Letter Sequence RAI |
- Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, ... further results|Request]]
- Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance
Other: BVY 06-065, License Renewal Application, Amendment 6, BVY 06-077, License Renewal Application, Amendment 9, BVY 06-095, E-mail: (PA-LR) Copy of SAMA Response, BVY-06-100, License Renewal Application, Amendment 22, Clarification of Aging Management Program and Environmental Report Items, ML061040142, ML061730180, ML061740035, ML061740572, ML061770071, ML061920474, ML062680034, ML063120067, ML070230041, ML070710215, ML071430101, ML071840778, ML071840890
MONTHYEARML0629203681987-12-31031 December 1987 VY Annual Ecological Studies of the CT River Report 16-final.pdf Project stage: Other ML0629203651989-12-31031 December 1989 VY Annual Ecological Reports from the 1980s (1989) Project stage: Other BVY 05-110, Vermont - Supplement to the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for Year 20042005-12-29029 December 2005 Vermont - Supplement to the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for Year 2004 Project stage: Request ML0617302372005-12-31031 December 2005 Average Connecticut River Discharge (Cfs) at Vernon Station for the Year 2005 Project stage: Request ML0617701552005-12-31031 December 2005 VYNPS 2005 Waste Inventory Project stage: Request ML0617302362005-12-31031 December 2005 VYNPS, Table 3. Vermont Yankee Effluent and Waste Disposal Annual Report Project stage: Request ML0600404312006-01-0404 January 2006 Extended Power Uprate Project stage: Request BVY 06-009, Applicants Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage, Appendix E2006-01-25025 January 2006 Applicants Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage, Appendix E Project stage: Other ML0617302872006-01-26026 January 2006 2005 Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory Report for Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC Project stage: Request ML0617302192006-02-0707 February 2006 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report, Vermont Yankee Power Plant, Sms Site 99-2617 Vernon, Vermont Project stage: Request ML0617301802006-02-17017 February 2006 License Renewal SEIS Information Needs Project stage: Other ML0617303142006-02-27027 February 2006 VYNPS Operating Procedure OP 2180, Revision 39, Circulating Water/Cooling Tower Operation Project stage: Request ML0617701492006-03-14014 March 2006 2005 Annual Report of the Town of Hinsdale and the Hinsdale School District Project stage: Request ML0617302162006-03-28028 March 2006 Vernon VT FY2006 Municipality Reconciliation, Final Data Based on Final Education Grand Lists Project stage: Request ML0617302802006-03-30030 March 2006 NPDES Final Amended Permit 3-1199 Project stage: Request ML0617700702006-04-0404 April 2006 VYNPS Environmental Review Procedure, Nuclear Management Manual Fleet Procedure EN-EV-115, Rev. 4 Project stage: Request ML0617705932006-04-10010 April 2006 State of Vermont, Environmental Radiation Surveillance Report, 2005 Summary. Vermont Department of Health Office of Radiological Health Project stage: Request ML0610401422006-04-12012 April 2006 Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and Conduct Scoping Process for License Renewal for the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Project stage: Other ML0625400452006-04-27027 April 2006 Email: (PA) Request for Additional Information to Support the Staffs Severe Accident Mitigation Alternative Review for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Project stage: RAI ML0617701592006-04-27027 April 2006 VYNPS Emergency Diesel DG-1-1B Preventative Maintenance Logs Project stage: Request ML0617701622006-04-27027 April 2006 VYNPS Emergency Diesel Driven Fire Pump P-40-1A Preventative Maintenance Logs Project stage: Request ML0617701652006-04-27027 April 2006 VYNPS John Deere Diesel DG-3-1A Preventative Maintenance Logs Project stage: Request ML0617701692006-04-27027 April 2006 VYNPS Emergency Diesel DG-1-1A Preventative Maintenance Logs Project stage: Request ML0701706092006-05-0101 May 2006 VYNPS - SEIS Seb Reference - Vermont Has Its First Bald Eagle Nest Project stage: Request ML0701702472006-05-0202 May 2006 VYNPS - SEIS Web Reference - Endangered Species Protection Program Databases Project stage: Request ML0617700692006-05-0404 May 2006 VYNPS Email to L.Dewald Re Dry Fuel Storage Pad, Apron, and Ramps EN Ev 115 Envrionmental Review. March 20, 2006 Project stage: Request ML0628502772006-05-10010 May 2006 Email: (PA) SAMA RAIs for Vermont Yankee Project stage: RAI ML0617301882006-05-10010 May 2006 VYNPS, MSLRM Actual Maximum DR-53 Dose Calculations Utilizing ODCM Methodology Project stage: Request BVY 06-047, 2005 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report2006-05-15015 May 2006 2005 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Project stage: Request BVY 06-046, Annual 2005 Radioactive Effluent Release Report2006-05-15015 May 2006 Annual 2005 Radioactive Effluent Release Report Project stage: Request ML0618803852006-05-22022 May 2006 Windham Regional Plan Draft, May 22, 2006 Project stage: Request ML0618804492006-05-23023 May 2006 VYNPS Public Service Board Testimony for Hydrogen Storage, Parking Area, and Security Barrier System Project stage: Request ML0617302402006-05-24024 May 2006 Vernon, VT School District, Actual FY05 School Revenue Project stage: Request ML0617301862006-05-24024 May 2006 VYNPS, DR-53 Location Exposure Rate Status-Pre Power Up, Pre and Post Shield Project stage: Request ML0618802112006-05-24024 May 2006 VYNPS Archeological Sensitivity of Assessment, Proposed Gas Storage Area and Access Road January 17, 2001 Project stage: Request ML0617302142006-05-24024 May 2006 Wsesu Annual Report 2005-2006 Project stage: Request ML0617701802006-05-25025 May 2006 VYNPS Diesel Fuel Oil Analyses Project stage: Request ML0617704052006-05-25025 May 2006 VYNPS Used Oil Management and Furnace Operation Summary, 2006 Project stage: Request ML0617700672006-05-25025 May 2006 VYNPS Land Use Map, Vegetation and Cover Type, Delineated Site Wetlands, and Riparian Zone Project stage: Request ML0617704962006-05-25025 May 2006 VYNPS House Heating Boiler Nameplate Ratings, Fuel Consumption and Air Emissions Recordkeeping. 2001-2005 Project stage: Request ML0617701722006-05-25025 May 2006 VYNPS Air Emissions Record-Keeping Logs Project stage: Request ML0617404352006-05-25025 May 2006 Federal Facilities and Lands within 50 Miles of VYNPS Project stage: Request ML0616400652006-05-26026 May 2006 Massachusetts Attorney Generals Request for a Hearing and Petition for Leave to Intervene with Respect to Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc.S Application for Renewal of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant Operating License and Petition Project stage: Request ML0615205062006-06-0101 June 2006 Request for Additional Information Regarding Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives for the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Project stage: RAI ML0625104402006-06-0202 June 2006 Email: (PA) VY License Renewal SAMA RAI Response Project stage: RAI ML0624803532006-06-0606 June 2006 Email: (PA) VY Lr D-Base 301-371 Project stage: Other ML0624800822006-06-0606 June 2006 Email: (PA) VY Lrd - Base 98-99 Project stage: Other ML0624803522006-06-0606 June 2006 Email: (PA) VY Lr D-Base Project stage: Other ML0629200402006-06-0606 June 2006 Email: (PA) VY Lr D-Base 98-199 Project stage: Other ML0624803562006-06-0606 June 2006 Email: (PA) VY Lr D-Base 200-300 Project stage: Other 2006-04-12
[Table View] |
MONTHYEARML25006A0432024-12-26026 December 2024 Acceptance Review - Entergy Fleet - License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications to Use Online Monitoring Methodology ML24340A0892024-12-0404 December 2024 Level 1 Finding Corrective Action Plan ML21075A1582021-03-15015 March 2021 E-mail from T. Silko to J. Parrott, NMSS, Vermont Yankee on the State of Vermont Comments on the Review of the Draft Final SER and EA for 20.2002 Alternate Disposal Request ML20358A0702020-12-22022 December 2020 E-mail Acceptance Review for Request for Indirect License Transfer (License DPR-28, Docket No. 50-271) ML21006A0242020-12-22022 December 2020 E-mail from J. Parrott to J. Tierney and N. Creed Vermont Yankee Request to NRC for Alternate Disposal of Wastewater ML20175A2122020-06-23023 June 2020 Acceptance Review of Request for Alternate Disposal of Wastes Under 10 CFR 20.2002 (License DPR-28, Docket No. 50-271) ML19289A1292019-10-11011 October 2019 Email from Daniel Doyle to Mark Leyse Status of PRM-50-93 and PRM-50-95 ML19288A0292019-10-11011 October 2019 NRC Acceptance Review - Northstar Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 20, App G, Section Iii.E (License DPR-28, Docket No. 50-271) ML19198A2512019-06-20020 June 2019 Alternate Disposal Request - Rail Shipments (License DPR-28, Docket No. 50-271) ML19059A1782019-02-28028 February 2019 Acceptance Review Results for Relief Request No. EN-19-RR-1 to Use ASME Code Case N-831-1 for Entergy Fleet ML18289A3622018-10-11011 October 2018 Email from Daniel Doyle to Mark Leyse Status of PRM-50-93 and PRM-50-95 ML18127A5582018-04-25025 April 2018 Email to State of Vermont on Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station - Forthcoming Issuance of a License Amendment Regarding the Requirement for the VYNPS to Have a Cyber Security Plan ML18045A0862018-01-25025 January 2018 Email Request for Review of the Draft Safety Evaluation for Implementation of a Revised Emergency Plan at Vermont Yankee to Reflect an ISFSI-only Configuration ML17353A0092017-12-18018 December 2017 E-Mail from William Irwin, Vermont Department of Health to Y. Chen/Dsfm Response: Draft Environmental Assessment: Exemption Request for Vermont Yankee Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation ML17289A4222017-10-16016 October 2017 E-Mail from Y. J. Chen to W. Irwin Draft Environmental Assessment Exemption Request for Vermont Yankee Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation ML17257A0022017-09-14014 September 2017 Email to VY SHPO W Ltr Re VYNPS Exemption Load Campaign - Sept 2017 ML17229B4842017-08-16016 August 2017 Request for Supplemental Documentation to Support Review of the Physical Security Plan ML17219A0472017-08-0303 August 2017 8/03/2017, E-Mail from Y. J. Chen/Nmss to T. B. Silko/Vermont Yankee Regarding Need for Additional Information Entergys Exemption Request for Vermont Yankee ISFSI, Dated May 16, 2017 (ML17142A358) ML17144A0452017-05-23023 May 2017 5/23/2017, E-Mail to I. William/Vermont Dept. of Health from Y. Chen/Nrc Response: Draft Environment Assessment: Exemption Request for Vermont Yankee Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (W/Attachment Ltr to Address Comments on EA) ML17080A4752017-03-16016 March 2017 3/16/2017, E-Mail from I. William/Vermont Department of Health to Yen-Ju Chen/Dsfm/Sflb, Providing Comments on Draft Environmental Assessment for Entergy/Vermont Yankees Exemption from Requirement of 10 CFR 72.7 for CoC No. 72-1014, Amendme ML17055A6262017-02-24024 February 2017 Cover Email from VY SHPO W Concurrence on No Effects Determination ML17040A3372017-02-0909 February 2017 Email and Letter to Vermont SHPO ISFSI Exemption No Effects Determination ML17038A4682017-02-0707 February 2017 2/07/2017, E-mail from Yen-Ju Chen/NRC-DSFM to W. Irwin/Vermont Dept. of Health Draft Environment Assessment for Entergy/Vermont Yankees Exemption from Requirement of 10 CFR 72.7 for Certificate of Compliance No. 72-1014, Amendment 10 ML17012A2472017-01-11011 January 2017 E-mail - State of Vermont Comments Regarding Vermont Yankees 10 CFR 20.2002 Request ML16349A2492016-12-13013 December 2016 E-Mail to T. B. Silko/Entergy from Yen-Ju Chen/Dsfm Regarding Need for Supplemental Information for Entergys Exemption Request for Vermont Yankee ISFSI, Dated November 9, 2016 (ML16319A102) ML17013A2502016-12-12012 December 2016 Email Requesting Review of Draft EA and SER for Vermont Yankee Request to NRC for Alternate Disposal of Waste ML16231A0282016-08-11011 August 2016 Response to NRC Questions Related to Request for 20.2002 Disposal of Contaminated Water ML16231A2192016-07-28028 July 2016 Follow-up Questions Related to Entergy Request for 20.2002 Disposal of Contaminated Water ML16069A0952016-03-0303 March 2016 Request for 20.2002 Disposal, Request for Additional Information ML16053A5152016-02-17017 February 2016 Comment (037) of Emma Stamas on ANPR-26, 50, 52, 73, and 140 - Regulatory Improvements for Decommissioning Power Reactors ML15329A1802015-11-24024 November 2015 E-mail from J. Whited Draft RAIs Re Duke License Amendment Request to Adopt TSTF-523 (CAC Nos. MF6413 Through MF6422) ML15295A2132015-10-21021 October 2015 NRR E-mail Capture - VY RAI for Off-site Insurance Exemption (10 CFR 140.11) - MF3980 ML15289A6002015-09-24024 September 2015 La 3 - Vermont Yankee Draft Responses or Edits 9 24 15.docx ML15289A6012015-09-23023 September 2015 La 3 - Nrr_Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Decommissioning Status.Docx ML15288A3532015-09-21021 September 2015 La 3 - VY Dtf LAR - Status ML15257A6172015-09-14014 September 2015 La 3 - Testing the New Profile for Vermont Yankee La 3 - Public ML15195A3592015-07-14014 July 2015 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review for Vermont Yankee Amendment -Revise Cyber Security Plan Implementation ML15289A0022015-06-17017 June 2015 La 3 - Question from Ma ML15289A5982015-06-0909 June 2015 La 3 - FW: Docket No. 50-271 (Vermont Yankee); June 5 2015 Letter from Vermont, Vynpc, and Gmp to NRC Attached ML15289A0072015-06-0505 June 2015 La 3 - Information Regarding Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Trust Fund Exemption ML15289A0062015-06-0404 June 2015 La 3 - FW: Information Regarding Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Trust Fund Exemption ML15289A2432015-06-0404 June 2015 La 3 - FW: Docket No. 50-271 (Vermont Yankee); June 4 2015 Vermont Letter to NRC Attached ML15288A3592015-06-0101 June 2015 La 3 - Vermont Yankee LA3 - Availability for Oral Argument ML15288A3602015-06-0101 June 2015 La 3 - Vermont Yankee LA3 - Availability for Oral Argument ML15288A3622015-06-0101 June 2015 La 3 - Vermont Yankee LA3 - Availability for Oral Argument ML15288A4822015-05-22022 May 2015 La 3 - Vermont Reply to NRC & Entergy Answers Re VY LA-3 ML15289A0042015-05-19019 May 2015 La 3 - New Proposal Dates for Phone Call with VT ML15289A0052015-05-11011 May 2015 La 3 - ML Numbers for Disbursement Letters for Vermont Yankee ML15289A5992015-05-0808 May 2015 La 3 - Call with State of VT ML15289A0032015-05-0707 May 2015 La 3 - Other than for Comanche Peak, 2024-12-04
[Table view] Category:Memoranda
MONTHYEARML19317D0762019-11-18018 November 2019 Summary of Meeting Near Vermont Yankee Power Station Regarding Establishment and Opration of Community Advisory Boards ML17271A0532017-09-29029 September 2017 2017 Summary of Annual Decommissioning Funding Status Reports for Reactors in Decommissioning ML17143A1552017-06-0606 June 2017 Memorandum to C. Bladey Notice of Availability of Exemption for Entergy Energy Operations, Inc., Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation ML17045A5282017-05-25025 May 2017 Memo to C. Bladey Notice of Availability of Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Exemption Requ ML17055A5042017-03-0101 March 2017 Revision of the NRC Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Webpage ML16176A3392016-10-28028 October 2016 Decommissioning Lessons Learned Report and Transmittal Memorandum ML16274A0272016-10-0404 October 2016 2016 Summary of Annual Review of Decommissioning Funding Status Reports for Plants in Decommissioning ML16088A2042016-03-28028 March 2016 Memo T Bowers from Ruffin, Technical Assistance Requests - Review 2015 Tri-Annual Decommissioning Funding Plans for Multiple Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations W/ Encl 2 (Template) ML16088A2052016-03-28028 March 2016 Enclosure 1 - (72.30 DFP Reviews to Be Completed 2015) - Memo T Bowers from Ruffin, Technial Assistance Requests - Review 2015 Tri-Annual Decommissioning Funding Plans for Multiple Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations ML14314A3222014-11-13013 November 2014 Memorandum & Enclosure 1(Reactor Oversight Process Public Meeting Attendance List - October 22, 2014 ML14209A7052014-08-0606 August 2014 Letter to FEMA Requesting Review and Concurrence of Certain Proposed Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Emergency Response Organization Changes to the Vermont Yankee Site Emergency Plan ML14209A9352014-07-24024 July 2014 1st Quarter 2014 Performance Review ML13150A2182013-05-31031 May 2013 6/12/13 Notice of Conference Call with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. to Discuss Draft Request for Additional Information for Vermont Yankee NRC Order Number EA-12-049 Related to Mitigation Strategies ML13108A3282013-04-22022 April 2013 Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Petitioners Requesting Action Against Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Regarding Operations at FitzPatrick, Pilgrim, and Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Stations ML12298A0882012-10-24024 October 2012 Forthcoming Meeting to Discuss Proposed License Amendment Request to Revise 10 CFR 50.63 Alternate AC Power Source to SBO EDG ML13127A3692012-03-15015 March 2012 Memo from M. Murphy to G. Wilson, Subj: Safety Evaluation Regarding Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Core Plate Hold Down Bolt Inspection Plan and Analysis ML13219A0472012-03-15015 March 2012 Memo from M. Murphy to G. Wilson, Subj: Safety Evaluation Regarding Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Core Plate Hold Down Bolt Inspection Plan and Analysis ML11321A2282011-11-17017 November 2011 Third Quarter 2011 Performance Review Memorandum ML11250A1712011-09-14014 September 2011 Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Petitioner Requesting Action Under 10 CFR 2.206 Regarding Immediate Suspension of the Operating Licenses of General Electric (GE) Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactors (Bwrs) ML1115704052011-06-0606 June 2011 Notice of Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc., to Discuss Implementation of Quality Oversight and Verification Programs at Entergy Sites Including Actions Being Taken to Enhance Effectiveness ML1115304512011-06-0202 June 2011 Vermont Nuclear Power Station-Request for Items for the PI&R Inspection - April, 2011 ML11126A0962011-05-12012 May 2011 Notice of Meeting with Petitioner Requesting Action Under 10CFR2.206 Regarding Immediate Suspension of Operating Licenses of General Electric Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactors ML1107504052011-03-21021 March 2011 Notice of Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc., to Discuss Fleetwide Submittal for Proposed Technical Specification and Quality Assurance Program Manual Changes Related to Unit Staff Qualification Requirements ML1100502522011-02-0909 February 2011 Memo to Chairman Jaczko Fm R. W. Borchardt, EDO Initiatives for Improved Communication of Groundwater Incidents ML1030101362010-10-28028 October 2010 Memorandum and Order (Ruling on Motion to Reopen Proffering New Contention) (LBP-10-19) ML1009904582010-04-0808 April 2010 Deviation from the Reactor Oversight Process to Provide Increase NRC Oversight to Specific Issues at Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station ML1009603212010-04-0505 April 2010 Request for Deviation from the Reactor Oversight Process Action Matrix to Provide Increased NRC Oversight of Specific Issues at Vermont Yankee ML1006401882010-03-0505 March 2010 Charter for the Groundwater Contamination Task Force ML0927301372009-10-0909 October 2009 Safety Evaluation by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Corporate Restructuring Conversion of Companies and Stock Split-Off by Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc and Subsidiaries ML0915200092009-06-0808 June 2009 Forwarding of Supplement 1 to NUREG 1907 to the ACRS ML0913308232009-05-13013 May 2009 Summary of Annual Assessment Mtg - Vermont Yankee - 4/16/09 ML0904005422009-02-17017 February 2009 Audit Plan for Review of Confirmatory Analyses for the Core Spray and Reactor Recirculation Outlet Nozzles at the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station ML0820601722008-08-0808 August 2008 Docketing of Additional Information Pertaining to the License Renewal Application of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station ML0807400842008-03-14014 March 2008 Draft Regulatory Guide for Comment ML0805606272008-02-27027 February 2008 Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Review of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application - Safety Evaluation Report ML0802205082008-01-31031 January 2008 Summary of Meeting Between the NRC Staff and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. to Discuss the Response to a Request for Additional Information Pertaining to the Vermont Yankee License Renewal ML0801505932008-01-17017 January 2008 December 2007 Report on the Status of Public Petitions Under Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Section 2.206 ML0733001522007-11-26026 November 2007 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on October 16, 2007, Between U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Concerning Audit Questions Pertaining to the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station License Renewa ML0721804332007-08-0808 August 2007 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on July 18, 2007, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power s ML0721805222007-08-0808 August 2007 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on June 29, 2007, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Concerning Request for Additional Information Pertaining to the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power St ML0718301872007-07-10010 July 2007 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Between the NRC and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Concerning Items Pertaining to the Vermont Yankee License Renewal Safety Evaluation Report ML0716303702007-07-10010 July 2007 Trip Report Summarizing May 29, 2007 Visit to Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant Regarding the License Renewal Environmental Review ML0713103192007-05-0808 May 2007 FRN - Plant License Renewal, June 5, 2007 ML0706101802007-05-0101 May 2007 Trip Report for a Trip Taken to Vermont, Massachusetts and New Hampshire ML0714104342007-04-25025 April 2007 Handouts to Applicants (Folder 3) ML0707406912007-04-0303 April 2007 ACRS Review of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, License Renewal Application - Safety Evaluation Report ML0705305612007-02-20020 February 2007 Y020070028 - E-mail Hoch, NRR, to Becker, State of Vermont, Seismic and Flood Questions from Anr ML0704000852007-02-13013 February 2007 G20070068/LTR-07-0060/SECY-2007-0019 - Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Vermont Yankee - Letters to Senator Leahy, Senator Sanders, Representative Welch from Luis Reyes ML0703605602006-11-0808 November 2006 Y020070028 - Informal Vermont Yankee Seismic and Hydrology Questions ML0627900712006-10-12012 October 2006 Summary of a Telephone Conference Call Held on September 14, 2006, Between the U.S. NRC and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc, Concerning Information Pertaining to the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application 2019-11-18
[Table view] Category:Request for Additional Information (RAI)
MONTHYEARML19224A4722019-08-26026 August 2019 VY Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Shutdown Reactors Enclosure ML18094B0922018-04-0505 April 2018 Enclosurequest for Additional Information (Letter to B. S. Ford RAI Regarding Entergy Operations, Inc.S Decommissioning Funding Plan Update for ISFSI Docket Nos.: 72-43, 72-51, 72-1044, 72-07, 72-12, and 72-59) ML18045A8172018-04-0505 April 2018 Request for Additional Information on Vermont Yankee License Transfer Request (License DPR-28, Docket No. 50-271) ML17341A3842017-12-14014 December 2017 Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Change Physical Security Plan to Reflect an ISFSI-Only Configuration ML17313A4312017-11-0303 November 2017 NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding the Request for Direct and Indirect License Transfers from Entergy to Northstar ML17279B1452017-10-24024 October 2017 Request for Additional Information Regarding the License Amendment Request to Change the Emergency Plan and Emergency Action Level Scheme to Reflect an ISFSI-Only Configuration ML17244A0982017-10-12012 October 2017 NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding the Request for Direct and Indirect License Transfers from Entergy to Northstar ML17229B4842017-08-16016 August 2017 Request for Supplemental Documentation to Support Review of the Physical Security Plan ML16090A0292016-04-0505 April 2016 Request for Additional Information Related to Proposed Changes to Quality Assurance Program Manual, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station ML16077A3452016-03-22022 March 2016 Request for Additional Information Related to 10 CFR 20.2002 Alternate Waste Disposal Request for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station (CAC No. L53116) ML16069A0952016-03-0303 March 2016 Request for 20.2002 Disposal, Request for Additional Information CNRO-2015-00008, Responses to NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding Change in Corporate Form of Entergy Nuclear Holding Company2015-02-18018 February 2015 Responses to NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding Change in Corporate Form of Entergy Nuclear Holding Company ML14318A4002014-12-17017 December 2014 And Big Rock Point - Request for Additional Information Regarding Change in Corporate Form of Entergy Nuclear Holding Company (Tac Nos. MF3218 - MF3221) ML14289A3942014-11-21021 November 2014 Redacted, Request for Additional Information, Review of Revision 14 to the Physical Security Plan, Safeguards Contingency Plan, and Training and Qualification Plan Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(p)(2) BVY 14-069, Request for Exemptions from Portions of 10 CFR 50.47 and 10 CFR 50, Appendix E - Supplement 22014-10-21021 October 2014 Request for Exemptions from Portions of 10 CFR 50.47 and 10 CFR 50, Appendix E - Supplement 2 ML14192A8352014-08-19019 August 2014 Request for Additional Information, Exemption from 10 CFR 50.47 and Appendix E to Allow Reduced Emergency Plan Requirements and Revise Radiological Emergency Response Plan Consistent with Permanently Defueled Reactor ML14231A0172014-08-13013 August 2014 Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 309, Defueled Technical Specifications and Revised License Conditions for Permanently Defueled Condition - Supplement 4 ML14163A5902014-07-0101 July 2014 Request for Additional Information, Round 2, Amendment Request to Revise Site Emergency Plan for Permanently Defueled Condition to Reflect Change in On-Shift Staffing and Emergency Response Staffing ML14115A0292014-05-0505 May 2014 Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request for Emergency Plan Change ML14024A0412014-01-29029 January 2014 Request for Additional Information Regarding Entergy Request for Rescission of and Scheduler Relief from Order EA-13-109 on Reliable Hardened Containment Vents ML13311B0772013-11-26026 November 2013 Interim Staff Evaluation and Request for Additional Information Regarding the Overall Integrated Plan for Implementation of Order EA-12-051, Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation ML13304B4182013-11-0101 November 2013 Request for Additional Information Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3, Seismic Walkdowns ML13218A0122013-08-0606 August 2013 E-mail from R.Guzman to P.Couture, Request for Additional Information - Relief Requests ISI-04 Dated March 27, 2013 - Bvy 13-018 ML13205A1762013-07-24024 July 2013 Supplemental Request for Additional Information - Relief Request ISI-03 ML13179A4622013-07-0505 July 2013 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Decommissioning Funding Status Report Request for Additional Information Regarding the Decommissioning Funding Status Report ML13186A1142013-07-0505 July 2013 Email from R. Guzman to P.Couture Request for Additional Information - Relief Request ISI-02, Application of Code Case N-716 ML13165A2792013-06-20020 June 2013 Request for Additional Information Overall Integrated Plan for Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation (NRC Order EA-12-051) ML13163A2582013-06-17017 June 2013 Request for Additional Information - Response to March 12, 2012, Commission Order EA-12-049 to Modify Licenses Requirements for Mitigating Strategies for Beyond Design Basis External Events ML13149A2652013-05-28028 May 2013 Email from R. Guzman to P. Couture - Request for Additional Information Relief Request ISI-05 (TAC No. MF1194) -Updated RAI-2 (Revision 2) ML13130A0562013-05-0909 May 2013 E-mail from R.Guzman to P.Couture Request for Additional Information - Relief Request RR-P02 Dated February 1, 2013 - Bvy 13-008 ML13130A0472013-05-0808 May 2013 Email from R.Guzman to P.Couture Request for Additional Information - Relief Requests ISI-01 and ISI-03 Dated March 27, 2013 - Bvy 13-018 (TAC Nos. MF1196/1198) ML13119A2462013-04-29029 April 2013 Request for Additional Information, E-mail from R. Guzman to P. Couture Relief Request ISI-05 ML13097A0032013-04-0808 April 2013 Request for Additional Information Change to 10 CFR 50.63 Licensing Basis - SBO EDG ML13087A3922013-04-0202 April 2013 Request for Additional Information to Support the Review of Relief Request RR-P-01 ML13081A7522013-03-22022 March 2013 Email from R.Guzman to P.Couture Request for Additional Information for License Amendment Request to Change 10 CFR 50.63 Licensing Basis ML13077A2062013-03-20020 March 2013 Request for Additional Information Regarding 10 CFR 50.33 Financial Qualification Review ML13067A0912013-03-0808 March 2013 Request for Additional Information Change to TS 3.3.B Inoperable Control Rods ML13050A4692013-02-21021 February 2013 Request for Additional Information Change to Licensing Basis for Station Blackout Diesel Generator ML13018A4592013-01-15015 January 2013 Request for Additional Information - E-mail from R.Guzman to P.Couture Relief Request ISI-PT-02 Alternative to the System Leakage Test for Rv Head Flange Leakoff Lines ML1228403332012-10-10010 October 2012 Request for Additional Information - E-mail from R. Guzman to P. Couture License Amendment Request to Revise License Condition 3.P and 3.Q ML12278A3862012-10-0404 October 2012 ANO 1 & 2, Big Rock, FitzPatrick, GGNS, Indian Point 1, 2, and 3, Palisades, Pilgrim, RBS, Vermont Yankee, and Waterford, Request for Additional Information, Round 2, Amendment Request to Revise QA Program Manual and Staff Qualification TSs ML13070A2032012-09-17017 September 2012 Email from R. Guzman to R. Wanczyk and P. Outure Draft Request for Additional Information - LAR to Revise License Renewal Commitments One Time Inspection Program ML13070A1742012-09-10010 September 2012 Email from R. Guzman to R. Wanczyk Draft Request for Additional Information - LAR to Revise License Renewal Commitments Selective Leaching Program ML12122A8072012-05-0707 May 2012 Request for Additional Information Regarding Physical Security, Safeguards Contingency and Training and Qualification Plan, Revision 11 ML1300902982012-04-10010 April 2012 E-mail from J. Kim to J. Devincentis Request for Additional Information - Rod Worth Minimizer Bypass Allowance Amendment ML1209604492012-04-0505 April 2012 ANO 1 & 2, Big Rock, FitzPatrick, GGNS, Indian Point 1, 2 & 3, Palisades, Pilgrim, RBS, Vermont Yankee, and Waterford - Request for Additional Information, Revise Quality Assurance Program Manual and Staff Qualification Technical Specificat ML12056A0482012-03-12012 March 2012 Enclosure 2 - Recommendation 2.1: Flooding ML12056A0502012-03-12012 March 2012 Enclosure 4 - Recommendation 2.3: Flooding ML12056A0512012-03-12012 March 2012 Enclosure 5 - Recommendation 9.3: Emergency Preparedness ML12056A0492012-03-12012 March 2012 Enclosure 3 - Recommendation 2.3: Seismic 2019-08-26
[Table view] |
Melissa Ralph To:
RidsNrrDIrRebb Date:
04/27/2006 4:44:20 PM
DATE: April 26, 2006 MEMORANDUM TO: Rani L. Franovich FROM: Mark P. Rubin
NRR-1 06 ADAMS Accession#: ML061170005 CC:
Andrew Howe; Richard Emch; RidsNrrDraApla; Robert Palla
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Creation Date 04/27/2006 4:44:20 PM From:
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MCR3@nrc.gov Recipients OWGWPO02.HQGWDO01 RLE CC (Richard Emch) nrc.gov OWGWPO02.HQGWDO01 AJH1 CC (Andrew Howe)
RidsNrrDlrRebb (RidsNrrDlrRebb) nrc.gov TWGWPO01.HQGWDO01 RidsNrrDraApla CC (RidsNrrDraApla)
RLP3 CC (Robert Palla)
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April 26, 2006 MEMORANDUM TO:
Rani L. Franovich, Chief Environmental Branch B Division of License Renewal Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Mark P. Rubin, Chief IRA!
The Probabilistic Risk Assessment Licensing Branch A (APLA) has reviewed the analysis of severe accident mitigation design alternatives submitted by Entergy in support of its application for license renewal for the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station. APLA has identified areas where additional information is needed to complete its review and provide input to the Environmental Impact Statement Supplement. The request for additional information is provided as an enclosure to this memorandum. If you have any questions, please contact Robert Palla at 415-1095.
As stated CONTACT: Robert Palla, DRNNRR (301) 415-1095
April 26, 2006 MEMORANDUM TO:
Rani L. Franovich, Chief Environmental Branch B Division of License Renewal Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Mark P. Rubin, Chief IRA!
The Probabilistic Risk Assessment Licensing Branch A (APLA) has reviewed the analysis of severe accident mitigation design alternatives submitted by Entergy in support of its application for license renewal for the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station. APLA has identified areas where additional information is needed to complete its review and provide input to the Environmental Impact Statement Supplement. The request for additional information is provided as an enclosure to this memorandum. If you have any questions, please contact Robert Palla at 415-1095.
As stated DISTRIBUTION: SPSB R/F AHowe REmch ADAMS Accession#: ML061170005 Palla\\VY SAMA RAI transmittal to Projects.wpd NRR-106 OFFICE NRR/DRA/APLA NRR/DRNAPLA NAME RLPalla MPRubin DATE 04/26/06 04/26/06 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
Request for Additional Information Regarding the Analysis of Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives (SAMAs) for the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station (VYNPS)
The SAMA analysis is said to be based on the most recent version of the VYNPS Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA) (VY04R1). Provide the following information regarding these PSA models:
- a.
Table E.1-8 indicates that the core damage frequency (CDF) associated with station blackout sequences (Classes IBE and IBL) is 1.2E-06 per year. This is considerably more than the CDF due to loss of offsite power (LOOP) (7.2E-7 per year in Table E.1-2) and is comparable to the total CDF due to LOOP and loss of alternating current (ac) bus initiating events. Provide the station blackout (SBO)
CDF frequency along with its derivation.
- b.
The VYNPS extended power uprate (EPU) application and response to EPU requests for additional information indicate that the VY02R6 model had a CDF of 7.77E-06 per year and that this increased to 8.1 E-06 for EPU conditions. This is different from the current value of 5E-06. Provide a summary of the major Levels 1 and 2 PSA versions and their CDFs from the individual plant examination (IPE) to the present, including the version reviewed by the Boiling Water Reactors Owners Group (BWROG). Also, indicate the major changes to each version from the prior version and the major reasons for changes in the CDF.
- c.
Discuss the overall conclusion of the BWROG peer review relative to the use of the VYNPS PSA.
- d.
Internal flooding initiating events are the dominant contributors to CDF at VYNPS.
Briefly describe the internal flooding analysis and its evolution, including internal and external peer reviews, the results of these reviews, and any subsequent model updates. It is noted that the BWROG A and B facts and observations did not include internal flooding. Clarify whether the internal flooding analysis was covered in the BWROG peer review.
- 2.
Provide the following information relative to the Level 2 Analysis:
- a.
Section E. implies that the binning of Level 1 results into plant damage states (PDSs) is the principal means of ensuring the proper Level I to Level 2 interface. Section 4.3 of the IPE states that binning is only used to summarize and report the results. Clarify the use of PDSs, including whether the containment event tree is directly linked to the Level 1 models (such that Level 1 failures are recognized by the Level 2 analysis).
- b.
Provide the fission product release characteristics for each release category, including fission product release fractions, release times and duration, warning time, release elevation, and energy of release.
- c.
Briefly describe the approach used to determine the source terms for each release category. Clarify whether new modular accident analysis program (MAAP) analyses were performed as part of the development of the current model and how the MAAP cases were selected to represent each release category (i.e., based on the frequency-dominant sequence in each category or on a conservative, bounding sequence).
- d.
Clarify whether the Level 2 model was included in the BWROG peer review. If so, describe the conclusion relative to this element. If not, describe the internal and external reviews of the Level 2 analysis that have been performed, the results of these reviews, and any subsequent model updates..
- e.
Approximately 75 percent of the CDF results in an "early" release. Explain this relatively high percentage and describe the containment failures/release modes that lead to these releases.
- 3.
With regard to the treatment and inclusion of external events in the SAMA analysis:
- a.
The environmental report (ER) uses the staff's conclusions from a prior SAMA evaluation to justify that the VYNPS fire CDF is conservative by a factor of three.
Provide a description of the conservatism in the dominant VYNPS fire CDF sequences (e.g., related to fire initiating event frequencies, severity factors, or recovery actions that were not credited) that would support this factor of three.
- b.
The seismic CDF at VYNPS is not mentioned in the ER or included within in the multiplier used to account for additional SAMA benefits in external events. Provide the estimated seismic CDF at VYNPS, and an assessment of the impact on the external event multiplier, and on the SAMA analysis results if the seismic CDF is included.
- c.
Entergy's baseline evaluation of SAMA benefits considers only the risk reduction associated with internal events, and neglects the additional risk reduction that a SAMA could have in external events. Entergy does consider the potential for additional risk reduction in external events, but this is done in the context of an upper bound assessment in which the internal event benefits are increased by a factor of ten to account for the combined effect of external events and analysis uncertainties. The impact of external events should be reflected in the baseline evaluation, rather than combining the impact of external events with the uncertainty assessment. In this regard, provide a revised baseline evaluation (using a 7 percent discount rate) that accounts for risk reduction in both internal and external events, and an alternate case using a 3 percent discount rate. (Note that the CDF for external events after Entergy's adjustment in the ER is 3.7 times higher than the internal events CDF. This would justify a multiplier of 4.7 or 5, rather than a multiplier of 4 as stated in the ER.)
- d.
Provide an assessment of the impact on the baseline evaluation results (i.e., the revised baseline evaluation, which accounts for external events) if risk reduction estimates are increased to account for uncertainties in the analysis.
- 4.
Provide the following information concerning the MACCS analyses:
- a.
Annual meteorology data from the year 2002 were used in the MACCS2 analyses.
Provide a brief statement regarding the acceptability of use of this year's data rather than a different year's data.
- b.
For the emergency response assumptions, indicate what percentage of the population was assumed to evacuate.
- c.
The MACCS2 analysis for VYNPS is based on a core inventory from a mid-1 980 analysis, scaled by the power level for VYNPS. Current boiling-water reactor BWR fuel management practices use longer fuel cycles (time between refueling) and result in significantly higher fuel burnups. The use of the older BWR core inventory, instead of a plant-specific cycle, could significantly underestimate the inventory of long-lived radionuclides important to population dose (such as Sr-90, Cs-134 and Cs-137), and thus impact the SAMA evaluation. Justify the adequacy of the SAMA cost benefit evaluation, given the fuel enrichment and bumup expected at VYNPS.
- 5.
Provide the following with regard to the SAMA identification and screening processes:
- a.
Section E.1.3.1 indicates that no simple cost-effective enhancements have been identified that will significantly improve the high confidence in low probability of failure (HCLPF) for the condensate storage tank (CST) of 0.25. Provide a cost-benefit analysis for the seismic improvement of the CST similar to that for the other SAMAs.
- b.
The individual plant examination of external events (IPEEE) found that the diesel fuel oil storage tank had a HCLPF of 0.29. The ER states that all improvements identified in NUREG-1742 (which include the diesel fuel oil storage tank) have been implemented. Describe the actions taken for the diesel fuel oil storage tank.
- c.
The VYNPS IPEEE lists a number of seismic improvement opportunities that are not specifically included in NUREG-1742 (specifically, seismic items 3 (ii) and 7 of IPEEE Section 7.2.2). Confirm that these have been implemented.
- d.
Describe any further efforts made to determine if any SAMA candidates exist to address seismic risk beyond those already identified in the IPEEE.
- e.
The listing of "risk significant terms," provided in Table E.1-3, includes numerous different internal flooding initiators, and the SAMAs considered to address these initiators. For most of these initiators, various Phase I SAMAs are identified as having been implemented, and Phase II SAMA 47 was evaluated to further reduce the internal flooding contribution.
- 1.
For each of the previously implemented changes, clarify whether the change is credited in the current PSA. If not, provide an assessment of the impact of the change on the internal flood CDF. If the change has already been credited, it would not appear to have been completely effective (as evidenced by the high residual risk of the initiating event) and additional SAMAs specific to the flooding event listed in the table could be cost-beneficial.
Phase II SAMA 47 does not appear to address any of the specific internal flooding events listed in the table. Clarify which specific flooding scenario is addressed by SAMA 47.
- f.
Provide the current status of the 14 opportunities for improvement identified in the IPEEE for internal flooding, indicating if they have been implemented and if credit is taken for them in the current PSA. For those not implemented, indicate their importance and why they should not be considered as SAMA candidates.
- g.
The fire CDF, even after the factor of three reduction, is almost four times the internal events CDF. While the ER states that the improvements that address fire risk at VYNPS recommended in NUREG-1742 have all been implemented, the fire CDF is still substantial. SAMA candidates based on internal risk contributors will not necessarily address the fire risk. For each fire area or dominant fire sequence, explain what measures were taken to further reduce risk, and explain why the fire CDFs can not be further reduced in a cost-effective manner.
- h.
In Table E.1-3, the entry for "Transient with [power conversion system] available -
initiating event" (risk reduction worth (RRW) of 1.0287) cites SAMA 046 to improve main steam isolation valve (MSIV) design. Explain how this impacts the initiator which must have the MSIV open.
As an alternative to Phase II SAMA 2, consider operating procedure revisions to provide additional space cooling via the use of portable equipment or blocking doors open.
- j.
Phase II SAMA 59 considers installing instruments for opening safety/relief valves (SRVs) for medium loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs). Explain why the benefits of this SAMA in small LOCAs and transients are not included in the benefit assessment.
- k.
Table E.1-3 indicates that failure of torus venting components has a RRW of 1.0948. Describe the failures considered in this assessment. Provide an assessment of the costs and benefits associated with: 1) adding redundant components, and 2) converting the vent system to a passive design.
The Table E.1-3 entry for "Operator Action: Operator fails to start a [turbine building closed cooling water] (TBCCW) pump" indicates that no Phase II SAMAs were recommended. Provide an assessment of the costs and benefits of starting a TBCCW pump automatically.
- 6.
Provide the following with regard to the Phase II cost-benefit evaluations:
- a.
For a number of the Phase II SAMAs listed in Table E.2-1, the information provided does not sufficiently describe the associated modifications and what is included in the cost estimate. Provide a more detailed description of the modifications for Phase II SAMAs 6, 9, 10, 13, 23, 24, 33, 41, 52, 56, and 63.
- b.
Several of the cost estimates provided were drawn from previous SAMA analyses for a dual-unit site (e.g., Peach Bottom). As such, many of those cost estimates reflect the cost for implementation in two units. Since VYNPS is a single-unit site, some of the cost estimates should be one-half of what has been cited (i.e., Phase II SAMAs 29, 35, 40, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, and 54) while others are specific to a plant's design, such as the number of valves or batteries that need to be replaced or added (i.e., Phase II SAMAs 46, 55, and 60). For these cases, provide appropriate (specific to VYNPS) cost estimates. (Note that Phase II SAMAs 49, 50, 51, 53, and 54 are close to being potentially cost-beneficial when a 3 percent real discount rate is used.)
- c.
Phase II SAMA 27 uses the same analysis case (Strengthen Containment) as Phase II SAMAs 13, 18, and 19 to evaluate the benefit. Yet, Table E.2-1 lists SAMA 27 as having a CDF reduction of 0.0 percent, while all other SAMAs for this analysis case list a CDF reduction of 7.36 percent. Explain this discrepancy.
- d.
For Phase II SAMA 28 and 29 (and others) a 3 percent reduction in CDF was estimated by changing the time available to recover off-site power before high-pressure coolant injection/reactor core isolation coolant (RCIC) are lost from 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. According to Table E.1-8, late SBO sequences (Class IBL) contribute about 17 percent of the total CDF. Explain why only a 3 percent reduction in CDF was estimated for this SAMA.
- e.
For Phase II SAMA 42, a 1.3 percent reduction in offsite dose was estimated by reassigning the interfacing-systems loss-of-coolant accident (ISLOCA) sequences to the same end states as medium LOCAs. For Phase II SAMA 43, a 1.2 percent reduction in offsite dose was obtained by eliminating the CDF contribution due to ISLOCA. One would expect the dose reduction for SAMA 43 to be greater than that for SAMA 42. Also, the CDF contribution from ISLOCA is given in Table E.1-2 as 0.32 percent, while the CDF reduction from SAMA 43 is given as 0.83 percent.
Explain these apparent discrepancies.
- f.
Phase II SAMA 57 is stated to include items which reduce the contribution of anticipated transient without scram. Indicate which items are included.
- g.
Phase II SAMA 59 involves providing instrument signals to open SRVs for medium LOCA. Discuss whether the signals already exist in the automatic depressurization system.
- h.
Phase II SAMA 63, Control Containment Venting Within a Narrow Band of Pressure, is intended to eliminate failures associated with successful venting. The benefit of this SAMA was determined by reducing the operator failure to vent by a factor of three. It is not clear that reducing the failure to vent probability is related to the actual benefit from this SAMA. Also, the cost of $250,000 appears high for what appears to be a procedure and training issue. Justify the benefit and cost for this SAMA.
Phase II SAMA 64, Provide Cross Tie from the residual heat removal service water (RHRSW) System to residual heat removal Loop B, has an estimated CDF reduction of 0.2 percent. The description given in Table E.1-3 for term diesel fire pump and John Deere Diesel for Alternate Injection, though, indicates that this term involves a cross tie for fire protection to RHRSW and has a RRW of 1.0584.
Describe this SAMA more completely and indicate why the reduction in CDF is so small relative to the RRW.
- j.
In Table E.2-1, the percent change in CDF and population dose is reported for each analysis case. However, the change in the offsite economic cost risk (OECR) is not reported. Provide the change in the OECR for each analysis case.
- 7.
For certain SAMAs considered in the ER, there may be lower-cost alternatives that could achieve much of the risk reduction at a lower cost. In this regard, discuss whether any lower-cost alternatives to those Phase II SAMAs considered in the ER would be viable and potentially cost-beneficial. Evaluate the following SAMAs (previously found to be potentially cost-beneficial at other plants), or indicate if the particular SAMA has already been considered. If the latter, indicate whether the SAMA has been implemented or has been determined to not be cost-beneficial at VYNPS:
- a.
Use portable generator to extend the coping time in loss of ac power events (to power battery chargers.
- b.
Enhance direct current (dc) power availability (provide cables from diesel generator or another source to directly power battery chargers).
- c.
Provide alternate dc feeds (using a portable generator) to panels supplied only by dc bus.
- d.
Modify procedures and training to allow operators to cross-tie emergency ac buses under emergency conditions which require operation of critical equipment.
- e.
Develop guidance/procedures for local, manual control of RCIC following loss of dc power.