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Responds to NRC 790525 Info Request Re Pipe Analysis & SSE During Earthquakes.Provides Formulas to Determine Level of Earthquake Which Piping Can Withstand When Specs Meet SSE Requirements But Not for OBE Specs
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 09/13/1979
From: Spencer W
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
429, NUDOCS 7909180481
Download: ML18130A579 (11)


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. V:xRGINL\. ELECTR.tC AND POWER COMPANY RXClDtlOND, Vx:aG:nf .IA 2326i September 13, 1979 Mr. D. G. Eisenhut, Acting Director Serial No. 429 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation PSE&C/CMRjr:mac:wang U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Docket Nos. 50-280.

50-281 License Nos *. DPR-32 DPR-37

Dear Mr. Eisenhut:


following two points be addressed:

1. IIDiscuss in detail why .it can be concluded that piping analyzed for the SSE condition will safely withstand all earthquakes. up* to and
~eluding the. SSE."
2. "For any piping systems which meet SSE requirements but do not meet OBE requirements, provide the level of earthquake for which the FSAR OBE design requirements are met. 11 Point 1. has been addressed in the submittal of June 8, 1979, on "Soil Structure Interaction in the Development of Amplified Response Spectra for Surry Power Station Units 1 & 2. 11 Section 7 of that report develops a basis for concluding that.ARS resulting from the DBE are not exceeded by those of smaller earthquakes. Therefore, the inertial pipe strj:sses due to the DBE are an adequate basis for qualification of piping.

Point 2. has been the subject of discussion with the NRC staff during our meeting in Bethesda on May 10, 1979, and subsequent phone calls to clarify this request. Determination of the new level of earthquake for which the FSAR OBE design requirements are met can be approximated using the following equation:

Equation 1

e VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY TO Mr. D. G. Eisenhut, Acting Director 2 where: St> Sa at the point of maximum stress.

aN = new level of OBE (acceleration in terms of g) ao = original level of QBE (acceleration in terms of g)

  • Sa = allowable stress of OBE .load condition Ss = seismic stress for OBE load condition St= total stress for OBE load condition Equation 1 may be applied to cases of maximum stress in p1p1ng or members of support systems that are over allowable stress based on the total stress for the OBE load.

A new level of OBE (aN) for piping systems or their supports is determined using values of Ss based upon ARS consistent with the FSAR .

committed damping values for soil, structure, and piping using SSI analysis as described hereafter.

Based upon analysis of 33 problems reported as of June 4, 1979, one problem would require restatement of the OBE from a value of 0.07g to approximately 0.064g, using an increase factor of 25 percent for the amplitude of SSI-ARS as discussed below. In light of these results, we do not anticipate substantial changes in the OBE.

A third point, concerning the application of Equation 1, involves an extension of the work contained in our June 8, 1979 report on SSI for the Surry Power Station. An evaluation of the effects of varying soil properties upon the OBE amplified response spectra (ARS) has been made to serve as a basis for determining appropriate values of Ss.

Our evaluation has involved the development of SSI-ARS for the OBE at the mat, operating floor, and springline of the containment.based upon the foll owing:

1. Use of the REFUND/FRIDAY analysis procedure,
2. A profile of strain compatible soil properties for the free field, and
3. Soil shear moduli from the last iteration of SHAKE using Gmax as input to SHAKE.

These spectra have been compared with spectra based on the f o11 owing variations in soi 1. parameters:

4. Soil shear moduli from the last iteration of SHAKE using Gmax plus 25 .

. percent as input to SHAKE, and

5. Soil shear moduli from the last iteration of SHAKE increased by 50 percent, using Gmax as input to SHAKE.

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VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY TO Mr. D. G. Eisenhut, Acting Director 3 The results of these spectra are shown on the attached Figures 1 through 6, together with peak broadened envelopes based upon Items 1, 2, and 3, using peak spreading of + 15 percent and a 25 percent increase in amp 1itude., The 25 percent increase in amp l i.tude was se 1ected as a genera 11 y conservative means of enveloping ARS based upon meaningful variations in soil properties.

Inspections of these results indicates the following:

a. Spectra resulting from parameter vari ati ans described in 4 and 5,.

above, are essentially the same, and

b. Spectra* resulting from parameter variations described in 5 are consistent with a meaningful range in soil property variations based upon a standard* deviation of measured values for saturated clays as reported in the June 8 report, Section and 8.2, and Attachment A to this letter.

The seisrnfc*stress (S~) for the OBE load condition actually consists of two components: seismic inertia stress acting on the pipin9 or support system (Si) and stress due to seismic induced* anchor movements (SA)* The seismic stress for the OBE load condition may be determined as follows:.

  • Equation 2 It is concluded that a meaningful basis* for the definition of seismic stress, considering the foregoing observations, for the FSAR OBE design requirements b.ased upon SSI would be as follows:
a. Calculate the seismic inertia stress (Sj)* in the piping or support system using SSI-ARS (peak broadened.:!:_ 15 percent), developed by the REFUND/FRIDAY analysis procedure with strain compatible soil properties from the last iteration of SHAKE using Gmax as input.
b. Increase the resulting seismic inertfa (Si) by a factor of 1.25 to*

determine values of Ss.


Ss = 1.25 Si+ SA Equation 3

c. For those cases where St> Sa, perform calculations using Equation 1 from which* the lowest value of aN can be selected, defining the new OBE.

F ----* * - - - - - . - -- ---

e e VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER CoMPANY TO Mr. D. G. Eisenhut, Acting Director 4 The approach described herein should provide an acceptable basis for redefining the OBE in cases where the FSAR design requirements have been exceeded~ This approach is consistent with the SSI analysis as outlined in our June 8, 1979 report.

.-,-Spencer Vice President - Power Station Engineering and Construction Services Attachments R£GUl~TORY DOCKET FILE COPY

- *--.. --:---------- ---------* -*-*-~-****--*-- --

e. Attacbment A June 21, 1979 **


'l'h.e expected variation of shear modulus a.t low strain leveJ.s and a.t strain 1eveJ.s associated with strong motion earthquakes ws eva.1uated using cross-hole data from the site and laboratory data used to obtain the sheer modulus :factor for clays curve in Figure 2-13, of the Surry SSI repo.rt ..

In this analysis, the* shear modulus factors G/Su; were norma.1ized with. the

.low strain value of Gma.x/Su from the same curve,. resulting in a G/Gma.x versus shear strain relationship. To determine the variation o:f G, which is calculated from the product of Gmax and G/Gma.x,it :i;s assumed that Gma.x a.Ild. G/Gma.x uncorrelated.


2 2* 2 2 2 VG = V Gma.x + V G/Gms:x. + V Gma.x: V G/Gma.x vhere:

VGma.x = coef'ficient of variation of in situ Gmax values from


  • shear wave velocities determined from cross-hole data..

_(Figure 2-11, Surry SSI report)

=coefficient of variation of G/Gmax from SW-AJA curves VG/~

. . (Ref'. ll, Surry SSI report} .

v0 = coef'ficient of variation o:f G va.1ues at various shear strain levels . -

. From VG, the expected variation as a percentage of the G value for

a. particular shear strain level can be estimated. The ef'fective strain i:cduced by the OBE at the foundation level of the contai!II!lent structure is approximately 2 x 10-2 percent. At this strain level, the variation of the average G/Su corresponding to one standard deviation has been calculated as

+/-. 46.l percent. Therefore, varying the iterated shear moduli by +/-. 50 percent is within an acceptable range of expected.values. *

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