ML091060381 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Browns Ferry ![]() |
Issue date: | 04/10/2009 |
From: | West R Tennessee Valley Authority |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
TAC MD5262, TAC MD5263, TAC MD5264, TS-418, TS-431, TVA-BFN-TS-418, TVA-BFN-TS-431 | |
Download: ML091060381 (26) | |
Tennessee Valley Authority, Post Office Box 2000, Decatur, Alabama 35609-2000 April 10, 2009 TVA-BFN-TS-418 TVA-BFN-TS-431 10 CFR 50.90 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Mail Stop OWFN, P1-35 Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 In the Matter of
Docket Nos. 50-259 Tennessee Valley Authority
By letters dated June 28, 2004 and June 25, 2004 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML041840109 and ML041840301), TVA submitted license amendment requests to the NRC for the EPU operation of BFN Unit 1 and BFN Units 2 and 3, respectively. The proposed amendments would change the operating licenses to increase the maximum authorized core thermal power level of each reactor by approximately 14 percent to 3952 megawatts.
This submittal is in response to a verbal NRC request for the containment analysis input parameters and shutdown power fractions used in the EPU containment analyses to enable NRC to perform an independent containment analysis using the Gothic code. Enclosure 1 provides a modified version of Form OPL-4a (with the proprietary information removed) which is used by TVA and General Electric-Hitachi to document containment analysis input parameters. Enclosure 2 contains the shutdown power fractions used in the EPU analyses.
These values were used in the Safety Analysis for the Power Uprate (PUSAR) containment analyses (SHEX) for the design basis accident (DBA) Loss-of-Coolant Accident and Appendix R analyses in the original license amendments referenced above. Later TVA submittals have resulted in changing a few of the containment input parameters compared to the original EPU submittals.
TVA has determined that the additional information provided by this letter does not affect the no significant hazards considerations associated with the proposed TS changes. The bo-a0
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 April 10, 2009 proposed TS changes still qualify for a categorical exclusion from environmental review pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9).
No new regulatory commitments are made in this submittal. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact J. D. Wolcott at (256) 729-2495.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on this 7 th day of April, 2009.
Sincerely, R. G. West Site Vice President
- 1. Modified Form OPL-4a, Containment Analysis Input Parameters
- 2. Total Shutdown Power Fractions
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 3 April 10, 2009
State Health Officer Alabama Dept. of Public Health RSA Tower - Administration Suite 1552 P.O. Box 303017 Montgomery, AL 36130-3017 Ms. Eva Brown, Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (MS 08G9)
One White Flint, North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852-2739 Ms. Heather J. Gepford, Acting Branch Chief U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, SW, Suite 23T85 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8931 NRC Resident Inspector Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant 10833 Shaw Road Athens, Alabama 35611-6970
MODIFIED FORM OPL-4a CONTAINMENT ANALYSIS INPUT PARAMETERS Modified form OPL-4.a, Containment Analysis Input Parameters, is attached.
Containment Analysis Input Parameters (Modified Form OPL-4A) for BFN No Parameter Unit Value
- 1.
Reactor Vessel
- a. Initial Power
- 1. Short-Term Response Case 1 - 102% CLTP MWt 3527 Case 2 - 102% LPU MWt 4031 Case 3 - 102% LPU/MELLL MWt 4031 Case 4 - 102% LPU/MELLL+
MWt 4031 Case 5 - 102% LPU natural circulation MWt 2233 point Case 6 - 102% LPU SLO/ MELLL MWt 3209
- 2. Long-Term Response
- a.
All cases - 102% LPU MWt 4031
- b.
Initial Core Flow
- 1. Short-Term Response Case 1 - 100% rated core flow Mlbm/hr 102.5 Case 2 - 100% rated core flow Mlbm/hr 102.5 Case 3 - Min MELLL core flow Mlbm/hr 101.5 Case 4 - Min MELLL+ core flow Mlbm/hr 87.125 Case 5 - Natural circulation point core Mlbm/hr 33.4 flow Case 6 - Max SLO core flow Mlbm/hr 54.8
- c. Feedwater Temperature at Vessel Inlet
- 1. Short-Term Response (M3CPT/LAMB)
- a. All short-term cases The feedwater temperature is not input to the GEH M3CPT analysis since break flows are externally generated with the LAMB analyses.
- b. Feedwater Temperature Reduction OF 54.7
- 2. Long-Term Response (SHEX)
- a.
All cases OF 396.6 E1-1
Containment Analysis Input Parameters (Modified Form OPL-4A) for BFN No Parameter Unit Value
- d. Decay Heat Model
- 1. Short-Term Response - (M3CPT -
- 2.
Long-Term Response - (SHEX)
- 4.
End-of-Cycle Core Average Exposure (for ANS 5.1+2a and ANS 5.1 Nominal decay heat)
- 5.
Core Average Time at Power (Irradiation Time) (for ANS 5.1+2a and ANS 5.1 Nominal decay heat)
- e. Initial Dome Pressure All cases f
Vessel volumes
- 1. Total vessel free volume
- 2. Vessel liquid volume
- a.
- b.
- g. Not used
- h. Vessel related masses
- 1. Liquid mass in connected piping to the first normally closed valve
- a. Main steam lines to the inboard isolation valve
- b. One recirculation loop ANS 5 + 20%
ANS 5.1 + 2a 4.117 GWt days
/Short Ton days psia ft3 ft3 Ibm Ibm 35.0 1,460.97 1055 7926 3864 0
31,780 E1-2
Containment Analysis Input Parameters (Modified Form OPL-4A) for BFN No Parameter I Unit I
- c. RHR/LPCI shutdown piping Ibm 9535
- d. RCIC piping Ibm 1245
- e. CS piping ibm 2622 f
HiPCI piping ibm 8621 2a. Mass of RPV internals structure Ibm 693,700 (excluding fuel and fuel assembly) 2b. Mass of RPV, including top head but Ibm 1,447,700 excluding vessel skirt.
2c. Mass of RPV connected piping
- 1.
Mass of recirculation piping for all Ibm 377,800 loops
- 2.
Mass of RHR/LPCI shutdown Ibm 54,932 piping
- 3.
Mass of Main Steam Lines to Ibm 197,630 second isolation valve
- 4.
Mass of CS lines to first normally Ibm 14,866 closed valve
- 5.
Mass of HPCI lines to first Ibm 27,082 normally closed valve
- 6.
Mass of RCIC lines to first Ibm 52_42 normally closed valve 2d. Mass of fuel and fuel assembly lbm 556,000
- i. LOCA Break area
- 1. Short-Term Response
- All cases ft2 N/A
- 2. Long-Term Response
- a. DBA ft 2 4.2
- b. NPSH ft2 1.94
- c. Small Steam Line Breaks ft2 Three cases:
0.01, 0.1. 0.5 E1-3
Containment Analysis Input Parameters (Modified Form OPL-4A) for BFN No Parameter Unit Value
- j.
LOCA Break elevation (from bottom of vessel)
- 1. Recirculation Suction Line ft 12.38
- 2. Steam Line ft 53.89
- k. Break critical flow model
- 1. Short-Term cases Sli
- 2. Long-Term cases HEM
- 1. Elevation for Level 1 (low pressure ECCS in 372.5 initiation & ADS trips) (from bottom of vessel)
- m. Elevation for Level 2 (high pressure ECCS in 448 initiation) (from bottom of vessel)
- n. Elevation for Level 8 (high pressure ECCS in 588 high level trip) (from bottom of vessel)
- o.
Turbine steam flow rate Mlbm/hr 16.831
- p.
Time at which MSIVs start to close
- All cases sec 0.5
- q.
Time at which MSIVs are completely closed
- 1. All cases sec 3.5
- 2.
Drywell/Vent System
- a.
Total drywell free volume (including vent system)
- 1. DBA ft3 171,000
- 3. NPSH ft3 15,000
- 4. Small Steam Line Breaks ft3 171,O
- 5.
All other cases ft3 171,000 E1-4
Containment Analysis Input Parameters (Modified Form OPL-4A) for BFN No Parameter Unit Value
- b.
Initial drywell pressure
- 1. DBA (with 1.1 psid DW-to-WW psia 17.0 Pressure Difference)
- 3. NPSH (with 1.1 psid DW-to-WW psia 15.5 Pressure Difference)
- 4. Small Steam Line Breaks (with 1.1 psid psia 17.0 DW-to-WW Pressure Difference)
- 5. DBA Ref. 1 evaluation (with 0 psid psia 15.1 DW-to-WW Pressure Difference)
- 6. All other cases (with 1.1 psid DW-to-psia 17.0 WW Pressure Difference)
- c. Initial drywell temperature
- 1. DBA OF 150
- 3. NPSH OF 150
- 4. Small Steam Line Breaks OF 150
- 5. All other cases OF 150
- d. Initial drywell relative humidity
- 1. DBA 20
- 3. NPSH 100
- 4. Small Steam Line Breaks 20
- 5. All other cases 20
- e. Number of downcomers 96
- f. Inside Diameter of each downcomer ft 1.958
- g. Drywell holdup volume ft3 Not modeled
- h. Drywell pool surface area (in contact with ft2 Not modeled drywell airspace)
Containment Analysis Input Parameters (Modified Form OPL-4A) for BFN No Parameter Unit Value
- i. Submergence of downcomers
- 1. Low water level ft 2.92 At DW to WW pressure difference psid 1.1
- 2. High water level ft 3.83 At DW to WW pressure difference psid 1._1
- j.
Loss coefficient for vent system 5.32 (including downcomer exit loss and friction)
- k.
Additional parameters
- 1. Number of main vents 8
- 2. Number of vent header miter bends 16
- 3.
Main vent ID ft 6.75
- 4. Vent header ID ft 4.75
- 5.
Angle of main vent with horizontal deg 20
- 6. Angle of first downcomer miter bend deg 45 with horizontal
- 7. Angle of Bay Centerline deg 22.5
- 1. Duration of drywell temperature EQ profile days 100
- m. Design Pressure psig 56
- n. Design Temperature OF 281
- 3.
Wetwell/Suppression Pool
- a.
Initial suppression pool volume
- 1. Low water level (LWL) ft3 121500
- 2. High water level (HWL) fW3 131400
- b.
Initial suppression pool temperature All cases OF 95
- c. Initial wetwell free airspace volume
- 1. Short-Term Response - High water level ft3 119400 (HWL)
Containment Analysis Input Parameters I No I Parameter
- 2. Long-Term Response - Low water level (LWL)
- d. Initial wetwell airspace pressure
- 1. DBA (with 1.1 psid DW-to-WW Pressure Difference)
- 3. NPSH (with 1.1 psid DW-to-WW Pressure Difference)
- 4. Small Steam Line Breaks (with 1.1 psid DW-to-WW Pressure Difference)
- 5. DBA Ref, 1 evaluation (with 0 psid DW-to-WW Pressure Difference)
- 6. All other cases
- e. Initial wetwell airspace temperature All cases f
Initial wetwell airspace relative humidity All cases
- g.
Suppression pool surface area (in contact with suppression chamber airspace)
- h. Torus major radius
- i. Torus cross-sectional (minor) radius
- j. Maximum allowable containment mass leakage (for NPSH case)
- k. Design Pressure
- 1. Design Temperature
- m. Acceptable peak suppression pool temperature for DBA
- 1. DBA I
(Modified Form OPL-4A)'for BFN Unit Value ft3 129300 I
psia psia psia psia psia psia 15.9 15.9 14.4 15.9 15.1 15.9 95 100 10535 55.75 15.5 0
56 281 177 ft 2
ft ft
% / day psig OF OF E1-7
Containment Analysis Input Parameters (Modified Form OPL-4A) for BFN No Parameter Unit Value
- 4.
- a. Flow loss coefficient for each MSRV line N/A (include entrance & exit losses)
- b.
Minimum number of MSRV openings in N/A normal set before two MSRVs are switched to low-low set
- c. Minimum flow area of each MSRV line ft2 N/A (for liquid discharge)
- d.
Suppression pool temperature above which OF 120 vessel controlled cooldown is initiated
- e.
Time delay in starting controlled vessel sec 0
cooldown from the time of reaching 120'F suppression pool temperature (includes operator action, valve stroke time, etc.)
f Vessel controlled cooldown rate using
°F/hr 100 MSRVs
- g.
Vertical elevation drop from MSRV ft 64.07 entrance at main steam line to MSRV quenchers
- h. MSRV quenchers initial submergence at ft 9.56 LWL
- i.
Opening and closing setpoints, and number psia Table 1 of MSRVs, for each group in normal set
- j.
Opening and closing setpoints, and number psia N/A of MSRVs, for each group in low-low set
- k. Number of MSRVs available for pressure 5
and temperature control
- 1. MSRV rated flow at pressure lbm/hr 800,000 psig 1125 E1-8
Containment Analysis Input Parameters No Parameter
- 5.
- a. Vessel water level (Level 2) below which HPCI is automatically actuated
- b.
Vessel water level (Level 8) above which HPCI is automatically shut off
- c. Vessel pressure below which credit is taken for HPCI shut off
- d. Maximum suppression pool liquid volume above which suppression pool replaces CST as water source for HPCI
- e. Drywell pressure for actuation of HPCI f If high drywell pressure and high vessel water level coexist, HPCI will cycle between Level 2 and Level 8 (Yes or No)
- h.
Suction from CST (Yes or No)
- 1. -All cases
- j.
Maximum HPCI delay time
- k.
Submergence of HPCI pump suction strainer at LWL
- 6.
- a. Heat exchanger K-value (per HX)
- 1. DBA
Value I
I l
in in psid ft3 psig gpm psid lbm/hr psia sec ft Btu/sec-°F Btu/sec-°F 448 588 150 Not used 2.6 Yes 4500 150-1120 No Table 2 50 7.23 223 223 E1-9
Containment Analysis Input Par No lParameter
- 3. NPSH
- 4. Steam line breaks
- 5. NUREG-0783
- b.
Heat exchanger initiation time
- 1. DBA
- 2. EBA & SBA (Ref 1 evaluation)
- 3. NPSH
- 4. Steam line breaks
- c.
Service water temperature
- d.
Drywell spray initiation time
- 1. NPSH
- 2. Steam line breaks ameters (Modified Form OPL-Unit Value Btu/sec-0 F 223 Btu/sec-°F 223 Btu/sec-°F 223
-4A) for BFN sec sec sec sec OF sec see 600 600 600 600 95 600 DW Temp
> 280F
+ 60 sec
- e. Wetwell spray initiation time
- 1. NPSH
- 2. Steam line breaks sec sec f
Drywell spray flow rate (total)
- 1. NPSH
- 2. Steam line breaks
- g. Wetwell spray flow rate (1 RHR pump)
- 1. NPSH
- 2. Steam line breaks 600 DW Press
> 17.1 psia
+ WW Press
> 26.7 psia
+ 60 sec 11115 11115 585 585 gpm gpm gpm gpm El-10
Containment Analysis Input Parameters (Modified Form OPL-4A) for BFN I No l Parameter
- h. Average vertical distance between drywell spray nozzles and bottom of drywell
- i. Average drywell spray droplet diameter
- j. Average vertical distance between wetwell spray nozzles and suppression pool surface at LWL
- k. Average wetwell spray droplet diameter
- 1. Number of RHR/LPCI pumps
- 2. Short-term NPSH (t_< 600 sec)
- 3. Long-term NPSH & steam line breaks
- a. Before 600 sec
- b. After 600 sec
- 4. NUREG-0783
- a. Suppression pool cooling mode
- b. Reactor shutdown cooling mode
- m. RHRJLPCI flow rate (per pump)
- 2. Short-term NPSH
- a. Broken Recirc. Loop
- b. Intact Recirc. Loop
- 3. Long-term NPSH
- a. t < 600 sec
- b. t_> 600 sec
- 4. Steam line breaks
- 5. NUREG-0783
- n. RHR/LPCI pump heat (per pump)
I Unit I
Value ft 50 ft ft ft gpm gpm gpm gpm gpm gpm gpm gpm hp 0.002 12.25 0.002 2
4 2
2 21 5850 For DBA 6500 at t > 600 sec 11,000 10,000 9000 5850 5850 5850 2000 El-11
Containment Analysis Input Parameters (Modified Form OPL-4A) for BFN No Parameter Unit Value
- o. LPCI Shutoff head psig 319.5
- p. Maximum Total LPCI time delay sec 69
- q. Drywell pressure above which drywell psig 2.6 sprays can operate
- r. Wetwell pressure above which automatic psia Not used wetwell spray can operate
- s.
Wetwell pressure below which wetwell psia Not used spray will be turned off
- t. Drywell pressure above which LPCI will psig
> 2,6 automatically be actuated
- x. Vessel water level (Level 1) below which in 372.5 LPCI will automatically be actuated
- y. Vessel water level above which LPCI will in 588 be shut off
- z. Minimum bypass flow per LPCI pump in gpm 550 injection mode aa.
Submergence of RHR pump suction ft 7.23 strainers at LWL bb. Maximum shutdown cooling rate
°F/hr 100
- 7.
Low Pressure Core Spray
- a. Number of CS pumps
- a. t < 600 sec 2
- b. t > 600 sec 2
- 2. Short-term NPSH (t < 600 sec)
.4 El-12
Containment Analysis Input Parameters (Modified Form OPL-4A) for BFN No Parameter Unit Value
- 3.
Long-term NPSH
- a. Before 600 sec 2
- b. After 600 sec 2
- 4. Steam line breaks
- a. Before 600 sec 2
- b. After 600 sec 2
- 5. NUREG-0783 4
- b.
CS flow rate (per pump)
- 2. Short-term NPSH gpm 3125
- 3. Long-term NPSH
- a. t < 600 sec gpm 3550
- b. t > 600 sec gpm 3550
- 4. Steam line breaks gpm 2800
- 5. NUREG-0783 gpm 2800
- c.
Core spray pump heat (per pump) hp 600
- d.
Shutoff head psid 289
- e.
Maximum total LPCI injection time delay sec 62 f, Drywell pressure above which CS will psig
> 2.6 automatically be actuated
- g.
Vessel water level (Level 1) below which in 372.5 CS will automatically be actuated
- h. Vessel water level above which CS will be In 588 shut off
- i.
Submergence of CS pump suction strainers ft 7.23 at LWL E1-13
Containment Analysis Input Parameters No I Parameter I
(Modified Form OPL-4A) for BFN Unit
Value I
- j. Minimum bypass flow per pump
- 8.
- a.
Vessel water level (Level 2) below which RCIC is automatically actuated
- b.
Vessel water level (Level 8) above which RCIC is automatically shut off
- c. Rated flow
- d.
Time delay
- e.
Turbine steam flow rate vs vessel pressure
- 9.
SEHR (European B WR6 Only)
- 10.
- a. Feedwater system liquid and metal masses
- b.
Amount of hot inventory available for injection
- c. Feedwater Flow rate
- 11.
Closed Cooling Loop
- 12.
- 13.
Upper Pool (Mark III Only)
- 14.
- a.
All events except NUREG-0783
- b. NUREG-0783 gpm in.
gpm sec lbm/hr psia lbm Ibm Mlb/hr 313 448 588 600 30 Table 3 N/A Table 4 509732 16.781 N/A Not Modeled N/A lbm/sec Not Modeled lbm/sec 13.89 El-14
Containment Analysis Input Parameters (Modified Form OPL-4A) for BFN No Parameter I Unit I
- 15.
Wetwell-to-Drywell Vacuum Breakers
- a. Pressure difference between wetwell and psid 0.5 drywell for vacuum breakers to be fully open
- b.
Total loss coefficient of each vacuum 0.45 breaker system. (There are two vacuum breakers in parallel per valve system.)
- c.
Total flow area of each vacuum breaker ft2 3.26 system. (There are two vacuum breakers in parallel per valve system.)
- d. Number of valve systems (There are two vacuum breakers in parallel per valve system.)
All cases 6
- 16.
Reactor Building-to-Wetwell Vacuum Not Modeled Breakers
- 17.
Isolation Condenser N/A
- 18.
Reactor Building Not Modeled
- 19.
Drywell-to-Wetwell Bypass Leakage
- a. Acceptable effective bypass leakage area ft2 0.18 (A/NK)
- b.
Suppression chamber pressure at which psig 35 operator actuates suppression chamber and drywell spray
- c. Operator action time sec 600
- 20.
- 21.
Other plant unique parameters None El-15
Containment Analysis Input Parameters (Modified Form OPL-4A) for BFN TABLE 1 - MSRV Setpoint Data Normal Set Mode Group Number of MSRVs Opening Setpoint Closing Setpoint (psig)
(psig) 1 4
1135 1101.0 2
4 1145 1110.7 3
5 1155 1120.4 TABLE 2 - HPCI Turbine Steam Flow Rates vs. RPV Pressure RPV Pressure HPCI Turbine steam flow rates (psia)
(Ibm/hr) 0.0 0
165.0 95,000 1188.7 204,850 2000.0 291,908 TABLE 3 - RCIC Turbine Steam Flow Rates vs. RPV Pressure RPV Pressure RCIC Turbine steam flow rates (psia)
(lbm/hr) 0.0 0
165.0 7,600 1188.7 33,280 2000.0 53,632 El-16
Containment Analysis Input Parameters (Modified Form OPL-4A) for BFN TABLE 4 - Feedwater Mass and Temperature Data (120% OLTP)
RPV Resolved Values Fluid Metal Temp Mass Mass (deg F)
(Ibm) 394.3 39,800 217,592
- 1 Heater 394.3 35,400 236,100 343.5 445 6,270
- 2 Heater 343.5 35,400 224,400 311.2 50,800 169,777 RFP 311.2 12,500 37,350 309.5 33,100 57,978
- 3 Heater 309.5 53,400 226,500 248.5 28,500 31,034
- 4 Heater 248.5 47,400 262,200 191.0 5,550 5,911
- 5 Heater 191.0 42,900 210,750
- 5 Flash Tank 28,950 157.6 5,550 3,448
- 5 Drain Cooler 157.6 24,000 167,100 124.1 38,100 76,217 Condensate booster 124.1 12,500 21,348 pumps 124.1 13,333 67,604 Demineralizers 124.1 12,500 76,500 124.1 13,333 25,230 Off-Gas condenser 124.1 12,500 14,400 SPE 8,000 SJAE 21,600 123.4 13,333 52,563 Condensate pumps 123.4 55,200 81,600 123.4 126,900 54,315 Condenser Hotwell 123.4 1,175,100 4,500,000 GEH References
- 1.
"Mark I Containment Program Plant Unique Load Definition Browns Ferry Nuclear Plants 1, 2, and 3," GE report NEDO-24580, Rev. 2, January 1982.
Containment Analysis Input Parameters (Modified Form OPL-4A) for BFN List of Abbreviations used in previous table ADS Automatic Depressurization System ANS American Nuclear Society BFNP Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant BWR Boiling Water Reactor CLTP Current Licensed Thermal Power CRD Control Rod Drive CS Core Spray CST Condensate Storage Tank DBA Design Basis Accident DW Drywell ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System EPU Extended Power Uprate EQ Environmental Qualification GEH GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy HEM Homogeneous Equilibrium Model HPCI High Pressure Coolant Injection HWL High Water Level (Suppression Pool)
HX Heat Exchanger IBA Intermediate Break Analysis ID Inner Diameter LAMB LOCA Analysis Code LOCA Loss-of-Coolant Accident LPCI Low Pressure Core Injection LPU Licensed Power Uprate LWL Low Water Level (Suppression Pool)
M3CPT Short-term Containment Analysis Code MELLL Maximum Extended Load Limit Line MELLL+
Maximum Extended Load Limit Line Plus MSIV Main Steam Isolation Valve MSRV Main Safety Relief Valve NPSH Net Positive Suction Head NUREG Nuclear Regulatory Guidance OLTP Original License Thermal Power RCIC Reactor Core Isolation Cooling RFP Reactor Feed Pumps RHR Residual Heat Removal RPV Reactor Pressure Vessel RWCU Reactor Water Cleanup SBA Small Break Analysis SBO Station Blackout SEHR Special Emergency Heat Removal SHEX Long-term Containment Analysis Code SJAE Steam Jet Air Ejector SLO Single Loop Operation E1-18
Containment Analysis Input Parameters (Modified Form OPL-4A) for BFN SPE Steam Packing Exhauster TVA Tennessee Valley Authority WW Wetwell EI-19
TOTAL SHUTDOWN POWER FRACTIONS The BFN total shutdown power fraction values used in the Safety Analysis for the Power Uprate (PUSAR) containment analyses (SHEX) for the design basis accident (DBA) Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) and Appendix R are provided in the attached Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1 Decay Heat Used for Browns Ferry EPU Containment DBA LOCA Analysis 0
1.03910 1
0.58891 2
0:55091 4
0.57603 10 0.37671 20 0.11644 60 0.041363 80 0.039100 100 0.037650 120 0.036654 120 0.032744 150 0.031250 200 0.029600 400 0.026010 600 0.023960 800 0.022480 1000 0.021290 2000 0.017570 4000 0.014190 6000 0.012570 8000 0.011620 10000 0.010940 15000 0.009885 20000 0.009209 40000 0.007778 60000 0.007015 80000 0.006494 86400 0.006358 100000 0.006107 172800 0.005183 (1) Additional fuel relaxation and metal-water reaction are included.
Table 2 Decay Heat Used for Browns Ferry EPU Appendix R Analysis 0
1.00391 2
0.54551 4
0.57219 10 0.37355 20 0.11375 60 0.03928 100 0.03581 120 0.03487 120 0.03096 200 0.02802 400 0.02464 600 0.02271 1000 0.02018 2000 0.01665 4000 0.01344 6000 0.01191 10000 0.01037 15000 0.00937 20000 0.00874 40000 0.00738 60000
.0.00665 100000 0.00578 200000 0.00468 400000 0.00365 1000000 0.00252 4000000 0.00138 (1) Additional fuel relaxation and metal-water reaction are included.