MONTHYEARML20058M0361993-04-12012 April 1993 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Records in App L Which Are Being Withheld Partially for Listed Reasons,(Ref FOIA Exemptions 5) ML20235B4531987-09-22022 September 1987 Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Specified Dockets.Documents in App a Already Available in Pdr.Forwards App B Documents.App B Documents Also Available in Pdr. Documents for Listed Dockets Could Not Be Located ML20235B3621987-08-25025 August 1987 FOIA Request for Listed Documents for Specified Dockets ST-HL-AE-1666, Requests Relief from Preservice Insp of Certain Component Supports Per Section XI of ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code. Attachment 1 Shows Thermal Expansion Testing of Sys Subj to Preservice Exam of Component Supports1986-05-22022 May 1986 Requests Relief from Preservice Insp of Certain Component Supports Per Section XI of ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code. Attachment 1 Shows Thermal Expansion Testing of Sys Subj to Preservice Exam of Component Supports ML20140F3691986-01-14014 January 1986 Further Response to FOIA Request for Several Categories of Documents Re Pressure Suppression Containment.Fsar & SER for Limerick Only Documentation Re 4x4 Tests.Encl Apps D-G Documents Responsive to Item 4 Also Available in PDR ML20063H0331982-08-27027 August 1982 Advises That Plants Have Been Canceled.Alternative Dispositions of Application to Be Discussed W/Nrc. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20062G8131982-08-11011 August 1982 Forwards NRC to Util Re Slippage of CP Issuance Date,For Distribution to Parties ML20054H7481982-06-19019 June 1982 Forwards Houston Chronicle 820617 Article Re Util Requested Rate Increase.Article Appears Relevant to Ultimate Fate of Plant & Appears to Represent Slight Change from Util Dec 1981 Position on Plant Destiny ML20054H7581982-06-18018 June 1982 Advises That Feasibility of Continuing Plant Const Remains Under Util Consideration,W/Ultimate Determination Depending on Disposition of Request for Rate Relief Pending Before Tx Public Utils Commission ML20053B8551982-05-27027 May 1982 Advises That If ASLB Decides Evidence on ASLB Questions 1 & 3 Necessary at June 1982 Hearing,Nrc Would Adopt as NRC Testimony,Affidavits Submitted Supporting NRC 820507 Answers ML20052F2301982-05-0505 May 1982 Requests ASLB Consider 820429 Findings of Fact Even Though Findings Late.Due Date Misconstrued.Striking Findings Would Be Significant Penalty for Minor Infraction ML20050J0231982-04-0606 April 1982 Forwards Applicant Answers to Doherty Second & Third Sets of Interrogatories,Questions 29 & 8,respectively,re Quadrex Rept.Related Correspondence ML20050H2341982-04-0606 April 1982 Admits Truth of Items 160-163 in 820323 Request for Admissions.Relevance Not Admitted.Related Correspondence ML20050E4131982-04-0505 April 1982 Advises of Typographical Error in Applicant Answers & Objections to Doherty Fifth Set of Interrogatories.Related Correspondence ML20050E2851982-04-0505 April 1982 Forwards Applicant Answers & Objections to J Doherty Sixth & Seventh Sets of Interrogatories Re Quadrex Rept.Related Correspondence ML20050C7771982-03-31031 March 1982 Forwards IE Bulletin 82-01, Alteration of Radiographs of Welds in Piping Subassemblies. No Specific Actions Required ML20050C4991982-03-26026 March 1982 Forwards Jh Goldberg Testimony on Technical Qualifications, Lj Sas Testimony on Tx Pirg Addl Contention 31 & Applicant Response to Jf Doherty Request for Documents.Related Correspondence ML20042C6231982-03-25025 March 1982 Explains Problems W/Timing of Filings & Tx Bar Exam ML20042B5051982-03-16016 March 1982 Forwards Bechtel Preliminary Assessment Rept on Quadrex Rept.J Doherty Also Being Served Which Renders 820305 Motion for Bechtel Quadrex Rept Review Moot.W/O Encl. Related Correspondence ML20049J6861982-03-15015 March 1982 Advises That Future of Facility Still Under Review.Aslb Timely Decision Is Important Factor in Evaluation. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20049J6701982-03-10010 March 1982 Forwards Table of Contents & Citations Inadvertently Omitted from Applicant 820305 Brief in Opposition to Appeal of R Alexander ML20041F0881982-03-0909 March 1982 Forwards Attachment 1 to Applicant Answers to Doherty First Set at Interrogatories Re Quadrex Rept ML20041D8591982-03-0202 March 1982 Comments on Generic Ltr 81-40 Re Qualifications of Reactor Operators - License Exams ML20041B0671982-02-18018 February 1982 Responds to NRC Re Application of Final Rule on Licensing Requirements for Pending CP & Mfg License Applications.Final Rule Did Not Identify Need for Clarifying Changes to Facility Application.Commitments Acceptable ML20040H3381982-02-12012 February 1982 Forwards Util 820212 News Release Re Feasibility of Plant Licensing & Const,Per 820209 Conversation ML20040F8111982-02-0505 February 1982 Responds to Sj Wolfe .Ser Suppl 3 Needs to Be Supplemented or Altered Due to Commission Final Rule Re Licensing Requirements for Pending CPs ML20039E9771982-01-0808 January 1982 Forwards NRC Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law on Environ Matters.Exhibit & Witness Index to Be Provided W/Applicant Safety Findings ML19255A1721982-01-0606 January 1982 Requests Temporary Waiver to 10CFR73.21 (d)(2) Re Storage of Unclassified Safeguards Info.Gsa Approved Containers Have Been Requisitioned W/Earliest Possible Delivery Date of 820315 ML20062M6221981-12-11011 December 1981 Requests Citizens for Fair Util Regulation Respond to Applicant Interrogatories 45-3 Through 83-3,subj of ASLB 810728 Order.Response Necessary So Applicant Can Seek Addl Discovery on Contention 4.Related Correspondence ML20033D0111981-12-0303 December 1981 Advises That Long & short-term Interest Rates in Table 20.2 of Peterson Written Testimony Are Both Actual Cost to Company & Stated or Face Amount of Interest Rate ML20033C9461981-12-0101 December 1981 Forwards Order of Witness Presentation.Names of Corps of Engineers Witness & NRC Witness on Generic Issues to Be Furnished Later in Wk.Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence ML20033A4221981-11-23023 November 1981 Forwards Transcript of 811116 Hearing,Pp 19,866-19,876, Wherein ASLB Ruled on Util & NRC 811030 Joint Motion to Establish Schedule to File Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law & on J Doherty 811106 Motion to Reply ML20032C6691981-11-0606 November 1981 Forwards M Field Memo Explaining Correction to Testimony Re Tx Pirg Contention 6 on Mannings Coefficient.W/O Encl ML20032D9101981-11-0606 November 1981 Forwards Proposed Schedule for Presentation of Witness for 811116-20 & 1207-11 Hearing Sessions,Per ASLB 811030 Hearing Recommendation.Related Correspondence ML20032B1991981-10-30030 October 1981 Forwards Testimony of Vth Leung Re Doherty Contention 11,WL Brocks Re Doherty Contentions 15,21 & 24 & Je Knight & Je Kennedy Re ASLB Questions on Scram Discharge Level Monitoring Sys ML20032C8991981-10-29029 October 1981 Forwards Responding to ACRS Re post- Accident Inerting Sys ML20032C2761981-10-28028 October 1981 Responds to 810915 Request Re ATWS Issue.Util Committed Not to Preclude Incorporation of Any Design Mods Included in NUREG-0460,Vol 4 & to Incorporate Eventual Resolution of ATWS Issue in Design.Related Correspondence ML20011A6271981-10-22022 October 1981 Forwards F Litton Testimony Re Doherty Contention 43 on Stainless Steel Cleaning & Reg Guide 1.54.Testimony Should Be Presented on 811029 to Conserve Travel Funds & to Keep Continuity of Scheduled Issues Intact ML20031G9041981-10-16016 October 1981 Forward Applicant & NRC Agreed Order of Witness Presentation for 811116-20 Evidentiary Hearings.Related Correspondence ML20031E5441981-10-14014 October 1981 Forwards Table 1 & Attachment 1 to Rl Gotchy 811009 Testimony Re Increased Risk of Cancer & Noncancerous Effects of App I Levels of Radiation & T Urbanik Testimony Re Facility Evacuation Time Estimate Study ML20032B1271981-10-0808 October 1981 Forwards ACRS Re post-accident Inerting Sys ML20031F2921981-10-0808 October 1981 Clarifies 810817 Memo Re Status of State & Local Emergency Preparedness.State of Tx Has Not Prepared site-specific Plans.Any Unusual Problems Will Be Adequately Handled as site-specific Emergency Plans Are Developed ML20040A8681981-10-0404 October 1981 FOIA Request for NRC Reply to Senator L Bentsen Re Status of Facilities ML20031C4461981-10-0101 October 1981 Submits Applicant & NRC Schedule of Witness for 811005-09 & 26-30 Evidentiary Hearing Sessions ML20010H4131981-09-18018 September 1981 Forwards CM Ferrell & L Soffer Testimony Re Bishop Contention 1,MW Hodges Testimony Re Doherty Contention 38B & Rl Tedesco to Util Requesting Addl Info Re ATWS Issue ML20031H3181981-09-18018 September 1981 Forwards Util Supplemental Affidavit & Testimony on Contentions Still in Issue.Related Correspondence ML20031A9591981-09-16016 September 1981 Discusses Presentation at 257th ACRS Meeting on 810910-12 Re post-accident Inerting Sys Proposed as Means of Combustible Gas Control for Facilities.Acrs Requests Design Review Before NRC Approval ML20010H4291981-09-15015 September 1981 Requests Util Update FSAR for Review Prior to NRC Update of SER Section 15.2 & App C ML20010E6381981-09-0303 September 1981 Responds to ASLB Request for Parties Views on Status of Rn-222 Question.Present Record on Radon Sufficient to Support NRC Conclusion That Dose Commitments & Health Effects of U Fuel Cycle Are Insignificant ML20010E5921981-09-0202 September 1981 Forwards NRC & Applicant Order of Witness Presentation for 810914-18 & 1005-16 Hearings,Per ASLB 810616 Order as Modified 1993-04-12
MONTHYEARML20235B3621987-08-25025 August 1987 FOIA Request for Listed Documents for Specified Dockets ST-HL-AE-1666, Requests Relief from Preservice Insp of Certain Component Supports Per Section XI of ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code. Attachment 1 Shows Thermal Expansion Testing of Sys Subj to Preservice Exam of Component Supports1986-05-22022 May 1986 Requests Relief from Preservice Insp of Certain Component Supports Per Section XI of ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code. Attachment 1 Shows Thermal Expansion Testing of Sys Subj to Preservice Exam of Component Supports ML20063H0331982-08-27027 August 1982 Advises That Plants Have Been Canceled.Alternative Dispositions of Application to Be Discussed W/Nrc. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20054H7481982-06-19019 June 1982 Forwards Houston Chronicle 820617 Article Re Util Requested Rate Increase.Article Appears Relevant to Ultimate Fate of Plant & Appears to Represent Slight Change from Util Dec 1981 Position on Plant Destiny ML20054H7581982-06-18018 June 1982 Advises That Feasibility of Continuing Plant Const Remains Under Util Consideration,W/Ultimate Determination Depending on Disposition of Request for Rate Relief Pending Before Tx Public Utils Commission ML20052F2301982-05-0505 May 1982 Requests ASLB Consider 820429 Findings of Fact Even Though Findings Late.Due Date Misconstrued.Striking Findings Would Be Significant Penalty for Minor Infraction ML20050J0231982-04-0606 April 1982 Forwards Applicant Answers to Doherty Second & Third Sets of Interrogatories,Questions 29 & 8,respectively,re Quadrex Rept.Related Correspondence ML20050H2341982-04-0606 April 1982 Admits Truth of Items 160-163 in 820323 Request for Admissions.Relevance Not Admitted.Related Correspondence ML20050E4131982-04-0505 April 1982 Advises of Typographical Error in Applicant Answers & Objections to Doherty Fifth Set of Interrogatories.Related Correspondence ML20050E2851982-04-0505 April 1982 Forwards Applicant Answers & Objections to J Doherty Sixth & Seventh Sets of Interrogatories Re Quadrex Rept.Related Correspondence ML20050C4991982-03-26026 March 1982 Forwards Jh Goldberg Testimony on Technical Qualifications, Lj Sas Testimony on Tx Pirg Addl Contention 31 & Applicant Response to Jf Doherty Request for Documents.Related Correspondence ML20042C6231982-03-25025 March 1982 Explains Problems W/Timing of Filings & Tx Bar Exam ML20042B5051982-03-16016 March 1982 Forwards Bechtel Preliminary Assessment Rept on Quadrex Rept.J Doherty Also Being Served Which Renders 820305 Motion for Bechtel Quadrex Rept Review Moot.W/O Encl. Related Correspondence ML20049J6861982-03-15015 March 1982 Advises That Future of Facility Still Under Review.Aslb Timely Decision Is Important Factor in Evaluation. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20049J6701982-03-10010 March 1982 Forwards Table of Contents & Citations Inadvertently Omitted from Applicant 820305 Brief in Opposition to Appeal of R Alexander ML20041F0881982-03-0909 March 1982 Forwards Attachment 1 to Applicant Answers to Doherty First Set at Interrogatories Re Quadrex Rept ML20041D8591982-03-0202 March 1982 Comments on Generic Ltr 81-40 Re Qualifications of Reactor Operators - License Exams ML20041B0671982-02-18018 February 1982 Responds to NRC Re Application of Final Rule on Licensing Requirements for Pending CP & Mfg License Applications.Final Rule Did Not Identify Need for Clarifying Changes to Facility Application.Commitments Acceptable ML20040H3381982-02-12012 February 1982 Forwards Util 820212 News Release Re Feasibility of Plant Licensing & Const,Per 820209 Conversation ML19255A1721982-01-0606 January 1982 Requests Temporary Waiver to 10CFR73.21 (d)(2) Re Storage of Unclassified Safeguards Info.Gsa Approved Containers Have Been Requisitioned W/Earliest Possible Delivery Date of 820315 ML20062M6221981-12-11011 December 1981 Requests Citizens for Fair Util Regulation Respond to Applicant Interrogatories 45-3 Through 83-3,subj of ASLB 810728 Order.Response Necessary So Applicant Can Seek Addl Discovery on Contention 4.Related Correspondence ML20033C9461981-12-0101 December 1981 Forwards Order of Witness Presentation.Names of Corps of Engineers Witness & NRC Witness on Generic Issues to Be Furnished Later in Wk.Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence ML20032D9101981-11-0606 November 1981 Forwards Proposed Schedule for Presentation of Witness for 811116-20 & 1207-11 Hearing Sessions,Per ASLB 811030 Hearing Recommendation.Related Correspondence ML20032C2761981-10-28028 October 1981 Responds to 810915 Request Re ATWS Issue.Util Committed Not to Preclude Incorporation of Any Design Mods Included in NUREG-0460,Vol 4 & to Incorporate Eventual Resolution of ATWS Issue in Design.Related Correspondence ML20031G9041981-10-16016 October 1981 Forward Applicant & NRC Agreed Order of Witness Presentation for 811116-20 Evidentiary Hearings.Related Correspondence ML20031F2921981-10-0808 October 1981 Clarifies 810817 Memo Re Status of State & Local Emergency Preparedness.State of Tx Has Not Prepared site-specific Plans.Any Unusual Problems Will Be Adequately Handled as site-specific Emergency Plans Are Developed ML20040A8681981-10-0404 October 1981 FOIA Request for NRC Reply to Senator L Bentsen Re Status of Facilities ML20031C4461981-10-0101 October 1981 Submits Applicant & NRC Schedule of Witness for 811005-09 & 26-30 Evidentiary Hearing Sessions ML20031H3181981-09-18018 September 1981 Forwards Util Supplemental Affidavit & Testimony on Contentions Still in Issue.Related Correspondence ML20030C6001981-08-25025 August 1981 Forwards Testimony on Schuessler Consolidated Contention 1, Baker Contention 1 & Updated Testimony on Need for Power Issues.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20030C3961981-08-21021 August 1981 Forwards ASLB Preliminary Ruling on Remaining Summary Disposition Motions & Portions of Transcript Discussing Preliminary Order.Related Correspondence ML20030B9171981-08-21021 August 1981 Forwards Info Describing plant-specific Implementation of Generic Resolution for Generic Issues Per 810807 Request. Info Re BWR Feedwater Nozzle Cracking,Rhr Requirement & Control of Heavy Loads Near Spent Fuel Encl ML20030B5701981-08-12012 August 1981 Forwards Response to 810720 Request for Updated Financial Info ML20009H2731981-08-0606 August 1981 Forwards Revised Sections & Table of Contents Discussed in NRC for ETR-1001,Ebasco Nuclear QA Program Manual.Revisions,Which Are Will Be Included in Change 10 to ETR-1001 ML20010A3781981-08-0505 August 1981 Forwards Mod to Util Submittal Addressing Item II.K.2.16 of NUREG-0718,reactor Coolant Pump Seal Damage Following Small Break LOCA W/Loss of Offsite Power.Mod Should Be Inserted on Page 0-8 of App 0 to PSAR ML20030B1301981-08-0303 August 1981 Forwards NRC & Applicant Order of Witness Presentation Per ASLB 810616 Order.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20010B3621981-08-0303 August 1981 Responds to Telcon Which Reminded of Failure to Encl Notice of Persons Served W/Tx Pirg Supplemental Direct Written Testimony of D Marrack ML20009B1991981-07-0707 July 1981 Informs That Doherty ,Per ASLB 810422 Order,Does Not Provide Any Substantive Rebuttal to Applicant & NRC Pleadings Re Doherty Motion for Reconsideration ML20009A8901981-07-0707 July 1981 Commits to Compliance W/Final Resolution of Core Thermocouple Issue to Be Determined by NRC in Near Future ML20009A8151981-06-30030 June 1981 Requests That Document Distribution List Be Revised Per Encl List ML20005B6161981-06-26026 June 1981 Submits Clarification of Util Position Re Use of Aci/Asme Std Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels & Containments.Code Provision Re Stress Limit Increase for Test Conditions Is Appropriate.Requests NRC Review W/Asme Code Committee ML20005A8971981-06-25025 June 1981 Forwards List of Contentions & ASLB Questions to Be Addressed in Aug & Sept 1981 ML19346A3371981-06-18018 June 1981 Forwards Amend 59 to PSAR ML20004C7521981-05-28028 May 1981 Forwards marked-up Version of Amend 57 to Psar.Mods Were Made as Result of NRC 810511-27 Review Meeting.Amend Is Available in Central Files Only ML20004C6611981-05-26026 May 1981 Forwards Proposed Order of Presentation of Witnesses for Two Wks of June Hearings.Related Correspondence ML20004E1401981-05-26026 May 1981 Confirms Commitment to Install Jetty Sys to Stabilize Bank of Brazos River in Vicinity of Proposed Plant ML19351A1131981-05-18018 May 1981 Expresses Concern Re Const of Facility ML20126L1321981-05-16016 May 1981 Opposes Facility Licensing ML19347F2611981-05-15015 May 1981 Forwards Amend 58 to Facility PSAR ML19347F5791981-05-15015 May 1981 Advises That Ebasco Svcs,Inc Will Benchmark Pipe Stress Computer Program Code,Pipestress 2010,against NUREG CR-1677, in Response to NRC Request.Program Will Be Scheduled for Completion Near End of 1983 1987-08-25
MONTHYEARML20054H7481982-06-19019 June 1982 Forwards Houston Chronicle 820617 Article Re Util Requested Rate Increase.Article Appears Relevant to Ultimate Fate of Plant & Appears to Represent Slight Change from Util Dec 1981 Position on Plant Destiny ML20052F2301982-05-0505 May 1982 Requests ASLB Consider 820429 Findings of Fact Even Though Findings Late.Due Date Misconstrued.Striking Findings Would Be Significant Penalty for Minor Infraction ML20042C6231982-03-25025 March 1982 Explains Problems W/Timing of Filings & Tx Bar Exam ML20040A8681981-10-0404 October 1981 FOIA Request for NRC Reply to Senator L Bentsen Re Status of Facilities ML20010B3621981-08-0303 August 1981 Responds to Telcon Which Reminded of Failure to Encl Notice of Persons Served W/Tx Pirg Supplemental Direct Written Testimony of D Marrack ML19351A1131981-05-18018 May 1981 Expresses Concern Re Const of Facility ML20126L1321981-05-16016 May 1981 Opposes Facility Licensing ML20003E7801981-04-0909 April 1981 Opposes Speedup Given to Licensing Process for Units ML20126H0631981-03-31031 March 1981 Opposes Hastening Licensing Process at Facilities ML20126L5471981-03-12012 March 1981 Opposes Facility Licensing.Addl Info Encl ML20037C9321981-03-0404 March 1981 Opposes Nuclear Power ML19350B7791981-02-26026 February 1981 Requests Evaluation of NRC Ruling & Location Problem Re Facility Proposed Site ML20003C8271981-02-24024 February 1981 Urges ASLB to Consider Evacuation Problems ML19350A9101981-02-24024 February 1981 Expresses Concern Re Inadequate Evacuation Routes in Houston,Tx Area.Requests That Issue Be Addressed by Initial Licensing Committee ML20148U0341981-02-23023 February 1981 Informs That Matl in Util 810128 & 0210 Filings Should Not Be Included in Decision on Consideration of Contentions. Applicant Should Have Filed Matl in Original Motion for Summary Disposition.W/Encls ML20037C9181981-02-20020 February 1981 Opposes Facility Const ML20126E8571981-02-10010 February 1981 Forwards Contentions Re NUREG-0470,Suppl 2, Draft Suppl to Fes Re Const of Allens Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1 ML20037C9281981-02-0202 February 1981 Supports Use of Solar,Coal,Wind or Water Power Over Nuclear Power.Opposes Const of Facility Near Houston,Tx.Expresses Concern Re Future Generations ML20037C3581981-01-20020 January 1981 Opposes Const of Facility ML20037C4351981-01-20020 January 1981 Opposes Const of Facility ML20037B9791981-01-14014 January 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at Licensing Hearing.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20049A3791981-01-12012 January 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement ML20037B9801981-01-0808 January 1981 Opposes Facility Const ML20002D2131981-01-0808 January 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at Licensing Hearing ML20037C3521981-01-0707 January 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement ML20062L5511981-01-0707 January 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20002D2121981-01-0505 January 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at Licensing Hearing ML20062L0891981-01-0303 January 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at 810114 Hearing in Houston,Tx ML20002C1581981-01-0303 January 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at 810114 Hearing in Houston,Tx Re Proposed Facility Operation ML19353A4211981-01-0101 January 1981 Requests Permission to Present Testimony at CP Hearing for Proposed Facility on 810114 at Univ of Houston,Tx ML20002C0561980-12-28028 December 1980 Opposes Facility Operation.No More Pollution Is Needed in Area ML20062K7621980-12-26026 December 1980 Requests to Appear in Afternoon at 810114 Hearing in Houston,Tx ML20037B8871980-12-22022 December 1980 Opposes Proposed Facility.No Permit Should Be Granted ML20062K7561980-12-19019 December 1980 Requests to Appear for 10 Minutes at NRC 810114 Hearing at Bates College of Law in Houston,Tx ML19340D3831980-12-19019 December 1980 Requests to Make Limited Oral Statement on 810114 or 15 at Univ of Houston,Tx ML19343B6901980-12-18018 December 1980 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at Evidentiary Hearings in Houston,Tx ML20062K7201980-12-17017 December 1980 Request to Make Limited Appearance Statement at 810114 Hearing in Houston,Tx ML20002C0591980-12-17017 December 1980 Requests Info Re Public Hearings in Houston,Tx Scheduled for 810114 & 15.Expresses Wish to Make Prepared Statement ML19343B6061980-12-17017 December 1980 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at 810114 Hearings in Houston,Tx ML20062K3211980-12-11011 December 1980 Expresses Desire to Make Limited Appearance Statement During ASLB 810114 Meeting in Houston,Tx ML19343B2651980-12-10010 December 1980 Requests Opportunity to Make Limited Oral Statement on 800114 or 15 at Univ of Houston ML20037B8271980-12-0909 December 1980 Requests Cessation of Nuclear Plant Licensing.Nuclear Plants Believed to Be Unhealthy ML19345D4561980-12-0808 December 1980 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at CP Hearings at Bates College of Law,Houston,Tx ML19343B2051980-12-0808 December 1980 Requests Rewording of Applicant & NRC Joint Response to ASLB 801121 Order Re Intervenor Failure to Identify Expert Witnesses.Applicant Has Deposed Many Identified Witnesses ML19340D3881980-12-0404 December 1980 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Before Commission on 800114 or 15 in Houston,Tx ML19345D4651980-12-0303 December 1980 Opposes Facility Const Because Engineering & Technology Not Equal to Task, & Opposes Owner Company Liability Limits in Event of Major Accident ML19345C2711980-10-29029 October 1980 Requests Info Re Facilities W/Active CPs Pending,License Definitions & Requirements for Floating Nuclear Plants ML20037B6191980-10-22022 October 1980 Comments on New Interim Policy on Class 9 Accidents & Rulemaking on Reactor Siting Criteria Re Facilities. Commission Should Direct ASLB to Include Class 9 Accidents in Suppl to EIS ML19338E6151980-09-25025 September 1980 Requests Notification of Public Hearing on Facility ML20148D9691980-09-0606 September 1980 Comments on Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 51 Re Withdrawal of Proposed Annex to App D of 10CFR50.Commission Has Engaged in Balancing Amount of Delay That Would Be Involved in Adding Review Against Value to Public Safety 1982-06-19
[Table view] |
occm m:a ma. a um,, ac. SD-464,
r1418 oalc Spring DR SEP M ;pg Houston, Texas 77o43 September 13, 1979 Secretary of the Commission U. 5. Nuclear Regulato T Consission
'fashington, D. C. 20555 Attention Docketing and Services 3 ranch 750-466 Gentlemen:
The contentions requested are hereby submitted on the following pages.
These contentions were mailed in order to comply with the Septeaber 14 deadline requirements.
However, Section2.714 of the Rules of Practice for Domestic !icensing Proceedings states:
(3) Any person who has filed a petition for leave to intervene or who has been admitted as a party pursuant to this section may amend his petition for leave to intervane.
A petition may be amended without prior approval of the presiding officer at any time up to fifteen (15.V ds.7s prior to the holding of the special prehearing conference pursuant to #2.751 or where no special prehearing is held, fifteen (15) days prior to the holding of the first prehearing conference.
Please be aware of this opportunity that shall no doubt be used.
' fours truly,
J. Morgan Bishop
M D A L f 'L L N!
Margare Bishop bi 9y 1173 136 ibwuxc'
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Demo 6raphic--Population inaand around a nuclear power plant is a vital consideration to the NRC when siting the plant.
HL&P has clearly understimated.the rate at which the population of Houston will grow and spread toward the plant.
Houston's suburbs are already as close to the plant as the applicant assumed they would be in 2020 AD.
I contend that this plant should not be sited so close to Houston which is the major population center in the south USA and the nation's fastest growing city.
At the rate the city of Houston la growins the plant will soon be in the city linits, possibly before it could be
It is absolutely unconscionable to endanger the lives of approxinately 5 million persons which HLP assures will be living witcln 50 miles of the plant at sone time durins.the plant's life.
I contend that El&P has underestinated the growth of the area and that the population within 50 niles of the plant may exceed to million persons during the plant's life.
Further: ore, to risk, in the case of a major accident, the forced abandonnent of the nation's major concen-tration of the petrochemical industry is folly.
To risk losing a major part of this nation's conventional energy processing sites to gain a =ere 1200 XW of electrical energy is foolishness of the worst sort.
I contend that the apalicant has grossly underestimated the growth of population in the area of the plant and that a construction per it should be denied.
.{ultifasily dwellings, cluster homes and other high density developments are already underway within 2-3 miles of the plant boundary.
This trend can be expected to grow and accelerate.
Plans for a potential major recreational area lihe Disneyworld or 51c Flags Over Texas are being studied for a. site within about 10 211es 1173 137
of the plant.
If this should develop, a major influx of per=anent residents into the 1:sediate area of the plant would ensue.
- Further, thousands ;f transient population would be in the area; =any of whom would be children.
I contend that this area is being developed too rapidly to risk siting ACN? in the area.
I contend this plant should be sited in an area : ore remote fron the city of Houston.
3 Demographic--3ased on the information supplied in the IIS, the proposed ACNP will have = ore people within 50 =iles of the plant durtns. the plant's life than did other plants to which Hi&? compared; i.e., N. Anna, Calvert Cliffs, Susquihanna, Peach 3ottos and 07 ster Creek.
Rather than sitin.3 ACN? in an area of greater population density than cocparative plants it should be sited in an area remote fron any major population centers and hence in an area with less popu-lation than other plants.
I contend that the construction permit should be denied on the basis of population exposure and that the site should be soved"elsewhere.
Demographic References 1.
Houston Chasber of Commerce; 2esearch Division 3.es-240307 2/73 2.
Teras Department of Water Resources; Fopule. tion Projections Planning and Development Division, Dece.:ber 1973.
3 Population F4 cjections for Texas Counties: 1930-2020,
'niversity of J
Texas-Austin, Population Research Center, 1973.
" Growth Options 5tudy, Phase 1 of Economic Sase Analysis" for
. Houston and C-ibraltar Region--Rice Center, April 1979.
United states Department of Conserce News, Jashington, D.
C373-230, November 19,1978.
., !' l9
,J V)'ld' gg tY Ji 9
1173 138
I contend that novig the Texas Utilities conpan7 24 inch natural Gas pipeline to the proposed route will incre.ise 'he danger, in the case of a pipeline rupture, to the people in the city of Sinonton and particularly to those people who live in the Valley Lodge su'o-division.
The proposed new route will put the pipeline between one-half and one nile closer to Valley Lodge and Sinonton.
In the case of a pipeline rupture natural gas in large volunes could escape and either axphiziate people in the area or nore likely, create fires or explosions.
I contend that the applicant has not adequately assessed the danger inposed on the area population.
I contend that the Applicant should re-route the pipeline elsewhere so that fewer people are endangered.
F o $~ g-G
Pipeline--I contend that novins the Texas Utilities congsny 24 inch natural gas pipeline to the proposed route creates a hazard of pipe-line rupture that did not previously exist.
Specifically the new route runs the pipeline very near the bank of the 3razos.
Sedinents near river banks are often unstable; furthernore durin6 floods the river could enlarge its channel and undercut the line.
In any event, due to unstable soil or being exposed by the river the probability of a pipeline rupture has been increased by Applicant's proposed rerouting.
A pipeline rupture and the attendant escape of highly flannable and explosive gas endanSers the lives of citizens and property in the area.
I contend that Applicant should be required to find a route for the pipeline that is less hasardous than the one proposed.
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I contend that the Applicant has under-esti sted the effects of detonation of gas from a ruptured I2G line on the plant.
The Applicant's assu=ptions on yield, Point of ignition and volume of escaped gas are all conjectural.
I contend that an analysis usin5 different assumptions would show that the plant could be seriously damaged by detonation of a sas cloud.
The Applicant should reevaluate the assumptions used in his analysis and prove that the plant is designed to withstand the detonation forces that could e= anate from various combinations of cloud size, yield, etc.
(LPG pipeline) 1173 141
pipeline--I contend that the proposed re-rout 128 9$eTexasUtilitles Co. 24 inch gas line so that it goes parallel to and very close to the cooling lake dan created a safety hazard.
The line could burst and through explosion or erosion breach the cooling lake dan and release the lake water.
At least two serious consequences could re sult; (1 )
people could be killed and property' destroyed in the area due to floodin6 (2) the plant could be le.ft without adequate cooling water.
The Applicant should be required to reroute the line or redesign the dan to withstand the forces associated with a gas explosion and erosion.
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I contend that the Applicant has underestinated the effects of detonation of gas from a ruptured natural gas line on the plant.
The Applicant's assunptions on yield, point of ignition and volune of escaped gas are all conjectural.
I contend that different assunptions would lead to the conclusion that a gas cloud detonation could seriously damage the plant.
1173 143
Pipeline--I contend that the Applicant has under-estimated the effects of detonation of gas ^; rom a.~.iptured natural 5as line on the plant.
The Applicant's assumptions on yield, point of ignition and volume of escaped gas are all conjectural.
I contend that an analysis usins different assunptions would show that the plant could be seriously dama5ed by detonation of a gas cloud.
The Applicant should re-evaluate the assumptions used in his analysis and prove that the plant is des 1 ned to withstand the detonation forces /that could 6
emanate fron various conbinations of cloud size, yield, etc.
1173 144
Applicant otates that there are no sources of corrosive 11 quid or oil upstrean of the plant on the Brazos river.
- This, statenent is incorrect.
Nunerous pipelines carrying a variety of potentially dancerous substances cross the 3razos upstrean of the plant.
If such a pipeline broke, the kiver could carry lar5e amounts of flannable and/or corrosive naterials downstrea=. to the plant via the cooline lake' intake.
The materials could enter the 0011; ; lake and create a hazard to the plant.
I contend that the Applicant should redesign the plant or nove the pipelines to eleninate this hazard-to the public health and safety.
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Ii73 145
Plant coolant--The applicant has assumed that water would be available fron the Brazos river for plant coolant.
The applicant 4
has not considered the fact that the Brazos river has changed courses many times in the past and will do so many times in the future.
The Brazos floods periodically and the Applicant has calculated the magnitude of possible floods based on various rainfall and run-off sodels.
These modelled floods show that the Srazos will exceed its banks in many areas and may cut new channels.
I contend that the Applicant has not considered the,i.npact on the plant of the 3razos river :oving to a new location in its floodplain.
I further contend that the likelihood of the River changing channels is very high.
If the Brazos changed channels and the water from the river was no longer available to the plant, the plant would have to be shutdown.
I contend that due to the foregoing the Brazos is a poor place to put a nuclear reactor and that the plant should be moved to a river less likely to change course or to the Gulf of :!exico.
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Lake Seepage--A signifi ant anount of water will seep out of the cooling lake.
Sone of this water and the radioactive natorials that it carries will eventually get into the Ivangeline Acquifer which supplies drinking water to the area residents.
I contend that the Applicant has not adequately estinated the ancunt of contaninated water and radioactive naterial that could be ingested by area res.tients over the indefinite future fron the contaninated acquifer.
I contend that the Applicant should not be allowed at construct the AONP until and unless he can prove that no radioactive naterial will ever reach an7 area resident.
qs-1173 147
Contention will be submitted later.
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14 Coal plant--Tlie applicant has decided to increas's its capacity to generate electricity by constructing a nuclear generating plant at Allen's Creek.
The Applicant conpared the cost and environnental inpact of' a nuclear plant with that of a coal plant and decided that the nuclear plant was preferable fron both standpoints.
I contend that the Appites:nt based his reccanendation as to type plant on inaccurate data, and that had proper data 'ceen used a coal plant would have energed as the preferable choice.
I contend that the applicant nust reassess its analyses pertaining to the choice of plant type and substantiate the validity and accuracy of the data used in those analyses.
l173 149
15 Faulting--The health and safety of the public in the area of the proposed ACNSS will be endan6ered due to the Applicant's failure to (1) adequately deternine if surface faulting is present at the site (2) adequately deternine what forces are present in the subsurface that night activate or initiate faults at the plant site and (3) adequately design the plant to withstand the forces that could be placed on it due to earth sove=ent along fault planes at the site.
I contend that the Applicant must prove that faults do not and will not exist at the site during the. operating life of the plant and that until the Applicant does so a construction permit cust be denied.
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Flooding--The Applicant, in its flooding studies has not estinated the inpact at the plant of an upper bound flood event or a probable naminun flood event coapled with a probe.' ole nax12un hurricane.
I contend that these events are not mutually exclusive but would in fact be expected to occur sinultaneously with a reasonable degree of probability.
It would appear that if such events occurred sinultaneously the plant could be flooded with an attendant increase in the probabilit7 of harn conins to the public.
I also contend that the Applicant has nade no attengt to assess the inpact of erosion during a fload even though it is obvious that erosion during a flood will occur.
I contend that these oversights in plant design could negatively inpact the public safety and health.
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Ii73 151
Railroad accident--The Applicant has esti=sted the effect on the plant of Eipture and/or detonation to train car loads of chloring and TNT.
I contend that these esti.:ates are underestimated.
I, also, contend that these estimates are not. accurate for all cases and that the applicant should provide more design protection.
I further contend that the Applicant has
not fully considered the effects on the plant of other hazardous materials that could be carried by rail car.
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1173 152
Aircraft accident--The plant is not designed for aircraf t 1.:: pact due to the Applicant's assunption the the nearest connercial airport is nore than 10 miles away fron the site.
I contend that there is a high 11hely hood of a connercial airport being ouilt in the near future in close proxinity to the plant and that the Applicant should either move the plant to a safer location or redesign the plant to withstand an airplane crash.
O ikIt ng N$N ogg 1173 153
Lahe fog--The applicant has noted that foggins in the area of the
site will increase d':e to the inpact of the cooling lake on atnospheric conditions.
The Applicant also notes that the resulting fogs will inpact visibility on highways and railroads in the area.
I contend that use of a cooling lake at this site creates vist'o111ty hazards for people travelins on the highways and railroads in the area and that the Applicant should rede51 n the cooling facilities for the 3
plant to elisinate this unnecessary ispact on the area residents and transients.
I further contend that the Applicant's calculations of goggins conditions are not correct for all possible cases and that foggi 5 in the area could be significantly greater than indicated by the Applicant.
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1173 154
Lightning a.ccident--The area of the plant is susceptible to generation of at ospheric condition's which create spontaneous discharges of massive amounts of electricil energy,/ through lightnin6 bolta.
I contend that a direct hit by a large lightning bolt could seriously inpair the ability of the plant to operate safely.and that the Applicant has net adequataly protected the plant from such an occurence.
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DQk 1173 155
' 21.
Lake for recreation--I contend that the Applicant is constructing d
and attractive hazard" by building the cooling lake.
The lake will contain radioactive caterial and this caterial will increase over time.
Radioactive caterial is known to be hazardous to humans, particularly children and expectant nothers.
I contend that by buildin6 a recreational lake the Applicant is knowingly providing i facility that is hazardous to people's health and for which the Applicant will be liable.
I contend that the Applicant should either not build the lake or should eliminate all public access to it.
Children and Expectant nothers should be banned from the environs of the lake for their health's sake.
I contend that a cooling tower would be a preferable solution to the probles.
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1173 156
Coolins lake aise--Ihe Applicant has designed a cool'ns lake that is larger than necessary for one nuclear plant.
I contend that the lahe should ce redesigned to be as small as possible so that the =inisun land is withdnamn froc use and, consequently having the sinimum impact of the enviornment.
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~1173 157
- 23. Alternative Sites--I contend that if HLLP nust build another nuclear reactor, it would ce :uch preferable to build it at the South Texas site.
This would save the greater Houston population which is 3 rowing in a westerly direction along Interstate Highway 10 from the hazard of living near a nuclear reactor.
This would also spare an unspoiled site in 5reater Houston that is being rapidly developed for residential purposes.
The South Texas Site has an adequate cooling lake for one more reactor; consequently ~this would use less wate' which is at a premiun in Houston since water wells are no longer allowed where surface water exists because of the subsidence problen facing the city. The 3outh Texas site would also use less land than the Allen's Creek 51:e.
The South Texas site is the best choice for additional nuclear generating stations for Houston; there are however several other sites still such better th5n Allen's Creek.
It is absurd to begin building a nuclear complex 20 miles fro: the Ecuston suburbs.
One alternative ~. site to Allen's Creek would be offshore.
The location would be ideal fron a water supply standpoint and also
from the standpoint of not having to expose :any people to radiation yo
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Another alternative would be a plant located near the 0-ulf of Mexico south or southwest of Houston snd near the 3razos or Colorado Rivers.
The plant could use either sea water or fresh wcter as coolant and could be positioned so as to inpact' very few people either now or in the future.
I contend that the Applicant should search out such an alternative rr.ther than Allen's Creek.
Another alternative is the Lower Hill Creel Site which is further froa Houston and would affect less people, and is located on less 7:luable land, and is further upstrean of the 3ra:os and is less subject to flooding.
Ihis site is preferable x a the Allen's Creeh site.
1173 158