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Technical Specifications (TS) Changes TS-431 and TS-418 - Extended Power Uprate (EPU) Response to Round 15 Request for Additional Information (RAI) - APLA-38/40, SRXB-71, and SRXB-72
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 01/25/2008
From: Langley D
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC MD5262, TAC MD5263, TAC MD5264, TVA-BFN-TS-418, TVA-BFN-TS-431
Download: ML080320521 (33)


Tennessee Valley Authority, Post Office Box 2000, Decatur, Aabama 35609-2000 January 25, 2008 TVA-BFN-TS-418 TVA-BFN-TS-431 10 CFR 50.90 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Mail Stop OWFN, P1-35 Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 Gentlemen:

In the Matter of ) Docket Nos. 50-259 Tennessee Valley Authority ) 50-260 50-296 BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR PLANT (BFN) - UNITS 1, 2, AND 3 -



By letters dated June 28, 2004 and June 25, 2004 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML041840109 and ML041840301), TVA submitted license amendment applications to the NRC for the EPU of BFN Unit 1 and BFN Units 2 and 3, respectively. The proposed amendments would change the operating licenses to increase the maximum authorized core thermal power level of each reactor by approximately 14 percent to 3952 megawatts. On December 14, 2007, the NRC staff issued a Round 15 RAI (ML073450725) regarding the EPU license amendment requests. to this letter provides TVA's responses to the Round 15 RAI questions APLA-38/40, SRXB-71, and SRXB-72. The remaining Round 15 RAI questions are exclusively related to steam dryers. As indicated in TVA's December 14, 2008, letter to NRC (ML0735101801) regarding steam dryer analysis schedules, TVA plans to provide a response to the Round 15 steam dryer RAIs by January 31, 2008, which will include a schedule for responding to the remainder of the RAIs.

/,d I/&r

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 January 25, 2008 Note that Enclosure 1 is a proprietary response to the RAI-and contains information that Global Nuclear Fuel (GNF) considers to be proprietary in nature and subsequently, pursuant to 10 CFR 9.17(a) (4), 2.390(a) (4) and 2.390(d) (1),

GNF requests that such information be withheld from public disclosure. Enclosure 2 is a redacted version of Enclosure 1 with the proprietary material removed and is suitable for public disclosure. Enclosure 3 contains an affidavit from GNF supporting this request for withholding from public disclosure.

TVA has determined that the additional information provided by this letter does not affect the no significant hazards considerations associated with the proposed TS changes. The proposed TS changes still qualify for a categorical exclusion from environmental review pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 51.22(c) (9).

No new regulatory commitments are made in this submittal. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact me at (256)729-2636.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on this 2 5 th day of January, 2008.

Sincerely, D..T. Langle J Manager of Licensing and Industry Affairs


1. Response to Round 15 Request for Additional Information APLA-38/40, SRXB-71, and SRXB-72 (Proprietary Information Version)
2. Response to Round 15 Request for Additional Information APLA-38/40, SRXB-71, and SRXB-72 (Non-proprietary Information Version)
3. GNF Affidavit

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 3 January 25, 2008 cc (Enclosures):

State Health Officer Alabama State Department of Public Health RSA Tower - Administration Suite 1552 P.O. Box 303017 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-3017 NRC Senior Resident Inspector Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant 10833 Shaw Road Athens, AL 35611-6970 Branch Chief U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, SW, Suite 23T85 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8931 Eva Brown, Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (MS 08G9)

One White Flint, North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852-2739




This enclosure provides TVA's response to NRC's December 14, 2007, Round 15 Request for Additional Information (RAI) questions APLA-38/40, SRXB-71, and SRXB-72.

NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION NRC RAI APLA-38/40 In the human reliability analysis, there are two operator actions related to depressurization following a failure of high pressure coolant injection (HPCI) and reactor core injection cooling (RCIC):

- HPRVD1,"Operator fails to depressurize given HPCI/RCIC hardware failed (OHPR=S)," apparently addresses HPCI/RCIC failure to due hardware failure. This event has a Fussell-Vesely importance of about 0.2 for Unit 2 and about 0.3 for Unit 3, and a risk achievement worth (RAW) of about 1560 for Unit 2 and about 864 for Unit 3.

- ORVD2, "Operator fails to depressurize given HPCI/RCIC hardware failed (OHPR=F)," apparently addresses HPCI/RCIC failure due-to an operator control failure. This event has a Fussell-Vesely importance of about 0.13 for Unit 2 and about 0.07 for Unit 3, and a RAW of about 1.8 for Unit 2 and about 1.4 for Unit 3.

Address why these two events do not have similar RAW values.

Briefly discuss how these events are incorporated into the probabilistic risk assessment logic structure, and how the RISKMAN software computes Fussell-Vesely important measures and RAWs.

TVA Response to APLA-38/40 Action Discussion Operator manual action HPRVD1 models one of two aspects of manual depressurization of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV).

For HPRVD1, initial operation of high pressure injection sources has been successful, but the high pressure injection (HPI) sources subsequently fail in the longer term such that manual RPV depressurization is required later in the event sequence to allow utilization of low pressure injection (LPI) systems.

Operator manual action ORVD2 models the other aspect of RPV manual depressurization. For ORVD2,: initial operation of high pressure injection sources fails and manual RPV depressurization is required early in the event sequence to allow utilization of LPI sources.

In both cases, the manual depressurization action is accomplished in the same way, by opening main steam safety/relief valves via operation of the main control room E2-1

NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION panel handswitches. However, because the event situations under which this action is required are markedly different, the failure probabilities of the two situations are also markedly different.

For HPRVD1, since HPI is initially successful, the subsequent failure occurs when initial reactor water levels are relatively high and the core decay heat has decreased. So the rate of water level loss is lower and significantly longer time is available to identify the need for manual RPV depressurization and to accomplish this depressurization. The probability of failure of this action is assessed in the BFN model probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) as 1.9E-04 (i.e., 1 failure in 5263 demands).

For ORVD2, since HPI fails initially, no significant sources of injection are available to provide core cooling. Core decay heat is high and water inventory is lost at a rapid rate. A relatively short time is available for the operator to identify, diagnose and respond with very little allowance for recovery.

The probability of failure of this action is assessed in the BFN PRA model as 1.4E-01 (i.e., 1 failure in 7 demands).

PRA Logic Structure Incorporation A complete presentation of all factors impacting the risk importance of operator actions HPRVDI and ORVD2 would be impractical to present here, however, the following simplified event tree below illustrates the fundamental relationships between high HPI, manual depressurization operator actions, and LPI.


NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION event reactor high high HPRVD1 ORVD2 low event initiator remains pressure pressure failure failure pressure completion at high injection injection rate rate injection pressure short long term 1.9E-04 I4E-O1 term Success - - - - . 1 success Succes _2 - success not questioned coredamage

" 3 core 3 damage Fail re

- - - - - - - 4 core damage

-5 success I- - 6 core damage

- - - - - 7 core damage 8 success 9 core damage Sequences 1, 2, and 5 above result in successful event mitigation, wherein HPI was successful, or successful manual depressurization together with successful LPI occurred.

Sequences 3, 4, 6, and 7 result in core damage, because HPI failed (either short or long term) and successful manual depressurization together with successful LPI did not occur.

Sequences 8 and 9, included here for completeness, do not involve HPI or manual depressurization, but rather depend on LPI success.

From inspection of the above event tree, it can be seen that ORVD2 is only questioned if short term HPI has failed, and since HPI reliability is good, ORVD2 plays no role in most sequences.

HPRVD1 is questioned, however, if long term HPI fails, therefore HPRVD1 will be involved in a greater number of event sequences.

Because HPRVD1 appears in a greater number of event sequences and because its actual failure probability is low, arbitrarily setting its failure rate to 100% for purposes of the RAW calculation will significantly impact the Core Damage Frequency (CDF) calculation, resulting in a large RAW value. Conversely, since ORVD2 appears in fewer sequences and its actual failure probability is high, the arbitrary setting of its failure rate to 100% will have a smaller impact on the CDF calculation resulting in a smaller RAW value.

E2 -3

NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION RISKMAN Importance Measure Computations RAW = R(1)/R(fi), where:

  • R( 1 ) is the total CDF as calculated with the split fraction of interest fixed at 1.0 (i.e., failure probability of 100%)

" R(fi) is the total CDF as calculated with the split fraction of interest left at its nominal probabilistic value Fussel-Vesely (FVI) = {R(j)-R(0)}* fi/R(fi) where

" R( 1 ) is the total CDF as calculated with the split fraction of interest fixed at 1.0

" R(0) is the total CDF as calculated with the split fraction of interest fixed at 0.0 (i.e., failure probability of 0%)

" fi is the split fraction's nominal probabilistic value

  • R(fi) is the total CDF as calculated with the split fraction of interest left at its nominal probabilistic value E2-4


Provide the Cycle 8 core load map and a description of each type of bundle that will be used.

TrVA Response to SRXB-71 (Unit 1 only)

See the following Cycle 8 quarter core maps and bundle descriptions. The core loading and bundle designs are representative of typical reload cores. The design and quantity of each type of fresh fuel bundle are set. The core loading map is from the fuel cycle analysis used to release the Cycle 8 fresh fuel for fabrication. It should be noted that the final locations of the bundles could differ slightly between the fuel cycle loading and the final Reference Loading Pattern.

E2 -5

NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Cycle 8 - Bundle ID I Average Exposure (GWdIST) I IAT Cycle Expos4ao: 0.000 G1*4ST 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 JLX181 JLX121 JLX175 JLX177 JLX171 JLX115 8,785 8.843 9.652 9.624 8141 7933 12 3 12 12 12 3 Bundle ID JLX123 JLX179 JLX625 JLX621 JLX627 JLX623 JLX665 2 Average Exposure (OWdIST) 8966 8.248 11.960 11.960 11912 12309 12.169 58 LAT 3 12 9 9 9 9 10 JLX127 JLX12I JLX478 JLX660 C08058 JLX54I JLX469 C08070 COSOST 56 8.951 8.875 12.890 11.977 0.000 12.547 0.0 1L2.771 0.000 3 3 5 10 17 6 17 5 17 JLX172 JLX725 C08063 COSOOS 008017 008322 9.298 11 .955 0.000 0.000 0.001 0080303 0.000 0.000 18 12 11 17 17 118 19 JLX1 69 JLX1 9 JLX543 JLX458 JLX461 C0827 JLX457 5 9.432 7.159 12.394 14.041 12.638 (1000 13.981 52 12 3 6 5 5 Is 5 JLX105 JLX1 67 JLI01 JLX533 T COSO JLX750 JLX472 8.998 9413 7.257 11027 14.089 1 3.159 50 3 112 ___ 3 6 17 13 5 JLX1 04 JLX717 JLX530 JLX467 Cool III JLX561 C08105 JLX678 C08001 8,942 12144 12.494 COOSOOD705 13254 0.000 11 455 0000 1 2.885 0.0OO 4S 3 11 6 17 5 Is 7 15 10 15 I

JL-X103 8 954 JLX477 1 2794 C08222 0000 C09162 0ý000 JLX537 12.823 JLX749 14.229 C08109 0000 I JL.X435 12750 1C08041 0

0000 JLX653 13014 46 3 5 17 6 13 15 5 15 10 4 + +

JLXI158 JLX157 JLX666 C08006 JLX453 JLX649 JLX464 JLX539 008009 JLX755 C08049 9 8.919 8.376 11.795 0.000 13.526 14.105 13.642 13.386 0.000 13.318 0,000 44 12 12 10 17 5 10 5 6 15 13 15 JLX102 JLX615 C08064 008018 JLX445 C08046 JLX741 C08114 CO813 JLX723 008163 JLX671 10 8.969 12.020 0.000 0.000 14.573 0.000 14.462 0.000 0.000 11.745 0.000 13.204 42 3 9 17 18 is 1 13 is Is 15 11 15 10 JLXI 64 JLX613 JLX529 JLX433 JLX573 C08110 JLX534 C08014 JLX439 C08149 JLX753 11 9.753 12.203 1 2.764 12.920 11.443 0.000 13,827 0.000 13.977 0.000 13.426 40 12 9 6 57 15 6 15 5 15 13

___ 4 4- 4 L JLX161 JLX616 C00225 JLX743 C08106 JLX471 C08010 JLX71 9 C08151 JLX574 JLX209 9.731 0082100850 12 11.937 0.000 I.00o 0000 13.853 0.000 1 2.677 0.000 11.844 0.000 11.061 11.447 3S 12 9 1? i1 t I 15 5 15 11 15 7 4 JLX163 JLX614 JLX434 COOM JLX449 JLX677 C08042 JLX744 C08164 JLX759 13 8218 12.570 12.938 0 .IO 113444 12972 01000 S13,549 0M000 13.430 36 12 9 5 Is 13 15 13 JLX113 JLX659 C0021 G C08280 JLX4S C008002 C08050 JLX645 JLX283 14 7 978 12338 GI 0.00

  • 13.317 0000 S12.920 0 000 13.489 11.130 3 10 1 18 15 10 15 10 4 01 03 05 07 11 13 15 17 19 23 Avg Bundle Name IAT #in # AvgWt AvgExp AvgRea Core Fresh KG GWdJST Power GE13-P9DTB156-NOG-108T-146-T6-2887 3 56 0 176600 8.403 1.038 1 000 GE14-P1ODNAB157-NOG-100T-150-T6-2889 4 9 0 183166 11.210 1 018 1 000 GE14-P10ONAB377-16GZ-100T-150-T1-2890 5 95 0 178754 13298 1.141 1.000 GE14-P10DNA8402-16GZ-10"T-150-T6-2891 6 32 0 179.264 12903 1 151 1 000 GE 14-P1ODNAB350-16GZ- 10OT-150-T6-2892 7 32 0 178760 11,411 1123 1 000 GE14-P10DNAB419-16GZ- 10OT- 150-T6-2894 9 32 0 179188 12.104 1.158 1 000 GE 14-P 10DNAB368-15GZ- 10OT- 150-T6-2895 10 72 0 179017 12709 1139 1 000 GE 14-P10DNA8402-19GZ- 100T-150-T6-2896 11 24 0 178439 121139 1 148 1 000 GE13-P9DTB163-NOG-100T-146-T1-2888 12 52 0 176 656 9.040 1 041 1 000 GE 14-P10DNAB377-17GZ-10OT- 150-T6-2897 13 32 0 178711 13833 1.142 1 000 GE 14-P DNAB406-16GZ- 100T- 150-T6-3078 14 48 48 178.506 0.0(0 1 007 1 000 GE14-PlODNAB40Cl-17GZ-1I0OT-150-T6-3)81 15 96 96 178.568 0.000 1 007 1 000 GE 14-PIODNAB406-15GZ- 1COT-1,50-T6-3079 16 64 64 178794 0.1300 1 048 1 000 GE14-P10DNAB417-16GZ- 10T-1501S6-3082 17 48 48 178.809 0.000 1 026 1 000 GE14-P10DNAB418-16GZ-1OOT-150-T6-3080 18 72 72 178.506 0.000 1 019 1 000 Total 764 328 178,503 6.700 1 074 1 000 E2-6

NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Cycli 8 - Bundli ID I Average Exposure (GWdIST) I IAT Cycle Expos~ie: 0.000 GWd.ST 16 17 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 201 27 2 29) 34)

JLX139 JLX141 JLX191 JL-X187 J1X1 89 JLX135 JLX183 7.921 7.925 8.109 9.601 9.630 8.840 8.786 00 3 3 12 12 12 3 12 JLX688 JLX691 JLX633 JLX629 JLX635 JLX631 JLX185 JLX133 Bundle ID 12182 12.1062 12.314 11.905 11964 11.948 8.257 8.950 Average Exposure (OWd/ST) 10 10 9 9 9 9 12 3 LAT r I + t I + t JLX730 00M 00 JLX491 COMe JLX547 C00089 JLX698 JLX482 JLX131 JLX129 12.542 0.000 12.756 0.000 12.523 0.000 11.982 12.886 8879 8,946 11 17 5 1? 6 17 10 6 3 3 4 + + + 4 006237 C00304 0083169 C0019 C08234 JLX729 JLX192 0.00 0.000 0=00 0.000 04000 0.000 11.953 9,268 54 18 66 11 i8 17 17 11 12 JLX51 4 JLX501 008320 JLX499 JLX502 JLX545 JLX137 JLX195 13.1 98 13 934 0.000 12.610 14 .017 12.396 7.155 9.406 52 is 5 6 3 12

___ 4 +

JLX762 I ....... JLX147 JLX1 97 JLX1 51 JLX48b i C08251 JLX553 13.144 14.087 14.246 aOO0 13.001 7.248 9.422 9.002 so 13 3 12 3 JLX487 C08003 JLX682 Coa81o7 JLX59I C08047 JLX705 008167 JLX493 C08249! JLX45952 JLX17339 JLX150 13.115 o.0oo 12.895 0.00 11.451 0.000 13.821 0.000 13.227 0,000 1249 12.3 8.930 45 5 1s 10 16 ;7 is 10 Is 5 17 6 11 3 006221 JLX703 C08043 JLX525 C081111 JLX761 JLX551 C08173 008293 JLX481 JLX149 0.00M 13.012 0.000 12.735 0.000 X514.220 172.817 0.000 0=00 12,792 8.934 46 is 10 16 5 15 13 6 18 17 5 3 1' 17 6 JLX699 C08051 JLX757 C08011 JLX549 COSM JLX509 JUM 1 JLX505 C0022 JLX692 JLX205 IJLX206 11.490 0.000 13.312 0.000 13.379 0.000 13.420 IC075 131503 0.000 11.784 8.369 8.926 44 10 15 13 15 6 15 5 10 6 17 10 12 12 C08119 JLX687 C08165 JLX733 C08015 JLX582 C08121 LX CCIOO83 J 513 000023 C00621 JLX639 JLX148 0.000 13.206 0.000 11.727 0.000 11.045 0.000 14.461 0.000 14.5,588 0.000 0.000 11.988 8.948 42 1s 10 15 11 15 7 13 15 5 18 17 9 3 JLX709 JLX747 C08227 JLX517 C08021 JLX554 C08123 JLX577 J.LX523 JLX557 JLX637 JLX200 13.490 13.706 0.000 13.937 0.000 13.803 0.000 11.440 12.904 12.757 12,192 9.760 40 10 13 15 6 15 6 15 7 6 6 9 12 JLX203 JLX212 JLX518 C08159 JLX735 008025 JLX485 008125 JLX7607 C006218 C00183261 C08273 JLX540 11443 11068 0.000 11.835 0.000 12.663 0.000 13850 0,000 0.000 0.000 11 915 9.727 7 Is 11 15 6 1 18 18 17 8 12 JLX585 JLX765 C081181 JLX768 C08073 JLX681 JLX496 0 08311 JLX524 JLX638 JLX199 11.768 13.714 0.000 13.555 0.00 12.9 613 13.619 GA=0 12.921 12529 8219 36 7 13 15 13 15 10 5 I8 5 9 12 006213 JLX715 C08071 JLX704 C006027 JLX495 C08275 JLX697 JLX143 0.000 13.462 0.000 12.914 0.000 12.972 0.000 12.340 T975 34 10 15 10 1s 5: 17 10 3 JLX510 JLX710 0001271 JLX693 C006218 JLX506 JLX51 9 10081287 JLX736 JLX685 JLX145 13.306 13.430 0.000 11.211 0.000 13.344 13,041 0.000 12.625 12185 8.024 32 10 15 10 Is 5 6 18 11 10 3 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 53 5S 57 59

  1. fin # AvgWt AvgExp AvgRea Avg Bundle Name Core Fresh KG GkVdtST Power GE13-P9DTB156-NOG-100T-146-T6-2007 3 56 0 176.600 8.403 1.038 GE14-P10DNAB157-NOG-100T-150-T6-2889 4 9 0 183.166 11.210 1.018 1.119 GE14-P10DNAB377-16GZ-100T-160-TE-2890 5 95 0 178.75.4 13298 1.141 GE14-P10DNAB402-16GZ-100T-150-T6-2891 6 32 0 179.264 12.903 1.151 GE14-P10DNAB350-16GZ-100T-150-T6-2892 7 32 0 178760 11411 1 123 1.00 1000 GE14-P10DNAB419-16GZ-100T-150-T6-2894 9 32 0 179,188 12,104 1.158 1.000 1.00 GE14-P10DNAB368-15GZ-100T-150-T6-2895 10 72 0 179,017 12.709 1,139 1.000 GE14-P10DNAB402-19GZ-100T-150-T6-2896 11 24 0 178439 12139 1.148 GE13-P9DTB163-NOG-100T-146-T6-2888 12 52 0 176656 9040 1 041 GE14-P10DNAB377-17GZ-100T-150-T6-2897 13 32 0 178.711 13.83X 1.142 1000 1.000 1.1100 GE14-P10DNAB406-16GZ-100T-150-T6-3078 14 48 48 178.606 0.0(0 1.007 GE14-P10DNAB400-17GZ-100T-150-T6-3081 15 96 96 178.568 0.000 1.007 10,0 1.000 GE1 4-P10DNAB406-15GZ-1001T"-150-T15-3079 16 64 64 178.794 0.000 1.048 1.0w9 GE14.P 10DNA6417-16GZ-100T-150-.T-3082 17 48 48 178,809 0,000 1.026 1.000 GE1 4-P100NAB418-16GZ-100T-150-T6-3080 18 72 72 178.506 06000 1.019 1,000 Total 764 328 178.503 61700 1.074 1.000 E2 -7

NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Cycle 8 - Bundle ID I Average Exposure (GWd/ST) I IAT CyclExposasle: 0.000 GWd-ST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

  • q 10) 11 13 14 i5 JLX1 12 JLX676 JLX721 002" JLX442 10 8.029 12188 12639 S13057 m - JLX455 132364 007123 0.000 JLX668 11 207 00810 JLX652 000 13508 115326 100 0577 30 3 10 11 IS 5 Is 10 JLX1 14 C08224 C08240 JLX451 008004 JLX657 C08052 JLX646 JLX347 008088 JLX664 17 7.978 12.334 0.000 0.000 13.328 0000 12.919 0.000 13491 11.134 JLX5721 12.270 &0000 2$

3 10 17 Is 5 i 10 1s 4 JLX166 JLX619 JLX437 C08242 JLX452 JLX564 JLX680 C08044 JLX745 C08168 JLX748 is 8,206 12.561 12.938 0.00 13.441 12.965 0000 13,552 &0000 13.708 10,931 26 12 9 5 18 5 10 15 13 15 13 7 JLX162 JLX617 C09285 00244 j e280 JLX746 C08108 JLX476 C08012 JLX722 C08145 JLX575 19 9.729 11.936 0.000 0000 000. 13.845 0000 12.673 0.000 11.845 01000 11.060 12 9 15 7 11 5 15 11 JLX165 JLX620 JLX532 JLX438 JLX576 C08112 JLX535 C08018 JLX444 C08245 JLX754 JLX651 20 9.739 12.190 12.760 12.923 11.442 0.000 13.827 0,000 131964 0.000 13.437 13.453 12 9 6 5 M 7 15 6 15 5 15 13 10

-* t I +

JLX1 09 JLX61 8 C08286 000020 1 C08022 JLX724 C08182 JLX674 C08128 21 8.960 12.013 0000 0.000 LX"44a7

14. 1 Cý M!' -742 14.4 j 1ý0!1 IS j JLX571 11.050 0.00 11.744 0.000 13.200 0.000 20 3 9 17 18 15 13 1 Is 15 11 15 10 I15 JLX1 59 JLX150 JLX669 000008 JLX456 JLX650 M JLX4365 C00122 JLX540 C08028 JLX750 C08072 JLX662 22 8.914 8.361 11.790 04000 13.5'24 14.097 13.6 5 0.000 13.397 0.000 13.329 0.000 11.486 1*

12 12 10 17 5 10 5 15 8 15 13 is 10 JLX108 JLX447 00825 C08158 JLX538 JLX752 C08124 JLX436 C08074 JLX658 008213 23 8.936 13.216 0.000 0-000 12.827 14.227 0.000 12.754 D.000 13.014 0.00 16 3 5 1? Is 6 13 15 5 15 10 10 JLXI07 .11X71 8 JLX531 C00268 JLX468 CM74 JLX656 COSO84 JLX562 C08126 JLX679 C006020 JiLX474 24 9.938 12.152 12.496 0.000 13.252 0,000 13.827 0.000 11.453 0.000 12.888 0.000 13.122 14 3 11 ;6 1 17 1 5 Is 10 15 7 15 10 is 5 06 16 JLX16 JLX110 iJLX536 C08270 JLX443 JLX475 25 9.011 3

9.414 12 7.264 3

13.013 6

i0.00 17 14.289 5

-14097 13.150 5

12 JLX170 JLX1.20 JLX544 JLX460 JLX480 26 9.434 7.167 12.394 12.637 I 0.00 13.963 12.795 10 12 3 6 5 I 18 5 5 JLX173 JLX728 C00274 C C030 008024 C08208 008292 00894 00012011 27 9.284 11.961 0.000 0.000 0.000 0o.01 0.000 0M000 0*

0.000 12 11 I7 17 Is 1s 19 Is to JLX128 JLX126 JLX479 JLX663 0062 JLX542 006231 JLX470 0001233 JLX727 2$ 8.s62 8.886 12A893 11,971 0.000 12.551 0.000 12.770 M.000 12.542 06 3 3 5 10 17 6 17 5 17 11 Bundle ID JLX124 JLX180 JLX626 JLX622 JLX628 JLX624 JLX670 JLX673 Average Exposure (OWdIST) 8.866 8.251 11.963 11866 11 15 12.324 12.163 12.283 04 IAT 3 12 9 9 9 9 10 10 JLX1 82 JLX122 JLX176 JLX178 JLX174 JLX116 JLX118 30 8,806 8 856 9,657 9.618 8.137 7,936 7,927 12 3 12 12 12 3 3 I I I I I 01 03 05 07 09 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 IAT # in AvgWt AvgExp Avg Bundle Name Core AvgRea Fresh KG GWWIST Power GE13-P9DTB156-NOG-100T-146-T6-2887 3 56 0 176.600 8,403 1,038 1.000 GE14-P10DNAB157-NOG-100T-150-TS2889 4 9 0 183.166 11210 1.018 1.000 GE14-P10DNAB377-16GZ-100T-150-T5-2890 5 95 0 178.754 13.298 1.141 1.000 GE14-P10DNAB402-16GZ-100T-150-T5-2891 6 32 0 179.264 12.903 1.151 1ux0 I000 GE14-P10DNAB350-16GZ-10OT-150-T1-2892 7 32 0 178.760 11,411 1.123 1,000 GE14-P10ONAB419-16GZ-100T-150-T1-2894 9 32 0 179.188 12104 1 158 1 D00 GEl 4-P1 ODNAB368-1 5GZ-1 O1T-i 50-T6-2895 10 72 0 179.017 12.709 1.139 1000 GE14-P10DNAB402-19GZ-1O0T-150-T6-2896 11 24 0 178.439 12.139 1 148 1.000 GEl 3-P3DTB163-NOG-1 O1T-146-T-2888 12 52 0 176.656 9.040 1.041 1.000 GE14-P10DNAB377-17GZ-1OOT-150-TG-2897 13 32 0 178.711 13830 1.142 1.000 GE14-P1ODNAB406-16GZ-100T-150-T6-3078 14 48 48 178.50M 0000 1.007 1.000 GEl 4-P1 ODNAB400-17GZ-1 O1T-i 50-T6-3081 15 96 96 178,568 0000 1.007 1.000 GE14-P10DNAB406-15GZ-100T-150-T6-3079 16 64 64 178.794 0.000 1.048 1.000 GE14-P1ODNAB417-16GZ- 100T-150-T6-3082 17 48 48 178.809 0.000 1,026 1.000 GE1 4-P1 0ONA6418-16GZ-1 00T-150-T6-3080 18 72 72 178.50M 0000 1 019 ------

1.000 Total 764 328 178503 6700 1 074 1i00 E2-8

NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Cycle 8 - Bundle ID I Average Exposure (GWdIST) I IAT Cycle Exl)posme: 0.0OOGWdST 16 17 1* 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2* 29 .0 JLX694 t0OK217 JLX50O JLX520 0029 JLX737 JLX686 JLX146 16 12974 11774 13490 11.205 10.00 11346 13.041 I 0.000 12.623 12191 89010 30 10 IS 11 10 3 008101 JLX707 C08289 JLX702 JLX144 00003 3307' 17 000 1225 11.444 13469 0.000 12.923 0 0000 0.000 12.337 7.974 2*

15 10 17 10 3 JLX769 C08103 JLX684 JL.X512 081305 JLX527 JLX643 JLX202 18 11314 10926 13.714 0.000 13.552 0.000 12.969 13,420 M0OO0 12.919 12.555 8,207 13 15 10 5 18 5 9 12 4 + 4 4 4- +

JLX738 C09037 JLX490 C08131 1JLY7" C0083071 067309 C08287 JLX641 JLX204 19 11.832 O000 12,664 0.000 I 14,23210.00 .,00 0.000 11.939 9.729 24 11 15 5 IT 9 12

___ 4 4 + 4 C08039 JLX555 C08133 J1LX528 JLX560 JLX644 JLX201 JLX580 12.776 12.184 9.762 20 13 .431 00,00 13.796 0.,000 11.X439 12.898 22 10 15 6 15 6 9 12 7

___ ___ 4 4 + 4 CO08130 JLX690 CO8200 JLX734 C008040 C008252 JL.X642 JLX1 55 21 0.000 13.204 0000 11.724 0.000 JL-X583 C08135 JLX7702 Cý71397 JLX516 0.000 12.022 8.948 20 11 048 0-000 14.46 0. 14.546 Is 15 15 10 11 7 is 13 15 5 17 9 3 4 + 4 4 JLX700 C08102 JLX758 C08038 JLX550 C08136 JLX497 JLX7 12 JLX695 JLX208 JLX2O7 000 22 11.494 0.000 13.317 13.387 0.000 13.616 140377I 11.789 8.362 8.918 1*

10 15 13 15 6 is 5 10 12 12 23 10002181 0M0ON I

JLX7O91 C08104 13.007 I0.000

[JLX526 I 2.729 C08134 0.000 JLX770 13.846 JLX 12..:.5ý2 8 2055 tie 00 0ý,

JLX515 13.197 JLX154 8.928 10 13 6 18 5 3 JLX488 c08034 JLX683 C08132 JLX592 C08098 JLX7006 C09206 JLX4943 C09227 7= JLX153 24 13.114 0.000 12.891 0000 11.450 0.000 1382 13.820 G.UW 13.223 0.000 8.926 14 5 i5 10 15 7 15 10 IS IS 5 T 17 3 JLX763 25 14.092 0C=00 I 3<.006 7.240 9.417 8.995 72 13 17j 61 3 JLX156 j 12 JLX1 ___ 3 JLX1552 JLX484 JLX504 000308 JL~X500 JLX503 JLX546 JLX138 JLX196 26 12.793 13.943 0.000 12.616 14.014 12.397 7.154 9.407 10 5 5 IS 5 5 6 3 12 C08300 C05302 609060 008310 C008032 008243 JLX732 JLX193 27 0.000 0.000 0.000 01.000 0.000 0.000 11.961 9.286 I8 19 18 is8 17 17 11 12 JLX731 C08239 JLX492 C08241 JLX548 C08259 JLX7O0 JLX483 JLX132 JLX130 2# 12.543 0.000 12,756 12.522 0.000 11.978 12.987 8.875 8.956 06 11 17 5 17 6 17 10 5 3 3 JLX689 JLX696 JLX634 JLX630 JLX636 JLX632 JLX186 JLX134 Bundle ID 29 12.291 12167 12299 11 908 11.973 11 956 8,253 8.859 Average Exposure (OWdOST) 04 10 10 9 9 9 9 12 3 IAT JLX140 JLX142 JLX194 JLX188 JLX190 JLX136 JLX184 30 7,933 7.934 8.140 98598 9.630 8.838 8.778 02 3 3 12 12 12 3 12 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 Bundle Name )AT #in # AvgWt AvgExp AvgRea Avg Core Fresh KO G.Vd/ST Power GE13-P9DTB156-NOG-100T-146-T6-2887 3 56 00 176.600 8.403 1.038 1IOO0 GE 14-PlODNA5157-NOG- 100T- 150-T6-2889 4 9 183.166 11.210 1.018 0 1ý000 GE1 4-P10DNAB377-16GZ-1 00T-150-T6-2890 5 95 178.754 13.298 1.141 0 1.000 GE14-P10DNAB402-16GZ-1 00T-150-T6-2891 6 32 179.264 12.903 1.151 0

GE1 4-P10DNAB350-16GZ-1 00T-150-T6-2892 7 32 178.760 11.411 1.123 GE14-P10DNAB419-16GZ-100T-150-T6-2894 0 1.000 9 32 179.188 12.104 1.158 0

GE1 4-P10DNAB368.15GZ-100T-150-T6-2895 10 72 179.017 12.709 1.139 1.000 0

GE14-P10DNA8402-19GZ-100T-150-T6-2896 11 24 178.439 12.139 1.148 0 1.000 GE1 3-P9DTB1 63-NOG-1 00T-146-T6-2888 12 52 176.656 9.040 1.041 GE14-PlODNAB377-17GZ-100T-150-T6-2697 0 1,000 13 32 178.711 13.830 1.142 GE 14-P1ODNAB406-16GZ-100T-150-T6-3078 14 48 48 178.506 0.000 1.007 1.000 GE 14-PIODNAB400-17GZ- 100T-150-T6-30G1 15 96 96 178.568 0.000 1.007 1.000 GE14-P10 DNAB406-15GZ- 100T-150-&6-3079 16 64 64 178.794 0.000 1.048 1 000 GE14-P10DNAB417-16GZ- 100T-150-T6-3082 17 48 48 178.809 08000 1.026 1.000 GE14-P1ODNAB418-16GZ-100T- 150-TE-3080 18 72 72 178.506 0.000 1.019 1D00 Total 764 328 176503 6700 1 074 1000 E2-9


[I E2-10


((I E2-11






















[I E2-20




[I E2-23






Provide the calculated cold critical eigenvalue (demonstration eigenvalue) for each startup that has occurred during Cycle 7 thus far (beginning of cycle to midcycle). Also, provide the exposure dependent cold critical design basis eigenvalue for Cycle 7. Provide a plot of each demonstration eigenvalue on the same graph as the exposure dependent cold critical design basis eigenvalue.

TVA Response to SRXB-72 (Unit 1 only)

Figure A is a graph of the two cold critical eigenvalues as a-function of cycle exposure for Cycle 7 compared to the design basis eigenvalues as a function of cycle exposure for-Cycle 7.

Figure A

((I E2-25



RESPONSE TO ROUND 15 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION APLA-38/40, SRXB-71, and SRXB-72 AFFIDAVIT This enclosure provides GNF's affidavit for Enclosure P.

Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas AFFIDAVIT I, Anthony P. Reese, state as follows:

(1) I am Reload Licensing Manager, Fuel Engineering, Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas, LLC ("GNF-A"), and have been delegated the function of reviewing the information described in paragraph (2) which is sought to be withheld, and have been authorized to apply for its withholding.

(2) The information sought to be withheld is contained in the attachment, "NRC Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) for Browns Ferry I Cycle 8 Shut Down Margin Designs" dated January 4, 2008. GNF proprietary information is identified by a dotted underline inside double square brackets. ((Thi.s... sentence is an examp..e..] In each case, the superscript notation p3 refers to Paragraph (3) of this affidavit, which provides the basis for the proprietary determination.

(3) In making this application for withholding of proprietary information of which it is the owner or licensee, GNF-A relies upon the exemption from disclosure set forth in the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"), 5 USC Sec. 552(b)(4), and the Trade Secrets Act, 18 USC Sec. 1905, and NRC regulations 10 CFR 9.17(a)(4), and 2.390(a)(4) for "trade secrets" (Exemption 4). The material for which exemption from disclosure is here sought also qualify under the narrower definition of "trade secret", within the meanings assigned to those terms for purposes of FOIA Exemption 4 in, respectively, Critical Mass Energy Project v. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 975F2d871 (DC Cir. 1992), and Public Citizen Health Research Group

v. FDA, 704F2d1280 (DC Cir. 1983).

(4) Some examples of categories of information which fit into the definition of proprietary information are:

a. Information that discloses a process, method, or apparatus, including supporting data and analyses, where prevention of its use by GNF-A's competitors without license from GNF-A constitutes a competitive economic advantage over other companies;
b. Information which, if used by a competitor, would reduce his expenditure of resources or improve his competitive position in the design, manufacture, shipment, installation, assurance of quality, or licensing of a similar product;
c. Information which reveals aspects of past, present, or future GNF-A customer-funded development plans and programs, resulting in potential products to GNF-A;
d. Information which discloses patentable subject matter for which it may be desirable to obtain patent protection.

Affidavit Page 1 of 3

The information sought to be withheld is considered to be proprietary for the reasons set forth in paragraphs (4)a. and (4)b. above.

(5) To address 10 CFR 2.390 (b) (4), the information sought to be withheld is being submitted to NRC in confidence. The information is of a sort customarily held in confidence by GNF-A, and is in fact so held. The information sought to be withheld has, to the best of my knowledge and belief, consistently been held in confidence by GNF-A, no public disclosure has been made, and it is not available in public sources. All disclosures to third parties including any required transmittals to NRC, have been made, or must be made, pursuant to regulatory provisions or proprietary agreements which provide for maintenance of the information in confidence. Its initial designation as proprietary information, and the subsequent steps taken to prevent its unauthorized disclosure, are as set forth in paragraphs (6) and (7) following.

(6) Initial approval of proprietary treatment of a document is made by the manager of the originating component, the person most likely to be acquainted with the value and sensitivity of the information in relation to industry knowledge, or subject to the terms under which it was licensed to GNF-A. Access to such documents within GNF-A is limited on a "need to know" basis.

(7) The procedure for approval of external release of such a document typically requires review by the staff manager, project manager, principal scientist or other equivalent authority, by the manager of the cognizant marketing function (or his delegate), and by the Legal Operation, for technical content, competitive effect, and determination of the accuracy of the proprietary designation. Disclosures outside GNF-A are limited to regulatory bodies, customers, and potential customers, and their agents, suppliers, and licensees, and others with a legitimate need for the information, and then only in accordance with appropriate regulatory provisions or proprietary agreements.

(8) The information identified in paragraph (2) is classified as proprietary because it contains details of GNF-A's fuel design and licensing methodology.

The development of the methods used in these analyses, along with the testing, development and approval of the supporting methodology was achieved at a significant cost, on the order of several million dollars, to GNF-A or its licensor.

Affidavit Page 2 of 3

(9) Public disclosure of the information sought to be withheld is likely to cause substantial harm to GNF-A's competitive position and foreclose or reduce the availability of profit-making opportunities. The information is part of GNF-A's comprehensive BWR safety and technology base, and its commercial value extends beyond the original development cost. The value of the technology base goes beyond the extensive physical database and analytical methodology and includes development of the expertise to determine and apply the appropriate evaluation process. In addition, the technology base includes the value derived from providing analyses done with NRC-approved methods.

The research, development, engineering, analytical, and NRC review costs comprise a substantial investment of time and money by GNF-A.

The precise value of the expertise to devise an evaluation process and apply the correct analytical methodology is difficult to quantify, but it clearly is substantial.

GNF-A's competitive advantage will be lost if its competitors are able to use the results of the GNF-A experience to normalize or verify their own process or if they are able to claim an equivalent understanding by demonstrating that they can arrive at the same or similar conclusions.

The value of this information to GNF-A would be lost if the information were disclosed to the public. Making such information available to competitors without their having been required to undertake a similar expenditure of resources would unfairly provide competitors with a windfall, and deprive GNF-A of the opportunity to exercise its competitive advantage to seek an adequate return on its large investment in developing and obtaining these very valuable analytical tools.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing affidavit and the matters stated therein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

Executed on this 4th day of January 2008.

ony P. Reese Reload Licensing Manager, Fuel Engineering Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas, LLC Affidavit Page 3 of 3