 ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW (continued)
- 2. Assessing the effectiveness the GGNS organisations to l identify, evaluate, and resolve problems by reviewing the )
resolution of selected issues and the quality of self- l assessments.
- 3. Assessing the overall effectiveness of the engineering organisation by examining management expectations, work backlog, training, and interface with other plant.
organisations. ,
- 4. Assessing the effectiveness of the independent review functions of-the safety review committees and the Independent Safety Engineering Group.
The above items are not mutually exclusive. We intend to examine as many ,
activities as possible in the vertical slice approach.
t In the vertical slice approach, the team would examine various aspects of engineering functions associated with design modifications. .These .
activities include maintaining the design bases current, ensuring that the design basis is meti that drawings reflect as-built design, _that safety evaluations for' changes. considered all pertinent requirements, that the modification was installed in accordance with requirements, that i procedures and training programs were revised if appropriate, and that -
-post-modification testing was perfomed properly.
In addition to modification activities, the vertical slice assessment would include other aspects of engineering activities. For example,' the '
technical adequacy of surveillance procedures and component or system perfomance monitoring programs for the selected systems would be examined. Any current issues such as system operability determinations would also be examined to determine the effectiveness of engineering in evaluating and resolving the issue.
The systems selected for inclusion in the vertical slice assessment will be based on a review of pertinent issues, events, or problems occurring l within the past year with special consideration given to safety significance. l l
The assessment is scheduled to begin January 3, 1996 with completion of the on site review by January 12, 1996. A report of the completed assessment will be provided to the USNRC Regional Administrator no later than February 1, 1996, w; -- - . - . .. .- .-. . - -
Attachment 1 Page 3 of 3 ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW (continued) l' LEVEL OF EFFORT:
The assessment team will be composed of at least six members (including the team leader) . The level of effort is expected to be approximately 350 man-hours of direct inspection.
I E&l U N A LI f.I C A IZ QE al.
The team will consist of experienced technical personnel with expertise in their area of assignment. The five evaluators will include two or more members from outside of the GGNS organization. The resumes of the team leader and the five evaluators are included in Attachment 3.
Att:chment 2 Page 1 of 5 SELF-ASSESSMENT PLAN Purnose
-1. To evaluate Grand Gulf's engineering activities, particularly the '
effectiveness of the engineering organisation to perform routine and reactive site activities. ,
- 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of GGNS controls for the I identification, resolution, and prevention of issues and problems that could degrade the quality of plant operations or safety. j Grand Gulf controls for identifying, resolving, and preventing !
issues included in the assessment are: '
- safety review committees, .
- root-cause analysis programs, [
- corrective action programs, !
- self-assessment-programs, and
- other processes that provide for the incorporation of operating experience feedback. ,
- 1. The primary method for evaluation of the engineering activities is to assess the operational performance capability of a selected safety system through an in-depth, multi-disciplinary engineering review to verify that the selected system conforms to design basis requirements and is capable of performing the intended safety !
functions. Other systems will be selected to assess a less ;
detailed but broader scope of engineering activities such as :
testing, problem resolution, performance monitoring, design and i configuration control, and operating experience feedback. Generic safety significant findings will be pursued across the system boundaries on a plant-wide basis.
The system reviews will be supplemented as necessary by personnel interviews and samples of issues and assessments to adequately ,
evaluate the general engineering capabilities and the processes for j identifying, resolving, and preventing problems. ,
- 2. Prior to the assessment, the team leader will address, at a rinimum, the following points:
a) Selection of the systems, key components, and self-assessments to be evaluated by the tea n based upon recent issues or problems and safety significance.
b) Assignments of individual team members to specific functional ,
areas, and expectations. l l
c) A timetable of events involving team coordination activities, such as site access training, entrance and exit meetings, coordination meetings, due dates for issuance of intra-team data, etc.
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- Attachment 2 Page 2 of'5 SELF-ASSESSMENT PLAN (continued) 1 Scone i
- 1. General Enaineerina Canabilities i Through the detailed system reviews, supplemented as necessary, evaluate the capability of the engineering organizations in the
'following areas. -i a) Engineering involvement in site activities, particularly in the resolution of technical issues. The effectiveness of communications with other departments such as maintenance, operations, and modification implementation is to be included. r b) The extent of backlogged engineering work. i
- 2. Damian and Confiouration Control For the selected systems, evaluate several safety-significant design changes and temporary plant modifications to verify conformance with the applicable installation and testing '
a) Review the design basis and other design documents such as calculations and analyses for a selected system and determine ,
the functional requirements for the system during accident or abnormal conditions. The review should determine if (1) the design basis is in accordance with the' licensing commitments and regulatory requirements, (2) - if the design bases, analyses, and associated design output documents such as '
facility drawings and procurement specifications are correct, and (3) if the installed system and components are tested'to verify that the design bases have been met.
b) Review the modified configuration of the selected systems and determine if the drawings which reflect the as-built design and installation match the current design documents and licensing requirements for the facility.
c) Determine if the modified system is capable of functioning as specified by the current design documents and licensing requirements for the facility.
d) Determine if system modifications implemented have introduced any unreviewed safety questions and if a 10CFR50.59 review or ,
safety evaluation was appropriately documented.
. q Attscheent 2 Page 3 of 5 SELF-ASSESSMENT PLAN (continued) e) Review the modification packages for the selected safety systems'to ensure that all changes to the support elements l have been made (pursuant to ANSI N45.2.11) , including ;
maintenance requirements and procedures, operating. )
procedures, training documentation and training programs, ;
periodic testing, and procurement documentation and ;
4 3.- Surveillance and Testino
'For the selected systems, evaluate several Technical Specification i surveillances and post maintenance tests to verify that the tests and surveillances are adequate to demonstrate continued operability.
.i a)- Review and evaluate the technical adequacy and accuracy of j Technical Specification surveillance procedures and post- .
maintenance tests performed in the past year. ,
b) Verify that the system testing adequately ensures that the {
system will operate as designed under postulated accident conditions. Verify that the surveillance test procedure acceptance criteria are adequate to demonstrate continued operability.
c) Review the component history files, looking for indications of adverse trends or recurrent test failures, i
d) -Review the inservice test records for pumps and valves in the selected safety system, for technical adequacy and accuracy of the data, e) Determine if design engineering and system engineering personnel contribute to test procedures and if they review -
test results.
- 4. Controls for Identifyina. Resolvino, and Preventino Problems a) The assessment team will select a sample of issues, problems, and self-assessments occurring within the past year from the list below for detailed analysis to assess Grand Gulf's ability to identify and correct problems.
- Operational events, testing, or maintenance activities (such as temporary repairs or troubleshooting l activities). j i
- Equipment deficiencies requiring safety evaluations or j operability determinations. j
- Procedural adherence deficiencies.
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Attachment 2 Page 4 of 5 SELF-ASSESSMENT PLAN fcontinued)
- QA audits and self-assessments.
- Repetitive equipment deficiencies.
- Other events or issues that may indicate weaknesses, b) The problems selected above will be evaluated to determine Grand Gulf's effectiveness in performing the following:
- Initial identification and characterization of the problem.
- Proper assignment of priority and elevation of problems to proper level of management for resolution. j i
- Root-cause analysis.
- Evaluation of adverse trends or repetitive conditions.
- Disposition of any operability /reportability issues and interim resolutions.
- Implementation and timeliness of corrective actions.
- Expansion of the scope of corrective actions to include applicable related systems, equipment, procedures, and personnel actions.
- 5. Indeoendent Review and Ooerational Eroerience reedback Evaluate the effectiveness of Grand Gulf's independent review and operational experience feedback functions through a review of activities.
a) Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the independent safety engineering group (ISEG) by reviewing recent ISEG reports and the implementation of corrective action recommendations.
b) Evaluate the effectiveness of the onsite and offsite safety review committees by reviewing committee minutes, audits, or other actions initiated by the committees as follows:
i) Review the Plant Safety Review Committee and the Safety Review Committee meeting minutes for the past six months for items pertaining to the selected systems.
Identify any discrepancies and unusual operability determinations.
- i Attochment 2 Page 5 of 5 !
- 11) Identify what issues are. reviewed by the safety committees and review the actions initiated by the safety committees to identify, assess, and correct areas of weakness.
-iii) Review safety committee activities and discuss specific ,
activities with selected safety committee members or ,
safety committee support staff to gain insights and to assess the committee's effectiveness, work load, -
ability, and utility support for committee initiatives.
iv) Evaluate Grand Gulf's follow-up to items identified by '
the safety committees, including committee-initiated :
audit findings and any recurring problems. I i
c) Evaluate the effectiveness of programs that implement operational experience feedback. Focus on Grand Gulf's effectiveness to assess, to inform appropriate personnel of the results, and to initiate corrective actions for e information obtained both within and outside Grand Gulf's organization. Consider the following sources of information:
- Operational experience information reports (such as significant event reports (SERs), significant operating event reports (SOERs), and significant event ,
notifications (SENs) generated by the Institute of Nuclear. Power Operations (INPO).
- 110 CFR Part 21 notifications.
- NRC bulletins, generic letters, and information notices, t
- Reports issued by vendors.
- Reports from other facilities under Entergy Operations' control or from similar facilities (with respect to design and vintage).
- EPRI reports.
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- 1. Jerry C. Roberts (Team Leader, EOI-Corp.) !
- 2. Steven G. Chesnut (Pacific Gas & Electric) ,
- 3. Gary Hughes (Union Electric Co.)
- 4. David Shehadeh (EOI-ANO)
- 5. Paul A. Gropp (EOI-W3)
- 6. Michael A. Stein (EOI-RB)
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JERRY C. ROBERTS (Team Leader)
EDUCATION & TRAINING B.S., Nuclear Engineering, Mississippi State University Automatic Process Control for Engineers, University of South Florida Station Nuclear Engineering Course 1 PROFESSIONAL GGNS Licensing Program - Previous NRC SRO REGISTRATIONS License, GGNS, Unit No. 1 License AND CERTIFICATIONS Number 20487, dated 10/19/86 j Middle Management Course, MSU System' Institute for Management Developtvint !
Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Port Gibson, Mississippi 1994 - Present Director, Nuclear Safety & Licensina - Reports to the Vice President, Operations Support-4 Echalon and is responsible for directing the licensing staff in activities pertaining to monitoring and providing analysis on new and
- long-term generic issues, pro-active participation with the NRC and industry to 1 achieve the resolution of generic issues, pro-active participation with the NRC and industry to achieve the resolution of generic issues, facilitating consistency on selected regulatory !
issues, providing short-term staff support, and coordinating Entergy Operations interface with NUMARC. In addition, is responsible for directing Corporate Quality Assurance function {
insures that corporate activitica performed for i the sites are carried out in accordance with Quality Assurance requirements. The Nuclear Assessment function seeks to ensure excellent ,
i performance in the safe operation of Entergy's l nuclear stations through performance based assessments. These assessments are designed to ,
measure operating plant performance against {
criteria of excellence (not regulatory l compliance). !
1991 - 1994 Mapaaer, P14nt Ngintenance - Reports to General Manager, Nuclear Operations-GGNS, and is 1 responsible for the safe, efficient, and cost-effective implementation of all plant maintenance activities in accordance with appropriate procedures and regulatory I requirements to enable maximum power generation and plant availability, i
.(Team Leader)'
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r 1988 - 1991 Maaaaer. Performance anA gyggga Wmm4nagrjnO -
, Reports to the GONS General Manager and is
,7 responsible for.the safe, efficient, and cost-effective implementation of all plant engineering accordance with appropriate procedures and regulatory.
-requirements to enable maximum power generation and plant availability.
1987 - 1988 Manecer. Plant Modification & Construction -
. Promoted to (Acting) Manager, Plant Modification
-and Construction in April 1987. In June was promoted to Manager, Plant Modification and
-Construction. Reported to the GGNS Site.
L Director, and was responsible for planning, scheduling and implementing major maintenance and modification activities during both outage and non-outage periods at GGNS. This included installation and documentation of all modification work activities; maintenance of the interface with Plant Staff and NPE for outage activities; coordination of all assigned work activities such as modifications, major maintenance activities, retests,'etc., being performed during outage and non-outage periods; and establishment and implementation of all design changes at GGNS. Also served as Duty Manager and Emergency Director for the GGNS General Manager.
1978 - 1987 Agggjagt_2agt_gsgarh - Organised and issued Plant Startup Manual and participated in its writing, design review and correction of liquid and solid radioactive waste systems; preparation of liquid and solid radioactive waste systems, and containment integrated leak rate test preoperational test procedures; review of construction and acceptances of radioactive waste building and facilities; general engineering support to other Startup Test supervisors and their systems.
Grouc Leader - Supervise startup engineers responsible for radwaste systems, integrated leak rate test (ILRT) and local leak rate test (LLRT), turbine systems, heating ventilation and air conditionir.g, residual heat removal, and BOP water systems.
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JERRY C. ROBERTS l (Team Leader) l l
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Assistant Startuo Sunarvisor - Reported to the i Startup Supervisor. Provided assistance to the 1
- j. Startup Supervisor in the supervision of preoperational and acceptance test programs and coordination of day to day operations and l maintenance support. i 1
Startuo Suoervisor - Reported to the Startup i Manager, responsible for supervision of the l preoperational and acceptance test programs and 1 preparations for the Power Ascension Test j program. Responsibilities included the ,
coordination of testing activities to meet the project schedule, approval of test procedures, i coordination with Bechtel-CTO, and coordination !
with plant staff for operations and maintenance support.
l Startuo Manaaer/ Superintendent - Reported to the I General Plant Manager / Manager Plant Operations, l responsible for closecut of Phase I systems punchlist (including applicable testing, l maintenance and design change activities), Phase ,
4 II systems completion and testing, and l implementation of power ascension test program.
During this time provided support to Technical Engineering Organization by overseeing DCP approval, implementation and closeout process and coordinating System engineering functions during surveillance rewrite program.
, Technical Suenort Suoerintendent - Reported to !
the Manager, Plant Operations, responsible for l Results Engineering, Reactor Engineering, Shift
Technical Advisors, and Startup Test Group. j Special assignments have included Manager, RPD l of Technical Specification rewrite. Routine l responsibilities include coordinating '
surveillance program / implementation and approval of surveillance procedures. Reporting to RF01 Outage Director also substituted for Backshift Outage Manager.
Technical Assistant to Manager. Plant Succort -
As the Technical Assistant to Manager, Plant Support, reported to die Manager, Plant Support
, and assisted in his day ='o-day c duties. Such duties are associated with Technical Support, Warehousing, and Security.
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JERRY C. ROBERTS (Team Leader) ,
1974 Test Enoineer - Responsible for review of j systems in order to set instrumentation i calibration, logic checks,and functional checks. Review and approval of completed data packages.
Preoperational Test Enoineer - For' completion of local leak rate testing to complete containment integrated leak rate test, developed and performed functional and logic checks of emergency diesel generator systems.
Fuel Loadina Encineer - Alternated between refueling floor and control room to direct and verify fuol loading operations.
Startup Encineer - For initial criticality through five to ten percent power testing.
1974 1978 INGALLS SHIPBUILDING Radiological Enaineer - Responsible for the following duties to support the refueling and overhaul of nuclear submarines: man-rem reduction, decontamination, radioactive waste packing, and processing shipyard radiation er:ergency plan.
. 1 STEVEN G. CHESNUT EDUCATION & TRAINING B.S., Nuclear Engineering, !
University of California l
PROFESSIONAL Senior Licensed operator Certification, 1993 REGISTRATIONS Advanced Station Nuclear Engineering AND CERTIFICATIONS . Certification EXPERIENCE: PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY 3/95 - Present Primary Systems Group Supervisor The Primary Systems Group is responsible for all maintenance, system and design engineering functions for the following systems: Reactor Coolant System, Spent Puel Pool Cooling, NSSS Sampling, Containment, Fuel Handling and i Transfer Systems, and Reactor Assembly / l Disassembly activities. ;
I 10/91 - 3/95 Reactor Engineering Group Supervisor The Reactor Engineering Group is responsible for the following areas: SNM Control and Accountability, Reactor Protection and Core Physics Surveillance Testing, Operations Support, Puel Movemer and Inspection, Pue) j Performance, Low Power Physics and Power !
Ascension Testing.
7/86 - 7/91 Nuclear Systems Engineer, Reactor Coolant System Engineer !
Responsibilities include monitoring of system performance trends, evaluation and resolution of system problems, interface with design i engineering, perform technical reviews and ;
safety evaluations, act as a task problems, interface with design engineering, perform
' technical reviews and safety evaluations, act as a task coordinator for multi-disciplined repair and maintenance efforts, review regulatory submittals and coordinator for multi-disciplined repair and naintenance efforts, review regulatory submittals and operating experience assessments and provide readiness for restart evaluations following plant outages.
P W STEVEN G. CHESNUT BECNTEL POWER CORPORATION 1/83 - 7/86 j Resident Mechanical Engineer, Diablo Canyon '
Nuclear Power Plant Responsible for: providing technical support to I
startup, general construction and the Operations l Department, covering both primary and Balance of ;
Plant Systems; preparr. tion of design changes to J the various plant systems to resolve startup and construction difficulties and to support changing systematic requirements and to support various project studies such as jet impingement, high energy line break, compartment pressurization and masonry block wall failure impact.
i 1/82 - 1/83 Nuclear / Mechanical Equipwant Quelifications Engineer j i
Responsible for demonstrating the capability of '
safety related equipment to perform its design ;
function during normal and transient conditions by assessing the effects of a number of l environmental and mechanical stresses such as:
temperature, pressure, radiation, vibrations, and seismic. Extensive use of ASME and IEEE Codes and Standards.
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DR. GARY A. BUGHES EDUCATION & TRAINING B.S. Electrical Engineering University of Missouri-Columbia M.S. Nuclear Engineering !
University of Missouri Columbia Graduate U.S. Naval Nuclear Power School Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering University of Missouri-Columbia PROFESSIONAL PWR Senior Reactor Operator Systems Theory / l REGISTRATIONS Shift Advisor PWR Simulator Course ,
Union Electric Company Callaway Nuclear Power Plant 1981 - Present Suoervisino Enoineer, Nuclear Safety -
Nuclear Safety Department is made up of the Independent Safety Engineering Group and the Shift Technical Advisors and is responsible for the Callaway Operating Experience Program.
Serves as secretary for the Callaway Plant Nuclear Safety Review Board and manages independent assessments.
1979 - 1981 Ph.D. Candidate, Nuclear Engineering University of Missouri-Columbia Research Assistant - Held Research Assistant i position at Murr and Teaching Assistant position I while completing Ph.D.
1974 -
1979 U.S. Navy Active Duty Commissioned Officer - Various assignments including Assistant Engineer, Division Officer and Electrician on board a nuclear submarine.
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DAVID SEEEADEE EDUCATION ti TRAINING B.S., Electrical Engineering, Cairo University,. Egypt Second Degree Honors (1963)
PROFESSIONAL Michigan Registered Professional Engineer AEGISTRATIONS PWR Simulator Training (Combustion Engineering)
Arkansas Power ti Light 1987 - Present Senior Lead Engineer i
Responsibilities included development of electrical design changes and lead for various multi-discipline design change packages for ANO.
Assignments also included lead activities for major programs and upgrades, as well as oversight for contractor performed projects. ,
Major projects included: -i
- Electrical Drawing Upgrade Project - l Electrical equipment inspection and drawing l verification and update. This includes l reporting discrepancies of the protective i relaying calculation, PDMS data and SIMS component data-(selected fields only).
- ANO 1&2 Protective Device Coordination Studies - Included calculations for relay / device setpoints for 6.9 Kv, 4.16 Kv, 480 volt, 125 VDC, and 120 VAC vital plant buses.
- ANO Unit 1 under voltage study and implementation Project design responsibilities included project scoping and preliminary design, review of licensing and design bases, 10CFR50.59 review, engineering calculations and evaluations, equipment specifications and procurement, markup of drawing changes, and assembly of final design j change package. In addition, independent review was provided for various calculations, reports, ;
DCPs, etc.
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DAVID SHEHADEH 1982 - 1987 Availability Senior Engineer Availability and Reliability Engineer, Root Cause Analysis, GADS, NPRDS Systems, PRA and !
Fault Analysis. Served on NPRDS Users Group !
with INPO for 3 years. Served as B&W Owners Group availability committee covering several projects such as reactor trip breakers monitoring programs, availability reports, PRZ heater replacement, etc.
1978 - 1982 Production and Senior Engineer Project design and reviews of electrical designs including calculation, preparation of design packages, review of SAR updates and review of Bechtel designs.
1967 - 1978 Senior Associate Electrical Engineer City of Detroit Water and Pollution Abatement Programs As Lead Electrical Engineer for several pollution control programs sponsored by the U.S.
Federal Government and the state of Michigan, five electrical engineers worked under my direct supervision on these projects. The projects included building very large incinerators, oxygenation tanks and aerators with 9000 HP compressors, large capacity tanks including two 180 tons / day oxygen generating facilities.
Started one 600 MGD water treatment plant and design /startup of the electrical portions of a 600 MGD pumping facility.
1963 - 1967 Electrical Engineer Government of Kuwait Served in the Ministry of Telephone and Telegraph in various capacities, telephone exchange maintenance, network planning and construction, cable pressurization project and training facilities.
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1984 - Present Entergy Operations, Inc.
Plant Engineer at Waterford 3 in I&C discipline. 1 System Engineer at Waterford 3 for the reactor 1 protection system, Excore Nuclear Instrumentation, Control Rod Drives, and Process Analog controls.
Mechanical System Engineering Supervisor for all I Waterford 3 NSSS and BOP Mechanical System Engineers.
Design Engineering Mechanical Specialties Supervisor for all valve programs and mechanical {
design basis documents. Also primary oversight !
for Generic Letters 89-10 (MOVs), 89-13 (Service )
Water), 92-01 (Reactor Vessel Integrity), and j 95-07 (Pressure Locking and Thermal Binding) . I l
l 1971 - 1984 Public Service Company of Indiana I Plant Engineer at Cayuga Station (2-500MW coal) .
Electrical Maintenance Supervisor at Gibson Station (5-650MW coal) .
Design Engineer for coal and nuclear plants including the later cancelled Marble Hill Nuclear Station (2-1150MW Westinghouse reactors).
- MICHAEL A. STEIN EDUCATION & TRAINING B.S. Civil Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology PROFESSIONAL Rogistered Professional Engineer in REGISTRATIONS Civil Engineering in the State of Louisiana AND CERTIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE:
1986 - Present Entergy Operations, Inc. >
Gulf States Utilities River Bend Station i Proiect Manaaer in the Engineering organization responsible for the resolution of the Thermo-Lag issue. Also responsible for the site 10CFR50.59 Safety Evaluation Program.
Director of Plant Enafneerina responsible for the Electrical /I&C, Civil / Structural, and Balance of Plant Mechanical design disciplines.
Supervisor of Balance of Plant Mechanical Engineerina responsible for the design of non-NSSS mechanical systems.
Suoervisor of Civil / Structural Enaineerina responsible for the design of all structural aspects of the plant including pipe stress analysis, pipe support design, and electrical support design in addition to the traditional structural aspects of the plant.
1976 - 1986 Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation Boston, MA Performed structural analysis for main structures as well as support assemblies for River Bend Station, Nine Mile Point 2 and Shoreham Nuclear Power Station. Supported the construction activities on site at Shoreham and River Bend Nuclear Power Plants. Specialized in the seismic analysis of structures and support systems.
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