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Forwards Supplemental Evaluation of Adequacy of Offsite Emergency Preparedness for Facilities.Organizations Adequately Prepared to Carry Out Assignments
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/28/1982
From: Krimm R
Federal Emergency Management Agency
To: Grimes B
RTR-NUREG-0654, RTR-NUREG-654 NUDOCS 8202030219
Download: ML20040E176 (11)



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f " : y Federal Emergency Management Agency

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s 2 6 J AN 1982 f ^^#eeso ?.9 FEB2 MEMORANDUM FOR: Brian K. Grimes Director 7 Cg wm .

79 8 & 7 r

Division of Emergency Preparedness s U. Sy N. clear Re u t ry Commission  % ,,

FROM: fdchar . Krimm Assistant Associate Director Office of Natural and Technological Hazards


Supplemental finding on the Offsite Emergency Preparedness for the LaSalle Nuclear Power Station (LNPS)

Per our agreement, attached is a NUREG 0654 (A-P) evaluation regarding the adequacy of offsite emergency preparedness for the LNPS which supplements our interim finding to you dated October 22, 1981.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region V has provided the State of Illinois with copies of the exercise evaluation and the attached A-P evaluation. A schedule of corrections of the deficiencies noted in the plans and implementing procedures has been requested from the State by February 15, 1982. Additionally, a siren system has been installed at the LNPS and will undergo preliminary testing by the State and utility by late January. The system will be required to be further tested and evaluated by FEMA Region V to assure that it meets the Criteria of Appendix 3.

It is the opinion of Region V that offsite planning has addressed all known areas necessary for attention. Their review indicates that all responsible organizations appear capable and prepared to carry out their assignments within the plans with the exceptions so indicated in the evaluation.

Attachment l

8202030219 820126 6,9 PDR ADOCK 05000373 g ,




/ Federal Center 1982 JAN 21 P12:gtle Creek, Michigan 49016 N/J:gy;J, r+.. :r -,:y-JAN 211982 MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Chief, Natural and Technological Hazards Division ATTN: ti. Gaut, Technological Hazards Branch FROM: Regional Director, FEMA Region V SU8 JECT: Interim Report - LaSalle Nuclear Power Station In response to your request, attached arethe Interim Findings of the State and local readiness for the LaSalle Nuclear Power Station.

The site-specific plans have been reviewed, exercised, and ,

critiqued (with the exception of public alert and notification '

capability) in accordance with all known FEMA-issued policy,  ;

direction, and guidance by the Regional Assistance Connittee (RAC). i Based on this evalution, it is the opinion of Region V that off-site planning has addressed all known areas necessary for attention.

l Our review indicates that all responsible organizations appear capable and prepared to carry out the aesignments within the plans with the exceptions so indicated in the evaluation.

[/ b&

hn T. Anderson Attachment



I. Introduction This doctanent constitutas the interim findings of the Regional Director, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region Y concerning the adequacy of radiological emergency response planning and preparedness for the LaSalle Nuclear Power Station (LMPS).

Facility. LNPS comprises two boiling water reactors (LNPS-1 and LNPS-;:), each of1078 h capacity.- LMPS is located on a 3,000-acre site about six miles SSE of the town of Marseilles, in LaSalla County. Both units are now under construction. The completion date for LMPS-1 is 51une,1982; for LNPS-2, October,1983. LMPS will be operated by Commonwealth Edison Company. ,

Emergency Planning Zone (IPI't. The ten-mile exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone includes LaSalte County, with the municipalities.of Grand Ridge, Marseilles, Ranson and Seneca, and Grundy County, with the municipalities of Kinsman and Verona. The 50-mile ingestion pathway EPZ comprises portions of the States of Illinois and Indiana.

Snacial Circisnstances/ Considerations. LNPS is located on a 3,000-acre site, of wnich 2,058 acres are occupied by a cooling lake. This lake will be used for recreational. boating and fishing. LNPS is within five miles of the Illinois River and within five and one-half miles of Illini State Park. BothWithin are recreational sites used by local and the 10-mile EPI are several ma,ior transient populations.

transportation facilities: the Illinois Waterway, Interstate 80, and two major rail lines.

Principal State and County Technical and Planning Organizations. State of Illinois comnand ano coercination of emergency planning and response is shared by the Illinois Emergency Semicas and Disaster Agency (ESDA) and the Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety (DNS). DNS is responsible for technical functions: radiological accident assessment; food, water, and milk control, radiological exposure control, and determination of wnen reentry may occur. ESDA has cocuand and coordination authority over operational (nontechnical) functions:

evacuation and sheltering, access control, emergency medical and law enforcament functions. 8 e

Cossaand authority in LaSalle and Grundy vested in the County Executive; coordination is delegated to the county ESDA coordinator. The primary role in implementing protective and parallel responses at the county level is delegated to the County Sheriff.



2 .

Evidence Available for Examination. These interia findings are based observer evaluations of exercises of'the State of County and Grundy County Plans.

4re: Documents used in preparing this report The IPRA State General Plan (Volume I) and LaSalle Site-Specific Plan (Volune III).

FEMA Regional Assistanca Comittee (RAC) review and comment of State General Plan and Dresden Site-Specific Plan (dated Octobe 1980) and of the LaSalle Site-Specific Plan (dated March 5,1981 Transcript of the LNPS Public Meeting dated December 5,'.1980.

For the exercise conducted Decenber 4,1980, are:

~ Exercise Scenario i

- Post Exercise Evaluation Dresden Exercise September 30,1981 i .

Regional ~6, Director's November 1981. Interim Report - Grundy County, dated These docunents, as a body of adequacy and inadequacy,pntsanted below. form the basis for the spe II. Staff Evaluation Firdings _

A. Plans Title.

The IPRA comprises the " State General Plan" (Volume I) and site-specific plans for each nuclear power station. Volume III, chapter and the LaSalle and Grundy County Plans. en for townships within the 10-mile EPZ. are included within Volme III.In Authority.

Authorities for the IPRA are the Illinois Emergency Services and Disastar Agency Act nf 1975, which establishes the ESDA and vests in its authority planning for emergencies for all natural and man-made causes. The Illinois Nuclear Safety Act which establishes a program to plan for radiological emergen,cies, and an Executive Order which creates the Department of Nuclear Safety

, vests responsein itplanning.

certain responsibilities for radiological emergency, and Organization.

The IPRA is cisarly organized.. A single correlation site-specific plan to MUREG 0654.cocument cross-indexes the State G dated August,1980, It has had three The first version of IPRA ms updates:

February,1981, and March,1981. Novenner, 1980, l


3 ,

Relationship to Other Plans. The IPRA is based on the Illinois I Cccertnensive Disastar Response Plan, prepared and maintained by the ESDA, which covers all natural and technological disasters.

Supporting plans are cited in Chapter 10, Appendix B of Voluna 1 of the State General Plan. These include plans for the Illinois Depart-ment of Transportation, Illinois National Guard, and the State Emergency Broadcast System.

Plan Content. The Regional Assistance Consnittee (RAC) and staff of FUM Region V have reviewed the IPRA State General Plan and LaSalle Site-Specific Plan for content in accordance with NUREG 0654/

FEMA-ftEP-1, Revision 1. The following list represents the planning deficiencies that should be corrected to improve the plan.

The major deficiencies in plan content are:

f v a. The State General Plan does not identify cocaunications links i between EOCs and fixed medical support facilities, as required by NUREG 0654 F.2. ,

b. The responsibility matrix for State functions (NUREG 0654, A.2.a)

V addresses most major functions and respensibilities. Public l Infr.rmation and Fire and Rercue functions are omitted. Full compliance with NUREG 0654 requires inclusion of these functions in the responsibility matrix.

B. Acolication of the Plan .

l Having reviewed the Stata and local plans to ensure their compliance j with NURES 0654, 44 CFR Part 350 and other directives, exercises I were conducted to ascertain the capability;cf implementing thca in

the event of a nuclear power plant accident. The folLwring repre-seats observations made during the Decaster 4.1980 LaSalle exen
ise as well as the .0ctober 28, 1980, and September 30, 1981

, 3 e-p4M8 )- Dresden exercises. Tne ocservation data in these Interim Findings 7 are compiled,from these exercises so that a more accurate and current evaluation can be reported as it applies to the LaSalle site-specific response. The following evaluation data follows the NUREE 0654 format A through P (minus B_).

A. Assignment of Responsibi_lity (Orcanizational Centrol)

State The State has demonstrated an adequate capability to ensure state resources are effectively utilized in support of a nuclear power plant accident and to coordinate these resources with local goverunents. The State utilized a list of emergency response i personnel to replace the first shift rather than demonstrating an actual shift change. This method did not completely demon-strate a capability for a continued 24-hour staffing.

i i

- 4 Counties LaSalle county demonstrated an adequate capability. to staff its

. EOC. The response personnel relied largely on guidance from the State area ESDA Director, rather than utilizing county SOPS.

The Grundy County Plan describes the County Board Chairman, the Mayor, and the ESDA Coordinat;c is the individuals jointly in

;,,g, charge of the amergency response team. During the exercise #s

, thi concept took on 4 different mode. Tne ESDA coordinator assumed leadership of the operation, and it did not appear that he kept the County Board Chairman and the Mayor sufficiently informed.

A more clear cut demonstration of the respective roles of the county chairperson, the Mayor and the ESDA Coordinator is needed.

LaSalle County (at the Lasalle exercise of decamber 4,1980)l presented lists of replacement personnel in lieu of an actua shift change. This is not considered a complete demonstration of capability for continuous (24-hour) operations. Grundy County demonstrated a capability for continuous (24-hour) operations in the Dresden September 30, .1981. exercise.

Direction and coordination activities at the State Emergency Services and Disaster Agency Comand Post (ESDA Cp) and county from the State EOC should be emergency augmented by <rperations an ongoingcenters (EDCs)iological condition inforne-flow of rad tion from the State. Standard operating procedures (SOPS) need to be developed to guide the operation of the State Ccumand Post.

C. Emergency Response Supcort and Resources i

State The State has demonstrated an adequate capability to request and utilize Federal assistance. .

D. Esergency Classification System State / Counties The amargency classification system used by the State, LaSalle and Grundy Counties is consistent with the classification systen used by the utility.

E. Motification Methods and Precedures  :

State / Counties The Stats and Grundy County have demonstrated an adequate capability to notify response organizations and personnel of a radiological emergency, following initial notification by the licensee.


5 At'LaSalle County it was observed that prior knowledge of the scenario may have affectad a reclistic full response -

capability because many staff members were conveniently near the EOC at the time the exercise hagan.

Grundy County did not demonstrate an adequate capability to, alert and notify the public within the 15-ctinute requirement.

Simulated notification required 45 minutes for ccepletion.

F. Emergency Communications State -

The State has demonstrated a capability to ecuummicate with*

county EDCs and the licelisee's near-site EDF.

County .

Difficulty with inter-county radio connunications was noted

%g' between the Grundy County EDC and the LaSalle County EDC. -

Grundy County obtained no response from LaSalle County during

, two attempted contacts. Little or no feedback of infonnation

- was received from the LaSalle County EDC to Marseilles and ,

Seneca (this could be an operational or procedural difficulty rather than a communications system problem)-.

G. Public Education and Information .

l St!te, .

( The State of Illinois has demonstrated an adequate capability to perform a public infornation function. The State ESDA public c ,ap information officer performed very well with the media, and was -

able to draw on backup support at the State EDC.

H. Emergency Facility and Equipnent -

State The State of Illinois has demonstrated an adequate ability to l provide the emergency facilities and equipment, required to

support its emergency response functions. Significant improve-I ments have been made at the State EOC since the Dresden exercise of October 28,1980.

Counties The LaSalle County ECC is housed in a relatively new building and' genemlly has sufficient space and resources. However, it is an intarim facility with tables, phones, displays, arranged and set up specifically for the exercise. The arrangements would have to be re-established in the event of an actual emergency. The l

l 1 - . _ .

.. 6 setting up of furniture and displays reportedly takes about 20 minutes, but the additional telephones were. reported to have been placed several days earlier. Thus, there is a question as to how long it would actually take LaSalle County to become fully operational in their EDC if an emergency occurred.

Grundy County has demonstrated an adequate capability to provide facilities and resourcas required to support a response to a radiological emergency. The EDC, although slightly crowded, was.

efficiently utilized by response personnel. Appliitable plans,

, SOPS. maps, and status boards were available. However, then could have been better use of the status board displays and weather data for Protective Action Guides (PAGs). Security l

was very good. One guard was stationed at the front entrance to the Courthouse and the other guard at the entrance to the EOC. A sign-in roster was used with two ID documents required to gain entrance.

  • ~

Municipal EDCs generally had minimal dispays and all lacked or improperly used their status boards. Maps obsened were of -

various scales, which usually did not provide sufficient details '

. on routes, location of such itams as dairy fams, etc., and gen-erally were too small to be clearly seen from the operational positions.

Municipal EOCs were considered at least minimally acceptable for the jurisdictional area and the nature of their operations. The Seneca EOC was. in a trailer since their facility had burned six weeks earlier. The Grand Ridge EDC in the fire station needed minor improvements including provision of more telephone service and improvement o.' cap displays to permit remarking as the changing situation warranted.

The interim utility EOF served its purpose, although far from

", ideal in tems of a physical facility. A permanent EOF is ,

needed which can meet the needs of tne utility, as well as facilitate coordination of the utility-state-local response.

I. Accident Assessment State The Stata demonstrated a good capability for providing methods, equipment and expertise for rapid assessment of real or potential radiological hazards existing in the liquid or gaseous pathhey.

This included activation, notification, transportation, crumunications and moni'toring equipment.

State-level functions, primarily by the Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety (DNS), were successfully carried Springfield and at the DNS mobile lab in Streator except in e

7 the. area of dissemination of informatio'n'as indicated in the

' Area of S;ecial Concern" below.

During the December 4,1980 exercise, infomation cencerning, the developing radiological situation was not mada avail-able to the staff located in the three vans which -

constituted the State ESDA Cocynand Post (CP).

l It is elementary that the key officials be apprised of the developing radiological situation - the failure to do so in this exercise detracted from an otherwise well-run operation at the CP.

Area of Special Concern There was limited infonation on radiological conditions passed from DNS to local EOCs, thus local RD0s (where they l exist) could not effectively apply an' dmonitor exposure

, controls or response actions.. Although this function is the j responsibility of the State DNS, even where local capability may exist, some observers question the complete dependence on centralized expertise, as well as the lack of radiological

i. inforsantion provided to the County EOCs. This requires the

! county to play an entirely passive role of blindly following advice from external sources. It has been observed elsewhere l,

that where the county staff closely followed the radiological situation, they were able to avoid unnecessary actions that would have followed from garbled radiological information received.

J. Protective Resoonse l State / Local The State Emergency Plan includes a range of protective actions for the plume exposure pathway EPI for emergency workers and the public. The plan provides guidelines for choosing such actions during an emergency.

During the exercise, the State demonstrated an acceptable capability to make appropriate decisions regarding protective actions during an energency.

The overall operation of the evacuation reception center in Pontiac during the exercise was acceptable. Additional registrars, nurses, and monitors and a viable training program for them would improve the capability of this function.

Tners was considerable" confusion about both rail and highway traffic control measures which were not clearly defined and b not displayed in the LaSalle EOC. There was limited coordination with the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Sureau of Traffic, which has 'the primary responsibility for l

,- s 8 ,,

deciding on closing of highmys, assigning of detours, etc. The functions of traffic control, highway and rail closings, and the Stata County roles need to be clarified. A11.such closings should be clearly delineated and displayed in the affected county and local ECCs. (ReferenceNUREE0654J.10andK.3)

SOPS for requesting bus transportation should be clarified. The

LaSalle County Plan should be readdressed and consideration given to stationing a representative of the bus company at the .

County EOC. ,

Grundy County (at the Dresden exercise of September 30, 1961) has demonstrated an adequata capability to protect the public.

County personnel have addressed making arrangements for evacua-t

tion by bus to the designated relocation center at the Ottawe l Township High School. The County has volunteer ambulance companies on standby for use in evacuation of Morris Hospital patients. '

K. Radiolooical Exposure control -

State / Counties The State and LaSalle County have demonstrated adequcte means for controlling radiological exposure of emergency workers.

The Grundy County EDC staff personnel were issued themo-luminescent dosimeters (TLD) at the time the " General Emergency

  • was declared. Self-reading dosimeters were issued, Dose record cards were distributed to all EOC staff personnel. .

Reading frequencies were never announced non explaimd, nor were contml records maintained. .

L. Medical a_nd Public Health Support The exercise demonstrated the capability of the State and local jurisdictions to cope with contaminated and injured individuals and provide them with medical services.

The Stats and local levels of emergency government took tia necessary steps to insure adequate planning for medical problems which may occur. The medical care facility list the State Plan should include each facility's capacity to handle contaminated victims. (Reference State General Plan, Volume 1.

page 73.)

A listing of emergency-facilities capable of providing containment treatment for patients was not observedi.nor was its use demon-strated. ,

Demonstration of evacuating a nursing home to a pre-set relocation point was considered outstanding.


7.' 7

9 M. Recovery and Reentry Planning and Post-Accident Operations


~ State / County The State and Grundy and LaSalle Counties have demonstrated a s minimal effort in tne redovery and reentry phase of the operation. Future exercises need to ;nore fully demonstrate recovery and reentry reduction in status (procedures to include a phased" General Em to " Alert," etc.) and a partial reentry as a first step tcMard full reentry.

N. Exercises and Drills _

State The State and counties have made adequate provisions for l periodic exercises of ma,ior' portions of emergency response capabilities, periodic drills of key functions, and for correction of deficiencies identified as a result of exercises or drills. ,

Radislooical Emergency Response Training O.

State response agencies and personnel have demonstrated adequate training to discharge their duties.

P. Responsibility for Plannino Effort l The plan designates the responsibilities for plan development and review, for the distribution of plans, and for the training of planners.

III. 5chedule of Corrections The FDM Region Y and RAC review of the State and local plars for the emergency planning zone of the LaSalle nuclear Power Station revealed that the plans are basically adequate to protect the public. There were sous deficiencies noted in tnis review as conveyed to the State on March 5, 1981 and same problems that su-faced as a result of the December 4,1980 exercise. It should be noted that the problems found in the plans and implementing procedures are such that once corrected would serve to improve upon the overall emergency response capability.

> ,,% e 7 The State was provided a copy.of the exercise evaluation on February 3, 1981, and ccpy of this Interim Report was transmitted (datafax) to the State on January 15, 1982. We have requested a schedule of corrections to the plans and implementing procedures to arrive in Region Y no later than _ February 15, 1982, and upon receipt, we will incorporate this into the LaSalle Interim Findings.

