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Responds to NRC Re long-term Operability of Deep Draft Pumps.Outline of Pump & Sump Installation & Testing Procedures Encl.Details Will Be Incorporated Into Appropriate Maint Procedure
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/22/1982
From: Parker W
To: Adensam E, Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8207280127
Download: ML20058E275 (3)



d DUKE Powsu COMPANY Powza Dust.nswo 4aa Sourn Cnuncu Srazer, CnAnwire, N. C. as24a WILLI A M O. PAR M E R, J R.

s,c.'$ I"'[o' c'",L July 22, 1982 35'c'~oac;^ata40; Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commfssion Washington, D. C. 20555 Attention:

Ms. E. G. Adensam, Chief Licensing Branch No. 4 Re: Cstawba Nuclear Station Docket Nos. 50-413, 50-414

Dear Mr. Denton:

Please find attached a response to Mr. R. L. Tedesco's November 30, 1981 letter concerning long-term operability of deep draft pumpn.

Very trisly yours, o


b.... e.


William O. Parker, Jr.

RWO/php Attachment cc:

Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Regional Administrator U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 11 101 Marietta Street, Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Mr. P. K. Van Doorn NRC Resident Inspector Catawba Nuclear Station Mr. Robert Guild, Esq.

Attorney-at-Law 314 Pall Mall Columbia, South Carolina 29201 Palmetto Alliance 213515 Devine Street Columbia, South Carolina 29205 t


Duke Power Company w

Catawba Nuclear Station 1.0 Installation Procedures The pumps for which this response is applicable are the nuclear service water pumps manufactured by Bingham-Willamette Co.

All the information given below will be included in che appropriate maintenance procedure; MP/0/A/7150/29, Nuclear Service Water Pump Corrective Maintenance and/or MP/0/A/7150/33, Nuclear Service Water Pump Removal and Replacement.

1.1 Pump Installation A.

All pump shaft segments shall be checked for straightness individually prior to reassembly and will be shown to be within tolerances specified by the manufacturer.


All couplings for the pumps (as well as the pumps) are built according to ASME Code Section III, Class 3.

Quality Assurance documentation is also provided by Bingham-Willamette for the pumps and all spare parts ordered, including couplings. This will assure us of receiving the highest quality couplings Bingham-Willamette can provide.


The pump shaf t uses keyed sleeve line shaf t couplings with a split thrust ring to secure the segments. A dial indicator will be used to ensure shaft concentricity within manufacturer's specified tolerances after each segment coupling is assembled.


All pump segment casing flanges are designed and built with rabbet fits to help assure and maintain alignment. Steel shaft sleeves are fitted in three positions along the shaft. Rubber bushings with bronze housings are placed in the casings at the positions of the shaft sleeves, as well as two other equally spaced positions along the shaft to help assure and maintain shaft-to-casing concentricity. However, dial indi-cators can be used as a final check for shaft-to-casing concentricity as each section of the pump casing is being assembled.


Initially the total indicated runout of the motor shaft will be checked to assure straightness.Once the motor has been placed on the motor stand, the motor will be aligned to the pump within the manufacturer's specified tolerances by attaching two dial indicators to the motor shaft, and sweeping two perpendicular precision-machined surfaces of the pump coupling flange. Shims placed between the motor and motor stand may be used as required to correct any coupling flange face runout.

Once the proper motor-to-pump alignment is achieved, the coupling assembly will be completed according to the procedures outlined in the Manuf acturer's Instruction Manual.


Assurance that all mating surface bolting is properly attached will be accomplished by following the Manufacturer's Reassembly Procedure and match marking the nuts, bolts and bolt holes. Proper torquing sequences and torque values will be included in an enclosure in one and/or both of the aforementioned maintenance procedures.

1.2 Sump Inst.allation A.

All pump segment casing flanges are designed and built with rabbet fits to help assure and maintain alignment.


Flow sprenders are in front of all the intake pipe entrances in order to prevent vortices and flow irregularities. Removable lattice screens ptatect the nuclear service water pumps from solid objects.


There is nothing in the sump pit area other than the lattice screens that could possibly cause interference.

2.0 Testing The need for detailed testing of the Nuclear Service Water pumps has been evalu-ated, as required by section 2.0 of the Guidelines for Demonstration of Operability of Deep Draft Pumps. As a result of this evaluation further testing beyond the installation precedures used to set up these pumps was found to be unnecessary, due to the application of these pumps, their previous history and planned usage schedule.

The testing outlined in the Guidelines mentioned above consists of taking detailed vibration, orbit and bearing wear data on deep draft pumps during short test runs of six, forty-eight and ninety-six hours, then extrapolating the test data to ot tnin an estimate of the bearing life. This is appropriate for pumps utilized in infrequent-usage applications, such as core spray or low head safety injection pump application, as identified in IE bulletin No. 79-15.

For pumps utilized in high usage applications such as Catawba's Nuclear Service Water pumps, however, this type of short run testing may not provide the best means of aasuring pump operability. As an alternative to the testing described in the Guideline, Catawba Nuclear Station will install each of the deep-draft pumps identified in our initial response using detailed installation procedures to assure proper alignment. Follow-ing initial installation, each pump will be run in normal service conditions for a minimum of 1000 hours0.0116 days <br />0.278 hours <br />0.00165 weeks <br />3.805e-4 months <br /> during the preoperational phase of the project. This period of operation will be sufficient to reveal problems related to manufacturing deficiencies such as those identified in IE Bulletin 79-15.

This program will provide a more direct means of assessing the long-term operability of the pumps through direct experience than the short-term testing program suggested in the guidelines.