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Forwards Rev 15 to Unit 1 Pump Inservice Testing Program & Rev 11 to Unit 2 Pump Inservice Testing Program. Revs Are Result of Program Enhancements Identified by Plant Desgin Study 0106 & Recently Issued Design Basis Documents
Person / Time
Site: McGuire, Mcguire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/10/1990
From: Tuckman M
Shared Package
ML20065R855 List:
TAC-61271, TAC-61272, NUDOCS 9012190196
Download: ML20065R850 (8)


ll l llukeIsner compan> M 5 Tit a sit s Nur h ar (*roduc finn Ihpt ih e l'iniderti l'f) liv.t ll10T Nu( frur (Iperaf tvin iharlotte N C :h20!.lHHT (ful)1iidtil DUKE POWER December 10, 1990 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 (CN's 1-10)


McGuire Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-369 and 50-370 Pump and Valve Inservice Testing Program Program Revision 15 (Unit 1) and 11 (Unit 2)

[ Relief Request No. 90-04]

(TACS 61271/61272)


Please find enclosed (pursuant to 10CFR 50.4 and 50.55a(g)) for NRC staff use and review ten copies of Unit 1 Revision 15 and Unit 2 Revision 11 of the McGuire Nuclear Station Pump and Valve (IWP/lWV) Inservice Testing Program. The revisions are a result of program enhancements identified by McGuire Design Study 0106 and recently issued Design Basis Documents.

Only the IWV program has been revised. No changes were made to the IWP program. The changes are summarized on Attachment 1. These changes meet the requirements of Generic Letter 89-04 and since McGuire has not yet received a Saft':y Evaluation f, aport for the IST program, these changes are considered effective immediately.

'If you have any questions regarding the enclosed material, please call L.J.

Rudy at (704) 373-3413.

Very truly yours, n h

)13.(hM2 m M.S. Tuckman LJR/s Attachment g Enclosures - $

!\O k

9012190196 901210 7

PDR ADOCK 05000369 P PDR

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission December 10, 1990 Page 2 j

xt: (w/ attachment-enclosures)

Mr. S.D. Ebneter  !

Regional Administrator, Region II U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 101 Marietta St., NW, Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 (CN11)

Mr. C.R. Ransom EG&G Idaho, Inc.

Idaho National Engineering Laboratory 1520 Sawtelle St. 1 Idaho falls, Idaho-83402 (CN12)

(w/ attachment only)

Mr. T.A. Reed, Project Manager Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North, Mail Stop 9H3 Washington, D.C. 20555 Mr. P.K. VanDoorn

.NRC Senior Resident inspector McGuire Nuclear Station i


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ATTACHMENT 1 McGUIRE UNITS 1 AND 2 IWV PROGRAM REVISIONS Note: Revisions are for both Units unless indicated otherwise.

1. Table of Contents e) Added' Airlock (IA) system  :

b) Added Diesel Generator Cooling Water (KD) system (

c) Added Control Area Ventilation (VC) system - Unit 1 only d) Changed page numbers appropriately.

2.Section II.2 Table of Abbreviations a) Added FS -Fail Safe to Legend
3.Section II.3 Definitions a) Added Failsafe (FS) and defined how failsafe testing will be~ conducted.
4.Section II.4 Data Sheets a) All data sheets.were revised to exclude stroke time requirements. " Rapid Acting" 2 second valves are identified in the remarks column.

b)? Data sheet page numbers changed to reflect. addition of_

Li IA,KD and VC systems.

) CA-0020AB, CA-0027A, CA-0032B changed category toLAC and added LT to test requirements.

It was determined that leakage past these valves =is-critical because it would.not be directed to the.S/G's.

d) 1CA-0040B, ICA-0056A, 2CA-0040B, 2CA-0044B Valves are changed to " Rapid Acting" after evaluating.

e) CA-0161C, CA-0162C Deleted from the program'because the valves were determined not to have a. safety function per Design Study 0106.

f) CA-0165, CA-0166 Added MTC-to valves. Design Study 0106 determined valves have a safety function to close. .

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g) FD-0092, FD-0104

'Added MTC to valves. Design Study 0106. determined the valves have-a safety-function to close.

h) FD-0093, FD-0105 New valves added to the program identified by Design Study 0106.

1) IA-5080, IA-5160, IA-5340, IA-5350, IA-5360, IA-5370, IA-5380, IA-5390 .

New system and valves added to program as a result of


review of program and modification to airlock valves, y

j) 1KC-0340 Corrected typographical error. Changed LY to LT.

k).2KC-0340 P Corrected test requirements. Deleted ST-Q. Added LT-RF.

1) KD-0009, KD-0029 New system and valves added to program identified by b" Design Study 0106.

m) NC-0032B,'NC-0034A, NC-0036B Indicated 2 second-requirement to close only, n) NI-0136B LChanged to1 cold-shutdown' valve.

- o)-NS-0004, NS-0021 Added MTC to Valves. Determined to have a safety.

function to close~per Design Study 0106.

p) NS-0038B,.NS-0043A 4

Changed to. cold shutdown valves..

q) NV-0001A, NV-0002A, NV-0022, NV-0842AC

.NV-0844, NV-1007, NV-1008, NV-1009' p NV-1010, NV-1012C, NV-1013C l . Valves deleted from IWV program. They were determined not to have a. safety function'per Design Study 0106.

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r) INV-0025B i Deleted from being-a rapid acting valve after-maintenance, s) INV-0457A Evaluated as a rapid heting valve following maintenance.

t) NV-1002 Deleted test requirement MTO. Valve evaluated not to have a safety functior. per Design study 0106. ,

u) NV-1046 Added valve to program. Identified by Design Study.0106.

v) 2NV-0035A

-Added valve to program. New valve in sytem to serve same function as 2NV-0459A. Added per NSM MG-22123.

14) 2NV-0459A Deleted valve from program. Valve replaced with  !

2NV-0035A per-NSM MG-22123.

.x) ORN-0004AC, ORN-0148AC

-Deleted valves from' program. Valves.Were determined not to have a safety function per Design-Study 0106.-

y) RN-0021A, RN-0022A, RN-0025B, RN-0026B. f Cold shutdown justification deleted.- Timing method now permits quarterly testing.

) 1RN-0042A,-1RN-0063B, 1RN-0064A, IRN-0252B 1RN-0253A, 1RN-0276A, 1RN-0277B Corrected cold shutdown justification numbers.

aa) 2RN-0215B, 2RN-0227B Deleted from being a rapid acting valve following evaluation after maintenance.

bb) 1RN-0442, 1RN-0445, 1RN-0457, 1RN-0460 New valves added to the program. Identified by Design Study 0106.


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cc) 1/2SM-0009AB, 2SM-0010AB, 1/2SM-0011AB, 1/2SM-0012AB Changed to rapid acting valves following evaluation, dd) IVC-0001A, IVC-0002A, IVC-0003B, IVC-0004B IVC-0009A, IVC-0010A, IVC-0011B, IVC-0012B

'New system and valves added to the program identified by ,

Design Basis document MCS-1578.VC-00-0001.

ee) VG-0003, VG-0004, VG-0017, VG-0018 VG-0019, VG-0020 New valves added to the program identified by Design Basis document MCS-1609.VG-00-0001, ff) VG-0061, VG-0062, VG-0063,~VG-0064

-VG-0065, VG-0066, VG-0067, VG-0068 r

Identified as-rapid acting valves.-

gg) 1VI-0040,_IVI-0124, IVI-0129B, IVI-0140B -

IVI-0149,-IVI-0150B, 1VI-0160B, IVI-0161 IVI-0362A Flow ~ diagram numbers and coordinates. changed to reflect redrawn _ flow diagrams, hh) VI-0135,-VI-0136, VI-0137, VI-0138

-VI-0139, VI-0140, VI-0141, VI-0142 Valves added1to the-program. . Identified 1with-PIR 0-M89-0239.

-1'1) 2VQ-0001A


. Identified as.a-rapid-acting valve.

jj) 1YC-0054, 1YC-0076, 1YC-0113, 1YC-0135' 1YC-0148, 1YC-0162, 1YC-0176, 1YC-0190

'1YC-0204, 1YC-0218, 1YC-0232, 1YC-0246 1YC-0347, 1YC-0357-Valves the program.. Identified with PIR


i s - -

4.Section II.6 Specific Relief Requests a) RR-IAI New relief request added as a result of adding valves to program, 1

b) RR-NB1 Clarified alternate testing will performed in accordance with Appendix J.

c) RR-VI3 New relief request added-as a result of adding valves to program.

5.Section II.7 Cold Shutdown Justifications a) CS-FW1 Deleted 'but prior to Mode 3 (Hot Standby)'in alternate testing. FW-0027A can be cycled' closed for testing pursuant to Tech Spec in Mode 3. The valve may be tested at that time, b) CS-ND4 Corrected typographical error on Unit"1, Changed ' seal'

-toe' seat' in alternate testing. Added -and depressurized' following 'at cold. shutdown.' ND-70 can not be seat leak' tested unless the NC system is depressurized.

c) CS-NDS-Added ' 'and depressurized' -following at cold shutdown.'

ND-71 can not be-seat leak tested.unless the NC system is-s depressurized, d) CS-NI21.

New shutdown justification for NI-136B. Stroking NI-136B'

'on<line degrades the ND system.

e) CS-NSI New shutdown justification for NS-3SB and NS-43A.

Stroking these valves on line degrades the ND system, f) CS-NV3

. z.. . . . . - . . . . .

e Shutdown justification deleted because NV-1A and NV-2A were deleted from the scope of IWV per Design Study 0106.

g) CS-NVS Shutdown justification deleted because NV-22 was deleted from the scope of IWV per Design Study 0106, 3 h)_CS-NV6 Shutdown justification = deleted because NV-1007, NV-1008, NV-1009 and NV-1010 were deleted from the scope of'IWV per Design' Study 0106.

1) CS-NV10 .(Unit 2 Only)

Shutdown justification deleted because 2NV-459A-has had its' function replaced by 2NV-35A per NSM MG-22123. With- ,

new-valve characteristics, the vibration concerns are no longer valid, j) CS-NV16 New shutdown justification added because'of NV-1046 added to the program-identified-by Design Study 0106 : -

t k) CS-RN1 Shutdown justification deleted. Valves RN-21A,~RN-22A, RN-25B and RN-26B have enhanced timing methods that allow a the valves to be timed quarterly.

1) CS-vol-New shutdown justification.added because of adding VG-17, y 'VG-18; VG-19 and VG-20 to the program identified by L Design Basis document MCS-1578.~VC-00-0001.


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