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Appeals Denial of Intervenor Status.Due to Lack of Notification of Denial,Status as Party Should Be Granted. Requests Ruling That NRC May Consider Ultimate Disposal of Nuclear Wastes
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 02/23/1979
From: Debremaecker J
NUDOCS 7903160174
Download: ML19282B751 (2)



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2128 Addison (J

Houston, Texas 77030 y


, - 7,g February 23, 1979 s *- C1- ~ s_ h The Nuclear Regulatory Commission h a' * $ p' c9,:.<)Q ' ta Appeals Board T4 c f Washington, D. C. 20555 q, f Docket #50466 In the matter of: Allen's Creek Nuclear Generating Station

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have been informed by friends that I have not been granted Petitioner status in the matter above despite my request. I also note that I have not been informed of this denial in writing or by phone in clear violation of explicit rules on the subject. I further note that I have maintained that the ruling of the relevant U. S. court, i.e. that the NRC is not obligated to consider the ultimate disposal of nuclear wastes, also implies that the NRC may do so if it so desires. This assertion has not been contradicted or even disputed as of to-day by any party whatsoever in this matter. Absent any objection to my assertion it has thus been implicitly accepted by all parties concerned. Therefore, I respectfully but firmly appeal to the Appeals Board to rule:

1) That the lack of notification to a party concerning his or her status implies ipso facto that this party has been granted full petitioner status.
2) That my assertion concerning the freedom of the NRC to consider the ultimate disposal of nuclear wastes if it so wishes, is accepted.
3) Than my status as a full petitioner is restored.

Because of the lack of notification I must repectfully urge the Board to consider this matter with more than ordinary care. Thanking you for your attention, I remain, 1 Sincerely yours, / ctcW/ 'a . uce De Bremaecker JCDB:rl Copy: See Enclosure 7903160174 \\ \\

,a Copy to: Sheldon J. Wolfe, Esq. (_ > J. Gregory Copeland, Esq. Jack Newman, Esq. Richard Lowere, Esq. Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel Mr. D. Michael McCaughan Mr. John R. Shreffler Carro Hinderstein James Scott, Jr. Esq.

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