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Forwards Supplemental Info Re 910924 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-29 & DPR-30,changing TS to Establish Differential Temp Criteria for Control Room Emergency Filtration Sys Heater,Per 911003 Telcon W/Nrc
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/05/1991
From: Schrage J
To: Murley T
NUDOCS 9111180016
Download: ML20085N686 (7)


. _ _ __. . _ - . . _ - _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _

Ocmmonwealth Ediscn O 14CO Opus Place Downers Grove, lHinois 60616 November 5, 1991 Dr. Thomas E. Murley Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Hashington, D.C. 20555 ATTN: Document Control Desk


Quad cities Station Units 1 and 2 Supplemental information Relathg to Application for Amendment to Appendlx A, Technical Specifications DPR-29 and DPR-30, HRC_ Docke.L NoL_50- 25L a n L 501265_.__ _.  !


(1) J.L. Schrage to T.E. Murley letter dated September 24, 1991.

(2) Conference call on October 3, 1991 between J.L. Schrage (CECO) and L.N. 01shan/S. flantjers (NRP).

(3) J.L. Schraga to T.E. Murley lettei dated October 11, 1991.

(4) Conference call on Octoner 18, 1991
between J.L. Schrage (CECO) and L.N. Olshan/S. flanders (NRR).

Dear Dr. Murley:

In the October 3, 1991 teleconference (Reference (2)), members of your staff requested supporting Information pertaining to an application for an '

amendment to Quad Cities Station's Technical Specifications (Reference (1)).

The proposed amendment establishes a differential temperature criteria for the Control Room Emergency filtration (CREF) System heater based upon system flow. The requested information was provided in Reference (3). This letter j provides additional information to members of your staff which was discussed l

during the October 18, 1991 teleconfereret (Reference (4)). The requested information is listed below, and described in the Enclosure.


, o0 f111180016 01110s y-nuu FOh Ih IN /1316/5


Dr. T.E. Hurley November S, 1991 I

1. A clarification ofl the power required to meet the design basis versus the power required to meet the Technical Specification surveillance requirement.
2. A description of the heater sizing calculation.

If there are any comments or questions on this information please direct '

-them to John L. Schrage at 708-515-7283.

Respectfully, i John L. Schrage Nuclear Licensing Administrator

' Attachment cc: .L.N. Olshan - Project Manager. Quad Cities T.E. Taylor - Senior Resident Inspector, Quad Cities 1

1 l


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. ENCLOSURE CLARiflCA110N OF POWER REQUIREHLHIS The design basis of the Control Room Emergency filtration (CREF) System heater is to ensure that the relative humidity (RH) of the air at the inlet to the charcoal adsorbers is less than 70% at the most limiting climatic condition of 95'F wet-bulb (95'r with 100% humidity). At this inlet condition, 8.14 KH of heater power is required to reduce the relative humidity to less than 70%. At this power and inlet r.ondition, the A T will be 12*F.

If the inlet conditions are .s the lower bound (wet bulb temperature of

-10'f), the heater must deliver approximately 5.3 KH in order to reduce the relative humidity to less than 70%. However, at this inlet condition and heater power, the A T will only be approximately 7.9'F. Therefore, in order to meet the Technical Specification A T requirement of 15*f at an inlet _

wet-bulb temperature of -10*F, the heater must deliver approximately 10.1 KH of power.

IILATER SIZING CALCULMION Purpose The purpose of this calculation is to determine the power required to heat air in order to lower the RH from 100% to below 70% as it passes through the Quad Cities Control Room Air filter Unit under the following initial conditions:

Initial final Initial Temp Temp RH Flow lifl 1 *_fl 1%1 ISCEM1

-10 -3.5 100 2200

-10 -2.1 100 1800 _

60 70.5 100 2200 60 72.8 100 1800 95 107.0 100 2200 95 109.7 100 1800 Method Using Reference 1, the specific volume and enthalpy of the air at the initial conditions will be determined. Assuming a temperature rise with no addition of moisture, the final enthalpy will be determined. From the difference in enthalples and using the given flow rates, the power required to accomplish the heating of the air will then be determined.


1. "ASHRAE Handbook, 1989 fundamentals," American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.



. Assumptions ,

1. All of the heat from the heating element shall be assumed to be transferred by conduction and convection to the flowing air. Radiation to the ductwork or other losses of heat not to the air will not be considered. ,
2. Since no mass in the form of air or water is being added to the flowing air, the temperature change will be at a constant moisture content and .I therefore the humidity ratio at the initial temperature will be equal to the humidity ratto at the final temperature.

Calcula11oni '

Determine specific volume, enthalpy and humidity ratio for initial temperatures at saturation conditions from Ref. 1, Table 1. Pgs. 6.2-6.4.

t Hs Vs hs Temp- Humidity Ratio Volume Enthalpy 1*fl LibwLlhal if_t 3Llb_ dry _alr1 IRiullb_ dry._akl

-10 0.0004606 11.335 -1.915 60 0.011087 13.329 26.467 .

95 0.036757 14.804 63.343 The enthalpy at the final conditions (h) will be deter.nined from the following formulae:

h - ha + Whg Ref. 1, formula 27, Pg 6.13 hg - 1061 + 0.444t (Btu /lb) Ref. 1, formula 29, Pg 6.13 The enthalpy of dry air (ha) from Ref. 1, Table 1 Pgs 6.2-6.4-and hg calculated using the above formula will be tabulated below for the final temperatures:

t Ha Hg Temp Enthalpy Enthalpy

(*F) IBly]Jh_ dry _alrl IBtu /_1_ b) -

-3.5 -0.841 1059.45

-2.1 -0.504 1060.07 70.5 16.94 1092.30 72.8 17.49 1093.32 107.0 25.714 1108.51 109.7 26.364 1109.71 l

l ZNLD/1316/8.

The enthalples at the final conditions are as follows:

E-315*f h - ha + H(hg) (Btu /lb) l h - -0.841 Btu /lb dry air  ;

+ 0.0004608(1059.45 Btu /lb) h - -0.35LDlu11b_drLalt r

2-2.1*F h - ha + H(hg) (Btu /lb) h - -0.50 Btu /lb dry air f

+ 0.0004608(1060.07 Btu /lb) ,

h - -0 ELD 1uL1LdrLair 210.5.*E h - ha + H(hg) (Btu /lb) h - 16.94 Btu /lb dry air

+ 0.011087(1092.30 Btu /lb)

h. _2L D5 Btu /lb dry _ alt 21La'_E .

h - ha + H(hg) (Btu /lb) h - 17.49 Btu /lb dry air 4 0.011087 (1093.32 Btu /lb) h _2L6LB. tuli.Ldry_ air 2101&*E ,

h --ha + H(hg) (Btu /lb) h - 25.714 Btu /lb dry air

- 0.036757(1108.51 Btu /lb) l I h - ha 4 H(hg) (Btu /lb)


01092L h ha + H(hg) (Stu/lb)

= 26.364 Otu/lb dry air

+ 0.036757(1109.71 Blu/lb) h _6L 15_.Bt ull r lhe Inttial and final enthalples are tabulated below:

t h t h Initial Initial final Final Temp Enthalpy Temp Enthalpy Efl IBtullb_dty_ air.) U.fl IBiullb.Jrylld

-10 -1.915 .-3.5 -0.353

-10 -1.915 -2.1 -0.016 60 26.467 70.5 29.05 60 26.467 72.8 29.61 95 63,343 107.0 66.46 l 95 63.343 109.7 67.15 The power required to effect the above temperature rise will be calculated using the flowrates, specife volumes and enthalpy differences:


-L0ff - -3,51E O = 12Z00_f.t 3 Lmin) (-02353 -- (.-La151LLBlullh_dryatrl (11.335 f tI/lb dry air) (1 Btu / min)/(0.01758 Kw) 0 2.5.33 1w i


-10'L. . -22E 3

Q - 118.00_f_t 1ginLL-Ral6 - L.L9.151LLB.tullbJirJllEl (11.335 f t /lb dry air) (1 Btu / min)/(0.01758 Kw) 0.. _5. 30lw l


. . . - - . .. - - - . . _ - _ _ . _ - - = - . _ _ _ - - _ , . . . - . . , , .

02200_SCfH 60* F - 70 25 *.f.

0 - 12200_f_t3 Mn1329A5__26m4671dfliuLiLdry_alr)

(13.329 f t3 /lb dry alr) (1 Btu / min)/(0.01758 Kw) 0 -Dolw 21800_SCEM 60*f._ 12tB'E 3

Q - (13.329 11000ltft/g/lb toll dry 29AL. alr)_2L401) (Diullb_drLairl (1 Btu / min)/(0.01758 KW) 0 _Li6lw 22200_SCfh 95'f._ _l0LO*._E 3

O - 32200_.f.t /minLI66J6_ 63 343L19tullLdrLaitl i; (14.d04 f t /lb dry alr) (1 Btu / min)/(0.01758 Kw) 3 0-BdSlW E18003CfB 9FJ - 10Ll'E 3

O - 11800lt (14.804 /9tnL162f t /lb dry alr) l5 -(1 63Btu313LLBtui.lb__drLaitl

/ min)/(0.01758 Kw) 0_ BAAlt Sumary_.oLResults Initt)1 Final Irel tlal  !

Temp Temp RH Flow Power 1*fl L*fl LM $5C(R)) LNHl

-10 -3.5 100 2200 5.33

-10 -2.1 100 1800 5.30 60 70.5 100 2200 7.50 60 72.8 100 1800 7.46 95 107.0 100 2200 8.14 95 109.7 100 1800 8.14 1

ZNLD/1316/11 i