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Rev to 930722 Application for Amend to License NPF-69, Revising TS & Engineering Documents to Reflect Effects of Proposed Power Uprate,Changes to GE Proprietary Rept NEDC-31994P,Rev 1 Encl.Subj GE Proprietary Rept Withheld
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/02/1994
From: Sylvia B
Shared Package
ML19311B557 List:
NMP2L-1513, NUDOCS 9412120138
Download: ML20077E144 (7)





$7' December 2,.1994 NMP2L 1513 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 RE:

Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Docket No. 50-410 NPF-69 Gentlemen:


PROPOSED LICENSE AnfENDh1ENT - UPRATED OPERATION On July 22,1993 (NMP2L 1397), Niagara Mohawk submitted an Application for Amendment to the Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Operating License NPF-69. Attached to the application were six enclosures. These enclosures are listed in Attachment A to this letter.

As stated in our July 22,1993 submittal, various engineering documents were still being revised to reflect the effects of the proposed power uprate. In addition, since submitting the July 22,1993 letter and its enclosures to the Staff, various calculations and analyses performed by General Electric in support of the proposed power uprate amendment have been reviewed by Niagara Mohawk. As a result, several changes are required to Enclosures 1,2, and 3 of Niagara Mohawk's July 22,1993 letter. Therefore, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation hereby transmits revised pages to the enclosures contained in the aforementioned Application for Amendment to the Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Operating License NPF-69.

Single page changes to Enclosure 1,2 and 3 of our July 22,1993 submittal are provided as Attachment B, C and D respectively. No changes are proposed for' Enclosures 4,5 and 6.

These changes to our July 22,1993 submittal do not affect Niagara M0 hawk's conclusion that this power uprate does not involve a significant hazards consideration. These changes also do not authorize any changes in the types of effluents described in our previous submittal. The changes have been reviewed in accordance with Section 6.5 of the Technical Specifications.

Pursuant to 10CFR50.91(b)(1), Niagara Mohawk is providing a copy of this revision to the license amendment request and the supporting information to the appropriate state representative.

ATTAClinfENT D TO Tills LETTER CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORhlATION PURSUANT TO 10CFR2.790. Therefore, in accordance with 10CFR2.790, on behalf of General Electric, Niagara Mohawk requests that the proposed changes contained in Attachment D of this letter be withheld from public disclosure in accordance with Enclosure gl '

4 of our July 22,1993 submittal.

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9412120130 941202 DR ADDCK 0500 0

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l Pago 2 Niagara hfchawk apologizes for any inconvenience that this may have caused. No further i

I changes to the July 22,1993 power uprate package are anticipated. Issuance of the proposed amendment is requested by hfarch 1,1995 to support startup from the upcoming fourth refueling outage.



ID f

B. Ralph Sylvia j

Executive Vice President - Nuclear BRS/KWK/Imc Attachments xc:

Regional Administrator, Region I hfr. B. S. Norris, Senior Resident Inspector Afr. L. B. hlarsh, Director, Project Directorate I-1, NRR hfr. D. S. Brinkman, Senior Project Afanager, NRR his. Donna Ross Division of Policy Analysis and Planning New York State Energy Office Agency Building 2 Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12223 Records hianagement


Description and Evaluation of Proposed Changes to the Operating License and Technical Specifications 2.

Proposed changes to Operating License, Technical Specifications and Bases.


General Electric Topical Report, NEDC-31994P, " Power Uprate Licensing Evaluation for Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2," Revision 1. (proprietary) 4.

GE Affidavit, Revision 1 on NEDC-31994P, Revision 1.


General Electric Report, NEDC 31830P, "Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2 SAFER /GESTR-LOCA ' oss of-Coolant Accident Analysis, Revision 1, November 1990. (proprietary) 6.

GE Affidavit, Revision 1, on NEDC-31830P, Revision 1.


r ATTACHMENT B N!AGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION LICENSE NO. NPF 69 DOCKET NO. 50-410 Proposed Channes to Enclosure 1 Replace the existing pages with the pages listed below. Each page has been provided with marginal markings indicating changes to the text.

Descriotion of Channe j

Enna Descriotion of Chanao 5

The SLCS relief valve setpoint has been revised to show the influence of the back pressure.

6 New calculations of the main steam line high flow setpoints have resulted in minor revisions to the normal and allowable equivalent flow rates.

12 Revised to show that the HPCS system is designed to the 517 gpm flow rate at 1200 (instead of 1175) psid.


for NMP2 after power uprate is 4.538 MWt per bundle. This value is acceptable for application of the generic SLMCPR statistical analysis to uprated NMP2. The generic analysis is documented through NEDC 240ll P-A (GESTAR II) and NEDC-31152P (GE Fuel Bundle Design).


TS 4.1.5.C and TS 4.1.5.D.2 - Standby Liquid Control System surveillance test pressure requirements in Technical Specifications 4.1.5.c is increased by 15 psi to 1235 psig and the pump relief valve serpoint Technical Specification in 4.1.5.D.2 is increased N

by 7 psi to less than or equal to 1394 psig.

Evaluation The Standby Liquid Control System surveillance test pressure is increased by 15 psi to demonstrate that it is capable of providing the design flow rate for uprated operation.

These conditions include operating at a nominal dome pressure 15 psi higher than currently specified. The main steam safety relief valve and pressure scram setpoints (analytical limits) are increased by about 15 psi which is consistent with the dome pressure increase. Therefore, to adequately demonstrate the ability of the system to inject sodium penetaborate solution into the reactor for uprated operating conditions, a test pressure increase of 15 psi is appropriate. The 1235 psig test pressure is well below the 1400 psig design capability of the system and surveillance testing at that pressure will demonstrate the ability of the system to perform its function at uprated conditions. The upper limit of the pump relief valve setpoint is increased to 1394 psig.

This value accounts for the valve back pressure while providing operating margin and still protecting the system within the design pressure (1400 psig). This change ensures that, if needed, SLCS will provid, adequate flow to the vessel.


Tf Table 3.3.1-1 and Table - The turbine first stage pressure scram and RPT bypass at 30% power in Technical Specification Tables 3.3.1-1 note (i) and action 6 and Table footnote ("), are revised to indicate that the uprated trip setpoints and allowable values equivalent to 30% rated thermal power are 125.8 psig (trip setpoint) 136.4 psig (allowable value).

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Enclosure !

Eyulgation This setpoint was selected to allow operating margin to avoid scrams during low power turbine generator trips. Transient events associated with operating just below the setpoint have been shown to be non-limiting. As discussd in LTRI, Section F.4.2(c),

and in Section of Enclosure 3, this small pressure setpoint increase maintains the safety basis for the setpoint and does not introduce any significant difference in the transient analysis results.


TS Table 3.3.2 The main steam line flow differential pressure setpoints, as shown in Technical Specification Table 3.3.2-2, item 1.c.3, are revised to substitute " trip and allowable" values of 121.5 psid and 122.8 psid, respectively.

Evaluation The main steam line flow differential pressure setpoint changes reflect the redefinition of rated main steam line flow that occurs with power uprate. The nominal trip setpoint and allowable value are set at 137.8% and 138.4%, respectively, of rated steam flow. The differential pressure setpoints change due to the higher operating pressure and the increased uprated steam flow. The analytical limit of 140% of uprated steam flow is maintained for the uprate analyses. That limit was retained to ensure that the desired trip avoidance margin can be maintained for the normal plant testing of MSIVs and turbine stop valves. The increase in the value of the trip setpoint still provides a high assurance of isolation protection for a main steam line break accident which meets its original design intent. This approach is consistent with section F.4.2(e) of LTRI.


TS Table 3.3.2 The main steam line tunnel temperature trip setpoints as shown in Technical Specification Table 3.3.2 2 item 1.d are revised to values of 1167.2"F for high temperature,170.0*F for high temperature differential, and Li48.2*F for high main steam line lead enclosure temperat"re. The corresponding allor'able values are changed to il70.6*F for high temperatu..:,171.7*F for high temperature differential, and il51.6*F for high main steam line lead enclosure temperature.

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TS B3/4.5.1 nnd B3/4.5.2 - The value for HPCS pump design capacity is changed to 517 gpm and the corresponding differential pressure is changed to 1200 psid on page 133/4 5-2 of Technical Specification Bases B3/4.5.1 and B3/4.5.2.

Evahiation The bases for differential pressure value of 1200 psid are events leading to an isolated vessel without feedwater supply (e.g., steam line break LOCA outside containment) where llPCS is the system supplying inventory to the isolated vessel. The design value of 1200 psid ensures that the system will supply the flow assumeo in the analysis of these events. Acceptable results were found including the SRV spring setpoint values for the uprated condition (with +3% setpoint drift) even with the two lowest set SRVs out of service.

ilPCS pump flow of 517 gpm corresponding to the high differential pressure point is changed from 516 gpm to be consistent with SAFER /GESTR analysis. The current as built ilPCS system characteristics amply satisfy this requirement.


TS B3/ B3/ and B3/4.6.2 - The bases for Technical Specifications 83/ and B3/ are revised to clarify that uprated analysis results in maximum calculated containment pressure less than 39.75 psig. Technical Specification B3/4.6,2 is revised to clarify that the containment pressure during the design basis accident is less than 40 psig. The current containment pressure of 39.75 psig is used in the performance of containment leak rate testing.

Evaluation The bases for tae value currently in the TS for the maximum containment pressure are reworded to clarify that the maximum contaimnent pressure after power uprate will be maintained below the current value used for wontainment leak rate testing. Section 4.1 documents the containment analysis for power uprate and shows a peak DBA-LOCA calculated pressure of 36.8 psig (less than the current testing requirement of 39.75 psig). The LOCA analysis was performed with GE methodology which has been reviewed and accepted by the NDC as part of the NRC's acceptance of the power uprate generic guidelines (LTRI). There is no impact on currently - proved requirements and test procedures. 0