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Opposes Facility Licensing.Addl Info Encl
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak, Allens Creek  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 03/12/1981
NUDOCS 8106040449
Download: ML20126L547 (7)




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Question From Page 1  ;

become dependent on a form of energy that produces toxic wastes that we are unable to Q ' , dispose of and be rid of for good. We are right now N " storing" this accumulation

..- of poison on Federal dump l .

sites. The attitude "out of i, sight, out of mind" in re-

. ' ' ' ' ' (? ;

, gards to dumping or dispo-sal of toxic wastes whether

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they be radioactive or not is

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proving every day to be a g


'j , nightmare that comes back to haunt us.,

Every day the newspapers bring news of more toxic wastes being discovered.

Whether it's been duraped by our own military forces into the Atlantic or buried under subdivisions in N.Y.

of Houston these incidents prove how badly we have failed to manage these waste products. Just this morning in The Houston Post. James Edwards, the energy secre-j tary designate said he "op.

poses giving states veto authority over the location of Federal nuclear waste dispo-sal sites within their bord-ers." saying.the matter is a

" national problem."

_ . - _ . _ . - _ _ . _ . . - , , , _ , . . . . - _ . , . . . . . . . . _ . - . . - - . - . ~ . - - - - - - - -

t Is our dream of,the future' and evacuation. people were <

edly. Yet, three days of speak b. Muse I was 6 be a 7.:. .A living 4 4y told "no threat to radiation exposure at levels Protestant? Then they came among !!fe. threatening nu. human life, but better stay now known to be much for me, and by that time, clear power planta on one- laside anyway." This la like higher than we were first told there 'was no one left to hand and the radioactive bad science. fiction.

dump sites on the otherf We are. advised by our by officials is supposed to speak for me." This quote is How rnuch cua one planet doctors even low. levels of pose no threat to human life, attributed to the prominent We still do not know all the German Theologian, Rev.

take? radiation such as X. Rays are not safe to be taken repeat. ramifications of the near melt. Martin Wiemoller.

Some people I hear speak. Speak up, silence implies down at TMI since some Ing about'our energy pro, effects won't be known for agreement, blem who say they don't might be abandoned or years.These people and their want to become more de. turned over m the. state bY children are in effect guines pendent on the OPEC Na. pigs for the nuclear Industry, private operatorst tions and who are willing to switch their dependency on

-Establishing license cri. I am not willing to sacrifice teria that take into consider. my child's life or future for nuclest power are the same tion site suitability, compati. big business and selfish peo.

ones who fail to take respon. I sibility for their excessive bility with present land use ple.

In the vicinity, socio. econo. I think there should be a energy waste.

I mic effects on surrounding moratorium on the building v If we really want to import of any more nuclear plants I '

less oil from OPEC tLen we communities. alternatives to must take responsibility for proposed activity by the until we have a safer alter <

native form of energy. Once our own energy use and waste licensee, qualifica.

tions of the applicant, moni. these things are built at the 1 4 conserve. We cannot be as wasteful as we Americana toring plans, suitability of cost of billions of dollars ,

usually are without paying facilities, insurance, train. there will be no shutting the price for it somewhere ing programs, decommis. them down; we'll be depend.

eat on them, along the way. We mustn't sioning plans, security plans, and worker protection plans: Our children will suffer the build nuclear plants so we -And enactmeht of stiff consequences if we fail to can waste more energy. We take a conscientious look at will become hostages to our penalties forviolations of the law, including fines of this issue and speak out own greed if we are forced to

$25,000 and $100.000 per day against it.

live among these dangerous I have not been actively plants. In certain cases.

"I am personally gratified petitioning my neighbors due

..At Three Mile Island the l by the full Senate's approval to responsibilities to my people of Harrisburg, Penn., family, but I wi!) be trasy this were told for three days, the of the measures that we week circulating information ,

' came up with as emb: Jied in amount of radioactive leak.

this bill." said Caperton, and petitions. I would like to age posed "no threat to human life." Can we trust Radioactive waste is a pro. share this piect- 1 recently

, blem we fill face for the rest read with people who share j the powers that be (in this of our lives, and we have my opinion, but who have case the operators on duty) to ,,

not, for various reasons.

know how much is life begun to solve the problem not a moment too soon, spoken out.

threatenihg? To" avoid panic "In Germany, the Nazis "This legislation is of great importance to the citi. first came for the commu.

xens of Texas, especially nists, and I didn't speak up ,

those of Leon and LaSalle because I wasn't a commu.

Counties." he said. "I hope nist. Then they came for the the House of Representa. Jews, and I didn't speak up tives now acts responsibly because I wasn't a Jew. Then and expeditiously to enact they came for the trade this legislation into law." unionists, and i didn't speak The bill, Senate Bill 480, up because I wasn't a trade will now go to the House for unionist. Then they came for consideration, the Catholics, and I dint i

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The" Nuclear Question" in last week's E.B. Tribune opportunity given me to voice I.ast week's article stated:

there was an article contri. my opinion on the con. "We feel that all sources buted by A. F. Urbanic, struction of Allen's Creek should have contacted the-entitled. " Nuclear Question" Nuclear Plant. These hear. influential citizens and or.

In that article several ex. ing were open to the public ganization heads of the E.B.

tremely inaccurate allega. for this specific purpose: community for their view.

tions were made about two anyone could attend and point regarding the nuclear women who voiced their speak. I have since been told plant." It is my constitu.

opinions to the Nuclear Re. that the woman I attended tional right to voice my gulatory Commission at the with, and I, were the only two opinion and I am not obliged Wallis hearings. The record people from East Bernard to to consult the " influential needs to be set straight by voice any opinion at all. We citizens" of E.B. (whoever fact, not allegstions, did not present any petition they are?) before I or anyone The reporter failed to in. whatsoever, and spoke only else states an opinion. Who vestigate the facts and did for ourselves. Upon leaving is the writer of that article not report on them correctly, the hearings we were invited representing when he says as he was not there when I to sign a petition opposing "We feel "? Why aren't appeared before the Com. the plant construction and we their names signed to that mission. As one .of the did sign our names and article?

women who, " reportedly ap. addresses. That petition was This is what I said to the peared before the f4RC with later presented the NRC by NRC that day:

a pedtion",I do wish to state two Wallis people. They had "I am adamantly opposed the facts. Esthered 450 names in a few to the construction of this On January 13th I took the hours mostly from the Wallis nuclear power plant. I think area. In no way could our two we have the cart before the

, names be misconstrued as horse when we are willing to I

7th being representative of all of E.B.

See QUESTION; Page 6




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