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Forwards Revision 1 to Emergency Plan.Section 4 Will Require Mod Resulting from 800530 Meeting W/Nrc & Will Be Forwarded Upon Completion.Commonwealth of VA 800520 Ltr Encl
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 06/06/1980
From: Baum E
To: Harold Denton, Youngblood E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19310A268 List:
NUDOCS 8006110005
Download: ML19310A267 (5)


w VEROINIA ELECTRIC AND Powna Cox.mNY Rxcnxoxn,Vxuorm 20ce 1 June 6, 1980 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Serial No. 502 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation LQA/PRB:rab


Attn: Mr. B. J. Youngblood, Chief Licensing Branch No. 1 Docket Nos. 50-338 Division of Licensing 50-339 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission License Nos. NPF-4 Washington, D.C. 20555 NPF-7

Dear Mr. Denton:

We have made changes to our North Anna Power Station Emergency Plan based upon your review and comments that were given to us by tk. J. W. Roe on thy 15, 1980. We are. sending you 10 copies of these changes as an attachment to this letter.

As a result of our meeting with.your representatives in Bethesda on May 30, 1980, section 4 of the North Anna plan will require upgrading and modification. We plan to submit this section along'with a table of personnel qualifications you requested as soon as they are completed.

During the meeting on May 30, 1980 we discussed with your representatives the submittal of the Surry Power Station Emergency Plan.

The same' changes to section 4 in the North Anna plan will also be required in the Surry Plan. It was mutually agreed with your representatives that we delay the submittal of the Surry plan until section 4 of that plan is also upgraded. We feel that we can submit the Surry plan during the last week in June instead of June 16th as previously requested.

With the changes attached to this letter are copies of Letters of Agreenent from State and Local entities. We have not received letters of agreement f rom the Spotsylvania County M=inistrator, Spotsylvania Sheriff, Louisa County Sherif f and Hanover County Sheriff, however, we do have verbal agreements from the County Sheriffs and the' Spotsylvania Coordinator of Emer-gency Services that they will support any emergency situation at the North Anna Power Station in accordance with the committments made in their County Emergency Plana and the State Emergency Plan.

Attached to this letter is a letter from the State Office of Emergency and Energy Services that confinns that the forthcoming revision to the Commonwealth of Virginia Radiological Emergency Response Plan, as well as local government. plans, will include the revised emergency action levels and notification procedures prescribed in NUREG-0610. 'Upon the implementation of the revised State Plan both the North Anna and Surry


Emergency Plans will be amendcd and the present Yellow and Red emergency classifications will no longer be us.ed.

8006110 O, 4

VanistA Etzcta:C AND IbwER COMPANY TO Mr. Harold R. Denton 2 If you have any questions concerning this submittal, please contact Peter Beament- at (804) 771-4411, who is ready to assist you.

Very truly yours, 3

E. A. Baum Executive Manager-Licensing and Quality Assurance Attad.ments:

1. List of Changes 2.. State Confirmation Letter
3. North Anna Emergency Plan, Revision 1 (10 copies)-

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Gec-ge L J:res COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA 3IO Turner Rond 5tsto Cnes s's State Ofice of Emcruncy aw! Energy S.rvices Ri-heced. Virg:n'a 21225 H. K;m Aad. on Dep ty CoorW~at:r May 20, 1980 Mr. A N Execu Director Licensing and Quality Assurance Virginia Electric and Power Company Post Office Box 26666 Richmond, Virginia 23261

Dear Mr. Baum:

This confirms the telephone discussion between Mr. James East of your office and Mr. Henry Allard of my office.

The Commonwealth of Virginia Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) was published in April, 1976 as Annex I-V to Volume II, Emergency Operations Plan, Peacetime Disasters. The State RERP was k concurred in by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on October 24, 1979 under the provisions of NUREG-75/lll, December 1, 1974.

The State is presently revising and updating its RERP to incor-porate the lessons learned from the radiological accident which occurred at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station and include th3 interim guidance contained in NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP-1, " Criteria fcr Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response P]ans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants," January, 1180. Shortly, we will be assisting political subdivisions located within a ten-mile radius of the two nuclear power stations in Virginia

.n updating their RERPs to meet the new criteria. The revised State and local government Plans will also include the revised emergency actions levels and notification procedures prescribed in NUREG-0610.

If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call on us.

Sincerely, j

1 1, 2 4.6 Eeorge L. Jones GLJ/HGA/jgl-

VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY NORTH ANNA EMERGENCY PLAN Amendment to the May 1,1980 Submittal Changes to the North Anna Emergency Plan are denoted by new page date, 6-9-80, and a short horizontal line in the right margin showing the actual location of the change.

Section and Page Type of Change I.1 Cross Reference Change I. 2 Cross Reference Change

1. 5 Editorial Changes
1. 6 Definition Additions
2. 4 Editorial Changes 4.13 Editorial Changes 4.20 Changes in Response to NRC Comments on NUREG-0654; item E-6 4.21 No Changes - Typing Reorientation 4.22 No Changes - Typing Reorientation 5 .5 Changes in Response to NRC Comments on NUREG-0654; item C-1 j 5.15 Editorial Change 5.16 Editorial Changes Complete Section 6 re-submittal due to typing reorientation Section and Page Type of Change 6.1 Table of Contents Change 6.19 Changes in Response to NRC Comments on NUREG-0654; item I-2 6.20 Changes in Response to NRC Comments on NUREG-0654; item I-2 6.21 Change in Response to NRC Comments on NUREG-0654; item E-7 Table 6.3 New table in Response to NRC Comment on NUREG-0654; item J-lO.B 6.43 Change in Response to NRC Comments ,

on NUREG-0654; item B-10 l l


Complete Section 7 re-submittal due to typing re-orientation Section and Page Type of Change 7.4 Change in Response to NRC Comments on NUREG-0654; item G-3b Fig. 7.lA New Figure in Response to NRC Comment on NUREG-0654; item F-1 Fig. 7.3 Editorial Change Section 10 Appendix Page Type of Change 10.4 Copies of Letters of Intent.

Verbal agreements have been obtained from the following:

Spotsylvania Coordinator of Emergency Services, Spotsylvania County Sherif f, Louisa County Sheriff & Hanover County Sheriff, that they will follow the County and State

} Emergency Plan and fulfill their functions in the event of an emergency at the North Anna Power Station. The additions to the plan respond to NRC comments on NUREG-0654; item A-3.

Corporate Plan Section and Page Type of Change 5.3 No change, but last sentence on page addresses NRC commen,ts on NUREG-0654; ltem C-2.

i l

3 L J MEMORANDUM TO: Distribution DATE: June 9,1980 FROM: B. Murray , COPlES TO: J.Long M. Seville See Distribution SUBJ: Minutes of Team Leader's Meeting 040 B/W R

The following summarizes decisions reached at our meeting today:

BOARD NOTIFICATIONS e Memo to Steve Sectt (forwarding material for Board) is coded CMNOT. Remember to pick up BN number throughout package.

DTCs e TRSECD - never enter SECD number in FRN.

. TEEMR - when raw data is coding separately from cover letter (e.g., NPDES water quality monitoring data), do not invent a formal report title in upper case, in quotes.

e TSPROC - only code complete procedures and revisions, and use the procedure number as the DIN.

FILE LEVELS e Use PDR ACRS GENERAL for all ACRS-related material (never ACRS-authored material), which does not have on ACRS number. The following types of documents will always have numbers with prefixes:

ACRS reports - R Consultant reports - CT Memos between ACRS members - SM Meetings minutes - M Correspondence to Commission - R e Take KMS off the topical report ' list.

=m -

Team Leader's Minutss 2 June 9,1980 NOTES e Circle 24X field in red whenever a "Y" is entered, so the terminal operators cannot miss it.

e Phyliss mentiond she has noticed a terrific improvement l! in the accession lists she GC's for the Journal in the past month.

BM/vlw i

! cc: S. Alfaro l P. Maida O. Nevins i L. Reeder 1 D.'.Varner i

B. Zwilsky 1


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