NUREG-1233, Informs of NRC Plans to Visit Tokyo on 890920-28.Requests Meeting W/Ministry of Intl Trade & Industry on 890921 to Discuss Advanced BWR Licensing Issues & Review Status.Srp, NUREG-1233 & Questions & Discussion Topics Encl.W/O SRP

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Informs of NRC Plans to Visit Tokyo on 890920-28.Requests Meeting W/Ministry of Intl Trade & Industry on 890921 to Discuss Advanced BWR Licensing Issues & Review Status.Srp, NUREG-1233 & Questions & Discussion Topics Encl.W/O SRP
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/01/1989
From: Scaletti D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Sakurada M
RTR-NUREG-1233 NUDOCS 8909290250
Download: ML20247R426 (3)


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Mr. Michio Sakurada September 1, 1989 Deputy Director Nuclear Power Safety Examination Division i Agency of Natural Resources and Energy Ministry of International Trade and Industry 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyodaku Tokyo,100, Japan

Dear Mr. Sakurada:

i i

This letter is to inform you cf our plans to visit Tokyo September 20-28, 1989. We would like to meet with you and other representatives of MITI <

on September 21, 1989 to discuss the ABWR licensing issues and review status.

We plan to be at your offices in the morning following a brief meeting at the U.S. Embassy.

Presently, our plans for the rest of the week call for us to visit with Toshiba representatives and to observe some of the ABWR component tests at the Toshiba Factories, visit the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa site, and visit Hitachi Works to observe the development of an advanced control room design for the ABWR. We also plan to meet with Tokyo Electric Company on September 28, 1989 to discuss l ABWR licensing and other issues of mutual interest. '

The members of the U.S. Nuclear Regclatory Commission staff who will be visiting Japan are Dr. William Travers, Assistant Director for Special Projects, Dr. Charles Miller, Director, Standardization and Life Extension Project Directorate and myself. In order to facilitate our discussions, we have enclosed a list of discussion topics for your consideration. Also, enclosed is a copy of NUREG-1233 and a copy of the Standard Review Plan which includes the latest revisions.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Tokyo and to very informative discussions with MITI and the other participants in the Japanese ABWR design and licensing DroCess.



Dino C. Scaletti, Project Manager Standardization and Life Extension Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


g As Stated aa

$$ cc: Mr. Shogo Hara w DISTRIBUTION:

" Docket W KBurke, IP Pf03 ACRS (10)

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,j gg LETTER TO MITI f /

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[ I ,g aj NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION wAsmNGTON, D. C. 20555 g( / September 1, 1989


Mr. Michio Sakurade Deputy Director -

Nuclear Power Safety Examination Division Agency of !!atural Resources and Energy Ministry of International Trade and Industry 1-3-1. Kasumigaseki, Chiyodaku Tokyo,100, Japan

Dear Mr. Sakurada:

This letter is to inform you of our plans to visit Tokyo September 20-28, 1989. We would like to meet with you and other representatives of MITI on September 21, 1989 to discuss the ABWR licensing issues and re31ew status.

We plan to be at your offices in the morning following a brief meeting at the U.S. Embassy.

Presently, our plans for the rest of the week call for us to visit with Tcshiba representatives and to observe some of the ABWR component tests at the Toshiba Factories, visit the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa site, and visit Hitachi Works to observe-the development of an advanced control room design for the ABWR. We also plan to meet with Tokyo Electric Company on September 28,1989 to discuss ABWR licensing and other issues of mutual interest.

The members of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff who will be visiting

' Japan are Dr. William Travers, Assistant Director for Special Prcjects, Dr. Charles Miller, Director, Standardization and Life Extension Project Directorate and myself. In order to facilitate our discussions, we have enclosed a list of discussion topics for your consideration. Also, enclosed is a copy of NUREG-1233 and a copy of the Standard Review Plan which includes the latest revisions.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Tokyo and to very informative discussions with MITI and the other participants in the Japanese ABWR design and licensing process.

l Sincerely,

'%- caletti, .

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Project Manager Standardization and Life Extension l- Project Directorate

, Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l


1 As Stated ec: Mr. Shogo Hara l



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1. Please provide the status of MITI's review of the ABWR.
2. - Please discuss the review results of the special study group assembled to study the U.S.- ABWR application.


3. Status of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ABWR review.

(SECY-89-153, Severe Accident Design Features of the Advanced Boiling Water Reactor is attached).

4. With regard to the annual maintenance outages for Japan's nuclear plants, are there plans by MITI to extend the operating cycle or to reduce the l

I extent or number of systems inspected? For example, will complete turbine maintenance still be carried out each annual outage? What are the maintenance plans for the ABWR?

5. Presently the U.S. ABWR does not have the details of a control room design in the Standard Safety Analysis Report, nnly limited interface criteria.

Is MITI presently reviewing a design of a control room for the ABWR7 If not when will this review take place? The lack of a final control room design will limit the extent of the U.S. certification process.

6. It is our understanding that Hitachi is developing an advanced control 1oom called NUCAMM-90. Will this design be the ABWR control room.
7. If the NUCAMM-90 control room is planned to be the ABWR control room, please discuss the number of persons required to operate this design.

Please discuss the philosophy of operation, allocation of functions and the responsibility of each operator and the physical interactions of each while operating.

8. Please discuss the status of any additional (sense our October 1988 visit) severe accident considerations for de ABWR.

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