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Requests Belated Leave to Intervene in Proceedings
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 10/18/1979
From: Ryan Alexander
To: Wolfe S
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 7911200022
Download: ML19210C735 (1)


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October 18, 1979 sasso ~/

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2 Sheldon J. Uolfe, f*

Chairnan of the '. tonic Safety and licensin;; Soard Panel M

U.3. :Iuclear Regulat:r-- Connission


' 'n shington, D.D. 23553 e


Dear :

r. L'olfe:

As a concerned resident of H uston's west side, I wish to Petition for Leave to Intervene in the current proceedings regarding the proposed nuclear plant site in 1.~allis, Texas.

I do understand I an tardy in f"5g this petition but do offer as good cause the follcr'ns factors:


I', participation alone will safeguard rg interests.

I do not trust zr interests with other pa-tiet.

(2) I an a law-abidin; teacher with the Houston Independent School District.

I an eroert at ex rescing =7self on paper and orally.

I:7 pa-ticipation vill further enhance these proceeding due to r:y fa.iliarity rith the Javis-Bessie nuclear plant in I!orthwest Ohio.

(Onl-as late as Sep'ernber have I tien up residence in Houston.)

(3) : feel that rithout '-- p-rticipation, sone (or not all) of rJ-intercr^c --ill be fu"7 ni t.:stel-re resented b:7 the enisting partie:.

I have c re:pontibilit:- to --- dfe and future child en t:,r: ride n :-fe : r-ir:n u nt f:


( L', : nacure : on that --- 7.rticirati n --ill not broaden the b reic issue.

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'el2: c i. O.e ro :eedings.



Plure conrider q request t: intervene.nd report to ne ;* ur decision az cocn ar :crible.

.incerel: : cura, Robert Alenander 10925 3riar Forest 91056 Houston, 0; 77052 D**]D P

7nl k f.

D oom sjnmU 137i 261 W





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