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Responds to NRC Generic Ltr 89-21 Re Request for Info Re Status of Implementation of USI Requirements.Encl Table Details Implementation Status for USIs for Which Final Technical Resolution Achieved
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 11/22/1989
From: Tremblay L
TASK-***, TASK-OR BVY-89-108, GL-79-57, GL-81-03, GL-81-07, GL-81-11, GL-81-3, GL-81-7, GL-82-09, GL-82-9, GL-83-42, GL-84-04, GL-84-24, GL-84-4, GL-85-02, GL-85-11, GL-85-15, GL-85-2, GL-88-01, GL-88-1, GL-88-11, GL-89-18, GL-89-21, NUDOCS 8912010102
Download: ML19332D380 (9)




  • - Ferry Road, Brattleboro, VT 053017002

[ ENGINE IN OFFICE SBO MAIN $1RE ET rOLTON. M A 01740 (500)779 4711 November 22,1989 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission nr 89-108 Document Contml Desk Washington, DC 20555


a. License No. DPR 28 (Docket No. 50-271)
b. Letter, USNRC to All Holders of Operating Licenses and Construction Permits for Nuclear Power Reactors, NYY 89 210, " Request for Information  !

Conceming Status of Implementation of Unresolved Safety Issue (USI)

Requirements (Generic Letter 89 21)", dated October 19,1989. ,

a.,  !


Vermont Yankee Response to NRC G:neric Letter 89-21, " Request for Information Concerning Status of implementation of Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) Requirements". l l

Dear Sir:

1 The purpose of this letter is to provide Vermont Yankee's response to Generic Letter 89-21

[ Reference (b)]. which was received by Vermont Yankee on October 27,1989.

Reference (b) requested all licensees to review and repon, within 30 days of letter receipt, on the status cf implementation of Unresolved Safety Issues (USI's) for which a final 'echnical l resolution has been achieved and which are applicable to their facility. To respond to the Generic l letter, NRC requested all licensees to provide their respectic; responses in the format of Enclosure j

. I of Reference (b), expanding upon the information that has been received under separate cover i from the NRC Project Manager.


Plea:e find Enclosure 1 attached to this letter. This enclosure has been prepared utilizing the l puidance provided in Reference (b). Where deemed necessary, a supplementary note has been included to pmvide funher explanation regarding the status of certain issues.

We trust that the enclosed information is responsive to your request. Should you have any further questions regarding this matter, plcase contact this office.


"g20 "W Moth Leonard A. Tremblay, Jr. \

Senior Licensing Engineer cc: USNRC Region I Administrator USNRC Resident Inspector- VYNPS , N4 USNRC Project Manager - VYNPS ,

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Vermont Yankee Implementation Status for .

R' .

Unresolved Safety Issues for Which a Fina: Technical Resolution Has Been Achieved USI/MPA Number Title Ref. Document Applicability S_tatus/Date* Remarks:

A-1 Gater 17ammer SECY 84.-119 NUREG-0927, All NC Rev.-1; NUREG-0993, Rev. 1; NUREG-0737, Item I.A.2.3 SRP Revisions A-2/MPA D-10 Asymmetric Blowdown Ioads nUREG-0609, GL 84-04, PWR NA on Reactor Primary Coolant CDC-4~

Systems A-3 Westinghouse Steam NUREG-0844, SECY 86-97 W-PWR NA Generator Tube Integrity SECY 88-272 GL 85-02 (No Requirements)

A-4 CE Stea.' Generator Tube NUREG-0844, SECY 86-97 CE-PWR NA Integrity SECY 88-272 GL 85-02 (No Requirements)

A-5 B&W Steam Generator Tube NUREG-0844, SECY 86-97 B&W PWR NA Integrity SECY 88-272 GL 85-02 (No Requirements)

A -6 Mark I Containment NUREG-0408 Mark I-BWR C/Per See A-7 Short-Term Progran NUREG-0408 issue date

12/1977 l

i 0 0 - Complete NC - No Changes Necessary NA - Not Applicable I - Incomplete E - Evaluating Actions Required 0728w

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ENCIDSURE 1 7C- p= . _ , ' i

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' Vermont Yankee Implemo tation Status for , .'

Unresolved Safety Issues for Which a Final Technical Resolution Has Been Achieved .

(Continued) .

USI/?TA Number Title Ref. Document Applicability'- Status /Date* Remarks A-7/D-01 Mark I Long-Term NUREG-0661, NUREG-0661 Mark I-BWR C/ Note 1 NVY 84-151 Program Suppl. 1, GL 79-57 (7/2/84)

A-8 Mark II Containment NUREG-0808, NUREG-0487 Mark II-BWR NA Pool Dynamic loads Suppl. 1/2, NUREG-0802, SRP 6.2,1.1C, GDC 16 A-9 Anticipated Transients NUREG-0460, Vol. 4 All C/P*ote 2 NVY 89-121' Without Scram 10CFR50.62 (5/31/89)

FVY 87-41 (4/10/87)

A-10/MPA B-25 BWR Feedwater Nozzle NUREG-0619, Letter from BWR C/ Note 6 NVY 84-144 Cracking DG Eisenhut, dated (6/27/84) 11/13/80, GL 81-11 A-11 Reactor ~~essel Material NUREG-0744, Rev. 1, All C 6/24/86 NVY 86-121 Toughness 10CFR50.60/82-26 (6/24/86)

FVY 85-46 (5/10/85)

A-12 Fracture Toughness of NUREG-0577, Rev. 1, PWR NA Steam Generator and SRP Revision 5.3.4 Reactor Coolant Pump Supports

  • C - Complete NC - Nc, Changes Necessary NA - Not Applicable I - Incomplete E - Evaluating Actions Required 0728w

( . . .



ENCLOSURE'1- 4 Vermont' Yankee Implementation Status for ,:

Unresolved Safety Issues for Which a' Final Technical Resolution Has Been Achieved (Continued)' ~

d UST/dPA S Number Title Ref. Document Applicability Status /Date* Remarks A-17 Systems Interactions Ltr: DeYoung to All NC:

Licensees - 9/72, NUREG-1174,-NUREG-1229, NUREG/CR-3922, NUREG/CR-426',

NUREG/CR-4470 GL 89-18 (No Requiremerits)

/ 2'4/MPA B-60 Qualification of NUREG-0588, Rev. 1, All C/ Note 3 NVY 84-263-Class IE Safety-Related SRP 3.11, 10CFR50.49, (12/12/84)

Equipment GL 82-09, GL 84-24, GL 85-15 A-26/MPA B-04 Reactor Vessel Pressure DOR Letters to PWR NA Iransient Protection '.icensees 8/76, NUREG-0224, NUREG-0371, SRP 5.2, GL 88-11 f.-31 Residual Heat Remova'. NUREG-0606 RG 1.113, All OLs NA Shutdown Requirements RG 1.139, SRP 5.4.7 After 01/79

  • C - Complete NC - Ne Changes Necessary NA - Not Applicable I - Incomplete E - Evaluating Actions Required 0728w

..-. , - ~ .. ~- - - . - - . . . . . - . . _ .

~ 3 g _- ~vy ENCLOSURE 1 .7 ' "'i Yankee Implementation Status for. ,

Unresolved Safety Issues for Which a Final Tech' 1 Resolution Has Been Achieved (Continued) _

Status /Date*

USI/MPA Number Title hf. Docement Ap licability Remarks,


A-36/C-10, C-15 Control of Heavy Ioads NUREG-0612, SRP 9.1.5 All C/ Phase I/ NVY 84-139 Near Spent Fael GL 81-07, GL 83-42, approx. 8/1964 (6/27/84)

GL 85-11, Letter from C/ Phase II/ GL 85-11 DG Eisenhut, dated 6/28/85 (6/28/85) 12/22/80 WY 84-51 (5/21/84). .

A-39 Decermination of SRV NUREG-0802, NUREGs-0763, BWR- NC Incorporated Pool Dynamic Loads 0783, 0802, NUREG-0661, into A-7 and Pressure Transients SRP A-40 Seismic Design Criteria SRP Revisiots, NUREG/ All NC Incorporated CR-4776, NUREG/CR-0054, into A-45 NUREG/CR-3480, NUREG/

CR-1582, NUREG/CR-1161, NUREG-1233, NUREG-4776, NUREG/CR-3805, NUREG/

CR-5347, NUREG/CR-3509 A-42/MPA B-05 Pipe Cracks in Boiling NUREG-0313 Rev. 1, BWR C/ Note 8 Incorporated Water Reactors NUREG-0313, Rev. 2, into Generie r-L 81-03, GL 88-01 Letter 88-01 Requirements FVY 88-62 (7/27/88)

  • C - Complete NC - No Changes mcessary NA - Not Applicst e I - Incomplete E - Evaluating Actions Required 0728w

- %5 -.


N i

'Verront Yankee Implementation Status for , ,

Unresolved Safety Issues for Which a Final Technical Resolution Was Been' Achieved (Continued) 17 USI/MPA Number Title Ref. Document Applicability- Status /Dete* Remarks A-43 Contaiament Emergency NUREG r510, NUREG-0869, All NC Sump Performance Rev. 1, NUREG-0897, R.G.1.82 (Rev.0),

SRP 6.2.2, GL 85-22 (No Requirements)'

RG 1.155, NUREG-1032, I/ Note 4 A-44 Station Blackout All BVY 89-36 NUREO-1109,.10CFR50.63 (4/12/89)

A-45 Shutdown Decay Heat SECY 88-260, NUREG-1289, All NC Incorporated Removal Raquirements NUREG/CR-5230, into IPE SECY 88-260 (No Program-Requirements)

A-46 Seismic Qualification NUREG-1030, NUREG-1211/ All I/ Note 5 FVY-88-82 of Equipment in GL 87-02, GL 87-03 (9/30/88)

Operating 21 ants A-47 Safety Implication NUREG-1217, NUREC-1218, All E/ 3/19/90 of Control Systems GL 89-19

  • C - Complete NC - No Changes Necessary NA - Not Applicable I - Incomplete E - Evaluating Actions Required 0728w

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ENCI))SURE~ 1~ .[

Vermont Yankee. Implementation Status-for ,.

_ .4 Unresolved Safety Issues for Which a Final Technicai desolution Has Been Achieved (Continued)

USI/MPA Number Title 'Ref. Document Applicability Status /Date* Remarks- 'l l

A-48 Hydrogen Control Measures 10CFR50.44, SECY 89-122 All, except C/ 9/85 NVY 85-193 and Effects of Hydrogen PWRs with Note _7 (9/10/85)

Burns on Safety Equipment large dry WY 84-128 containments (10/31/84)

FVY S4-104 (8/24/8f.) .1-A-49 Pressurized Thermal Shock RGs 1.154, 1.99, PWR NA SFCY 82-465, SECY 83-288, SECY 81-687, 10CFR 50.61/

G1 88-11

  • C - Complete NC - No Changer Necessary NA - Not Apclicable I - Incomplete E - Evaluating Actions Reqvaired

ENCLOSURE 1 .I Notes .

1. The Vermont Yankee Plant Unique'Analys*.s Report (PUAR), Revision 1 for the Mark I Containment was completed *on 4/8/83. Subsequently, as the result of an audit, additional information on this subjeck was requested fot resolution. A final meeting on 1/1984 led to the closin6 of all remaining open items. The NRC issued Safety Evaluations on 7/2/84 (NVY 34-151).
2. Vermont Yankee believed that all requirements with rest-:t to USI A-9 would be completed following the 1987 shutdown outage as referenced in FVY 85-93, dated 9/29/63. This belief was supported by NRC Letter NVY 87-04, dated 1/3/87, which detailed licensee requirements. Vermont Yankee provided plant-specific information to demonstrate ATWS rule compliance in FVY 87-41, dated 4/10/87, and completed all implementation requirements, during the 1987 refueling outage. Vermont Yankee believes that all implementation requirements of A-9 have been completed. Subsequently, the NRC identified a technical issue concerning the diversity of ATWS equipment which remains outstanding for Vermont Yankee and other BWRs (reference NRC Letter NVY 89-121, dated 5/31/89). This issue is in the process of being resolved generically with the BWR Owners Group (BWROG). In addition, Vermont Yankee is awaiting approval of proposed Technical Specifications chatges regarding the ATUS rule as described in Vermont Yankee Letter BVY 89-44 (Proposed Change No. 147), dated 5/12/89.
3. NRC Letter NVY 84-263, dated 12/12/84, provided a Safety Evaluation which concluded that Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation's Equipment Qualification Program is in compliance with the requirements of 10CFR 50.49.
4. Vermont Yankee Letter BVY-89-36, dated 4/12/89, provides a response to US1 A-44. As discussed in the letter, control circuit modifications (hardware) are to be implemented no later than 1992. Vernon Hydroelectric Station tie line modifications (hardware) required by Vermont Yankee will he coordinated with other proposed modifications at the hydrostation to take place over the next three years.
5. Vermont Yankee plans to perform the seismic verification plant walkdown required by the Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP) by the conclusion of the second refueling outage af ter receipt of the final SER Supplement resolving all open issues. This schedule is subject to re-evaluation and change as described in Vermont Yankee letter FVY 88-82, dated 9/30/88.
6. Vermont Yankee installed interference-fit thermal sleeve spargers in 1976. In addition, a thermal sleeve Bypass Leak Detection System was installed during the 1981 refueling outage. The Control Rod Drive (CRD) return line was rerouted to RWCU System in 1979. Vermont Yankee continues to be cormitted to perform routine inspections of the feedwater nozzles and spargers. NEC Letter NVY 87-123, dated 8/7/87, describes the current approval status of the feedwater nozzle.
7. Modifications were completed during the 1985 refue1~ng outage.

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. ENCLOSURE 1 - o, ,-

Notec **

(Continued) *

8. . USI A-42 requirements were incorporated into NUREG-0313, Revision 1, which was transmitted via Generic Letter 88-01. Vermont Yankee's detailed description of meeting Generic Letter.38-01 requirements was provided in .

Vermont Yankee Letter EVY 88-62,' dated 7/27/88.

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