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Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for Dec 1988 & Corrected Rept for Nov 1988
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 01/20/1989
From: Trejo J
Public Service Enterprise Group
To: Caporale G
Shared Package
ML18093B424 List:
NUDOCS 8902070234
Download: ML18093B423 (3)


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IS Public Service Electric and Gas Company P.O. Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 Nuclear Department George Caporale - Chief Bureau of Permits Admin.

Division of Water Resources CN-029 Trenton, NJ 08625 Dear Mr. Caporale NEW JERSEY POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORTS SALEM GENERATING STATION PERMIT NO. NJ0005622 January 20, 1989 Attached is the Discharge Monitoring Report for Salem Generating Station containing the information as required in Permit No.

NJ0005622 for the month of December, 1988.

A corrected page for November, 1988, is also included.

This report is required by and prepared specifically for the Environmental Protection Agency {EPA) and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).

It presents only the observed results of measurements and analyses required to be performed by the above agencies.

The choice of the measurement devices and analytical methods is controlled by EPA and NJDEP, not by the company, and there are limitations on the accuracy of such measurement devices and analytical techniques even when used and maintained as required.

Accordingly, this report is not intended as an assertion that any instrument has measured, or any reading or analytical result represents, the true value with absolute accuracy, nor is it an, endorsement of the suitability of any analytical or measurement procedure.

Exclusion explanations are included on additional pages.

pad Attachments C

Executive Director, DRBC Very truly yours, Rl<J~r~ction/

Chemistry Manager -

Salem-Operations Director, USNRC. Office of Nuclear Reactor Vice President - Nuclear cc-tffl,.G ota.:er: S~l* dF Regulation P.a\\tLe*e, A*14111

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Dr. Richard Baker The Energy P~QQJe_ -..:-:-.-...:;-::~

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'Explanation of Exclusions December, 1988 01/20/89 The following exclusions are included in the attached report and explained below.

Exclusions have not endangered nor significantly impacted public health or the environment.


48C, 487 489 48C EXPLANATION COD -

No specific cause for the elevated COD has been positively identified. All samples sent to the vendor lab on this date (12/15) resulted in out of specification COD values.

Lab journals do not however reflect any obvious errors.

Future practices will require samples to be split between different days to avoid a batch type error.

Bioassay - Accidental overflow of a Bulk Ammonium Hydroxide Storage Tank due to an inoperable level' instrument during an unloading operation caused elevated ammonia levels in the treatment plant at the time the Bioassay was being conducted.

The Bioassay is being repeated the week of 1/23.

The repeated test data will be included with the January DMR.




Explanation of D~ations December, 1988 01/20/89 The following explanations are included to clarify possible deviations from permit conditions.

General -

The columns labeled, "No. Ex.", on the enclosed DMR, tabulate the number of daily discharge values outside the indicated limits.

Data reporting and accuracy reflect the working environment, the design capabilities and reliability of the monitoring instruments and operating equipment.

All reported concentrations are based on daily discharge values.

Total residual chlorine is performed once per eight hours of chlorination unless otherwise indicated.

Analytical values which are less than detectable are reported as zero unless otherwise indicated.

Analytical results for all parameters other than pH, temperature, TSS and TRC are provided by Century Laboratories (NJDEP certifi~ation 08153).


- Clarifier - Effluent pH is reported for informational purposes only.

487,489 - Measurements are ~btained from single grab samples unless sampling protocols are met.

Direct flow measurement is impossible at this location.

Reported values are based upon National Weather Service Data in accordance with the agreement reached with NJDEP on 2/10/88.

481-486 - Chlorination of the circulation water system normally does not occur except as otherwise noted.

Service water system chlorination is normally continuous and is monitored on the circulating water system outfall due to the inability to sample service water effluent directly.

--chlorination of both systems will be indicated by results reported for both and represents their combined affect upon the circulating water outfall.