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Responds to LS Castner Re Sj Gadler Request for Limited Appearance in Midland Proceeding.Discusses Procedure for Oral & Written Presentation.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 05/04/1971
From: Murphy A
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
To: Castner L
Shared Package
ML19331A273 List:
NUDOCS 8007160856
Download: ML19331A274 (4)



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CE Istm S. Castnir, D:q.

g G '$./.... _..


Stephansen cad Castner 6

-12 J,n:t Coater Inilding S

$$,*:g. g:e f rdn60 1625 Perk South liinnecpolis, nt nosota 55bC's K"O.-


4 N

ca&Y Re: lintter of Constners Forer Conocny (Midlin1,1 lichi.;cn Pleat)

Dachet Hon. 50-329 6 W-330 Daar IIc. Castner:

Thic is in response to your letter of /gril 21,19'/1, uith


respech to the request of fir. Steve J. G2dler to n*.c c liuited cp..

pacrance in this procccdin3 1.

You soc 1 to be wider th3 crroneous inpressic a ibnt the rules "cuar:.ntao" c parsen re:kirc.; t. thcly roquant fof a liuited cppaarance the richt to nu! c cn oral presentation.


$ 2 715 of the Consission's rules of practico (to uhich t

youreferinyourletter) states:

m e


(a) A pccson Uho is not a party nay, in the dicer tien of the urenidin" officci~>~ bc




pc 'nitted to n=0 e li us_,cerc21cf by r

UtdEC tr&ing oial er vri',tn str.t:.nnt of hic'~6aci.

tion on tha isare.s v2.t.nn J.inits c: d 9-MAY 13 g>

on such conl.(tions cs usy be fi::cd by tha D IA N presidir; officer, but ho cay not oth:ritisc 4

W8 participate in the proccadin3 (Tz.13hssis cddc4) g A n.tabar of inMrvencrs -- represented by thrco set': of cornsel -- havn b:ca c6 u.hted in o);oriticn to the ep?licction for th2 conattuctio-..

to the ntte.ition of tha Icard cny natters of significen:...h :.% it secus Un 2 vit'; resp 2ct to sOfoty or to th2 c7.tont at is::ua in this proc cdi.0, cavirc.n=en'tl natte: 3 h th2 ciretnstnneca, it : 223 c)pc ;,.4 ta to ci.. cc to ry earlier decision that I:c. Gee.lcr not 12 p.r;.f;;r. n ft:. :.a c ;.....

r n P.'Jon.

Ir2 is, hy.;;;;.r, frue to n..h: a pr;.:2 t


.'.<1 he I



.9 cI.;u.:2.;.
..'.0;.n.: :.. erza :.'.*. Gr61r* t' at th indi/J.dce.1 n lacru c,f the beavd 1:111 rc.d h'.c c::.tcrant. I'mic/or, it t.mnt be in'.dcratood that tr.turial prc::ented 'cy tiny of linited cppe9ve.nco,1:hother tiritten or oral, is not evidence in the proceeding.

Very trely yous.a,



Arthur W. 1;urphy Chaimen, Atonic Sa.17ty and Licennius Doerd 151:rn e

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In the Matt'er of





Dochet N o s. 5 0 -- 3 2 9, 330 (Midland Plant, Units 1


and 2)


CElTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copics of a letter from Murphy,to Castner dated May 4, 1971, regarding limited appearance, request of S. Cadler in the captioned matter have been served on the following by deposit in the United' States Mail, first class or air mail, this 6th day of May 1971:

Arthur W. liurphy, Esq.

Thomas F. Engelhardt, Esq.

Chairman, Atomic Safety David E.

Kartalia, Esq.

and Licensing Board Regulatory Staff Counsel Columbia University School U.

S. Atomic Energy Commission of Law, Box 38 Was hi ng t on,



20545 435 West ll6th Street New York, New York 10027 Rohert Lowenstein. Esq.

Jerome E.

Shartman, Esq.

Dr. Clark Goodman Lowensrein and Newman Professor of Physics 1100 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.

University of IIous ton Washington, D. C.,

20,036 3801 Cullen Boulevard flo us t o n, Texas 77004 Richard G.

Smith, Esq.

Smith and Brooker, P.


Dr. David B.

Hall Los Alamos Scientific 70p Washington Avenue Laboratory Bay City, Michigan 48706



Box 1663 Harold P.

Graves, Esq., Vice

'. o s Alamos, New Mexico 87544 President & Conoral Counsel John R.

Restrich, Esq.

)r. Stuart G.

Forbes Consumers Power Cotapany

.00 Tennessee Avenue. Apt. 37 212 West Michigan A'cenue tedlands, California 92373 Jackson, Michigan 49201 Ir.



Youn'gdahl-Honorable Jerome Maclouchi

enfor Vice President Assistant At to rney Gene
ensumers Powe'r Company State of Michiccu 12 West Michigan Avenue 634 Seven Stor: Office Bl'e.

cchcon, :lichigan 49201 525 West ottava I.a n s i r ;, :* ci i


' ' ' 12 onorable Franh Olds, Cheir: r idle u! Coienty Board of



Charle; Street

-s lil j, :. d,

ichigen 480?.0 O


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S t inry of fi re Eldn.

1: n ;. -


!!:nn: 1. r 5 2 5 I! c.s t-OtIaus 4?',1.>>

  • e. ii n,

I.anning, Michigan 48913

.:et York, New \\pik 10022 liono rab le Patrick E.

Kowalcshi t!illian A.


l'.s q.

Assistant Attorney General James N. O'Connor, Esq.

State of Michigan The Dou Chenical Cenpany 630 Seven Story Office hldg.

2030 Dou Center 525 Vest ottawa Midlanu, Michigan 48640 Lansing, Michigan 48913 Gladys Kersler, Esq.

Myron M.

Cherry, Esq.

B;c rli n, Roisman and Kessler licDermott, Will & Emery 1910 N Sttect, N.


111 West Monroc Street Washington, D.


20036 Chicago, Illinois 60603 Edward Berlin, Esq.

Anthony 2.

Roisuan, Esq.

Berlin, Roisnan and Kessler Berlin, Roisman & Kessler 1910 N Street, N. W.

1910 N Street, N.


Washington, D.


20036 Washington, D.


20036 William J. Ginster, Esq.

James A.

Kendall, Esq.

9uite 4, Merrill Building Curric and Kendall Saginau, Michigan 48602 135 North Saginau Road Midland, Michigan 48640 Mr. Wendell H. tiarshall RFD No. 10, Mapleton Dr. Waync E.

North, Chairman

}{idland, Michig an 4 8,6 40 Midland Nuclear Power Committec P.


Box 335 Midland, Michigan 48640'

./ * ;. -

At<vitsc-},..*'6 i. d'L.r :

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Office of the Secretary of the Commission

'I cc:

'!r. Murphy Mr. Engelhardt

/ Mr. Y o.r e.

'N.' Yr_own H.

Smith l

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