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Describes Status of IE Bulletins Received During Feasibility Study of Units 3 & 4.Responses to IE Bulletins 79-25,79-28, 80-20 & 80-23 Encl
Person / Time
Site: North Anna Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 09/01/1982
From: Spencer W
To: James O'Reilly
REF-SSINS-6820 508, IEB-79-25, IEB-79-28, IEB-80-20, IEB-80-23, NUDOCS 8209160340
Download: ML20027B081 (3)


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\,ruoixsA EuscrHIC AND POWl:H COMPAWy; {ggg, HIctixonn,v!MOINIA 20261 d

32 srp 10 AID : I wimu. c. srancs. September 1, 1982 v . e.. ... .

Mr. James P. O'Reilly Serial No. 508 Regional Administrator PSE&C/CGC:btw U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Region II 101 Marietta Street, Suite 3100 Docket No. 50-404 Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mr. O'Reilly:

FAILURES OF WESTINGHOUSE BFD RELAYS IN SAFETY-RELATED SYSTEMS, IE BULLETIN 79-25 POSSIBLE MALFUNCTION OF NAMC0 MODEL EA180 LIMIT SWITCHES AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES, IE BULLETIN 79-28 FAILURES OF WESTINGHOUSE TYPE W-2 SPRING RETURN TO NEUTRAL CONTROL SWITCHES, IE BULLETIN 80-20 FAILURES OF SOLEN 0ID YALVES MANUFACTURED BY VALCOR ENGINEERING CORPORATION, IE BULLETIN 80-23 As you are aware, on October 15, 1979, Vepco announced that it was undertaking a feasibility study of North Anna Units 3 and 4. The resulting decision was to cancel 4 and to proceed with Unit 3 as a nuclear unit. The captioned IE Bulletins were received during the i

feasibility study and placed in our " Delay File." We have recently

reopened our reviews of these bulletins. The status of each is described below

i IE Bulletin 79-25 Since we are presently considering upgrading and/or replacing much of the contrul equipment supplied by our Nuclear Steam System (NSS) vendor, Babcock and Wilcox (B&W), we plan to defer our review of this

! equipment until a decision is made on the extent of its actual use on

. North Anna 3.

! Our Architect-Engineer, Stone and Webster (S&W) has determined that for the balance of plant, the suspect relays have not been specified or purchased for Unit 3.

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' 8209160340 820901 f

PDR ADOCK 05000404 G

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. a v =oina tuct ic ixo con = cour xv to Mr. O'Reilly 2 We are taking steps to ensure that future purchase oNers of safety-related equipment specify that the subject relays are unacceptabl e.

We plan to make our final report on this subject after a decision is made on the use of existing B&W supplied control equipment.

IE Bulletin 79-28 B&W has detemined that they have not supplied any NAMCO EA180 limit switches for North Anna Unit 3 valves.

S&W has determined that NNICO EA180 limit switches were furnished by Fisher Contmls Company under air-operated control valve purchase orders for Units 3 and 4. However, they have received written confimation fmm Fisher that the EA180 limit switches furnished are not from the questionable production lot or that corrective action has been taken on switches date-coded February 1979 through August 1979, in accordance with NN4C0's recor.nendation.

S&W is sending letters to each of the " packaged" equipment vendors (vendors which could supply the above mentioned switches as part of their contml schemes) to detemine whether these switches are being supplied or planned.

We are taking steps to ensure that future purchase orders of safety-related equipment specify that the subject limit switches are unacceptable.

We plan to make a final report on this subject by October 31, 1982.

IE Bulletin 80-20 Since we are presently considering upgrading and/or replacing much of the B&W supplied control equipment, we plan to defer our review of this equipment until a decision is made on the extent of its actual use on North Anna 3.

S&W has detemined that for the balance of plant, the suspect control switches have not been specified or purchased for Unit 3.

We are taking steps to ensure that future purchase orders of safety-mlated equipment specify that the subject control switches are unacceptable.

We plan to make our final report on this subject af ter a decision is made on the use of existing B&W supplied control equipment.

IE Bulletin 80-23 B&W has detemined that they did not supply any Valcor solenoid valves for North Anna 3.

Vamuswea EtzcTunc AND rOWEN COMPANY TO Mr. O'Reilly 3 S&W has advised us they are unaware of the subject Valcor solenoid valves being supplied. They are sending letters to each of the

" packaged" equipraent vendors to detenaine whether these solenoid valves are being supplied or planned.

We are taking steps to ensure that future purchase onders of safety-related equipraent specify that the subject solenoid valves are unacceptable.

We plan to make a final report on this subject by October 31, 1982.

If there are any questions, please advise Very truly yours, ff/. J ^pesf W. C. pencer cc: Mr. Robert L. Tedesco Division of Licensing i

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