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Forwards Listing of Documents Referenced in Util Response to IE Bulletin 79-01B 90-day Review & Computer Listing of Equipment Qualification Master List
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 05/18/1982
From: Leasburg R
To: Harold Denton, Varga S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
REF-SSINS-6820 282, IEB-79-01B, IEB-79-1B, NUDOCS 8205250174
Download: ML18139B880 (12)


, I VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND~ VIRGINIA 23261 VICE PRESIDENT May 18, 1982 NucLEAll OPERATIONS Mr. Harold R. Denton Serial No. 282 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation PS E&C/JEW Attention: Mr. Stephen A. Varga, Chief Operating Reactors Branch No. 1 Docket Nos. 50-280 Division of Licensing 50-281 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission License Nos. DPR-32 Washington, D. C. 20555 DPR-37

Dear Mr. Denton:

REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATION OF SAFETY RELATED ELECTRIAL EQUIPMENT SURRY POWER STATION UNITS 1 AND 2 In a letter dated January 7, 1982, the NRC requested that Vepco supply copies of the documentation referenced in the I.E. Bulletin 79-0lB 90 Day Review to the Franklin Research Center. Part of the documentation requested includes Qualification Documentation Review (QDR) packages. These documents are intended to provide a complete record of the Vepco/NUS Corpo-ration review of the equipment listed on the equipment qualification 11 master list 11

  • These packages will contain all the necessary documentation to support the qualification of the equipment for which a particular QDR was issued. It is our opinion that the review of qualification of items listed on the master list should be based on information contained in the QDRs rather than on isolated test reports or correspondence. Additionally, some references contained in the I.E. Bulletin 79-0lB 90 Day Review were not re-quired for qualification of equipment or for other reasons were not used to support the findings of the qualification review.

Attachment 1 provides a listing of the references requested and the status of these references with regard to this submittal. Also supplied is a computer listing of the equipment qualification master list (Attachment 2).

This list can be used as an index to the QDR files. The following information will be useful when using the master list:

1) REP: This symbol in the purchase order column indicates that the equipment has been identified as requiring re-placement as a result of our review.

, .. ;.: .820525,0174 820518

.: *. * : f:' Dll :.*ADQ<:K J).5000280 __

    • :* ***. G ,....... *' -*':' :'.-.;,.'"--:-:'.." >:.'_.:/.*.poR*. ,:.* *_: *,.


2) *DEL: This symbol in the file column indicates that the equipment has been deleted from the master list.
3) *T: This symbol in the file column indicates the item is aTMI item.
4) *NH: This symbol in the file column indicates the equip-ment is located in a mild (non-harsh) environment.
5) The numbers in the file column are the middle set of numbers in the QDR number (i.e., QDR number 5437-124-01 is the same as file number 124).

The material submitted in answer to your request of January 7, 1982, is being forwarded under separate cover to the Franklin Research Center from NUS Corporation in Gaithersburg, Maryland. NUS Corporation has been requested to copy you on their transmittal letter.

We are available at your earliest convenience should additional information be required.

Very truly yours,


Attachments JEW:mcc cc: Mr. R. C. DeYoung, Director NRC Office of lnspection and Enforcement Division of Reactor Operations Inspection Washington, D. C. 20555 (8 copies w/attachments)

Mr. Zoltan R. Rosztoczy, Branch Chief NRC Equipment Qualification Branch Division of Engineering Washington, D. C. 20555 (1 copy w/attachments)


-- ' e e VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY TO Mr. Harold R. Denton 3 cc: Mr. James P. 0 Reilly, Regional Administrator 1

Region I I 101 Marietta Street, Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 (1 copy w/attachments)

Mr. Cyril J. Crane Franklin Research Center The Parkway at Twentieth Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 (1 copy w/attachments)



A. General references Units 1 and 2 Reference Number Status/Comments a(2) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This le.*tter concerns North Anna Power Station Unit

2. At Surry Power Station; the RTD s will be 1


b(3) This letter is not included in the submittal. This letter concerns North Anna Power Station At Surry Power Station the existing RTD s will be replaced.

1 c(5) This reference is included in QDR 5437-52-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-120-01 for Unit 2.

d(6) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This reference was not used by NUS in their review of the qualification for items on the master list.

A comprehensive report was obtained and used to complete the QDR's.

  • This reference will be deleted.

e(7) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This report was prepared for North Anna Power Station.

At Surry, all Barton transmitters will be replaced.

therefore, this reference has not been used. TMI items have not all been evaluated yet, but will probably be replaced. This reference will be deleted.

f(9) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This reference was not used in any QDR because all Barton transmitters will be replaced. This reference will be deleted.

g(12) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This is not a complete report (includes only radia-tion versus bending elongation and tensile strength).

Other Cerro Wire Company reports were used which are complete and are liste*d in references 27, 27A,  !

37, 92 and 94.


  • General references Units 1 and 2 (continued)

Reference e Page 2 Number Status/Corrunents h{13) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This report is not complete. Other Cerro Company reports which are complete were used to prepare the QDR. These reports are listed in references 27, 27A, 37, 92 and 94.

i ( 18) This reference is included in QDR's 5437-59-01 for Unit li ~nd 5437-127-01 for Unit 2.

k(23) This reference is included in QDR 5437-34-01 for Unit l; and 5437-96-01 for Unit 2.

1(24) This reference is included in QDR 5437-34-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-96-01 for Unit 2.

m(37) This reference is included in QDR 5437-51-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-119-01 for Unit 2.

n(38) This report is included in QDR 5437-60-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-130-01 for Unit 2.

0(40) This reference is included in QDR 5437-57-01 for Unit 1; and '5437-123-01 for Unit 2.

p( 42) This reference is included in QDR 5437-61-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-128-01 for Unit 2.

q(44) This reference is included in QDR 5437-34-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-96-01 for Unit 2.

r(45) This reference is not included in the submittal:

This is original correspondence concerning Limitorque Motor Operated Valves. NUS has removed all questions on Motor Operated Valves by implementing a field verification program and upgrading the actuactors with qualified replacement parts. This correspondence is no longer utilized.

s(47) This reference is not included in the submittal.

A certificate of conformance is not required for the QDR. The QDR package contains the required documentation.


General references Units 1 and 2 (continued)

- Page 3 Reference Number Status/Comments t(51) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This is original correspondence concerning Limitorque Motor Operated Valves. NUS has re-solved all questions on Motor Operated Valves by implementing a field verification program to procure information defined in these letters from equipment nameplate.

u(52) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This is original correspondence concerning Limitorque Motor Qperated Valves. NUS has re-solved all questions on Motor Operated Valves by implementing a field verification program to procure information defined in these letters from equipment nameplate.

v(53) This reference is included in QDR 5437-54-01 for Unit l; and 5437-122-01 for Unit 2.

w(54) ' This reference is not included in the submittal.

This reference was not used by NUS in their review of the qualification for items on the master list.

Therefore, the reference wi 11 be de 1eted.

x(55) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This reference was not used by NUS in their review.

of the qualification for items on the master list.

Therefore, the reference will be deleted.

y(56) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This reference was not used by NUS in their review of the qualification for items on the master list.

Therefore, the reference will be deleted.

z(58) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This reference was not used by NUS in their review of the qualification for items on the master list.

Therefore, the reference will be deleted.


General reference Units 1 and 2 (continued) e Page 4 Reference Number Status/Comments aa(60) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This reference was not used by NUS is .their review of the qualification for items on the master list.

Therefore, the reference will be deleted.

bb(61) This reference is included in QDR 5437-60-01 for Unit li ind 5437-130-01 for Unit 2.

cc(64) This reference is included in QDR s 5437-48-01 and 1

5437-58-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-133-01 and 5437-126-01 for Unit 2.

dd{68) This reference is included in QDR s 5437-48-01 and 1

5437-58-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-133-01 and 5437-126-01 for Unit 2.

ee(69) This reference is included in QDR s 5437-16-01 and 1

5437-41-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-77-01 and 5437-136-01 for Unit 2.

ffl 72) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This reference was not used by NUS in their review of the qualification for items on the master list.

Therefore, the reference will be deleted.

gg(73) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This reference was not used by NUS in their review of the qualification for items on the master list.

Therefore, the reference will be deleted.

ii (77) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This reference was not used by NUS in their reivew of the qualification for items on the master list.

Therefore, the reference will be deleted.

jj(79) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This reference was not used by NUS in their reivew of the qualification for items on the master lsit.

Therefore, the reference will be deleted.


General reference Units 1 and 2 (continued) e Page 5 Reference Number Status/Comments kk{80) This reference is included in QDR 5437-61-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-128-01 for Unit 2.

11(82) This reference is included in QDR 5437-52-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-120-01 for Unit 2.

mm(83) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This is original correspondence concerning Limitorque Motor Operated Valves. NUS has re-solved all questions on Motor Operated Valves by implementing a field verification program to procure information defined in these letters from equipment nameplate.

nn{84) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This is original correspondence concerning Limitorque Motor Operated Valves. NUS has re-solved all questions on Motor Operated Valves by implementing a field verification program to procure information defined in these letters from equipment nameplate.

00(85) This reference is included in QDR 5437-59-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-127-01 for Unit 2.

pp(86) This reference is included in QDR 5437-59-01 for Unit 1, and 5437-127-01 for Unit 2.

qq {87) This reference is included in QDR 5437-59-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-127-01 for Unit 2.

rr(88) This reference is included in QDR 5437-59-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-127-01 for Unit 2.

ss(89) This reference is included in QDR 5437-59-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-127-01 for Unit 2.

tt{90) This reference is included in QDR 5437-42-01 for Unit l; and 5437-104-01 for Unit 2.

uu(91) This reference is included in QDR 5437-18-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-79-01 for Unit 2.

Page 6

-- ** A. General references uni 1 and 2 Reference Number Status/Comments vv(93) This reference is included in QDR's 5437-50-01 and 5437-55-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-118-01 and

. 5437-134-01 for Unit 2.

w(94) This reference is included in QDR s 5437-50-01 and 1

5437-55-01 for Unit 1; and 5437-118-0f and 5437-134-01 for Unit 2.

B. Specific References - Unit 1 xx(95) This reference is included in the submittal.

yy(97) This QDR package number has been changed from 5437-SOV-Ol to 5437-01-01. This reference is included in the submittal.

zz(99} This reference is included in the submittal.

aaa(lOl) This reference is included in the subm.ittal.

bbb(103) This reference is included in the submittal.

ccc( 105) This reference is included in the submittal.

ddd(l07) This reference is included in the submittal.

eee( 109) This reference is included in the submittal.

fff(lll) This reference is included in the submittal.

999(113) This reference is included in the submittal.

hhh(115) This reference is included in the submittal.

iii(l17) This reference is included in the submittal.

jjj(l19) This reference is included in the submittal.

kkk(121) This reference is included in the submittal.

111 (124) This QDR package number has been changed from 5437-MOV-1-01 to 5437-03-01. This reference *is included in the submittal.

nnn(l26) This QDR package number has been changed from 5437-MOV-1-02 to 5437-35-01. This reference is included in the submittal.

000(127) This QDR package number has been changed from 5437-62C-01 to 5437-48-01. This reference is included in the submittal.

.. - I B.

Specific References - Unit 1 (continued) e Page 7 Reference Number Status/Comments PPP(128) This reference is included in QDR 5437-19-01.

qqq{134) This reference is included in the submittal.

rrr(135) This reference is included in the submittal.

sss (136) This QbR package number should be 5437-15-01 in lieu of 5437-103-01. rhis reference is included in the submittal.

ttt(137) This QDR package number has been changed from 5437-62A-01 to 5437-63-01.

uuu{138) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This reference was not used by NUS in their review of qualification for items on the master list. Therefore, the reference will be deleted.

vvv(139) This reference is included in the submittal.

www(140) This reference is included in the submittal.

yyy(141) This reference is included in the submittal.

xxx(142) This. reference is included .in the submittal.

C. Specific References - Unit 2 xx(96) This reference is included in the submittal.

yy(98) This QDR package number has been changed from 5437-SOV-02 to'5437-64-01. This reference is included in the-submittal.

zz( 100) This reference is included in the submittal.

aaa( 102) This reference is included in the submittal.

bbb(104) This reference is included in the submittal.

ccc(106) This reference is included in the submittal ..

ddd{108) This reference is included in the submittal.

e Page 8 C. Specific References - Unit 2 (continued)


-Number Status/Comments eee(llO) This reference is included in the submittal.

fff(l12) This reference is included in the submittal.

ggg( 114) This QDR package number has been changed from 5437-123-02 to 5437-135-01. This reference is incl ud.ed* in the submittal.

hhh ( 116_) This QDR package number has been changed from 5437-125A-Ol to 5437-126-01. This reference is included in the submittal.

iii (118) This reference is included in the submittal.

jjj (120) This reference is included in the submittal.

kkk(122) ' This reference is included in the submittal.

111 (124) This QDR package number has been changed from 5437-MOV-2-01 to 5437-66-01. This reference is included in the submittal.

nnn(126) This QDR package number has been changed from 5437-MOV-2-02 to 5437-97-01. This reference is included in the submittal.

000(127) This reference is included in the submittal.

ppp(128) This reference is included in QDR 5437-80-01.

qqq(134) ihis reference is included in the submittal.

rrr(135) This reference is included in the submittal.

sss (136) This QDR package number should 5437-103-01 in lieu of 5437-103-15. This reference is included in the submittal.

ttt(137) This reference is included in the submitt~l.

uuu(138) This reference is not included in the submittal.

This reference was not used by NUS in their review of the qualification for items on the master list.

Therefore, the reference will be deleted.

e e Page 9 C. Specific References - Unit 2 (continued)


-Number Status/Comments vvv(139) This reference is included in the submittal.

wwwt140) This QDR package number has been chan~ed from 5437-103-02 to 5437-136-01. This reference is included in the submittal.

yyy(141) This ~eference is included in the submittal.

xxx(142) This reference is included in the submittal.