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Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures EPIP-OSC-7 Re Personnel Rescue & EPIP-EOF-3 Re Emergency Instruments & Equipment
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 08/30/1983
Shared Package
ML20078G850 List:
PROC-830830-01, NUDOCS 8310130309
Download: ML20078G857 (110)



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', Last Review, No./Date

~ Date Procedure No.

Title J


R37-12-83lt $7-12-83 EPIP-OSC-1 i

Emergerity C'asd.fication s




R6 3-31-83(

EPIP-0SC-2 Emerymcy Man !ctivation 3-31-83 3

h EPIP-0SC-3 Notification of Unusual s

, Event Actions R14-2192 4-23-82 f

s EPIP-0SC-4 Alert Event Actions R1 4-23-82

/<.4-23-32 e

i t


5 U 1 141-81 > ! 1-14-82 EPIP-OSC-5 Site Area Emergency Actions.

EPIP-0SC-6 GenerO : Emergency Actions

( Al' 1:14-l?





EPIP-OSC-7 Personnel' Rescue R2 6 30 8-30-83 Rin 11-10-8. ' '/

Medical Assf.ctance '

11-10-82 EPIP-0SC-8

. i EPIP-OSC-9 Emergenc'y Se'paifs, Coerective,


4 A0 4-23-32 4-23-82 Actions an4 D rage Control s

EPIP-OSC-10 Inf tial Ass'essment "of Piant5 Parameters 'and Effit.ent Monit::rs i f.11 3-2 6-E 3-25-82.

to Determine Scurce Te,rm EPIP-OSC-11 Initial Cose Assassment Based 8-31-82 on P1 ant Instrumantation R1 3-31-82 l

EPIP-OSC-12 Accidental Actuation of Early I


,i l

Warning Siren System R0 11-04-82,

ti e

EPIP-OSC-13 Onsite Radiologica?.Meqitoring R0 8-0T.-G3 i 8-02-83 I

,t '

l l

EPIP-OSC-14 Emergency Outy.cfficer (200) l Actions R1 5-5-83 /



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a TABLE OF CONTENTS 7x (Continuec) 2.

04ERGENCY OPERATION FACILITY Revision Last Review Procedure No.

Title No./Date Date EPIP-EOF-1 Activation of Emergency Operation Facility R1 1-31-83 1-31-83 EPIP-EOF-2 Emergency Operation Facility Comconication R2 5-13-83 5-13-83 EPIP-EOF-3 Emergency Instruments and Equi pment R3 8-23-83 8-23-83 EPIP-EOF-4 Measurement of Airborne Radioactivity (Incorporated into EPIP-EOF-6)

R3 8-18-82 S-18-82 EPIP-EOF-5 Onsite Dose Assessment R3 8-18-82 8-18-82 (Incorporated into EPIP-EOF-6)

EPIP-EOF-6 Onsite/OffSite Dose Assessment R3 8-18-82 S-18-82 EPIP-EOF-7 Protective Action Guidelines R1 4-23-82 4-23-82 EPIP-EOF-8 Environmental Monitoring R1 5-13-82 5-13-82 EPIP-E0F-9 Personnel Accountability R3 5-11-83 5-11-83 EPIP-EOF-10 Personnel Decontanination R2 11-01-82 11-01-82 EPIP-ECF-11 Dosimetry and Records R1 9-14-02 9-14-82 EPIP-ECF-12 Site Security R1 1-05-83 1-06-83 EPIP-EOF-13 Shift Supervisor /EDO to EDO Transi tion R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-EOF-14 EDO to Recovery Manager Transition R1 11-10-82 11-10-82 EPIP-EOF-15 Determination of Contamination Release Through Plant Stack R1 11-10-82 11-10-82 f

ii 3-23-33 FC/EF IP/01



Title No./Date Date EPIP-RR-1 Activation of Recovery Organization R4 8-25-83 8-25-83 EPIP-RR-2 Reentry and Recovery Comcunication (DELETED)

R0 2-20-81 1-27-83 EPIP-RR-3 Reentry to Evacuated Area R1 1-06-83 1-06-83 EPIP-RR-4 Reentry and Recovery OnSite NRC Coordination R1 1-31-83 1-31-83 EPIP-RR-5 Technical Specification Modifications R0 2-20-81 12-14-82 EPIP-RR-6 Population Exposure Projection R3 9-07-82 9-07-82 Recovery Decontamination R0 2-20-81 12-14-82 EPIP-RR-7 EPIP-RR-8 Waste Management R1 1-06-83 1-06-83 EPIP-RR-9 Reentry and Recovery Equipment Procurement R1 1-06-83 1-06-83 EPIP-RR-10 Recovery Organization's Recovery ' tanager R2 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-11 Recovery Organi:ation's l

Technical Support Manager R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 l

EPIP-RR-12 Recovery Organization's Licensing Administrator R2 3-30-83 8-30-83 l

EPIP-RR-13 Recovery Organization's Core Physics Coordinator R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-14 Recovery Organization's Systems Analysis / Procedure Support Coordinator.

R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-15 Recovery Organization's Shift Support Coordinator R2 8-30-83 8-30-83


v 3-30-83 FC/EPIP/01 l


.s TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continuec) 4.


Revision Last Review Procedure No.

Title No./Date Date EPIP-RR-16 Recovery Organization's Instrument and Control Support Coordinator R2 8-30-83 8-30-83 EPIP-RR-17 Recovery Organization's Security and Technical Support Administrative Supervisor R2 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-18 Recovery Organization's Plant Operations Manager R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-19 Recovery Organization's Shift Operations Supervisor R3 8-25-83 8-25-83 EPIP-RR-20 Recovery Organization's Instrument and Control Supervisor R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-21

. Recovery Organization's Maintenance / Quality Control Supervisor R2 8-23-83 8-23-83 EPIP-RR-22 Recovery Organization's Health Physics / Chemistry Supervisor R2 8-30-83 8-30-83 EPIP-RR-23 Recovery Organization's l

Procedure / Training Supervisor R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-24 Recovery Organization's Emergency Coordinator R2 8-30-83 8-30-83 EPIP-RR-25 Recovery Organization's Dose l

Assessment Coordinator R2 8-30-83 8-30-83 EPIP-RR-25 Recovery Organization's Environmental Survey and Analysis Coordinator R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 l

EPIP-RR-27 Recovery Organization's Radiochemical Analysis Coordinator R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 vi 3-30-83 FC/EPIP/01



( Continuec) 4.


Revision Last Review Procedure No.

Title No./Date Date EPIP-RR-28 Recovery Organization's Dosimetry Coordinator R2 8-30-83 8-30-83


EPIP-RR-29 Recovery Organization's Administrative Logistics Manager R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-30 Recovery Organization's Adminis-trative Support Coordinator R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-31 Recovery Organization's Finance Coordinator R2 8-30-83 8-30-83 EPIP-RR-32 Recovery Organization's Accomoda-tions Support Coordinator R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-33 Recovery Organization's Commissary l

Support Coordinator R2 8-30-83 8-30-83 EPIP-kR-34 Recovery Organization's Communi-cations Support Coordinator R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-35 Recovery Organization's Human Resources Coordinator R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-36 Recovery Organization's Material Management Coordinator R2 3-30-83 3-30-83 EPIP-RR-37 Recovery Organization's Transpor-tation Coordinator R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-38 Recovery Organization's Accounting l

Coordinator R2 8-30-83 8-30-83 EPIP-RR-39 Recovery Organization's Media Release Center Director R2 8-30-83 8-30-83 EPIP-RR-40 Recovery Organization's ECF Information R2 8-30-83 8-30-83 EPIP-RR-41 Recovery Organization's EOF Technical Liaison R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 vii 3-30-83 FC/EPIP/01 v-y

~+w e



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TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 4.


Revision Last Review Procedure No.

Title No./Date Date EPIP-RR-42 Recovery Organization's EOF Information Specialist R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-43 Recovery Organization's EOF Technical Liaison R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-44 Recovery Organization's Public Information and Rumor Control Supervisor R2 8-30-83 8-30-83 EPIP-RR-45 Recovery Organization's Clerical Supervisor R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-46 Recovery Organization's Internal Services Coordinator R1 2-01-83 2-01-83


EPIP-RR-47 Recovery Organization's Design and Construction Manager R2 8-30-83 8-30-83 EPIP-RR-48 Recovery Organization's Utility Engineering Director R2 8-30-83 8-30-83 EPIP-RR-49 Recovery Organization's Architect Engineering Director R2 8-30-83 3-30-83 l

l EPIP-RR-50 Recovery Organization's Director of Nuclear Steam Supply System R2 8-30-83 3-30-83 I

f EPId-RR-51 Recovery Organization's Director of Construction R2 8-30-83 8-30-83 EPIP-RR-52 Recovery Organization's Construc-tion Quality Assurance Director R2 8-30-83 8-30-83 EPIP-RR-53 Recovery Organization's Manager l

of Waste Management R2 8-30-83 8-30-83 l

viii 8-30-83 FC/EPIP/01 or w

-m y





( Continued) 4.


Revision Last Review Procedure No.

Title No./Date Date EPIP-RR-54 Rec'overy Organization'.s Radwaste/ Technical Support Coordinator R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-55 Recovery Organization's Scheduling / Planning Manager R2 8-23-83 8-23-83 EPIP-RR-56 Recovery Organization's Advisory Support Coordinator R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-57 Recovery Organization's Nuclear Fuel Supplier Representative R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-58 Recovery Organization's Architect Engineering Representative (Gibbs and 11111)

R1 2-01-83 2-01-83


EPIP-RR-59 Recovery Organization's Architect Engineering Representative R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-60 Recovery Organization's Radiological Assessment Representative R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 EPIP-RR-61 Recovery Organization's Site Representative R2 S-23-83 3-23-83 EPIP-RR-62 Recovery Organization's NRC and FEltA Representative R1 2-01-83 2-01-83 ix 3-23-83 FC/EPIP/01



EPIP-0SC-7-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 O

Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-OSC-7 PERSONNEL RESCUE I.

PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions for the personnel rescue team and rescue squad monitor, and offsite rescue squad.



In the event that an injury endangers life or limb, imediate medical treatment /first aid shall always precede decontamination procedures.


A radiation measurement instrument and first aid kit should be with the rescue team entering radiation controlled areas for personnel rescue.


One of the following means of transportation must be available:


C.1 The Blair Rescue Squad, Blair, Nebraska The Fort Calhoun Rescue Squad, Fort Calhoun, Nebraska C.2 On-site company vehicles C.3 Private automobiles of on-duty personnel C.4 Uf2iC Radiation Health Center vehicle with personnel contamination carrier III.



Personnel trained in first aid and decontamination i

procedures should be used to man stretcher and rescue I

teams to the maximum extent possible.


First aid and rescue team personnel must be aware of radiation levels while perfoming their duties and use radiation detection instruments to monitor for changing levels.


The Rescue Squad personnel shall not normally enter the Auxiliary Building unless psrsonnel injuries dictate entry is necessary. The squad will nomally be met with injured personnel at the North Emergency Exit.

U cNMI C 7

.mb FC/26 R2 8-30-83 ALX13J1%.

I 7

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Personnel Accountability 1.1 Collect badges or names of rescue personnel who have exited the Auxiliary Building and any other person who has not previously turned in his badge to the Security Guard.

1.2 Report these names to Security' Personnel. -

1.3 Assist Security as necessary in accounting for' rescue personnel entering, leaving and remaining on site.

1.4 Infom the Monitor Team Coordinator of rescue personnel status. Work with the Security Force / Radio Operator to keep the Monitor Team Coordinator infomed of personnel status changes.


Emergency Radiation Exposure 2.1 Refer questions about emergency radiation exposure to the HP/ Chemistry Supervisor or the Emergency Coordinator through the Monitor Team Coordinator.

2.2 The Emergency Coordinator shall authorize the amount of exposure greater than 10CFR20 quantities that will be pemitted in order to.perfom any emergency mission.

In no case will the exposure be pemitted to exceed 75 rem to the whole body.

2.3 The Emergency Coordinator will refer to the following guidelines when considering emergency radiation exposures.

2.3.1 When the risk of hazard is such that life would be in jeopardy or there would be severe effects on the health of the puolic, volunteers may receive up to 75 rem exposure.

2.3.2 In situations where the bodies of accident victims are in areas inaccessible because of high radiation field:, special planning and remote recovery devices should be used to retrieve the bodies.

Excosure of recovery personnel should not exceed 12 rem.

2.3.3 When emergency on-site action is necessary to reduce a hazard potential to acceptable levels or to prevent substantial loss of property, an exposure of up to 12 rem may be received by participating individuals.

However, volunteers, under special circumstances, may receive up to 25 rem exposure.

1Df MdCLL FC/26 4G 3.' sin

EPZP-0SC-7-3 IV.

PROCEDURE (Contirsed) 3.

Control Area Injury 3.1 Notify the Shift Supervisor of any injury.

3.1.1 If the injury is minor and the person is ambulatory, the injured person shall promptly report the nature and extent of his injury to the Shift Supervisor.

3.1.2 If the injured person is unconscious or immobilized, the first person to become aware of the accident shall notify the Shift Supervisor and remain with the injured person.

3.2 The Shift Supervisor shall dispatch a stretcher team to the scene of the accident if necessary and contact the Blair Rescue Squad for assistance. The personnel rescue team shall have a high range radiation measurement instrument and a first aid kit in its possession.

EM First Aid Kits are located in the TSC Building and Corridor 26 of the Auxiliary Building.

3.3 The injured person will proceed, or be taken to the controlled area control point.

3.4 11onitor the injured person for contamination.


3.4.1 Pay particular attention to surveying the area of the injury, if the injury is a wound.

The object causing the wound shall be surveyed and a smear obtained.

If either survey results in a detectable increase in the audible signal or a reading greater than 50% above background on the smear appropriate decontamination procedures shall be folicwed.

3.5 Remove as much protective clothing frcm the injured person as possible. The injured person will be decontaminated to the maximum extent possible without delayina first aid.

Immediate first aid should consist of ensuring creatning ano stopping bleeding. This assistance together with treatment for shock should continue while the injured person is being transported to the first aid room or hospital care.

l 3.6 If the injured person is not conta-linated or is successfully decontaminated, ne shall be moved to the First Aid Room for further treatment.

3.7 If the injury person c'annot be decontaminated, or the injury will not permit complete decontamination, the injured person will be placed in clean protective clothing or wrapped in plastic to minimize the spread of contamination.

5 E M ht y

FC/26 R2 3-30-83 w :m I

I l


EP8P-OSC-7-4 IV. ' PROCEDURE (Continued) 3.8 The injured person shall be transported by the stretcher team to the emergency exit frcm the controlled area or to an area of as low radiation readings as possible. A member of the stretcher *eam ^3" notify the Shift Supervisor of the location of the injured persor, and request him to direct the rescue squad to the transfer point.

3.9 The Shift Supervisor will notify the Uffic Regional Radiation Health Center that a contaminated patient is enroute.


Non-Control Area Injury 4.1 Notify the Shift Supervisor of any injury.

4.1.1 If the injury is minor and the person is ambulatory, the injured person shall promptly report the nature and extent of his injury to the Shift Supervisor.

4.1.2 If the injured person is unconscious or immobilized, the first person to become aware of the accident shall notify the Shift Supervisor and remain with the injured person.

4.2 The Shift Supervisor shall dispatch a ytretcher team to the scene of the accident if necessary.

4.3 Transport the injured person to the First Aid Room for treatment.

A member of the stretcher team will notify the Shift Supervisor of the injured person's condition and location.

4.4 If additional treatment is necessary, the Shift Supervisor will call the Blair Rescue Squad for transportation to the Blair Memorial Hospital.


Rescue Squad Transportation l

5.1 The Rescue Squad Monitor (Tag 18) will report to the Monitor i

Team Coordinator for briefing. He will determine the number and location of injured personnel, the extent of the injury, I

contamination level and total radiation expost.ta.

5.2 If the injured person is contaminated or has received radiation l

exposure, the Monitor Team Coordinator will assign a qualified l

rescue squad monitor to escort the Rescue Squad while the injured l

person is being picked up.

If the injured person has not been in a radiation control area, a qualified station escort shall accompany the Rescue Squad.

5.3 The Rescue Squad Monitor will obtain a personnel air sample, four (4) high range pencil dosimeters (and zero tham), and a radiation survey instrument.


l FC/26


hh R2 3-30-83 l

AUG3 0 33 i

l l

EPIP-0SC-7-5 IV.

PROCEDllRE (Continued) 5.4 The Rescue Squad Monitor will meet the Rescue Squad and brief them on the location and probable condition of injurad personnel, radiation hazards and precautions to be taken.

He will issue a pocket dosimeter to each squad member.

5.5 If time pennits, the Rescue Squad Monitor will provide material and assistance for protecting the interior of the vehicle used to transport the injured person.

56 The Rescue Squad Ponitor will accompany the Rescue Squad to pick up injured personnel at the location indicated by the Monitor Team Coordinator. The stretcher team shall carry the injured person to the vehicle.

5.7 The Rescue Squad Monitor will accompany the Rescue Squad to the hospital. He will provide radiological monitoring during the trip.

5.8 The driver of the vehicle shall drive the injured person to the Emergency Patient Receiving Entrance of the appropriate hospital.,See Figure A and B for route to 'JNMC Regional Radiation Health Center.

5.9 The Rescue Squad Monitor will provide the to the best of his


knowledge the following information to hospital personnel.

5.9.1 Types and extent of radiation exposure 5.9.2 Levels of external contamination 5.9.3 Probability of internal contamination 5.10 The Rescue Squad Monitor will collect, read and record pencil dosimiters frem all Rescue Squad Members anc the injurea person.

5.11 The Rescue Squad Monitor will assist medical technicians at the hospital in performing surveys of personnel, equipment and the vehicle.

FC/26 M J 0 33 R2 8-30-83


.7 EPIP-E0F-3-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Implementing Procedure EPIP-EOF-3 EMERGENCY OPERATION FACILITY E?iERGENCY IllSTRUMENTS AND EQUIP! TAT I.

PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure 1. to provide ipstructions for the use of instruments and equipment provided for use during designated emergencies.



All emergency monitcrir.g team members have been trained in the use of their instruments and equipment and the responsibilities of their jobs.



Samples of type which are collected during an emergency should be retained for subsequent analysis.


Instrument problems or malfunctions should be immediately brought to the attention of the Monitor Team Coordinator.



Operate radiation monitoring instruments in the following manner:



Operation of the E-520 (1) Check the instrument for physical damage.

(2) Place the instrument scale switen to the battery check position. The batteries are satisfactory if tne neeale is within the battery range indicated on the.neter face.

(3) When performing General Area Surveys, hold the instrument detection at waist level. Approach the area or room to be surveyed with the instrument on the highest scale (2000 MR for E-520, 200 MR for E-530).

Switch to lower scales as necessary to achieve an on scale reading.

(4) Contact readings are made by placing the detector in contact wi th the article to be surveyed. Down shift scales as necessary.

Y's(y' f

y 9)_v 2N AUG 2 3 533 s

FC/26 R3 8-23-83


PROCEDURE (Continued) j b.

Operation of the HRTP (High Range Telescoping Probe):

(1) Check the instrument for physical damage.

(2) Place the instrument scale switch to the battery check position. The batteries are satisfactory if the needle is within the battery range indicated on the meter face.

(3) When performing General Area Surveys, hold the instrument detector at waist level. The probe should be extended to full length when entering an area or room of unknown radiation l evels. Approach the area or room to be surveyed with the 1

instrument on the highest scale (500 Rem).

Switch to lower scales as necessary to achieve an on scale reading.

(4) Contact readings are made by placii.: the detector in contact-with the article to be surveyed. Down sn;f+ scales as necessary.


Operation of the Teletector:

(1) Check the instrument for physical damage.

(2) Place the instrument scale switch to the battery check position. The batteries are satisfactory if the needle is within the battery range indicated on the meter face.


When performing General Area Surveys, hold the instrument detector at waist level. The probe should be extended to full length when entering an area room of unknown radiation levels.

Approach the area or room to be surveyed with the instrument on the highest scale (1000 Rem).

Switch to lower scales as necessary to achieve an on scale reading.

( 1) Contact readings are made by placing th detector in contact wi th the article to be surveyed.

Cown shift scales as neces sary.


Operation of the R0-2 and R0-2A, R0-4A and R0-5A (1)

Check the instrument for physical damage.

f (2) Check the instrument battaries by turning the function switch to BAT 1 and BAT 2 positions.

The batteries are satisfactory if the needle reads above the BATT cut off line in both cases.

(3) Turn the function' switch to the zero position. Check that the meter reads zero.

If not, set it wi th the zero knob.



h (4)

Perfom an instrument function check as required by function


check procedures.


' f*2 3 IfE3 R3 3-23-83 FC/26 l


PROCEDURE (Continued)

(5) When perfonning General Area Surveys, hold the instrument at waist level. Approach the area or rocm to be surveyed with the instrument on the highest scale.

Swi tch to lower scales as necessary to achieve an on scale reading.


(6) Contact readings are made by placing the detector in contact with the article to be surveyed.

(7) When measuring Beta or Low Energy Gamma, open the sliding beta shield on the bottom of the case and face 1 the bottom of the instrument toward the radiation source.


Operate sample counters and friskers in the following manner:


Operation of the E-120 sample counter (1) Check the instrument for physical damage.

(2) Place the instrument scale swi tch to the battery check posi tion.

The batteries are satisfactory if the needle is within the battery range indicated on the meter face.


Observe the background level prior to each sample count.

(4) Position the sample to be counted as indicated by the instructions attached to the E-120.

, 5) Start the sample count with the Range Switch on the highest



Down switch the scale until a good count rate is obtained.

(6) Observe the count' rate for at least ten seconds.

If the count rate continues to increase, observe until the count rata becomes steady.

(7) Calculate the smear activity using ne formula given by the instructions attached to the E-120.

(3) Record and/or report the activity, time, date and location of the sample.

Label each smear and save for later analysis, b.

Operation of the R!1-14/RM-15 Frisker (1) Check the instrument for physical damage.

(2) Plug the power card into a 115 VAC, 60Hz power supply. P1 ace the instrument scale switch to the battery check position, f@@ 5 "I The batteries are satisfactory if the needle is within the


battery range indicated on the meter face.

.uG 1 3 3 3 FC/25 R3 3-23-33

EP I P-E0F-3-4 IV.

PROCEDURE (Continued)


If the batteries are icw or dead, the instrument will nvc


respond properly in either AC or battery operation.

(4) Determine a background reading by holding the probe at waist level, facing downward for 15 to 20 seconds.

Observe the count rate on the meter face.

If the background levels are greater than 300 CPM, move the instrument to an area of lower background.

(5) Hold the probe approximatey one half-inch from the surface to be monitored. Move the probe at a rate of approximately. four inches per second.

(6) Observe the count rate. To arrive at DPM/ probe, subtract the background reading from the meter reading and multiply the result by the efficiency factor listed on the instrument.

(CPM-CPM bkg.) Eff. = dpm/ probe.


Operation of the SN1-2 (1) Set up the SNi-2 as follows:

(a) Plug the power cord into the power supply provided in the vehicle.

(b) Connect the Lerline RD-22 detector to the SN1-2.


Place the Channel 1 and 2 "!!l-00T" switches in tne "Ih" position.

(d) Check that Channel 1 "THRESHCL3" control is set at 3.27.

(e) Check that Channel 1 "UIMDCW" control is set at 0.72.


P1 ace the Channel 1 "+0FF " switch in the "'" posi tien.


Place the Channel 2 "+CFF " switen in the "CFF" position.


Place the Count Mode Switch to the "STOP" position.


Place the rate meter display switch to the Channel "1"

po rition.


Place the ra'te meter scale sui tch to the "XIK" position.

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Adjust the response switch to approximately mid range.

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Place the display switch in the "CN" position.

.M I 3 'ei.


Place the stabili:er switch in the "0N" position.

R3 3-23-83 FC/26


PROCEDURE (Continued)

(n) ~ Place the power switch to the "0H" position.

(o) Select a count time of 1.0 minuf.e.

(p) Place the count mode swi tch to the " TIMED" position.

(q) Place an unused silver zeolite cartridge in the sample holder on shelf 4.


Obtain a background reading as follows:


Place an unused silver zeolite cartridge in the sample holder on shelf 4.


Press the " RESET-START" swi tch, b)

Record the CPM from the digital display.


Repeat IV.c.(1)(r) 1) a) and b) three times.


Average the four readings obtained.

(2) Collect the radiciodine and particulate sample.


Properly place the silver zeolite cartridge and particulate filter into the 2 inch sample holder of the RADeC0 HSO9V.

(b) With the power switch in the OFF position, plug the sample into a 115VAC/6CHA outlet.

(c) Adjust the motor reostat to give the 1cuest ficw rata when the sampler motor is energized.

(d) Flip the power swi tch to the VARIABLE _ postion, and adjust 3

the flow rate to 3 ft / min.

Sample at this rate for 70 seconds.

(e) Turn the power swittn to GFF, and carefully remove the cartridge and particulate filter for analysis.

( f) Make appropriate sample log entries.



y o.. N a :.5 5P$

2.CG 2 3 363 s

FC/26 R3 3-23-83


oROCEDURE (Continued)

(3) Analyze the radioiadine samole with the SAti-2 (a) Place the charcoal cartridge in the sample holder on the desired shelf.


The first count should be perfomed on shelf 5.

If there are no counts or the counts are low, proceed

- to shelf 4, then shelf 3.

Additional samples from the same location may continue to be counted on the same shelf until a large change in count rate is noted.

(b) Press the " reset-start" switch. Observe the count rate meter, adjust the scale switch as necessary.

(c) Record the CPM from the digital display.

(d) Calculate the radiof odine concentration of the sample.


uci/cc =

bkg (Vol ume) (Shelf eff.) (2.22 E+06) where:


= Vol ume in cc's Eff = Efficiency factor for the shelf used 2.22 C+06 = The conversion factor from DPM to microcuries (e) Record and/or report the sample concentration.


Use of Fixed Moniters a.

Area Radiation Monitors (1) To ootain infomation about radiation levels monitored by Area Monitors (RM-070 through RM-089 and Rfi-091A, RM-0913) contact the control room.


Process Monitors (1) To obtain infoma' tion about process monitor indications (RM-050 through RM-064) contact the control room.

Sh Si c.

ileterological Tower

' ) 'h *hj To obtain meteorological data, contact the control room.

(1) c.ty.a,,,- -

4 R3 8-23-83 FC/26


PROCEDURE (Continued) 4.

Use of power converters a.

When the vehicle engine is started, the inverter will automatically operate to provdfe both AC and DC power to the installed outlets in the vehicles.


Other than maintenance, no operator action is required.

l ISS!!EB ALG231g



FC/26 R3 3-23-33 l

1 j.


l-f EPIP-RR-1-1 I

Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-1 ACTIVATION OF RECOVERY ORGANIZATIO!1 Method for activating a recovery organization to evaluate and coordinate i

emergency activities.

t I.

PURPOSE This ~ procedure provides the instruction for initiating the Recovery and Re-entry organization to develop, evaluate and direct recovery operations.



The Recovery Organization has been activated. Activation is initiated when one of the following is met:

(a) A Notification of Unusual Event er Alert emergency classification has been declared and the Recove,y Manager, Emergency Coordinator, Plant Operations Manager and the Emergency Duty Officer agree that the Recovery Organization should be activated for possible emergency escalation.

(b) The event is elevated to a Site Area or General emergency classification.


The Emergency Operations Facility (ECF) has been activated. The ECF is the recovery management center during post-accident operation.


Members of the recover / organization have been trained in emergency responsibilities.


The recovery management center will be established at the ECF building located at the Marth Omaha Station site.


The position of Emergency Duty Officer at the TSC should be maintained until transition of authority to the Recovery Manager has been per-fonned per EPIP-E0F-14.



Notify OPPD management for all emergencies by the programmed rethod detailed in Figure 1 of this procedure. Notif! cation is originated by Fort Calhoun Station Shift Supervisor to the Plant Manager or his designee who contacts the management officer designated the Recovery Manager.


? ! g*


FC/27 hrhp i6 R4 3-25-33 AUG 2 5 ISB3 w


EPIP-RR-1-2 2.

The Division Manager - Production Operations is designated the Recovery llanager. The Division lianager - Electric Operations is designated as the alternate.


The Recovery Man 3ger will:

(a) Begin activauicn of the Recovery Organization by notifying the Administrative Logistic Manager, as depicted in Figure 2 of this procedure. For an Alert emergency classification, the Administra-tive Logistics Manager will notify the Technical Support Manager to activate the Technical Support Center. The Administrative Logistics Manager will also place the following members of the Recovery Organization on standby:


(1) Alternate for the Technical Support Manager, (2) Alternate for the Plant Ope. ations Manager, (3) Alternate for the Emergency *,onrdinator, (4) Alternate for the Administrative Logistics Manager, (5) The Media Release Center Director.

l (b) Contact the Emergency Duty Officer for current emergency status.

(c) Report to the Emergency Operations Facility and receive transfer of duties from the EDO, in accordance with implementing procedure EPIP-EOF-14, "EDO to Recovery Manager Transition".

(d) Direct all evaluations, decisions and actions required for effective recovery ope.'ations.

(e) Instruct the Administrative Logistics Manager to activate addi-tional responsibilities of the Recovery Organization as indicated by accident type and plant status, using the " Recovery Organiza-


tion Call List". Appendix 1 of this procedure lists the indivi-duals to be notified for each emergency classification by position title or duty. The call list is_ maintained in each of CPPD's emergency facilities and distributed to the following individuals (listed by emergency organization titles):

l (1) Recovery Manager (2) Administrative Logistics Manager (3) Plant Operation Manager I

(4) Technical Support Manager I

(5) -Emergency Coordinator (6) Media Release Center Director l

U) Design and Construction Manager (8) Manager of Waste Management (9; Scheduling / Planning Manager (10) Emergency Team Tag No.1/1A.

(f) Establish communications and authority with the Technical Support Center and Operations. Support Center.

(g) Carry out additional responsibilities as detailed in implementing procedure EPIP-RR-10.

R4 3-25-33 FC/27

%G25 W

EPTP-RR-1-3 4.

The Recovery Organization personnel are notified in accordance witn the scheme depicted in Figure 2 of this procedure.

(a) The Administrative Logistics Manager will notify:

Technical Succort Manager Primary:

Section flanager - Technical Services Al ternate:

Manager - Reactor and Computer Technical Services Plant Operations fianager Primary:

Manager - Fort Calhoun Station Alternate:

Section Manager - Operations Emergency Coordinator Primary:

11anager - Radiological Health and Emergency Planning Alternate:

Supervisor - Technical Services, Nuclear and Chemical Services Administrative Logistics Manager Primary:

Manager - Administrative Services Alternate:

Division flanager - Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs


Media Release Center Director Primary:

Divisicn fianager - Public Relations Alternate:

iledia Relations Manager Design and Construction Manager Primary:

Division Manager - Engineering Alternate:

Section Manager - Generating Station Engineering Manager of Waste Management i

j Primary:

Supery:sor - Mechanical Technical Services Alternate:

Engineer - Fort Calhoun r

Scheduling / Planning Manager l

Primary: ~

Manager - Scheduling and Budgets l

Al ternate:

Project Coordinator Advisory Succort Coordinator l


Project 11anager - Ccmbustion Engineering, Inc.

l Alternate:

Vice President - Gibbs and Hill i

h Q h g g' 4j R4 3-25-83 FC/27 AUG 2 5 src3


EPIP-RR-1-4 Director of Nuclear Steam Supply System Contact Combustion Engineering and request the following individual:


Project flanager - Combustion Engineerir;, I.1c.


Project Engineer - Combustion Engineering, Inc.

Nuclear Fuel Supplier Reoresentative (Combustion Engineering, Inc.)

Contact Combustion Engineering, Inc. and request the following individuals:


Senior Engineer Al ternate:

Senior Engineer (b) The Technical Support Manager will notify:

Licensing Administrator Primary:

Licensing Administrator Al ternate:

Licensing Engineer Core Physics Coordinator Primary:

Reactor Engineer Al ternate:

Supervisor - Reactor Physics Systems' Analysis / Procedure Support Coordinator Primary:

tanager - Operations and Technical Services Alternate:

Plant Engineer - Fort Calhoun j

Shift succort Coordinator Primary:

Off-Shift Technical Advisor Al ternate:

Off-Shift Technical Advisor Instrument and Control Succort Coordiantor l


Supervisor - I and C and Electrical Tecnnical Services Alternate:

!!anager - GSE Principle Research Engineer Security and Technical Support Administrative Supervisor Primar/:

Supervisor - Fort Calhoun Station.'dministrative and Security Services Alternate:

Training Coordinator I


n m.R 7, ' W

,ty s:s 1 M 3-25-83 FC/27

,m f


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l l

E?IP-RR-1-5 (c) The Plant Operation Manager will notify:

Shift Ocerations Suoervisor Primary:

Supervisor Cperations - Fort Calhoun Altern te:

Supervisor Technical - Fort Cr15cu, Instrument and Control Supervisor Primary:

Supervisor - I and C and Electrical Field Maintenance Al ternate:

Instrument and Control Engineer Maintenance /0uality Control Supervisor Primary:

Supervisor Maintenance - Fort Calhoun Al ternate:

Supervisor Field Maintenance - Fort Calhoun Health Physics / Chemistry Supervisor Primary:

Supervisor - Chemistry and Radiation Protection Al ternate:

Health Physicist Procedure / Training Supervisor Primary:

Training Supervisor Al ternate:

Training Coordinator (d) The Emergency Coordinator will notify:

Dose Assessment Coordinator Primary:

Senior Engineer - Tecnnical Services Alternate:

Health Physicist Environmental Survey and Analysis Coordinator Primary:

Manager - Chemical and Environmental Technical Services Alternate:

Supervisor - Environmental Science Radiochemical Analysis Coordinator Primary:

Plant Chemist - Fort Calhoun Al ternate:

Supervisor - Chemical Services Dosimetry Coordinator Primary:

Engineer - Reactor and Computer Technical Services Al ternate:

TLD Technician

..m c~ r n m m

.. if 6 i 50gGEg lh R4 3-25-83 FC/27 M 2 51m

9 9

EPIP-RR-1-6 Site Reoresentative Primary:

Supervisor - Corporate Quality Assurance Alternate:

Mangager - Quality Assurance i

Radiological Assessment Reoresentative (Pickard, Lowe and Garrick)

Contact Pickard, Lowe and Garrick and request the following individuals:


Senior Consultant Alternate:

Consultnat EOF Radio Operator Primary:

By Recovery Manager's Designation Al ternate:

By Recovery Manager's Designation Radiochemical Technician Primary:

By Recovery Manager's Designation Alternate:

By Recovery Manager's Designation Dose Assessment Operator

. Primary:

By Recovery Manager's Designation Alternate:

By Recovery Manager's Designation (e) The Administrative Logistics Manager will also notify:

Administrative Succort Coordinator Primary:

Manager - Office Systems Al ternate:

Superiisor - Word Processing Finance Coordiator i


Manager - Treasury Operations Al tarnate:

Manager - Treasury Analysis g

Accommodations Suncort Coordinator Primary:

Division Manager - Employee Relations Al ternate:

Manager - Safety 1

Commissary Support Coordinator Primary:

Manager - Facilities Services Alternate:

Manager - Safety Engineer C ommunications Succort" Coordinator Primary:

Manager - Communications Alternate:

Field Superiisor - Communications QD

~' T f3**

hilf M 3-25-83 FC/27 acans =u ALG 25 W?

l EPIP-RR-1-7 Human Resources Coordinator Primary:

ilanager - Employment and Compensation Al ternate:

Supervisor - Employment Material fianagement Coorriinator Primary:

11anager - Contracts Alternate:

11anager - Corporate Purchasing Transportation Coordinator Primary:

Manager - Transportation and Construction Al ternate:

Field Supervisor - Transportation Accounting Coordinator Primary:

Superviser - Plant and Contracts Alternate:

Accountant EOF Communicator Primary:

By Recovery fianager's Designation Al ternate:

By Recovery Manager's Designation C_omunication Soecialist Primary:

By Recovery Manager's Designation Alternate:

By Recovery 11anager's Designation Clerical Assistant Primary:

By Recovery itanager's Designation Al ternate:

By Recovery Manager's Designation Recovery fianager Secretary Primary:

By Recovery lianager's Designation Alternate:

By Recovery itanager's Designation (f) The Media P.elease Center Director will notify his Recovery Organization Staff in accordance with the Public Infornation Implementing procedure EPIP-PI-1.

(g) The Design and Construction Manager will notify:

Utility Enginee* Director Primary:

Manager - Mechanical Engineering Alternate:

Manager - l'uclear Engineering h % j'QQ?"8{j\\

R d

g hd s

R4 3-25-83 FC/27

.MJG 2 5 l$NI

EPIP-RR-1-8 Architect Engineering Director Contact Stone and Webster and request the following individuals:


Project Manager - Stone and Webster Alternate:

Project Engineer - Stone and Webster Director of Construction c


ihnager - Construction Management Alternate:

11anager - Civil Engineering Construction Quality Assurance Directror Primary:

Supervisor - Procurement and Quality Assurance Al ternate:

Supervisor - Operations Quality Assurance (h) The Licensing Administrator will notify:

INP0 Primary:

Duty Person Alternate:

Duty Person (i) The Manager of Waste Management will notify:

Radwaste/ Technical Support Coordinator Primary:

Engineer - Technical Services Alternate:

Engineer - Technical Services (j) The Advisory Support Coordinator will notify:

NRC and FEMA Emergency Resconse Teams Contact NRC and FEMA and request their Emergency Response Teans.

Architect Engineering Reoresentative (Gibbs and Hill)

Contact Gibbs and Hill and request tne following incividuals:


Vice President Alternate:

Senior Engineer Architect Engineering Representative (Pickard, Lowe 'and Garrick)

Contact Pickard, Lowe and Garrick and request the following individuals:


Senior Engineer Alternate:

Senior Engineer M

i $"$I%

1 so ? ?

FC/27 ja jiyh M 8-25-83 ALX12 5 SEP


EPIP-RR-1-9 5.

In the event the Administrative Logistics Manager is unable to contact either the primary or alternate to a Recovery Management Assignment, it will be the Administrative Logistics Manager's responsibility to ensure that the remaining members of the respective group are contacted and informed of the emergency.


Reporting locations for the Recovery Organization are detailed


in implementing procedures EPIP-RR-10 through EPIP-RR-62.


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R4 S-25-83 u

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  1. 1 3

y: 2., i eg l s a s e3. :- W8 ~ i I i -.- i 5 -1 1 j =t t l gf a i O N ~ LaJ 3 l VD i M Omaha Public Power District SCHEDULE FOR EMERGENCY l Fort Calhoun Station NOTIFICATION AND INFORMATICN g25g Unit #1 R4 3-25-.93 i Emergency Plan Figure 1l j

EPIP-RR-1-11 I I l ;a l y l i.-.-~.- i -l l i-.- l Y l - -J -y 4 .e--,,- Y l i i e .Ce z

c. _

3. --p. l .o e _. -- m c....- ue _-e .m. m F h s Ca u j ..e. )._ - - ) e-- Ca .- = 9 --->l 1'.'.'_'.' Z""~' ~. i --- > -.c 1 1 y -p -.-. _ i ka . en.n s. l J C.f. e e l _p.- - c ->.....C. ,~ - i. O ~ La,J M VD g Omaha Public Power District RECOVERY CRGANIZATICN CALL TREE Fort Calhoun Station M, _-33 "C Unit #1 Auo25 3: Emergency Plan Figure 2 n ,e w

EPIP-RR-1-12 APPENDIX I ~ RECOVERY ORGANIZATION CALL LIST Emergency Emergency Normal Work Home Phone Initials Classi fication Duty / Title Name Station No. Number Number of Caller Comments NOTIFICATION NOTE: Notification of the individuals below is accomplished through EPIP-OSC-2 of UNUSUAL Plant EVENT Operations Manager Shift Operations Supervisor Recovery d 1 Manager Emergency Coordinator Core Physics , Coordinator iaint./QC Supervisor I and C Supervisor HP/ Chem Supervisor NOTE: Notification of the individuals below is accomplished through EPIP-0SC-2 Admin. Logistics Manager llTliT Technical Support flanager Licensing Adminis. Sys Anal. l Procedure Spt. Coord. . m.2 E5 N';, ; ~2 3.. ' b '," 'A FC/27 y i[ i 7.' R4 8-25-83 pr, j 7-

1 1 EPIP-RR-1-13 i APPENDIX I 1:ECOVERY ORGANIZATION CALL LIST Emergency Emergency Normal Work lloine Phone Initials Classification Duty / Title Name Station No. Number Number of Caller Consuents ALERT (Con't) Shift CONTACT: 0FF DUTY Support SilIFT TECilNICAL ADVISOR Coordinator I and C Sup-port Coord. Securi ty - and Technical Support / Admin Supervisor Procedure /Tng Supervisor HOTE: The Alternate Response individual is contacted for those postions which are asterited. Technical Support flanager* Plant Operations llanager* Emergency Coordinator

  • Adminis.

Logistics flanager Media Release Center Director IHP0 Silt ARLA OR IFIPu CEllERAL Emergency Coordinator Dose Assess-ment Coord. a?trJJ 8b @#a ~ .c 7 k. a..~, .. u it4 8-25-83 FC/27 <d [jiig i

EPIP-RR-1-14 APPENDIX I REC 0VERY ORGANIZATION CALL LIST Emergency Emergency Normal Work Home Phone Initials Classification Duty / Title Name Station No. Number Number of Caller Comments SITE AREA OR ronmental GENERAL (Con't) Survey and Anal. Coord. Radiochemical Anal. Coord. Dostmetry Coordinator Site Rep. Radiological Assess / Rep. Pickard Lowe and Garrick) Administrative Logistics Manager Administrative Support Coordinator Finance Coordinator Accommodations Support Coord. Commissary Support Coordinator i Communications Support Coord. Ilunan Resources Coordinator flaterial flget. Coordinator Transportation ,, Coordinator .a. ;,. Accounting "j"',' ;* / (:,$4[,5) Coordinator ,, gc: w2 l*.. m :n r. ,.y f..,$,. 9 FC/27 R4 8-25-83

EPIP-RR-1-IS APPENDIX I RECOVERY ORGANIZATION CALL LIST Emer0ency Emergency Normal Work liome Phone Initials Classification Duty / Title Name Station No. Number Number of Caller Comuents SITE AREA OR Hedia Release GENERAL (Con't) Center Dir. E0F Information Specialist: Individual (s) for this position is notified under EPIP-OSC-2 EOF Technical L1alson: Individual (s) for this position is nottfled under EPIP-050-2 MRC Info. Specialist Public Info. and Rumor Control Supervisor Clerical Supervisor Internal Services Coordinator Design and Construc tion flanager Utility Engineering Director " Architect Engineering Director Director of Nuclear Steam Supply System Director of Construction Construction QA Director flanager of Waste ifaterial g; ;., ,u ra () 1 : cz,. $4 '53 :na R4 8-25-83 FC/T ip.y#fr~j l

9 EPIP-RR-1-16 APPENDIX I RECOVERY ORGANIZATION CALL LIST' Emergency Emergency Normal Work Home Phone Initials Classification Duty / Title Name Station No. Number Number of Caller Comments SITE AREA OR Radwaste Tech. GENERAL (Con't) Support Coord. Scheduling / Planning Ngr. Advisory Sup-port Coord. i (Combustion Engineering) WC Representative FLMA Representative , Nuclear Fuel Supplier Rep. CE Architect Eng. (Gibbs and 11111 and Pickard, Lowe, and Garrick Lii.LJ4J ~ Cva sn gram FC/27 g.j[fj R4 8-25-83 Tit)

EPIP-RR-12-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-12 RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S LICENSING ADMINISTRATOR I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Licensing Administrator. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Licensing Administrator have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Licensing Administrator shall carry out ( this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of tFis implementing procedure. in,h. w h FC/42 32 8-30-83 AUG 3 01583

I EPIP-RR-12-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-12 APPENDIX 1 LICENSING ADMINISTRATOR A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job Title) Licensing Administrator Alternate (Job Title) Licensing Engineer B. Reporting Location Emergency Operations Facility C. Reports To Technical Support Manager D. Supervises / Coordinates N/A E. Primary Responsibility Resolves as necessary with NRC representatives questions regarding Technical Specifications, USAR's, abnormal operating modes and other licensing requirements. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organization activation, the primary and/or alternate Licensing Administrator designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in Section 3 of tnis Appendix and inform the TecMical Support Manager of their/his presence. 2. If required, be prepared to provide around-the-clock support. 3. He will coordinate with NRC representatives to resolve questions in a timely manner concerning USAR and Technical Specification amendments with regard to existing plant conditions in accordance with the implementing procedure EPIP-RR-5. 4. Coordinate with NRC representatives to resolve in a timely manner, license requirements associated with prooosed abnormal operating modes or plant modifications in accordance with implementing pro-cedure EPIP-RR-4. bW)v)b h g& l gC,42 a2 e so-u l AUG 3 : y

0 4 EPIP-RR-12-3 5. Perform safety analysis to support licensing submittals. 6. Will respond to non-compliances discovered through NRC inspection of the utilities nuclear facility. 7. Will notify and interface with INPO during emergencies. 8. Supports Fort Calhoun Station Operations staff in interpretations of ~ Technical Specifications. 1 l k ?stNUs.L FC/42 R2 8-30-83 AUG 3 0 ag3

I / EP Z P-RR-15-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No. 1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-15 RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S SHIFT SUPPORT COORDINATOR I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Shift Support Coordinator. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alteritate individuals filling the position of Shift Support Coordinator have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Shift Support Coordinator shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. sm sy FC/42 R2 3-30-83

EPIP-RR-15-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-15 APPENDIX 1 SHIFT SUPPORT COORDINATOR A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job Title) (Off) Shift Technical Advisor Alternate (Job Title) (Off) Shift Technical Advisor Reporting Location B. Technical Support Center C. Reports To Technical Support Manager D. Supervises / Coordinates All support personnel assigned to the plant operations group. E. Prim;ry Responsibility Coordinates with the Operations Shift Supervisor for the effective utilization of (off) shift support personnel as assigned to the Plant Operations Group. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organi::ation activation, the crimary and/or alternate Shift Support Coordinator designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in Section B of this appendix and infonn the Technical Support Manager of their/his presence. 2. Organizes staff personnel and establishes a schedule of working hours to support around-the-clock operations. 3. Report the department's manpower statut to the Technical Snaport Manager. 4. Provides assistance for system valve alignment and equipment operations. kt.h f +7 7 \\ 2g, FC/42 SCJ,s b V R2 3-30-83 AUG 3.' W

EP8P-RR-15-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 5. Support the plant operations group by assisting other members of the Recovery Organization. 6. Provides interface with the Technical S'upport Group and other members of the Emergency Response Organization. 7. Assimilates and provide plant information required by the personnel assigned as data collectors. 8. Provide the necessary support to the plant operations group for monitoring plant parameters and analysis of plant conditions. ?i,QD (1 FC/42 h[3(ji j R2 8-30-83 AUG3 03#2 - + -- v-.+ -.,,-.-..c. . ~.. ,~,_..y__-,_ .v__ y.,_m + - -.,- 6

? EP2P-RR-16-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-16 -s RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL SUPPORT COORDINATOR I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Instrument and Control Support Coordinator. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Instrument and Control Support Coordinator have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Instrument and Control Support Coordinator shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. 0,'?, ? 3. a. d d i ]3 g; . ?;.)':\\j u FC/42 iUG 3 3 533 R2 3-30-83 -w

EP8P-RR-16-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-16 APPENDIX 1 INSTRUtiENT AND CONTROL SUPPORT COORDINATOR A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job Title) Supervisor - I and C and Electrical Technical Services Alternate (Job Title) Manager - GSE Principle Research Engineer B. Reporting Location Technical Support Center C. Reports To Technical Support Manager D. Supervises / Coordinates Operations Technical Support Services Department E. Primary Responsibilities 1. Analyzes instrument and control problems and develops possible solutions. 2. Designs and coordinates any modifications to existing instrument and control systems. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organization activation, the primary and/or alternate Instrument and Control Support Coordinator designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in Section B of this appendix and infonn the Technical Support Manager of their/his presence. 2. Calls out his staff detailed in Section D of this appendix and have them report to their normally assigned derartment in oraer to support on-site activities. 3. Organizes staff personnel and establishes a schedule of working hours to support around-the-clock operations. Dh b),$Q\\s3 $L FC/42 R2 8-30-83 . m vg

EPIP-RR-16-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 4. Reports the manpower status to the Technical Support Manager. 5. Coordinates all activities of the I and C and Electrical Engineers needed to support the recovery effort. 6. Oversees the investigation of all instrument and control problems and review problem solving alternatives developed by his department as to their adequacy and workability. 7. Develops and proposes to the plant operations group, an alternative means of monitoring and controlling plant parameters. 8. Oversees the design of and coordinate any modifications to existing facilities and provide the technical support for startup services to ensure continued control and monitoring of plant parameters. 9. Coordinates with the Design and Construction Manager where major instrument and control modifications are required.

10. Provides the technical expertise in the I and C and electrical engineering field for response to questions and inquiries from various regulatory agencies.

l l l e c p,.? 3 p D. I % it,'b 'Q ] l FC/42 ~ R2 8-30-83 M J s !Si,;. l l

EPIP-RR-19-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP 'AR-19 RECOVERY ORGANIZATIr-"S SHIFT OPERATIONS SUPER);SOR I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Shift Operations Supervisor. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Shift Operations Supervisor have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Shift Operations Supervisor shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. a. ' : ?, $ Sh}kb FC/EPIP/02 . LG 2 5 b'A3 R3 8-25-83

n EPIP-RR-19-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-19 s APPENDIX 1 SHIFT OPERATIDHS SUPERVISCR A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job Title) Supervisor Operations - Fort Calhoun Alter late (Job Title) Supervisor Technical - Fort Calhoun 3. Reporting Location Operations Support Center C. Reports To Plant Operations Manager D. Supervises / Coordinates 1. Nomal Plant Operations personnel and the Emergency Response r Organization shift support personnel. E. Primary Responsibility Responsible for the safe operation of the plant. This will require him to implement normal and emergency procedures and instructions to bring the plant to a safe shutdown. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organization activation, the crimary and/or alternate Shift Operations Supervisor designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in Section B of this appendix and inform the Plant Operations Manager of their/his presence. 2. Call out his staff detailed in Section D of this appendix and have them report to the Operation Support Center in order to support on-site activities. 3. Organizes staff personnel and establishes a schedule of working hours to support around-the-clock operations.

  • ?. L'< ' ? YsJ 'fn

@.' $ :. 3 d5 ij ; FC/EPIP/02 R3 3-25-83 4125 m

EPIP-RR.19-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 4. Reports the manpower status to the Plant Operations tianager. 5. Directs the activities for personnel in the Operations and Emergency Response Organization. 6. tiaintains a continuous accountability log for Shift Operations personnel including departure and return to the Control Room. 7. Ensures that plant operations personnel are in compliance with all plant procedures, directives, technical specifications and emergency plans. 3. Responsible for monitoring plant parameters and conditions. 9. Responsible for system valve alignment and equipment operations.

10. Ensures proper interface with the Operations Group and other ' members of the Emergency Response Organization in rinport of the recovery ope ration.

1.1.. Provides infomation input to the Shift Suppor+, Coordinator who in turn supplies this information to the proper individuals.

12. Provides inputs to Plant Operations Manager regarding the current status of the recovery operation.

50 ? f N-pg .l: e3 FC/EPIP/02 sh R3 3-25-83 1LR i 5 5*

c EPZP-RR-21-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-21 ~' RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S MAINTERANCE/ QUALITY CONTROL SUPERVISOR I. PURPOSE The purpose of this practdure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Maintenance / Quality Control Supervisor. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Maintenance / Quality Control Supervisor have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Maintenance / Quality Control Supervisor shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. ISSUED AUG2 3 I!N3 FC/42 R2 8-23-83

? EPIP-RR-21-2 Fort Calhoun Staticn Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-21 APPENDIX 1 M/INTENANCE/ QUALITY CONTROL SUPERVISOR A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job Title) . Supervisor Maintenance - Fort Calhoun Alternate (Job Title) Supervisor Field Maintenance - Fort Calhoun B. Reporting Location Technical Support Center C. , Reports To Plant Operations Manager D. Supervises / Coordinates 1. Fort Calhoun Maintenance Staff 2. Maintenance /QC Staff 3. Mechanical and Maintenance Technical Augmentation Staff E. Primary Responsibility Responsible for the maintenance, repair, installation of modifications and quality control on existing equipment not under the cognizance of the Design and Construction Group. F. . Basic Duties l 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organization activation, the primary and/or alternate Maintenance / Quality Control Supervisor designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in Section B of this appendix and inform the Plant Operations Manager of their/his presence. 2. Calls out the staff detailed in Section D of this appendix and have them report to their non. ally assigned department in order to support on-site activities. 3. Organizes staff personnel and establishes a schedule of working hours to support around-the-clock operations. ISSUED atfG 2 31$83 FC/42 R2 8-23-83

EPIP-RR-21-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 4. Report the manpower status to the Plant Operations Manager. 5 Coordinates the Technical Aucaantation Staff's one (1) Machi,ist and one (1) General Maintenance Technician and incorporates these individuals into the Rec ~;a *, Organization. 6. Directs in-house maintenance personnel in the repair and maintenance of existing equipment to original specifications in order to be in compliance with the Technical Specifications and support the recovery effort. 7. Ensures that documentation of all maintenance activities is maintained. 8. Direct in-house maintenance personnel in the installation of modifications to existing equipment in support of the recovery effort. 9. Assign in-house QC inspectors to provide the quality control needed to support in-house maintenance activities. ISSUE ALTi2 3 583 R2 8-23-33 FC/42

EPIP-RR-22-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-22 RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S HEALTH PHYSICS / CHB 4ISTRY SUPERVISOR I. PURPOSE ( The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and .esponsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Health Physics / Chemistry Supervisor. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Health Physics / Chemistry Supervisor have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Health Physics / Chemistry Supervisor shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. ~ 1 31187ls s ts' im 6s R2 8-30-83 FC/42 AUG3 013g) l

EPIP-RR-22-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-22 s APPENDIX 1 HEALTH PHYSICS / CHEMISTRY SUPERVISOR A. Personnel Assignrent Primary (Job Title) Supervisor - Chemistry and Radiation Protection Alternate (Job Title) Plant Health Physicist B. Reporting Location Technical Support Center C. Reports To Plant Operations Manager D. Supervises / Coordinates 1. Emergency Re-entry Team 2. Plant Health Physics / Chemistry personnel 3. Health Physics and Radiochemistry Technical Augmentation Staff E. Primary Responsibility Directs inhouse Health Physics / Chemistry personnel in collection of onsite radiation / chemical data, dose assessment, and radiation protection programs. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organization activation, the primary and/or alternate Health Physics / Chemistry Supervisor designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in Section B of this appendix and inform the Plant Operath;ns Manager of their/his presence. 2. Calls out the staff detailed in Section D of this appendix and has them report to their normally assigned department in order to support on-site activities. 3. Organizes staff personnei and establishes a schedule of working hours to support around-the-clock operations. ) 1 5' R2 3-30-83 FC/42 t, ALA33 01983 l

.=_ _ EPIP-RR-22-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 4. Report the marpower status to the Plant Operations Manager. 5. Provides dose assessments to the Emergency Organization until the Emergency Operation Facility (ECF) is actuated. 6. Coordinate the Technical Augmentation Staff's one (1) Access Control Technician, one (1) Radiochemistry Technician and the Emergency Team personnel assigned to Tags 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 19A, 21, 21A, and incorporate these individuals into the Recovery Organization. 7. Ensures the Recovery Organization training in the area of radiation and respiratory protection.. 8. Provide whole body counts for reporting and teminating personnel to detemine MPC body burdens. I 9. Support the recovery operation by providing all necessary health physics coverage.

10. Develops plans, procedures and methods for keeping radiation exposure of recovery personnel as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).
11. Coordinates with the Dosimetry coordinator and ensures personnel TLD's are read, and an updated computer listing provided.

12. Ensures the optimum operation of all radiation / chemistry monitors, instruments and equipment. f 13. Ensures that chemical group operating records are maintained. 14. Develops, implements and performs various analyses to provide chemical control for all plant systems. 15. Coordinates controlled releases to the environment; and ensure ccmpliance with federal and state regulations are met.

16. Assists in discussion of Radiological assessments with the Dose Assessment Coordinator to verify radioactive release data.

1 .h g R2 8-30-83 FC/42 i AUG3 01983 l

8 EPIP-RR-24-1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-24 RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S EMERGENCY C00RDINATOR I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Emergency Coordinator. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Er.ergency Coordiaator have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Emergency Coordinator shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing ( procedure. gu o, e :. 0 eJ,h $d R2 3-30-83 FC/43 AIX13 31S63

EPIP-RR-24-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-24 APPENDIX 1 EMERGENCY COORDINATOR A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Jcb Title) Manager - Radiological Health and Emergency Planning Alternate (Job Title) Supervisor - Technical Services, Nuclear and Chemical Services B. Reporting Location Emergency Operations Faciiity C. Reports To Recovery Manager D. ' Supervises /Coord'inates 1. Dose Assessment Coordinator 2. Environmental Surveys and Analysis Coordinator 3. Radiochemical Analysis Coordinator 4. Dosimetry Coordinator 5. Site Representative E. Primary Resconsibility Coordinates the Fort Calhoun Station emergency response for offsite radiological assessments. Interfaces with the Recovery Manager and radiological governmental agencies for evaluation of data and recommends corrective actions. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organization activation, the primary and/or alternate Emergency Coordinator designate (s) will report to the assigned location listed in section B of this appendix and inform the Recovery Manager of their/his presence. 2. Calls out the staff detailed,in section D of this appendix and has them report to their assigned emergency stations in order to support on site activities. Notification is conducted in accordance with implementing procedure EPIP-RR-1. lt9@?dEsi f,).hj{ j R2 8-30-83 FC/43

J EPIP-RR-24-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 3. Organizes his staff and establishes a schedule of working hours to support around-the-clock operations. 4. Report his group's manpower status to the Recovery Manager. 5. Maintains control over personnel assemoled at the Emergency Operations Facil ity. 6. Ensures that onsite and offsite environmental and radiological monitoring teams are dispatched. 7. Establishes communication.s with the Technical Support Center and Operations Support Center and obtains information on accident conditions, radiological releases and prevailing meteorological conditions. 8. Maintaines communications with designated offsite authorities and relate accident information necessary for these authorities to implement their emergency plans. 9. Interprets all radiological data and provide updates to the Technical Support Center, Operations Support Center, and offsite authorities. Updates should include items such as projected radiological exposures, environmental survey results, recommended protective actions. (

10. Provides for additional support upon request. This may range from additional radiological evaluations and equipment to providing medical assistance.
11. Receives any responding representatives frcm offsite emergency agencies and assist in their information and communications needs.
12. Ensures that personnel in the Emergency Operations Facility have adequate radiation protecticn considerations afforded them.


13. With the concurrence of the Recovery Manager, he will provide judgement on emergency radiation exposure doses for reentry l

operation based on guidelines set forth in Section K.1.1 of this Pl an.

14. Provides input to Recovery Manager and Plant Operations Manager l

regarding relaxation / curtailment of Recovery Organization duties. l

15. Keeps the Site Representative infomed of changing plant status, radiological conditions and recommended protective actions.

1 l e e m. 2 n in p .,jh;:j:.h 3,, f FC/43 R2 8-30-83 l AyV U.;;a U AIXI J 2 !$gg 1 I

EPZP-RR-24-4 F. Basic Duties (Continued)

16. Coordinates the duties of the Emergency Team personnel assigned to Tag 4 and incorporates these functions into the Recove.ry Organization.
17. Coordinates the efforts of the Emergen:y Reentry Team menbers assigned Tags 2 and 3 with the h vlth Physics / Chemistry Supervisor of:the Plant Operations Group.

4 a 0 4 / '9 L i i f l t q[ l 7 ...J 1 !-i:,/,'.~m% P,': '= '. R2 S-30-83 FC/43 s e.- 'l:f3 3 2 3 i s

EPIP-RR-25-1 l Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-25 RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S DOSE ASSESSitENT COORDINATOR I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Dose Assessment Coordinator. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Dose Assessment Coordinator have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Dose Assessment Coordinator shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. l _p t t - t h.. yay j FC/43 AUG3 0 E85 R2 3-30-83 y-7 ,,r.,, -3 .,7 ,,4-

EPIP-RR-25-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-25 APPENDIX 1 DOSE ASSESS 1ENT COORDINATOR A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job Title! Senior Engineer - Technical Services Alternate (Job Title) Health Physicist B. Reporting Location Emergency Operations Facility C. Reports To Emergency Coordinator D. Supervises / Coordinates N/A E. Primary Responsibility Provides an estimated whole body and/or thyroid dose to the population at any selected point of interest. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recover / Organi:stion activaticn, the primary and/or alternate Dose Assessment Coordinator designate (s) will l report to the assigned location listad in section 3 of this appendix and infonn the E:,ergency Coordinator of their/his presence. 2. Interfaces with Emergency Team personne ssigned to Tags 4 and 4A. Emergency Team personnel will be incorporated into the Recovery Organization when fonned. 3. Be prepared to provide around-the-clock support. 4. Coordinates with the Security and Technical Support Administrative Supervisor and Health Physics / Chemistry Supervisor in order to assimilate and record all radiological and meteorological data. H@QOEEh]d S % i- 0 n y gjths ::m R2 8-30-83 FC/43 AUG 3 :ISE3 ~

EPIP-RR-25-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 5. Perform the following assessments in accordance with implementing procedures EPIP-RR-6 and EPIP-EOF-6. (a) Estimated airborne activity (any selected point) (b) Estimated whole body dose (any selected po';t) ~ (c) Estimated thyroid dose (any selected point) 6. Provides updated maps and charts showing dose / dose rate estimates at various points from the site. 7. Keeps the Emergency Coordinator informed of changing events. 8. Contact the National Weather Service in Omaha 9-1-402-571-8351 and request projected meteorological weather informtion necessary to make long term dose exposure projections. b o

n, y, op q r FC/43

$dj"dMIc:::ty R2 8-30-83 x333 uns y m y r.-- v. 4- ,,w-9 ,v t r--- ~P-T-' ""'~ '"-w- "'Y

EPIP-RR-28-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-28 RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S DOSIMETRY COORDINATOR I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Dosimetry Coordinator. II.

  • PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Dosimetry Coordinator have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities.

III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Dosimetry Coordinator shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing ( procedure. l t i M 5" P, Bh PD

sd a L:./

3 0E R2 8-30-83 FC/43

I EPIP-RR-28-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-28 APPENDIX 1 DOSIMETRY C00RDINATOR A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job Title) Engineer - Reactor and Computer Technical Services Alternate (Job Title) TLD Technician B. Reporting Location Production Operation Division Headquarters C. Reports To Emergency Coordinator D. Supervises / Coordinates TLD Analysis Technician E. Primary Responsittlity Provides timely and accurate reports of personnel radiation exposure received by members of the Recovery Organization. F. Basic Ddties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organization activation, the primary and/or alternate Dosimetry Coordinator designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in section 3 of this appendix and inform the Emergency Coordinator of their/his presence. 2. Calls out his staff detailed in section D of this appendix and has them report to their normally assigned department in order to support on site activities. 3. Organizes staff personnel and establishes a schedule of working hours to support around-the-clock operations. 4. Reports the manpower status to the Emergency Ccordinator. 5. Supports the Recovery Oraniza' tion by issuing TLD's. hh M k w m u FC/43 R2 3-30-83 ALG 3 0 '.$53 l l 1.

EPIP-RR-28-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 6. Ensures personnel TLD's are read and exposure history files are updated in a timely manner. 7. Ensures environment TLD's are read and accurately logged with information supplied to the Dose Assessment Coordinator, Emergency Coordinator, and the Environmental Survey and Analysis Coordinator. 8. Coordinates the transportation of TLD's to and from the Production Operations Division Headquarters thru the Emergency Coordinator. l e e q_jo}h 0-R2 3-30-83 FC/43 g3 ;g

] EPIP-RR-31-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-31 s RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S FINANCE COORDINATOR I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Finance Coordinator. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Finance Coordinator have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals ~ assigned to the position of Finance Coordinator shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. s l l l 900 1 "P !!9s'A '3( i wc.y .= e R2 3-30-83 l FC/43 m c g3 l l

i EPIP-RR-31-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-31 APPENDIX 1 FINANCE COORDINATOR A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job Title) Manager - Treasury Operations Alternate (Job Title) Manager - Treasury Analysis B. Reporting Location Electric Building C. Reports To Administrative Logistics Manager D. Supervises /Ccordinates Cash Management and Analysis Department E. Primary Responsibility - Develops, reviews, and administers plans and guidance for the short and long-tenn financing needed to support the recovery effort. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organization activation, the primary ar.d/or alternate Finance Coordinator designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in section 3 of this appendix and inform the Administrative Logistics l Manager of their/his presence. l 2. Calls out his staff detailed in section D of this appendix and has them report to their normally assigned department in order to support on site activities. 3. Organizes staff personnel and establishes a schedule of working hours to support around-the-clock operations. 4. Reports the manpower status to the Administrative Logistics Manager. l 3@@ FC/43 hr 3 R2 3-30-83 AUG 3 0 3;-

i EPIP-RR-31-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 5. Assures a timely payment of financial obligations incurred by accounting and material management. 6. Initiates, maintains and upgrades petty cash funds for various members of the Recovery Organization. 7. Provides for the distribution of meal drafts to designated individuals should commissary facilities not be available. l t l l \\ )tD@ sos @y S A B 1is Uy UESESE'2' / R2 8-30-83 FC/43 AUG 3 0 SMG

l EPIP-RR-33-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-33 RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S COMMISSARY SUPPORT COORDINATOR I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Commissary Support Coordinator. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Comissary Support Coordinator have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, thos,e individuals assigned to the position of Commissary Support Coordinator shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. f f i h Ihn $5Db !O: FC/43 AUG 3 0 *M R2 3-30-83

I EPIP-RR-33-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 ~ Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-33 .'.~ APPENDIX 1 COMMISSARY SUPPORT COORDINATOR A. Pe-ren7e1 Assignment Primary (Job Title) Manager - Facilities Services Alternate (Job Title) Manager - Safety Engineering B. Reporting Location Electric Building C. Reports To Administrative Logistic Manager D. Supervises / Coordinates Facilities Services (. E. Primary Responsibility Provide the needed food handling services to support the Recovery Organization. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organi:stion activation, the primry and/or alternate Commissary Support Coordinator designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in Section 8 of this appendix and inform the Administrative Logistics Manager of their/his presence. 2. Calls out the staff detailed in section D of this appendix and has them report to their nomally assigned department in order to support on-site activities. 3. Organizes staff personnel and establishes a schedule of working hours to support around-the-clock operations. 4. Report the department's manpo.wer status to the Administrative Logistics Manager. Mt?'A3 5 7 FC/43 L ? R2 3-30-83 -.3 ,_...y y y y

EPIP-RR-33-3 F. Basic Duties (Continu:d) 5. Determines the best locations and establishes field kitchens to support the recovery effort. 6. Where food handling facilities are not available, provides for food deliveries. 7. Provides adequate sanitation facilities including trash disposal. ( 0 l i 1 O \\ 3?r w; e u). 5 $"d7ft 2.:C~ R2 8-30-83 FC/43 AUG 3 31583 i 1

'? EPIP-RR-36-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-36 RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S MATERIAL MANAGEMENT C00RDINATOR I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Material Management Coordinator. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Material Management Coordinator have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Material Management Coordinator shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. d)CCEC W r.e : tk' f}(o ' !' h ~) Ms 'N -~ I R2 8-30-83 FC/43 AUG) us2 4 -_y- .,.e

i. EPZP-RR-36-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-36 APPENDIX 1 MATERIAL MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR A. grsonnel Assignment Primary (Job Title) Manager - Contracts Alternate (Job Title) Manager - Corporate Purchasing B. Reporting Location Electric Buil' ding C. Reports To Administrative Logistics Manager D. Supervises / Coordinates Material Management Division E. Primary Responsibility Represents the Recovery Organization as purchasing agent responsible for contract negotiations / administration and material control. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organization activation, the primary and/or alternate Material Management Ccordinator designata(s) will report to their assigned location listed in Section 3 of this appendix and inform the Atainistrative Logis-ics : tanager of their/his presence. 2. Calls out the staff detailed in Section D of this appendix and has them report to their normally assigned department in order to support on-site activities. l 3. Mobilizes the Material Management Division to nrovide timely, adequate and around-the-clock support for the kecovery Organization. 4. Report the department's manpo,wer status to the Administrative Logistics Manager. l OUEN %Niit? ffW r.=;f i a; R2 3-30-83 FC/43 AUG 3 01983

EPZP-RR-36-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 5. Provides for material procurement at the request of the Recovery Manager in accordance with normal District procurement procedures and implementing procedure EPIP-RR-9. l 6. Directs the purchasing and controls the payment authorizatf or. for all general stores, supplies, equipment and services required by the i Recovery Organization. i 7. Provides additional emergency purchase orders to the Recovery Manager or designated alternate to ensure rapid procurement of needed equipment. l 8. Provides adequate coordination of activites regarding material and construction contracts to assure compliance with state and federal l statues as well as utility bidding procedures and contractual agreements. 9. Oversees the development and implementation of procedures to handle inventory control and documentation, purchase orders, invoices, and ( timely delivery schedules. l ~ ~ p p: u v-R2 3-30-83 FC/43 xmsm

T EPIP-RR-38-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-38 RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S ACCOUNTING COORDINATOR I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Accounting Coordinator. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Accounting Coordinator have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. ~ III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Accounting Coordinator shall carry out ( this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. J 9 Y r% E 6 %' \\& a u, M230 R2 3-30-83 FC/43

? EPIP-RR-38-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-38 APPENDIX 1 ACCOUNTING COORDINATOR A. Personnel Assignment ( Primary (Job Title) Supervisor - Plant and Contracts Alternate (Job Title) Accountant B. Reporting Location Electric Building C. Reports To Administrative Logistics f4anager D. Supervises / Coordinates Accounting Division E. Primary Responsibility Oversees the maintenance of all accounting records necessary to support the Recovery Organization. F. Basic Duties 1 Upon notification of Recover / Organization activation, the primarf and/or altarnate Accounting Coordinator designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in Section 3 of this appendix and f r. form the Administrative Logistcs Manager of their/his presence. I 2. Calls out the staff detailed in Section D of this appendix and has thM report to their normally assigned department in order to support on-site activities. l 3. Organizes staff personnel and establishes a schedule of working hours to support around-tne-clock operations. 4. Report the division's manpower status to the Administrative Logistics Manager. ~ t (DOE ') h = g# e 1 R2 3-30-83 eC/43 2.L'G 3 2153

1 EPIP-RR-38-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 5. Supports the payroll accounting function through verifying employee pay records, and payroll preparation for all utility permanent and temporary recovery personnel in accordance with established policies and applicable state and federal laws. 6. Establishes and maintains expense accounts for all recovery support groups as requested. 7. Administers, monitors and processes for payment all vendor and con-struction contract invoices and billings to assure that payment is made in accordance with contract provisions. i b h.s b.,, o 7 3 2 Y W 7 E N d R2 8-30-83 FC/43 ALG 3 C 1983 l

EPIP-RR-39-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-39 RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S MEDIA RELEASE CENTER DIRECTOR I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Media Release Center Director. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Media Release Center Director have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Media Release Center Director shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. l l g M y R2 S-30-a3 FC/43 AUG3 0IS8B l l

S EPIP-RR-39-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-39 APPENDIX 1 MEDIA RELEASE CENTER DIRECTOR A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job Title) Division Manager - Public Relations Alternate (Job Title) Manager - Public Infomation B. Reporting Location Media Release Center C. Reports To Recovery Manager D. Supervises / Coordinates 1. Public Infomation and Rumor Control Supervisor 2. Information Specialist (EOF and MRC) 3. Technical Liaison (EOF and MRC) 4. Clerical Supervisor 5. Internal Services Coordinator E. Primary Responsibility Serves as the single point interface in the area of press releases F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organization activation, the primary and/or alternate Emergency News Center Coordinator designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in Section B of this appendix and infom the Recovery Manager of their presence. 2. Calls out his/her staff detailed in Section D of this appendix and has them report to their assigned emergency facility in order to support on-site activities. 3. Organizes staff personnel and establishes a schedule of working hours to support around-the-clock operations. 4. Report the group's manpower status to the Recovery Manager. b1 FC/43 g,.,;gjg g R2 3-30-83 ALG 3 3 gg .. ~.

EPZP-RR-39-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 5. Acts as the official source of OPPD's statements to the media. 6. Ensures that all statements to the media are technically correct. 7. Under direction of the Recovery Manager, coordinates all plant-released news releases with Federal, State and local officials. 8. Ensures that the Recovery Manager periodically attends press conferences in order to address technical questions and provide infonnation on official recovery operation judgements. 9. Authorizes the preparation of any taped messages that may require broadcasting. (Coordinated with State officials). 10. Ensures that no company employees make statements to the media that are not consistent with those made by the company spokesman (Rumor Control).

11. Serves as the senior representative at the Media Release Center.

p .aL FC/43 R2 8-30-83 AUG 3 a S3

EPIP-RR-40-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP IP-RR-40 t RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S EOF INFORMATION SPECIALISI 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of EOF Infomation Specialist. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of E0F Infomation Specialist have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilitiea, III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of E0F Information Specialist shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing s procedure. )" FC/43 R2 8-30-83

t EPIP-RR-40-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-40 APPENDIX 1 EOF INFORMATION SPECIALIST A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job, Title) Manager - Media Relation Alternate (Job Title) Public Relations Assistant 2 B. Reporting Location Emergency Operations Facility C. Reports To Media Release Center Director D. Supervises / Coordinates Coordinates with State information officers and the Recovery Manager at the EOF regarding plant status information. E. Primary Responsibility Coordinates all significant plant infomation for transmittal to the Emergency News Center. F. Bcsic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organization activation, the primary and/or alternate EOF Infomation Specialist designate (s) will report to their assigned location listad in Section 3 of this appendix and l infom the Media Release Center Director and the Recovery Manager his/her of presence. 2. Be able to support around-the-clock operation. 3. Maintair communications with the Division Infomation Office and the Media Release Center. l 4. Coordinates activities with State Infomation Officers to ensure they receive prompt and accur, ate plant infomation. 1 R2 8-30-83 FC/43 M35 T 3 32 l I

EPIP-RR-40-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 5. Gathers information as it becomes available and evaluates its significance in conjunction with the EOF Technical Liasion. 6. Reviews accuracy of data with the Recovery Manager and transmits significant plant information +c 'ledia Release Center for final review and release to the mews media. 7. Serves as plant' information source for the rumor control center. 8. Maintains' a written or taped time log of significant repceting activities. 9. Performs duties assigned to the Emergency Team Member, Tag No. 23. t t i $:' b R _ 9.!j i',}f ' g FC/43 R2 8-30-83 ALIG3 0 U.! l l l

r EPZP-RR-44-1 Fort Calhoun Station Uni 2 No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-44 RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S PUBLIC INFORMATION and RUMOR CONTROL SUPERVISOR I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Public Information and Rumor Control Supervisor. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Public Information and Rumor Control Supervisor have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals . assigned to the position of Public Information and Rumor Control ( Supervisor shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. l l l I ~ R2 8-30-83 FC/43 AUG3 0 Eg3 i l m r ~ s .w, -+-v- -1 --+wm2-m - p

EPIP-RR-44-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-44 APPENDIX 1 PUBLIC INFORMATION and RUMOR CONTROL SUPERVISOR A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job Title) Public Relations Assistant 1 Alternate (Job Title) Public Relations Assistant B. Reporting Location Media Release Center C. Reports To Media Release Center Director D. Supervises / Coordinates Public Information Specialist / E. Primary Resoonsibility 1. Establishes a telephone center for responding to public questions with reliable, accurate, and timely information concerning the emergency. 2. Provides timely and reliable infomation to District employees in a further effort to control rumors. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organization activation, the primary and/or alternate Public Information and Rumor Control Supervisor designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in Section B of this appendix and inform the Media Release Center Director of his/her presence. 2. Set up and staffs Rumor Control Telephone Center and coordinates its activities with State and local infomation officers. FC/43 R2 8-30-83 ALG 3 0 3

EP IP-RR-44-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 3. Prepares and distributes periodic employee information bulletins as directed by the Media Release Center Director. 4. Assists the Media Release Center Director in keeping key public officials informed of plant developments. 5. Provides personnel to man telephones and provides prompt and accurate information to citizen callers. 6. Ensures that a record of calls is being maintained using approved forms. l I i* ? //h@\\ f. t \\K s br S.p;., 21 d $

  • d?

R2 3-30-83 FC/43 AUG 3 a w

EPIP-RR-47-1 Fort Calhoun Station Uni 2 No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure ' EPIP-RR-47 RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S DESIGN AND C0!!STRUCTION MANAGER I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Design and Coastruction Manager. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate ir.dividuals filling the position of Design and Construction Manager have been fully trained and are aware.of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS ~ None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Design and Construction Manager shall ( carr7 out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. + .d t / FC/42 R2 3-30-83 ..-_.___,w,__.

r EP8P-RR-47-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-47 APPENDIX 1 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGER A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job Title) Division' Manager - Engineering Alternate (Job Title) Section Manager - Generating Station Engineering B. Reporting Location Brandeis Building C. Reports To Recovery Manager D. Supervises / Coordinates 1. Utility Engineering Director .i 2.- Architect Engineering Director 3. Director of Nuclear Steam Supply System 4. Director of Construction 5. Construction Qual.ity Assurance Director E. Primary Responsibility Coordinates the design and construction activites of the Utility, Architect Engineer, NSS Supplier, construction forces and vendors needed to support the recovery effort. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organization activation, the primary and/or alternate Design and Construction Manager designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in Section B of this appendix and infom the Recovery Manager of his/her presence. 2. Call out the staff detailed in Section D of this appendix and have them report to their assigned location. Notification is accomplished in accordance with the implementing procedure EPIP-RR-1. 3. Organizes hi</her staff and establishes a schedule of working hours to support at.und-the-clock operations. FC/42 R2 8-30-83

EPIP-RR-47-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 4. Report the group's manpower status to the Recovery Manager. 5. Provide the direct contact between OPPD Architect, Engineer, NSSS Supplier and constructor on modification and design matters. 6. Coordinates the necessity for providing engineering and technical specialists to the Technical Support, Plant Operations, Waste Management and Emergency Coordination Response Groups if requested. Prepares to provide additional support as needed. 7. Assures that the design and construction activities are adequately staffed and equipped, which may require this position to coordinate with the Administrative Logistics Manager to ensure proper facilities and equipment are available to support the Design and Construction Group. 8. Directs, coordinates and approves outside engineering design and construction activities so as to conform to OPPD formal require-ments, including compliance with normal quality assurance procedures. 9. Prepares to provide the necessary engineering and construction activities to support any emergency modification requests. i R2 S-30-83 FC/42

EP 8 P-RR-48-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP IP-RR-48 RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S UTILITY ENGINEERING OIRECTOR ~ I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Utility Engineering Director. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Utility Engineering Director have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Utility Engineering Director shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing ( procedure. U 3 2 ;ui ? 13 w.: M 'jQh0;id i;aU dl ^O33 3230 R2 8-30-83 FC/42 m

EPIP-RR-48-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-48 APPENDIX 1 UTILITY ENGINEERING DIRECTOR A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job Title) Manager - Mechanical Engineering Alternate (Job Title) Manager - Nuclear Engineering B. Reporting Location Brandeis Building C. Reports To Design and Construction Manager D. Supervises / Coordinates GSE Engineering Staff E. Primary Responsibility Coordinates the GSE Engineering Staff not having recovery assignments in performing such engineering and design functions that may be necessary to support the recovery operation. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organization activation, the primary and/or alternate Utility Engineering Director designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in Section 3 of this appendix and infonn the Design and Construction Manager of his/her presence. 2. Calls out his/her staff detailed in Section D of this appendix and has them report to their normally assigned department in order to support on-site activities. 3. Organizes his/her staff and establishes a schedule of working hours to support around-the-clock operations. 4. Reports the manpower status to tne Design and Construction Manager. FC/42 R2 8-30-83 Au G 3 0 :ipp

EP IP-RR-48-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 4 5. Responsible for the conceptual design of systems and equipment to support waste processing needs in order to reduce plant and offsito dose rates. 6. Establishes for the Design and Construction Manager which outside engineering, design and construction activities, if any, shall conform to OPPD formal technical requirements. He will accomplish this by interfacing his OPPD staff with those of the Architect Engin*eering Director, Director of Nuclear Steam Supply System and Director.of Construction and the members of the Advisory Support Group. (- [ 7. Coordinates with the Administrative Logistics Manager in order to support vendor manpower and equipment requirements. 8. Provides engineering support as required. i ~ USOE 9..M ij'h 'l d F TP :s :1 $Qlr;,Pis' G Ed FC/42 R2 8-30-83 ALGJ Jugg

? EP ZP-RR-49-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP IP-RR-49 RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S ARCHITECT ENGINEERING OIRECTOR I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Architect Engineering Director. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Architect Engineering Director have met the training requirements and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Architect Engineering Director shall ( carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. c o a g:l " P k b AUG3 0198? FC/42 R2 3-30-83 -m ' ye v y

EPIP-RR-49-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP IP-RR-49 APPENDIX 1 ARCHITECT ENGINEERI?C DIRECTOR A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job Title _)_. Project Manager - Stone and Webster (or Stone and Webster Designee) Alternate (Job Title) Project Engineer - Stone and Webster (or Stone and Webster Designee) B. Reporting Location Emergency Operations Facility (upon request) C. Reports To Design and Construction Manager D. Supervises / Coordinates Architect Engineering Staff E. Primary Responsibility Directs and administratively controls the Architect Engineer's staff to support the requirements of the recovery operation. l F. Basic Duties 1. Following the Recovery Organization activation and upon request, the primary and/or alternate Architect Engineering Director designate (s) l will report to their assigned location (upon request) listed in Section B of this appendix as soon as possible. Upon reporting he/she will infonn the Design and Construction Manager of his/her presence. 2. Provide the contact between the Architect Engineer and OPPD l on technical and administrative matters. 3. Acts as a member of the Advs sory Support Group. 4. Prepares to provide engineeri,ng and technical specialists to various groups within the Recovery Organization. l .DSOE 2 P D pn 9;p ji UCYd Osd FC/42 AG J ; g R2 3-30-83

EP8P-RR-49-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 5. Ensures both onsite and home-office engineering and design functions are adequately staffed to provide tiinely support. 6. Directs, coordinates, and approves, engineering and design tasks assigned by the Design and Construction Ma. agar. 7. Coordinates the work of suppliers providing components and services in support of the recovery effort. e l l $c@A'I'. Ek1 73a aw%" ha d R 83 FC/42 AUG 3 J 1963

I EPIP-RR-50-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-50 REC 0VERY ORGANIZATION'S DIRECTOR OF NUCLEAR STEAf1 SUPPLY SYSTEM I. PURPOSF. The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Director of Nuclear Steam Supply System. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Director of Nuclear Steam Supply System have met the training requirements and are fully aware of their.. duties and responsi-bilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Director of Nuclear Steam Supply System 'shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. l 3N 'TD Et t d b V. f y w o Ut WU i v R2 8-30-83 FC/42 4;,7; 3 3 1963

EP8P-RR-50-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-50 APPENDIX 1 DIRECTOR CF NUCLEAR STEAM SUPPLY SYSTD1 A. Personnel Ass'?nment Primary (Job Title) Project Manager - Combustion Engineering, Inc. (or C.E. Designee) Alternate (Job Title) Project Engineer - Combustion Engineering, Inc. (or C.E. Designee) 3. Reporting Location Emergency Operations Facility (upon request) C. Reports To Design and Construction Manager D. Supervises / Coordinates NSSS Supplier's Staff E. Primary Responsibility Directs and administratively controls the NSSS Supplier's staff to support the requirements of the recovery operation. F. Basic Duties 1. Following the Recovery Organi:ation activation and upon request, the primary and/or alternate Director of Nuclear Staam Suocly System designate (s) will report to their assigned location (upon c'equest) listed in Section 8 of this appendix as soon as possible. Upon reporting he/she will inform the Design and Construction Manager of his/ner presence. 2. Provides the contact between the NSSS Supplier and OPPD on technical and administrative matters. 3. Acts as a member of the Advisory Support Group as primary Advisory Support Coordinator. 4. Prepares to provide engineering and technical specialists to various l groups in the Recovery Organization. E!O@M, r? O "'" ! ]p # a FC/42 R2 8-30-83 ALG 3 3 ISE

EPIP-RR-50-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 5. Ensures both onsite and home-office engineering and design functions are adequately staffed to provide timely support. 5. Directs, coordinates and approves engineering and design tasks assigned by +"e Design and Construction Manager. 7. Coordinates the work of suppliers providing coraponents and services for the flSSS Organization. i i l l i. l l l l E ;?.i.?a 5 ? <?.j j 1 ,p,w..ULs FC/42 R2 8-30-83' ' cG 1 'TiB t I

CPIP-RR-51-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-51 RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S DIRECTOR CF C0!!STRUCTION I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Director of Construction. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filli'ng the position of Director of Construction have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV., PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the. position of Director of Construction shall carry out ( this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. ? '3:?h 7 R T*.2 t.s. s4.i u 22 g MQGLa FC/42 R2 8-30-83 9 v-w -m

EP!P-RR-51-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit Nc.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-51 s APPENDIX 1 DIRECTOR CF CONSTRUCTION A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job Title) Manager - Construction Management Alternate (Job Title) Manager . Civil Engineering B. Reporting Location Brandeis Building C. Reports To Design and Construction Manager D. Supervises / Coordinates Construction Forces E. Primary Responsibility Directs and administrative 1y controls all construction forces and their subcontractors performing such construction tasks to meet the requirements of the Recovery Organization. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organization activation, the primary and/or alternate Director of Construction designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in Section 3 of this appendix and inform the Design and Construction Manager of his/her presence. 2. Provides direct contact between OPPD and the Constructor on all administrative and construction matters. 3. Directs, coordinates and approves all construction tasks assigned by the Design and Construction Manager. 4. Assures that all construction forces are adequately manned and equipped to provide timely construction support. 8ciD us W FC/42 R2 3-30-83 0m

EPIP-RR-51-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 5. Coordinates the work of suppliers and/or subconstractors providing construction materials and/or services. 6. Coordinates with Administrative Logistics Group in areas of material procurement, herar resources, etc. BOM M 9, p SId)IdI ~ FC/42 AtX,3 0198? R2 3-30-8;

~ ~ l EPIP-RR-52-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-52 RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE DIRECTOR I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Construction Quality Assurance Director. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Construction Quality Assurance Director have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Construction Quality Assurance Cirector shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. E.s.T'E.e d.-2 @:g r 9E97 v. fjhhIi)b5 AIX5 3 0 00 FC/42 R2 8-30-83 1

EPIP-RR-52-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-52 APPENDIX 1 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE DIRECTOR A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job Title) Supervisor - Procurement Quality Assurance Alternate (Job Title) ~ Supervisor - Operations Quality Assurance B. Reporting Location Brandeis Building C. Reports To_ Design and Construction Manager D. Supervises / Coordinates Quality Assurance Inspectors s E. Primary Responsibility Provides direction and administrative control of the Construction Quality Assurance Inspection Staff and the contractor QA/QC program for such construction tasks as the Design and Construction Manager may direct to meet the requirements of the recovery operation. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organi::stion activation, Ine primary and/or alternate Construction Quality Assurance Director designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in Section B of this appendix and inform the Design and Construction M.anager of his/her presence. 2. Calls out the staff detailed in Section D of this appendix and has them report to their nomally assigned department in order to support onsite activities. 3. Organizes his/her staff and e.stablishs a schedule to support around-the-clock operations. mm FC/42 R2 8-30-83

EPIP-RR-52-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 4. Reports the manpower status to the Design and Construction Manager. 5. Provides the direct contact between OPPD's Quality Assurance Management and the Contractor QA/QC Staff on all administrative and technical matters. 6. Assures that the Contractor QA/QC activity is ahequately staffed and equipped to provide timely support. 7. Directs and coordinates the implementation of the Contractor QA/QC program for approved construction tasks. 8. Provides all quality assurance guidance during emergency conditions which may not be soley construction functions. G D C.?j ii "2RT ~ k n 'A N i Mj~9U.Od:u6 FC/42 R2 8-30-83 y ) )gg,

2 EPIP-RR-53-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedurt EPIP-RR-53 RECOVERY ORGANIZATION'S MANAGER CF WASTE t1AllAGEMENT I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization fillt;9 the position of Manager of Waste Management. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Manager of Waste Management have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS !!one IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Manager of Waste Management shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. 1 wwrn 'b'~ Td Q-.. 7, e Y=!pi NY) FC/42 R2 3-30-83 rv- -w-- s-,r-- <me


-n_. e --g--e-p-, y, e

EPIP-RR-53-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-53 APPENDIX 1 MANAGER CF WASTE MANAGEMENT A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job Title) Supervisor - Mechanical Technical Services Alternate (Job Title) Test Engineer - Fort Calhoun B. Reporting Location Technical Support Center C. Reports To Recovery Manager 0. Supervises / Coordinates Radwaste/ Technical Support Coordinator. E. Primary Responsibility Oversees the development of plans and procedures to process and control liquid, gaseous and solid wastes in a manner consistent with the Recovery Organization objectives and to minimi:e the effects on the health and safety of the public. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organization activation, the primary l and/or alternate Manager of Waste Management designate (s) will l report to their assigned location listed in Section B of this appendix and inform the Recovery Manager of his/her presence. 2. Calls out the staff detailed in Section D of this appendix and has them report to their assigned location. Notification shall be made in accordance with implementing procedure EPIP-RR-1. 3. Organizes staff and establishes a schedule of working hours to support around-the-clock operations. l

o o c ~g%

o ....,-j FC/42 R2 8-30-83

r J b EPZP-RR-53-3 F. Basic Duties _ (Continued) 4. Report the group's manpower status to the Recovery Manager. 5. In conjunction with the Systems Analysis / Procedure Support Coordinator, develops plans and procedures for sampling and proces.ei c liquid, gaseous, and solid wastes. 6. Coordinates with the Design and Construction Manager on the development of modifications to plant waste systems and the conceptual designs of new systems and equipment. 7. Approves schedules and priorities for tasks assigned to the Waste l Management Group. 8. Coordinates plans and schedules for tasks affecting other managers / coordinators in the Recovery Organization. 9. Provides information and recommendations to the Recovery Manager concerning future operations that could affect tne plant or the environment. l

10. Evaluates the need for temporary storage facilities, mebile waste processing units, specialized rhipping containers, and makes recommendations to the Recovery Manager.

11. Ensures all waste shipments are fully authorized and documented.

12. Coordinates with the Health Physics / Chemistry Supervisor concerning health physics coverage during radwaste operations.

NOTE: The Manager of Waste Management may perform other emergency l functions as determined by the nature of the emergency condi tion. j f k b i FC/42 R2 3-30-83 i

EPIP-RR-55-1 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-55 REC 0VERY ORGANIZATIC1'S SCHEDULING / PLANNING i1AHAGER I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignment and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Scheduling / Planning Manager. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Scheduling / Planning Manager have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and responsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS None IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those individuals assigned to the position of Scheduling / Planning ibnager shall carry out this ass.ignment as detailed in Appendix 1 'of this implementing procedure. S taw;s,y inu... >..., vds AUG 2 3152? R2 3-23-83

'T EP Z P-RR-55-2 ~ Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-55 APPEllDIX 1 SC}iEDULI!!G/PLArillIllG ilAllAGER A. Personnel Assignment, Pr.imary (Job Title) ~ Manager - Scheduling and Budgets Alternate (Job Title) Project Coordinator 3. Reporting Location Emergency Operations Facility C. Reports To Recovery Manager D. Supervises / Coordinates Scheduling and Budgets Department E. Primary Responsibility Provides the requisite scheduling and cost control services for planning, engineering, design, construction and system modifications needed to support the recovery operation. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organi:ation activation, the primary and/or alternate Scheduling / Planning flanager designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in Section 8 of this appendix and inform the Recovery Ibnager of his/her precence. 2. Calls out the staff detailed in Section D of this appendix and has them report to their normally assigned department in order to support onsite activities. 3. Organizes his/her staff and establishes a schedule of working hours to support around-the-clock operations. 4. Reports the group's manpower status to the Recovery flanager. Ohbfl kl S$dd MJG 23 E A2 8-23-83 ,m

o.l. ., o EPEP-RR-55-3 F. Basic Duties (Continued) 5. Develops the agenda for recovery staff meetings and followups with expeditious scheduling and budget revisions to support plans develcped at these meetings. 6. Assists the Recovery Manager in short-term planning and scheduling to expedite the recovery operation. This will require the cptiraization of all available materials, equipment, manpower and captial resources. 7. Monitors consultant scheduling where outside utility assistance is being provided. 8. Coordinates with the Systems Analysis / Procedure Support Coordinator, I and C Support Coordinator, Materials ihnagement Coordinator and members of the Design and Construction Group to obtain information so as to regularly update the schedule and cost control data, inputting current data to produce a revised schedule and cost control information using digital computer programs and services. 9. Post updated plans, schedules, and cost control data in an area that is readily available to the recovery staff. 9 e 4x.. $ci") ku xmo: 3 ne R2 8-23-83

EPIP-RR-ol-1 F rt Calhoun Station Unit.1o.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-61 ,.s RECOVERY ORGAllIZATIO!1'S SITE REPRESE!1TATIVE I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail assignmer}t and responsibilities of personnel in the Recovery Organization filling the position of Site Representative. II. PREREQUISITE Both primary and alternate individuals filling the position of Site Representative have been fully trained and are aware of their duties and rt..,ponsibilities. III. PRECAUTIONS tione IV. PROCEDURE Upon activation of the Recovery Organization, those personnel ~ assigned to the position of Site Representative shall carry out this assignment as detailed in Appendix 1 of this implementing procedure. -aceq(F INb$I$L(lb ~ .. w w FC/42 R2 3-23-83 g---,7 w-t y p--- w-7r

f e s e C EPIP-RR-61-2 Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-RR-61 APPENDIX 1 SITE REPRESENTATIVE A. Personnel Assignment Primary (Job Title) Supervisor - Corporate Quality Assurance Alternate (Job Title) 1 Manager - Quality Assurance B. Reporting Location Iowa EOC at Logan, Iowa C. Reports To Emergency Coordinator by telephone communication. D. Supervises / Coordinates Coordinates with the Governor's EOC Representative E. Primary Responsibility Assures technical accuracy and interpretation of information transmitted from OPPD EOF to the State E0C. F. Basic Duties 1. Upon notification of Recovery Organization activation, the primary and/or alternate Site Representative designate (s) will report to their assigned location listed in Section 3 of this appendix and inform the Emergency Coordinator of his/her presence. 2. Be able to support around-the-clock operation. 3. !!aintains communications with the Emergency Coordinator at the ECF. 4. Requests information regarding plant status, radiological releases, and protective actions taken. 5. Assures technical accuracy of.information received from the ECF prior to release of this information to the State ECC Representative. 5 &" '\\h:?OTG (P.;% M,j nP N 1 ZW

. r,52' ' r~

ta-FC/ R2 8-23-83 .}}