ML050060114 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Hope Creek |
Issue date: | 12/23/2004 |
From: | Public Service Electric & Gas Co |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
TAC MC5111 80062466 Rev 3 | |
Download: ML050060114 (174) | |
Important-to-Safety: YES CD NO M
[Salem] Q-Listed YES E NO El N/A
[Hope Creek] Q a . Qs El Qsh El F E R El N/ADn REVIEWERS/APPROVERS: (Type names and dates below, see SAP Operations for Electronic Signature)
RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER REVIEWERICHECKER DESIGN VERIFIER Phil Stashak 12-15-04 R. Zielinskli 12-16-04 R.Vadhar 12-22-04 (420) (422) (424)
INTERNAL PACKAGE EXTERNAL PACKAGE PSEG NUCLEAR FINAL APPROVAL APPROVAL ACCEPTANCE REVIEW (Internal packages only) (External packages only) (External packages only)
N/A J.Gorga (0401) 12-21-04 J. Bisti (0398) 12-23-04 M.Khan (0399)12-23-04 SORC CHAIRMAN SORC MEETING NUMBER STATION APPROVAL STATION APPROVAL N/A A NNIA N/A DEPARTMENT/SPECIALTY INTERFACE I ALARA (0381) Implementation &Test EPU Electrical 12-17-04 Pipe Stress (0400)
Ken Watson 12-17-04 (0382) F.Soberano 12-22-04 Larry Hajos (0396) P. Stashak 12-21-04 Cable Mgmt (0383) Electrical (0384) Electric Load Mgmt. OPS (0388)
Paul Finch 12-16-04 Govindh Modi 12-16-04 M. Quadir (0385) 12 M. Shaffer 12-22-04 04 Digital Systems (0386) EPU I&C Digital (0387) Station Planning Engineering Mechanical Paul Beckman 12-20-04 Jim Metro 12-21-04 (0389) Lane Corbett (0390 WCMP 12-16-04 K. Mathur 12-21-04 Page 1 of 71 NVC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(Q2), Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 Discipline / Specialty Interface (cont'd)
HC-NSSS System Component Engineering Valve Group Fire Protection Engineering Marrk Ghose (0398) Doug Groves (0397) Mark Adair (0393)
(0391) 12-20-04 12-20-04 12-17-04 Pete Kordziel 12-15-04 Penetration Seals Seis Il/I Mark Adair (0394) Gary Luh (0392) 12-17-04 12-17-04 AFFECTED DOCUMENT PREPARERSIREVIEWERS DISCIPLINE PREPARER REVIEWER Civil/ Structural (S) J. Lu 12-16-04 Rohit Vadhar 12-16-04 Digital (K) N/A N/A Electrical ( Bob Mollica 12-16-04 Phil Stashak 12-16-04 Instrument& Controls (I) Jerry Almonte 12-17-04 Jim Metro 12-17-04 Mechanical (M) Ben May 12-16-04 Phil Stashak 12-16-04 Pipe Stress/ Supports (H) Ben May 12-16-04 Phil Stashak 12-16-04 Programmatic (P) N/A N/A Page 2 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(QJ, Rev 8
(Form 3) 5 DESIGN BASIS/DESIGN BASIS IMPACT (Form 4) 10 DETERMINATION OF EQUIVALENCY (Form 5) N/A AFFECTED DOCUMENTS LIST (ADL) (Form 6) 45 MATERIALS LIST (Form 7) 48 NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0059(Q) REVIEW 54 (Include completed forms from NC.NA-AS.ZZ-0059(Q) as applicable)
Design Input Record (Design & Temporary Changes only)- SUP 01 Data Acquisition System (DAS) Description - SUP02 Endevco Hardware: Accels, Charge Converter, High Temp. Wire, Signal Conditioner SUP03 Design Considerations Checklist SUP04 Pictogram - Monitoring Locations- Drywell Elevation 77' SUP05 Pictogram - Monitoring Locations- Drywell Elevation 100' SUP06 Pictogram - Monitoring Locations- Drywell Elevation 112' SUP07 Pictogram - Monitoring Locations -Drywell Elevation 121' SUPO8 Pictogram - Monitoring Locations - Turbine Bldg. Steam Tunnel El. 123' SUP09 Cable- Cable USA Data Sheet SUP10 Insulation Data And Insulation Modification Sketches SUP11 Accel Direction Pictograms SUP12 Deleted SUP 13 Wiring Block Diagram SUP 14 Page 3 of 71 JVC. CC-AP.ZZ-OO8O(Q), Rev' 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NC).: 3 PMCR SUP 15 Penetration Seal Work Release SUP 16 Deleted SUP 17 Accelerometer Mounting Block Diagram SUP 15 Strain Gage General Info SUP 19 Strain Gage Installation Instructions SUP 20 Drywell Vibration Monitoring Cable,Conduit, DAS Details SUP 21 Accelerometer/Strain Gage FLOCs, Cable#s, Node Points,Pen#s SUP 22 UFSAR Change Notice HCN 04-060 SUP 23 3300 XL Proximity Probe SUP24 TK1 5 Power Supply SUP25 Page 4 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(p), Rev 8
DCP Revision 3 Revisions ( 2 & 3) incorporated the request for more accelerometer monitoring locations in the drywell. The'turbine building scope as described in revision 1 has-not changed. The number of accelerometers increased from 48 to approximately 100 in the drywell. The increase in monitoring focused on the Recirc, RHR, and its components. In addition to the increase in accelerometers on the Recirc/RHR piping, accelerometers were added to the " B Recirc Pump Motor, F060A & B valve actuators, FO50A valve, F077 valve actuator. Proximity probes were also added to valves FO60A, FO60B, F077 to monitor the valve displacements because of vibration. DCP 80072763 provided the mounting details of the proximity probes. Since the number of accels increased, the amount of cable in the drywell increased, and another electrical penetration was needed to route the instrument signals form the drywell to data acquisition systems. Electrical penetration I CW200 was used for the Main Steam and Feedwater instrumentation. The original penetration 1BW202 was used for all Recirc/RHR accelerometer cables. The 1BW202 penetration is on the Recirc "B" Pump Side of the drywell. The 1CW200 penetration is on the Recirc 'A' Pump side of the drywell. Due to the location of the two penetrations, it was decided to use two data acquisition systems (64 channel max) for the drywell instrumentation.
Conduit routes the cable from the I CW200 to a data acquisition system located in the Reactor Building Room 4310. Conduit routes the cable from the 1BW202 penetration to a data acquisition system located in the Reactor Building Room 4303. The effects of the increase in cable in the drywell is discussed as it relates to the ECCS Strainer Blockage. The relocation of the data systems required new Fire Hazards Analysis (rooms 4310 & 4303) and a revision to the SAR HCN 04-060 to update FHA Tables included in the SAR Appendices. Penetration seals and new PSWRs were required in order to breach seals and reseal them for the conduit routings. The valve group was added to the DCP review since accelerometers are being mounted on the valve actuators. ADs were added /
revised to document the addition of accelerometers on the valves, pump, and the increase in the number of accels on the piping. Supplemental Records 5 thru 8 were revised to provide locations for the new accels in the drywell. Supplemental Records 11 & 12 were revised to show the orientation of the new accelerometers on the piping, equipment, and the provide insulation sketches for the new high hat designs. Supplemental Record 14 was revised to provide wiring details.
Supplemental Record 16 was revised to include the new PSWRs. Supplemental Record .18 was revised to provide the accel mounting block diagram for the Recirc Pump Motor. Supplemental Record 22 was created to incorporate the information originally provided in Tables 1 &2 and Supplemental Records 13 and 17. The UFSAR Change Notice is provided in Supplemental Record 23.
Page 5 of 71 MC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080)QJ, Rev &
80062466 3 Supplemental Record 21 was designed to provide direction for routing conduit from the electrical penetrations to the data acquisition systems located in room 4303 and 4310. The specification for the proximity probe sensors, and power supply are documented in Supplemental Record 24 and 25 respectively.
DCP Revision 2 (PreliminarvRelease) . - . . a . ~ .... . . ......
I, .. ,
This DCP revision was released to continue work in the field while the DCP Revision 3 was assembled.
DCP Revision 1 Steam Dryer failures have occurred at several plants due to implementation of Extended Power Uprate (EPU) and the associated increase in steam flow. To help facilitate the determination of the loads on the steam dryer due to the acoustic wave (pressure pulsations) in the main steam lines, strain gages will be installed on each of the four main steam lines. The acoustic wave (pressure pulsation) is thought by the industry to be a major contributor to the steam dryer cracking that has occurred at EPU power levels in several plants. This DCP was revised to incorporate the addition of strain gages to the Main Steam piping in the Turbine Building. Supplemental Records 13,14, 17, 19, 20 and the Critical Software Package were revised/added to update/provide strain gage information.
Supplemental Record 18 was added to aid in the Implementation & Test Plan.
Supplemental Record 10 was revised for editorial purposes. Affected Document (AD) H03, and the DIR were also revised to incorporate the strain gage information. The ALARA specialty checklist was revised to provide additional installation "wrench hourst . Supplemental Record 11 was revised to incorporate comments. This document was revised in its entirety.
Page 6 of 71 NCCC-AP.ZZ-0080Q), Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 I. Description of Change This Design Change Package (DCP) has been produced as a result of The PSEG Extended Power Uprate Project, in conjunction with General Electric (GE),
Task Report T-0318, ongoing EPU industry issues, and recurring plant vibration issues. Piping system monitoring will occur inside the drywell (room 4220),
turbine buildinrte'atffitU1rinel elevation 123' (room 1405/3491); and in feedwater water heater room 1504 at elevation 137'. The following piping systems will be monitored for vibration; Main Steam (drywell and turbine building), Feedwater (drywell and turbine Building), Extraction Steam, Recirc (and RHR inside drywell) and their associated valves and attached piping. The current scope monitors approximately 40 locations using about 100 accelerometers in the drywell.
Twenty-four accelerometers at ten locations, and twenty strain gages at eight
- locations will be monitored in the turbine building. The drywell instrumentation will be connected through drywell electrical penetrations I BW202 and I CW200 to data acquisition systems located in rooms 4303 and 4310. Cables are routed in conduits on the reactor building side of the installation through penetrations N-4330-002, S-4310-005 and N-4303-0, to the console mounted DAS systems. The DAS's will be powered via convenience outlets when data is to be obtained.
Based upon constructability walkdowns, another DAS setup will sit atop a cart, in the turbine building room 41 01, near the turbine building steam tunnel at elevation 123'. Cable inside the turbine building steam tunnel will be routed to this DAS through an existing grouted wall penetration (N-1401-001). The hardware, software, and data acquisition systems installed in accordance with this DCP are stand-alone systems. Information obtained from the DASs is not input into any permanent plant hardware or software system. Therefore, there is no effect on the Main Steam, Feedwater, Extraction Steam, Recirc or RHR.
System Design Functions from the monitoring of these piping systems.
II. Operational Condition/Mode required for Implementation This plant must be in an outage in order to implement this DCP. The installation of the vibration monitoring devices and hardware on the piping systems does not compromise the integrity of the systems. However, access to the piping systems, turbine building wall penetration, and containment electrical penetration requires an outage.
ml. Technical Specification Action Statements Affected During Implementation There is no effect on the Main Steam,, Feedwater, Extraction Steam, Recirc, RHR and associated components and attached piping System Design Functions during implementation of this DCP.This modification does not require any changes to the Page 7 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(Q), Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 Technical Specifications and complies with statements and requirements of the Technical Specifications.
IV. Implementation and Testing Acceptance Criteria Procedure HC.MD-AP.ZZ-0004(Q) "General Guidelines For Temporary Power And Commu'ritatioh Cables Installation-And Removal" provides a method of installing ' -
temporary cable and ensuring personnel and equipment safety. In addition, E-1408 "Wire and Cable Notes and Details provides guidance for installing cable both inside and outside the Drywell.
In accordance with Procedure HC.MD-AP.ZZ-0004(Q) the following guidelines will be adhered to:
-Cable is not to be run in cable trays.
-One-inch separation is maintained between cable and class 1E conduit.
-No separation required between cable and non-class 1E conduit.
'Cables will be routed off the floor to prevent physical damage and create trip hazards.
-Cables will not be routed where water accumulates.
-Cable spans will be restrained to limit swinging during seismic events.
- Cable will be supported using structural steel, support steel, equipment supports, cable trays as long as separation criteria is met. The span of cable between supports should not exceed 10 feet.
'Engineering will conduct walkdowns to ensure supporting requirements and cable separation criteria are met.
In addition to the above, the following installation steps will be followed; In the vicinity of the accelerometer and remote charge converter on the piping, the cable will be banded to the insulation jacketing with stainless steel banding.
As a minimum, the cables will be labeled for identification near the remote charge converter, on both sides of the CTMT penetration (for drywell installation), and near the data acquisition systems.
Cables will be supported from structural steel, support steel, equipment supports, cable trays (Non-1 E) with appropriate cable straps. Raychem may be use as a sleeve for the stainless steel tie-wraps. On the reactor building side of the CTMT penetration, conduit will be installed between the cabinet and CTMT penetration. This will provide support for the cable. Inthe turbine building the cable will be banded to the pipe and then supported off of structural and building steel using unistrut, unistrut clamps, and tie wraps.
Separation Criteria is not a requirement in the turbine building. All Welding shall be in accordance with the Nuclear Business Unit Welding and Brazing Manual. Expansion anchor bolts will be used to anchor support structures for cable in the Turbine Building Steam tunnel vestibule. The Cut Rebar & Core Drilling Program (NC.DE-TS.ZZ-4007(Q))
will be adhered to, ensuring that no Rebar is cut who engineering approval per the program.
Page 8 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(Q), Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 Raychem will be used to encapsulate the Endevco Remote Charge Converters, BNC connectors, and BNC Breakouts to preclude the possibility of FME concerns. Each accelerometer, before it is screwed into the mounting block will be tested using a handheld shaker. A 1g acceleration at a frequency of 159hz will be applied through the shaker to the accel. This acceleration and frequency will be confirmed at the Digital Acquisition System (DAS). Different results at the DAS will require troubleshooting. Once the accelerometer (and wiring) ispr6oven to be functional, the accelerometer;is torqued to_.
the mounting block and the mounting block tapped (pinged) to ensure the accelerometer and wiring were not damaged when the accel was mounted to the block. Once all the accels on a particular mounting block are proven functional, the "high hat" can be installed over the mounting block and attached securely to the pipe insulation jacketing.
This process is repeated for all mounting blocks.
The strain gages will be spot welded to the Main Steam pipe in the turbine building using a Portable strain gage welding and soldering unit. They are installed per details provided in Supplemental Record 19, the NBU Welding and Brazing Manual, and calibrated per Supplemental Record 20.
The proximity probes shall be calibrated IAW with manufacturing recommendation documented in VTD 327412. The power supplied to the proximity sensors shall be -17.5 to -26 VDC.
If any of the above restrictions or installation steps cannot be met, engineering should be contacted for clarification.
It is important to note that this DCP installs vibration monitoring equipment; instrumentation, cable, accelerometers, and digital acquisition systems to obtain vibration information on specific piping systems. This DCP does not include information pertaining to when the tests will be performed, nor does it provide testing acceptance criteria for the piping being monitored. This information is provided in the Test Plan.
V. Pictogram See Figures 1 thru 7.
VI. Training The Data Acquisition System will be operated by trained contract personnel.
However, plant personnel can be trained to operate the system once it has been installed, tested and its performance, verified. Plant personnel were trained on a similar system in support of the recent Recirc/RHR Vibration Monitoring TMOD.
Page 9 of 71 NC. CC-AP.ZZ-008O0Q9, Rev 8
In 1986 and 1987, in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.68 (Initial Test Programs For Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants) and UFSAR section 14.2, Hope Greek performed-X a test and startup program. The test and startup program consisted of three phases: the Phase I Construction Verification Test Program, the Phase II Preoperational Test Program, and the Phase III Power Test Program. The Construction Verification Test Program commenced during and immediately following construction. The objective of this program was to verify proper installation of structures, components, and equipment in accordance with design specifications. The program included static.and dynamic tests, calibration, initial energization, functional checks, hydrostatic tests, meggering of cables/equipment and flushing or cleaning of oil systems. The Preoperational Test Program (Phase II)began with component / system turnover and terminated with commencement of initial fuel load. It consisted of two parts: the initial system operating phase, and the system and integrated testing phase. During the initial system operating phase all activities including operational energization of systems, run-in of pumps, verification flushing and chemical cleaning of piping, and implementation of programs for preventive maintenance and system layup were performed. During System and Integrated Testing Phase preoperational test procedures on individual and integrated systems were performed, baseline data for inservice inspections were completed, and operating and surveillance procedures were finalized. The Power Test Program - Phase III commenced with the start of nuclear fuel loading and terminated with the completion of power ascension testing. Formal tests, denoted as startup tests, were conducted during this program. These tests confirmed the design basis and demonstrated, that the plant would operate and respond to anticipated transients and postulated accidents as designed. Startup testing was sequenced to ensure that plant safety was not dependent upon the performance of untested structures, systems, or components.
This Design Change Package (DCP) has been produced as a result of The PSEG Extended Power Uprate Project, in conjunction with General Electric (GE), Task Report T-0318, ongoing EPU industry issues, and recurring plant vibration issues. Piping system monitoring will occur inside the drywell (room 4220), turbine building steam tunnel elevation 123' (room 1405/3491), and in feedwater water heater room 1504 at elevation 137'. The following piping systems will be monitored for vibration to ensure that the vibratory levels of the selected piping systems are within acceptable limits for those operating conditions anticipated during service.; Main Steam (drywell and turbine building), Feedwater (drywell and turbine Building), Extraction Steam, Recirc (and RHR inside drywell. and their associated components and attached piping).
Page 10 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(9), Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 _. REVISION NO.: -3 Drvwell Monitoring (Room 4220 )
The Main Steam, and Feedwater systems are to be monitored because of their significant increases in flow to achieve increases in thermal power. In addition to these systems, the Recirc/RHR system inside the drywell will be monitored due to past and present plant vibration issues. The small bore piping attached to the Recirculation (Recirc) suction elbows has experienced numerous vibration-related cracks, since plant startup. The "vibration'levels have bee'n correlated to specifi6 Recirc pump speeds' andl Oprating Procedures have been revised to limit system operation at those pumps speeds. Work performed within several previous DCPs implemented for the small bore Recirc piping included the addition of tie-back supports to minimize differential pipe movement, and the addition of strain gages and accelerometers to monitor pipe motion. Notification 20209339 documents recent issues with the Recirc /RHR piping and associated valves inside the drywell.
The current scope monitors approximately 40 locations using about 100 accelerometers and 3 proximity probes in the drywell. . The instrumentation will be connected through drywell electrical penetrations I BW202 and I CW200 routed through conduit to data acquisition systems located in rooms 4303 and 4310. The DAS's will be powered via convenience outlets when data is to be obtained. Functional Locations (F-LOCS) were created for each accelerometer and proximity probes. Insulation at the monitored large bore piping locations will be temporarily removed. Strapping, banded around the piping and prefabricated accelerometer mounting brackets will be installed at the large bore pipe monitoring locations. The accelerometers will be installed. Then, the insulation will be reinstalled. See Fig.1 and Supplemental Record 11. Small-bore piping will be instrumented using band clamps (similar to hose clamps) to secure the accelerometers to the piping. The weight of the accelerometers and mounting configurations are insignificant in comparison to the weight of the piping being monitored. Therefore, there is no impact on the dynamic response of the piping systems with the monitoring and mounting devices installed.
Page 11 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(o, Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 Turbine Building Monitoring Information Twenty-four accelerometers at ten locations will be monitored in the turbine building.
Main Steam, Feedwater, and Extraction Steam will be monitored at 9 locations in the turbine building steam tunnel rooms 1405 / 3491 Elevation 123'. One location in Feedwater Heater Room 1504 Elevation 123' will be monitored. Functional Locations (F-LOGS) were created for eachi acc-eleromeer:'.'rIsufation at the niodnit6red large bof6 piping locati'ons'will be temporarily removed. Strapping, banded around the piping, and a prefabricated accelerometer mounting bracket, will be installed at the large bore pipe monitoring locations.
The accelerometers will be installed. Then, the insulation will be reinstalled. See Fig.1.
Inaddition, twenty strain gages with protective covers will be installed on all four Main Steam pipes. Two strain gages will be installed in the hoop direction at eight locations on the main steam lines, two locations on each main steam line. In addition, two strain gages will be installed in the longitudinal direction at two locations to measure the amount of bending on the pipe. The insulation at the specified locations will be temporarily removed, the strain gages spot-welded to the pipe, the protective cover slipped over the strain gage, and the insulation reinstalled.
The cable from both Elevation 123' and 137' will be routed to a cart mounted DAS located in the room adjoining the turbine building steam tunnel - room 1401. The cable from the feedwater heater room at elevation 137' can be routed through floor grating located near room 1504 to the DAS on elevation 123'. Cable inside the turbine building steam tunnel will be routed through an existing grouted wall penetration (N-1401-001) to the DAS located in the adjoining room (room 1401).
Page 12 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080)J, Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 ECCS Suppression Pool Strainer Blockage The ECCS is designed to provide protection against postulated loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs) caused by ruptures in reactor coolant pressure boundary (RCPB) piping. The ECCS injection network consists of an HPCI system, a core spray system, Automatic Depressurization (ADS)'Yrid.the Low Pressure Coolant Injection (LPCI),rnode of the RHR system. The installation of any commodities within the drywell creates concerns that these commodities can be dislodged, transported to the suppression pool, and clog the suppression pool strainers. The clogging of the suppression pool strainers could hinder or disable the ability of the plant to respond to accidents requiring ECCS operation.
Engineering Evaluation H-1 -BB-MEE-1 168 revision 1 identifies insulation sources inside the drywell and determines the amount of insulation transported to the drywell due to applicable pipe breaks identified in UFSAR Section 3.6. Several High Energy Pipe Breaks were evaluated for insulation damage potential which included; Main Steam, Feedwater, Recirc Suction, Recirc/RHR Line, Recirc Suction riser. Three breaks were chosen for more detailed analysis; Recirc Suction, Feedwater, and Recirc Suction Riser. The following summarizes the results of this analysis provided in Table 8.3.10 of Engineering Evaluation H-1 -BB-MEE-1 168; Recirc suction pipebreak 365.7 ft3 FW Break 244.5 ft3 Recirc Suction Riser 404.5 ft3 This DCP will install approximately 15000 ft. of cable in the drywell. Using a cable OD of
%",and assuming that all of the cable is damaged and falls into the wetwell, a total volume of approximately 5 ft3 is added to the wetwell.
The results tabulated in table 8.3.10 reveal that locations and angles relative to the pipe breaks were used as parameters in determining impacted targets (pipe) and damaged insulation. Based upon these values we see that 78% of the insulation damaged below the grating at elevation 100' became wetwell debris, compared to 28% of the insulation damaged above elevation 100'. Most of the insulation damaged above elevation 100' was considered to be screened by the grating. Therefore it is extremely conservative to consider that all of the cable added to the drywell regardless of its location relative to the postulated pipe break locations is delivered to the wetwell. Even with this gross assumption, less than 5 cubic feet of material becomes potential ECCS strainer blockage debris. This is less than a 1.5% of the wetwell debris calculated for the Recirc Suction riser pipe break scenario. The calculated volume of wetwell debris attributed to the added cable is negligible. No further evaluation is required.
Page 13 of 71 AFC.CC-AP.ZZ.O08O0(09. Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 Electrical General The 'vibration monitoring equipment will be.installed in the fall of.2004 (1RI 2) for baseline data acquisition. Inthe 2006 (1R13) outage the Extended Power Uprate (EPU) will be implemented, and the monitoring equipment will be used during power ascension. The equipment will most likely be removed during the following refueling outage (1R14). See Figures 6 & 7 for typical wiring configurations. Since this is not a permanent installation the Genesis Report is not impacted, the cable code is not initiated and terminal boxes will be labelled with the DCP number, only.
Cable Routing Procedure HC.MD-AP.ZZ-0004(Q) "General Guidelines For Temporary Power And Communication Cables Installation And Removal" provides a method of installing temporary cable and ensuring personnel and equipment safety.
Inaccordance with Procedure HC.MD-AP.ZZ-0004(Q) the following guidelines will be adhered to:
Cable is not to be run in cable trays.
One-inch separation is maintained between cable and class I E conduit.
No separation required between cable and non-class I E conduit.
Cables will be routed off the floor to prevent physical damage and create trip hazards.
Cables will not be routed where water accumulates.
Cable spans will be restrained to limit swinging during seismic events.
Cable will be supported using structural steel, support steel, equipment supports, cable trays as long as separation criteria is met.
Alara concepts will be utilized in cable routing per walkdowns performed during last refueling outage and recent mini -outage with installation engineers and Installation personnel.
Engineering will conduct walkdowns to ensure supporting requirements and cable separation criteria is met.
In addition to the above, the following installation steps will be followed; Raychem Splices shall be IAW E-1408-0 "Wire and Cable Notes and Details".
In the vicinity of the accelerometer and remote charge converter on the piping, the cable will be banded to the insulation jacketing with stainless steel strapping.
Page 14 of 71 IC.CC-AP.ZZ-00802), Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 As a minimum, the cables will be labeled for identification near the remote charge converter, near the CTMT penetration (for drywell installation), and near the data acquisition systems. Due to the lack of space on the labels, the first characters of the cable label have been omitted. When data is to be obtained, the data acquisition systems (DASs) in the reactor and turbine buildings will be powered by 120 VAC convenience outlets. Data will normally be obtained over 2 minute intervals. When the DAS is not be used it will be unplugged.
Cables will be supported from structural steel, support steel, equipment supports, cable trays with cable straps made of stainless steel or tefzel. A review of primary containment raceway drawings reveals that there are no Class 1E raceways inside primary containment. Class I E cable is routed in conduit in primary containment.
Therefore, attaching the accelerometer cable to cable tray supports is acceptable and does not violate separation criteria. On the reactor building side of the CTMT penetration, conduit will be installed between the data acquisition systems and the CTMT penetration. This will provide support for the cable. In the turbine building the cable will be banded to the pipe and then supported off of structural and building steel using unistrut, unistrut clamps, and tie wraps. Separation Criteria is not a requirement in the turbine building.
Near the accelerometers, the Endevco Remote Charge Converter, BNC connector, and BNC Breakout will all be wrapped in shrink tubing. Normally the Endevco Remote Charge Converter is wrapped in a teflon sleeve. The BNC breakout has teflon as an insulator in the connector and PVC is used inthe insulation material for the pigtail wires which are 7 inches in length. The BNC Breakout (Pomona Model # 4970-See Supplemental Record 10) does not meet IEEE 383 or UL91 0 requirements. However, this part has been used with great success at other nuclear facilities performing similar vibration analysis. Shrink tubing will be used to encapsulate the Endevco Remote Charge Converter, BNC connector, and BNC Breakout to preclude the possibility of FME concerns. In addition, all components installed in this DCP will most likely be refueling outage 1R14.
If any of the above restrictions or installation steps cannot be met, engineering should be contacted for clarification.
The cable used is IEEE-383 flame rated CableUSA I 8AWG, 2 conductor with a drain wire rated for 302 0F. This cable does not have a radiation rating but has been used successfully at several other nuclear facilities for similar applications. For some applications Okonite I 8AWG, 2 conductor with a drain wire (IEEE-383 rated) was substituted for the CableUSA wire.
The High Temperature Endevco Cable 3075M6, used between the Remote Charge Converter and the Accelerometers has a temperature rating in excess of 9000F. This cable is constructed of a fiberglass jacket over a stainless outer sheath. Both ends of the cable are terminated with a glass-fired connector. Although flame tests have not been performed on this item, the lack of combustible items in the construction of this Page 15 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(0_). Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 cable, along with its high temperature rating assures compliance with the intent of the UL flame test requirements.
Page 16 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080cQ), Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 Containment Penetrations 1BW202 & 1CW200 In determining the impact of this DCP on the containment penetration two concerns are applicable; type of cable and circuitry (class 1E vs. non-classl E)and penetration short circuit analysis.
Type of Cable Containment penetrations I BW202 and 1CW200 are I&C penetrations with Non-class 1E cables connected to it. None of the accelerometer cables are part of a Class 1E circuit. Therefore we are in compliance with UFSAR section that states non-class I E circuits are not routed in penetrations containing class 1E circuits.
Short Circuit Analysis An evaluation has been performed to ensure the integrity of the containment electrical penetration I BW202 & I CW200. Calculation E- 7.13 was reviewed to determine the impact of connecting the wiring for the accelerometer, remote charge converters, and proximity probes to Containment Electrical Penetrations I BW202 & 1CW200. Calc E-7.13 is titled "Penetration Assembly Protection". The piezoelectric accelerometer is a self-generating device that requires no external power source for operation. It is connected to the DAS system through a remote charge converter and uses a high impedance cable. There is an external 18 volt power supply to the remote charge converter which carries milliamps through high impedance cable. The 3 proximity probes are also low powered devices with a total load rating of 24 VDC @60 milliamps. These high impedance circuits carry milliamp signals, only. This type of circuit has been addressed in calc E-7.13 Section h pages 6 and 7. The section states "...the continuous ratings for these penetrations are considerably higher than the maximum short circuit current they may be expected to experience." Therefore, the milliamp circuits installed per this DCP cannot create a short circuit challenge to the penetration. No further evaluation of the penetration is required.
Vibration Monitoring Equipment Data Acquisition System The DAS is a PC Pentium 4 based high speed digital data acquisition system. The system will accept a minimum of 48 channels of analog signals. The input channels are low passed (anti-alias) filtered, then fed into the analog to digital converter (ADC) where each channel is amplified and digitized at a rate of 1024 samples per second per channel which provides useable bandwith from I to 300 hz. The ADC is a single card installed in the computer. The filters and ADC card are manufactured by National Instruments. The digitized data from the ADC is recorded directly to the hard disk. Data is stored on the hard disk in a binary format to maximize data storage capacity. Each file is time and date stamped and provided with a unique, update file name. After storage to the hard disk, the vibration data can be written to a CD-RW drive. The desktop PC Page 17 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(c), Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 provided with the system will meet the following minimum requirements: Intel Pentium 4, CPU 3.0 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 80 GB hard Drive, 48X Internal CD Rom, internal 16x1 Ox4Ox CD-RW drive, 3.5" Floppy, mouse, keyboard, 17" SVGA Monitor with 1024 x 768 resolution. The operating system is Windows 2000 Professional. The VDAS software is based on National Instrument's Lab view graphical interface software that provides virtual instrument to acquire, real time process and store high-speed digital data.
All operations are mouse controlled. Any two channels of data may be selected and observed on the monitor in real time as time history or frequency spectrum with both root-mean-square and maximum and minimum values indicated. After two minutes of recording, the system stops recording. The file is identified by the file name, which includes a date and time stamp. Also, a description of the test is entered form the keyboard. Along with the data file is a text file with all the VDAS settings (gain, conversion factors, sample rate, number of channels). At the end of the test the operator transfers the data to the CD drive for permanent storage. Data analysis is performed after the test. The root mean square (rms) values for each accelerometer channel for each test condition are extracted from the recorded data. The rms values are printed out in a spreadsheet along with the acceptance criteria and a ratio of the rms to the acceptance criteria. The spreadsheet is labeled with the test condition, time and date of the test.
Remote Charge Converter (RCC) (Endevco Model 2771 B-1)
The two ounce stainless steel encased device transforms a high impedance charge output, such as a signal from a high temperature piezoelectric accelerometer, into a low impedance voltage proportional to the transducer' charge. The RCC is powered by the constant current source inside the signal conditioner. Allowable operating range for this unit is -400F to 212 0F . The unit can operate up to 95% relative humidity and can handle radiation fields up to I x 10 E6 rads integrated gamma. The HCGS Environmental Design Criteria D7.5 Table 1(Drywell) lists the maximum temperature of the drywell as 150 0F, the humidity is 90% and the radiation field is 2.3E7rads/40 years. The HCGS Environmental Design Criteria D7.5 Table 6 (turbine building steam tunnel rooms 1405/3491 lists the maximum temperature 1301F, the humidity is 90% and the radiation field is 3.5E6rads/40 years. The RCC is typically provided with a Teflon sleeve. For this application, since Teflon is restricted, the RCC will be encased with a Raychem Sleeve configuration in lieu of the Teflon sleeve. The remote charge converter is strapped to the bracket or pipe insulation within 12 feet of the accelerometer such that there is no relative displacement between the accelerometer and the charge converter. The accelerometer operates in a charge mode and produces picocoulcombs (PcCbs) proportional to the acceleration. The RCC converts the PcCbs to volts. While in the charge mode the accelerometer lead cable is sensitive to relative motion (produces charge) and the cable capacitance is a factor in the noise calculation (longer cable between accel and RCC creates more capacitance and higher noise). The best practice Page 18 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(Q), Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION N9O.: 3 is to keep the accelerometer lead short and tied down. Also the lead is a special type of coaxial cable (in this case Endevco High temperature cable assemblies Model #
3075M6) that minimizes capacitance and charge creation and is generally not long.
Between the RCC and the DAS, the cable is insensitive to noise and motion.
Signal Conditioner (Endevco Model 2793)
The signal conditioning device provides an I 8VDC, 4-1OmA bias power to each charge converter and receives the vibration signal from the accelerometers, The unit'provides DC Power to the RCC and performs no amplification, integration or filtering. The shield for the entire cable from charge converter to DAS will be grounded only at the DAS. The signal conditioners are installed in the cabinet or cart in the Reactor Building (room 4322) and Turbine Building room 1401.
Accelerometers (Endevco Model 7703A-1 00)
The accelerometers weigh 1 ounce and have a stainless steel case. The temperature measurement range is -670F to 5500F. The unit is hermetically sealed with the signal return isolated for the case. The unit can operate at 100% relative humidity and can handle radiation fields up to I OE8 rad integrated gamma flux. The unit response is directional along the axis of the mounting stud, so the mounting arrangement, and number of accelerometers, depends on the piping location needs. Piezoelectric accelerometers are light compact sensors that measure vibration using a mass mounted on a piezoelectric crystal. The output is proportional to acceleration input and is low so it requires a charge amplifier in the lead. Higher temperature applications require an additional charge amplifier. The accelerometers meet the environmental requirements, have prior success in BWR operating environments and are adequate to obtain the required information.
Proximity Transducer System (Model 3300 XL)
The 3300 XL system consist of 3 main parts: probe, sensor and cable. The 3300 XL system is capable of both static (position) and dynamic (vibration) measurements. This system provides an output voltage directly proportional to the distance between the probe tip and the observed conductive surface. The temperature measurement range is
-60F to 351 OF for the probes and -31 OF to 1850F for the sensor. The unit can operate at 100% relative humidity. The 3300 XL proximitor sensor is highly immune to radio frequency interference and therefore will not require special shielded conduit or metallic housing. The 3300 XL proximity sensor will be supplied with 24 VDC using a Bently Nevada TK15 power supply. The proximity probes will be used to measure the displacements of the valve stems for F077, F60A and F60B relative to the its valve's stem protector. DCP 80072763 provided the mounting details of the proximity probes.
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CHANGE NO: 80062466 .
, REVISION NO.: 3 Fire Protection The overall HCGS fire protection program is based on the evaluation of potential fire hazards throughout the plant and on the effects of postulated fires on the performance of safe shutdown functions. Consistent with other safety requirements, systems, structures, and components, including those required for safe shutdown are designed and located to minimize the'probability and effect of fires. The Auxiliary Building, Reactor building, and Turbine building are separated from each other by 3-hour fire walls. Redundant safety related components are separated form each other and the rest of the plant by 3-hour fire barriers, and or separated by 20 feet. The following is a list of designated Fire areas per Fire Area drawings M-5114, and M-5115 for rooms where cable and monitoring equipment are added;; drywell room 4220 (RB7), reactor building rooms 4303 (RB2) and 4310 (RBI), turbine building rooms 1401(TBl), 1405/3491(TBI),
and 1504(TBl).
Although we are adding cable to the drywell and safety related equipment is prevalent throughout the drywell, no fire hazards analysis is performed for the drywell per Table 9A-1 " Fire Hazards Analysis'. The drywell is inerted during operation, making a fire impossible. The main concern for fire inside the drywell occurs during refueling and maintenance operations. During refueling and maintenance operations in the drywell, portable fire extinguishers, in addition to the hose stations, are adjacent to the work area and readily available for use by plant personnel. Self-contained breathing apparatus is provided near the containment entrances for firefighting personnel. Therefore, no further analysis of the drywell for implementation of this DCP is required.
Cables will be added to Turbine Building Rooms 1401, 1405/3491 and 1504. Another DAS sitting atop a cart will be stored in room 1401. Per Fire Area Drawings M-5115, these rooms are designated as Fire Area TB1. No safety related equipment exists in.
any of these rooms. These rooms are not listed in Table 9A-4 "Fire Areas and Associated Room Numbers" and Table 9A-1 "Fire Hazards Analysis Summary".
Therefore, no Fire Hazards Analysis is required for installation of the cable and/or monitoring equipment in these rooms.
Vibration of Drywell piping and components will require the use of two digital acquisition systems (DAS) that will be installed in reactor building rooms 4303 and 4310. The DAS's located in rooms 4303 and 4310 (Reactor Building) consist of metal consoles, (non combustibles) and combustibles which include; desktop computers, data acquisition hardware components, and an assumed amount of paper, pencils, and nearby reference materials. A review of the Fire Hazards Analysis performed for DCP 4EC-3186 (installed vibration monitoring equipment and DAS to measure recirc vibration) shows that the weight assumptions for combustibles are applicable for this installation. Therefore, it is assumed that the equipment will add approximately 50 pounds of combustible plastic to the room. It is also assumed that paper, pencils, and reference materials will add an additional 25 pounds of combustible material to the Page 20 of 71 NVC.CC-.AP.ZZ-OO0O0QJ, Rev'8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 room. This correlates to an additional heat load of 1.1 E6 Btus (Fire Load) added to rooms 4303 (Fire Area RB2) and 4310(Fire Area RB1). The weight of combustible commodities and the fire loads will be updated in Table 9A-1 " Fire Hazards Analysis Summary" (sheet 29), Table 9A-8 " Fire Hazards Analysis Tabulation Summary" (sheet 17), and Table 9A-9 "Fire Hazards Analysis Tabulation" (sheet 17) for the new fire loading in rooms 4303 and 4310. See SAR Change Notice HCN 04-060.
Room 4303 (RB2)
Local Affect (Room 4303)
Paper - 8000Btu/Lb x 25 Lbs = 200,000 BTUs Plastic - 18,000 Btu/Lb x 50 Lbs 900,000 BTUs Total = 1.1 E6 BTUs Area of Room = 2304.5 ft2 New Load (Paper + Plastic) = 1.1 E6 BTUs / 2304.5 ft2 = 477 BTUs/ ft2 Cable weight = 27# / 1000 ft, Assume 70 cables with 10' of cable exposed = 700' of exposed cable, equivalent to approx. 19 Ibs (New Load Cable) = 19 Lbs x 5000 BTUs / Lb 9.5E4 BTUs 9.5E4 BTUs / 2304.5 ft2 = 41 BTUs/ ft2New Load (Paper + Plastic + Cable) = 477 BTUs/ ft2+ 41 BTUs/ ft2 =518 BTUs/ ft2 Existing Load = 70,000 BTUs/ft 2 Existing Load + New Load = 70,000 BTUs/ ft2+ 518 BTUs/ ft2= 70,518 BTUsI ft2 New Fire Duration = 70,518 BTUs/ ft2 180,000 BTUsl ft2 /hr x 60 min/hr = 52.9 minutes Old Fire Duration = 52.5 minutes rounded to 53 minutes Fire Area Affect - RB2 New Combustibles (Paper + Plastics + Cables) =1.1 E6 BTUs + 9.5E4 BTUs = 1.195E6 BTUs Area(RB2) = 26908 ft2 Increased Load = 1.1 95E6 BTUs / 26906 ft2 = 44.4 BTUs/ ft2 Fire Severity Increase = 44.4 BTUs/ ft2 I 80000 BTUs/ ft2 I hr x 60 min/hr = .03 minutes Page 21 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(Q2, Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 Room 4310 (RB 1)
Local Affect (Room 43100)
Paper - 8000Btu/Lb x 25 Lbs = 200,000 BTUs Plastic- 18,000 Btu/Lb x 50 Lbs = 900,000 BTUs Total = 1.1 E6 BTUs Area of Room = 3226 ft2 New Load (Paper + Plastic) = 1.1 E6 BTUs / 3226 ft2 = 341 BTUs/ ft2 Cable weight = 27# / 1000 ft, Assume 70 cables with 10' of cable exposed = 700' of exposed cable, equivalent to approx. 19 lbs (New Load Cable) = 19 Lbs x 5000 BTUs / Lb = 9.5E4 BTUs 9.5E4, BTUs / 3226 ft2 = 29 BTUs/ ft2 New Load (Paper + Plastic + Cable) = 341 BTUsl ft2+ 29 BTUs/ ft2 = 370 BTUs/ ft2 Exisiting Load = 57,700 BTUs/ft 2 Existing Load + New Load = 57700 BTUs/ ft2+ 370 BTUs/ ft2 = 58070 BTUs/ ft2 New Fire Duration = 58070 BTUs/ ft2 180,000 BTUs/ ft2 /hr x 60 min/hr = 43.5 minutes Old Fire Duration =43 minutes Fire Area Affect - RBI New Combustibles (Paper + Plastics + Cables) =1.1E6 BTUs + 9.5E4 BTUs = 1.195E6 BTUs Area(RB2) = 31145 ft2 Increased Load = 1.1 95E6 BTUs / 31145 ft2 = 38 BTUs/ ft2 Fire Severity Increase = 38 BTUs/ ft2 / 80000 BTUs/ ft2 / hr x 60 min/hr = .03 minutes Page 22 of 71 AC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(c), Rev 8
ICHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 The increase in combustibles due to the values for paper, plastics and cable from the data acquisition system in room 4310 is 1.195E6 BTUs. For the overall affect on the Fire Area RBI this value is compared to the combustible of 911.7E6 and a Fire Severity of 22 minutes listed in Table 9A-8 sheet 1.The increase in Fire Severity based upon a combustible load increase of 1.195E6 BTUs for Fire Area RB1 is .03 minutes. The localized affect of the increase in combustibles for room 4310 is an increase in the Fire Severity of .5 minutes. The new value is 43.5 minutes compared to the existing value of 43 minutes in Table 9A-8 sheet 17. The increases incombustible loads and the I resultant affects on Fire Severity at both the local level (affect on room 4310) and on the overall Fire Area (RB 1) are negligible. Installation of the data acquisition in room 4310 is acceptable.
The increase in combustibles due to the values for paper, plastics and cable from the data acquisition system in room 4303 is 1.195E6 BTUs. For the overall affect on the Fire Area RB2 this value is compared to the combustible of 829E6 and a Fire Severity of 23 minutes listed in Table 9A-9 sheet 1. The increase in Fire Severity based upon a combustible load increase of 1.195E6 BTUs for Fire Area RB2 is .03 minutes. The localized affect of the increase in combustibles for room 4303 is an increase in the Fire Severity of .5 minutes. The new value is 53 minutes compared to the existing value of 52.5 minutes in Table 9A-9 sheet 17. The increases in combustible loads and the resultant affects on Fire Severity at both the local level (affect on room 4303) and on the overall Fire Area (RB2) are negligible. Installation of the data acquisition in room 4303 is acceptable.
Penetration Seal The cables for the accelerometers in the Turbine Building Steam Tunnel (room 1405) will be routed through penetration seal N-1401 -001 to a DAS mounted on a cart in adjacent room 1401. Penetration Seal N-1401-001 is listed as a 3-hour fire seal. The grouted seal will be partially removed, conduit inserted, and cable routed through the conduit. The seal will be resealed and the conduit sealed with foam in accordance with Penetration Seal Work Release Nos. 5326 & 5327(see Supplemental Record No. 16).
Therefore, restoring the penetration seal to its 3-hour fire rating. The cables for the accelerometers in the Reactor Building from containment electrical penetration 1BW200 will be routed in conduit from the containment penetration to a DAS located in room 4303. Penetration 4303-002 will be partially removed and resealed lAW PSWR 5501.The cables for the accelerometers in the Reactor Building from containment electrical penetration I CW200 will be routed in conduit from the containment penetration to a DAS located in room 4310. Penetrations N-4330-002 and S-4310-005 will be partially removed and resealed lAW PSWRs 5502 and 5503.
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CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 Insulation The Main Steam, Feedwater, Extraction Steam piping, Recirculation (attached RHR ,and associated components) will be instrumented with approximately 130 accelerometers at approximately 50 16cations. Insulation at the-monitored large bore piping locations will be temporarily removed. Strapping, banded around the piping and prefabricated accelerometer mounting brackets will be installed at the large bore pipe monitoring locations. (Small-bore piping will be instrumented by using band clamps (hose clamps) in lieu of mounting blocks to secure the accelerometers to the piping.) The accelerometer(s) will be installed. Then, the insulation will be reinstalled. Supplemental Record 11 depicts the manner in which the insulation will be reconfigured for each size pipe OD, insulation thickness, and insulation jacket material. The insulation and jacket materials will be reconfigured with "high-hat" designs that will allow for the space occupied by the mounting blocks and accelerometers, and at the same time restore the insulation and jacketing to their original insulating performance. Therefore, environmental room temperatures where the accelerometers are mounted on the piping are not affected.
In addition, twenty strain gages with protective covers will be installed on all four Main Steam pipes. Two strain gages will be installed in the hoop direction at eight locations on the main steam lines, two locations on each main steam line. In addition, two strain gages will be installed in the longitudinal direction at two locations to measure the amount of bending on the pipe. The strain gages are approximately 1" long and .35" in width. The strain gage covers are approximately 1/8" in height. The insulation at the specified locations will be temporarily removed, the strain gages spot-welded to the pipe, the protective cover slipped over the strain gage, and the insulation reinstalled.
Since the insulation where the strain gages are to be installed is rigid insulation (Main Steam Piping, Turbine Building, 3 1/2Y thick) the insulation in the region of the strain gages will be required to be notched. A maximum of 1/2" in height over an area of 12" in length and 10" in width will be notched to allow for installation of the strain gages and covers. The volume of insulation to be removed at each of the 8 locations (approximately 60 cubic inches over an area of 12 inches in length) is negligible, compared to the existing 4156 cubic inches of insulation per foot of pipe. Since the performance of the insulation is directly related to the amount of insulation on the pipe, the 1.5% reduction in volume of insulation for 1 foot of pipe at 8 locations will have no impact on environmental room temperatures where the strain gages are installed. For all practical purposes, there is no reduction in performance of the insulation where the strain gages are installed.
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CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 Pipe Stress A modal analysis was performed on the as-modeled piping system to determine natural frequencies and mode shapes. The sensor (accelerometers) locations were determined based on a review of the mode shapes. The accelerometer locations correspond to node points with high-calculated modal displacements. Other factors used to determine accelerometer locations were; installation accessibility including ALARA concerns,.. .,
minimizing the impact to insulation, and redundancy of accelerometers.
The static loads such as weight and thermal expansion were not considered since these loads do not contribute to the steady-state vibration of the piping system. Additionally, seismic and relief valve loads, inertia and anchor movements are not considered since these loads are transient dynamic loads and do not contribute to the steady state vibration loads. Each sensor will measure the acceleration in one direction. The directions were selected on the results of the modal analysis. The lower modes of a piping system typically govern the response. The directions were selected to coincide with locations of high response and the maximum modal displacement.
To reduce installation time, the accelerometers will be located as low as reasonably possible to minimize scaffolding. Additionally the accelerometers that measure different directions will be grouped at each location to minimize the mounting block locations. At least two accelerometers will be used to measure vibration in each direction on the main run of pipe.
The mounting block configuration, with accelerometers, high temperature wire, and remote charge converter are typically banded to the piping as shown in Fig. 1.The weight of the accelerometers, remote charge converters and mounting block for any monitored location is less than 3.5 Ibs, total. (Small-bore piping will be instrumented by using band clamps (hose clamps) in lieu of mounting blocks to secure the accelerometers to the piping.) This weight is insignificant to the lbs/ft of the pipe being monitored. The weights of the mounting hardware and monitoring devices will have no impact on the adjacent pipe supports. In addition, the weights of the mounting hardware and monitoring devices (including insulation "high hats" ) will have no impact on the dynamic effects of the piping they are monitoring. Therefore, the results obtained with the monitoring devices and hardware installed on the piping, are still valid for the piping when the monitoring devices and hardware are later removed.
Twenty strain gages will be installed on the Main Steam piping (two strain gages at six locations and four strain gages at two locations) in the Turbine Building. The strain gages will be used to measure the magnitude of the acoustic wave (pressure pulsation) thought by the industry to be a major contributor to the steam-dryer cracking that has occurred at EPU Power Levels in several plants. The strain gage and protective cover weigh a few ounces. There is no impact to pipe stresses or the dynamic response of the piping due to the addition of the strain gages and covers.
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CHANGE NO: 80062466 _REVISION NO.: 3 The following table summarizes the PSEG stress calculations with monitored piping, and the corresponding vendor technical documents that document the monitoring locations.
PSEG Calculation I Revision Calculation Description Vendor Technical Document C-0141 / 10, C-0142 /10 Recirc Loop A+ RHR, Recirc Loop B + 326528 RHR, C-0120 / 8 Feedwater Inside Drywell 326529 C-1921 / 11 Feedwater Outside Drywell 326530 C-1011 /7 Extraction Steam Piping To FWHTR# 6 326527 C-0010 / 8 Main Steam Outside Drywell 326531 C-0122 /8 Main Steam Line 'A'Inside Drywell, 326532 Including SRVs A,JR C-0121 /7 Main Steam Line 'B'Inside Drywell, 326533 Including SRVs B,K,F,P Table 3 Seismic 1111 This DCP installs vibration monitoring equipment in the Containment, Reactor and Turbine buildings. The vibration monitoring equipment consists of accelerometers inserted in mounting brackets banded to the pipe. (Small-bore piping will be instrumented by using band clamps (hose clamps) in lieu of mounting blocks to secure the accelerometers to the piping.) Each accelerometer requires a remote charge converter that will be banded to the outside of the insulation jacketing near the accelerometer. See Figurel. Each cable will be routed from an accelerometer / remote charge converter to its data acquisition systems using the guidelines found in Procedure HC.MD-AP.ZZ-0004(Q) "General Guidelines For Temporary Power And Communication Cables Installation And Removal". The cable will be banded to the pipe and then tied off to structural steel, support steel, equipment supports, cable trays (non-1 E) with cable straps made of stainless steel or tefzel, as long as separation criteria is met. The drywell instrumentation will be connected through drywell electrical penetrations 1BW202 and 1CW200 to data acquisition systems located in rooms 4303 and 4310. The data Page 26 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080c09, Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 acquisition systems will be mounted in consoles restrained IAW NC.CC-AP.ZZ-001 1(Q) to meet the seismic 11/l requirement per DE-PS.ZZ-001 1(Q).
A second DAS setup will sit atop a cart (in lieu of a hardware cabinet), in the turbine building room 4101 (see fig. 4), near the turbine building steam tunnel at elevation 123'.
All carts to be used, will be restrained IAW NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0011 (Q)to meet the seismic 1l/1 requirement per DE-PS.ZZ-0011(Q).
DAS Software Package The quality assurance for the project software is documented following the guidelines of PSEG Procedures "Software Quality Assurance" NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0064(Q) Rev.2, and PSEG Procedure "Software Life Cycle Planning & Implementation" NC.IN-AP.ZZ-1000 Rev. 0. In accordance with NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0064(Q) Rev.2 Attachment 1, the software is classified as Level B. Level B software is software that "Indirectly Effects Nuclear Safety." Level B is defined as "Those applications important to compliance with regulatory requirements, commitments or required by law, and whose failure to operate as expected may have an indirect impact on nuclear safety, individual safety or other requirements / laws.' The applicable Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Elements of NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0064(Q) Rev.2 Attachment 2 are discussed in Structural Integrity Calc HC-04Q-1 09-001. The following SQA Elements are applicable; Configuration Of Custom Software, Testing Of Software, Error Notifications Following Delivery, Documentation, Training, and Records. In accordance with the requirements of NC.IN-AP.ZZ-1000(Q) Rev.0 "Software Life Cycle Planning & Implementation', Software Requirements Specification (SRS) and System Design Description (SDD) are addressed in Structural Integrity Calculations HC-04Q-1 09-002 and HC-04Q-109-003.
Structural Integrity Calculations HC-04Q-109-001 ("Project-Specific QA Plan For Software Testing"), HC-04Q-109-002 ("Project-Specific Software Requirements Specification And Software Requirements Review" ) and HC-04Q-1 09-003 ("Project-Specific Software Design Description") are located in the PSEG Document Management System as Critical Software Package H-1-ZZ-SCS-0253 (ADS01). The Critical Software Package is divided into several volumes (sections) as listed below; Volume 1 - Software Index Form Volume 2 - Software Requirements Specification Volume 3 - Software Design Description Volume 4 - QA Plan for software testing Volume 5 - System Backup Volume 6 - System Manuals Volume 7 - Test Implementation and Configuration Files Volume 8 - Hardware Components CE Certificates Page 27 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(Q), Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NsO.: 3 The following is a summary from the volumes of the Critical Software Package; Volume 2 - Software Requirements Specification The software shall run on Windows XP Professional operating system. The software shall include the following features:
- Accommodate two separate sets of transducer signals
- Read-in acquisition parameters from setup files
- Read-in transducer sensitivities and charge converter gains from setup
- Read-in allowable vibration levels from setup files
- Display simultaneously signals from any two channels either in time history or frequency spectrum format in engineering units
- Calculate and display in real time maximum, minimum and RMS values for two displayed channels
- Acquire simultaneously signals from up to 64 transducers in engineering units
- Acquisition duration shall be controlled by the operator
- Calculate the ratio of the acquired vibration signal vs. the allowable
- Produce a results file
- Produce a setup documentation file Volume Software Design Description The software requirements specified in Reference 4 shall be designed as follows:
- An input screen shall be created to allow the operator to specify the location of the transducer set. Selections shall be Drywell and Turbine Building
- An input screen shall be created to display the acquisition parameters that are read-in from the '** Config-General.txt' and '* Config Channels.txt' files, where
'**' is either DW (Drywell) or TB (Turbine Building). The acquisition parameters are: sampling rate, channel address, channel input limits, number of channels, and high and low frequency bound defining the analysis band of interest
- An input screen shall be created to display the transducer sensitivities and charge converter gains that are read-in from the '** Config CF and Allowable.txt' file, where '**' is either DW (Drywell) or TB (Turbine Building).
- An input screen shall be created to display the allowable vibration levels that are read-in from the Config CF and Allowable.txt' file, where '*' is either DW (Drywell) orTB (Turbine Building).
- All configuration files shall be adequately controlled. They shall be setup during the system installation, tested, and controlled as a critical software document.
Only a trained operator or an otherwise authorized user shall be permitted to alter its content.
- An acquisition screen shall be created capable of simultaneously displaying signals from any two channels. A toggle switch shall be included to allow the Page 28 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(Qj, Revp 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 . REVISION NO.: 3 operator to choose between time history or frequency spectrum format. All data shall be shown in engineering units.
- The software shall automatically calculate the maximum, minimum and RMS values of the streaming data for the two displayed channels. Displays for the calculated values shall be included on the acquisition screen.
- The software shall be able to simultaneously acquire signals from up to 64 transducers. The data shall be recorded in engineering units and stored to the computer hard-'driVe. The data file naming shall be automatic and thb name shall" be the year, date and time of the file creation (yyyymmddhhmmss). The data file extension shall be dta. The data file format shall be binary.
- Acquisition duration shall be controlled by the operator. Control dial for acquisition duration shall be included on the acquisition screen. Acquisition shall be initiated by the operator. Initiation button shall be included on the acquisition screen. Acquisition termination shall happen automatically.
- Upon termination of acquisition, the software shall automatically calculate an RMS value for the specified frequency band for all recorded channels. Further, the software shall automatically calculate the ratio between the calculated RMS and the allowable vibration RMS.
- A results file shall automatically be created. The file shall contain tabulated listing of all recorded channels, their calculated RMS values, the allowable RMS value for each channel, the ratio between the calculated and allowable RMS, and an OK/Exceeds flag.-The results file extension shall be res. The results file format shall be ASCII.
- A setup file shall automatically be created. The file shall contain tabulated listing of all the acquisition parameters, the transducer sensitivities and the charge converter gains, and the allowable vibration levels. The setup file extension shall be set. The setup file format shall be ASCII.
Volume QA Responsibilities SI responsibilities are:
- 1. Configuration of custom software
- 2. Testing of software
- 3. Error notifications following delivery
- 4. Documentation
- 5. Training
- 6. Records The above responsibilities are discussed in more detail, below. All other responsibilities, following delivery, are at the discretion of PSEG.
Configuration - SI will assemble a custom system for PSEG, per contract 4500226359 including Change Order 1. The system configuration is defined by the functional specifications of the system, provided in Appendix A.
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CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 Validation and Testing - The technical description, and test results for the delivered software will be provided in SI calc HC-04Q-301, to be included in the system documentation package. This document will also identify the project manager, the performer and the validation checker of the software. The validation and testing of the software will be done in accordance with Section 5.5 of Reference 2.
Error Notification - SI will provide error notification to PSEG for a period of years, from the date of delivery. An extension may be negotiated, if needed.
Additionally, SI will notify PSEG of future upgrades, as applicable. This will be done in accordance with Section 5.10 of Reference 2.
Training - SI will train PSEG personnel on the installation and operation of the system, per the terms of the contract. This will be done in accordance with the Section 5.6 of the Reference 2.
Documentation - The documentation provided will include Software Requirements Specification (SRS) and Software Requirements Review (SRR) as specified in Section 4.9 of Reference 2, Software Design Description (SDD) as specified in Section 4.10 of Reference 2, procedure to run the software and the validation test package.
Records - All SI records pertaining to this activity will be retained in the SI project records, per the SI QA Program. The records will be transmitted to PSEG upon request, or discarded after 2 years following the closure of this project, and upon notification to PSEG. This will be done in accordance with Section 6.1 of Reference 2.
Volume 5 -System Backup Data is initially collected to a computers hard drive. This data is then copied onto a CDROM for backup and use on other computers. Only the data files need to be backed up as everything else can be recreated by reinstallation.
Volume 6 - SVstem Manuals Before the data can be acquired, the user must go through all of the set-up screens (Define General Parameters, Define Conversion Factors, Define Allowable Vibration Levels) review the set-up variables and reenter values that require to be changed.
Some of the General Parameters that are checked are; sampling rate, number of channels, and bandpass filter frequency. A review of the transducer sensitivities and charge converter gains is part of the "Define Conversion Factors" review. The files that are generated for each test are stamped with a file name and extension.
Page 30 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080cQ). Rev 8
ICHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 Volume 7-Test Plan A 15MHz function/arbitrary waveform generator will be used to test the software. The specific one used is an Agilent model 33120A. This device was calibrated on 03/30/2004 and the calibration sheet is included in Appendix A. The Agilent 33120A is shown in Figure 1.
The VDAS HC software will be tested using the following steps:
Step 1:
Verify that two distinct sets of transducer signals can be accommodated. This includes the verification that configuration files are read in for acquisition parameters, transducer sensitivities, charge converter gains, and allowable vibration levels. Table 1 outlines the configuration files created for this verification. All the configuration files listed in Table 1 are included in Appendix A.
DW Config CF and a/lowable.txt This file defines parameters for 64 locations. Each location is assigned a value of 100 for sensitivity, I for gain, 1 for allowable, and g for units. These values should be correctly displayed in the UHC" window after selecting "Drywell" in the "HC" window. In addition, the allowable level should be correctly displayed in the 'HC" window.
DW Config genera/.txt This file defines parameters for 64 channels. This file gives a value of 1024 samples per second, 8 for number of modules, I for the low frequency cutoff, and 160 for the high frequency cutoff. These parameters apply to all channels. These values should be correctly displayed in the UHC" window after selecting "Drywell" in the UHC" window.
DW Config channels.txt This file defines the input limits for each of the 8 modules (There are eight channels per module). This file gives a value of 0.5 and -0.5 for the high and low input limits for all modules. These values should be correctly displayed in the UHC" window after selecting "Drywell" in the "HC" window.
TB Config CF and allowable.txt This file defines parameters for 34 locations. Each location is assigned a value of 100 for sensitivity, 1 for gain, I for allowable, and g for units. These values should be correctly displayed in the UHC" window after selecting "Turbine Building" in the "HC" window. In addition, the allowable level should be correctly displayed in the "HC" window.
Page 31 of 71 VC.CC-AP.ZZ-008O0QJ. Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 TB Config general.txt This file defines parameters for 34 channels. This file gives a value of 1024 samples persecond, 3 for number of modules, I for the low frequency cutoff, and 160 for the high frequency cutoff. These parameters apply to all channels. These values should be correctly displayed in the "HC" window after selecting "Turbine Building" in the "HC" window.
TB Config channels.txt This file defines the input limits for each of the 3 modules (There are eight channels per module). This file gives a value of 0.5 and -0.5 for the high and low input limits for all modules. These values should be correctly displayed in the 'HC" window after selecting "Turbine Building" in the "HC" window.
Step 2:
Verify that two distinct signals can be displayed in the "HC" window. Also verify that these signals can be displayed in time history or frequency spectrum format in engineering units. In addition, verify that the maximum, minimum, and RMS values are displayed and correct. The RMS value is simply 0.707 times the amplitude for this test.
The maximum and minimums correspond to positive and negative values of the input amplitude. For the strain gage channels, verify that the steady state condition in the Wheatstone Bridge can be adjusted to near 0 pus value and verify that the shunt calibration test yields a difference of 175p +/- 10% with and without shunt resistor attached.
Step 3:
The last verification involves actual data taken by the program. The results file should contain 64 channels of data for the Drywell and 34 channels of data for the turbine building. The duration of the data acquisition should be equivalent to that specified by the user in the "HC" window. Also verify that the results file contains the ratio of the acquired vibration signal to the allowable. In addition to the results file, a setup documentation file should be produced that corresponds to the data taken.
Page 32 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(PJ, Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 . REVISION NO.: 3 Failure Analysis Procedure ND.DE-TS.ZZ-5503(Q) requires a failure analysis to be performed on digital systems being installed. A component level failure analysis is not required, but a system level failure analysis is required. A typical failure analysis should contain:
- Identification of system level failures
- Potential causes of system failures
- Assessment of the significance of failures (likelihood/consequences)
- Identification of resolution
- 1) Identification of system level failures For the purposes of this analysis, the system level failures can be categorized as a signal failure (e.g., accelerometers, remote charge converters, strain gages, cabling) or as a computer failure. Since similar systems to this one have been in service at Hope Creek and other facilities (i.e., this is somewhat of a mature system), it is assumed that system level failures are identifiable. That is, either a failure causes a complete loss of a signal or of the entire system, or it fails in such a way that a trained system operator can identify the difference between good signals and bad signals.
- 2) Potential causes Signal failures can be caused by such things as individual component failure (as stated earlier, these need not be evaluated in detail), inadvertent cabling cuts, radiation effects, electromagnetic interference, and grounding problems. Computer failures can be caused by hardware or software failures.
- 3) Failure significance If a channel or the entire system fails, most components can be replaced, because the data acquisition systems are located in low radiation areas, in locations easy to access. The following is a discussion on selection of monitoring locations and component failure for the Drywell (Ctmt) and Turbine Building.
Drvwell Accelerometers The main steam and feedwater accelerometer locations and directions were determined by performing a modal analysis of each line and selecting locations that are accessible, minimized ALARA, and are expected to have a dynamic response.
For redundancy, accelerometers were located such that at least two different locations are measuring the same direction. For example, on the feedwater system, the Z-direction vibration is monitored with 3 accelerometers at three different Page 33 of 71 NC. CC-AP.ZZ-0080(10, Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 locations. So if the signal from one of the Z-direction accelerometers is bad, the remaining two Z-direction accelerometers can be used to determine the response in the Z-direction. In the unlikely event that all the accelerometers for a particular direction fails (e.g., X-direction on main steam line B), the remaining accelerometers in the other two directions plus the vibration measurements from the other main steam lines, and the dynamic analysis results of the piping can be used to infer the structural adequacy of the piping system with failed accelerometers due to steady state vibration. The recirculation piping accelerometer'locations were sel&cted based on previous evaluations and vibration issues that have occurred on this system. Similar to the main steam and feedwater piping systems, there are at least two accelerometers for each direction. Inaddition, both recirculation loops are monitored at similar locations to aid in comparisons between the two loops. Inthe event that the sensors at one location fail, there is sufficient redundancy in the other locations and directions to still have the capability to assess the vibration of the piping systems.
Supplemental Record 22 of the DCP summarizes the drywell accelerometers by direction for the main steam, feedwater, and recirculation / rhr piping. A review shows that for each pipe line, each direction is monitored using a minimum of 2 accelerometers. Thus, there is sufficient redundancy in the direction and number of accelerometers to accommodate failures and still maintain the ability to assess the structural adequacy of the piping system due to steady state vibration.
Turbine Building Accelerometers Similar to the drywell accelerometers, the locations and number of accelerometers in the turbine building were determined based on performing a modal analysis of the main steam, feedwater, and extraction steam piping system. The routing of the main steam, feedwater, and extraction steam piping inside the turbine building is simple (straight runs of pipe) as compared to the pipe routing inside the drywell that contains curved pipe and branch piping (SRV discharge lines). The accelerometer locations on the main steam, feedwater, and extraction steam piping are readily accessible and the cabling from the accelerometers to the VDAS does not require the electrical connections at the primary containment penetration that are needed for the drywell accelerometers. The cabling can be routed directly from the accelerometer/remote charge converter (RCC) to the VDAS all located inside the turbine building.
Supplemental Record 22 of the DCP summarizes the turbine building accelerometers by direction for each of the monitored piping systems. Due to the similar piping routing of the four main steam lines, only two of the four are monitored.
Between the two monitored main steam lines, at least two accelerometers are used to monitor each direction. The feedwater line does not have the same amount of redundancy in the X and Z-directions; this is due to the low expected dynamic response of the piping system in these directions. The structural adequacy of the feedwater piping could still be determined if failures of either of these directions Page 34 of 71 MC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(p), Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 . REVISION NO.: 3 occurred due to the remaining accelerometers and the piping analysis results. The configuration of the extraction steam system is not symmetric so additional locations were selected to be able to capture the dynamic response of the piping system. Due to the number of accelerometers on the extraction steam system, there is sufficient redundancy in directions such that failure of accelerometer signals would not compromise the ability to assess the response of the piping due to steady state vibration.
Strain Gages Steam dryers failures have occurred at a couple of plants due to implementation of Extended Power Uprate (EPU) and the associated increase in steam flow. To help facilitate the determination of the loads on the steam dryer due to the acoustic wave (pressure pulsations) in the main steam lines, strain gages will be installed on each of the four main steam lines. The acoustic wave (pressure pulsation) is thought by the industry to be a major contributor to the steam dryer cracking that has occurred at EPU power levels in several plants.
Two strain gages will be installed in the hoop direction at eight locations on the main steam lines, two locations on each main steam line. In addition, two strain gages will be installed in the longitudinal direction at two locations to measure the amount of bending on the pipe. Two strain gages are used to increase the resolution of the signal, which is expected to be small (-1 ye). If one of the two strain gages were to fail, the remaining strain gage can still be used to measure the strain and determine the pressure pulsation in the main steam line. Strain gages will be installed at two locations on each main steam line to determine the attenuation of the pressure pulsation in the main steam line. If both strain gages were to fail at one location, the remaining strain gages on the other main steam lines can be used to determine the magnitude of the pressure pulsation in the main steam lines. As a minimum, there should be at least one set of strain gages on one main steam line that do not fail to be able to assess the pressure pulsation.
If the computer system fails, power increases could be restricted until the failure is repaired. The likelihood of a computer failure could be low to high, based on how long this system stays in operation in the plant. The likelihood of computer failure will increase if the system is used for several years.
The worst-case failures would be the failure of multiple vibration signals in a location that cannot be accessed at power, resulting in a restriction of increasing power. If it is determined that the accelerometers, remote charge converters or strain gages are the cause of the failure, and it is impossible to replace these components due to limited access, the impact of the loss of this data at the location will be reviewed on a case by case basis. There is sufficient redundancy to allow accelerometer failures and still be able to assess the structural adequacy of the piping systems due to steady state vibration. Similar to the accelerometer installation, there is sufficient Page 35 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ.OO8O(., Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 redundancy in the number and locations of strain gages to allow numerous failures and still retain the capability to determine the frequency and magnitude of the pressure pulsation in the main steam lines. Lastly, there is no individual sensor whose failure would prevent the ability to determine the acceptability of the vibration of the monitored piping systems. Multiple signal failures would be the worst-case failure for which it may be necessary to reduce power to replace failed components.
- 4) Resolution For computer failures, the second data acquisition system (i.e., there is one data acquisition system for the reactor building and one for the turbine building) could be used as a backup until repair or replacement-of the failed system. Hardware for this type of system should be readily available for some years to come. The software is controlled by the design process, so that the applications and configurations necessary can be re-installed on the repaired system. This type of failure should have little consequence.
Signal failures at locations that are accessible can be readily repaired if spare parts are available. Signal failures at inaccessible locations may be compensated by additional locations on the same piping, if available. Multiple signal failures in inaccessible locations will have to be evaluated by the Test Plan. There is a potential of unknown likelihood that multiple signal failures could stop pending power increases and require power to be reduced for component replacement or repair.
This kind of power restriction and potential power reduction would impact power level increases associated with the Extended Power Uprate.
Digital EMI I RFI Concerns The hardware, software, and data acquisition systems installed in accordance with this DCP are stand-alone systems. Information obtained from the DASs is not input into any permanent plant hardware or software system. However the impact of the DAS on surrounding plant systems due to potential Electromagnetic Interference is an issue requiring discussion.
One DAS system located in the Reactor Building is used for CTMT vibration monitoring, while another DAS located in the Turbine Building is used for Turbine Building monitoring. Each system is similar in configuration (similar hardware components) but customized for the number of monitored channels. Since the DASs do not supply information to any plant system, are not safety related, and walkdowns revealed they are not in 'line of sight" of safety related systems, testing to the CE mark is considered sufficient. DCP personnel have contacted hardware vendors to obtain the CE certificates to satisfy Electromagnetic Compatibility issues required by the plant. Certificates were supplied for the SCXI-1 000 4-slot chassis, SCXI-1 001 Page 36 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080OJ, Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 12-slot chassis, SCXI-1141 8-channel elliptical filter module, SCXI-1 305 8-channel BNC accelerometer input block, SCXI-1 121 4-channel strain gage signal conditioning module, SCXI-1321 4-channel strain gage input block (all made by National Instruments) and 2793 ISOTRON accelerometer signal conditioner (made by Endevco). The CE certificates are stored as permanent plant documentation in
.the.Critical Software Package (CSP)H-1-ZZ-SCS-0253 Volume 8.
Upon the review of the hardware Certs, two items require clarification; The SCXI-1 141 certificate listed ferrite bead connectors as a requirement between the SCXI-1141 filter module and the SCXI-1 305 input block "when using mass termination terminal blocks. The configuration used for our DASs has the SCXI-1305 plugging directly into the SCXI -1141 via coaxial cable. Therefore, ferrite
-beads are not required.
The Certs for the DAS components required the use of double-shielded cables vs.
single shielded cables between the DAS components. Discussions with the vendor stated that single shield cables were acceptable since they provide 93% shielding (compared to 97% for the double shielded cable), and the routings between DAS components was only 6ft and in the immediate area of the DAS.
Based upon the review of the hardware Certs, the information provided in the CSP, and plant walkdowns, the Digital Acquisition Systems used for vibration monitoring per this DCP will not impact existing plant systems due to Electromagnetic interference.
Potential Defective Equipment List No new material added per this DCP is on the Defective Equipment List (NC.DE-TS.ZZ-5424(Q)).
Page 37 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080QJ, Rev 8
- P
- X'vt tt.' t £.1Fi ir .Wf l. erDon 04Atwe-N,.
or stainless steel band depending on pipe mat'I Fig. I -Typical Accelerometer Mounting Detail Page 38 of 71 NCCC-.AP.ZZ-0080(Q), Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 Fig. 2 - Typical DAS Configuration With Cart Page 39 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(Q). Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 L ~~-1Ti~ N,~*<-
=* JA r ~ ~ ,'Is
- f~I \--tir J
~~~~"O f
xVX 'ago NN;t
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- R 4, 4'.- t.~ c-.i\. 4. * - t --- N-1
.. ' 4Mr 1.11 k . er t*m
.. m I .. m -W {
~ - -----------
M 4
? 4 , -q V 4 .
- (1 BW202)
Electrical Penetrto (1BW202)
New DAS Location Reactor Building Elevation 102' (Recirc/RHR)
Monitoring Equipment Pictogram
- New DAS Location Fig.3 (MS & FW) (Markup of Dwg. A-0203)
Electrical Penetration (1CW200)
Page 40 of 71 NC.CC-.4P.ZZ-0080(Q), Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 Turbine Steam Tunnel (Room 1405 13491)
(22 Accelerometers Monitored At 9 Locations On Main Steam, Feedwater And Extraction Steam, 20 Strain Gages Monitored at 8 Locations On The Main Steam)
Penetration N1401-001 DAS Location For Monitoring Main Steam, Feedwater, & Extraction Steam Turbine Building Elevation 120'-132' Monitoring Equipment Pictogram Fig. 4 (Markup of Dwg. A-0204)
Page 41 of 71 NJC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080), Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 Turbine Building Elevation 137' Monitoring Equipment Pictogram
.+ . , j_- {AR_ ~. ._j -J. V.aV tVAPC4~&W L~z C< } . 4 jFE2' PU~J N~°g ----------
.v 3.-'~' *
- v'" N /> .r i ....X.. ...- 3 ;.
<iT i*AIE3 HASi aoa is-D. . A * .
' ! .U Ila-- -. 4 1 E -
2 Accele t I a For toring Fee............ Pipi 2 Accelerometers at 1 Location For Monitoring Feedwater Piping Fig. 5 (Markup of Dwg. A-0205)
Page 42 of 71 NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(Q), Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 PAMUN 1;rt:Af~QfI MI
NTN; -Ivn1% xI I*
MT 4ICflAM.-
Fig. 6 Typical Wiring Configuration (Turbine Building)
Page 43 of 71 NCCC-AP.ZZ-0080(p), Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 tAMflOA8 J3wAKOUTf:KIT Fig. 7 Typical Wiring Configuration (Drywell / Reactor Building)
Page 44 of 71 NCCC-ARZZ-OOSO(QJ. Rev 8
A B C D E Package AD No. Affected Document Document SAP Order Rev of AD Number/Revision Sheet Operation dditions Requiring Update Number Number I
H01 1-P-AE-01 /21 1 270 H02 1-P-AE-04 / 11 1 270 H03 1-P-AB-01 / 18 1 270 H04 1-P-AC-01 /18 1 270 H05 FSK-P-0169 / 12 1 270 H06 FSK-P-0170 / 14 1 270 H07 FSK-P-0214 / 14 1 270 HOB Not Used 270 H09 1-P-BC-02 /21 1 270 H10 1-P-FC-01 / 19 1 270 H11 1-P-AB-08 / 12 1 270 H12 1-P-AB-09/13 1 270 2 H13 1-P-BB-327 /4 1 270 2 H14 1-P-BB-325 /5 1 270 3 H15 1-P-BG-03 / 15 (AD Cancelled) 1 270 2 H16 1-P-BC-316 /5 1 270 2 H17 1-P-BC-319 /7 1 270 If the affected document is a CAT 1 document [NOTE: CAT 1 is not the same as "Use Category I",per NAP-1]:
- CAT 1 (Restart) document to be updated prior to Turn Over to Operations [see Definitions].
- CAT 1(Post-Restart) document to be placed on hold until updated prior to next use [see Definitions).
4 For Equivalent CPs ONLY If the affected document is to be updated after installation is complete, place an "I" in the Affected Document Number column at the right. Normally, this column isleft blank because Equivalent CP ADs are issued with all acceptable equivalencies included since SAP tracks current configuration at installation.
Page 45 of 71 NCCC-AP.ZZ-0080(Q), Rev 8
A B C D E Package AD No. Affected Document Document SAP Order Rev of AD Number/Revision Sheet Operation Additions/ Requiring Update Number Number Deletions A I
S01 H-1-ZZ-SCS-0253 /0 1 270 S02 H-1-ZZ-SCS-0253 /0 2 270 S03 H-1-ZZ-SCS-0253 /0 3 270 S04 H-1-ZZ-SCS-0253 /0 .4 270 S05 H-1-ZZ-SCS-0253 /0 5 270 S06 H-1-ZZ-SCS-0253 /0 6 270 S07 H-1-ZZ-SCS-0253 /0 7 270 I 08 H-1-ZZ-SCS-0253 / New 8 270 2 S09 A-0701-0 /16 1 270 3 Slo 6H4-2193 (New Calc) 270 3 MOl PP302(Q)-0368 / 10 0 270 3 . M02 PP302(Q)-0318 /7 0 270 3 M03 PJ700-0010 /6 1 270 3 M04 PNI-E21-F006-0387/4 1 270 If the affected document is a CAT 1 document [NOTE: CAT 1 is not the same as "Use Category 1, per NAP-i]:
- CAT I (Restart) document to be updated prior to Turn Over to Operations [see Definitions).
- CAT I (Post-Restart) document to be placed on hold until updated priorto next use [see Definitions].
.i. For Equivalent CPs ONLY I If the affected document is to be updated after installation is complete, place an "I" in the Affected Document Number column at the right. Normally, this column is left blank because Equivalent CP ADs are issued with all acceptable equivalencies included since SAP tracks current configuration at installation.
Page 46 of 71 VC.CC-AP.ZZ-0080(Q. Rev 8
A B C D E Package AD No. Affected Document Document SAP Order Rev of AD Number/Revision Sheet Operation Additions/ Requiring Update Number Number Deletions 4 I
2 E01 E-1409-0 /11 1032 270 2 E02 E-1924-1 /11 1 270 3 E03 E-1583-1 /28 1 270 3 E04 E-1593-1 / 25 1 270 3 E05 E-1 563-1 / 32 1 270 3 E06 E-1543-1 /31 1 270 3 E07 E-1513-1 / 30 1 270 3 101 327412 1 270 3 102 327413 1 270 If the affected document is a CAT 1 document [NOTE: CAT I is not the same as "Use Category I", per NAP-1i:
- CAT 1 (Restart) document to be updated prior to Turn Over to Operations [see Definitions].
- CAT 1 (Post-Restart) document to be placed on hold until updated prior to next use [see Definitions].
- 4. For Equivalent CPs ONLY I If the affected document is to be updated after installation is complete, place an "I" in the Affected Document Number column at the right. Normally, this column is left blank because Equivalent CP ADs are issued with all acceptable equivalencies included since SAP tracks current configuration at installation.
Page 47 of 71 N\CCC-AP.ZZ-0080(Q). Rev 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 FORM 7 MATERIALS LIST CATEGORY. (EQUIPMENT, SERVICES, MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION SPARES) DISCIPLINE: CIVIL STRESS ITEM QUANTITY ITEM DESCRUPTION / SPECIFICATION PURCHASE MATERIAL USAGE COMMENTS NO. (Add Material Master number as necessary) CLASSWICATION S2 Endevco Model 7703A-100 Plezoelectric Accelerometer 4 Material Mister:1040157. Accelerometers: Prior to calibration, including Mounting Stud (2981-1212981-3C/2981-1) temperature soak the accelerometers for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> at 550 0F.
2 82 Endevco Model 2771B-1 Remote charge convertor Wo teflon 4 Material Master: l040204Remote charge Converters: Prior to sleeve, gain = 1.0, calibration, temperature soak the remote charge converters for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> at 180@F.
3 82 Endevco Model 3075M6-120 High Temperature Cable 4 Material Master: 1040205 Assemblies (10 ft) 4 30 Accelerometer mounting block with bolting lardwmare 4 Do Not Order (Supplied by Structural Integrity).Use for each lnflifnrna Innntinn 5 40000 Ft. Cable-Cable USA Part #381802S8.I I MM=1040315 6 200 Connector-Breakout BNC Connector (Pomona #Model 4970) 4 MM=1040316, Use As Needed 7 2 PCB Company Model No. 394C06 Portable Ig Handheld Shaker 4 1043346 S Not Used 9 1 BAND-IT Tool - Strap Cutter-(Catalog No. C001) 4 1043316 10 I BAND-IT Tension Limiter (Catalog No. C065) -Used With 4 1043317 Part# Cool .
I1I This Item Deleted From BOM 12 This Item Deleted From BOM NOTE: This form is notrmniEd ifmaterial information is input directly into the Component Screen (tab) of the subordinate NUCAM installation order.
Page 48 of 71 NC.CC-.P.ZZ-0o80o(0) Rev. 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 FORM 7 MATERIALS LIST CATEGORY: Electrical / I & C (EQUIPMENT, SERVICES, MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION SPARES) DISCIPLINE: Civil /Stress ITEM QUANTITY ITEM DESCRIPTION / SPECIFICATION PURCHASE MATERIAL USAGE COMMENTS NO. (Add Material Master number as necessary) CLASSIFICATION 13 1 3" Conduit CulTo Suit 10'Length 4 Y555698 14 3 3" Conduit Bushing lB-300 4 Y584682, 15 2 Foam Kit For Pen Seal 20 oz. 3 Y278002, 16 500 pieces Raychem Tubing-WCSF-500-38/13-12N OD .53-1.35 1 Y874458 17 500 pieces Raychem Tubing WCSF-1 15-9-12N-N OD. .1 1-%31 1 Y321277, I8 500 pieces PanyclieinlTbing WCSF-300-12-N OD. .31-.81 1 Y874482, 19 500 pieces Butt- Splice T&B 2B14 Range 16-14 2 Y585676, 20 7500 ft. STRAP - 0.5 X 0.02 STAINLESS STEEL 4 Y971477 Use with mounting blocks on SS pipe & SS jacketing 21 1100 BUCKLE-BAND IT SS 1/2 4 Y412534 Use with SS pipe straps buckles 22 1 lb. NWIRE-SFTY LIK SS .020 4 Y979962 Use to link each accel and mounting block 23 1500 ft. STRAP - 0.5 X 0.02 CARBON STEEL 4 1042026,Use wiflt mounting blocks on carbon steel pipe 24 250 buckles BUCKLE-BAND IT CS 1/2 4 1042027,Use wvith carbon steel pipe straps NOTE: This form is not retuired ir material information is input directly into the Component Screen (tal) of the subordinate NUCM1 installation order.
Page 49 of 71 NC.CC-,IP.ZZ-OOSO(QJ,Rev. 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 FORM 7 MATERIALS LIST CATEGORY: Electrical / I & C (EQUIPMENT, SERVICES, MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION SPARES) DISCIPLINE: Civil / Stress NTOM QUANTITY ITEM DESCRIPTION I SPECIFICATION PURCHASE MATERIAL USAGE COMMENTS NO. (Add Material Master number as necessary) CLASSIFICATION 25 500 p Tie-Cable, TYZ27M 3/16" To 3 '2"Dia., 13-3/8" Length 4 Y587041, For Use In Reactor & Turbine Bldg.
(Tefzel Straps) 26 500 pieces Tie-Cable, TYZ28M 1/8" To 4" Dia., 14 5/8" Length 4 Y587042, For Use In Reactor & Tuibine Bldg.
(Tefzel Straps) 27 500 pieces Tie-Cable, TYS-14 4" Dia., 14-3/4" Length 4 Y587032, For Use In Drnvell, (Stainless Steel Straps)
Insulation - To Be Determined 28 2 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc. Vibration Data Acquisition 4 Do Not Order - Supplied by Structural Integrity Associates System (VDAS) - See Attachment 1 for details Drywell Monitoring: Includes desktop computer, 4 signal conditioners, filter/amplifier- 54 channels Turbine Building: Includes desktop computer, 2 signal conditioners, filter/amplifier - 24 channels Signal Conditioner(s) -Endevco Model 2793 ISOTRON Filter/ Amplifier
_ _Desktop Computer NOTE: This form is not requircj if material information is input directly into the Component Screen (tab) or the subordinate NUCAI installation order.
Page 50 of 71 ANC.CC-4.4ZZ-O08O(0j, Rei'. 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 ;_ REVISION NO.: 3 FORM 7 MATE RIALS LIST CATEGORY: (EQUIPMENT, SERVICES, MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION SPARES) DISCIPLINE: CIVIL STRESS ITEM QUANTY ITEM DESCRIPTION I SPECIFICATION PURCHASE MATERIAL USAGE COMMENTS NO. (Add Material Master number as necessary) CLASSIFICATION 29 40' N-1000 )NISTRUT 1 Y876559 30 10' P-1001-C UNISTRUT 4 Y373725 31 10' N-3300 TNISTRUT 1 Y873451 32 10' N-3301 UNISTRUT 1 Y876506 33 12 Screw- Hex,Head Cap V/2 x 13 x 15/16 1 Y874325 34 4 1 Y876514 UNISTRUT N-1026 HG. BRACKET 35 10 2 Y876562
.UNISTRUT NUT P4010 36 12 HLTI 1/2,Y3 34" 1 Y876009 37 500 pieces BUTT SPLICE T&B 2B-18-16 OVERLAP TYPE 2 Y586942 38 50 CIANNEL CLAPN T&B TC5363X 4 MM=1042303 39 I BAG Grout 4 X370007 NOTE: This form is not requircd if material information is input directly into the Component Screen (tab) of the subordinate NUCM installation order.
Page 51 of 71 IC.CC-AA.ZZ-0080Q , Re'. 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION N NO.: 3 FORM 7 MATERIALS LIST CATEGORY: (EQUIPMENT, SERVICES, MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION SPARES) DISCIPLINE: CIVIL STRESS ITEM QUANTITY ITEM DESCRIPTION I SPECIFiCATION PURCHASE MATERIAL USAGE COMMENTS NO. (Add Materal Master number as necessay) CLASSIFICATION 40 500 Butt-Splice T&B2A-18 I Y593046 nissr.AS 41 Not Used 42 1 TKI5 Keyphasor Conditioner and Power Supply 4 MM 1046438, Use to power 3300 XL probes 43 28 Weldable Strain Gage W/ 2-wire shielded leads ,(Part # 4 1043382 HBWAK-1 2-063-6-1 OFG -F) Protective Cover & Practice Cover, Hitec Products, Inc.
44 4 Bottles Loclite 242 (50ml Bottle) 4 Y221779 45 100 #10 Flat Stainless Steel Washer 4 Y583290 46 1500 Ft. Band-It Band Strapping (Part# C303), Carbon Steel 4 MM=1044183, Used To Mount Accel Mounting Block On Strapping (3/8"x.025") Carbon Steel Pipe 47 500 Band-It Buckle (Part# C353) (Use with Carbon steel 4 MM=1044184, Use with Carbon Steel Strapping To Mount Buckles Strapping 3/8" x .025) Accel Mounting Block To Carbon Steel Pipe 48 Not Used NOTE: This form is not rqjuired if material information is input directly into the Component Screen (tab) of the subordinate NUCMI installation order.
Page 52 of 71 NC.CC-.4.ZZ-oo80oOj. Rev. 8
CHANGE NO: 80062466 REVISION NO.: 3 FORM 7 IMATERIALS LIST CATEGORY: (EQUIPMENT, SERVICES, MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION SPARES) DISCIPLINE: CIVIL STRESS ITE-M QUANTITY ITEM DESCRIPTION / SPECIFICATION PURCHASE MATERIAL USAGE COMMENTS NO. (Add Material Master number as necessary) CLASSIFICATION 49 1 Vishay Model 700 Portable Strain Gage Welding & 4 MM= 1044177, Used To Spot Weld Strain Gages To Pipe Soldering Unit 50 1000 Ft. Band-It Band Strapping (Part# C403), Stainless Steel 4 MM=1044185, Used To Mount Accel Mounting Block On Strapping (3/8" x .025") Stainless Steel Pipe 51 500 Band-It Buckle (Part# C453) (Use with Stainless Steel 4 MM=1044186, Use with Stainless Steel Strapping To Mount Buckles Strapping 3/8" x .025") Accel Mounting Block To Stainless Steel Pipe 52 3 3300 8mm Proximity Sensor 4 Do not purchase. Use existing spares. MM 9012388 53 3 3300 XL 8mm Probe 4" Long 4 Do not purchase. Use existing spares. MM 9012445 54 3 3300 XL Probe Extension Cable 4 Do not purchase. Use existing spares. MM 9012387 55 100 Shts Brady label Self-Laminating Polysester B-361, 4 MM= 1044527, (1.5" Wide x 1.0" High), 45 Labels Per Sheet, Write - On Area: 1.5" x 0 .375" Brady Part# 62344 (Catalog #f LAT-52-361-1)
See BOM in work orders 60049651 & 60046697 NOTE: This form is not reauired if mnaterial information is input directly into the Component Screen (tab) of the subordinate NUCAM installation order.
Page 53 of 71 NCCC-AP.ZZ-008002). Ren. 8
EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package Activity
This Design Change Package (DCP) has been produced as a result of The PSEG Extended Power Uprate Project, in conjunction with General Electric (GE), Task Report T-0318, ongoing -
EPU industry issues, and recurring plant vibration issues. Piping system monitoring will occur inside the drywell (room 4220), turbine building steam tunnel elevation 123' (room 1405/3491), and in feedwater water heater room 1504 at elevation 137'. The following piping systems will be monitored for vibration; Main Steam (drywell and turbine building), Feedwater (drywell and turbine Building), Extraction Steam, Recirc (RHR and their associated valves and attached piping inside drywell). The current scope monitors approximately 40 locations using about 100 accelerometers and 3 proximity probes in the drywell. Twenty-four accelerometers at ten locations, and twenty strain gages at eight locations will be monitored in the turbine building. The drywell instrumentation will be connected through drywell electrical penetrations I BW202 and 1CW200 to data acquisition systems located in rooms 4303 and 4310. Cables are routed in conduits on the reactor building side of the installation through penetrations N-4330-002, S-4310-005 and N-4303-002, to the console mounted DAS systems. The DAS's will be powered via convenience outlets when data is to be obtained. Based upon constructability walkdowns, another DAS setup will sit atop a cart (in lieu of a hardware cabinet), in the turbine building room 4101, near the turbine building steam tunnel at elevation 123'. Cable inside the turbine building steam tunnel will be routed to this DAS through an existing grouted wall penetration (N-1 401 -001).
The hardware, software, and data acquisition systems installed in accordance with this DCP are stand-alone systems. Information obtained from the DASs is not input into any permanent plant hardware or software system. Therefore, there is no effect on the Main Steam, Feedwater, Extraction Steam, Recirc / RHR System Design Functions from the monitoring of these piping systems.
It is important to note that this DCP installs vibration monitoring equipment; instrumentation, cable, accelerometers, and digital acquisition systems to obtain vibration information on specific piping systems. This DCP does not include information pertaining to when the tests will be performed, nor does it provide testing acceptance criteria for the piping being monitored. This information will be provided in the Test Plan.
Page 54 of 71 ATC.A4-AS.ZZ-0059(oP, Rev..6
EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package Note that more than one process may alvW If unsure of any answer, contact the cognzant department for guidance.
Activities Affected No Yes Action
- 1. Does the proposed activity-involve a change-to the Technical I] If Yes, contact Licensing; process in Specifications or the Operating License? accordance with NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0035(Q)
- 2. Does the proposed activity involve a change to the Quality 3 If Yes, contact Quality Assessment; process Assurance Plan? Examples: accordance with ND.QN-AP.ZZ-0003 (Q)
- Changes to Chapter 17.2 of UFSAR Does the proposed activity involve a change to the Security Plan? [D E If Yes, contact Security Department; process Examples: in accordance with NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0033(Q) v Change program in NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0033(Q)
- Change indoorloutdoor security lighting
- Placement of component or structure (permanent or temporaMy) within 20 feet of perimeter fence
- Obstruct field of view from any manned post
- Interfere with security monitoring device capability
- Change access to any protected or vital area
- Modify safeguards systems or equipment
- 4. Does the proposed activity involve a change to the Emergency l If Yes, contact Emergency Preparedness Plan? Examples:
- Change ODCWaccident source term
- Change liquid or gaseous effluent release path
- Affect radiation monitoring instrumentation or EOP/AOP setpoints used in classifying accident severity
- Affect emergency response facilities or personnel, including control rn
- Affect communications, computers, information systems or Met tower Does the proposed activity involve a change to the ISI Program l If Yes, contact Reliability Programs ISIUIST; Plan? Examples: process in accordance with
- Affect Nuclear Class 1, 2, or 3 Piping, Vessels, or Supports NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0027(Q)
(Guidance in NC.DE-AP.ZZ-0007(Q) Form-l l) 6 Does the proposed activity involve a change to the IST Program 7 If Yes, contact Reliability Programs ISLIIST; Plan? Examples: process in accordance with
- Affect the design or operating parameters of a Nuclear Class 1, NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0070(Q) 2, or 3 Pump or Valve (Guidance in NC.DE-AP.ZZ-0007(Q)
Page 55 of 71 NC.NA-AS.ZZ-0059(QJ, Rev. 6
FORA-M REGULATORY CHANGE PROCESS DETERMINATION Document I.D.: 80062466 Revision: 3 Tile: EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package Activities Affected No Yes Action
- 7. Does the proposed activity involve a change to the Fire Protection El W If Yes, contact Design Engineering, process Program? Examples: in accordance with NC.DE-PS.ZZ-0001(Q) atChange progra'min NC.DE-PS.ZZ-0001(Q) X -
. Change combustible loading of safety related space
. Change or affect fire detection system
- Change or affect fire suppression system/component
- Change fire doors, dampers, penetration seal or barriers
. See NC.DE-AP.ZZ-0007, Forms 3, 4 and 14 for details S. Does the proposed activity involve Maintenance which restores l
- If Yes, process in accordance with SSCs to their original design and configuration? Examples: NC.WM-AP.ZZ-0001(Q)
- Implements an approved Design Change?
. Troubleshooting (which does not require 50.59 screen per SH.MD-AP.ZZ-0002)
- 9. Is the proposed activity a temporary change (T-Mod) which meets F1 If Yes, contact Engineering; process in all thefollowing conditions? accordance with NCDE-AP.ZZ-0030(Q)
- Directly supports maintenance and is NOT a compensatory measure to ensure SSC operability.
- Will be in effect at power operation less than 90 days.
- Plant will be restored to design configuration upon completion.
- SSCs will NOT be operated in a manner that could impact the function or operability of a safety related or Important-to-Safety systen. .____
- 10. Does the proposed activity consist of changes to maintenance ED3O If Yes, process in accordance with procedures which do NOT affect SSC design, performance, NC.NA-AP.ZZ-000I(Q) operation or control?
Note: Procedure information affecting SSC design, performance, operation or control, including Tech Spec required surveillance and inspection, require50.59 screening. Examples include acceptance criteria for valve stroke times or other SSC function, torque values, and types of materials (e.g., gaskets, elastomers, lubricants, etc.) l
- 11. Does the proposed activity involve a minor UFSAR change El Z if Yes, process in accordance with (including documents incorporated by reference)? Examples: NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0035(Q)
- Reformatting, simplification or clarifications that do not change the meaning or substance of information
- Removes obsolete or redundant information or excessive detail
- Corrects inconsistencies within the UFSAR
- Minor correction of drawings (such as mislabeled ID)
- 12. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an Administrative lEl If Yes, process in accordance with Procedure (NAP, SAP or DAP) governing the conduct of station NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0001(Q) and operations? Examples: NC.DM-AP.ZZ-0001(Q)
- Organization changes/position titles
- Work control! modification processes Page 56 of 71 NC.NA,-A4S.ZZ-0059(Pj. Rev.6
FORM-3 REGULATORY CHANGE PROCE SS DETE RMINATION Document I.D.: 80062466 Revision: 3 Tide: EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package Activities Affected No Yes Action
- 13. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a regulator~y 0 If Yes, contact Licensing and process in commitment? accordance with NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0030(Q)
- 14. Does the activity impact other programs controlled by regulations, U If Yes, process in accordance with operating license or Tech Spec? Examples: applicable procedures such as:
- Chemical Controls Program NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0038(Q)
- NJ "Right-to-know" regulations NC.LR-AP.ZZ-0037(Q)
- OSHA regulations
- NJPDES Permit conditions
- State and/or local building, electrical, plumbing, storm water management or "other" codes and standards
- IOCFR20 occupational exposure
- 15. Has the activity already received a 10CFR50.59 Screen or D Take credit for 10CFR50.59 Screen or Evaluation under another process? Examples: Evaluation already performed.
- Calculation
- Design Change Package or OWD change ID:
- Procedure for a Test or Experiment
- DR/Nonconformance
- Incorporation of previously approved UFSAR change If any other program or regulation may be affected by the proposed activity, contact the department indicated for futher review in accordance with the governing procedure. If responsible department determines program is not affected, attach -written explanation.
If ALL of the answers on the previous pages are "No," then check A below:
A. [ None of the activity is controlled by any of the processes above, therefore a I OCFR50.59 review IS required. Complete a 10CFR50.59 screen.
If one or more of the answers on the previous pages are 'Yes," then check either B or C below as appropriate and explain the regulatory processes which govern the change:
B. [ ] All aspects of the activity are controlled by one or more of the processes above, therefore a IOCFR50.59 review IS NOT required.
C. [ X] Only part of the activity is controlled by the processes above, therefore a 10CFR50.59 is required.
Page 57 of 71 NC.N.ASI.ZZ-0059(0, Rev. 6
EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package Explanation: This DCP increases in the amount of combustible commodities and the Fire Severity in Reactor building rooms 4303 and 4310. The weight of combustible commodities and the fire loads will be updated in Table 9A-1 " Fire Hazards Analysis Summary" (sheet 29), Table 9A-8 " Fire Hazards Analysis Tabulation Summary" (sheet 17), and Table 9A-9 "Fire Hazards Analysis Tabulation" (sheet 17) for the new fire loading in rooms 4303 and 4310. The Fire Protection Program is updated IAW NC.DE-PS.Z-0001 (Q). The Fire Hazards Tables are revised per SAR Change Notice HCN 04-060.
Preparer: Philip M. Stashak Printed Name V144-/jwJJ Signature 12-15-04 Date Reviewer: R. Zielinski 12-15-04 Printed Name - -6 Signature Date Page 58 of 71 NC.NI-A.S.ZZ-0059(Q). Rev.6
NC.NA-AS .Z7,0059(Q)
FORM-2 IOCFUR5.59 SCREENING Revision 2 Document I.D.: 80062466 Revision: 3
EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package Applicability:
Salem I Salem 3 (Gas Turbine) PSEG Common Salem 2 X Hope Creek Salem I & 2 Common Hope Creek & Salem Common
- 1. Brief Description of activity Change to: 0 Facility E Procedures El Methodology ElTest/Experiment E] Fission Baanier What is being changed and why This Design Change Package (DCP) has been produced as a result of The PSEG Extended Power Uprate Project, in conjunction with General Electric (GE), Task Report T-0318, ongoing EPU industry issues, and recurring plant vibration issues. Piping system monitoring will occur inside the drywell (room 4220), turbine building steam tunnel elevation 123' (room 1405/3491), and in feedwater water heater room 1504 at elevation 137'. The following piping systems will be monitored for vibration; Main Steam (drywall and turbine building), Feedwater (drywell and turbine Building), Extraction Steam, Recirc (RHR and their associated valves and attached piping inside drywell).
The current scope monitors approximately 40 locations using about 100 accelerometers and 3 proximity probes in the drywell. Twenty-four accelerometers at ten locations, and twenty strain gages at eight locations will be monitored in the turbine building. The drywell instrumentation will be connected through drywell electrical penetrations 1BW202 and I CW200 to data acquisition systems located in rooms 4303 and 4310.
Cables are routed in conduits on the reactor building side of the installation through penetrations N-4330-002, S-4310-005 and N-4303-002, to the console mounted DAS systems. The DAS's will be powered via convenience outlets when data is to be obtained. Based upon constructability walkdowns, another DAS setup will sit atop a cart (in lieu of a hardware cabinet), in the turbine building room 4101, near the turbine building steam tunnel at elevation 123'. Cable inside the turbine building steam tunnel will be routed to this DAS through an existing grouted wall penetration (N-1401-001).
The hardware, software, and data acquisition systems installed in accordance with this DCP are stand-alone systems. Information obtained from the DASs is not input into any permanent plant hardware or software system. Therefore, there is no effect on the Main Steam, RCIC, Feedwater, Extraction Steam, Recirc or RHR System Design Functions from the monitoring of these piping systems.
Page 59 of 71 NC.NMA -AS. ZZ-0 059 (0Q Re'.6
IiORM-2 10CFR50.59 SCREENING Revision 2 Document l.D.: 80062466 Revision: 3
EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package Design Functions The testing performed with the vibration monitoring equipment installed per this DCP ensures that plant safety is not dependent upon the performance of untested systems.
The function of the vibration monitoring equipment and DAS is to confirm that the plant systems will continue to perform their Design Functions for conditions anticipated during normal operations and after implementation of the Extended Power Uprate.
Effect on Design Functions The hardware, software, and DASs installed in accordance with this DCP are stand-alone systems. Information obtained from the DASs is not input into any permanent plant hardware or software system. Therefore, there is no effect on the Main Steam, RCIC, Feedwater, Extraction Steam, RHR / Recirc System Design Functions from the monitoring of these piping systems.
- 2. Summarize regulatory change determination (Other applicable regulatory processes identified on Form-i)
This DCP increases in the amount of combustible commodities and the Fire Severity in Reactor building rooms 4303 and 4310. The weight of combustible commodities and the fire loads will be updated in Table 9A-1 " Fire Hazards Analysis Summary" (sheet 29), Table 9A-8 a Fire Hazards Analysis Tabulation Summary" (sheet 17), and Table 9A-9 UFire Hazards Analysis Tabulation" (sheet 17) for the new fire loading in rooms 4303 and 4310 and applicable Fire Areas. The Fire Protection Program is updated lAW NC. DE-PS.ZZ-0001 (Q). The Fire Hazards Tables are revised per SAR Change Notice HCN 04-060
- 3. Does the proposed activity require a change to Technical Specifications or the Operating License? Yes I1 No l If YES, then a License Amendment is required prior to implementation of the activity.
LCR Number: N/A
- 4. Does the proposal require a 1JFSAR change? Yes No Do UFSAR Change Notice No. HCN 04-060 Describe UFSAR change: NIA Page 60 of 71 NC.JV4-AS.ZZ-0059(QJ. Rev.6
FORAI-2 10CFR50.59 SCRE ENING Revision 2 Document 1.1 D.: 80062466 Revision: 3
EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package
- 5. 50.59 Screenine Ouestions Answer ALL screening questions Yes No
- a. Does the proposed activity involve a change to the facility that adversely affects a UFSAR described design function? O Z
- b. Does the proposed activity involve a change to procedures that adversely affects how UFSAR described SSC design functions are performed or controlled? E l
- c. Does the proposed activity revise or replace evaluation methodology described in ..
the UFSAR that either:
- is used in the safety analyses or ] 0
- establishes the design bases?
- d. Does the proposed activity involve a test or experiment NOT described in the UFSAR? (SSC is utilized or controlled in a manner that is outside the reference bounds of its design or inconsistent with analyses or descriptions in the UFSAR) 0
- e. Does the proposed activity affect a design basis limit for a fission product barrier (fuel cladding, reactor coolant system boundary or containment? 0 0
- 6. If a 50.59 Evaluation is not required, provide justification for that detennination:
The hardware, software, and DASs installed in accordance with this DCP are stand-alone systems. Information obtained from the Data Acquisition Systems is not input into any permanent plant hardware or software system. Therefore, there is no effect on the Main Steam,, Feedwater, Extraction Steam, RHR / Recirc System Design Functions from the monitoring of these piping systems. However, the impact of the installation of the vibration monitoring equipment in various locations of the plant must be addressed.
Based upon a detailed review of the UFSAR, the following items require discussion:
ECCS Suppression Pool Strainer Blockage, Cable Routing and Separation, Containment Circuits and Short Circuit Analysis, Fire Protection (addition of combustibles), Penetration Seal Modification, Insulation Modification, Affect of mounting blocks and hardware on pipe stress evaluations, and Digital EMIIRFI concerns.
ECCS Suppression Pool Strainer Blockage The ECCS is designed to provide protection against postulated loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs) caused by ruptures in reactor coolant pressure boundary (RCPB) piping. The ECCS injection network consists of a HPCI system, a Core Spray system, Automatic Depressurization (ADS) and the Low Pressure Coolant Injection (LPCI) mode of the RHR system. The installation of any commodities within the drywell creates concerns that Page 61 of 71 NC.NA-AS.ZZ-OOS9QJ. Rev.6
FORM-2 10CFR50.59 SCREENING Revision 2 Document I.D.: 80062466 Revision: 3
EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package these commodities can be dislodged, transported to the suppression pool, and clog the suppression pool strainers. The clogging of the suppression pool strainers could hinder or disable the ability of the plant to respond to accidents requiring ECCS operation.
Engineering Evaluation H-1 BB-MEE-1 168 revision 1 identifies insulation sources inside the drywell and determines the amount of insulation transported to the drywell due to applicable pipe breaks identified in UFSAR Section 3.6. Several High Energy Pipe Breaks were evaluated for insulation damage potential which included; Main Steam, Feedwater, Recirc Suction, Recirc/RHR Line, Recirc Suction riser. Three breaks were chosen for more detailed analysis; Recirc Suction, Feedwater, and Recirc Suction Riser. This DCP will install approximately 15000 ft. of cable in the drywell. Using a cable OD of i/, and assuming that all of the cable is damaged and falls into the wetwell, a total volume of approximately 5 ft3 is added to the wetwell. The results tabulated in table 8.3.10 reveal that locations and angles relative to the pipe breaks were used as parameters in determining impacted targets (pipe) and damaged insulation. Based upon these values we see that 78% of the insulation damaged below the grating at elevation 100' became wetwell debris, compared to 28% of the insulation damaged above elevation 100'. Most of the insulation damaged above elevation 100' was considered to be screened by the grating. Therefore it is extremely conservative to consider that all of the cable added to the drywell regardless of its location relative to the postulated pipe break locations is delivered to the wetwell. Even with this gross assumption, approximately 5 cubic feet of material becomes potential ECCS strainer blockage debris. This is less than 1.5% of the wetwell debris calculated for the Recirc Suction riser pipe break scenario. The calculated volume of wetwell debris attributed to the added cable is negligible. Therefore, the addition of cable to primary containment does not have the potential to adversely affect the design function of the ECCS System.
Cable Separation and Routing The guidelines of Procedure HC.MD-AP.ZZ-0004(Q) "General Guidelines For Temporary Power And Communication Cables Installation And Removal' will be used as a guideline in order to install the temporary cable and ensure personnel and equipment safety. As a minimum, the cables will be labeled for identification near the remote charge converter, near the CTMT penetration (for drywell installation), and near the data acquisition systems. The Endevco Remote Charge Converter, BNC connector, and BNC Breakout will all be wrapped in shrink tubing. Normally the Endevco Remote Charge Converter is wrapped in a teflon sleeve. The BNC breakout has teflon as an insulator in the connector and PVC is used in the insulation material for the pigtail wires which are 7 inches in length. The shrink tube will encapsulate these materials to preclude the possibility of FME concerns. The small amounts of teflon and PVC are of little concern. In addition, these commodities are not a permanent installation to the Page 62 of 71 NC.JVA-AS.ZZ-0059 (09, Rev.6
FORM-2 10CFR50.59 SCRE ENING Revision 2 Document I.D.: 80062466 Revision: 3
EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package plant and will be removed in the future. Therefore, the addition of cable and monitoring equipment lAW this DCP does not adversely affect UFSAR Design Functions.
Containment Penetration Circuits and Short Circuit Analysis In determining the impact of this DCP on the containment penetration two concerns are applicable; type of cable and circuitry (class I E vs. non-class 1E) and penetration short circuit analysis. Containment penetrations I BW202 and 1CW200 are l&C penetrations with Non-class 1E cables connected to it. None of the accelerometers and proximity probes cables are part of a Class I E circuit: Therefore, we are in compliance with UFSAR section which states that non-class 1E circuits are not routed in penetrations containing class I E circuits. A review was performed to ensure the integrity of the containment electrical penetration 1BW202 and I CW200. Calculation 7.13 was reviewed to determine the impact of connecting the wiring for the accelerometer and remote charge converters to Containment Electrical Penetrations I BW202 and ICW200. Calc 7.13 is titled "Penetration Assembly Protection". The piezoelectric accelerometer is a self-generating device that requires no external power source for operation. It is connected to the DAS system through a remote charge converter and uses a high impedance coaxial cable. These high impedance circuits carry milliamp signals, only. This type of circuit has been addressed in calc 7.13 Section h pages 6 and 7.The section states u... the continuous ratings for these penetrations are considerably higher than the maximum short circuit current they may be expected to experience." The milliamp circuits installed per this DCP cannot create a short circuit challenge to the penetration. Therefore, the penetration will continue to perform its UFSAR described Design Function.
Fire Protection (Addition Of Combustibles)
The overall HCGS fire protection program is based on the evaluation of potential fire hazards throughout the plant and on the effects of postulated fires on the performance of safe shutdown functions. Consistent with other safety requirements, systems, structures, and components, including those required for safe shutdown are designed and located to minimize the probability and effect of fires. The Auxiliary Building, Reactor Building, and Turbine building are separated from each other by 3-hour fire walls. Redundant safety related components are separated form each other and the rest of the plant by 3-hour fire barriers, and or separated by 20 feet. The following is a list of designated Fire areas per Fire Area drawings M-5114, and M-5115 for rooms where cable and monitoring equipment are added;; drywell room 4220 (RB7), reactor building rooms 4303 (RB2) and 4310 (RBI), turbine building rooms 1401(TBI), 1405/3491(TBI),
and 1504(TB1).
Page 63 of 71 NC.AU-AS.ZZ-0059(0), Rev. 6
FORIM-2 I OCFRSO.59 SCREENING Revision 2 Document I.D.: 80062466 Revision: 3
EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package Although we are adding cable to the drywell and safety related equipment is prevalent throughout the drywell, no fire hazards analysis is performed for the drywell per Table 9A-1 " Fire Hazards Analysis". The drywell is inerted during operation, making a fire impossible. The main concern for fire inside the drywell occurs during refueling and maintenance operations. During refueling and maintenance operations in the drywell, portable fire extinguishers, in addition to the hose stations, are adjacent to the work area and readily available for use by plant personnel. Self-contained breathing apparatus is provided near the containment entrances for firefighting personnel. Therefore, no further analysis of the drywell for implementation of this DCP is required.
Cables will be added to Turbine Building Rooms 1401, 1405/3491 and 1504. Another DAS sitting atop a cart will be stored in room 1401. Per Fire Area Drawings M-5115, these rooms are designated as Fire Area TBI. No safety related equipment exists in any of these rooms. These rooms are not listed in Table 9A-4 'Fire Areas and Associated Room Numbers" and Table 9A-1 "Fire Hazards Analysis Summary".
Therefore, no Fire Hazards Analysis is required for installation of the cable and/or monitoring equipment in these rooms.
Vibration of Drywell piping and components will require the use of two digital acquisition systems (DAS) that will be installed in reactor building rooms 4303 and 4310. The DAS's located in rooms 4303 and 4310 (Reactor Building) consist of metal consoles, (non combustibles) and combustibles which include; desktop computers, data acquisition hardware components, and an assumed amount of paper, pencils, and nearby reference materials. A review of the Fire Hazards Analysis performed for DCP 4EC-3186 (installed vibration monitoring equipment and DAS to measure recirc vibration) shows that the weight assumptions for combustibles are applicable for this installation. Therefore, it is assumed that the equipment will add approximately 50 pounds of combustible plastic to the room. It is also assumed that paper, pencils, and reference materials will add an additional 25 pounds of combustible material to the room. This correlates to an additional heat load of 1.1 E6 Btus (Fire Load) added to rooms 4303 (Fire Area RB2) and (Fire Area RBI) 4310. The weight of combustible commodities and the fire loads will be updated in Table 9A-1 " Fire Hazards Analysis Summary" (sheet 29), Table 9A-8 " Fire Hazards Analysis Tabulation Summary" (sheet 17), and Table 9A-9 "Fire Hazards Analysis Tabulation" (sheet 17) for the new fire loading in rooms 4303 and 4310 and applicable Fire Areas. See SAR Change Notice HCN 04-060.
Page 64 of 71 NC.N4-.4S.ZZ-O059(QJ, Rev.6
FORM-2 IOCFZR50.59 SCREENING Revision 2 Document I.D.: 80062466 Revision: 3
EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package The-increase in.combustibles due to the values for paper, plastics and.cable from the.,
data acquisition system in room 4310 is 1.195E6 BTUs. For the overall affect on the Fire Area RB1 this value is compared to the combustible of 911 .7E6 and a Fire Severity of 22 minutes listed in Table 9A-8 sheet 1.The increase in Fire Severity based upon a combustible load increase of 1.1 95E6 BTUs for Fire Area RB1 is .03 minutes. The localized affect of the increase in combustibles for room 4310 is an increase in the Fire Severity of .5 minutes. The new value is 43.5 minutes compared to the existing value of 43 minutes in Table 9A-8 sheet 17. The increases in combustible loads and the resultant affects on Fire Severity at both the local level (affect on room 4310) and on the overall Fire Area (RB1) are negligible. Installation of the data acquisition in room 4310 is acceptable.
The increase in combustibles due to the values for paper, plastics and cable from the data acquisition system in room 4303 is 1.195E6 BTUs. For the overall affect on the Fire Area RB2 this value is compared to the combustible of 829E6 and a Fire Severity of 23 minutes listed in Table 9A-9 sheet 1.The increase in Fire Severity based upon a combustible load increase of 1.1 95E6 BTUs for Fire Area RB2 is .03 minutes. The localized affect of the increase in combustibles for room 4303 is an increase in the Fire Severity of .5 minutes. The new value is 53 minutes compared to the existing value of 52.5 minutes in Table 9A-9 sheet 17. The increases in combustible loads and the resultant affects on Fire Severity at both the local level (affect on room 4303) and on the overall Fire Area (RB2) are negligible. Installation of the data acquisition in room 4303 is acceptable.
Therefore, per the Fire Protection review, the additions of combustibles IAW with this DCP does not adversely affect any UFSAR Design Functions.
Penetration Seal Modification The cables for the accelerometers in the Turbine Building Steam Tunnel (room 1405) will be routed through penetration seal N-1401-001 to a DAS mounted on a cart in adjacent room 1401. Penetration Seal N-1401-001 is listed as a 3-hour fire seal. The grouted seal will be partially removed, conduit inserted, and cable routed through the conduit. The seal will be resealed and the conduit sealed with foam in accordance with Penetration Seal Work Release Nos. 5326 & 5327. The cables for the accelerometers in the Reactor Building from containment electrical penetration 1BW200 will be routed in conduit from the containment penetration to a DAS located in room 4303. Penetration 4303-002 will be partially removed and resealed IAW PSWR 5501 .The cables for the accelerometers in the Reactor Building from containment electrical penetration I CW200 will be routed in conduit from the containment penetration to a DAS located in room Page 65 of 71 NC.A 4AS.ZZ-0059( J,Rev. 6
FORM-2 u0CFR5n.59 SCRE ENING Revision 2 Document I.D.: 80062466 Revision: 3
EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package 4310. Penetrations N-4330-002 and S-4310-005 will be partially removed and resealed l....GoIAW PSWRs 5502.and 5503. . .-....... ,, _ . ;
All affected penetration seals will be restored to their original design conditions.
Therefore, no UFSAR Design Functions are adversely affected.
Insulation Modification, Affect Of Mountinq Blocks And Hardware On Pipe Stress Evaluations.
The Main Steam, Feedwater, Extraction Steam piping, Recirculation (attached RHR
,and associated components) will be instrumented with approximately 130 accelerometers at approximately 50 locations. Insulation at the large bore monitored piping locations will be temporarily removed. Strapping, banded around the piping and prefabricated accelerometer mounting brackets will be installed at the large bore pipe monitoring locations. (Small-bore piping will be instrumented by using band clamps (hose clamps) in lieu of mounting blocks to secure the accelerometers to the piping.)
The accelerometer(s) will be installed. Then, the insulation will be reinstalled. The insulation will be reconfigured for each size pipe OD., insulation thickness, and insulation jacket material. The insulation and jacket materials will be reconfigured with "high-hat' designs that will allow for the space occupied by the mounting blocks and accelerometers, and at the same time restore the insulation and jacketing to their original insulating performance. Therefore, the environmental room temperatures where the vibration monitoring hardware and devices are mounted on the piping are not affected.
In addition, strain gages with protective covers will be installed on all four Main Steam pipes in the Turbine Building. Two strain gages will be installed in the hoop direction at eight locations on the main steam lines, two locations on each main steam line. In addition, two strain gages will be installed in the longitudinal direction at two locations to measure the amount of bending on the pipe. The insulation at the specified locations will be temporarily removed, the strain gages spot-welded to the pipe, the protective cover slipped over the strain gage, and the insulation reinstalled.
The weight of the accelerometers, remote charge converters and mounting block for any monitored location is less than 3.5 lbs, total. The weight of the strain gages is a few ounces. This weight is insignificant to the lbs/ft of the pipe being monitored. The weights of the mounting hardware and monitoring devices will have no impact on the adjacent pipe supports. Inaddition, the weights of the mounting hardware and monitoring devices will have no impact on the dynamic effects of the piping they are monitoring. Therefore, the results obtained with the monitoring devices and hardware installed on the piping, Page 66 of 71 NC.AA-AS.ZZ-0059(T), Rev.6
FORM-2 10CFR50.59 SCREENING Revision 2 Document I.D.: 80062466 Revision: 3
EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package are still valid for the piping wherf the monitoring devices and hardware are later removed. The Design Functions of the piping.and insulation are not adversely affected by additions of vibration monitoring equipment weight to the piping and modification of the insulation. The existing piping analysis is still valid and the room temperatures are unaffected by the modified insulation since the insulation is restored to its original insulating performance. The modification of the insulation and addition of accel mounting brackets does not affect the Design Functions of the systems be monitored.
Digital EMI / RFI ConcernsThe hardware, software, and data acquisition systems installed in accordance with this DCP are stand-alone systems. Information obtained from the DASs is not input into any permanent plant hardware or software system. However the impact of the DAS on surrounding plant systems due to potential Electromagnetic Interference is an issue requiring discussion.
One DAS system located in the Reactor Building is used for CTMT vibration monitoring, while another DAS located in the Turbine Building is used for Turbine Building monitoring. Each system is similar in configuration (similar hardware components) but customized for the number of monitored channels. Since the DASs do not supply information to any plant system ,are not safety related, and walkdowns revealed they are not in "line of sight" of safety related systems, testing to the CE mark is considered sufficient. DCP personnel have contacted hardware vendors to obtain the CE certificates to satisfy Electromagnetic Compatibility issues required by the plant.
Certificates were supplied for the SCXI-1 000 4-slot chassis, SCXI-1 001 12-slot chassis, SCXI-1 141 8-channel elliptical filter module, SCXI-1 305 8-channel BNC accelerometer input block, SCXI-1 121 4-channel strain gage signal conditioning module, SCXI-1321 4-channel strain gage input block (all made by National Instruments) and 2793 ISOTRON accelerometer signal conditioner (made by Endevco). The CE certificates are stored as permanent plant documentation in the Critical Software Package (CSP)H-1-ZZ-SCS-0253 Volume 8.
Upon the review of the hardware Certs, two items require clarification; The SCXI-1 141 certificate listed ferrite bead connectors as a requirement between the SCXI-1 141 filter module and the SCXI-1 305 input block "when using mass termination terminal blocks. The configuration used for our DASs has the SCXI-1 305 plugging directly into the SCXI -1141 via coaxial cable. Therefore, ferrite beads are not required.
The Certs for the DAS components required the use of double-shielded cables vs.
single shielded cables between the DAS components. Discussions with the vendor Page 67 of 71 NC. A -11S.ZZ-009(?QJ9Rev. 6
N C.NA-AS.ZZ-1)1)59(Q)
FORM-2 10CFRSO.59 SCREENING Revision 2 Document I.D.: 80062466 Revision: 3
EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package stated that single shield cables were acceptable since they provide 93% shielding (compared to 97% .for the doubl e shielded cable),.and the routings.between DAS.
components was only 6ft and in the immediate area of the DAS.
Based upon the review of the hardware Certs, the information provided in the CSP, and plant walkdowns, the Digital Acquisition Systems used for vibration monitoring per this DCP will not impact existing plant systems due to Electromagnetic interference.
This implementation of this activity does not adversely affect UFSAR described Design Functions. It does not involve changes to procedures, or methodology, and does not involve tests or experiments. This activity does not involve changes to design limits for fission product barriers. Therefore, a 10CFR50.59 Evaluation is not required.
3 If all Screening questions in Section 5 are answered NO, then a 50.5 9 Evaluation is not required.
I] If any Screening question is YES, then perform a 50.59 Evaluation (Fonn-3).
50.59 Evaluation No: N/A
- 7. List the documents reviewed containing relevant information, including sectionnumbers (UFSAR, Tech Specs, and others):
3.6 Protection Against'Dynamic Effects associated With The Postulated Rupture Of Piping Determination Of Break Locations And Dynamic Effects Associated With The Postulated Rupture Of Recirculation System Piping (NSSS) 3.7 Seismic Design 3.7.2 Seismic System Analysis 3.7.3 Seismic Subsystem Analysis 3.9 Mechanical Systems And Components 3.9.2 Dynamic Testing And Analysis Thermal Expansion, Piping Vibration, And Dynamic Effects In NSSS Piping Preoperational And Startup Testing Of Non-NSSS Piping 3.11 Environmental Design Of Mechanical And Electrical Equipment 4.1.1 ReactorVessel Shroud Head And Steam Separator Assembly Steam DryerAssembly 4.3 Nuclear Design Nuclear Design Description Page 68 of 71 VC.NA-AS.ZZ-OO59D(J, Rev. 6
FORM-2 I OUCR50.59 SCREENING Revision 2 Document I.D.: 80062466 Revision: 3
EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package 4.4.5 Testing And Verification 5 Reactor Coolant Systern And.Connected Systems 5.1.6 Reactor Pressure Vessel 5.1.7 Reactor Recirculation System 5.1.8 Main Steam Lines And Flow Restrictors 5.11.9 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System 5.1.10 Residual Heat Removal System 5.1.11 Reactor Water Cleanup System 5.1 .12 Feedwater System Lines 5.2 Integrity Of Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary 5.2.1 Compliance With Codes And Code Cases Compliance With 10 Cfr, Part 50, Section 50.55a Applicable Code Cases 5.4.1 Reactor Recirculation Pumps Safety Design Bases 5.4.6 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System Design Bases System Design Preoperational Testing 5.4.7 Residual Heat Removal System Design Bases System Design Preoperational Testing 5.4.9 Main Steam Lines And Feedwater Lines Safety Design Bases Inspection And Testing 6.3 Emergency Core Cooling Systems 6.3.1 Design Bases And Summary Description Design Bases Summary Descriptions Of ECCS 6.3.2 System Design ECCS Analyses For LOCA LOCA Analysis Conclusions 6.3.4 Tests And Inspections ECCS Performance Tests 7 Instrumentation And Controls Protection Systems Engineered Safety Feature Systems (Controls) Systems Required For Safe Shutdown 7.2 Reactor Protection (Trip) System (Rps) 7.2.1 Description Design Bases 7.3 Engineered Safety Feature Systems 7.3.1 Description Page 69 of 71 NC.AA.AS.ZZ-0059(Q), Rev.6
POrvM-2 10CFR50.59 SCRE ENING IRevision 2 Documinent I.D.: 80062466 Revision: 3
EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package System Description Design Bases. ;
7.4 Systems Required For Safe Shutdown 7.4.1 Description 10 Steam And Power Conversion System 10.3 Main Steam Supply System 10.3.1 Design Bases 10.3.2 Description 10.4.7 Condensate And Feedwater Design Bases System Description Safety Evaluation 14 Initial Test Program 14.2 Construction Verification, Preoperational, And Power Test Program 14.2.1 Summary Of Test Program And Objectives Construction Verification Test Program - Phase I Preoperational Test Program - Phase Ii Power Test Program - Phase Iii 14.2.2 Organization Preoperational Test Procedures Startup Test Procedures 14.2.4 Conduct Of Test And Startup Program 14.2.7 Conformance Of Test Programs With Regulatory Guides 14.2.8 Use Of Reactor Operating And Testing Experience InThe Development Of Test Program Startup Test Procedures 15.0 General 15.1 Decrease In Reactor Coolant Temperature 15.1.1 Loss of Feedwater Heating 15.2.8 Feedwater Line Break 15.2.9 Failure of RHR Shutdown Cooling 15.3 Decrease In Reactor Coolant System Flow Rate 15.3.1 Reactor Recirculation Pump Trip Identification of Causes and Frequency Classification 15.3.4 Reactor Recirculation Pump Shaft Break Identification of Causes and Frequency Classification 15.6 Decrease In Reactor Coolant Inventory 15.6.1 Inadvertent Safety/Relief Valve Opening 15.6.2 Instrument Line Pipe Break Identification of Causes and Frequency Classification 15.6.4 Steam System Piping Break Outside Containment Identification of Causes and Frequency Classification 15.6.5 Loss-of-Coolant Accident Resulting from the Spectrum of Postulated Piping Breaks Within the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Inside Primary Page 70 of 71 NC.NX-AS.ZZ-00959), Rev.6
FORM-2 I0CFR50.59 SCRE ENING Revision _ ;t DocuMrenI I.D.: 80062466 Revision: .3
EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package Containment Applicable Tech Specs Reviewed; 3/4.3.3 ECCS System Actuation Instrumentation 3/4.3.4 Recirc Pump Trip Actuation Instrumentation 3/4.3.5 RCIC System Actuation Instrumentation 3/4.3.9 Feedwater / Main Turbine Trip Systems Actuation Instrumentation 3/4.4. Reactor Coolant System 3/4.4.7 Main Steam Line Isolation-Valves 3/4.4.9 RHR 3/4.5 ECCS 3/4.6 Containment Systems 3/4.7.4 RCIC System 3/4.7.7 Main Turbine Bypass System 3/4.9.11 Residual Heat Removal And Coolant Circulation COMPLETION AND APPROVAL 12-15-04 Philip M. Stashak 12-7-06 11tPARERt (SIGN} DATE NAME (PRINT) QUAL EXPIRES 12-15-04 Ron Zielinskli 12-7-06 MVlEWER (SIGN) DATE NAME (PRINT) QUAL EXPIRES Dan McHugh 3-1 1-05 I-, APPROVAL (SIGV D
DATE NAME (PRINT) QUAL EXPIRES Page 71 of 71 NC'.NA-A-S.ZZ-0059(Q). Rcv:6
NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0001 (Q)
FORM-2 DESIGN INPUT RECORD COVERSHEET SUP01 Rev.2 Sht. 1 of 7 Identification Number: 80062466 Revision Number: 1 Revision Summary:
This Design Change Package (DCP) has been produced as a result of The PSEG Extended Power Uprate Project, in conjunction with General Electric (GE), Task Report T-031 8, ongoing EPU industry issues, and recurring plant vibration issues. Piping system monitoring will occur inside the drywell (room 4220), turbine building steam tunnel elevation 123' (room 1405/3491), and in feedwater water heater room 1504 at elevation 137'. The following piping systems will be monitored for vibration; Main Steam (drywell and turbine building), Feedwater (drywell and turbine Building), Extraction Steam, Recirc (and RHR inside drywell) and their associated valves and attached piping. The current scope monitors approximately 40 locations using about 100 accelerometers in the drywell. Twenty-four accelerometers at ten locations, and twenty strain gages at eight locations will be monitored in the turbine building.
The drywell instrumentation will be connected through drywell electrical penetrations 1BW202 and 1CW200 to data acquisition systems located in rooms 4303 and 4310. Cables are routed in conduits on the reactor building side of the installation through penetrations N-4330-002, S-4310-005 and N-4303-0, to the console mounted DAS systems. The DAS's will be powered via convenience outlets when data is to be obtained. Based upon constructability walkdowns, another DAS setup will sit atop a cart, in the turbine building room 41 01, near the turbine building steam tunnel at elevation 123'. Cable inside the turbine building steam tunnel will be routed to this DAS through an existing grouted wall penetration (N-1401 -001). The hardware, software, and data acquisition systems installed in accordance with this DCP are stand-alone systems. Information obtained from the DASs is not input into any permanent plant hardware or software system. Therefore, there is no effect on the Main Steam, Feedwater, Extraction Steam, Recirc or RHR System Design Functions from the monitoring of these piping systems.
Responsible Engineer: Philip M. Stashak Date: 12-10-04 Reviewer/Checker: Ron. Zielinski Date: 12-15-04 Nuclear Common Rev. 3
NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0001 (Q)
FORM-1 (PAGE 3 OF 6)
DESIGN INPUT RECORD DCP 80062466 Rev.1, SUP01 Rev.2 Sht. 2 Identification Number: 80062466 Revision Number: 1 Discipline/Specialty: Pipe Stress / Civil Preparer Name: Philip M.Stashak Date: 12-10-04 Reviewer/Checker: Ron Zielinski Date: 12-15-04 I. DESIGN DOCUMENTS PRODUCED (OUTPUT)
If a Change Package is produced as a result of your design effort, list it below next to "Change No." Ifother documents are produced with the CP that are not on the Affected Document List (ADL) (example: a procurement specification) list them below. Do not repeat ADL documents here.
If a CP is not the design document produced, state "None" next to "Change No. ". Below that, list what design document was produced (example, a calculation produced indefense of a technical challenge).
DOCUMENT IDNO./REVISION TITLE CHANGE NO.: 80062466 /0 EPU Vibration Monitoring Installation Package (Ifthe completed design document is a CP, list it here)
Nuclear Common Rev. 3
NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0001 (Q)
FORM-1 (PAGE 3 OF 6)
Review the following design input categories and industry standards for help in selecting design references for the DIR:
- Design Basis inputs
- Performance/Testing requirements
- Material requirements
- Quality Assurance classification
- EQ classification
- Loading (electrical, thermodynamic, structural, etc.)
- Redundancy, diversity, separation
- System interface
- Failure effects
- INPO documents
- Technical Specification
- PSEG commitments and applications to regulatory agencies
- Design codes, Industry/PSE&G standards and guidelines {SEE BELOW}
- Regulatory requirements (bulletins, circulars, NUREG's etc.) {SEE BELOW)
Mechanical Design Classification
- 1. ASME B &PV Code Section III
- 2. ASME B &PV Code Section VilI
- 3. ASME B &PV Code Section Xl
- 4. ANSI B31.1 Pressure Piping
- 5. ANSI B31.7 Nuclear Power Piping
- 6. Regulatory Guide 1.143 (Radwaste)
Consider Technical Standard ND.DE-TS.ZZ-3005(Q), Applicable Piping and Support Codes, for items 1 through 6 above.
Nuclear Common Rev. 3
NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0001 (Q)
FORM-1 (PAGE 4 OF 6)
DESIGN INPUT RECORD DCP 80062466 Rev.1, SUP01 Rev.2 Sht. 4 11.DESIGN REFERENCES (INPUT) - CONTINUED Civil Design Classification 8. ANSI/ASME N45.2.15
- 1. AISC 9. AWSA
- 4. Standard Building Code of N.J. 12. AASHTO
- 5. BOCA National Building Code 13. ACI
- 6. Uniform Building Code 14. OSHA
- 7. NUREG 0612 Control of Heavy Loads at Nuclear Power Plants Electrical/I&C Design Classification
- 2. IEEE 279 Protection Systems
- 4. IEEE 344 Seismic Qualification of Electrical Equipment
- 5. IEEE 379 Single Failure Criteria
- 6. IEEE 383 Cables &Splices
- 7. IEEE 384 Independence of Class 1E Equipment
- 9. NUREG 0700 Human Factors
- 10. Reg. Guide 1.6 Independence between Redundant Power Sources
- 11. Reg. Guide 1.22 Testing of Protection System Functions
- 12. Reg. Guide 1.32 Criteria for Safety Related Power Systems
- 13. Reg. Guide 1.53 Single Failure Criteria
- 14. Reg. Guide 1.63 Electric Penetration Assemblies in Containment Structures for
- Nuclear Power Plants
- 15. Reg. Guide 1.75 Physical Independence of Electrical Systems
- 16. Reg. Guide 1.89 Environmental Qualification of Class 1E Equipment
- 17. Reg. Guide 1.97 Instrumentation to Assess Plant and Environs Conditions During an Following and Accident
- 18. Reg. Guide 1.100 Seismic Qualification of Electrical Equip.
- Handling, storage, shipping
- Accessability, maintenance, ISI/ST
- Security
- Operability
- Human Factors (NUREG 0737 Clarif. of TMI'Action plan Req'ts)
- Testability
- Current equipment/plant status
- Operating history Nuclear Common Rev. 3
NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0001 (Q)
FORM-1 (PAGE 6 OF 6)
DESIGN INPUT RECORD DCP 80062466 Rev.1, SUP01 Rev.2 Sht. 5 II. DESIGN REFERENCES (INPUT) - CONTINUED CONTROLLED DOCUMENTS All PSEG Nuclear controlled documents/drawings shall include Document ID No., Title and Revision.
Codes, standards, regulations etc. shall include title, edition, section, paragraph, and addendum.
Handbooks, publications etc. shall include title, author, publisher, edition, section and page. Purchased computer programs shall be referenced by title, version and publisher.
UNIQUE DOCUMENTS Computer programs written by PSEG Nuclear especially for the design document shall be printed and included with the author's name and department. Correspondence such as PSEG Nuclear generated letters, Notes of Meetings, e-mail copies, telephone conversation transcripts (Telecon's) shall include Correspondence ID No. if available and Date.
The following references were used as design inputs to produce the Change Package or other design document(s) listed in Section II. Attach "unique' documents.
Document ID NO./REV TITLE/lmpact on Design DRF - 000-0006-0864 / 0 (Task T031 8) HCEPU Piping Flow Induced Vibration (GE) / Task Reoort DRF 0000-0006-0455 /
NEDC-33076P (PUSAR ) / Project Licensing P-422 Rev. 4 Technical Specification For Steady State Vibration Testing Of Balance Of Plant ASME Section III, Nuclear Class 1,2, &3 and ANSI B31.1 Piping For the Hope Creek Generating Station GE 22A5405 Rev.1 Piping Response, Measurement (Startup Test Specifications) / Startup Specification GE 22A5405AW Rev. 1 Piping Response, Measurement (Startup Test Spec Data Sheet) / Startup Specification H-1-BBXX-MFD-0254 (Dated 2/01/89) Field Directive For Monitoring And Evaluating Selected SSV Level Of Reactor Recirc Piping And Selected Lines / Previous Recirc Testinc DCP 4EC-03186 Rev. I Installation Of Temporary Instrumentation To Monitor Vibration Levels Of The Reactor Recirculation System / Previous DCP DCP 4EC-03187 Rev. 2 Install Reactor Recirc Tie-Back Supports / Previous DCP DCP 80035953 Rev. 1 Remove Instrumentation Installed In DCP 4EC-3186 / Previous DCP DCP 4HX-0269 Rev. 2 Recirc Piping Vibration Monitoring / Previous DCP D7.5 / 19 HCGS Environmental Design Criteria Nuclear Common Rev. 3
NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0001 (Q)
FORM-1 (PAGE 6 OF 6)
--Document ID NO./REV TITLE/Impact on Desiqn 1-P-AB-01 Rev. 18 Turbine Bldg Main Steam Lead / Drawing 1-P-AB-02 Rev. 16 Turbine Bldg Main Steam Bypass / Drawing 1-P-AC-01 Rev. 18 Turbine Bldg Extraction Steam To FW Heater No. 61 Drawing 1-P-AE-01 Rev. 21 Turbine Bldg Feedwater From Reactor Feed Pump To Drywell / Drawing 1-P-AE-02 Rev. 14 Turbine Bldg RFP Recirc To Condenser / Drawing 1-P-AE-04 Rev. 11 Feedwater Inside Drywell / Drawing FSK-P-0169 Rev. 12 Recirculation Piping Loop -A I Drawing FSK-P-0170 Rev. 14 Recirculation Piping Loop -Bj Drawing FSK-P-0214 Rev. 14 Main Steam Lines A, B Inside Drywell / Drawing FSK-P-0215 Rev. 15 Main Steam Lines B, C Inside Drywell 1-P-BB-317 Rev. 6 Drywell Instrument Line Loop A Suction to Drywell Penetration I Drawing 1-P-BB-318 Rev. 4 Drywell Instrument Line Loop A Suction to Drywell Penetration / Drawing 1-P-BB-319 Rev. 4 Drywell Instrument Line Loop B Suction to Drywell Penetration I Drawing 1-P-BB-320 Rev. 6 Drywell Instrument Line Loop B Suction to Drywell Penetration / Drawing 1-P-BB-321 Rev. 5 Drywell Instrument Line Loop A Suction to Drywell Penetration / Drawing 1-P-BB-322 Rev. 6 Drywell Instrument Line Loop A Suction to Drywell Penetration / Drawing 1-P-BB-327 Rev. 4 Drywell Instrument Line Loop B Suction to Drywell Penetration / Drawing 1-P-BB-328 Rev. 6 Drywell Instrument Line Loop B Suction to Drywell Penetration / Drawing NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0064 / 2 Software Quality Assurance / Procedure HC.MD-AP.ZZ-0004 / 0 General Guidelines For Temporary Power And Communication Cables Installation And Removal Nuclear Common Rev. 3
NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0001 (Q)
FORM-1 (PAGE 6 OF 6)
DESIGN INPUT RECORD DCP 80062466 Rev.1 , SUP01 Rev.2 Slit. 7 of 7 E-1406 Hope Creek Separation Criteria ND.DE-TS.ZZ-2001 (Q) /4 Telecommunication Cable Installation & Removal /
Technical Standard E-1408 Wire And Cable - Notes and Details E-1000 Electrical Cable Description TMOD 04-006 Rev.2 Vibration Monitoring Equipment Reactor Recirc Piping VTD 326528/0 Recirculation Piping Vibration Monitoring Locations VTD 326529/0 Inside The Drywell Feedwater Piping Vibration Monitoring Locations VTD 326530/0 Outside The Drywell Feedwater Piping Vibration Monitoring Locations VTD 326527/0 Extraction Steam Piping Vibration Monitoring Locations VTD 326531 /0 Outside The Drywell Main Steam Piping Vibration Monitoring Locations VTD 326532/0 Main Steam Line A Piping Vibration Monitoring Locations VTD 326533 /0 Main Steam Line B Piping Vibration Monitoring Locations Nuclear Common Rev. 3
Supplemental Record 12 Accelerometer Direction Pictograms DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12 R2 Sht. 1 of 45
Table of Contents Page# System Data Point (DP) Location(Bldg.)
3 Main Steam 'A' 81 Drywell 4 Main Steam 'A' 14 Drywell 5 Main Steam 'A' (RCIC) 430 Drywell 6 Main Steam 'A' (SRV-'J') 22J Drywell 7 Main Steam 'B' 534 Drywell 8 Main Steam 'B' 490 Dryw'ell 9 Main Steam '8' 460 Drywell 10 Main Steam 'B' (SRV-'P') 40P Drywell 11 Feedwater 160 Drywell 12 Feedwater Z002 Drywell 13 Feedwater 280 Drywell 14 Feedwater 220 Drywell 15 Feedwater 50 Drywell 16 Recirc'A' 323 Drywell 17 Recirc'A' 14 Drywell 18 Recirc'A' (RHR) 602 Drywell 19 Recirc'B' 323 Drywell 20 Recirc'B' 13 Drywell 21 Recirc'B' (RHR)
- 506F Drywell 22 Main Steam 'A' Z013 Turbine 23 Main Steam 'A' Z018 Turbine 24 Main Steam 'B' Z003 Turbine 25 Main Steam 'B' ZOO Turbine 26 Feedwater 817 Turbine 27 Feedwater 731 Turbine 28 Extraction Steam ZOOB Turbine 29 Extraction Steam 49 Turbine 30 Extraction Steam 230 Turbine 31 Extraction Steam Z010 Turbine 32 Recirc'A' 110 Drywell 33 Recirc'B' 110 Drywell 34 Recirc'A' (RHR) 621 Drywell 35 Recirc'B' (RHR) 614 Drywell 36 Recirc'B' (RHR) 603F Drywell 37 Recirc 'B' (RHR) 515N Drywell 38 Recirc'B' (RWCU) 930 Drywell 39 Recirc'B' (RHR) NIA Drywell 40 Recirc 'B' 155/160 Drywell 41 Recirc'A' 130 Drywell 42 Recirc'A' (RHR) 97 Drywell 43 Recirc 'B' Pump Motor Drywell 44 Recirc'B' F077 Drywell 45 Recirc 'A' & MB" (FO60 AB) Drywell
- DP. 515N Installed In Lieu of DCP 80062466R0 506F SUP1 2R2 Sht. 2 l
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R 2 Sht. 3
'A' dp. 81 x
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R 2 Sht. 4 2 n2 IL 'A' dp.
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R2 Sht. 5 M.S, 'A' (RCIC) dp.
ly z x M.S. 'A' (RCIC)
DP. 430 SECTION 1 3 -3
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R'2 Sht. 6 Y
4F KS. *A' CSRV-J) dp.
z ~x M.S. 'A' (SRV-'J')
DP. 22J SECTION "4-4'
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R 2 Sht. 7 z
M.S. 'B' DP. 534 SECTION "5-5"
- s DCP 80062466 Rev. 0 SUP 12R2 Sht. 8
~Y dp. 490 z
L M.S. 'Bt DP. 490 SECTION I/"-61/
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R 2 Sht. 9' K
7 7 Asa. cp,
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R'2 Sht. 10 l
l ] M.S. 'B' (SRV-'P')
DP. 40P K - 8 MS. 10 CMRV-P)0p. 4OPI SECTION "8-8'
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R 2 Sht. 11 FW.
DP. 160 10 10'
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R2 Sht. 12
'A' dp. ZO02
-X-Aeg FW.
DP. Z002 SECTION 11-11,
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R 2 Sht.'13
'A' dp. 280 1
SECTION "12-12"
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R2 Sht. 14 SECTI z x SECTION '13-13'
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R2 Sht. is y9 'A' dp.
z~"~x FW DP. 50 SECTION "9-9"
I DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R2 Sht. 16 ly Recirc 'A' DP. 323 x
I r
r X-Acel.
RECIRC 'A' dp. 323 14<b I Ie SECTION "14-14"'
Recirc 'A' DP. 14 x X-Acet. Y-Acel.
-RECIRC. 'A' clp. 14 SECTION '15-15/'
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 Recirc 'A' (RHR) SUP 12R2 DP. 602 Sht. 18 ly Ri-R. on RECIRC. 'A' dp. 602 (
- SECTION 1116-16/,
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R2 Sht. 19 ly z
RECIRC. 'B' dp. 323.
Recirc 'B' DP. 323 SECTION "17-17"
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R2 Sht. 20
'B' dp. 13 18 SECTION SE I I "lle-181,
" 8
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R 2 Sht. 21 Recirc'B' (RHR)
DP. 506F RECIRC. 'E' z
SECTION "119-19",
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R2 Sht. 22 l
z dp. Z013 20 20 SECTION
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R 2 Sht. 23 z
-M.S. 'A' dp. ZOWB 28 SECTION // 21-21"
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R2 Sht. 24
'Y M.S. 'B DP. Z003 z M.S. 'B' dp. Z003 22 22 SECTILN /'22-22"
M.S. 'B' DP. ZOOB X-Acet.
z x
-M.S. 'B' dp. ZOOS 23 SECTION "23-23'9
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R2 Sht. 26 FW.
DP. 817 z
F.W. dp. 817 2 SECTION "2 4-.2 4"
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R2 Sht. 27 Y
z x dp. 731 25 25 SECTION II25-25ll
DCP 80062466R0 SUP12R,2 Sht. 28 ly Z-Acel.-
z ~-X-Acet.
DCP 80062466R0 SUP12R 2 Sht. 29 z
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R 2 Sht. 30 z dp. 230 28 28 SECTION
DCP 80062466 Rev.0 SUP 12R 2 Sht. 31 z -Extr. Stm.
-29 SECTION "29-29"
DCP 80062466R0 SUP12R2 Sht. 32 z x
DCP 80062466R'O SUP12R 2 Shtl. 33 Recirc. 'B' dp. 110.
SECTION " 31-31 "
DCP 80062466R0 SUP12R2 Sht. 34 Y
DCP 80062466R0 SUP12R2 Sht. 35 z 'B' CRHR) dp. 614 A5, 1b 33 SECTION "33-33"
DCP 80062466R0 SUP12R2 Sht. 36
.2 (RHR)dp. 603F SECTION "34-34'
DCP 80062466R0 SUP12R'2 Sht. 37 R.EIR . IB RECIRC. 'B' 35 SECTION '/35-35"
DCP 80062466R0 SUP12R2 Sht. 38 X-Acel.
-RVCU on RECIRC. a'D dp. 930 SECTION "36-36" 36
DCP 80062466R0 SUP12R 2 Sht. 39
-Y-A&eL z
' Vent on Recic. 'B' (RHR) dp. n/ml. -Z-AceL SECTION "37-37/f 37
DCP 80062466R0 SUP12R 2 Sht. 40 x
Recirc. a't SECTION "38-38" SECTIEN "38-38"
DCP 80062466R0 SUP12R2 Sht.41 SECTION '39-39' 40 V 39 SECTION "40-40' A'
DCP 80062466R0 SUP12R'2 Sht. 42' x SECTION '4i-41#
Recirc. 'A' tFC0OA 4 2k1/2 42 SECTION '42-42'
Holes are to be drilled 1"deep to CENTER LINE OF MOUNTING BLOCK IS A DCP 80062466 Rev.0 accept 114 - 2OUNC Socket Head Cap Screws. Match Drill holes To fit
SUP12R2 mounting blocks. Loctite Cap Sht. 43 Screws.
a I V..
-4_^..v UMf4Sn- A 3]J/r-24-2A -U Hmrm5R4Aw Probe Mounting Installed Per DCP 80072763_l
. DCP 80062466R0 SUP1 2R2 S ht.44
DCP 80062466RO SUP1 2R2 Sht. 45 of 45
Mounting Block Detail (Piping)
,TAP FOR 10-32 UNF.
- 4. TAP CLASS: 2
DCP 80062466 Rev.1 SUP 181R1 Sht. 1 of 2
DCP 80062466 Rev.1 Recirc Pump Mounting Block SUP18RI Sht. 2 of 2 4.00 00.31-I I I (2)-0.310 - CEORE 0.440 1.25- DEEP 1 .,0 I -
1.V -io e 00.44 I I I-'100-32 UNF- 3/B' LG.
Drywell Accelerometers & Proximity Probes
'SUP Z RO FWOCNlO. Channel "ama sunetNo Fenetrattot cable Noc. SysterrvSystem Dee anstor Drawing Lvals F"P~Material 11od.PL. _______
1100.2ACEL.I IA 202 1IA.RRA.1CX I 18vV202 ZRACSI.IIA.T R..X-A-18F FSK.P-1169118-012-VO D 2448 Slaurtes Steet 14 eX04va MIOS-2ACELtl 8 202.II8-RRA-14Y 2 18W202 IRACELI1B-7 Raerc W) B FSK-P.109 BB012-VO D)A.28- StwleanesSteel 14 YlVerl)
Ht100-2ACEL4IIC 202.II1C-RRA-114Z 3 18W20VQ2 2RACEL11IC-TRecln: A',FBB FSK.P.162 8M.12-VO S-,-5Stslst.sSteel 54 Z(LtI) 14I00.2ACrSL42A 202 12A.RRB.13X 4- J1W202 2RACEL12A.T Rajc'frriBB FSK-P.1170BB.Cll-V(DICA.28' Stainleesti..ta 13 HlS2~LlB 221BRBlt 822 24CLl- ~rmf5FSK(P.I1W 88-011-V OCA-28' SteinlegssSteel 13 Y=et tlOS .2ACIEL.12C. 202.12C-RRB-12 8 18W202 21RACELI2C.T Rearc lI BB FSK-P.117088.011I.V(OCA.W6 StainlsassSitee 13 Zitat)
HIO002ACEL.13A 200.13A-JSAJIX 7 ICW200 2RACELI1A-T Main SteamAJAB FSK-P.2114AS-03"-VDILA 26 Carbon Steel 811 X(L al) 105O-2ACEL.130 1200-1133W-.SA-Sy 8 1CW200 2RACEL13B7I MaSmslemAjAO FSK.P.2114IAB-030.VOLA.2(r Caoon Sisal at Y(Vert)
HIOS.2ACEI.44A 200,-I4A-ASB,-S34X 8 1CW200 2RACEI4,1A? Wan Slasm DIAS FSK4P-2t4 A-031.V OLA.2r Carbon Slant 534 X(L~atl HIOS-ZACa-Lo4 200-1484SS-354Y 10 ICW200 2RACEL14S-N amsSteamBIAS FSK.P.214 0LA.26' 2841-V( CarbonSteel 634 Y (VOrI HICS.2ACELIASA 200.15A-ISA-22JX if ICW?00 2ACELISAT7 lMalnSlsamA SRV.J'IAS 1-P.A4AB-081S01-130C.110 carbon steal 22J X (Let)
HIlOS.OACEt..156 200.IB-14SA-22.1Z 12 1IN200 ZRACSLIO58- jMw SIlum A SRV.JAS 1-P-AS-011A i0-GBCi Carbon Sta& 22 Z(tl 1110S .ZACEL.IBA 200.ISA.MSB-40PX 13 11CW00 2RACE1.10A W altsSleatt B(SRV-PYAS 1-P-AS-OS 08S-BC-107
-AS Carbon Steel lOP, XIAXrII HiOSS 2ACEL.16B 200-ImBMSB-40py U ICY1400 2RACELI68 T jMan Sleam B(SRV.PYAS I4P.AB-06 AB.065-438C-It0 CarlbetSteel 4___P Y~vartt 1110S -2ACEL.I1SC 20016.UB-tss-40P2 is ICW200 2RACELISCT W arnSteam B SRVPAS I-P-AS-0S AS 065-GBC-10' carbonSteel 40p ZILvit
-10DS .2ACEL.17A 200 17A.MSA-430Y is 1CW2OIO 2RACEL1I7A-2 MaenSteaaA RCIC)IFC 1-P-PC.01 FC-003-08A Carbont Steel 430 Y (Vent lIIDS-2ACEL.17B ;2 0-I7B.ISA-33Z 17 10142000 2RACE~i.7B- W ainSteamtA (RtCJ I FC II-P-FC-01 FC-003-1BA-4 CarbonStel .430 ( Iat rl1O5.2ACEL.ISA 1202-IOA-RlIRA4O2X 18 1BW202 ZRACE~Ll8A-r IFtsceA' ftRH) ies 1-P-BC-02 BC-11IS*CCA-12T Stemrless Steel 602 XAldan 1110S.2ACEL.1SB1202.8lgl-RHMRA02Y IS VVW202 etr tRlS lPB-2 BCl6CA1 rRCLS- theSel 42 Yet HIIOS.2ACEL.ISC 202-11,1C-AH-RA-602Z 20 18W202 2RACELI8C-T Flaeh.A. 18 IH i.P-sc-02 oC.aB-CA-ir Stainivessaa~il 802 Zttstl HIOS-2ACELIASA 202-19A-RHIRB-51004X 21 1-BlhV202 2RACELI RA.T RaedtC.-l StRHR IB68 i-P-BC1-02 SC-O10-O a,2 Carbon tel 5115N XlAsrall HbS -2ACSEL-118B202-198-RtHRB-611I1' 22 1BW202 2RACFLISB-T IRealm' (RHR-IlI 8B 11-I-OC-02 BC 010-01.A-2(r CarbOnSteel 5151N Yl art)
HI100-2ACEL.19C 203 l9Z-ISHRS-S15Nl 23 15W202 2RACEL19C-'T Redre TBIRHRRI 58 1-P.SC-02 8C-010-DLA.2f0 CarbonSteel s1014 Z(Lat)
HIDIS-ACEtA2CA 2M020A-MASA-14OX 24 11CW200 2RACEL20A-TIManSteam AJAB FsK-P-2 14 A.B-030-VOW A.26' CarbonSleel 114 X( Lalli HtIOS-2ACEL-20B 200-208-MSA-14Z j25 1 CW200 2RACEL20B-T Main lam AIAB FSK.P.214 AS-030-V(0 Ar Catbon Steel 14 tatvI KID00.2ACEL.2 )A 20G-ZWA-SB-4900 25 1 CIA200 2RACEL21IA4Mwn Stesil BIAS FSK.P.214 AB-03i-V 00,A26' CarbonSteel 490 Y (Von)I 1110S.2ACEL.21B 200-21"-ISS-41t2 27 ICW200 2RACEL21B- IMainSleamBIAS FSK-P.214 AB.03.VIDILA-2fr Catbon Steal A90 Z AA~al IbS -2ACEL-22A 200-22A-A4S8-460A 28 101420 2RACEL22A-TMaton SteamBWAS FSK-P-214 AS-021-VD)LA CarbonSteel 450 X (Ltal rIbS .2ACEL-22B 200-22 -. 6-88 29 1014200 2RAC52B- ManSt BIAS FSK.P.2114AS-0311.VICD L-Ar2 CatbottSteel 480 Y (vanI)
IDOS-2ACEL.22C 200-22C-&sB-80 20 1CWJOO 2RACEL22C-TMain teamnBIAB FSK~.P.2l4 AB-0311-V 0 A26' CarbtonSteel 460 Z I HIO00-2ACEL-23A 202 23A-RRA-323X 21 15W202 2PIACEL23A-T IRecimoAISB5 FSK.P1049 65 (DCA-It Sian~es.Steel 323 X 1110 2ACEI..238 202.236-RRA-323Y =32 I¶22 2RAZEL23S-T lRearA- I B FSI(-P-5S ID" 13.VO) CAi 23~nSle Y 11100-2ACEL-23C 202-23C-RaA.323Z 33 540 2RCL3-TRntAIBtKP16 l.23 OC-l ttlsNE. Stee 323Z
Drywell Accelerometers & Proximity Probes DCP 8006245iSa3 SUP 22R0 FLOC No. Chaennel Nenei Gnnsw No0 Penetration cantolNO. 1bystanviSvtamn Deserontoe DVeew UoeO HPe Ma`1t gt 1100.5.'. Aceel Wjv HIlOS.-2ACEL.2AA 207.24AA9RS-321IX 34 1 W202 2RACEL24AA- IR.&vae' I B FSK..P.17O88-Oil. D)CA-ir Sletllcee Steel 323 X 7IOS-2ACEL-24B -202-240-RRB-323Y -35 IBAQG2 2RACEL248-r lRecro'sOI s FS6-P.I70 8B-O%4-VDucA-lr StaftwesseStoel 323 Y HTIOS.Z2ACEt..24C202.24C-FiRB.323Z 36 1tlW202 2RACEL24C-;T lReec ttIBiBS FSK-P4170 BS-0t4.V o~CA-lr Sta~rfts Sgeel 323_ 2 HIOS.2ACEI..25A 200-25A.FW-SOX is 1C14200 2RACEt.25A-7 IFeedwoaterIAE l.P.AE.04 AE-03&DL-tt241 Carbon Steel so X (Lai) tIOS .ZACEL-258 20OG45S.FW.50l' to ic8420 2R)ACEL250-T feedwalerIAE I-P.AE-O.4 A-0354CLA-24' Crbon Steel GD M)en)
HIGOS,.ZACEL.25C-200-25C-FW.SGZ 201 11 M0 FodatA IJPAE.04 A.03&.'O.A-24' EW;on-Steel S5t Z lAxIal)
HIQS.2AEL-26A l2OO-2fA-FW-2231X I IC70 2AE2ArFe t k 1-P-AE.0e E-4135.CLA.12 Carton Steel 220 XfAxtst) i2D.268-FW.220Y 2 - C 0 2ACL6. eewlrA 1-P-AE.04 AE-035.tLtA-ir Carbon Steel 220 ((Vsrl)
Htl0S.2ACEL.2685 HIOS.2ACEL..27A i2t1-27A-FW.280)X 32 1CW200 2RACEL27A4t Feewe~torlAE 14.PAE.04 AE-03s-DLA.1r CarbontSteel 200 XttAatl)
HIOS .2ACEL.-2765 200.278-FW.2a02 -4 VCM3= 2RCL.1- FeedwswtlAE I.P.AE-04 AE-035-D)LA-12' Carton Steel 200 YlVer¶)
ICWb200 2RACEL28A-'TFeedw*It/rtkE 1.ttAE.04 AE-03S-OLA.12' CetSsoSel280 X (Let) r410S.2ACEL.2aA 200-28A-FW-160X -
1105S-2ACEL 200-25B-FW-150Y C8400
-,- aiPA-4A-36CA12 2RtACEL28". F.*dwettwIAE -. E0 S.3-IAI Certa abn-20BSteel 280 Y(Ver)
- TIOS .-ZACEL.2~9A 200-20A-PW.2002X 21~ 1CW26O 2RACEI.29A4 FoodwaterIAE l.1.'AE644 AE-03S-Ct.A.12? CabnSle002 Xt(xrelt 4iOS.2ACEL.299 200-295.FW.ZO02Y 22 1CW200 2RACEL208-T FeedwelellAE 1.P.AE-04 AE-OU41CA412' carbon Sleet Z002 (rt 6ulOS.ZACEL.29C 2OO-29'-.JW.20O2Z 23 ICW200 2RtACEL28C4t Feecwater IAE i.P.AE-04 AE.0354)LA-i? Cefrtwn Steel Z002 211.1(
WIGCS.~2ACEL.3-1A202-30IA41RA-1 10X 7 ISWMt2 2RACSL2OA.TReroadmWS6 1SK-P-169 80-013-Vyb CA-22? Stainless' Steel 110 X (Axmal) 202-309-RRA-11DY a 15BW202 2RACELI0.20- RedrttA'085 FSK(.P.169 B8-013-V(DCA-22r Stsetless Slet 1)0 Y(Vert) l410S.2ACEL-30B 88.0113-V0 CA22 SteBintesoSteet- 110 Z Let H)IOS-2ACEL..3OC-2 5202 I20.PIA1VVS 2RCLO4Rc ISFSt(.P.I69 H10S-.2AES-3A 202.SIA.RRA-621X 10 15W202 2RACELIIA-T RecrvA(RHR) IS -P-SC.02 SCOOS-CLA-II t0 Crto Sctee 821 X 4LaI)
H1OS.2ACEL-3165-202.31S4RRtA.821Y- 11 18WV202 2RACEL31B-TRec=cA (RHRI IBB 1-P.BC-02 BC460S-aA Carbon Stee 821 Y(Vert) ltIOS.2ACEL.31C 202-31C-RRA-8212 12 15'N202 2RACELI1C-T Romec- RHR) BB I.P.SC-02 BC-0694)LA.12 Carbon Slee 621 Z(Axtat 13 IBVV2OZ 2IIACEL32A.1 RecireAwIh Be-P-8D-325 BB-22G-CQA-1' StairteeeSteel 1310 X (1-et)
HIIOS 2ACEL-22A 35-2.32A.FRA-~130X rtlOS .2ACEL.=22 202-228-FIRA-130Y 14 5W202 2RACEL32S-TF Rec5c A 188 I.P.58-322 BB.226-CCA.1 Starrveeesteel 130 Y)Vertt HIDIS.2ACEL-32C 202-32C..RRA4t30Z Is 18VMM0 2AC-ELS2C-T Reeve KISS I.P.S0-325 8B-226-CCA-r Stairtlefs.teel 136 Z finalte HI-IS -2ACEL-23A 202-33A-RRA-97X 16 1BVV202 2RACEL33A.rF RecircAK RHli I BB I-P-BC-319 BC-121.08A.11 Carbon Steel 87 X(Aeret)
.2ACIEL-233 202.33B-RRA.O7Z
.I0OS 17 15W202 2RAC8L338-7 ReciteW RHRlBB 1.P.8C-3l9 BC-'121-BA-l Carbon Steel 87 Z(Li lS-ASIA 2G2.34A.RHARS-a03X 28 1I5W202 2RACEI.34A.-1 Recln: -8 (RHRAI5BB -P.SC.02 SC-0115-CCA-I?' Stainless Steel 6031 (xil H(10S-2ACEL-34B 2024MB-RliRt-00Y 29 10W222 2RtACEL248-TRfadrIO1 8 RHR)IISB I-P-DC-02 BC-015-CCA-Ir~ Sta-rtloas Steel 5TO331 Y (Vert))
20l2.3.C-Ft1RB40O32 30 15W202 j2RokCEL34C-'T IRedr HR#5 I-F-IB0 BC-0l5-CCA.Ir Stalrnleessteet 8031 Z at) lTlOS.2ACEL.34C HIlOS.2ACSL.35A 202-25A-ARB-I10X 37 IISVQ2O RCLS. R rcW 10 I B5FK-P-1US S5-014-VODCA-2r StelnXel 10 2 2D~a TI`OS-2ACEL.2i5B5 202-5B-RRB-1lOY 38 10W02 12RACEL358-!f IRedm-B- IS FSK(12.I10 BB-014.VI0 CA-zr Stinei See 10 l)~
IllOS.2ACEL.25C 202-2CCR-6RS10 39 1 W202 12RACEL3SC-7 RepcS ISAIB FSK.P.170 8BB414.VIDtCA-nr FStaWnlSsSitee I Z f~at)
Drywell Accelerometers & Proximity Probes f1ICP a624 saIR3 ISUP222RI KIciannaiNoI Pewrsi.n CamjeNo. sysiem/syst.m 5.avfl*/o, O,.nq11 tLMSl In-.9 maieCI hod. K1 AccelQw.
FLOC ko. CharnneNam.
2RACEL36A-TRecikc~r RW7IBB l-F.9C-02 RC41-O01.OA Carbon Simi 614 X (LanI HIC0S 2ACEL-46A 202.3&A.MRBJ14X 40 IffW202 Carbon Sioea 614 le/
HIDS .2ACEL.339 202.388-RRB-514Y 44 10V402 2RACEL398-7 R~ecutO- RHR)I 68 TI.P.9CO2 OM FCLAJ1r 42 I1b%202 2PACEL35C-TRecor: 5i(RHR) I 8 I.P-8C-02 9'C.4214)LA.12 Carbon Sl..I 614 Z (Axaill
/IS2E.-C 03CR/.1Z 99VQ012 2RACEL.37A-TF Rc~orc8 (RHR1) I 66 1-F.OC.072 ______________ ___ LX1.
V410 OS21ACEL437A 2O2-17A-FOdQ9k4SX so HIOS .2ACE1..370 202*379-F09094LSY SI 189W202 2RACEL3789TRe~crc01RHN//I69 I.P.9C.02 _______ _______ ___ SY(Vert) 2 1W2 1ACEL37CTRearc6B(RHA)/ 09 I -P.9C.2
______________ ___ LSZ x/l
/410S.2ACEL-37C 20-7-C0-S ISYC I 9VV202__
99W02 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _
44 45 TDW202______ _ _
46 1BW202 2RACEU39A.T lRecxc 11-I 9 I.P.88-327 a8-224-CCA-v SWIM411, ssle 103/1910 X Lal
,410S-2ACS-L.39A 202-39A.~RR.160X 47 IBW202 21RAC$1300.Mem v I Be 141.aB.32, SBB224-CCA.1- SluinlsesSisal 151160 V Iveri)
I10S .2ACEL.39B 12o2-398-RRB.l603Y 45 186A202 2RACEI.40A.T lReot 6'(RHR)i 66 TT-`Bc~3i9 FC-iiB-4DA.- Carbon 6/eel 196 V Ne/il HI10S.2ACEL-40A I202.4GA-RH1R8-199Y 49 I16WA02 2RACSL40R-7 R~cc'rI11 11 .P-.BC-3169B1AO6.OEA.1 Carron Steel 199 Z 11aII
-410S .2ACEL-40B (202J409.RHR9.1962 MI 67 16W202 2RACEL4 IA-T lRecirc MOTOA
" A N/A ______ (VA _____ _
-4100.2ACEL-411A 1212.41A-RRB.9A1 16WV202 2RACE1416-41 Re~cir I BBMOTORI WA WIA______NIA ______ _ _ M2 HIOS -CEL-419 Z102-418RRB4A2 59
/ errM 224CPBV3
/4O.AEL4C 6 9202 2RACEL4C-T Recc I So MOTOR WIA A _____
N__ _____M3 19W20'2 2RACEL4ID.T Recirc6 /8 MOTOR W/A NWA______N/A ______ _ .44 HIIOS.2ZACEL.41 0 202.410.RR8-IA4 90 2R,&CEL61E.'T ROOM -B-6IBeMOTOR N/A __ A _ ____NIA ______ ___ M5 HIO05.ZArEL.410E 0241E4/RB.MS el '16W202 2-4 1BW-2ci 2RACEL.42A-T R*=r A I RHRVALVE i.P.BC.02 NIA W_____NA
______ 706 LSXfLtl/
HIDS0.2ACEL-42A 202-42A$06OA.706X 29 19W202 2RACE1429T Reamr'A' IRHRVALVE t.P.BC-02 N/A W_____NA
______ 706 LOY(varl)
HIS.ACEL.428 202-429-FO60A-706Y 26 -- TRw262 TRA c KL42C-T R* -A- I RHRVALVE I.P*9C-02WA_____ N/A WA ____ 706 LS2IAmSI) 1103S .2ACEL-42C 202-62C.506GA.706Z 27 119WV202 2RACEL42A-TReareA' IRHR VALVE l.P.9C-02 WIA ______NA ______ ____ 77 HI100 .2PROO-43A D2043A-FO6OA.PP 5T 19WV202 2RACEL44A-rT R.Wlrc-I/RHR VALVE 1.P-9C02 NIA NIA ______ ___ LSX1Cp H10S-ZACEL-44A O2024AA-F0774.SX HI100 .2ACEL-448 o2J49B-FO77.LSY 54 1OVW202 2RACE1.4489RearerE1 I RHRVALVE I.P.BC-0 WA _______WA ______ ___LYF.nall HIDS .2ACEL-44C 204CF775~E 19/202 2RACEL44C4' RrcI/4RVAE 1.BC2WA_______ NA ______ ___LZIPope/.9/
96 19W202- 211AC6L-440.Reorc9 iHR=IIR VALVE t N/A ______NIA ______ _ 777 IIIOS.-2PR/Oi-440 202440.FOT7.PP 62 16W20 2RACEL4SA.1RecdrA IRHR VAV .- C2 NA ______NA ______ ___ OPX (LAI)
$100 .2ACEL.45A 2026.OSAOX rlIOS .2PROB-458 2(12.45B.F0909.P F 63 119%V202 -2RA~CEL45B.T We-OrrcE- /RHR VALVE 1I-P-BC02 INA I_____N/A 1 64 1EW202 -29ACEL4r-f RWe-rcWAI R/HRVALVE II-P-S-M NIA I___________
_N/A fZ (Aims'
/1103.2ACE/.45SC 102-65C-FOSOA-OPZ
Turbine Accelerometers and Strain Gauges B00e2466R3
.. .. SHT 4 FLOC ND Coannul Name CnanndlNo Panutration CaibeNo. Syste hymODsygnator h twuV Litnems Plpe Matrma N dGPL t l Dg H1C0SlACELO1A 01A-MSA-Z013X NIA IACEL-01A UMn StcamA/IAB 1 IP-AH41 AB40W1 DOC28- Carton Steel 2023 X H1CS-IACEL-01B 018ASA- Z13- Y _ MA IACEL4ib MainStem-A'IAB 1-B-41 AS-001-COC-21r CartbonSteel 2013 - Y HIDS.1ACL4.2A 02 SA.Z01(tX WA/7 IACEL402A MainSteam A'AB 1-P-A341 AS4C1-ESC-2S' Carbon Steel 201 tt X H1OS-IACEL.028 02B-MSA-ZOISY a WA IACEL-02B Mm SteamWIAB 14P-AB4o1 AB-o1-4teC-2S' Carbon Steel ZoIt Y HIOS -1ACEL-02C 02C4LSA201ttZ s WA IACEL-02C Man Steam'AAB 14PA841 AB-O0I.OBC-2rF Caron b Sleed 20D18 2 r10S.IACEL403A 03A4ASB-ZOOIX 10 IA1ACEL.03A Mam SlaemS' AB 1-P-AB01 AB'Kt1-DOC-28' Carton Steel Z003 X rt10S-1ACEL403 03B4ISB.ZO03Y WA 1ACEL-038 MamnSteam6'IAB 1-P-A841 AB-01-BC.28' CartonSteel 2003 Y OIACEL-04A riCS 0KZA-SE3-200tX 12 WA IACEL404A Main Sitam'8 AB 14-PAH-41 AB-C01-tBC-28 CartonSbeel 2008 X HtCS.IACEL.C4B 0.48-MSB.ZOO2Y 13 WA 1ACEL.044 Mainaleam H-IA 1 P.AB-41 AB-CO1-OBC-2r Carbon Slee 2008 Y H1OS-IACELW04C U1C5-M4S-oOaZ 1J4 WA 1ACEL44C amnStam SIAB 1.P.AtAB4.1 AB-C014tBC-2r Ca-rbonStoet 2008 2
-10OS 1-ACEL-O5A 9sA-FW-73 1X -tP hMI IACCEL45A Faad"W rI AE 1.P-AE-01 AE-013-DB0-24' Carbon Steel 731 JX H10S.1ACEL.O5B 05B-FW-731Y 2 WA 1ACEL45B TeeOWaterIAE 1-P-AES-1 AE013-DB0-24' Carbon Steel 7V S y H_0S-1ACEL-4HA 06A-FW-BI7Y 3 WA 1ACEL46A PaFeJtwaekr I AE 1-P-AE-01 AE.013-080-24r Carton Steel 817 Y Hl1OS-ACEL-06B 061-FW-317Z 4 WA lACEL 06B FeaaeaterIAE 1.P.AE401 AE4013-4BD.24' CarbonStedl 17 Z HlFS IACEL.07A 07 ES.49X Is WA tACEL47OAE traOtonS "IFW(TR8AVAC i-P-AC-01 AF4.5-GFF0l14 Carbon Steel 4S X H1CS.1AEL4.078 07H-ES-49Y 16 WA 1ACEL-07B E.rtetion SwFwVFrRdAYAC 1-P-AC-1 AF4-5-OF CarbOnSleel 46 H-10' 1ACEL-4BA OaA.ES-201OX 17 WA IACEL-O8A Edrahion SttFWTRSSBYAC 1-P-AC-1 AF-06S-GFD.14 CarbonBeet 2010 X Ft10S-ACEL-aB 08a-ES-2010Y 1a WA SACEL-08B Exnctrsn3lfFVfTROB AC 1-P-AC-1 AF065-GFo-14' CartbonSleet 2010 Y H10SIACELO~BC tBCES-ZO1OZ 119 WA 1ACEL-4SC EetionaStMOVS TROBYAC 1-F-AC41 AF-W5-GFDi4- Carton Steel Z010 Z HIOS1IACEL409A OOA-ES-230GX 20 WA t ACEtL9A EhbtibonSSbVR6)AC 1-P-AC41 AF 05-CFD414' Carb'n Stel 2300 X H1OS-IACEL.0SB 09E-ES-2300Y 21 WA tACEL-49B EwtratnoS FWKROByAC 1-P-AC-01 AF.0S-tFD-14' Carton Steel 23G HIOS-ACEI-=CA 1A-ES-2008X 22 WA lACEL-10A ExtraclnoSt-FWrRSaJC t-P-AC-1 AF-DSS-CtPt).14' Car cnSteel 471 X H10S.IACEL10t~t -tCBS-Z00ttY 23 WA IACEL-1OH lEtra.tlonan#WMTRWAC 1-P-C-C AF.05-43F0-14 CartonSteel
[HIGSIACL.C 1lbSeZ~8Z T4 WA lACZE-L.OCiEatrectim StRn-W1,47ROOVAC11-PAC-0l IAP.C6SGCFD-14 ICarton steel 4j.=1 2
Turbine Accelerometers and Strain Gauges
. 006246BR3 SUP 22RO ISHT A af 5 I FLOC No. Channel Nanoe anel No Penetration.- Catle I. SysenvSysslambg ater iDng m Linex Ic Matal JINca IFL AstCelDi HtOS -1STGA-ASiA STGA-AOI-233 25 WA ISTGA-41A Matn SteamrnI AS j1P-AM1 AS-C0013O8C-2r ' Carbon Steel 2331234 X MRdi HtOS-1STGA-A01H STGA-AO1.233 25 N/A ISTGA-GIB MarSteum'Am#A 1-P-AB-1 At3-OOlDC-2E8 CarbonSieel 233i234 XIRadial H-I1OS -ISTGA-A02A STGA-AO2.237 28 N/A ISTGA-01C MaRStearnA' IAS 1-P-AB4
- AB-001-DBC-2r Carbon Steal 237/238 X (Radlal H-1OS-1STGA.AC28 STGA-AC2-237 25 NIA ISTGA401D M; UStam W I AB 1-P-AB-Cl AH Ct-CDBC-2r Carton Steel 237i238 X (Radtal H1CS.1STGA=A03A STGA-A3-233L 27 MNA 1STGA-01E MamSimSt'am'IAB 1-P-ABS-1 AB-001-06C-28' Carbon Steel 233i234 2 (LOVI H IOS 1-STGA038 STGA-A03-233L 217 NA 1SIGA- IF Main Steam *IA 1 P-AS-Cl A8401 -D-C-2r Carbon Steel 233i234 2 Lon HI1SS-ISTGA-8OA STGA-601-62 2E8 N/A 1STGA-tC2AMamSteamBA e 1AB I-P-A" AB-CC1-OBC-2' Carbonsteelt E2164 XlNadia ril CS-ISTGA-8018 STGA-BO1-82 28 NA 1STGA-028 Main Sleamn'B'I AB 1-P-AS41 A8-00W-3C-2d' Cabn Steel 62154 X NRadit 7-uS-ISTGA-B02A STGA-302-237 23 N/A ISIGA-C2C Man Sim.'B'IAB 1-PAS-Cl A40103BC-2t' Carbon Steel 6788 X (Radial r10S.1STGAB802B STGA-02-237 29 NIA 1STGA-C20 MVenSlamB'J AB 1-P-AS-C1 AS-3-GC1C-2e' CarbonSteel 67AS X Rad/a
-STOABC3A Wt10S-I STGA 803C62L 30 NIA ISTGA-02E Main Suarn'B'1 AB 1-P-AS-C1 AB-0C1OSBC20' Carbon St&L- 62154 2.(al H1OS-1STGA-E B38 STGA-803-623L 30 NWA B-F-A8 1STGA-2F MairStearnmt-fA 41 A3-4C01-OBC-23r Carti Steel 62/64 Z Lon HIOS-1STGA-COIA STGA-COI-582 31 N/A 1STGA-03A Man Stam'C IAS 1-P-AS-C1 AB-SC1ODB_23' Carten Steel 582/584 X tRadian H10S .1STGA-CO1lBSTGA-COl.582 21 MA ISTGA-C38 Mah Stam C/1A8 1-PAB-C1 AS-O0103-S2B' Carbon Steel f 21c4 X (Ridma H15II.1STGA-C02A STGA-CO2-587 32 WA ISTQA 03C Main SleamC'A3 1-P-AS-Cl AS-C- DBC-2r Carbot Steel C37158 X FRadial HIOS S-ISTGATC C02B 32 NSTGA-C024a8 MA ST Madn Stam 'C' AS a03D 1-P-A8-Cl AB-001-OBC-2'_ Carbon Steel 537/580 X (Radial H'I-OS*ISTGTACOIA STGACOO0l-2 33 WA 1STGA-OA MaitSnaamD'OIA8 1-P-A30-1 A3401-D08C2e' CarbonSleet e02,4C 4 X(Riial1 HtCS-lStGA-C013 STGA-I-.142 33 MA 1 ISrCAroB Mdi Seat AB 1-PAS4 AB41C tc-2B CarbonSteel XlRa.dal H-105*15TGA-C02A STGA-002-407 34 N/A ISTGAC-0C MnmSltam'lA3 1-F-AS-S1 ABS-01-CBC-2r Carftn Steel 4071403 XKRa*a*l HIOS-15STGAC023 STGA-D02-407 34 N/A 1STGA-C4D Main SlamD'I AB 1-P-AS-01 AB-001-CBC-2' Carbon Steel 4071408 X IR esdI
FORM-2 UFSAR CHANGE NOTICE Page 1 of 4 Change Notice Number: HCN 04-060 PART 1: INITIATION (By Sponsor)
Sponsor (printed name) Philip M. Stashak Department Civil/Stress Slation/Unit No HC B. SHORT DESCRIPTION:
Vibration of Drywell piping and components will require the use or two digital acquisitions systems (DAS) that will be installed in reactor building rooms 4303 and 431 O.The DAS's located in rooms 4303 and 431 0 (Reactor Building) consist of metal consoles, (non combustibles) and combustibles which include; desktop computers, data acquisition hardware components, and an assumed amount of paper, pencils, and nearby reference materials. A review of the Fire Hazards Analysis performed for DCP 4EC-3186 (installed vibration monitoring equipment and DAS to measure recirc vibration) shows that the weight assumptions for combustibles are applicable for this installation.
Therefore, it is assumed that the equipment will add approximately 50 pounds of combustible plastic to the room. It is also assumed that paper, pencils, and reference materials will add an additional 25 pounds of combustible material to the room. This correlates to an additional heat load of 1.1 E6 Btus (Fire Load) added to rooms 4303 (Fire Area RB2) and (Fire Area RBI) 4310. The weight of combustible commodities and the fire loads will be updated in Table 9A- I " Fire Hazards Analysis Summary" (sheet 29), Table 9A-8 " Fire Hazards Analysis Tabulation Summary" (sheet 17), and Table 9A-9 "Fire Hazards Analysis Tabulation" (sheet 17) for the new fire loading in rooms 4303 and 4310 and applicable Fire Areas.
Table 9A-l " Fire Hazards Analysis Summary" (sheet 29)
Table 9A-8 " Fire Hazards Analysis Tabulation Summary" (sheet 17)
Table 9A-9 "Fire Hazards Analysis Tabulation" (sheet 17)
DCP 80062466R3 SUP23RO Sht. I of 10 Nuclear Common Page 30 of 33 Rev. 5
-The increase in the values for.paper, plastics and cable. from the data .
acquisition system in room 4310 is 1.195E6 BTUs. For the overall affect on the Fire Area RBI this value is compared to the combustible of 91 1.7E6 and a Fire Severity of 22 minutes listed in Table 9A-8 sheet 1. The increase in Fire Severity based upon a combustible load increase of 1.1 95E6 BTUs for Fire Area RDB is .03 minutes. The localized affect of the increase in combustibles for room 4310 is an increase in the Fire Severity of .5 minutes. The new value is 43.5 minutes compared to the existing value of 43 minutes in Table 9A-8 sheet 17. The increases in combustible loads and the resultant affects on Fire Severity at both the local level (affect on room 4310) and on the overall Fire Area (RBl) are negligible. Installation of the data acquisition in room 43 10 is acceptable.
The increase in combustibles due to the values for paper, plastics and cable from the data acquisition system in room 4303 is 1.195E6 BTUs. For the overall affect on the Fire Area RB2 this value is compared to the combustible of 829E6 and a Fire Severity of 23 minutes listed in Table 9A-9 sheet 1. The increase in Fire Severity based upon a combustible load increase of 1.1 95E6 BTUs for Fire Area RB2 is .03 minutes. The localized affect of the increase in combustibles for room 4303 is an increase in the Fire Severity of .5 minutes. The new value is 53 minutes compared to the existing value of 52.5 minutes in Table 9A-9 sheet 17. The increases in combustible loads and the resultant affects on Fire Severity at both the local level (affect on room 4303) and on the overall Fire Area (RB2) arc negligible. Installation of the data acquisition in room 4303 is acceptable.
E. IOCFR 50.59 REVIEW DOCUMENTATION: Refer to NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0059(Q) and NC.NA-AS.ZZ-0059(Q). Complete the applicable NAS-59 form(s) and attach a copy to this form.
Sponsor(signature) Philip M.Stashak 'u&i .5s 644 Date: 12-9-04 G. CHANGE NOTICE REVIEWS:
- 1. IFChange Notice Is DCP related, THEN Proceed to Section H,Approval
- 2. IFChange Notice Is not DCP related, THEN perform Change Notice Review Checklist, Form 2 Page 2. in accordance with instructions prior to proceeding.
Sponsor Department Manager, or equivalent (printed name) .J, tP s A I. .
Department Manager (signature) . < Date 1d L2/.
Nuclear Common Page 31 of 33 Rev. 5 DCP 80062466R3 SUP23RO Sht. 2
BASIS: CD Status Installed Q NAS-59 Documentation D 50.59 Evaluation/SORC a Other__
UFSAR Coordinator Date DISPOSITION: UFSAR Revision No. (OR) Rejected Date DCP 80062466R3 SUP23RO Sht.3 Nuclear Common Page 32 of 33 Rev. 5
-- ztmr fonr--l C.n--r Area prpR A"PA. RD2. ReacEor nuildino Division it rooum NO. 4303 0 LDG. Reactor ZL=V. 102 FIRE DeRTCTION TYPE FIRE SUPPRESStON TYPE KeM SAYF SHUTDONNI EOUIPMENT AMD CABLE, SH3UTDOWN Sonizrtion It20 hose lZHR2C0 UIVTBIOfl Portable extinguishers 1I Channml B MCC, 10222 IT Channel B conduit and cable troy containinqF MCC power, RCIC 14CC power, Reeirc Pump Trtp, RHR, Reactor Vessel instarumentation. CS. Relief vaLves PSV.FOtl (14 total. . Prilmary Centairneant Inftruffent as,. and RCIC Auto Suction Switchover level Switches.
EN4530. LIGHTS Yes COHSTRUCTIOl: PIPS RlATING Hortb 3 hnur / 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> / unrated East 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> Bouth unrated west unrated ErFscTs Of FIRE Ott SAPF SHUTDOWN AND/OR RADXOACTIV3 RELEAS~R Floor, unrated none. Redundsnt Division I eauipment vill be used for safe shutdonn. Calliwqg unrated Doors And Hatches unrated Pressure tight door in West wall Pressure tight equip. ress panel to 4323 Reference Dravinqo Ylte. Drawinqs E*1S3. E-553J. E 1593 C') ci)
C C- Fire Drawing Fig. 9.5-3 and P.5*9 00 COM3US7IZLESe EQUIV.
- a. Cable Insulation 52.5
- 0 0)
- 0) b. Lube Oa l (all°
-46 e. Other 0 0)
- 0) DEVIATION REQUEST. None d. Transient ° C,) 2 TOTAL 53 min.
AREA - 2304.5ftT 17 of 27 HCOS VFSAU P.0viSion 11 tievemrber 24. 20t0
MECH Tonization "2° hoes IZHR200 and eilmxyWJ SAFE SHUTrDOWN O'JI'rErNT AlNDCABLTs Reat actuated DIVISION Portable extinguishers I Channel C cable foriSACS C pump, Heat Exchanger Valves, RIlEC Pump Motor Cooling; RPIlUnit Cooler C and G Valver. 0=EaO. LI.ICTSt Auto preaction sprinkler Core Spray Unit Cnoler C and 0 valves and Channel C dist. In 4101 panel, S5W valves for 1It2E202 SACS lix:HPCI. Primary Yes Containment invt raws lIo valvvs3 Suppression Pool level inst.; RrR pump C; Control Axes Chtiled Nater valves to AVH214 and 5MV214 SACS Unit Coolers. COlSTRUCTIONS FIRE RATInG:
T Channel C MCC 2OB232 I Channel A cable for Rpcirc PItwr Trip Walls:
11 Channel D catle fort SACS Valves to Cont Tnst Gas Comp-ressor; RCTC: FRHValves for LPCI Injection, Shutdown lNorth 3 oiur Cooling Return, and Head Spray; Main Steam Relief East 3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> Valves (ADSI PSV R0OI A,B.C.n and E South 3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> ro 4103 11 Channel B cable for recire. pump trip. West 3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> to 4315 EFFECTS OF FIRS 0!1 SAFE SHllTDOWN AND/OR RADIOACTIVE RELEASE, Floor. 3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> above 4201 Nnne. Partial coverage by an automatic preaction uprinkller sysrem Ceilinqg Unrated. except for 3 hr is provided over the Channel 0 cable. This cable is only located rated steam tunnel floor in the routhern end of 4301. The eprtitler System covers all the Doors and Hatches: section channel D cable plus the narsow corrldor. There Is greater than 320 feet separating Channel C and D which includes sreas of neg tlnrated pressure tiht door to airlotk 4313 ligible comb,,stibles. An early warning Ionization detection system Unrated floor hatches I __ _
PP Is installed. This cotbination cl autneutic suppression, detect-iost.distance and ecmb,,stible yellds an equivalent X11.0.2.b. wep- Referenee Drawingst I
cn 0 arntinn. Shutdown will be accomplished using Division II equipment 'I, 00 Elec. Drowings - C-1533. E-15f) and E-1522 B-1512 tn9 Fire Drawings Fig. 9.5 3 and 9.E-S 0 co K g0 COMBUSTIBLESi EOITV. FIts ATERIAI: QOAIITITY SEVERITY ImiII.)
0c 0a)
- a. Cable Insulati on ' >bs 42.1
- b. Lube Oil
- c. Otherifatch statioila_6b
&.3 J 1.1 cna DEVIATION REOUEST, llone wood)
- d. Translent AREA r 3226 ft 2TOTAL Vmin 17 of 26 HNC" IIFSAR Revision, a April 11, 19Bi
TtB!J* M-1 (Conti E~ev ionom vescriptlion and IIHaard Oirrl Lu,,,l t.-JIn. Ssrr Shutdown Equt' and Cable Hate rlo tle:ectin, Suppre/ sl :an 0 7-Ce 4216 cortcd~lr Clnbnlr Ir3sul ECS lb 31,230 lanizra Div I and I: cable ari-0 4,:7 vest ibulc Nore 4or:e Sane Nonre II 0 h3se 2
az:t cx:
0hz:-f. 41e Motor control crnter arev Cab:e Insul 10.251 :b 26,3CJe Inixt h 0 hose 2
nfw T contral rancl: Port ex:
lWCOat - F.x level and press MYv: cabla a7.-o *213 Safe.IUard 'Instr -a Cable insul None Nane Iuii rat M 0 hwime 2
Dlv ! cable Port cxt 10o-0 4301, CorrIdor end Elect equip area CAbIle 3aniz2t H 0 Fose 4310 Viv I HC: 10922 !or SAMS, insul $32.-77 sg-7 HNr t Pcrr cxt SSwS. HPC- RHt ,,t :ited ill."n prp-Div I I I cab.e Watth attion Station 601 lb aprinklot ewcod) sys in JIM 10;-0 4303 Moto: control center area Clible lorirat h 0 hbse 2
Div il MXC 109222 for SAES.
SSws, R.C:, RHR, SAV Insul Port exc Cf: Cn 0 Dlv II cable C: 0 102-0 4304. Personr.el airlcnk3 (Itna a,0 Nore Ione H 0 hoae r' -U1 '
4305 2
ror: ext tr N O IG: O 4301Y SACS SX arnId porup rn-Div 17 Cable 9564 lb 1C. 300 lonizat II 0 hoSe 2 00)
"nsul Por: rxt 0 c)
DPv It SAC5 picipt lRP210 Lube oil 4 s31.
10P210 .ranslent 4 IJAI.
Div 11 rAC9S HX 131E201 .u.e.o 0n 18ZEZOl 4nl Mii it ctiLtrol asnrins 11r2nl 1tC2oI ;1)
!DI l1 alaZ v-shcs AntiRS..
11 imtt erolers ISvPt214 a),
IDVU21t fl1J I 5 I. cable - SACS 24 o: SS HCRS-'Jt SA P.,evislrn It Septem.ber 25 Itt6
NC.DE-PS.ZZ-0001 (Q)-A8 Attachment 5 Fire Protection Change Regulatory Review (FPCRR)
Page 3 of 4
- 1. Station(s)/Unit(s): Hope Creek Affected Document No: HCN 04-060 2.
Provide a brief description, including the reason, of the proposed change (or refer to change package that provides description):
The DAS's located in rooms 4303 and 4310 (Reactor Building) consist of metal consoles, (non combustibles) and combustibles which include; desktop computers, data acquisition hardware components, and an assumed amount of paper, pencils, and nearby reference materials. A review of the Fire Hazards Analysis performed for DCP 4EC-3186 (installed vibration monitoring equipment and DAS to measure recirc vibration) shows that the weight assumptions for combustibles are applicable for this installation. Therefore, it is assumed that the equipment will add approximately 50 pounds of combustible plastic to the room.
It is also assumed that paper, pencils, and reference materials will add an additional 25 pounds of combustible material to the room. This correlates to an additional heat load of 1.1 E6 Btus (Fire Load) added to rooms 4303 (Fire Area RB2) and (Fire Area RB1I) 4310. The weight of combustible commodities and the fire loads will be updated in Table 9A-1 " Fire Hazards Analysis Summary' (sheet 29), Table 9A-8 "Fire Hazards Analysis Tabulation Summary" (sheet 17),
and Table 9A-9 "Fire Hazards Analysis Tabulation" (sheet 17) for the new fire loading in rooms 4303 and 4310 and applicable Fire Areas.
DCP 80062466R3 SUP23RO Sht. 7
NC.DE-PS.ZZ-O001 (Q)-A8 Attachment 5 Fire Protection Change Regulatory Review (FPCRR)
Page 3 of 4
- 3. Screening:
Considering the proposed change, answer the following questions, including a reference to the applicable regulatory, licensingbasis, or NFPA document(s), and a brief description of why the proposed change does or does not satisfy the referenced document(s).
A. Does the proposed change satisfy applicable fire protection regulatory requirements and/or guidance documents (e.g., GDC 3, I1CFR 50.48 and Appendix R, BTP Appendix A, NUREG 0800, NRC Generic Letters, NFPA Codes, NRC approved NEI Guidance Documents, etc.)?
Z Yes D No N/A The revised data in the HCGS Fire Hazards Analysis reflects the plant configuration after Installation of the DCP (installation of the Digital Acquisition Systems In rooms 4303 and 4310). NRC Generic Letter 86-10 and Regulatory Guide 1.189 provide guidance on evaluating the affect of a change on the approved Fire Protection Program. The proposed changes to the approved Fire Protection Program satisfy applicable fire protection regulatory requirements/guidance documents.
B. Does the proposed change satisfy the fire protection licensing basis (e.g., alternate compliance, exemption, deviation, SER, docketed correspondence, NFPA Codes of Record, etc.)?
Yes D No LI N/A The changes revise data in the HCGS Fire Hazards Analysis, as discussed above.
Changes to the approved fire protection program at Hope Creek are evaluated for their affect on the program under license conditions 2.C.7. Licensees may make change to their approved Fire Protection Program without prior NRC approval provided that the changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire, and alter specific features of the approved program provided such changes do not otherwise involve a change to the license or technical specification, or require a deviation. The proposed changes to the approved Fire Protection Program satisfy the fire protection licensing basis.
DCP 80062466R3 SUP23RO Sht. 8
NC.DE-PS.ZZ-0001 (Q)-A8 Attachment 5 Fire Protection Change Regulatory Review (FPCRR)
Page 3 of 4 C. Is either question above answered "Yes"?
nx Yes D No If yes, then the proposed change does not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire and NRC approval is not required. Check N/A on Step 4 and proceed to Step 5.
If no, then complete Sten 4 (See Attachment 4 for additional guidance)V The increase in combustibles due to the values for paper, plastics and cable from the data acquisition system in room 4310 is l.195E6 BTUs. For the overall affect on the Fire Area RBI this value is compared to the combustible of 911.7E6 and a Fire Severity of 22 minutes listed in Table 9A-8 sheet 1.The increase in Fire Severity based upon a combustible load increase of 1.1 95E6 BTUs for Fire Area RB I is .03 minutes. The localized affect of the increase in combustibles for room 4310 is an increase in the Fire Severity of .5 minutes. The new value is 43.5 minutes compared to the existing value of 43 minutes in Table 9A-8 sheet 17. The increases in combustible loads and the resultant affects on Fire Severity at both the local level (affect on room 4310) and on the overall Fire Area (RB1l) are negligible. Installation of the data acquisition in room 4310 is acceptable.
The increase in combustibles due to the values for paper, plastics and cable from the data acquisition system in room 4303 is I.1 95E6 BTUs. For the overall affect on the Fire Area RB2 this value is compared to the combustible of 829E6 and a Fire Severity of 23 minutes listed in Table 9A-9 sheet 1. The increase inFire Severity based upon a combustible load increase of 1.195E6 BTUs for Fire Area RB2 is .03 minutes. The localized affect of the increase in combustibles for room 4303 is an increase in the Fire Severity of .5 minutes. The new value is 53 minutes compared to the existing value of 52.5 minutes in Table 9A-9 sheet 17. The increases in combustible loads and the resultant affects on Fire Severity at both the local level (affect on room 4303) and on the overall Fire Area (RB2) are negligible. Installation of the data acquisition in room 4303 is acceptable.
DCP 80062466R3 SUP23RO Sht.9
NC.DE-PS.ZZ-0001 (Q)-AB Attachment 5 Fire Protection Change Regulatory Review (FPCRR)
Page 3 of 4
- 4. Evaluation:
Does the proposed change adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire (attach Generic Letter 86-10 type or equivalent evaluation, if applicable)?
D Yes No D N/A if yes, then the proposed change may not be implemented without prior NRC approval.
If no, then the proposed change does not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire and NRC approval is not required.
Proposed change may be implemented without prior NRC approval E NRC approval is required prior to implementing the proposed change
- 6. I have determined that the documentation is adequate to support the above conclusion.
Preparer: Philip M. Stashak R/L 2n, .V46e41 12-9-04 Date Print 'Siinature Reviewer: 70AJVf C 3 ) .{ zSi@ ature
) . 971S5 25//7/o Print Date DCP 80062466R3 SUP23RQ Sht.10
Specifications and Ordering Information_
3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Transducer System Patents: 5.016,343; 5.126,664; 5,351,388; 5,685,884 S
25 E N T LY Nevada Description Transducer System The 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Transducer System consists of:
I a 3300 XL 8mm probe
- a 3300 XL extension cable 11!3 M~~j fl=3r3 u
- a 3300 XL ProximltorO Sensorl The system provides an output voltage directly proportional to the distance between the probe tip and the observed conductive surface. It is capable of both static (position) and dynamic (vibration) measurements, and is primarily used for vibration and position measurement applications on fluid-film bear-ing machines, as well as KeyphasorO and speed measurement applications2.
The 3300 XL 8 mm system represents our most advanced performance in an eddy current proximity transducer system. The standard 3300 XL 8 mm sys-tem Is also 100% compliant with the American Petroleum Institute's (API) 670 Standard (4t Edition) for such transducers. All 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Transducer Systems achieve this level of performance while allowing com-plete interchangeability of probe, extension cable, and ProximilorM Sensor without the need for Individual component matching or bench calibration.
Each component of the 3300 XL 8 mm Transducer System is backward com-patible and Interchangeable 3 with other non-XL 3300 series 5 and 8 mm transducer system components 4. This includes the 3300 5 mm probe, which Is used when an 8 mm probe is too large for the available mounting space 5' 6 .
Proximitor Sensor The 3300 XL Proximilor Sensor incorporates numerous improvements over previous designs. Its physical packaging permits high-density DIN-rail Installation. It can also be mounted in a traditional panel mount configura-tion, where It shares an identical 'footprint' to older 4-hole mounted 3300 Proximitor Sensor. The mounting base for either option provides electrical Isolation, eliminating the need for separate Isolator plates. The 3300 XL ProximilorO Sensor is highly Immune to radio frequency Interference, allow-ing Installation in fiberglass housings without adverse effects from nearby radio frequency signals. Improved RFI/EMI immunity allows the 3300 XL CE CKr, Proximitor Sensor to achieve European CE mark approvals without requir-ing special shielded conduit or metallic housings, resulting in lower installa-tion costs and complexity.
80062466 r3 Part number 141 194-01 . Specifications and Ordering Inrormation Revision F. March 2003 SUP 24r0 PAGE 1 _ OF 28 _ _ _
The 3300 XL's SpringLoc terminal strips require no special dard 3300 XL Proximitoro Sensor. When using any ETR Installation tools and facilitate faster, more robust field wir- component as part of your system, the accuracy Is limited ing connections by eliminating screw-type clamping mecha- to the accuracy of the ETR system.
nisms that can loosen. Notes:
1 ProximltorO Sensors are supplied by default from the factory Proximity Probe and Extension Cable calibrated to AISI 4140 steel. Calibration to other target materials Isavailable upon request.
The 3300 XL probe and extension cable also reflect improvements over previous designs. A patented TipLoc~m 2 Consult Bently Nevada Applications Note AN085 when con-molding method provides a more robust bond between the sidering this transducer system for tachometer or overspeed probe tip and the probe body. The probe's cable is more measurements.
securely attached as well, incorporating a patented Cable-Locr' design that provides 330 N (75 Ibf) pull strength 3 3300 XL Bmm components are both electrically and physi-where the probe cable attaches to the probe tip. cally interchangeable with non-XL 3300 5 and 8 mm compo-nents. Although the packaging of the 3300 XL ProximitorV 3300 XL 8 mm Probes and Extension Cables can also be Sensor differs from its predecessor. it Isdesigned to fit Inthe ordered with an optional FluidLocO cable option. This same 4-hole mounting pattern when used with the 4-hole option prevents oil and other liquids from leaking out of the machine through the cable's interior. mounting base, and will fit within the same mounting space specifications (when minimum permissible cable bend radius Isobserved).
4 When XL and non-XL 3300-series 5and 8 mm system com-Connectors ponents are mixed, system performance islimited to the The 3300 XL probe, extension cable, and ProximitorO Sen- specifications for the non-XL 3300 5 and B mm Transducer sor have corrosion-resistant, gold-plated ClickLoch con- System.
nectors. These connectors require only finger-light torque (connectors will 'click), and the specially engineered lock- 5 The 3300-series 5 mm probe (refer to Specifications and ing mechanism prevents the connectors from loosening. Ordering Information pin 141605-01) uses smaller physical They do not require any special tools for Installation or packaging, but does not permit reduced sideview clearances removal. or tip-lo-lip spacing requirements compared to an 8 mm 3300 XL 8 mm Probes and Extension Cables can also be probe. It isused when physical (not electrical) constraints ordered with connector protectors already installed. Con- preclude the use of an 8 mm probe. When narrow sideview nector protectors can also be supplied separately for instal- probes are required, use the 3300 NSvW Proximity Trans-lation in the field (such as when the cable must be run ducer System (refer to Specifications and Ordering Informa-through restrictive conduit). Connector protectors are rec- tion pin 147385-01).
ommended for all installations and provide Increased envi- 6 8 mm probes provide a thicker encapsulation of the probe ronmental protection7. coil Inthe molded PPS plastic probe tip. This results ina more rugged probe. The larger diameter of the probe body also provides a stronger, more robust case. Bently Nevada Extended Temperature Range Applications recommends the use of 8 mm probes when possible lo pro-vide optimal robustness against physical abuse.
An Extended Temperature Range (ETR) Probe and Exten-sion Cable are available for applications where either the 7 Silicone tape is also provided with each 3300 XL extension probe lead or extension cable may exceed the 177 'C (350 cable and can be used instead of connector protectors. Sili-OF) temperature specification. The Extended Temperature cone tape Isnot recommended inapplications where the Range Probe has an extended temperature rating for up to probe-to-extension cable connection will be exposed to tur-260 'C (500 OF) for the probe lead and connector. The bine oil.
probe tip must remain below 177 OC (350 'F). The Extended Temperature Range Extension Cable Is also rated for up to 260 OC (500 OF). Bolh the ETR probe and cable are compatible with standard temperature probes and cables. For example, you can utilize an ETR probe with the 330130 extension cable. The ETR system uses the stan- 80062466 r3 SUP 24r0 Part number 141194-01 Specifications and Order ing Information PAGE 2 OF 28 Revision F. March 2003
Extension cable dc resistance (nominal):
Specifications Resistance from Resistance from Center Conductor Outer Conductor Unless otherwise noted, the following specifications are for Length of to Center to Outer a 3300 XL 8 mm Proximiltor@ Sensor, extension cable and 8 Extension Cable Conductor Conductor mm probe between +18 DC and +27 0C (+64 'F to +80 'F), (RCORE) . (RJACKET) with a -24 Vdc power supply, a 10 kilo 0 load, an AISI 4140 (ohms) (ohms) steel target, and a probe gapped at 1.27 mm (50 mils).
Performance characteristics are applicable for systems that 3.0 0.66+/- 0.10 0.20 +/- 0.04 consist solely of 3300 XL 8 mm components. The system 3.5 0.77 + 0.12 0.23 +/- 0.05 accuracy and Interchangeability specifications do not apply when using a transducer system calibrated to any target 4.0 0.88 +/- 0.13 0.26 +/- 0.05 other than a Bently Nevada AISI 4140 steel target. 0.99 +/- 0.15 0.30 +/-0.06 4.5 7.0 1.54 +/- 0.23 0.46 +/-0.09 Electrical 7.5 1.65 +/- 0.25 0.49+/- 0.10 ProximitorO Sensor 3.0 1.76 +/- 0.26 0.53 +/- 0.11 Input: Accepts one noncontacting 3300-8.5 1.87 +/- 0.28 0.56 +/- 0.11 series 5 mm, 3300 8 mm or 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probe and Extension Cable.
Power: Requires -17.5 Vdc to -26 Vdc Extension cable without barriers at 12 mA maximum capacitance: 69.9 pF/m (21.3 pF/it) typical consumption, .23 Vdc to -26 Vdc Field wiring: 0.2 to 1.5 mm2 (16 to 24 AWG) with barriers. Operation at a more positive voltage than .23.5 Vdc can [0.25 to 0.75 mm2 (18 to 23 AWG) result In reduced linear range. with ferrules]. Recommend using three-conductor shielded triad Supply Sensitivity: Less than 2 mV change in output cable. Maximum length of 305 voltage per volt change inInput metres (1,000 feet) between the voltage. 3300 XL ProximitorO Sensor and Output resistance: 50 fl the monitor. See the frequency response graphs Figure 10, Figure Probe dc resistance (nominal) (RpRoaE) table: 11, Figure 12, and Figure 13 for Probe Resistance from the Center Conductor to the signal rolloff at high frequencies Length Outer Conductor IRpROBE) (ohms) when using longer field wiring lengths.
0.5 7.45 i 0.50 Linear Range: 2 mm (80 mils). Linear range 1.0 7.59 +/- 0.50 begins at approximately 0.25 mm (10 mils) from target and is from 1.5 7.3 +/-0.50 0.25 to 2.3 mm (10 to 90 mils) 2.0 7.88 +/-0.50 (approximately-1 to -17 Vdc).
5.0 8.73*0.70 Recommended Gap Setting: 1.27 mm (50 mils) 9.0 9.87 0.90 Incremental Scale Factor (ISF)
Standard 5 metre system: 7.87 Vimm (200 mVlmil) +/-5%
including interchangeability error when measured in increments of 0.25 mm (10 mils) over the 80 mil BNC Part number 141194-01 Specdficalions and SpecflicatlOns and Ordenng iniorrnarion Ordering inormnalion 80062466 r3 Revision F.March 2003 SUP 24r0 PAGE 3 OF 28
linear range from 0 to +45 *C (+32 7.87 Vimm (200 mV/mil) and the
'F to +I13 'F). DSL remains within +/-0.076 mm Standard 9 metre (+/-3 mils).
system: 7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil) +/-6.5% Standard 9 metre including interchangeability error system performance when measured in increments of over extended 0.25 mm (10 mils) over the 80 mil temperatures: Over a probe temperature range of linear range from 0 to +45 *C (+32 -35 *C to +120 *C (.31 OF 1o +248
'F lo +113 'F). 'F) with the Proximitor@ Sensor Extended and extension cable between 0 *C Temperature Range to +450C (+32 'F to +113 'F), the (ETR) 5 and 9 metre ISF remains within +/-18% of 7.87 systems: 7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil) +/-6.5% V/mm (200 mV/mIt) and the DSL including interchangeability error remains within +0.152 mm (+/-6 when measured In increments of . mils).
0.25 mm (10 mils) over the 80 mil Over a Proximitor Sensor and linear range from 0 to +45 'C (+32 extension cable temperature range
'F to +113 'F). of -35 *C to +65 *C (031 *F to Deviation from best fit straight line (DSL) +149 'F) with the probe between 0
- C to +45 *C (+32 OF to +113 'F)
Standard 5 metre the ISF remains within +/-18%of system: Less than +0.025mm (.1 miD) with 7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil) and the components at 0 'C to +45 *C (+32 DSL remains within +/-0.152 mm
'F to +113 'F). (+/-6 mils).
Standard 9 metre Extended system: Less than +/-0.038mm (+/-1.5 mil) Temperature Range with components at 0 *C to +45 IC system performance
(+32 OF to +113 *F). over extended Extended temperatures: Over a probe and extension cable Temperature Range 5 temperature range of-35 *C to +
and 9 metre systems: Less than +/-0.038mm (+/-1.5 mil) 260 'C (-31 *F to +500 *F)with the with components at 0 'C to +45 'C Proximitorl Sensor between 0 'C
(+32 'F to +113 'F). to +45'C (+32 'F to +113 F) the ISF remains within +/-18% of 7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mit) and the DSL Standard 5 metre remains within +/-0.152 mm (+/-6 system performance mils).
over extended Frequency temperatures: Over a probe temperature range of Response: 0 to 10 kHz: +01 -3 dB, with up to
-35 'C to +120 *C (-31 'F to +248 305 metres (1000 feet) of field
- F) with the ProximilorG Sensor wiring.
and extension cable between 0 *C to +45'C (+32 'F to +113 'F), the Minimum Target ISF remains within +/-10% of 7.87 Size: 15.2 mm (0.6 in) diameter (flat V/mm (200 mV/mit) and the DSL target) remains within +/-0.076 mm (+/-3 Shaft Diameter mils).
Minimum: 50.8 mm (2 in)
Over a Proximilor6 Sensor and extension cable temperature range Recommended of-35 'C to +65 'C (.31 'F to minimum: 76.2 mm (3 in)
+149 *F) with the probe between 0 Measurements on shaft diameters
'C to +45 'C (+32 'F o t+113 *F), smaller than 50 mm (2 in)usually the ISF remains within +/-10% of require close spacing of radial Part number 141194.01 Specificalions and Ordering Information Revision F. Mardc 2003 80062466 r3 SUP 24r0 PAGE 4 OF 28
i vibration or axial position installed without barriers per transducers with the potential for drawing 140979.
their electromagnetic emitted fields T5 @ Ta= 35 0C to +85 OC.
to Interact with one another (cross-talk), resulting in erroneous Europe: EExia IIC T5 for Zones 0, 1 and 2, readings. Care should be taken to Group IIC, EC certificate number maintain minimum separation of BAS99ATEX1101, when installed transducer tips, generally at least with intrinsically safe zener 40 mm (1.6 in) for axial position barriers or galvanic isolators, measurements or 38 mm (1.5 in)
T5 @ Ta: *35 0C to +85 -c.
for radial vibration measurements.
Radial vibration or position EEx nA for Zone 2, Group IIC, EC measurements on shaft diameters certificate number smaller than 76.2 mm (3 in) will BAS99ATEX3100U.
generally result in a change in scale factor. Consult Performance Specification 159484 for additional information. Mechanical Probe Tip Material: Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS).
Probe Case Material: AISI 304 stainless steel (SST) for Effects of 60 Hz Magnetic Fields Up to 300 Gauss:
forward mount and smooth case Output voltage In mil pp/gauss:
probes; AISI 303 SST for reverse mount probes.
5 metre 9 metre Ext. Probe Cable Specific;ations:
Gap ProxImitorS ProxlmIlore Probe Cable Standard cable: 75 fl triaxial, fluoroelhylene Sensor Sensor propylene (FEP) Insulated probe 10 mil 0.0119 0.0247 0.0004 0.0004 cable in the following total probe lengths: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 5, or 9 50 mrl 0.0131 0.0323 0.0014 0.0014 metres.
90 mil 0.0133 0.0348 0.0045 0.0045 Extended Temperature Range cable: 75 f) triaxial, perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) insulated probe cable in the Electrical ClassIfication: following total probe lengths: 0.5, 1, 1.5,2,5, or9 metres.
Complies with the European CE mark.
Extension Cable Hazardous Area Approvals Material: 75 n triaxial, fluoroethylene Note: Multipie approvals lorhazardous argoscars propylene (PEP) insulated.
huied by Canadian Stindards Association (CSAJ NRTUC) In North America and by Baseala (2001) Extended In Europe.
Temperature Range North America: Ex ia IIC T5; Class I Zone 0 or Exia (ETR) Extension IIC T5 for Class I Division 1; Cable Material: 75 rl triaxial, perfluoroalkoxy Groups A, B, C,and D,when (PFA) insulated.
installed with intrinsically safe zener barriers per drawing 141092 ProximitorO Sensor or when installed with galvanic Material: A308 aluminum isolators. System Length: 5 or 9 metres Including extension ExnA IIC T5 Classl Zone 2 or ExnA cable IIC T5 for Class 1,Division 2, Groups A, B. C,and D when 80062466 r3 eNc Part number 141194-01 Speaclications and Ordering Information SUP 24r0 Revision F.March 2003 PAGE 5 OF 28 _
Standard Probe and Extension Cable: 34 g/m (0.4 ozlft)
Extension Cable Armored Extension Armor (optional): Flexible AISI 302 or 304 SST with cable: 103 glm (1.5 oz/ft)
FEP outer jacket.
Proxirnilorb Sensor: 246 g (B.7 oz)
Extended Temperature Range Probe and Extension Cable Environmental Limits Armor (optional): Flexible AISI 302 or 304 SST with PFA outer Jacket. Probe Temperature Range Tensile Strength Operating and (maximum rated): 330 N (75 IbI) probe case to probe Storage Temperature:
lead. 270 N (60 Ibo) at probe lead Standard probe: -51 'C to +177 *C (-60 F to +351 to extension cable connectors. OF)
- Connector material: Gold-plated brass or gold-plated Extended beryllium copper. Temperature Range probe: -51 C to +177 'C (-60 'F to +351
'F) for the probe lip; *51 *C to Probe case Maximum Rated Recommended +260 *C (-60 'F to +500 'F) for the torque: probe cable and connector.
Note:Exposing theprobato lempernures btlow Standard forward- 33.9 Nrm 11.2 Nam -34 IC 1-30IF) may caus. prematuts lailure of rrounted probes (300 in.Ibo (100 in-Ib) the pressure seal.
Standard forward. 22.6 Nam 7.5 Nam Extension Cable Temperature Range mount probes - first (200 in.-b) (56in-lbf) Operating and three threads Storage Temperature:
Reverse mount 22.6 Nam 7.5 Nam Standard cable: -51 'C to +177 *C (-60 'F to +351 probes (200 in.lbo (66 kh'lb) .F)
Extended Temperature Range Connector-to-connector torque cable: -51 *C to +260 *C (-60 OF to +500
Recommended torque: see table: ProxlmitorlD Sensor Temperature Range Operating Temperature: -35 *C to +85 'C (-31 *F to +185 Connector Type Tightening Instructions F)
Two 3300 XL gold 'dick type Finger light Storage Temperature: -51 'C to +100 *C (-60 *F to +212 connectors 'F)
One non-XL stainless steel con- Finger light plus 1l5 tum using Relative Humidity: 100% condensing, non-nector and one pliers submersible when connectors are 3300 XL connector protected.
Probe Pressure: 3300 XL 8 mm probes are designed to seal differential Maximum torque: 0.565 Nam (5 inelbf) pressure between the probe tip and case. The probe sealing Minimum Bend material consists of a Viton 0-Radius: 25.4 mm (1.0 In) ring. Probes are not pressure Total System Mass tested prior to shipment. Contact (typical): 0.7 kg (1.5 Ibm) our custom design department if you require a test of the pressure Probe: 323 g (11.38 oz) seal for your application.
Part number 141194-01 Specifications and Ordering Inrorrnation Revision F.March 2003 80062466 r3 SUP 24r0 PAGE 6 OF
Noh: 1 is the respontiblllty of lhecustomer at 15 1.5 metre (4.9 feet) userIOensure that allliquids andgasesore con-tained andsafely controllad should leakage occur 20 2.0 metres (6.6 leet) troma prooimily probe. In addilion, solutions with high or low pH valuas may erode the lip assembly 50 5.0 melres (16.4 leel)'
of theprobe cauaing mediaesakage no surround-ing afeas. Besily Navada. LLC will notbe held 90 9.0 melres (29.5 feet) responsible fr arny damages resulting from leak-ing 3300 XL8 mm proximity probes.In addition.
3300 XL 8mm proxlmily probes will not be replaced under the service plan due lo probe leak-age. D: Connector and Cable-Type Option: 00 Connector provided but not Patents: 5,016,343; installed, standard cable 5,126,664; 01 Miniature coaxial ClickLocTm 5.351,388, and conneclor with connector pro-lector, standard cable 5685,884.
02 Miniature coaxial ClickLocIA Components or procedures described in these patents connector, standard cable apply to this product.
10 Connector provided but not installed, FtuIdLocf} cable 11 Miniature coaxial ClickLecim connector with connector pro-Ordering Information tector. FluidLoci& cable 12 Miniature coaxial ClickLccTU connector. FluidLoc cable 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probes: E: AgencyApproval 330101 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, 318-24 UNF thread, with- Option: 00 Not required out armor3 05 Multiple Approvals 330102 3300 XL Bmm Probe, 318-24 UNF thread, with armor 3 Part Number-AXX-BXX-CXX-DXX-EXX Option Descriptions 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probes, Metric:
330103 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, MID x I thread, without A: Unthreaded Length armor 3 Option: Nolae:Unthreaded length must beat least 0.b 330104 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, MID x 1 thread, with Inches less than thecase length.
armor 3 Order In Increments of 0.1 In Part Number-AXX-BXX-CXX-DXX-EXX Length configurations: Option Descriptions Maximum unthreaded length: 8.8 in A: Unthreaded Length Minimum unthreaded length: 0.0 in Option: NaoteUnthreaded length must be st east20 mi lensthas thecase length.
Example: 04= 0.4 In Order in increments of 10 mm.
r: Overall Case Length Option: Order In increments of 0.1 In Length configuration:
Threaded length configurations: Maximum unthreaded length: 230 mm Maximum case length: 9.6 In Minimum unthreaded length: 0mm Minimum case length: 0.8 in Example: 0 6 = 60 mm Example: 24= 2.4 In B: Overall Case Length C: Total Length Option: Order In Increments of 10 mm.
Option: 05 0.5 metre (1.6 feet)
Metric thread conrigurations:
10 1.0 metre (3.3 feet)
Maximum length: 250 mm BNC Part number 141194 01 Specifications and Ordering Information Revision F.March 2003 80062466 r3 SUP 24r0 PAGE 7 OF 28_
Minimum length: 20 mm 02 Miniature ClickLocTM coaxial Example: 0 6 = 60 mm connector C: Total Length E: AgencyApproval Option: 05 0.5 metre (1.6 leel) Option: 00 Not required 10 1.0 metre (3.3 feel) 05 Multiple Approvals I5 1.5 metres (4.9 feet) 20 2.0 metres (6.6 feet) 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probes, Smooth Case:
50 5.0 metres (16.4 feel) '
330140 3300 XL 8 mm Probe without armor 2 90 9.0 metres (29.5 feet) 330141 3300 XL 8 mm Probe with armor 2 D: Connector and Part Number-AXX-FXX.CXX-DXX Cable-Type Option: 00 Connector provided but not Option Descriptions Installed, standard cable
- A: Overall Case Length 01 Miniature coaxial ClickLocTL Option: Order In increments of 0.1 in connector with connector pro-Length configurations:
tector. standard cable Maximum length: 9.6 in 02 Miniature coaxial ClickLocTr connector, standard cable Minimum length: 0.8 in I0 Connector provided but not Example: 2 4 = 2.4 in installed. FluidLoc cable B: Totat Length 11 Miniature coaxial ClickLocTM Option: 05 0.5 metre (1.6 feel) connector with connector pro-10 1.0 metre (3.3 feet) tector. FluidLoc4 cable 12 Miniature coaxial ClickLocru 15 1.5 metres (4.9 feet) connector, FluidLoc6) cable 20 2.0 metres (6.6 feet)
E: AgencyApproval 50 5.0 metres (16.4 feel)
Option: 00 Not required 90 9.0 metres (29.5 feet)
D5 Multiple Approvals C: Connector and Cable-Type Option: 00 Connector provided but not Installed, standard cable 3300 XL 8 mm Reverse Mount Probes 01 Miniature coaxial ClickLocTM 3301 05-02-12-CXX-DXX.EXX, 318-24 UNF threads' connector with connector pro-tector. standard cable 330106-05-3D-CXX-DXX-EXX, Mil x I threads' Option Descriptions 02 Miniature coaxial ClickLociM connector. standard cable C: Total Length 10 Connector provided but not Option: 05 0.5 metre (1.6 feet) installed, FluidLocd cable I 0 1.0 metre (3.3 feet) 11 Miniature coaxial ClickLoclM 15 1.5 metre (4.9 feet) connector with connector pro-20 2.0 melres (6.6 feet) tector, FluidLoc cable 50 5.0 metres (16.4 leet) ' 12 Miniature coaxial ClickLoc7M connector. FluidLoc cable 90 9.0 metres (29.5 feet)
D: Agency Approval D: ConneclorOption: 00 Connector provided but not Option: 00 Not required installed o5 Multiple Approvals Part number 141194-01 Specifications and Ordering Inrorrnation 80062466 r3 Revision F. March 2D03 SUP 24r0 PAGE 8 OF 28
A: Unthreaded Length Option: Note: Unthreaded length must be at teast 20 mm 3300 XL 8 mm Extended Temperature Range (ETR) lass than thecase length.
Proximity Probes: Order inincrements of 10 mm.
330191 3300 XL 8 mm ETR Probe, 318-24 UNF thread, Lenglh conriguration:
without armor 330192 3300 XL B mm ETR Probe, 318-24 UNF thread, Maximum unthreaded length: 230 with armor mm Part Number-AXX-BXX-CXX-DXX Minimum unthreaded length: 0 mm Option Descriptions Example: 0 6 = 60 mm A: Unthreaded Length E: Overall Case Length Option: Note: Unthreaded tength must beat least 1.0 Option: Order In Increments of 10 mm.
Inches less than thecase length.
Metric thread configurations:
Order in increments of 0.5 In Length conflguralions: Maximum length: 250 mm Minimum length: 20 mm Maximum unthreaded length: 8.5 In Minimum unthreaded length: 0.0 in Example: 0 6 = 60 mm Example: 1 5 -1.5 In C: Total Length Option: 05 0.5 metre (1.6 feet)
B: OverallCaseLength Order In Increments of 0.5 in 10 1.0 metre (3.3 feet)
Threaded length configurations: 15 1.5 metres (4.9 feet)
Maximum case length: 9.5 In 20 2.0 melres (6.6 feet)
Minimum case length: 1.0 In 50 5.0 metres (16.4 feet) 1 Example: 2 5: 2.5 in 90 9.0 metres (29.5 feet)
C: Total Length D: Agency Approval Option: 5 O 0.5 metre (1.6 feet) Option: 00 Not required 10 1.0 metre (3.3 leel) 05 Multiple Approvals 15 1.5 melre (4.9 feet) 20 2.0 metres (6.6 feet) 3300 XL 8 mm Extended Temperature Range (ETR) 50 5.0 melres (16.4 leal) 1 Reverse Mount Probes 90 9.0 metres (29.5 feet) 330195-02-12-CXX.DXX, 318.24 UNF threads 330196-05-30-CXX.DXX, MID x I threads Option Descriptions D: Agency Approval Option: 00 Not required C: Total Length 05 Multiple Approvals Option: 05 0.5 metre (1.6 feet) 10 1.0 metre (3.3 leet) 15 1.5 melre (4.9 feet) 3300 XL 8mm Extended Temperature Range (ETR) 20 2.0 metres (6.6 feet)
Proximity Probes, Metric: 50 5.0 metres (16.4 feet) '
330193 330D XL 8 mm Probe, MID x I thread, without armor 90 9.0 metres (29.5 feel) 33D194 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, MlD x I thread, with D: Agency Approval armor Option: 00 Not required Part Number-AXX-BXX-CXX-DXX Option Descriptions 05 Multiple Approvals BNC Part number 141194-01 ._ct _a _oo an r e n n nr o_X.
rm__ XA{nB A uA specincations and Ordering normal 80062466 r3 Revision F.March 2003 SUP 24r0 PAGE 9 OF 28
3300 XL 8 mm Extended Temperature Range (ETR) 3300 XL Extension Cable Proximity Probes, Smooth Case: 3301 30-AXXX-BXX.CXX 2 Note: tlake sure that the extension cable length 330197 3300 XL 8 mm Probe without armor and theprobe length. when added together, equal 33D198 3300 XL Bmm Probe with armDr 2 the Proximilorg Sensor total length.
Part Number-AXX-BXX-CXX Option Descriptions Option Descriptions A: Cable Length A: Overall Case Length Option: 0 3 0 3.0 metres (9.8 feet)
Option: Order in increments of 0.5 In 0 35 3.5 metres (11.5 feet)
Length configurations:
0 4 0 4.0 melres (13.1 feet)
Maximum length: 9.5 in 0 45 4.5 metres (14.8 feet)
Minimum length: 1.0 in 0 7 0 7.0 metres (22.9 feet)
Example: 3 5 = 3.5 in' 0 7 5 7.5 metres (24.6 feet)
B: Total Length 0 0O 8.0 metias (26.2 feet)
Option: 05 0.5 metre (1.6 feel) 0 8 5 8.5 metres (27.9 feel) 10 1.0 metre (3.3 feet) 15 1.5 metres (4.9 feet) B: Conneclor Proteclor and Cable Option: 00 Standard cable 20 2.0 metres (6.6 feet) 01 Armored cable 50 5.0 metres (16.4 feel) 02 Standard cable with connector 90 9.0 melres (29.5 feel) protectors 03 Armored cable with connector C: Agency Approval protectors Option: 00 Not required 10 FluidLocS cable 05 Multiple Approvals I I Armored Fluldlict cable 12 FluidLoc6 cable with connec-tor protectors 3300 XL ProximitorS Sensor 330180-AXX-BXX 13 Armored FluidLocS cable with Option Descriptions connector protectors C: Agency Approval A: Total Length and Option: 00 Not required Mounting Option: 50 5.0 metre (16.4 feet) system length. panel mount 05 Multiple Approvals 51 5.0 metre (16.4 feel) system length, DIN mount 52 5.0 metre (16.4 feet) system 3300 XL Extended Temperature Range (ETR) Exten-length, no mounting hardware sion Cable 90 9.0 metres (29.5 feet) system 330190-AXXX-BXX-CXX length, panel mount Note: Make sure that theextension cable length andtheprobe tength, when added together, equal 91 9.0 metres (29.5 leet) system theProximilore Sensor total length.
length, DIN mount Option Descriptions 92 9.0 metres (29.5 feet) system length, no mounting hardware A: Cable Length Option: 0 3 0 3.0 metres (9.8 feet)
B: Agency Approval Option: 0D Not required 0 3 5 3.5 metres (11.5 feet) 05 Multiple approvals 0 4 0 4.0 metres (13.1 feet)
Part number 141194-01 Specifications and Ordering Information Revision F. March 2003 80062466 r3 SUP 24r0 PAGE 10 OF 28
0 4 5 4.5 metres (14.6 feel) probe installations. The -01 option is supplied with two 10-o 7 0 7.0 metres (22.9 feet) 24 UNC-2A mounting screws. The *04 option is supplied with two M5 x 0.8-6g mounting screws. The mounting 0 7 5 7.5 metres (24.6 feet) screws have pre-drilled holes for safety wire.
0 B0 8.0 metres (26.2 feet) 27474-AXX D8 5 8.5 metres (27.9 feet) Phenolic threaded probe mounting bracket B: Cable Option: oo Standard cable Option Descriptions o1 Armored cable A: Thread size: 01 31a824 C: AgencyApproval Option: oo Not required 04 M10x 1 O5 Multiple Approvals The phenolic threaded mounting bracket is recommended if additional electric isolation from the mounting location is required (as in some generator and electrical motor bearing locations). The -01 option is supplied with two 10-24 UNC-Accessories 2A mounting screws. The *04 option is supplied with two 141078-01 Manual M5 x 0.8-6g mounting screws. The mounting screws have 159484 Performance Specification - pre-drilled holes for safety wire.
3300 XL Proximity Transducer 138492-01 Replacement panel-mount System mounting pad 162735 Performance Specification - 136493-01 Replacement DIN-mount 3300 XL ETR probes and mounting pad extension cables 146722-01 3300 XL Test Plug. The 3300 XL 02120015 Bulk field wire. 1.0 mm2 (1B Test Plug is contains three small AWG), 3 conductor, twisted, test pins attached to three color-shielded cable with drain wire. coded wires 1 metre In length, Specify length in feet. each terminated in a banana plug.
The three-pin adapter plugs Into 137491-AXX the test pin holes on 3300 XL-style Aluminum probe clamp bracket 2 Proximilor Sensors. It is used to check the performance of the Option Descriptions ProximilorE) Sensor from the test pin holes in the terminal strip A: Mounting screw without requiring the removal of option: 01 10-24 UNC-2A mounting the field wiring.
screws 02 M5 x 0.8-Bg mounting screws 04310310 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor Panel-mount Screws. Package The aluminum clamp bracket is an unthreaded mounting Includes four 6-32 UNC thread bracket designed to use with the smooth case probes forming mounting screws.
(330140, 330141, 330197 and 330198). After gapping the (Supplied standard with probe, tighten the clamp bracket by tightening the screws. Proximitor1 Housings (3300 XL The mounting screws have pre-drilled holes for safety wire. panel-mount option] ).
137492-AXX 03200006 Silicone self-fusIng tape. A 9.1 Aluminum probe threaded metre (10 yard) roll of silicone tape mounting bracket to protect connectors. It is easy to Option Descriptions install and provides excellent electrical isolation and protection A: Thread size: 01 3/8-24 from the environment. It is not 04 M10x1 recommended for use inside the casing of the machine.
The aluminum probe threaded mounting bracket is the standard mounting bracket for most 3300 and 3300 XL 80062466 r3 Part number 141194-01 Specifications and Ordering Information SUP 24r0 Revision F.March 2003 PAGE 11 OF 28
40113-02 Connector Protector IKit. sleeves, two pieces of slit FEP Connector Protector Kit for 3300 tubing, and one strip of silicone XL 8 mm probes and extension tape.
cables, including connector 163356 Connector Crimp Tool Kit.
protectors and installation tools.
Includes one set of multiconnector 136536-01 Connector Protector Adapter. inserts and connector installation Allows connector protector instructions. Cnmpalible only with installation tools manufactured 330153 connector kits or with prior to 1998 to be used with 75 Q probes shipped in 2003 or later ClickLocT'1 connectors. with ClickLoc" connectors 40180-02 Connector Protectors. Package uninstalled. Supplied with carrying contains 10 pairs of connector case.
protectors for 3300 XL 8 mm Notes:
probes and 3300 XL 5 and 8 mm I Five metre probes are designed for use with the live metre extension cables.
Proximitor Sensor only.
03839410 75 ohm Triaxial Male Connector 2 Mounting clamps must be ordered separately for 330140.
Protector. Male connector protectors are installed onto the 330141, 330197, and 330198.
extension cable and attach to the 3 For a shorter delivery time, order commonly stocked probes.
female connector protector on the Currently, stocked probes consist of the following part num-probe, providing environmental bers:
protection of connectors.
330101*00-08-05-02-00,3301 01 08-05-02-05, 03839420 75 ohm Triaxial Female 330101-00-08-10-02-00,330101-00-08-10-02-05, Connector Protector. Female 330101-00-12-10-02-00,330101-00-12-10-02-05, connector protectors are Installed 330101-00-16-10-02-00, 330101-00-16-1 0-02-05, onto the probe lead and attach to 330101-00-20-05-02-00,330101-00-20-1 0-02-00, the male connector protector on the extension cable, providing 330101-00-20-10-02-05, 330101-00-30-10-02-00, environmental protection of 330101-00-30-10-02-05, 33010 1-00-40-05-02-00, connectors. Also placed on the 330101-0040-10-02-00. 330101-0040-10-02-05, extension cable to slide over the 330101-00 10-02-00,330101-00-60-1 0-02-05, connection to the ProximltorV 330102-00-20-10-02-00, 3301 03-00-02-10-02-05, Sensor and protect It from the 330103-00-03-1 0-02-05, 3301 03-00-04-10-02-00, environment. 330103-00-04-50-02-00, 330103-00-05-1 0-02-00, 04301007 31b-24 Probe Lock Nut with 330103-00-06-10-02-00,330104-00-06-10-02-00, safety wire holes. Single probe 330104-0 1-05-50-02-00,330105 12-05-02-00, lock nut with two holes drilled 330105-02-12-05-02-05,330105-02-12-1 0-02-00, through the nut in order to secure 330105-02-12-10-02-05, 330106-05-30-05-02-00, the lock nut in place with safety 330106-05-30-05-02-05, 330106-05-30-10-02-00 and wire. 330106-05-30-10-02-05.
04301008 M10 x I Probe Lock Nut with safety wire holes. Single probe lock nut with two holes drilled through the nut in order to secure the lock nut in place with safety wire.
0 2003 gently Nevada. uLC.
330153-01 3300 XL Connector Kit. Used on CableLoc", ClckLocrw. FHidLoo&, KeyphasorS. NSv"', ProxirritorV, and 3300 XL 8 mm probes and TipLoc" are trademarks of ently Nevada, LLC.
Won Isatrademark of DuPont.
extension cables. Contains one pair of male and female ClickLocTM connectors, two color-coded 80062466 r3 Part number 141194-01 Specifications and Ordering Information Revision F. March 2003 SUP 24r0 PAGE 12 OF 28
Graphs and Dimensional Drawings Gap (mm) 0. 0 0 025 0.50 0.75 t00 125 150 175 2.00 225 250 4 2
, 2' '005 E
-I 0
-4i iI I
.1 I t.- E 5 I I I i _ i I
' E .1 i 01 I-I... -- I I i
- .1.
I I**-
.I i
-22 ! , ! . I , ,
-20 i
-2 j
l iI- j :! i **
-20 I ! 1,
,.I .
-2 i ol 1D 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 VO Gap (mils)
I ". .
I 5m @
25C (777) - - -- 5m @ 45C (lF) 5m @0 C(32F) i .......
1 . .. . . .... .. . . .
Figure I Typical 3300 XL 8 mm 5 mSystem over API 670 Testing Range Part number 141194-01 Specificalions and Ordering Information 80062466 r3 Revision F. March 2003 SUP 24r0 PAGE 1j OF 2
Gap (mm) o.oo 025 0.50 0.75 100 1.25 150 175 2.00 2.25 2.5 0.15 0.12 U'
E 0.05 E 6! . ! _..... 0.005
-J -0.05 U, C,)
0 -0.12 a
!-OtS5 P- - I I
co _
5 , I ; I i 0 >
rLnc E .. _
.. -J_-
- i I
- I I
- I j I
-123i I . . , I
-24 I IX - !
-22 I -- '
1 i I
-20 I .. .. I 1 .
-S I ....4 .. 1.. ..l .. _.. ,.
i 1.. i j l l l o? -% Ii I I I r
! i ! .
-8I i I , - - t ::- i / j I I
-6 II -I 4H
-4 ........ .. ]. -. ........... . .
-2 I
... g .. 4. I I.. I 0 I * - * -; *_-4 I I I I 0 Sl _20 _
30 40. 50 60D 70 so 90 120 Gap (mils)
I 9m@25 r, (77F) --- 9m @ 45 (1 13F) ........ 9m@ 0lC(32F) I
. I Figure 2 Typical 3300 XL 8 mm 9 m System over API 670 Testing Range 80062466 r3 Part number 141194.01 Specifcations and Ordering Informalion SUP 24r0 Revision F. March 2003 PAGE 14 OF 28
Gap (mm) 0.00 0.25 050 0.75 100 U.25 t50 t75 2.00 225 2.50 6 !- 0.5
-i IIS .1..S.
7 a C3 4 I . . .
E -o !cL _ 2 - I 0.05 E
- cl r= - . . 7- :: .:;:.. . .... ....... ...... ..-, . ... L-P C C) E- r ° - 0 t c * .00l fl E.-2 I --- r J ci w tn 0y CJ t- .4. * *.05
.6 ! -O.T CR I
-~ E 5 .
U. e
-6 0 .,A . i
-6 0 -4 i I
-2 i 0 20
- 0 .i -I .-.50. -l8- 7-0 84 I
0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 :o 10 Gap (mils)
- 'rmnProbe @ 25 V:(77 f) -=- -n-hProbe@ -35V (.31F) II
..... nProbe
.....@ 10 C (248 F)
Figure 3 Typical 3300 XL B mm Probe over API 670 Operating Range 80062466 r3 Speclficalions and Ordering Iniormalion SUP 24r0 Part number 141194-01 Revision F. March 2003 PAGE il15 OF 28
Gap (mm) 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 to00 1.2 tso0 t75 2.00 2.25 2.50 6.
. . oAD
- 4
- 1 I I l 05
- D. E E r- oE ' 1 -I- '-'--
--- , 0.00 02 W! >E2:
- _' +
L _*.1*-. , 0.05 Lu i 'r405 -j
- j I -0.10 a
-6 i 111111 1 -0.15 I 'I ID .
I II -. I 5 I F o0 I I I_...L.V<
r- ~ 0 I I uz 0
~cX E Lr. >
E .5 i I I...I..
i---f.*. I I
-24. .
L r
- 0. .8V
.6 . ; .... _ .l .. . !
-2* "+ :';
0 V 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Vo Gap (mils)
TC 25 C (77 IF) - _ _ _Tc-34 C ( 30 ...-..
.F) Tc-51 (-60 F)
Figure 4 Typical 3300 XL 8 mm 5 m Proximitor Sensor with 4 m of Extension Cable @Tc (Probe Is at 25 IC) 80062466 r3 SUP 24r0 Part number 141194-01 Speciricallons and Ordering Information PAGE 16 OF 28 Revision F. March 2003
Gap (mm) oc.o 0.25 0.50 0.75 100 125 150 175 2.00 2.25 2.50
- 8.
- I020 6.
rA- 4-vso _ 04 ....i..'. to ,
..j .
4 ! ~.I-;. 0.05 0.00 E~
wC 0 I I - A-i. -- L__, 0.05 C g r4 -4. _;I
.. -*. -J 0) t.
i I .a.. !
- I . '-0.420
t5 i
- r" - .I__.._,
- .1. I I I
- 10
_5 - I - t-1.1 _I I I
&- W E 5
-E IJ- I I I
.0 I 1
.20 t
413 I I I! I
- U)-S
- I ua III
,1 . I !
- -tO,
/ I I I CL -8 : I 0
-I ' I I i
-6 I I i I i 4.
.- I I i I I
-2 - ....-II I I aI II I 0- ;. .- --- I.. -I . !!
I Gap (mils) o t0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 IDO I 25t (77 F) -- 65 r (19 F) -. >A. _ 5 ZC(15 T) ....... (212'F) .
Figure 5 Typical 3300 XL 8 mm 5 m Proximitor0 Sensor with 4 m Extension Cable @Th (Probe is at 25°C) 80062466 r3 Part number 141194.01 Speclficakons and Ordering Inforrnalion SUP 24r0 Revision F. March 2003 PAGE 17 OF 28
Gap (mm) 0.00 025 0.50 0.75 tL00 t25 t50 t75 2.00 2.25 2.50 61 . 0.20 I ! : I *
- I 0.15
- I4:I I I ..... ! °t~ E
= a2* I I 0.05 E
.t oi
-2 10.00 L
- -o osuj En I L .4I
_--. l0 i
I ! 020 F 5 a .
.T I . I I.I I
-20 2
- . -t2
== .1-t8 0 6
- 4
-2 0
20 30 40 70 80 Gap (mils)
! Tc-+25 'C (+77 F) - - - -Tc=-34 'C (-30 7F) Tc--51tC (.60'F) I .......
Figure 6 Typical 3300 XL B mm 9 m ProximitorV Sensor with e m of Extension Cable @Tc (Probe is at 25 *C) 80062466 r3 Part number 141194.01 Specifications and Ordering Information SUP 24r0 Revision F. March 2003 PAGE 18 OF 28
Gap (mm)
ODO 025 0.50 0.75 ¶00 1.25 tSO 175 2.00 2.25 2.50 8 . 020 6 1 4: I .-... ._- ._ _..__. : ox- E 2 1 . i . '.i *__- ..- i . 0.05 -E O: 0.00 E
.2 i t -4 I -0.V -j
- . .0O.S
- a. I 1-0.20 V
15 i
tE 5 S.
.t 02
-2 0
.*1. ...T~T - :
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Gap (mils)
Th=425 VC(477 F) * .:. Th=+65 C (+99'F)
- - A. - - Th=485 V(+B5 IF) - - - -Th=+130 IC(+22 ')
Figure 7 Typical 3300 XL 8 mm 9 m ProximitorO Sensor with 8 m of Extension Cable @Th (Probe Is at 25 °C) 80062466 r3 Part number 141194-01 Specifcalions and Ordering Information SUP 24r0 Revision F. March 2003 PAGE 1 9_ OF 28
Gap (mm) 0.00 025 0.50 0.75 1O0 125 tS0 1.75 2.00 225 2.50 10 0.25 B. . .. j
- __-- i020
= 4 ---
4 __ _.F~..... ..... . . . I.
. . @soiE E2 D
°°00 o t*0°. :
' - l- --- 1 1
- 5i o
... . . 020......
.10 -025
- 8 ' ~I *-4--'- - -2
-1D*..- -L. $$ . I-.--2 U. .
.24 * -
-22 I II*
.20. .
C~ .105 .. j.,_ W
. -6 o 4 Gap (mils) o X 20 30 40 5e 60 70 so so VO Th=+25 C (77 'F.... Th =+260 'C (+500 )F)
Figure 8 Typical 3300 XL Extended Temperature Range Probe and 4 metres of Extended Temperature Range Extension Cable @Th (ProximitorO Sensor and probe tip with 1 loot of cable are at +25 °C) 80062466 r3 Part number 141194-01 Specifications and Ordering Information SUP 24r0 Revision F. March 2003 PAGE 20 OF 28
Gap (mm) i=
IaI 0.0o 8!
4 -
C.25 0.50 0.75
1.00 1.15 1- ,...~
1,I 75 10 2.00 I
I i
2.25 2.50
- 0.25 1 0.20
,,*,,J,.11 E 2;
.. I. II 10.05 E e °* .1 i -I0.00 L.n E .2. i J.4:
D1 -6 0.15 r
.10I -0.25 F I IL
.5 0
!I. - -
- I o -14
.> I2 CL tO0 o .8 ,<. -.rr.
.6 4 ' .. _* . .
.2 0
Gap (mils) 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Th=+25 t (+77 F) Th=+260 - (*500 F) .......
I Figure 9 Typical 3300 XL Extended Temperature Range Probe and 8 metres of Extended Temperature Range Extension Cable @ Th (Proximitoro Sensor and probe tip with 1 foot of cable are at +25 'C) 80062466 r3 SUP 24r0 Part number 141194-01 Specifications and Ordering Inlornalion Revision F. March 2003 PAGE 21 OF 28
Frequency Response to Different Field Wiring Lengths without Barriers (5 m System)
.si ! I !i \ ii! .
100 1,000 10,000 . 100,000 Frequency (Hz) j N field wiring - 1000'wiring -*-2000'wiring ;
-x --4)5000'wiring -*-12,000' wiring e-3D *I4 VII' '.70 . iII il Figure 10 Frequency Response, typical 3300 XL 8 mm 5 rn System with varying lengths of field wiring attached, no barriers Phase Response wlth Different Field Wlring Lengths, No
-50 Barriers 15 m System) 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Frequency (Hz)
- Nofieldwiring -*1000 wiring -- 2000 wiring
- -> 5000' wiring - --- 12,000' wiring Figure 11 Phase Response, typical 3300 XL 8 mm 5 m System with varying lengths of field wiring attached, no barriers 800624606 r3 Part number 141194-01 Specifications and ordering InformaBion SUP 24n Revision FeMarch 2003 PAGE 22 OF 28
Frequency Response to Different Field Wiring Lengths without Barriers (9 m System)
I * . i II .
!1 - -Iisl ;
- , ' 1-; .
-2 I I
-3 s
- . : ii'I . i
-4 1.11.:.... I .. 1I . I IKI.
-5 1 100 1,000 10.001O 100,000 Frequency (Hz)
- No field wiring * -t - 1000' field wiring -- -2000' field wiring .
-# -5000' field wiring
- 12,000'. field .. ..
_ _ _ I Figure 12 Frequency Response, typical 3300 XL 8 mm 9 m System with varying lengths of field wiring attached, no barriers Phase Response with Different Field Wiring Lengths, No Barriers (9 m System) 0.00 Z
)1,;.... ,' ijj. .. :
0 E -30.00 }
- I - w* IE iis
, , . . I. . .: *h. : :1 I;A t 1.
-D40.00 0.! -50.00 C
Ii'I; 1.1 Ii:
<. -60.00 j..1..0..l..
in -70.00 IL -80.00
-90.00 I..
-100.00 0i,0 100 1.000 10,000 10.
oooo Frequency (Hz)
- N field wirirn - *1000'fieldwiring -W -2000' field wiring I
-x -5000' field wiring ---- 12.000' field wiring 0 Figure 13 Phase Response, typical 3300 XL 8 mm 9 m System with varying lengths of field wiring attached, no barriers 80062466 r3 Parn number 141194-01 Specifications and Ordering Information SUP 24r0 Revision F.March 2003 PAGE 23 OF 28
14.3 (9/16) for 3/8-24 threads 2 8 (5/16) Wrench Flats, 4 each 17.0 (0.67) for M10 threads 2 ' 75 ohm Cable 8 0 Dia / 3.7 (0.15) Max. Outside Dia.
(0.31) Case
- 3.9 (0.16) Max. Dia. for FluidLocR Cable Probe Tip Thread / 7.6 (0.30) Outside Dia. of Armor I,[$*
l 1 9.0 (0.35) Max Dia. of Armor Ferrule i
2.5 (0.10) 1! Miniature Male Coaxial Connector L Unthreaded Length 7.23 (0.285) Outside:
aA iDia. Maximum "D' Case Length "B"-----l
- 6.0 (0.235) Max.
Total Length3 *C", +30%, -0% _j Figure 14 3300 XL 3 mm Proximity probes, Standard Mount 330101 and 330191. 318-24 UNF-2A, without armor 7 330102 and 330192, 318-24 UNF-2A, with armor 6 330103 and 330193, MIOXi thread, without armor 7 330104 and 330194, MIOXi thread, with armor 6 12 (0.49) 12 (0.49)
Dia. Max. Dia. Max.
U.; Max 51.1 (2.01)Max. r
- I17 Connector Protector *--/
(Fluorosilicone Material)
Figure 15 Installed Connector Protectors 80062466 r3 SUP 24rO Part number 141194-01 Specifications and Ordering Informalion PAGE 24 OF 28 Revision F. March 2003
-. 0 Dia. Case (0.31) Thread Probe Tip I-111_
rME I 2Miniature Male r-5(0.2) 1 Coaxial Connector
- Unthreaded Length 'A' 7.23 (0.285) Outside 5.0 (0.20) Dia. Maximum "D'
- Case Length 'B.}
30 (1.2)
.0 (0.235) Max.
- Total Length 3 C', +30%, -0% -
Figure 16 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probes, Reverse Mount 4, 7 330105 and 330195, 3/8.24 UNF.2A threads 330106 and 330196, M10XI threads 75 Ohm Cable 3.6B (0.145) Dia. Max.
3.9 (0.16) Max. Dia. for FluldLoc R'Cable With Armor, outside Dia. is 8.0 (0.315) 9.6 (0.38) 7n9¶0t31 9.0 (0.35) Max Dia. of Armor Ferrule a (0.31) 9Max. Di1a. Wrench Flats -(-5~x~a An D (.1 4 each . Male (Plug) Connector Di;I. Tip 7.23 (0.285) Dia. Max.
q o
2 .54 t'aeb-daQ Il -M6t 'A' LtUlII
-_1 i-s -_
L -
3.(35M 349.25 (13.750) Max. -
On r- 6.0 (0.235) Max.
L. Cable Length3 I Figure 17 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probes, Smooth Case 330140 and 330197, without armor 7 330141 and 33D198, with armor6 80062466 r3 Partnumer 1119-01 SUP 24r0 F 2 Part nuFmber 141194-01 Specifications and Ordering Inlormalion Revision F.March 2003 PAGE 25 OF_. 28-
75 ohm cable 3.7 (0.15) max. O.D.
Miniature Male 3.9 (0.16) Max. Dia. for FluidLo6R-cable Coaxial Connector 7.6 (0.30) Max. O.D. of Armor FEP or PFA 9.0 (0.35) Max Dia. of Armor Ferrule 7.2 (0.285) 83.8 Coated Armor 6 83 8 7.2 (0.285)
Max. Dia. (3.30) (3.30) Max. Dia.
___I 300 (11.8)I 1 less than cable lenthn r ,
1 83.308 83.38 FEP or PFA Insulated (3)(*)
Sta s Se Triaxial Cable I StainlessSteel Ferrules Miniature Female 8.4 (0.33) Dia. Coaxial Connector.
_ Cable Length +20%, -0%
Figure 18 3300 XL Extension Cable 330130, 3300 XL Extension Cable (FEP armor and insulation) 330190, 3300 XL ETR Extension Cable (PFA armor and Insulation)
Mounting Option
'A' Options -50 or -90 l
i I 63.5 (2.50) ,
50.8 (2.00) - .
81.3 61.2 (3.20) (2.41)
I I .
.5.1 (0.20)
Figure 19 Panel Mount 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor 80062466 r3 SUP 24r0 Part number 141194-01 Specifications and Ordering Informalion PAGE 26 OF 28 Revision F.March 2003
Figure 20 DIN Mount 3300 XL ProximitorV Sensor 80062466 r3 and Ordering Information SUP 24r0 OF L .
?a 141194-01 number 141 Partenumber 194200 Specifications Specifications and Ordering Information PAGE .2-27 OF -- 28~
Revision F. March 2003
(3.4) 50.8 (2.00) 61.4 (2.421 Mounting Option A- Optons -50 or .90 I... r 81 (3.21 Z1i- (2.00) 61.2 1, (2.41)
&0. I -
Figure 21 Physical mounting characteristics-showing Interchangeability of 3300 and 3300 XL ProximitorV Sensors when 4-hols mounting option Is used5 Notes:
1 All dimensions on figures are In millimetres (inches) unless otherwise noted.
2 Standard mount 8 mm probes supplied with 17 mm or 9J16 Inch lock nut.
3 Probes ordered with 5 or 9 metre Integral cables have a length tolerance of +20%. -0%.
4 Reverse mount probes not available with armor or connector protector options.
- 5 Letters inside quotation marks on figures refer to probe ordering options.
6 Stainless steel armor is supplied with FEP outer jackel for slandard probes, PFA outer jackel for ETR probes.
7 FEP jacket is standard non-armored portion of the cable for standard probes, PFA jacket on non-armored porlion for ETR probes.
8 Use M3.5 or S6 screws for panel-mounl Proximilor5 Sensors (screws provided when purchasino Sently Nevada housings).
80062466 r3 Part number 141194-01 Specificalions and Ordering Information SUP 24rO Revision F. March 2003 PAGE 28 OF 28
Specifications and Ordering Information B E N T LY TK15 Keyphasor Conditioner and Power Supply Nevada Description
~I%V . Z- ~ ;I This two-channel Instrument is used to power transducers and condition
... .~ .. '. Iransducersignals for use with portable machinery diagnostic instruments.
.,_j>. , ; . . _ .- . 'a ......
Applications Include:
- Obtaining a Keyphasorsignal
- Pre-recorded transducer signals
- Transducer Power Specifications Power Requirements Input Voltage: 95 to 125 Vac or 190 to 250 Vac (Switch selectable on rear panel).
Input Frequency: 47 to 63 Hz. single phase.
Fuse Ratings 115 Vac. 0.5 A, 250 V. (Ume-delay).
230 Vac: 0.25 A,250 V.(lime-delay).
+15 Vdc Nominal Voltage: +16.2 Vdc+/-1.2 Vac.
Maximum Current: 150 mA (100 mA il one optical pickup is used, 50 mA if two optical pickups are used).
Maximum Ripple: 1mV pp.
-18 Vdc Nominal Voltage: -1B.9 Vdc +/-1.2 Vdc.
Maximum Current 300 mA.
Note: Thesum cf-18 Vdc suppl rrenland -24 Vdc supplycurrenl should not exceed 350 mKA Atypical ProxirnlorO wit consume 12 mA.
Maximum Ripple: 1 mV pp.
Cc BNC Par Number 141587-01 80062466 r3 Resion NC. July 99 SUP 25rO PAGE OF 3
-24 Vdc Storage -400C to +85CC (40'F to +185'F).
Nominal Voltage: -24.2 Vdc +/-1.5 Vdc.
Relative Humidity: To 95% noncondensinrg.
Maximurn Current: 350 mA.
Note: The sum of *18Vdc supply crieni and Physical
- 24Vdc supply currenl shoud not exceed 350 mA. Atypical Prxirmiore we consume 12mMA. Size Maximum Ripple: 1 mV pp. Height: 89 mm (3.5 in) 14dlh: 221 mm (8.7 in)
Signal Conditioning Depth: 305 mm (12.0 in)
Transducer Input Weight: 3.1 kg (6.8 Ib)
Input Impedance: 100 k Q.
ac Coupling: Time Constant =0.2 seconds.
Fiter Comer Frequency =0.8 Hz. Ordering Information Optical Pickup Input TKI5 KeyphasorV Conditioner and Power Supply TypicalLED SCI MA 809117.01 Current: Option Description Maximum Photo- 2C IVdc. Includes: I TK15 Keyphasor Conditioner detector Operating and Power Supply Voltage: I User Guide 1 Power Card Conditioned Signal Output I Fuse for 230 Vac Operation (Unit is shipped with fuse for Output Impedance: 249£2, short circuit protected. 115 Vac operation installed.)
Dynamic Voltage +/-110volts minimum.
Range: Accessories Clamp Range: +/-110volts minimum. 73783-02 TKt16 KeyphasorD MultiplierlDivider Input to Output 10798103 Optical pickup with Integral cable and manual.
Gain Accuracy +/-21%maximum over temperature.
20545-XX Extension cable (for optical pickup)
Slew Rate: 1 c. Vdc per microsecond minimum. XX = cable length In 1-foot increments.
Bandwidth: 0.1I Hz to 30 kHz minimum. Minimum length: 10 fit(3m).
Maximum length: 99 ft (30 m).
Environmental Limits 81769-01 Reflective Tape, 4.6 metres (15 feet)
(used for optical pickup targets).
Operating 00C to +500C (+32 0F to +122 0F).
Temperature: 20211.05 Optical Pickup Mounting Package.
BNC Parl Number 141587.01 80062466 r3 ReYiuon NC. Juy 99 SUP 25rO PAGE 2 OF -
Application Diagrams Proximity Transducer
- ~
Power Optical or I Magnetic Pickup
> Monitor MRack TKI5 0 01;00 TK15 4 'I TK16 J LOOPI~
Diagnostic Portable Oscilloscope Diagnostic Instrument Portable Oscilloscope Instrument Figure 1: Typical Uses Figure 2: Front and Rear Connections 0 1999 Bendy Nevada Corporaion 0 used inthis document are registered rnars or Benily Nevada Corporaion BNC Part Number 1415E7401 80062466 Revision NC, May 1999 SUp zSr-o PAGE 3
FORM-I VENDOR INFORMATION PSEG NUCLEAR LLC VTD NUMBER: 3 274 12 f3 ACTIVE Approved Documentation al APCP Approved, Pending Change Package (May only be used for Rev. 1)
E CAN Canceled, Not Required El VOID No longer applicable, superseded by:_
DISPLACEMENT SELECTION E Electrical II&C El Mechanical ] Other Specify:
Safety Related: E Yes [ No Unit Applicability E Salem 1 D Salem Common E Hope Creek & Salem E Salem 2 g Hope Creek El PSEG Nuclear LLC El Salem 3 System /
l6 bra lm H 0 no1 I/3 O a/ PrDity' 8' A SAP Sys Code:
Vendor Name: Bent/y eawf, Vendor Code: 13?O, Vendor No.:
Vendor Category: (Category Codes are listed in DCRMS.)
Purchase Order No.
Material Master: en/ -a&'-G, qox/2qY(s 'o/ .391 Originator: 9 Dept: S hed Group: P)ro jests Date: BULL-___f _Ext: _ _ _3 If changes are made to this form, initial and date the change and document in the revision summary.
GOoeL2-4'(o R3 NNCf V7-D Nuclear Common Page 16 of 19
FORM-I VENDOR INFORMATION PSEG NUCLEAR LLC VTD NUMBER: 31-7413 Z ACTIVE Approved Documentation g APCP Approved, Pending Change Package (May only be used for Rev. 1)
F CAN Canceled, Not Required El VOID No longer applicable, superseded byy:
DISPLACEMENT SELECTION El Electrical DlI&C E Mechanical EJ Other Specify:
Safety Related: El Yes n No Unit Applicability al Salem 1 El Salem Common El Hope Creek & Salem E1 Salem 2 E1 Hope Creek M PSEG Nuclear LLC El Salem 3 System/
1'&w1C' t/5tX Pag~- fed SAP Sys Code:
Vendor Name: ,B " 71AALe- _ _
Vendor Code: BZ-oL? Ve'ndor No.:
Vendor Category: (Category Codes are listed in DCRMS.)
Purchase Order No.
Material Master:
Originator: 9 a Dept: f~g Group: A Date: IL- Ext: y03 If changes are made to this form, initial and date the change and document in the revision summary.
800&Z4o42 1?-3 A D~o RO Nuclear Common Page 16 of 19
FORM I CALCULATION COVER SHEET Page I of CALCULATION NUMBER.: 6H4-2193 REVISION: CIRD TITLE: Cable tray/Conduit Supports for Vibration Monitoring - Reactor Bldg. @ El. 102' and above
El FINAL 0 INTERIM (Proposed Plant Change) O VOID 0 FINAL (Future Confirmation Req'd, enter tracking Notification number.)
See calculation cover sheet no. 2 80062466R3 PURPOSE: S10RO ISSUE NEW CALCULATION CONCLUSIONS:
Nuclear Common Revision 10