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FOIA Request for 12 Categories of Documents Re Facilities. Requests 75% of Fees for Search & Production of All Items Be Waived Except for Item 3
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/04/1982
From: Hiatt S
To: Felton J
FOIA-82-545 NUDOCS 8301100046
Download: ML20028C396 (2)



FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACI REQUEST Fo r g.-p z.-s W L 'd //- 9.P 2 Novcanber 4,1982 Mr. J.M. Felton, Director Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration U.S. Nuclear liv 3ulatory Ccumission Washington, D.C.


Dear Mr. Felton:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 USC S 552, as amended, and the provisions of 10 CFR Part 9, the undersigned hereby requeats the following items:


The INR liydrogen Minual, as described in Enclosure E to the Weekly Infonnation Report for the Ccumissioners for 'the week ending July 14, 1982. This document relates to Issue #8 in' the Perry OL procecxling; see IEP-82-15,15 NIC 555.


All results of the canputer analysis of hydrogen burns in Mark III containments. using the IIECTR code developed by Sandia National Idn.,

as described in Enclosure E of the Weekly Information Report to the Caimissioners for the week ending July 14, 1982. This itan relates to Issue #8 in the Perry procecxling.

7 3 3.

All}dternal NIC mmoranda to, fron, or concerning James M. Cutchin, IV, Esqt dnd pertaining td the Perry Nuclear Power Plant OL proceeding, Dock ~cti Nos. 50-440/441?


Any analyses perforned with the MVCII code for any accident sequences specific to the Perry Nacicar Power Plant, and any docunents discussing the capabilities and limitations of the RMCII code. This relates to Issue #8 in the Perry proceeding.'


All details of spontaneous hydrogen explosions occurring in the off-gas systems of the following BWRs: Cooper, Browns Ferry 3, Millstone 1.

(These are mentioned in NUREG/CR-1561, p. 49)

This relates to Issue

  1. 8 in the Perry proceeding.


Provide all details of all instances in which the NIC has received canplaints or allegations fran employees of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co.

or its contractors concerning a deficiency in construction or gudlity assurance at the Perry plant. This relates to Issue #3 in the Perry proceeding.


Provide all details of any instances of harassment or intimidation of inspectors at the Perry plant const_ruction site. Also any instances in which an osuployee of CEI or any of its contractors was fired as a i

result of miking allegations of poor construction practices or other improprieties at the Perry site to the NIC, news media, or any other i

persons or entity. This relates to Issue #3.


All internal notes, mmoranda, or correspondence not made available in the NIC's inspection reports concerning the construction activities at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant. This relatrs to Issue #3.

8301100046 821104 PDR FOIA HIATTB2-545 PDR 4

.. 9.

All details of any nonetary penalties inposed upon CEI for QA violations at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant. This relates to Issue

  1. 3.
10. Any trend analyses perforned by the NIC concerning the constructi6n of the Perry plant. This relates to Issue #3.-
11. Any requests made by the NIC to CEI (and CEI's answers to same) pertaining to the information detailed in 10 CFR 50.54(f).

12, Any cmmunications made with the NIC concerning the Perry site construction by any State or local agencies.

In accordance with the.Cmmission's policy, as related in your response to my earlier request (FOIA-81-516), I request that 75% of the fees for the rsearch and production of all itens except #3 be waived, as they all pertain to an issue that has been admitted in the Perry OL pro-ceeding. I agree to accept the residual (25%) charges for these itms and all charges for item #3.

Sincerely, 0



Susan L. Iliatt.

OCRE Representative 8275 Manson Rd.

Mentor, OH 44060 (216) 255-3158 O

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