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Forwards Draft 137-0010,Rev 2 to Sasr 89-02, Vessel Fatigue Evaluation Considering Revised Thermal Cycles for Quad Cities Nuclear Station Units 1 & 2, Per 891130 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-29 & DPR-30
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/02/1990
From: Stols R
To: Murley T
Shared Package
ML20082V318 List:
NUDOCS 9109230205
Download: ML20082V316 (2)


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~ Ccmmtnwecith Edison .

A, 1400 Opus Place Downers Grovo, ilunois 60515

Au d \\  !

October 2, 1990  :

1 Dr. Thomas E. Murley, Director Office of Huclear Reactoi Regulation .

(1.5. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington D.C. 20555 i Al1H: Document Contr01 DeM subject: Quad cities Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2 Proposed Amendment to f acility Operating Licenses DPR4 9 and DPR-30 40 Year Operating (.lconse HRC DotL0tJob 504btend_59405 Refeience: R Stols to 1.l Hurley letter dated Hovembet 30, 19R9.

IP. Hurley:

The referenced lettei transmitted a proposed amendment to facility Operating t.icenses OPR-29 and DPR-3D. The proposed amendment requested that the license expiration date be extended to teflect an operating life of forty (40) years for Quad Cities Units 1 and 2. The current licenses expire foi ty (40) years from the date of issuance of the respective Construction Peimit.

Attachment 5 to the referenced opplication contained a report " Vessel fatigue fvaluation Ccusidering Revised inetmal Cycles for Quad Cities Nucleai Station Units 1 and 2", revision I dated October, 1989. Quad Cltles Statton personnel have identified an error in the report in that it does not properly reflect the actual number of thermal cycles. As a result of the revision to the actual number of theimal cycles (which have been experienced), the number of cycle predictions as well es the nomher of cycles analyzed have been revised. Attached is revision 2 to the Geneial flectilt Repott which properly reflects the numbei of cycles. This report supersedas the report which was identified as Attachment 5 in the refarenced submittal.

While the numbers of thermal tyrlen have been revised, the conclusion of the report remains unthanged. The teport concludes that the cumulative f atique usage for the 40 year design life, lating into account the revised duty cycles, is less than the allowable value of I.0 for all components except the closure studs. The closure studs are predicted to teach a fatique usage of 1 in 1998 whit.h will then require a note ricotous visual examination or replacement.


9109250205 901002 PDR ADOCK 05000254 P FDR


- Dr. 1.E. Hurley Oc totier 4,1990 Please direct any questions or comments to me at (708) 515-1283.

Very truly yours, l y>

e .


R. Stols Nuclear Licensing r;dministrator


" Vessel fatigue Evaluation Consi'lering hevised 1hermal Cycles for Quad Citles Nuclear Statlan Units 1 and 2", revision 2 dated March, 1990.

cc: A.D. Davis, Regional Administrator - Rill L.N. 01shan, Project Manager - NRR T. Taylor, Senior Resident-Inspector - QC Office Nuclear facility Safety - IDHS

/Imw/ID108 l

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