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Discusses 800311-12 Meeting W/Nrc Re Projected Const Schedule for Util.Fuel Loading Schedule for Oct 1983 Can Be Met.Nuclear Stabilization Agreement W/Unions Precludes Strikes & Working Schedule Allows One Shift Change
Person / Time
Site: River Bend  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/1980
From: Draper E
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RBG-7668, NUDOCS 8005280589
Download: ML19323F146 (2)



~D'T 4 ";ff M/ f GULF STATES UTILITIES COMPANY *au May lo, 1980 R3G - 7668 File G9.5 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc=ission Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Mr. Denton:

River Bend Station - Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50 h58, 50 h59 On March 11-12,1980, =e=bers of your Staff met with representatives of Gulf States Utilities to discuss the projected construction schedule for the River hend Station, Unit 1. The overall cenelusion reached by your Staff, as stated in it- April 23,1980 =eeting su -:=ary, was that "the Panel estimates Unit 1 vill be co=pleted about October,1985, which is two years after the applicant's projection". Because of the i=portance that we at Gulf States accord to this project, it is our conviction that the projected Unit 1 schedule which would result in fuel loading in October, 1983, can be =et. We recognize the importance of your being able to predict the workload for your staff as far in advance as possible so as to maximize the efficiency of their license application review. We, there-fere, want to ensure that there is continuing ec=unication between Gulf States and your Staff so that the NRC's licensing review schedule vill not preclude meeting the date for fuel loading.

Gulf States recognizes its obligation to be less reliant on oil and gas fired generation while fulfilling the electrical de= ands of its cus-temers. To help achieve this end, Gulf States has made a corporate ec==it-

=ent to co=plete the River Bend Station, Unit 1 on an accelerated schedule.

The formation of the River Bend Nuclear Group on January 1,1980, headed by an executive vice president, was an additional step in that direction.

Gulf States attempted to impress en the Staff during the Caseload Forecast meeting the innovations being used to expedite Unit 1 construc-tien. First, a Nuclear Stabilization Agree =ent has been signed with national and local unions to preclude strikes or valk-cuts during the duration of the construction. The importance of this agreement in a labor area as heavily represented by uniens as the 3aten Rouge area cannot be overe=phasized. A second innovation has been the establishment of the rolling h-10's working schedule. "his schedule allows 70 hours8.101852e-4 days <br />0.0194 hours <br />1.157407e-4 weeks <br />2.6635e-5 months <br /> of work hg V

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0 per week to be accc=plished with cnly ene shift change. This working

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t 80052 80 3 N 9

Mr. Harold R. Denton May 16, 1980 Page 2 arranEe=ent already see=s to be both efficient ani popular with the work force as de=enstrated by the low level of absenteeis: experienced at the site. Third, modular construction techniques are being used to the fullest extent possible to allov less congested verk areas and =cre efficient use of the labor force. For exa=ple, reinforcing bar ties for the contain=ent base mat and turbine pedestals were =ade in =cdular for= and placed by single crane lifts, the dryvell vall was fabricated up to 10 rings Lgh and then put in place by a single crane lift, and building levels vill be com-pleted as much as possible prior to placing the nex. floor to allov ease of equipment installation. These innovations vill benefit the overall construc-tion effort to per=it the Unit 1 construction schedule to be met.

In conclusion, Gulf States believes that tha construction progress (i.e. ,10.2". as reported at the time of the =eeting), as indicated by its calculated percentage co=plete, is an accurate and realistic representation of work accomplished in the field and that its schedule for fuel loading in October, 1983, can realistically be mat. To assure that the NRC's efforts with regard to its consideration of the issuance of an operating license may be scheduled as varranted by actual progress in construction, we vould invite the caseload forecast panel to periodically update its esti=ates.

Inasmuch as we plan to submit our operating license application in March, 1981, we feel that the next caseload forecast =eeting should be held in Dece=ber, 1980. We look forward to working with you and your Staff in order to achieve a timely decision with regard to the issuance of the Unit 1 operating license. You can be assured that Gulf States will =ake every effort to cooperate with you and your Staff in reaching this goal.

Sincerely, -

D. L c,

k E. Linn Draper, vr.

Q Vice President - Technology JGW/WJR/te