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Proposed Tech Spec 4.2.8 Modifying Reporting Requirements. Requires Forwarding of Rept of Test Results of Reactor Vessel Specimen Withdrawal to AEC
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/12/1974
Shared Package
ML19312B988 List:
NUDOCS 7911270772
Download: ML19312B993 (1)





. The structural integrity of the Reactor Coolant System boundary shall be maintained at the level required by the original ac-ceptance-standards throughout the life of the station. Any evidence, as a result of the tests outlined in Table IS-261 of Section XI of the code, that defects have developed or grown, shall be investigated, including evaluation of comparable areas of the Reactor Coolant System.

4.2.4 To assure the structural integrity of the reactor internals through-out the life of the unit, the two sets of main internals bolts (connecting the core barrel to the core support shield and to the lower grid cylinder) shall remain in place and under tension. This will be verified by visual inspection to determine that the welded bolt locking caps remain in place. All locking caps will be inspected after hot functional testing and whenever the internals are removed from the vessel during a refueling or maintenance shutdown. The core barrel to core support shield caps will be inspected each refueling shutdown.

4.2.5 Sufficient records of each inspection shall be kept to allow com-parison and evaluation of future inspections.

1 4.2.6 The inservice inspection program shall be reviewed at the end of five years to consider incorporation of new inspection techniques and equipment which have been proved practical and the conclusions of this review and evaluation shall be discussed with the AEC/ DOL.

l 4.2.7 At approximately three-year intervals, the bore and keyway of l

each reactor coolant pump flywheel shall be subjected to an in-place, volumetric examination. 'Jhenever maintenance or repair activities necessitate flywheel removal, a surface examination of exposed surfaces and a complete volumetric examination shall be performed, if the interval measured from the previous such inspections is greater than 6 2/3 years.

4.2.8 For Unit 1 and Unit 2, a B Type vessel specimen capsule shall be withdrawn after one year of operation and an A Type capsule shall oe withdrawn after 11, 17, and 22 years of operation.

The with-drawal schedules may be modified to coincide with those refueling outages or unit shutdowns most closely approaching the withdrawal schedule.

Specimens thus withdrawn shall be tested in accordance with ASTM-E-185-70 pursuant to 10CFR50, Appendix H.

For Unit 3, a B Type vessel specimen capsule shall be withdrawn after one year of operation and an A Type capsule shall be withdrawn af ter 7,14, and 17. years of operation. The withdrawal schedules may be modified to coincide with those refueling outages or unit shut-

.l downs most closely approaching the withdrawal schedule.

Specimens thus withdrawn shall be tested in accordance with ASTM-E-185-72 l

pursuant to 10CFR50. Appendix H.

g1 4.2-2 L