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Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-35 & NPF-52,revising TS Re Surveillance Requirements for Standby Shutdown Facility Diesel Generator nickel-cadmium Batteries
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/11/1992
From: Tuckman M
Shared Package
ML20094L114 List:
NUDOCS 9203240326
Download: ML20094L113 (4)



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  • Caix bJ %i av t Grwara n OrpJottu rut g y , J ,, g), ,,g
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Wh bC m W55 g s ),yfl ,f);;, j z g (w$skDUKEPOWER Shrc 11,1992 P.S. Nac!ca- Reputatory Comminion ATTN: Docurt ont Control Desk h hi y,t; s , D . C . 2 05 5 $

Nu ncn T .:.a!.> Nuclez.t Statien, Unit; 1 and 3 D% ke'. N0f .TC 113 r.itd 49 !!4 Proposed Technical Specification Ame:dment 8'endoy Shutdown Pcilit y NiCad lbtlery SunrP'^nce (Technical Specification 43.13.2)


l'a 3e 6: d ancehc:d a proposed aniendment to the Technical Specifications h. c.cility O, am'.!y, Li;ense Nos. NPF--35 r.nd NPF 52 for Catawba Units 1 and 2, teweiively. Thn.

. w n:h m t re.3uest involves revising the survillanN requite.r:ents n t the F ar.ut>y Shirdown I54 Illy !!Ui') dien! ysti0rator niChcI-GtdmiU10 (IOCad) 'LitN!e'J.

Atm:+ ment I w.tains a copy of the marted-up technical g.edfi;ation pages. Arta< hment 2 co%cas a descriptiva of the proposed changes, basis, and safety analysis for the chi.nges.

Anninneat 4 cornhu the Ne Sipafi: ant Ihtards Censiderstina Aralyii:, for. ;he pmjwd chrys. ' Ibis : nalysis is iactrJed purwant to 10 CMt 50.9) in accertnx wita .h" Slaltuds (.ontairted in 10 CFR $0,92 atid conc!edes that the proposed aia.ndmeat cec 3 Nt it' alve si nificar.1 haz: ads corsicerath ns. A copy of this an endment rcquN is he!1g fi Aided 10 the approprir.10 Soulb (afohna sr2 Of$ chi.

Shoald you have :my (,nesticns concerniy this pmpeted amahcent, can LJ. Rudy at (E03; $3) 3rM, Very truly yteu s,

$ ,' ,0 u.s. Teetm:;n L il is e ,rc j

l 9203240326 920311 -}

PDR ADOCK 05000413 l P,, ,,


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4 Document Control Desk l' age 2 March 11,1992 Attacliment xe (W/Altachment):

S.D. libneter Regional Administrhtor, Region 11, Martin, ONltR W.T. Orders Senior Resident inspector lleyward Shealy, Chief llureau of Radiological 11calth, SC American Nuclear Insurers M&M Nuclear Consultants INPO Records Centei l

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Document Control Desk Page 3 hfarch 11,1992 hl.S. Tuckman, being duly sworn, states that he is Viec President of Duke Power Company; that he is authorized on the part of said Company to sign and file with the Nuclear

. Regulatory Commission this revision to the Catawba Nuclear Station Technical Specifications, Appendix A to License Nos. NPF-35 and NPF-52; and that all statements and matters set forth therein are true and correct to the best of his knowledge.

1 (S h. (\ wke~

bl.S. Tuckman, Vice President Subscribed and sworn to tiefore me this 11th day of h1 arch,1992.

f1 l iublie / 1I0 bma Nol,dy.tauu hty commission expires:

l-l $lde A / R oo o _

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Document Control Desk l Page 4 hiarch 11,1992 bxc (W/ Attachment):

T.P. liarrall R.C. Futrell LJ. Rudy W.R. McCollum R. A. Jones A.S. Ilhatnager J.W. Caldwell S.R. Frye

R.M. Glover C.E. Muse j J.E. Thomas R.A. Dickard R.L Gill..Jr.  !

R.T. Simril l W. A. Wylie A.V. Carr NCMPA-1 NCEMC ..-


  • QV Tech Sves NRC.Coord ,

File CN 801.01 4 ,

Corporate Records' w

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