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Forwards Public Version of Revision 3 to Emergency Plan
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/1980
From: Widner W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20002B994 List:
NUDOCS 8101070522
Download: ML20002B995 (1)



, Gicr;3 Power Ce cany

  • 220 Fea n: rte 3:rcet P:st 05ca Box 4545 At:33!3. Georia 00302 Te e::nane 4C4 5:2 6*SO 4*

January 31, 1980 h

power ceneration cepartrnent Georgia Power Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation '"

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U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cec =ission Washington, D. C. 20555 Gentle =en:

As requested by your letter of October 10, 1979, a draft of an updated E=ergency Plan for the Edwin I. Eatch Nuclear Plant (HNP) is enclosed. Ihis revised plan is believed :o =eet all the require =ents of: Appendix E to 10 CFR 50; che regulatory posi: ions set forth in Regulatory Guide 1.101; the acceptance criteria contained in E=ergency Planning Review Guideline Number One - Revision One dated Septe=ber 7, 1979; and NUREG-0610. The plan was restructured to the for=at of Regulatory Guide 1.101. The PR3 and SRB have been briefed on this revised plan; they approve of the general approach being taken to incorporate the revised regulations into the emergency plan. However, Georgia Power Company is not ye ready to activate this plan as explained below. The NRC has previously stated in the Safety Evaluation for HNP-2 that our current plan =ects the require =ents of Appendix E to 10 CFR 50, and the regulatory position state =ents of Regulatory Guide 1.101.

This co=pletely revised plan has made necessary the revision of nearly all of the e=ergency procedures, the addition of many more e=ergency procedures and the retraining of all plant personnel. Consequently, this revised plan cannot be imple=cated until the procedure writing and training are satis-factorily co=pleted. Completion of the writing should be completed by late April in time for the NRR review team's site visit. It should be noted, however, that the Technical Support Center and the Onsite Operational Support Center are now in place.

Imple=entation of this revised plan, along with any furtt er changes resul:ing from the visit by the review tea =, is currently planned to take place sixty days after said visit; a for=al submittal will be made at the ti=e of i=plementation. In :he interis Georgia Power Co=pany vill be refining and further revising the enclosed plan and its i=plementing procedures to comply with additional rules, guid< i, and other criteria as they are adopted.

.Very truly yours, yEF.SCSAL ? C g 3


asiCM 0713Ch. . ,* W. A. Widner 7

Vice President and General Manager Nuclear Generation WH0/mb pyJiPf2/ -

Enclosure C . .". - n ." ^ ^ ' ^ "' '

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xc: Ruble A. Thomas George F. Trowbridge, Esquire R. F. Rogers, III o n e ., - - , r ~' !

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