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Informs That in Order to Eliminate Potential Impact of Outage Schedule Changes,As Described in 950119 Telcon W/Nrc, Comm Ed Will Partially Implement Amend 145 to Licnse DPR-30 Prior to Start of 13th Refuel Outage.Affected TS Encl
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/20/1995
From: Kraft E
Shared Package
ML20078E178 List:
ESK-95-019, ESK-95-19, NUDOCS 9501310156
Download: ML20078E176 (2)


Commonwealth Edison Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station 22710 206 Aveaue North Corcova, Illinois 61242 Telephone 309/654-2241 ESK-95-019 January 20,1995 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention:

Document Control Desk


Quad Cities Nuclear Station Unit 2 Partial implementation of Approved Amendment to Facility Operating License DPR-30 Appendix A, Technical Specifications Snubber Visual Inspection intervals NRC Docket No. 50-265


(1) C. P. Patel to D. L. ? rar letter dated July 13, 1994 (2) Teleconference between USNRC (R. Pulsifer) and Comed (J. Schrage) on January 19, 1995 in Reference (1), the NRC issued Amendments 14( and 145 to Appendix A (Technical Specifications) of Facility Operating Licenses DPR-29 a id DPR-30 (Quad Cities Nuclear Station Unit 1 and Unit 2). The Amendment 145 approvalletter for DPR-30 (Quad Cities


Station Unit 2), stated that the license amendment was effective on July 13,1994 and it should be implemented prior to startup from the thirteenth refuel outage (Q2R13).

In the Reference (2) teleconference, Commonwealth Edison (Comed) described the potential impact of recent outage schedule changes on the completion of snubber visual inspections, as required by the current Technical Specification (TS) requirements (i.e. prior to implementation of Amendment 145). In order to eliminate the potential impact of these schedule changes on snubber visual inspections, Comed will partially implement Amendment 145 prior to the start of the thirteenth refuel outage, and complete the implementation prior to startup from that outage. This was discussed with the NRC staff during the Reference (2) teleconference.

eo00035 9501310156 950120 PDR ADOCK 05000265

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,,USNRC January 20,1995 The thirteenth refuel outage for Unit 2 (Q2R13) was originally scheduled to start in September 1994. In mid-1994, Comed rescheduled this start date to January 1995, and revised the sta-t date again in late-1994 to March 5,1995. Based upon this new start date for Q2R13, Comed has determined that 111 out of 130 Unit 2 safety-related mechanical snubbers will exceed the current Technical Specification (i.e. prior to Amendment 145) visual inspection surveillance interval between the dates of January 22,1995 and March L, 1995 (the start date for Q2R13). Comed has also determined that 79 out of the 111 snubl,ers are inaccessible during normal plant operation.

in order to avoid an unnecessary shutdown of Unit 2 (including the associated thermal cycling and safety system challenges) which would be required to perform visual inspections of the 79 inaccessible safety-related snubbers, Comed will immediately implement TS 4.6.I.2 (including Table 4.6-3) and the first paragraph of TS 4.6.I.3 of Amendment 145. The attachment to this letter provides the revised TS pages. This partial implementation of an approved license amendment is intended to be a one time action by Comed. Comed will implement the remainder of Amendment 145 prior to startup following Q2R13.

Once implemented, these new TS sections (and associated table) will define the visual inspection requirements and visual mspection acceptance criteria for safety-related snobbers.

As such, the new TS sections will replace current TS sections and 4.6.I.2. Based upon the visual inspection results during Q2R12 (zero failures), the new TS sections will allow Comed to extend the visual inspection interval for the safety-related snubbers from 18 months (i 25%) to 36 months (with a'i explicit statement that the provisions of TS 1.0.DD apply to surveillance intervals up to and including 48 months), thus eli:ainating the requirement to perform snubber visual inspections between January 22, I?95 and March 5, 1995.

As a good faith effort to expedite the snubber visual inspections, Comed will conduct visual inspections on all accessible safety-related snubbers by January 22,1995, and will complete visual inspections on all inaccessible safety-related snubbers during Q2R13.

Please direct any questions you may have concerning this mattter to Nick Chrissotimes at 309-654-2241, extension 3100.

Respectfully,g d ML E. S. Kraft, Jr.

g S,te Vice President Attachment ec:

J. Martin. Regional Administrator - Rill C. Miller, Senior Resident inspector - Quad Cities R. Pulsifer, Project Manager - NRR Office of Nuclear Facility Safety - IDNS