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Forwards Rept for Remedial Exercise Conducted on 881207 for Plant.Exercise Conducted on 4 Areas Requiring Correction. Concludes That Offsite Radiological Emergency Perparedness Adequate to Provide Assurance Re Public Health & Safety
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/21/1989
From: Kwiatkowski D
Federal Emergency Management Agency
To: Congel F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 9001050053
Download: ML20005E318 (6)


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( Federal Emergency Management Agency .

Washington,' D.C. 20472

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DEC 2l 1989


'Mr. Frank J. Congel I Director, Division of- Radiation Protection and-Emergency Preparedness office:of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 9 Washington',-D.C. 20555 -

Dear Mr. Congol:


. > Enclosed is a copy of the report for the exercise 3 conducted December 7, 1988, for the LaSalle Nuclear Power

. Station. .The' exercise participants were LaSalle County and

, the State, of L Illinois. The report was prepared by the-

.M , Federal! Emergency Management ' Agency- (FEMA) Region V staff

, and' FEMA Headquarters.on September.20, 1989.

The i December .7,- 1988,1 revised remedial exercise report was

-received;at FEMA Headquarters December 11, 1989.

Tbeiremedihl exercise was conducted to correct four of the

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five ,ar' e as requiring . corrective action (ARCA's) and'the two

-deficiencies that were' . identified . in LaSalle County during l the; June 15, 1988, z LaSalle Nuclear. Power . Statica exercise. i


-(A ' copyf of > the June 15,-1988; LaSalle Nuclear Power Station

-exercise report was transmitted by FEMA Headquarters to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on December 28, 1988.)

L The ,

appropriate objectives regarding the ARCA's and deficiencies-


were successfully demonstrated during the.' December 7, 1988, remedial - exercise. The - ability to establish and operate rumor control -(ARCA) was not selected by LaSalle County for demonstration during the remedial exercise. However, the appropriate objective will ~be - demonstrated during the next LaSalle Nuclear Power Station exercise, currently scheduled for June 6, 1990, and additional verification of corrective action implementation will be provided by FEMA.

Based on our. review of the final exercise report and' -

corrective remedial actions, FEMA considers that offsite radiological emergency preparedness is adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate offsite measures can-be taken to protect the health and safety of the public living in the vicinity of LaSalle Nuclear Power Station in the event of a radiological emergency occurring at that site. Therefore the approval of the offsite plans for the LaSalle Nuclear Power Station granted under 44 CFR 350 on June 4,-1982, continues to be in effect.

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c ._ If you-have:any questions, please feel free-to contact me on

~ 64 6-2 871~.

Sincerely, O, x.pkw

.. g Dennis H. KQiatkowski

'i Assistant Associate Director Office of Natural and Technological Hazards Enclosure l

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DEC '11 '8913:51_ FEt1A CHICAGO REGION 5 P.2 Lr,Salle Nuclear Power Station Remedial Exercise (December 7, 1988)

The Radiological Emergency Preparedness remedial exer.,:ise of the LaSalle Nuclear Power Station was conducted on December 7, 1988. .

The exercise participants were Lasalle County and the Illinois l Emergancy Services and Disaster Agency (IESDA), Springfield, Illinois.

'The remedial exercise was conducted to remedy deficiencies (i.e.,

NUREG criteria items Aid and E6) and weaknesses, except for NUREG criteria item G4c (per attachment #1), that were identified in LaSalle County during the June 15, 1988 exercise of the-LaSalle Nuclear Power Station. The demonstration of the ability to establish and operate rumor control (NUREG criteria item G4c) was not selected by LaSalle County, nor required by FEMA, for demonstration during the remedial exercise. However, the objective must be demonstrated during the next exercise of the LaSalle Nuclear Power Station.

The County EOC staff, through coordination with IESDA, successfully demonstrated the aforementioned deficiencies and weaknesses identified during the June 15, 1988 exercise of the LaSalle Nuclear Power Station.

The staff of the LaSalle County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) demonstrated the ability'to fully alert, mobilize and activate l personnel for both facility and field-based emergency functions.

! The. exercise was initiated at 0907 when the _ dispatchers in the LaSalle County Sheriff's Department were notified of Alert i conditions at the LaSalle Nuclear Power Station, by the IESDA dispatcher at Springfield, Illinois. Upon receipt of the Alert l notification the Sheriff's dispatchers verified the- call via a telephone call back to IESDA~ at Springfield. Thereafter, the dispatcher notified the County ESDA coordinator, who was on duty in his office; the County Sheriff and the County Board Chairman.

The call up and activation of the balance of the EOC staff was initiated from the EOC, by the County ESDA coordinator and staff. i The staff were notified by use of up-to-date, written telephone call up lists, by both the Sheriff's dispatchers and the EOC staff.

The EOC was staffed in a timely manner and in accordance with the plan. The staff also coordinated information with the municipalities of Grand Ridge, Marseilles, Seneca, Kinsman, Ransom and Verona.

The demonstration of the County's ability to fully alert, mobilize and activate personnel for both facility and field based emergency functions corrected the weakness identified in LaSalle County during the June 15, 1988 exercise.

r The staff demonstrated the ability to monitor, understand and use C

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-DEO 13 '89 13:52 FD% CHICAGO REGION 5 Emergency classification Levels (ECLs), through the appropriate

-implementation of emergency functions and activities corresponding to ECL's, as required by the scenario.

Tne emergency classification levels were prominently displayed in the EOC.:The staff was aware of the current ECLs as the exercise progressed. All relevant functions and activities were implemented in a_ manner that is consistent with the organization's plan and procedures.-LaSalle County was notified of the Alert conditions at 0907, the Site Area Emergency at 0936 and the General Emergency at 1010. The staff verified each message by a telephone call back to the IESDA dispatcher.

The EOC staff demonstrated the ability to direct, cocrdinate and control emergency activities. The County. ESDA coordinator, in consultation with the executive group (County Board Chairman and the County Sherif f) , was the individual that was effectively in charge of the EOC operations. Briefings were held to update the staff on the situation. The staff were actively involved in the briefings and participated in decision making Copies of the plan were available in the Eoc for reference and the staff had excerpts of the plan that pertained to their respective responsibilities.

Message logs were kept for all incoming and outgoing messages and general transmissions. Messages were reproduced and distributed as necessarye by use of an offective message handling system.

Protective action decisions and implementation of the decisions were coordinated effectively with all appropriate organizations.

The relevant functions and activities were implemented in a manner that is consistent with the organization's emergency plan and procedures.

The County's demonstration of the ability to direct, coordinate t r.nd control emergency activities and their ability to monitor, understand and use emergency classification levels, through the appropriate implementation of emergency functions and activities corresponding to each emergency classification level, corrected the deficiency that was identified in the county during the June 15, 1988 exercise.

The staff demonstrated the ability to communicate with all appropriate locations, organizations, and field personnel by use Conferencing via of commercial telephone and two-way radio.

telephone is available in the ECC. There are NARS telephone lines in the E00 and the County Sheriff's dispatch center. However, the NARS was not used during the remedial exercise because of an onsite exercise at another utility site. The NARS was effectively demonstrated during the June 15, 1988 exercise. A datafax machine was available in the EOC for hard copy capability between County EOCs, the State EOC and the JPIC. The,datafax machine was reliable anu reasonably fast.

The staff demonstrated the adequacy of facilities, equipment, displays and other materials to support emergency operations.


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The EOC facility has suffioient furnishings, space, lighting, restrooms, telephones, backup clectrical power and other amenities i to support extended EOC operations. Emergency classification levels

! were posted and a status board was clearly visible to the EOC ,

i staff. The status board was kept up to date on significant events l l

by EOC staff-assigned that responsibility. The required maps were l posted in the EOC. The maps depicted the plume EPZ with sectors labeled, evacuation routes, relocation centers,. access control and- population by I

points, radiological monitoring points, ,

evacuation areas.  :

-The staff's demonstration of the use of equipment and displays and


' the timely posting of infornation corrected the weakness that was identified in the County during the June 15, 1988 exercise.

The-staff demonstrated the ability to initially alert the public within the 10 mile EPZ and begin dissemination of an instructional message within 15 minutes of a decision by appropriate State and local officials.

The initial alerting of the public within the 10 mile EPZ was initiated by the County after the staff was notified of the Site Area Emergency by IESDA. The SAE notification included both an evacuation and sheltering PAP.,

The initial PAR was received by the County at the Site Area .

Emergency notification, at 0936. The protective action recommended

. 'the evacuation of all individuals 0-2 miles in all sectors and in place sheltering of all individuals 2-5 miles in the three downwind


sectors (L, M and N). The message also included a livestock advisory, which recommended that milk producing livestock, within a 10 mile radius of the utility, be sheltered, fed from stored feed and provided protected drinking water.

Upon receipt of the foregoing PAR the Eoc staff, in consultation with the executive group, simulated activation of the EBS station at 0940 and the sounding of the sirens at 0943. The staff coordinated the sounding of the siren system with personnel at the

-siren activation point, in the County Sheriff's Department. The timing of public instructions were coordinated with the public alerting process, so that public alerting was followed immediately by an instructional message.

The County received notification of the General Emergency, from IESDA at 1012. The General Emergency notification contained an expanded evacuation and sheltering PAR. The protectiveinaction evacuation, the recommendation to the County was that aforerentioned three downwind sectors (L, M and N), be expanded out to 5. miles and that individuals 5-10 miles in the same three downwind sectors (L, M and N) be sheltered. The initial livestock advisory, issued at the Site Area Emergency notification, was left in-tack.

Again, the staff, in consultation with the executive group,

E *: ' A DEC 11 '89 13:54 FEMA CHICAGO REGICri 5' P.5 c ..

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sim'11ated notification of the EBS station and coordinated the sounding of the siren system with personnel at the siren activation L point,- in the County Sheriff's Department. The EBS station was activated at 1020 and the sirens sounded at 1023.


! .The. foregoing demonstration of the staff's ability to initially 1, and subsequently- alert the public and begin dissemination of accurate information and instructions to the public in a timely fashion corrected the deficiency that was identified in the County during the June--15, 1988 exercise, k

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