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Proposed Tech Spec 3.4 Deleting Tech Spec 3.4.3 Specifying Operability of Valves in Turbine Bypass
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/21/1973
Shared Package
ML19312B920 List:
NUDOCS 7911270712
Download: ML19312B921 (2)



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Applicability Applies to the turbine cycle components for removal of reactor decay heat.

i Objective To specify minimum conditions of the turbine cycle equipment necessary to assure the capability to remove decay heat from the reactor core.

Specification The reactor shall not be heated above 250 F unless the following conditions are met:

3.4.1 Capability to remove a decay heat load of 5 percent full reactor power from at least one of the following means:

A hotwell pump, condensate booster pump, and a main feedwate'r pump.



The emergency feedwater pump.

A hotwell pump and a condensare booster pump.

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3.4.2 The sixteen steam system safety valves are operable.

3.4.3 A minimum of 72,000 gallons of water per operating unit shall be avail-able in the upper surge tank, condensate storage test, an' Sotwell.

3.4.4 The emergency condenser circulating water system shall be operable as per Specification 4.1.

Bases The feedwater system and the turbine bypass system are nsrmally used for decay heat removal and cooldown above 210 F.

Feedwater makeup is supplied by operation of a hotwell pump, condensate booster pump and a main feedwater pump.

j The feedwater flow required to remove decay heat correstonding to 5 percent full power with saturated steam in the pressure range from 30 psia (saturation 0

pressure at 250 F) to 1065 psia (lowest setting of staan safety valve) as a function of feedwater temperature is:

F Flow. GPM j

60 750 i

90 770 120 790 i

180 840 One hotwell pump plus one condensate booster pump will supply at least 3000 GPM at 550 psia, and one hotwell pump plus ona booster pump plus one main


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' feed pump will supply at least 3000 gpm at 1065 psia.

The emergency feed pump will supply 1080 spa at 1065 psia.

In the event of complete loss of electrical power, feedwater is supplyed by a turbine driven emergency feedwater pump which takes suction from the upper surge tanks and hotwell.

Decay heat can be removed from the steam generators by steam relief through the main steam valves.

Normally, decay heat is removed by steam relief through the turbine bypass systee to the condenser.

Condenser cooling water flow is provided by a siphon effect from Lake Keowee through the condenser for final heat rajection to the Keowee Hydro Plant tailrace.

The minimum amount of water in the upper surgh tank and condensate storage tank is the amount needed for 11 hours1.273148e-4 days <br />0.00306 hours <br />1.818783e-5 weeks <br />4.1855e-6 months <br /> of operating per unit.

This is based on the conservative estimate of normal makeup being 0.5% of throttle flow.

Throttle flow at full load, 11,200,000 lbs/hr., was used to calculate the operation time.

For decay heat removal the operation time with the volume of water specified would be considerably increased due to the reduced throttle flow.

The relief capacity of the sixteen steam system safety valves is 13,105,000 lbs/hr.

REFERENCE FSAR, Section 10 3.4-2
