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Apologizes for Delay in Returning W/Nrc Concurring Signature.Delay Due to Need for Applicants Commitment Re Addl Conditions to Mitigation Plan & Assurance from in Historic Preservation Officer
Person / Time
Site: Marble Hill
Issue date: 02/28/1979
From: Ballard R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Harrison M
Shared Package
ML19282B518 List:
NUDOCS 7903150278
Download: ML19282B520 (1)


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WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 3

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Docket Nos. STN 50-546 and STN 50-547 Advisory Council on Historic l/

Preservation r'(5gol


ATTN: Ms. Myra F. Harrison Assistant Director Office of Review and Compliance 1522 K Street NW Washington, D. C. 20005

Dear Ms. Harrison:

Please excuse my delay in returning your letter of October 18, 1978 with my concurring signature (Enclosure 1).

The delay was partly because of our desire to have a commitment from the applicant that your suggestions regarding additional conditions to the mitigation plan for Archeological Site 12 JE 119/120 would be followed (see ).

We also wanted assurance from the Indiana State Historic Preservation Officer that the conditioned mitigation plan was satis-factory and that the applicant's archeological consultant was qualified (see Enclosure 3).

Thank you for the excellent cooperation we have received from your office.

Sincerely, taeX W / lbl4 /

okld L. Ballard, Chief Environmental Projects Branch No.1 Division of Site Safety



Letter as stated 2.

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,. Advisory CouncilOn 50-6ko Historic Preservation 6#f/

1522 K Street NW.

Washington D.C.

20005 October 18, 1978 Mr. Ronald L. Ballard Chief, Environmental Projects Branch I Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Ballard:

Thank you for your letter of September 22, 1978, requesting the comments of the Council pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 470f, as amended, 90 Stat. 1320) on the proposed Marble Hill Nuclear Generating Station in Jefferson County, Indiana, which will have an adverse effect on Archeological Site 12 JE 119/120, a property determined on the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. We have reviewed the mitiga-tion plan submitted with your letter of September 22, and have determined that the " Guidelines for Making 'No Adverse Effect' Determinations for Archeological Resources in Accordance with 36 CFR Part 800" (Copy enclosed) apply to this undertaking, provided the following additional conditions are met:


The archeological excavation of Archeological Site 12 JE 119/120 will include a sample of at least 5% of the site.


Documentation will be submitted to the Indiana State Historic Preservation Officer that Archeological Site 12 JE 119/120 does not have special historic or cultural significance to any community, ethnic, or social group that would be impaired by the retrieval of data.


Artifacts recovered in the salvage of the site will be the property of the U.S. Government and will be curated by the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archeology in accordance 7 P/o-4 o / o f g

i with the standards set forth in proposed regulations 36 CFR Part 66.

If you agree to these conditions, please sign on the concurrence line below and return this letter to us.

Upon receipt we will acknowledge that the Executive Director does not object to your determination of no adverse effect. This will satisfy your responsibility pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 470f, as amended, 90 Stat.

1320) and the Council's " Procedures for the Protection of Historic and Cultural Properties" (36 CFR Part 800).

Thank you for your cooperation.

Sinc rely, r

My a F. Harrison Assistant Director Office of Review and Compliance Enclosure Concur:







,W INDIANA noveder 3 1978 Jantes Coughlm va r,w:dmi.

he.c:<mu Hr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co.nission

. Docket Nos.:

STN 50- 546 Washington, D. C. 20555 STN 50-547 Marble Hill Nuclear Generating Station lInits 1 6 2 Archeological Mitigntion Plan Daar Hr. Denton:

With reference to the telecopied letter fra Mr. Ballard, which we received gn November 1,1978 concerning the archeological mitigation plan 3 Public Service company of Indiana, Inc. agrees that at least 5% of the Site JE 119/120 Will be surveyed.

In addition the artifacts recovered in the sal-Ygge of the 0149 yi,11 be the prop 9 tty 9f thg V,5, G9yctment and vill be curated by the Glenn A. Black laboratory of Archeology.

Sincerely, I


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Ronald L. ~Ballard, Chief Envirotcxental Projects Branch 1 Division of Site Safety

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DIRECTOR December 13, 1978 Mr. Ronald L. Ballard, Chief Environmental Projects Branch 1 Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission Washington, D.C.


Dear Mr. Ballard:

I am writing in reply to your letter of November 8th regarding the proposed archaeological mitigation to be done at the Marble Hill Nuclear Generating Station in Jefferson County, Indiana.

Although not specifically stated, our letter of September 1,1978, implies that it is our opinion that in-place preservation of archaeological site 12 JE 119/120 is not necessary to fulfill the purposes setforth in the State Historic Preserva-tion Plan. Furthermore, we believe that the recovery of the scientific material at the site will not impair any community, ethnic, or social group.

We have on file a resume for Dr. John Dorwin of the Blocmington, Indiana, Office of Soil Systems, Inc.

Dr. Darwin meets the minimum qualifications for an archaeo-logist as established by the Department of the Interior.

Please advise us should you have any further questions regarding this project.

Very truly yours, 1

AVa u M Jog g loud Stite Historic Preservation Officer l


kj cc-Joseph Hough John Feingold t /

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