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Calculation EG-0047, Rev. 3, Hope Creek Generating Station Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature Limits.
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 12/07/2005
Public Service Enterprise Group
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
EG-0047, Rev 3
Download: ML060540298 (102)




  1. SHTS (CALC): 31 #ATTI#SHTS: 8159 #IDV150.59 SHTS: 218 #TOTAL SHTS: 100 CHECK ONE:

0 FINAL O IINTERIM (Proposed Plant Change) El VOID 0 FINAL (Future Confirmation Req'd, enter tracking Notification number:)


80087020/0010 _


Incorporating 80075972 (AD M03RO). Revising the degraded pump curve from EG-0046, Revision 5. Simplifying the calculation complexity by making all non-bounding alignments history cases only to be used as a justification for limiting cases.


The purpose of this calculation is to determine the maximum allowable UHS temperature to maintain the SACS header temperature below 95'F or 100'F. The maximum UHS teriperature will be determined for a range of Station Service Water System (SSWS) flow rates for three different accident scenarios, Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA), Loss of Offsite Power with a coincident Safe Shutdown Earthquake (LOP/SSE), and a Loss of Offsite Power (LOP). Normal conditions will also be reviewed.

CONCLUSIONS; The UHS temperature limit for conditions resulting from design basis failures is 90.1 "F. This meets the Technical Specification limit of 89'F. The UHS temperature limit for cronditions resulting from design basisfailures concurrent wtlh equipment outgages permitted by Technical Specifications AOT Action Statements is 88FF. This meets the Technical Specification limit of 880F. See section 6 for further conclusion details.

I Printed Name I SIgnatur Date l ORIGINATORICOMPANY NAME: James Mu IPSNudler November 30,2005 REVIEWERICOMPANY NAME: N/A \j




CALC. NO.: EG-0047 REPERENcE N/A RED Rev. JBM 3 EXV 3112/20022 O3ORIGINATOR,T 11/30/2005

_KCK RED REVIEWER/VEXIFIERtDATE 3/20/2002 1210612005 REVISION HISTORY Revision Issue Date Revision Description 0 1/17/2000 Initial Issue.

1 d1Y27/2000 The purpose of this calculation isto revise the SACS hydraulic model to account for by-pass leakage of the RHR heat exchanger SACS outlet valve IEGHV-2512A (1EGV-0023), and to analyze the effects of plugged tubes in the SACS heat exchanger. The calculation did not account for bypass leakage of the valve, which could have leakage upwards to 3000 gpm. In addition, the model assumed that the SACS heat exchanger did not have any tubes plugged. This revision also determines the impact of 50 plugged tubes in the

_SACS heat exchanger.

2 4/09/2002 The calculation is being revised to determine the impact to the Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS) temperature limit due to the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) heat load transferred to the Safety Auxiliaries Cooling System (SACS) during

_ _ automatic Low Pressure Coolant Injection (LPCI) of the LOCA short-term.

3 See cover Incorporating 80075972 (AD M03RO). Revising the degraded pump curve from EG-sheet 0046, Revision 5. Simplifying the calculation complexity by making all non-bounding

_ alignments history cases only to be used as ajustification for limiting cases.


2. = 17 3 = Attachment2 3 3 3 18 3 . Attachment 3 3 4 3 19 3 _ . . Attachment4 3 5 3 20 3 Attachment 5 3 6 .3 21_ 3 _ Attachment 6 0 7 .3 22 3 =_._._ Attachment7 0 8 3 23 3 Attachment 8 I

= 3 24 3 - Attachment 9 1 10 - 3 26 3 - Attachment 10 2 12- 3 27 3 Attachmentl1 2 13 3 -28 3 .

14 3. 29 3 . .

15 3 30 3 _ . . . .

. 31 .3 MEMNON I


CALC. NO.: EG-0047 Add:_ N/A _ __:

IRED lRev. JBM 3 ORIGINATOR,DATE REV: 3R12/20D2 2 11/30/2005 KCK RED REVIEWER/VERIFIER,DATE 3/20/2002 12106/2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS REVISION HISTORY ................ , . .... 2 PAGE REVISION INDEX , .. 2 1.0 PURPOSE.................................I.............................................................................................4 2.0 SCOPE.................................................................................................................................... 4 3.0 ASSUMPTIONS / INPUTS / CONDITIONS................................................................................4


.. 9 5.0 ANALYSIS. .............................................................................................................................. 10 5.1 Methodology.......................................................................................................................... 10 5.2 Fallure Modes .. 12 5.2.1 Failure Modes and Consequences.............................................................................. 15 5.2.2 AOT Case .16 5.2.3 Unique SACS Failure Condition. ,. 17 5.2.4 Worse-Case Representation .18 5.2.5 Failure Alignments .18 5.3 Case Alignments Baseline Database .21 5.4 SACS Heat Exchanger Tube-side Temperature .......................................... 21 5.5 Generate Output Files .. 21 6.6 Approximate SSWS Temperatures For Varying Flows .. 22 5.7 Plot and Curve-fit the UHS Temperature vs SSWS ...................................... 22 5.8 Curve Fit Verification ...................................... 23 5.9 Liimiting Conditions ...................... 23 5.10 Operability Determnination ...................... 23 5.11 Required UHS Temperature .. ................................................................................. t.... 224 5.11.1 Temperature Limits for Design Basis (Single Failure) Conditions .24 5.11.2 Temperature Limits for AOT Conditions: .................................... 25 5.12 UncertaintyAnalysis..............................................................................................................26 5.13 Limiting UHS Temperature.. 29


S ....................... . 30 7.0 DOCUMENTS AFFECTED ........................ , 31 ATTACHMENT 1 - PROTO-FLO'.Reports for Limiting Cases ATTACHMENT 2 - Deleted ATTACHMENT 3- Deleted ATTACHMENT 4- Deleted ATTACHMENT 5 - UHS -temperature analysis spreadsheets ATTACHMENT 6- PROTO-HXf output for uncertaInty analysis ATTACHMENT 7 - Effects of Increased SACS Flowrate ATTACHMENT 8 - PROTO-HXrm output for uncertainty analysis for plugged tubes ATTACHMENT9 - Calculation for bypass flow on 20-Inch butterfly valve ATTACHMENT 10- PROTO-FLOWm Flow Summary and Pump Status reports for B" LPCI injection - Design Pump ATTACHMENT 1i - PROTO-FLOTm Heat Exchanger report for LOCA Short-term


CAMC. NO.: E-G-0047


N_ A RED Rev JBM 3 ORIGINATOR,DATE REv: 3/12/20D2 2 11/30/005 KCK RED REVIEWER/VEIRIFIER,DATE 3/20/2002 12/06/2005 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this calculation is to determine, the maximum allowable Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS) temperature to maintain the Safety Auxiliaries Cooling System (SACS) header temperature below

-95°F or 100F. The maximum UHS temperature will be determined for a range of Station Service

'Water System (SSWS) flow rates for Normal conditions and three different accident scenarios, Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA), Loss of Offeite Power with a coincident Safe Shutdown Earthquake (LOP/SSE), and a Loss of Offsite Power (LOP).

2.0 SCOPE This calculation Is being performed for the SACS and SSWS (the ultimate heat sink) for the Hope Creek Generating Station (HCGS). The scope is limited to the bounding cases determined in previous revisions to this calculation and cases that justify operator action.

3.0 ASSUIMTIONS I INPUTS I CONDITIONS 3.1 SACS lunply Temperature Limits 3.1.1 The SACS heat exchanger outlet design temperature (or inlet to the RHR heat exchanger) shall be limited to 95'F during normal operations.

3.1.2 The SACS system design allows for a SACS heat exchanger outlet temperature limit of 100°F.during accident/transient conditions with the exception listed below (Reference 4.1.8).

3.1.3 The SACS post-accident design temperature shall be limited to 95"F for a SACS AOT in which only one SACS pump Ineach loop is operable. In this configuration, insufficient SACS flow is supplied to the RHR Hx to support 100IF.

3.1.4 Due to limitations in maintaining the suppression pool temperature at a maximum temperature of 95°F, the SACS design temperature must remain less than or equal to 95°F during normal conditions. The scope of increasing the SACS temperature to 100°F was limited to the SACS portion of the Safety and Turbine Auxiliary Cooling System (STACS). The non-safety related TACS portion of the system is Isolated following a LOP and/or LOCA scenario, and is not evaluated for 100 0F SACS temperatures.

3.2 SACS Heat Loads 3.2.1 The.heat loads used for this calculation were obtained from References 4.1.1, 4.1.8, 4.1.9, 4.1.10, 4.1.11, and 4.4.1.

3.2.2 For the LOPISSE and the LOP accident scenarios, the suppression pool temperature could raise up to 212 0F for one RHR heat exchanger operation with an RHR flow rate of 10,000 gpm (Reference 4.4.1, Table 5-4). For two RHR heat exchanger operation with an RHR flow rate of 10,000 gpm each, the suppression pool temperature could raise to 183 0F (Reference 4.4.1, Table 5-5). For the.

LOCA accident scenarios, the suppression pcol temperature could raise to 21 00F for one RHR heat



CALC. NO.: EG-0047 REERENCE: N/A RED Rev. JBM 3 ORIGINATOR 0RGRA0,DATE , RJEV: IAE 3112/20022 31112022 11/3012005 12 3Q0 KCK RED REEVZWER/VERIFIER, DATE 3/20(2002 12106/2005 exchanger operation with an RHR flow rate of 10,000 gpm (Reference 4.4.1, Tables 5-2 and 5-3).

For two RHR heat exchanger operation with an RHR flow rate of 10,000 gpm each, the suppression pool temperature could raise to 185 0F (Reference 4.4.1, Table 5-1).

3.2.3 The process side controls for the Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) heat exchangers are assumed to control the process side flow rates so that a fixed design heat load Is removed through these heat exchangers. This will prevent over cooling of the EDG's.

3.2.4 Following the failure of an EDG, the heat load on the associated EDG room cooler is assumed to be zero. This Is reasonable since the primary heat source for the EDG room coolers is the EDG itself.'.

3.2.5 The heat load removed (shown below) by SACS for any Emergency Auxiliaries Cooling System (EACS) pump room cooler is assumed to be the required heat load determined in Reference 4.1.11, regardless of the number of room coolers operating for the room.

VH210, RHR Pump Room = 360,000 Btu/hr VH210, RHR Pump I HX Room = 346,000 Biuthr VH21 1, Core Spray Pump Room = 185,400 l3tu/hr VH209, HPCI Pump Room = 144,000 Btu/hr VH20S, RCIC Pump Room = 50,400 Btu/hr 3.2.6 For the Filtration Ventilation and Recirculation System (FRVS), during a LOCA the long-term heat load is 0.85 Mbtulhr for both three and four operating FRVS units. During the short term, the heat load to each operating FRVS unit is 0.52 Mbtu/hr (Conservatively obtained from Reference 4.1.11).

3.2.7 For this analysis, the SFP heat exchangers are Isolated If the SACS header temperature cannot be maintained below 95'F (normal conditions) or 100F (LOCA and/or LOP). Following a LOP signal, the fuel pool pumps trip and are. not automaltically loaded onto the EDG; fuel pool heat exchangers would remain isolated If river temperatures were high. Following a LOCA Scenario, the instrument air system is assumed to be lost (since the FRACS and TAOS systems that cool the air compressors would automatically be Isolated). The Loss of Instrument Air (LIA) would cause the fuel pool heat exchanger outlet valves to fail closed preventing fuel pool cooling pump flow, and fuel pool heat exchangers would remain isolated if river temperatures were high. If a LOP or LIA did not occur, and SACS temperature reaches the design value (95F or 100 0F), operator action in accordance

.with Reference 4.3.6 would Isolate the SFP heat exchangers.

3.2.8 EDG room cooler heat load is 1.9 MBtu/hr for one operating EDG room cooler, and 2.2 MBtulhr (1.1 Mbtulhr each) when two EDG room coolers are operating (see Reference 4.1.1). At 100F SACS temperatures,.two EDG room coolers arerrequired to maintain EDG rooms below their design temperature of 120°F (Reference 4.1.10).

3.2.9 The RHR pump seal coolers' heat load depends on the source of water aligned to.the RHR pump.

For the RHR pump seal coolers, a post LOCA heat load of 0.09 MBtulhr was used since it is assumed that the water Is from the suppression pool at a maximum temperature of 212 0F. The post-LOP heat load of 0.35 MBtu/hr (applied to the A & B coolers only) was used since it is assumed that the water is taken directly from the reactor vessel at a maximum shutdown cooling temperature of 350'F. These heat loads are taken directly from Reference 4.1.1.


CALc. NO.: EG-0047 REECE: N/A

_ RED I Rev. JBI 3 ORIGINATORDATE REV: 3/12/2002 1 2 11130/2005 I KCK RED REVIEWER/VERrIER, DATE 3/202002 12/06/2005 3.3 SACS/SSWS System Alianments 3.3.1 The heat load between the 'A and 'B" SACS loop are assumed Identical except for the RCIC and HPCI heat loads. Since the RCIC pump room cooler required heat load is significantly lower (by a factor of two) than the HPCI pump room cooler heat load the "A"SACS loop is assumed to produce .

the limiting UHS temperature, 3.3.2 The Emergency Overboard (EOB) valves are opened under administrative controls when the SSWS temperature reaches 85 0F and the breakers (1OB212 MCC No. 131 and 10B222 MCC No. 131) are racked out to prevent the spurious actuation of the valve (Reference 4.3.2).

3.3.3 The control room chiller and 1E panel chiller control valves were set to control the flow rate through these units to the required flow rate stated in Ihe UFSAR, which bounds the minimum required flow rate from Reference 4.1.1, 1588 gpm and 40EI gpm respectively. Higher SACS flow increases the heat load transferred to SACS, resulting in a IDwer UHS temperature (see Attachment 7 for a detailed explanation). The chiller water controls will continue to control following a loss of instrument air. These valves have their own separate compressed gas cylinders that are designed to maintain.

pressure and allow the control valves to remain functional after a loss of instrument air.

3.3.4 Following a LOCA, during a SSWS loop outage; it is assumed that the SSWS pumps within that loop are out of service. In addition, a SSWS loop outage due to a pump outage limits the SSWS loop outage due to a SACS heat exchanger outage (see Attachment 5 for results).

3.3.5 The EDG crosstie configuration provided in the UHS spreadsheet analysis (see Attachment 5) assumes that the configuration when three EDG's are crosstied is bounded by the configuration when four EDG's are crosstied. Only the limiting temperature for the four EDG's crosstied is provided.

3.3.6 For the crosstle configurations, the SACS flow to the EDG room coolers Is throttled according to the SACS System Operation Procedure (Reference 4.3.1). .

3.3.7 For the limiting case from the 95¶F SACS LOP/SSE UHS spreadsheet of Attachment (5)

(represented by the 212.2 - 212.2 configuration onlline I of the "AOT - One SACS.Pump Per Loop",

and the Al&2 - B1&2 configuration Inthe PRiOTO-FLOm model runs), a sensitivity study was performed for the Probabilistic Risk Assessment Group to determine the UHS temperature for two special alignments: The Al&2 - BE&1 PROTOtFLOm model line-up (represented by the 212.2 -

.211.2 configuration on line 2 of the "AOT - One SACS Pump Per Loop"), and the Al&I - Bl &1 PROTO'FLOTm model line-up (represented by the 211.2 - 211.2 configuration on line 3 of the "AOT -

One SACS Pump Per Loop"). These sensitivity studies are not part of the design basis, and are not used to determine the limiting UHS temperature. However, the PSA group will use the results as a model for their success criteria for the Safety System requirements in their probabilistic risk assessment of the SACS/SSWS system.. Note that in the actual model runs, all the heat loads and component alignments for the Al &2,Al &1, Eli &2,BI &1 model runs were analyzed by the 'A' loop in PRCsTO-FLO6T.



CALC. NO.: EG-0047 REEREN: NA l t RED Rev ism 3 ORIGINATOR,DATE lEV: 3/12/2002 l 2 11/3012005 KCK RED REVMEWER/VElaFIEER,DATE 13/2012002 12/06/2005 a) The Al &2- BI&1 alignment: Two SACS IHx's in one loop and one SACS Hx in the other loop.

In the Al&2 configuration (1 SACS pump and 2 SACS heat exchangers), only the "A" loop is being analyzed. Flow is directed to the RHR heat exchanger and isolated to the control room chiller. The "B"loop is analyzed in the BI14 configuration (1 SACS pump and 1 SACS heat exchanger), in which flow is Isolated to the RHR heat exchanger and directed to the control room chiller.

b) The AI&1 - BI&1 alignment: One SACS Hx in one loop and one SACS Hx in the other loop. In the AI&1 configuration (1 SACS pump and 1 SACS heat exchanger), only the "A" loop is being analyzed. Flow is directed to the RHR heat exchanger and Isolated to the control room chiller.

The "B" loop is analyzed in the B1&1 configuration (1 SACS pump and 1SACS heat exchanger),

in which flow is isolated to the RHR heat exchanger and directed to the control room chiller.

3.4 AssumDtions Common Assumptions 3.4.1 The uncertainty of the temperature Instrumenl:ation for the SSWS and SACS temperatures is assumed to be 0.79 0F (see Reference 4.1,6). For a listing of the overall uncertainty see Section 5.11.

3.4.2 The service fluid for the SACS heat exchanger models Is "Brackish Water - 12 pptr in the PROTO-FLO- model (Reference 4.1.3).

3.4.3 The RHR heat exchanger SACS outlet valves are assumed to be in the full-open position for all cases, with the exception of the "one SACS pump per loop" configuration. For this case, the valve Is assumed to be closed to Isolate flow to one of the RHR heat exchangers (see the discussion in Section for details). The vendor-provided calculation In Attachment (9)shows that the valve has the potential for leakage of 300 gpm with the valve seat removed (based on a disc clearance of 0.019 inches). Based on a visual inspection of the valve, the disc clearance could be up to 0.125 inches. Using this value, the possible leakages rate was recalculated using the equation found in Attachment (9), resulting in a bypass leakage rate of approximately 2500 gpm. To account for leakage in this configuration, the valve (1EGP-026) has been flow balanced to allow 3000 gpm of flow through the RHR heat exchanger isolation valve.

Revision 2 AssumDtions 3.4.4 For situations where both SACS heat exchangers in the same SACS loop receIved SACS and SSWS flow, the average SACS flow rate heat load, and shell outlet temperature from the PROTO-FLOW run were used In the PROTO-HX model.

3.4.5 For the LOCA short-term analysis (less than 10 minutes), the suppression pool temperature is assumed 170'F per Reference 4.4.1.



CALC. NO.: EG-0047


N/A RED l Rev. JBM ORIZGINATOR,,DATE REV: 3/12/2002 2 11/30/2005 KCK RED REVIEWER/VERIFIER,DATE 3/20/2002 12/0612005 3.4.6 During ILPCI injection phase of the LOCA short-term, the "RHR HX shell bypass MOV (BC-HV-F048A(B))" opens, and cannot be closed for 3 minutes, after which the Operator is directed to close this bypass valve as soon as possible (Reference 4.3.5).

3.5 SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE 3.5.1 The PROTO-FLOw thermal hydraulic model of SACS was developed and benchmarked by EG-0043 (Reference 4.1.3) and balanced by EG-10046 (Reference 4.1.2). The heat exchanger models used for this calculation were developed In EG-0044 (Reference 4.1.4).

3.5.2 The PROTO-FLOC program is CRITICAL SOFTWARE as defined by ND.DE-AP.ZZ-0052(Q) designated Proto-Flo (A-0-ZZ-MCS-0149, Reference 4.2.1). This program was developed and validated in accordance with Proto-Power's Nuclear Software Quality Assurance Program (SQAP),

documented InReference 4.2.2. This program meets the requirements of IOCFR50 Appendix B, I 0CFR21, and ANSI NQA-1, and was developed according to the guidelines and standards contained InANSIVIEEE Standard 730/1984 and ANSI NQA-2b-1991. PROTO-FLO"h Version 4.51 is approved for use on safety-related applications as documented in Reference 4.2.2.

3.5.3 The PROTO-HX7 program Is CRITICAL SOFTWARE as defined by ND.DE-AP.ZZ-0052(Q) designated Proto-Hx (A-O-ZZ-MCS-0169, Relference 4.2.3). This program was developed and validated in accordance with Proto-Power's Nuclear Software Quality Assurance Program (SOAP).

This program meets the requirements of I 0CFR50 Appendix B, 10CFR21, and ANSI NQA-1, and was developed according to the guidelines and standards contained InANSI/IEEE Standard 730/1984 and ANSI NQA-2b-1991. PROTO-HXm Version 4.01 was verified and approved for use as documented in Reference 4.2.4.

3.5.4 The PIlPE-FLOM program is CRITItAL SOFTWARE as defined by ND.DE-AP.ZZ-0052(Q) designated Pipe-Flo (A-O-ZZ-MCS-0023) - Steady State Hydraulic Analysis (Reference 4.2.5). This program is used to calculate the SSWS flow rates to each SACS heat exchanger under the various conditions that are input Into the analysis spreadsheet lookup tables. The SSWS flow rates are contained In EA-0003 (Reference 4.1.5).


, . _ . CONT 'D ON SHIEET:

CALC. NO.: EG-0047 lREEERENcE: N/A I RED Rev JBM 3 ORIGINATOR,DATE IREV: 3112/2002 11/30/2005 IFKCK RED REVIEW1ER/VEIFtI.ER ,DATE 3/20/2002 _ 12/06/2005


4.1 Desian Calculations I Evaluations 4.1.1 EG-0020, "STACS - Required Flows and Heaqt Loads", Revision 8.

4.1.2 EG-0046, 'Safety and Turbine Auxiliaries Cooling System (STACS) Operation' Revision 5.

4.1.3 EG-0043, *Safety and Turbine Auxiliaries Cooling System (STACS) PRTOTO-FLOTM Thermal Hydraulic Model", Revision 4.

4.1.4 EG-0044, "Safety and Turbine Auxiliaries Cooling System (STACS) PROTO-HXTM Heat Exchanger Models" Revision 1.

4.1.5 EA-0003, "Station Service Water System Hydraulic Analysis' Revision 9.

4.1.6 H-1 -EA-CEE-1 126, "Evaluation of Service Water Pump Output Temperature Loop Accuracy',

Revision 0.

4.1.7 EA-0001,"Station Service Water System Hydiaulic Model", Revision 3.

4.1.8 H-1-EG-MEE-1301, "100*F SACS Design Temperature Limit Evaluation", Revision 1.

4.1.9 H-0-EA-MEE-1237, aStation Service Water System Failure Mode And Effects Analysis", Revision 1.

4.1.10 GM-0027, 'Diesel Generator Area HVAC Analysis", Revision 1.

4.1.11 11-0063, HCGS FRVS Drawdown And Long-Term Post-Loca Reactor Building Temperature, Revision 7.

4.1.12 BC-00556, "RHR Hydraulic Analysis (Torus Cooling, Shutdown Cooling, LPCI)", Revision 4.

4.2 Critical Software 4.2.1 A-0-ZZ^MCS-0149, "Critical Software Document for PROTO-FLOTm" Version 4.51, Revision 8.

4.2.2 Thermal Hydraulic Modeling Software Program PROTO-FLOC Version 4.5 Software Validation and Verification Report (SWR) SOA No. 93948-01, Revision M, dated 9/10/99 4.2.3 A-0-ZZ-MCS-0169, "Critical Software Document for PROTO-HX~m Version 4.01 Revision 6.

4.2.4 Heat Exchanger Thermal Performance Modeling Software Program PROTO-HX1' Version 4.01 Software Validation and Verification Report (SVWR) SQA No. SWR-93948-02, Revision G, dated 5/28/99 4.2.6 A-0-ZZ-MCS-0023, "Pipe-Flo - Steady State Hydraulic Analysis", Ver. 4.06, Revision 0.

4.3 Procedures 4.3.1 HC.OP-SO.EG-0001, Safety.and Turbine Auxiliaries Cooling Water System Operation, Revision 35 4.3.2 HC.OP-AB.COOL-0001, Station Service Water, Revision 7.

4.3.3 HC.OP-AB.ZZ-0135, Station Blackout//Loss of Offslte Power/Diesel Generator Malfunction, Revision 23.

4.3.4 ND.DE-AP.ZZ-0052, Software Control, Revision 1.

4.3.5 HC.OP-SO.BC-0001, Residual Heat Removal System Operation, Revision 41.

4.3.6 HC.OP-AB.COOL-0002, Safety/Turbine Auxiliaries Cooling System, Revision 0.-

4.4 Vendor Documents 4.4.1 323835, Sheet 2, Containment Analysis with 100F SACS Temperature, Revision 1.

-5.0 ANALYSIS 5.1 Methodology 5.1.1 Revis)on 2 Methodology For the accident scenario and failure alignments discussed below, the following method was used to determine the UHS temperature. Using the PROTO-FLO"m thermal hydraulic model of SACS, the temperature at the tube-side (SSWS side) of the SACS heat exchangers was iteratively reduced until a temperature of 95°F (or 100IF) was achieved at the SACS inlet to the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) heat exchanger. This process was performed using a SSWS flow of 10,000 gpm on the tube-side of the SACS heat exchangers. The PRCTO-HXW model of the SACS heat.exchangers was then used with the SACS flow rate, SACS heat load, and SACS heat exchanger shell-side outlet temperature from the PROTO-FLOTm run. The required UHS temperature was determined for SSWS flow of 5,000 gpm, 7,500 gpm, 10,000 gpm, 12,500 gpm, and 15,000 gpm on the tube side of the heat exchanger for each case. The resulting UHS temperature versus SSWS flow rate data was then plotted and curve fit. The coefficients, for the curve-fits were then incorporated into the EXCEL spreadsheet along with SSWS system flowrales to determine the limiting UHS temperature for each scenario. This process was performed for each failure alignment (discussed in Section 5.3.1) during the three accident modes at SACS temperatures for either 95"F or 100"F.

Six different case alignments were then treated in the default database (STACS99.DBD) to represent the three accident conditions, under both crosstied and non-crosstied configurations, at SACS temperatures of 95°F and 100F. These case alignments were used to evaluate the UHS temperature limit for the following conditions: LOCAILIA, LOP-EOB, LOP-CTB, LOP/SSE, and Normal (where LIA is a Loss of Instrument Ai, CTB is the Cooling Tower Basin, EOB is the Emergency Over Board valve and SSE is a Safe Shutdown Earthquake). An uncertainty analysis was performed, and the calculated value was used to determine the final UHS temperature.

APPROACH Step 1: Determine the failure modes Step 2: Run the SACS thermal/hydraulic model using a SSWS flowrate of 10,000 gpm.

Step 3: Iterate the tube-side temperature of the SACS heat exchanger until the desired SACS temperature is achieved at the inlet to RHR Heat exchangers.

Step 4: Repeat for each failure mode.

Step 5,: Using PROTO-HX, determine the corresponding SSWS (UHS) temperature based on SSWS flowrates of 5000 - 15000 gpm (2500 gpm increments) using SACS flowrate, heat load, and heat exchanger shell-side temperature results from PROTO-FLO in steps 24 Step 6: Tabulate, plot and curve-fit the UHS temperature vs SSWS flow using the results of step 5 Step 7: Determine the required UHS temperature for various SSWS flowrates (through SACS heat exchangers)

Step d: Perform a curve fit verification Step 9: Operability determination Step 10: Input the curve-fit coefficients from step 6 and flowrates from Reference 4.1.5 into the UHS spreadsheet analysis to determine the required UHS temperature for various SSWS flowrates (through SACS heat exchangers)

Step 11: Calculate uncertainty for the limiting UHS temperature limits

Step 12: Select the limiting UHS temperature! limits 6.1.2 Methodology Using LUmItina Alianment I Accident Conditions The methodology from previous revisions has changed. Revision 2 to this calculation went through a thorough process of identifying all case alignments (i.e., single failures and AOT's) for each accident scenario (i.e., LOCA, LOP, LOP/SSE:). The resulting limiting alignments are used for future UHS analyses to determine the necessary UHS temperatures required for accident mitigation. In addition, any alignment I accident condition that is used to justify operator action will be continued in future analyses.

For historical and justification purposes, the process of finding the limiting alignment I accident conditions will not be deleted from future revisions, but are Identified as "Revision 2" in all appropriate sections of this calculation.

APPROACH Step 1: Determine the limiting failure modes.

Step 2: Run the SACS thermal/hydraulic model using SSWS flowrates identified in Attachment (5)

(rows is highlighted in bold borders).

Step 3: Iterate the tube side temperature of the SACS heat exchanger until the desired SACS temperature is achieved at the inlet to RHR Heat exchangers.

Step 4: Repeat for each failure mode.

Step 5: Calculate uncertainty for the limiting UHS temperature limits.

Step 6: Select the limiting UHS temperature limits.

5.2 Failure Modes 6.2.1 Revision 2 Determination of Failure Modes; Scenar os This calculation investigates accident conditions and normal operation. The three accident conditions considered for this analysis are a LOCA, a LOPISSE, and a LOP. Heat loads (obtained from Reference 4.1.1) and system configurations vary between failure modes, and are discussed in greater detail below.

LOCA Following a LOCA, the station instrument air system fails, resulting in a Loss of Instrument Air (LIA).

In SACS, the instrument air system provides the motive force for the Air Operated Valves (AOV's) that isclate the redundant pump room coolen; and the pressure control valves associated with the control room and the I E panel room chiller units. As a result of the LIA, the AOV's that Isolate the redundant room coolers all fail wide open. with all the isolation valves failing open, SACS flow is provided to all components with the exception of the Post Accident Sampling System (PASS) coolers. For this analysis, the PASS coolers are assumed to be aligned to the SACS loop being analyzed since this will produce the highest heat load on SACS. Note that the heat loads and valve alignments are slightly different for the LOCA short-term (t c 10 minutes) due to system configuration and Operator action response times.

  • For the RHR heat exchanger, the required heat load following a LOCA is 121.7 and 123.8 MStulhrwith 10,000 gpm of RHR flow at 212¶F and a SACS temperature of 95°F and 1000 F, respectively.
  • For the RHR pump seal coolers, the post LOCA heat load of 0.09 MBtulhr was used.
  • Each SACS loop assumes to have three FRVS cooling coils operating in the non cross-tied configuration.
  • For the cross-tied configuration.
  • The full-required heat load was applied to the operating room coolers for the non cross-tied failure alignments; no heat load was applied to the redundant coolers.
  • The full-required heat load was applied to the operating room cooler Inthe cross-tied failure alignments, with the exception of the EDI3 room coolers (equal heat load to the operating and redundant EDG room coolers).
  • Half the design heat load was applied to each of the PASS coolers.

LOCA Short-term During a Quality Assurance In-Service Test (IST) Audit no.97-012, it was Identified that during normal operations, the RHR system is aligned for Low Pressure Coolant Injection (LPCI) with both the RHIR heat exchanger and bypass valves open (AR#970815134). Previous analyses state that there is no RHR heat load during the short-term. However, following a large break LOCA scenario, a portion of the RHR flow would be directed from the suppression pool through the RHR heat exchanger to the reactor vessel. The flow to the vessel by one RHR pump would be split through the RHR heat exchanger and the bypass line. The RHR hydraulic analysis (Reference 4.1.12)


CALC. NO.: EG-0047 _ _IR__EREcE_

NA l I RED Rev. JBM 3 ORIGINATOR, DATE I REV: l 3112/2002 11/3012005 l KCK RED REVIEWER/VERIFIER,DATE 3/20/2002 12/0612005 shows that RHR flow is 1945-gpm through the 'A' RHR heat exchanger and 2340-gpm for the "B" heat exchanger during LPCI injection using a degraded pump (Reference 4.1.12, Attachments E and F respectively). To maximize flow (and maximize the heat load transferred to SACS), a sensitivity was performed using the design pump curve. The results show that flow through the OB" RHR heat exchanger is 2479-gpm (see Attachment 10). This flow has been increased to 2504-gpm to account for 1% model error in accordance with Reference 4.1.12. An RHR flow of 2504 gpm will conservatively be used for both RHR heat exchangers, since the higher flow yields a higher heat input into SACS.

As stated in Assumption 3.4.6, the RHR heat exchanger bypass valve can be closed through operator action after three minutes. The assumed RHR temperature of 170 0F is based on the heat-up of the suppression pool after a period of ten minutes prior to establishing shutdown cooling. If the bypass valve is closed prior to ten minutes and shutdown-cooling mode is initiated, the resulting SACS temperature is bounded by the pre-analyzed long-term LOCA, since the long-term LOCA case assumes a higher suppression pool temperature (212'F vs. 170°F). Therefore, for the purpose of this analysis the bypass valve is assumed to remain open for the duration of the short-term LOCA.

In the long-term accident analyses, all failure alignments assume RHR flow to the RHR heat exchangers. The RHR heat exchanger SACS outlet valves are assumed to be in the full-open position for all cases, with the exception of the "one SACS pump per loop" configuration. For this alignment, the valve Is assumed uclosed" to isolate flow to one of the RHR heat exchangers (see Section 3.4.3). For all alignments (with the exception of the "one SACS pump per loop" configuration), the long-term analyses bound the LOCA short-term since the RHR flow rate and heat load of the long-term LOCA (10000-gpm at 212 0F) exceed the flow rate and heat load of the short-term LOCA (2504-gpm at 170*F).

To verify that that SACS temperature limits are not exceeded during the short-term LOCA, a model run using the LOCA short-term RHR flow rate and heat load in the "one SACS pump per loopr configuration was performed. The UHS temperature is conservatively assumed at its bounding limit of 8900. Upon receiving the LOCA signal, the assumptions stated in Sections 3.2.7 and 5.2.1 for a LOCA apply with the exception of (or in addition to) the following:

  • The RHR flow through the RHR heat exchangers is 2504-gprn at 170*F
  • The SACS flow through the aligned RHR heat exchanger is 7524-gpm, determined by the system configuration Inthe model run (see Attachment 11). The SACS flow through the isolated RHR heat exchanger is3000-gpm per Section 3.4.3.
  • All RHR pumps auto-start (unless tagged out-of-service)
  • All SACS pumps auto start (unless tagged out-of-service)
  • TACS is auto-isolated
  • The SFP and PCIG cross-connect valves auto-close
  • All six FRVS fans auto-start For the purpose of this model run (Case 25), It is assumed that one SACS pump istagged out-of-service on the standby loop, and one pump on the opposite loop supplying TACS is lost. Both SACS heat exchangers in each loop are available and in service.

The results of Case 25 show that SACS reaches a temperature of 93.1 F in the "A" Loop, and 92.90F in the *B"Loop. For this system configuration, the RHR heat exchanger transfers a heat load of 48.G965 Mbtu/hr to SACS in the "A" Loop, 2nd 39.822 Mbtulhr to SACS in the "B Loop. For all configurations, the LOCA short-term analysis is bounded by the LOCA long-term analysis. See Attachment (11) for additional details.


  • Following a LOPISSE, the instrument air system also falls, resulting in nearly the same SACS operational alignment as following a LOCA. However, for this scenario, the PASS coolers are not placed on line.
  • The RHR heat exchanger Inlet temperature is 2120F at 10,000 gpm when removing the required heat from the Suppression Pool. This assumes that the RHR conditions will be modified so that the required heat load is removed while maintaining the SACS header temperature at or below its design temperature. The SACS operating procedure directs the operator to throttle SACS flow.
  • The FRVS cooling coils and the Core Spray pump room coolers have no heat load but still receive flow due to the failure of the instrument air system.
  • The RHR pump seal cooler heat load is 0.35 MBtu/hr when the cooler is aligned to the RHR heat exchanger. All other RHR pump seal coolers have a 0.09 Mbtu/hr heat load applied.
  • The full-required heat load was applied to the operating room coolers for the non cross-tied failure alignments; no heat load was applied to the redundant coolers.
  • The full-required heat load was applied to the operating room cooler In the cross-tied failure alignments, with the exception of the EDG3 room coolers (equal heat load to the operating and redundant EDG room coolers).

LOP The post LOP SACS operating configuration is the same as the post LOP/SSE SACS operating configuration, except for the following.

  • Following a LOP only, it is assumed that the instrument air system does not fail.
  • The FRVS cooling coils and the core spray pump room coolers (which are not required following a L.OP) do not receive flow.
  • The PASS coolers are Isolated.

Normal Under normal operating conditions, all systems and components are assumed to be operating as designed. Heat loads include the Turbine Auxiliaries Cooling System (TACS) and are taken from Reference 4.1.1 .



CMIC. No.: EG-0047 _REERENcE_ N/A___

RED Rev. JBM 3 ORIGINATOR, DATE REV: 3/12/2002 2 11302005 VKCK RED _

.REV7EWER/VE RXF3:ER, DATE 3/20/2002 12/06=206 Failure Modes and Consequences The failure modes considered encompass the plausible combinations of single failures and/or AOT conditions, and the consequences of the assumed failures and alignments. Table 5.2.1 lists the active failures that directly impact UHS temperatures and the consequences of each. The following is an example of a failure mode and its effect on other components from Reference 4.1.9.

Design Basis: SACS Heat Exchanger SSWS outlet valve: i EAHV-2371A(B). Opens to allow SSWS flow through the SACS heat exchanger.

Controls: The valve is normally open when its associated SSWS pump Is operating. The valve can be manually operated using IEAHS-2371A,B. iEAHV-2371B can be operated from the RSP. When the valve is in auto, it is signaled to open when Its associated SSWS pump starts, The valve is signaled to close when its associated SSWS pump is not running (i.e., failure or out-of-service).

1EAHV-2371A and I EAHV-2371 B are powered by the class 1E channel A and B buses respectively.

For this failure mode, when a SSWS pump fails, the valve gets a signal to automatically close (unless, a previously running pump fails due to a loss of an EDG following a LOP, then it Is assumed the valve remains open).

Table 5.2.1 - Fallure Modes and Consequences System Failure Mode Consequences SSWS EOB valve falls shut Reduction of SSWS flow (with SSE (Note 1)) (loss of 1/2

____ discharge path)

SSWS SSWS pump failure Reduced SSWS flow to both SACS heat exchangers in that loop (For AOT cases or cases where the pump falls to start, the associated SACS heat exchanger discharge isolation valve also fails to open)

SSWS SACS heat exchanger Loss of all SSWS flow to one SACS heat exchanger valve fails to open SACS SACS pump failure Reduced SACS flow SACS SACS heat exchanger Loss of aol SACS flow to one SACS heat exchanger valve fails to open EDG "AW or 'B" EDG failure Loss of "Af or "B' SSWS and SACS pumps; Loss of power to EOB valve; Loss of power to "Al" or 'BSI SACS heat exchanger valves (bath sides); Loss of RHR pumps; Loss of ECCS heat loads (flow is still provided due to the LIA); etc.

EDG "Cm or 'D'. EDG failure Loss of "C' or "D* SSWS and SACS pumps; Loss of power to "A2" or *'2"SACS heat exchanger valves (both sides); Loss of ECCS heat loads (flow is still provided due to the LIA); etc.

All LIA AOVs reposition to fail position (Note 2)

Notes: 1. SSE = Safe Shutdown Earthquake which bounds the Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE).

2. All SACS AOVs fall open except the SACS heat exchanger bypass valves (that fall shut),

and the chiller water valves (that continue to control due to the back-up air supply).

5.2-1.2 AOT Case The design basis cases were developed accounting for single failure conditions as well as consequences of these failures. The AOT cases are four (4) additional conditions; complete loss of one SACS loop, complete loss of one SSWS loop, one SACS pump in each loop, and one SSWS pump in each. These four special cases are addressed specifically in the Technical Specifications.

Loop Out of Service When a loop of SSWS or SACS becomes unavailable, the operators cross-tie at least one EDG to the remaining operable loop. This EDG istypically the 'C" or 'D" EDG depending if the A or B loop is unavailable since the IC"or "D"EDG will power the required fourth FRVS unit which is cross-tied.

The "A"and "B"EDG's power the EOB valves; so two additional cases are listed to simulate only one EOB available under these conditions. This temperature is the limit at which the EOB powered from the EDG that was not cross-tied in a loop outage must be opened.

One Pump Per Loon Each case (one SACS pump/loop and one SSWS pump/loop) considers progressive operator action to determine the optimum condition for the least limiting UHS temperature limit.


CaLc. NO.: EG-0047 I RErERsECE: NIA ORZGINKAOR, DATE IREVIEWER/VERIFIER, DATE I Unique SACS Failure Conditions A set oF cases for each scenario, namely LOCA/LIA, LOP, and LOP/SSE, were developed. The different case scenarios were necessary because the heat loads differed for each scenario. The failure mode matrix was set up with a row representing one case. A separate column was included for each component potentially affected. For example, SSWS pump failures receive a separate column for each of the four pumps. The cases were developed by applying one of each type of failure ifor each combination of component and loop. Failures were marked in the appropriate column with an *X". Consequences of the specified failures were marked with a AC", and operator actions were marked with a "P". The specific AOT conditions considered were developed by marking the AOT failures with an A". Table .5.2.3 shows an example of an abridged EXCEL UHS spreadsheet The complete spreadsheets can be found InAttachment (5).

Table 6.2.3 - UHS temperature spreadsheet (abridged) - 1005F LOP/SSE A B A A C B A A A B C B A C A A A B B A B S 0 2 2 + 1 2 1 2 S L L T S S S 1 EE S S E B L L W O 0 W W W S S OO A A S D S S S S 0 0 S O 0 P P P W W B B C C A G L S W W W 0 0 P P U U U HH S Sc O w s S s P P c M M M XX X O s s S S 0 p p P DP P U U N U H F F F F H H F M MX L L L L- S S I pp 0 0 0 0 G

___ w w w W SSWS PmpFallures 122.21 222.21 30d 1X1 I - J C 1 1 11 711 _1 07971 0.01 105381 106251 67.481 92.95J18x2..c.plu EDG Failures 112.1 2:22.2 14d L C I LH C cx 10707 0. 10538 10625 66.60l 92.95 18x2_cplu 212.1 2:22.2 14 d C C X 9026 .8990 8966 9031 3.491 91.22 14x24c.plu 111.1 222.2 14d C C 10797 0.0 10538 10625 84.07 92.95 18x2_cplu 211.1 222.2 14d C C X 9026 8990 8966 9031 79.97 91.22 14x2_c.plu AOT - SSW5 I oop Failures 22.2 222.4 72 h A A j C C 0 0 10f1 10599 0.00 91.43l5x2_.c.plu 22.2 22.2l

. +/-

222.4 72 h

, 7I 222.4l 72 h A lA I

A IA i C lC -

l I 01 l

01 132211 133431 0

9 0.001 93.66 11x2_cpiu 8j __ _

93531 9427l 0.00 89.97 S5xlb..c.plu



CALC. NO.: EG-0047


N/A ORlGINATORDATE RED 32 Rev. JBM 3 o~~so~~fs REV: lIRED200 2 11J30/2005 KCK RED REVIEWER/VE:RLFIER,DATE l 3/20/2002 1210612005 Representation Cases representing similar SACS failure modes, such as an "A, "B", MC", or "D" SACS pump, were consolidated into one failure case since the UIHS temperature curves assume the failure of given components are equivalent. The others were eliminated from this analysis since they are bounded by the worst-case pump failure (A, B, C, or D).

Considering the "A"and 5B" SACS loops to be interchangeable, based on the assigned index number the cases distilled Into 10 unique SACS failure conditions as indicated in Table 5.2.4. The specific "AK loop component lineups used for this evaluation are also provided next to each index number.

Table 6.2.4: Unique! SACS Failure Conditions Index Active SACS Operating Active SACS EDGs Operating Number HXs SACS HXs Receiving EDGs (SSWS Side) Pumps (SACIS Side) SACS Flow (Generating (See Note) Heat Load)

Xi 1. Al A Al A, (C) A XI1.2 Al A Al A, C A,C 112.1 Al A Al,A2 A (C) A 112.2 Al A 1, A2_ A, C A, C X21.2 AlA, C Al A, C A, C 122.2 Al A, C A, A2A, C A, C 212.1 A, A2 A A,1 A2A, (C) A 212.2 Al, A2 A AiA2 A, C A, C 222.2 Al A2 AC A A2A, C A, C 222.3 Al ,A2 A, C Ai, A2 A, C, B ACB 222A4 Al, A2 A,C i, A2 A, C, B, D A, C, B, D Note: EDGs shown in parentheses receive flow only with concurrent LIA. Fallure Alignments Eleven different failure alignments were evaluated for each of the three accident scenarios. The failure scenarios are tabulated below in Table) 5.2.5 and designated by the following code:

ABC.D Where: A is the number of SACS heat exchangers receiving SSWS flow B Is the number of SACS pumps operating C is the number of SACS heat exchangers receiving SACS flow D is the number of EDG's being cooled by SACS The limiting failure alilgnment(s) for each failure mode is presented below.


CALC. no.: EG-0047 I REExRE:NCE: N/AI l l RED Rev. JBM 3 ORIGINATOR,13ATE_ lRTV: 1 3112/2002 12 11/30/2005 1 KCK RED 1REvIEWEaR/VE:RIF1ER, DATE 3/2012002 1210612005 EOB Failure - one EOB valve falls, resulting in less SSWS flow. The limiting alignment is the 222.2 SSWS failure - one SSWS pump fails, resulting Ina SSWS heat exchanger valve closing. The limiting alignment is the 122.2.

SSWS heat exchanger failure - one SSWS heat exchanger valve fails closed. The limiting alignment is the 122.2.

EDG failure - one EDG fails to start, resulting in the possible loss of one or more of the following:

SSWS pump, SSWS heat exchanger, SACS pump, and SACS heat exchanger. The possible limiting alignments are: 112.1, 212.1, 111.1,, 211.1.

SACS pump failure - one SACS pump falls to start, resulting in reduced SACS flow. The limiting alignment is the 212.2.

SACS heat exchanger failure - one SACS heat exchanger valve fails to open, resulting in less heat removal capability. The limiting alignment is the 221.2.

Table 5.2.5

  • Failure Alignments 222.2 l X21.2 l 212.2 1 212.1 l Xi1.2 l X11.1 I 1:22.2 112.2 112.1 222.3 222.4 An alignment with only one SACS heat exchanger on line will create the same SACS conditions regardless of whether the Isolated SACS heat exchanger receives SSWS flow. Therefore, it is concluded that a 2X1.X and a IX1.X failure alignment produce the same SACS conditions. The X21.2, XI 1.2, and the XI 1.1 alignments com3spond to the alignments with both one and two SACS heat exchangers receiving SSWS flow. For example, the 221.2 and the 121.2 failure alignments are both represented by the X21.2 failure alignment.

The 222.3 and 222.4 alignments are alignments where one SACS loop has become inoperable and one or two EDG's have been cross-tied to the opposite SACS loop. These alignments are referred to as the cross-tied alignments. The cross tying of the EDG's Is assumed to have been performed in accordance with Reference 4.3.1. When the EDG's are cross tied, the M D" FRVS cooling coil, the HPCI or RCIC room coolers, the RHR pump coolers, and the RHR pump room coolers are also cross tied to the operable SACS loop. In addition, the redundant room coolers are manually Isolated when the EDG's are cross-tied. For the 222.3 alignment with only one EDG crosstied in the LOP scenario, the RHR pump powered by the non-cross tied EDG will not start. Since the instrument air system Is not assumed to fail under the LOP scenario, the RHR pump seal and bearing coolers and the RHR pump room coolers associated with the non operating RHR pump will not come on line.

The HCGS Technical Specification allows for operation with one SACS pump operating in each SACS loop. While evaluating this alignment, Reference 4.1.2 determined that the Control Room chiller, 1-A(B)K-400, must be isolated in one SACS loop to provide adequate cooling to the RHR heat exchanger. In addition, the RHR heat exchanger must remain isolated in one SACS loop to



RZVIEWER/VE!RIFI'ER, DATE provide adequate cooling to the 1E and Control Room chillers. This alignment was evaluated for the single pump alignments that do not result from an EDG failure (alignments 212.2, XI1.2 and 112.2).

For the analysis of these alignments, both SACS loops are operating with the following configuration: One loop has the RHR heat exchanger aligned and the control room chiller isolated, the other loop has the RHR heat exchanger isolated and the control room chiller aligned. See Section 3.3.7 for more details.

6.2.2 Limiting Failure Modes for Current I Future UHS Analyses Limiting with Compensatory Actions The limiting alignment / accident conditions were identified from Attachment (5). The limiting accidents conditions for the SACS system are as follows:

  • LOCA e LOPISSE The limiting case alignments (i.e., single failures and AOTs) are as follows:


  • Faillure of an EDG
  • Failure of an EOB Valve (SSWS Failure)
  • Failure of an EDG concurrent with a Failure of an EOB valve
  • One SACS Pump per SACS Loop
  • One SSWS Pump per SSWS Loop Each case alignment is run for each accident condition to determine the UHS temperature. Limiting without Compensatory Actions To determine when compensatory actions are required, the AOT case of one SSWS pump per SSWS loop without compensatory actions in Attachment (5)was reviewed and indicates the accident which results in the lowest UHS temperature is a LOP. Therefore, this case alignment is also run.


CALC. No.: EG-0047 REERENcE: N/A

. RED Rev_ JBIVl 3 ORIGINATOR,]DATE REV: 3112/2002 2 1113012005 KCK RED REVIEWER/VERIFIER,DATE 312012002 12/0612005 Speciall Maintenance Alignments When ein EDG room cooler is taken out of service for maintenance, the remaining room cooler still must maintain its respective EDG room temperature within acceptable temperature limits.

Reference 4.1.2 (Section 6.4.13) determined the required SACS temperature needed for a single room cooler to maintain design temperatures for two limiting alignments.

  • Single Failure of an EDG

From Attachment (5), the LOP/SSE accident condition is limiting for these two alignments. Note that if one S;ACS pump and one SSWS pump are operating on the same SACS loop, Reference 4.3.6 has operators close the SACS heat exchanger's Inlet SACS valve and outlet SW valve associated with ther idle / failed SACS pump.

5.3 Case Alignments Baseline Database 6.3.1 Revision 2 Database The default PROTO-FLOC database, 'STAC:S99.DBD" from Reference 4.1.3 was used to create the six baseline databases, representing the three different failure scenarios for both 95F and I 000F SACS temperatures. The six case alignments of the default database are documented as electronic Attachments on CD-ROM, and are identified as follows: 'LOCA-95", "LOP-95", "LOP/SE-950,

'LOCAr100", "LOP-100", and 'LOPISSE-100".

5.3.2 Database for Current I Future UHS Analysges The database from Reference 4.1.2 was used to create two databases, hSACS-LOCA.PDBI and "SACS-LOP/SSE.PDB1, that represent the limiting failure alignments.

6.4 SACS Heat Exchanger Tube-side Temperature Using the PROTO-FLOC thermal hydraulic model of SACS, the temperature at the tube side (SSWS side) of the SACS heat exchangers was iterated until the desired temperature was achieved at the SACS Inlet to the RHR heat exchanger. This process was performed with 10,000 gpm on the SSWS side of the SACS heat exchangers for revision 2. For current / future analyses, the process wsa performed using the flows identified in Attachment (5)for the limiting alignments.

5.6 Geneirate Output Files Using the baseline databases from above, PROTO+FLOC models runs were performed for all.failure alignments for the limiting accident conditions (LOCA and LOP/SSE) assuming a SACS temperature of 95'F and 100"F. A set of eight PROTO0F:LO T" output reports (Calculation Summary, Flow

Summary, Node Summary, Boundary Conditions, Pump Status, Control Valve Line-up, Manual Valve Line-up, and Heat Exchanger Data) for each model run were generated, and are included in Attachment (1)as an electronic file on CD. The files are named accordingly:

NLOCA,##: No failures during LOCA I LOCA#*: Failure of an EDG during LOCA 2LOCA##: Failure of an EOB Valve (SSWS Failure) during LOCA 3LOCA##: Failure of an EDG concurrent with a Failure of an EOB valve during LOCA 4LOCA##: One SACS Pump per SACS Loop during LOCA 5LOCA##: One SSWS Pump per SSWS Loop during LOCA 1LOP##: Failure of an EDG during LOPISSE laLOP##; Failure of an EDG with EDG room cooler maintenance during LOP/SSE 2LOP##: Failure of an EOB Valve (SSWS Failure) during LOPISSE 3LOP#V: Failure of an EDG concurrent with a Failure of an EOB valve during LOPISSE 4LOP##: One SACS Pump per SACS Loop during LOPISSE 4aLOPR#: One SACS Pump per SACS Loop during LOP/SSE (PRA Analysis AI&2 - BI&1) 4bLOP##: One SACS Pump per SACS Loop during LOP/SSE (PRA Analysis A1&1 - Bl&1) 5LOP#P: One SSWS Pump per SSWS Loop durng LOP/SSE 5aLOPR#: One SSWS Pump per SSWS Loop during LOP 6LOP##: One Operable SACS Loop with EDG room cooler maintenance during LOPISSE Normalf#: Normal Operation for Two Loops 6.6 Approximate SSWS Temperatures For Vaiying Flows (Revision 2 Only)

The PROTO-HXm model of the SACS heat exchangers was used to determine the corresponding SSWS temperature at various flowrates. The SACS flowrate, heat load, and heat exchanger shell-side temperatures (taken from the heat exchanger data report for each run) were tabulated and the average values calculated. Based on these average values, the SACS heat exchanger model was analyzed for SSWS flows at 5000 gpm, 7500 gpm, 10000 gpm, 12500 gpm, and 15000 gpm.

6.7 Plot arid Curve-fit the UHS Temperature vis SSWS (Revision 2 Only)

The resulting UHS temperature versus SSWS flow rate data from Section 5.6 was tabulated, plotted, l and curve fit using the computer program TalaleCurverm. The UHS temperature and SSWS flow rate data were curve fit using the following expression.

bc T=a+b TyQl*5 cQ2 Where: T is the maximum UHS temperature (OF)

Q is the SSWS flow rate (gpm) a, b, and c are curve fit coefficienl:s

The curve-fits coefficients were incorporated into the UHS EXCEL spreadsheet along with SSWS system flowrates (from Reference 4.1.5) to determine the limiting UHS temperature for each scenario. This process was performed for each failure alignment during the three accident modes at SACS temperatures for either 95°F or 1000F. The spreadsheets can be found in Attachment (5).

6.8 Limiting Conditions 5.8.1 Revision 2 Limiting Conditions Attachment (5)contains the UHS analysis spreadsheets for LOCAILIA, LOPISSE, and LOP scenarios, respectively with the reduced scope alignments updated accordingly. The maximum UHS temperature limit between the "An and TEB" loops Is the overall limit for the case represented by a row Inthe spreadsheet. If one of the loops Is completely inoperable, a zero is shown as the temperature limit. The use of the maximum LIHS temperature limit reflects the fact that only one loop must remove the RHR heat load to meet the design basis of the system because the loops are redundant. The loop with'the lower UHS temperature limit will be rendered inoperable at the UHS temperature limit for the other loop due to excessive SACS supply header temperature If the operators continue to remove the design RHR heat loads on both loops. If the RHR heat exchanger were Isolated on the degraded loop, the loop would remain operable; however, for conservatism it is assumed to fall. Only at UHS temperatures less than both loop limits will it be possible to remove the design RHR heat load with both loops.

Under the "1 SSWS Pump per Loopr failure mode, operator action is credited in accordance with Reference 4.3.2. The SACS heat exchanger SSWS isolation valves corresponding to the out-of-service SSWS pumps are shut as an automatic consequence when a SSWS pump is secured. Un-isolating 2 SSWS heat exchanger meets the intent of the stated procedure that actually applies tf 4 SSWS pumps are available. In the analysis spreadsheet, Attachment (5), 1 and 2 SSWS heat exchangers were un-Isolated to determine the impact.

6.8.2 Limiting Conditions for Current / Future UHS Analyses The same method was used for detennining the limiting UHS temperature for LOCA/LIA and LOP/SSE.

6.9 Operability Determination (Revision 2 Only)

Reference 4.1.2 demonstrated that SACS is operable under all possible failure conditions, with respect to individual cooler flowrate. Because of this, the flow rates through the SACS components were not evaluated for this analysis. However, for the LOCA scenario, the heat removal across the RHR heat exchanger was compared to the required heat removal contained in Reference 4.1.1 to determine whether a lower SACS header temperature limit was required for that particular failure alignment. All the single SACS pump failure alignments did not remove the required heat load from the RHR system (121.7 Mbtulhr for SACS at 950F and 123.8 MBtulhr for SACS at 100*F), but the SACS loop opposite a SACS pump failure alignment will be a fully operable SACS loop and will be capable of removing the required heat load.

For the "One SACS pump per loop" alignments, the SACS temperature is limited to 95°F, and only one RHR heat exchanger is aligned. The model run shows that Inthe limiting alignment (LOCA) with the RHR and Control Room Chiller on opposite loops (see the last paragraph of Section

.for details), that SACS was able to remove 124.0 Mbtulhr from the RHR system. This exceeds the requirement of 121.7 Mbtu/hr as listed above for SACS at 95"F.

6.10 Required UHS Temperature 5.10.1 Temperature Limits for Design Basis (Single Failure) Conditions Table 5.10.1 provides the UHS temperature limits for the limiting failure modes considered, for the LOCAYLIA and LOPISSE. The values are taken from the "Heat Exchanger Data" reports included in Attachment (1) (electronic files on CD). Caution: The values do not take Into consideration the uncertainty analysis (discussed In Section 6.11).

The following methodology was used in analyzing the Attachment (5)spreadsheets:

a) No failures - the limiting loop temperature was used.

b) Failures - the degraded loop (A or B)was discarded, because RHR would not be applied to the degraded loop, and the temperature was bounded by a SACS loop failure. Then the lowest temperature for each failure mode of the remaining loops was used as the limiting UHS temperature.

Table 5.10.1 summarizes the best achievable conditions for each failure mode considering the compensatory action required by current procedures.

Table 5.10.1: Design Basis Conditions 100sF SACS Best Achievable UNS Temperature Limit (without uncertalntr)

Failure Mode LOCA/LIA LOP/SSE UHS Temp. Limit UHS Temp. Limit

_ _F)_(OF)

None 93.55 92.80 EOB 90.95 89.80 EDG _. 93.85 91.60 EDG w/EOB failure 91.95 88.70 The overall UHS temperature limit for the Design Basis conditions is 88.850 F (without uncertainty) I due to a failure of the EOB valve to open. The EOB valves and their breakers are procedurally opened at a temperature of 85BF, this failure mode would no longer be considered credible. After the removal of this failure mode, the UHS temperature limit without uncertainty is 91 .600 F for a normal alignment assuming a limiting single active failure.


c3Ac. NO.: EG-0047 REPEREcE: N/A RED Rev JBM 3 ORIGINATOR,DATE REV: 3112/2002 2 11/3012005 l KCK RED RMMVIEWER/VERZFIER,DATE 3/20/2002 12/06/2005.

With an EDG room cooler out for maintenance, the UHS temperature limit, considering a single failure, is 82.50F without uncertainty. This corresponds to a SACS temperature of 94*F (Reference 4.1.2, section 6.4.13). This assumes two RH R heat exchangers in service at a suppression pool temperature of 183*F (see section 3.2.2).

5.10.2 Temperature Limits for AOT Conditions:

Table 5.10.2 provides the UHS temperature limits for the four multiple failure modes considered for the LOCA/LIA and LOP/SSE scenarios.

In both the LOCA/LOP and LOP/SSE scenarios, the one (1) SSWS pump per loop condition is limiting with and without operator action. Clearly, operator action is essential for the one (1) SSWS pump, one (1)SACS heat exchanger (two (2)SACS heat Exchangers total) per loop case.

The overall limiting AOT condition for a SACS temperature of 1000F is the "1 and 1"SSWS pump AOT following a LOCA/LIA with a required UHIS temperature of 90.8°F, without uncertainty.

However, the heat loads being removed in this configuration are based on both RHR heat exchangers receiving 10,000 gpm of 212¶ flow from the suppression pool. From section 3.2.2, the actual suppression pool temperature with both RHR heat exchangers is 185 0F.

Using the same methodology and logic as Section 5.10.1, the 'best achievable UHS temperature limit for AOT conditions has been summarized in Table 5.10.2 below. Note that the temperatures listed below for the "one SSWS pump per loop" are the best achievable values taken from the UHS temperature spreadsheets, but are not limiting per the discussion in the previous paragraph.

Table 6.10.2: AOT Conditions 100°F SACS (95°F for 1 SACS pumpfloop)

Best Achievable UHS Temperature Limit Iwithout uncertaintv)

Failure Mode LOCA/LIA LOP/SSE UHE; Temp. Limit UHS Temp. Limit

_(°F) (°F 1 SSWIS Pump Per Loop (Note 1)_ 90.80 91,35 1 SACS Pump Per Loop (Note 2) 90.00 89.60 1 SACS Pump Per Loop (Notes 2, 3) N/A 89.35 1 SACXS Pump Per Loop (Notes 2, 4) N/A 78.15 1 SACS Loop Operable (Note 5) N/A 81.75 Note 1. One operator action (four SACS heat exchangers required) see Section 5.8.1.

Note 2. Based on 95F SACS temperature.

Note 3. PRA case (AI&2-Bl&1) defined in sction 3.3.7 forthe "B"loop Note 4. PRA case (Al&l-Bl&1) defined in section 3.3.7 forthe "AAloop Note 5'. AOT case with an EDG room cooler out for maintenance The overall UHS temperature limit for the AOT conditions Is 89.500F (without uncertainty).

Compensatory actions when in these AOT configurations are only required Ifthe UHS temperature exceeds 67.95*F (without uncertainty, 66.450F with 1.56F uncertainty).


CALC. NO.: EEG-0047 I REERENCE: N/A IRED Rev. JBIV 3 ORIGINATOR,.DATE IPXV: 3/1R2002 11(3012005 KCK RED REVIEWER/VERIFIER ,DATE 312012002 12106/2005 With an EDG room cooler out for maintenance, the UHS temperature limit, considering an AOT configuration, is 81 .750F without uncertainty. This corresponds to a SACS temperature of 91SF (Reference 4.1.2, section 6.4.13). Physically isolating the maintenanced room cooler from the SACS system does not result in a higher UHS temperature.

6.11 Uncertainty Analysis Analysis uncertainty Isapplied to the final UHS temperature limit results consistent with the method introduced in Engineering Evaluation H-0-EG-MEE-1205 (now voided). Since UHS temperature isthe parameter of interest, the sensitivity of UHS temperature to variations In each uncertainty parameter is established using a PROTO-HXm model of the SACS heat exchanger. The additional uncertainties introduced by the analysis technique introduced in this evaluation are considered. Then the impacts of variation of each uncertainty parameter are combined using the square-root-sum-of-the-squares (SRSS) method to arrive at the overall UHS temperature limit uncertainty.

For the uncertainty analysis, engineering judgment was used to select the appropriate bias to apply to each parameter considered since benchmark testing of the SACS heat exchangers has not been performed. These biases are listed below. The SSWS flow rate uncertainty is based on Reference 4.1.7.

Thermal-Hydraulic Model Uncertainty Parameters Parameter Uncertainty Reference Method SACS Flow Rate +5% 4.1.3 (assumed value) SRSS SSWS Flow Rate -3.0% 4.1.7 SRSS Total SACS Heat Load +5% assumed SRSS SACS and SSWS Header Temp. -0.79OF 4.1.6 SRSS Tube Pluggage (SACS HX) 50 Tubes Max. assumed Bias Fouling (Design) +0% assumed Bias These are consistent with the uncertainties and biases assumed in H-0-EG-MEE-1 205, except that tube pluggage was previously ignored. Bias will be discussed later in this section. Five additional uncertainty considerations are necessary to account for the technique for determining and using the equations for UHS temperature limit versus average SSWS flow rate per active SACS heat exchanger.

First, on the SSWS side of the SACS heat exchangers, the average SSWS flow rate is used with the equation to determine the limiting UHS temperature. When two heat exchangers receive SSWS flow, slight flow imbalances will be present, observed from Reference 4.1.5 data to be about +/- 0.4 percent of the average flow rate for the 'A" loop. In cases where only one heat exchanger receives SACS flow, the active heat exchanger could actually receive 0.4 percent less flow than the average SSWS flow rate. However, the flow rates contained in Reference 4.1.5 are the limiting flow rates for the SACS heat exchangers and the minimum SSWS flow rates are used to calculate the required UHS temperature.

Second, in cases where both SACS heat exchangers receive flow but only one heat exchanger receives SSWS flow (always assumed to be 1AIE201), the active heat exchanger could actually receive the other SACS heat exchanger flow rate based on the random occurrence of the failure.

Refering to results of Reference 4.1.2, based on the benchmark flow balance, the 1A2E201 SACS


CALC. NO.: EG-0047


NIA JBM 3 ORIGINATOR, ME IRV 11130/2005 KCK RED REVIS WER/VEILIFIER,DATE 312012002 12/06/2005 heat exchanger typically receives about four to five percent more SACS flow than the IAIE201 heat exchanger. The marginal impact of this different flow rate is difficult to assess due to competing factors.

Therefore, the impact of this uncertainty will be determined by performing a model run with the 1A2E20'1 heat exchanger active vice the 1Al E201 heat exchanger for a limiting case, and this produces a negligible impact on the required UHS temperature.

Third, urnertainty is Introduced due to potential SACS flow differences between the M A' and 'B1 loops.

A similar consideration isunnecessary for SSWS flow because model predictions are generally available for both loops. Section 3.3.1 indicates that the conservative SACS loop has been used.

Fourth, this analysis is performed using degraded SACS pump curves as opposed to design curves.

Although higher flow generally results in more total SACS heat load which more than offsets the marginally improved effectiveness of the SACS heat exchangers as it affects the UHS temperature limit, the heat loads are essentially fixed as inpLts for the LOP/SSE and LOP scenarios (as long as the EDG heat loads truncate). Therefore the UHS temperature limit may be lower with a degraded pump curve due solely to the reduced effectiveness of the SACS heat exchanger. The impact of using a design pump curve will be determined for a limiting case in the LOP/SSE scenario, and the difference will be added to the overall uncertainty.

Fifth and finally, this analysis is performed for single SACS pump cases using the 'A' pump only.

Pump-to-pump variations InSACS flow rate duie to piping arrangement differences may impact the results. The LOP-SSE 212.2 configuration was evaluated with a failure of the C SACS pump and this had no impact on the required UHS temperature.

The additional parameters from above (with the exception of the design SACS pump curve) are captured by the total uncertainty by using the most limiting values. The design SACS pump curve introduces an uncertainty of 0.20F. This will be added to the overall uncertainty found by SRSS methodology.

The effects of bias have to be addressed separately to determine the overall uncertainty. For the parameters listed above, the results would fall somewhere in a given range of values, and the SRSS methodology could be applied to the overall uncertainty. In determining the result due to bias, the error Is either present or it is not, and the bias uncertainty must be added to the total uncertainty. In the case of plugged.tubes, the analysis assumes 50 plugged tubes.

A sensitivity study was performed on the effects of plugged tubes on the SACS heat exchanger. Using the limiding alignment determined InSections 6.10.1 and 5.10.2 (LOP/SSE with I SACS pump per loop), the maximum UHS temperature was calculated for zero plugged tubes and for 50 plugged tubes.

The results of the study show that the temperature limit for the UHS based on a SSWS flow of 10000 gpm are the same to the nearest tenth of a degree (see Attachment 8), therefore, the effects of plugged tubes produces a negligible Impact on the required UHS temperature, and is not included for the calculation of overall uncertainty. The Impact of greater-than-cesign fouling was previously calculated but ignored for the final computation of overall uncertainty. These biases are applied to the operating point conditions for a limiting case and the impact on SSWS inlet temperature Iscalculated using the PROTO--HlX model of the SACS heat exchanger.



CAMC. NO.: EG-0047 IREEzEzNCE: N/A RED Rev. JBM 3 ORIGINATORDATE I REV: 312/2002 2 11130/2005l

_ KCK RED REVIEWER/VRIFIER, DATE 312012002 12/0612005 For the LOP/SSE scenario, the 212.2 failure alignment was considered for the uncertainty analysis.

The output for this uncertainty analysis is contained as an Attachment on CD (see Table 5.1 a). I Table 5.11 a - Uncertainty Analysis for the 212.2 Failure Alignment of the LOPISSE I Scenario Parameter Nominal Uncert. Input Noma UHS Calc. UHS UHS Temp.

Value Bias Value Temp. (F) Temp. (OF) Diff. (0F)

SSWVS Temp. 88.9 -0.79 N/A 88.9 88.1 -0.8


SACS Flow 7118.38 +5% 7474.30 88.9 88.7 -0.2 Rate Wgpm)

SSWS Flow 10,000 -3.0% 9700 88.9 88.7 -0.2 Rate (gpm)

SACS Heat 84.098 +5% 83.303 88.9 88.6 -0.3 Load (MBtu/hr) _ . .

SACS Temp. 94.98 -0.79 94.18 88.9 88.1 -0.8

,0,c, For the LOCA scenario, the 222.2 failure alignment was considered for the uncertainty analysis.

The output for this uncertainty analysis is contained as an Attachment on CD (see Table 5.11 b). I Table 5.1 lb - Uncertainty Analysis for the 222.2 Failure Alignment of the LOCA Scenario I Parameter Nominal Uncert. Input Nom. UHS Calc. UHS UHS Temp.

Value Bias Value Temp. (F) Temp. ("F) Diff. (1F)

SSINS Temp. 87.2 -0.79 N/A 87.2 86.4 -0.8

_EL _° SACS Flow 9416.85 +5% 9387.74 87.2 86.9 -0.3 Rate (gpm) __

SSWS Flow 10,000 -3.0% 9700 87.2 86.9 -0.3 Rate (9pm)

SACS Heat 86.150 +5% 90.4575 87.2 86.8 -0.4 Load (MBtu/hr)

SACS Temp. 95.00 -0.79 . 1a4.21 67.2 86.4 -0.8

/am To be conservative, the higher of the uncertainties should be used and an uncertainty of 1.3°F is the overall uncertainty. An additional uncertainty of 0.2 0F is added to the overall uncertainty to account


CALC. NO.: EEG-0047 REPERENcE: N/A RED Rev. JBM 3 ORIGINATOI, DATE REV: 13)12/2002 2 11/30/2005 KCK RED YEVZEWER/ VERI:FIER ,DATE 3/2012002 L12/06/2005I for the difference between the design and degraded pumps. The total uncertainty that should be applied to the UHS temperatures is 1.31F + 0.2*F = i.65F.

5.12 Limiting UHS Temperature Table 5.12 provides the SACS UHS temperature limits compiled from Tables 5.10.1 and 5.10.2 for the limiting conditions. The values listed include the temperature uncertainty of 1.50F (calculated in the previous section) and have been rounded down to the nearest tenth of a degree.

Table 5.12 - Best Achievable UHS Temperature Limit for Each Scenario (1-1miting Conditions Shown In boldface- 1.5°F Uncertalnty Applied)

Condition Failure Mode SACS LOCAILIA - LOP/SSE -

Temperature UHS Temp. UHS Temp.

( 0F) Limit ( 0F) Limit (0F)

Design Basis None 100 92.0 91.3 Design Basis EOB 100 89.4 88.3 Design Basis EDG 100 92.3 90.1 Design Basis EDG with EOB failure 100 90.4 87.2 AOT - SACS Pump Per Loop 95 88.5 88.0 AOT 1 SSWS Pump Per Loop (Note 1) 100 89.3 89.8 Notes 1. One (1)operator action, see Section 5.8.1.

The UHS temperature is limited to 81 .00F assuming a single failure and an EDG room cooler out for maintenance. The UHS temperature islimited to 80.2*F in an AOT condition when a SACS pump and an EDG room cooler are out for maintenance simultaneously.


CALC. NO.: EG-0047 REERENCE: N/A I RED Rev. JBM 3 ORIGINATOR,IDATE REV: l 3/12/2002 2 11/30/2005 KCK RED REVIEWER/VERIFIER,DATE 3/20/2002 12/06/2005 6.0 CONCL.USIONS The maximum UHS temperature curves produced by this calculation determined the maximum allowable UHS temperature for a given SACS configuration and SSWS flow rate. An uncertainty of 1.5°F was applied to the values determined frDm these curves.

Adequate cooling to all safety related loads can be provided for the design basis and limited multiple failure conditions considered with a SACS header temperature of 95'F and I 00 0F.

No Failures 91.3OF EOB Valve Failure 88.3*F EDG Failure 90.1 F EDG wIEOB Failure 87.20F 1 SACS Pump/Loop 88.0OF 1 SSWS Pump/Loop 89.30 F Normal 88.7OF The Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS) temperature limit for DBA scenarios assuming a single active failure is 87.2 0F. This failure mode is dependent on an EOB valve, IEA-HV2356A(B), failure. It can be eliminated by opening the EOB under administrative controls, and racking out the breakers (106212 MCC No. 131 and 10B222 MCC No. 131) to prevent the spurious actuation of the valve. Reference 4.3.2 directs the operators to open the EOB valves at a river temperature of 850F. No change is recommended to this requirement.

The UHIS temperature limit for conditions resulting from combinations of design basis failures concurrent with equipment outages permitted by Technical Specification AOT Action Statements with only one (1) SACS pump per loop and two (2) SACS heat exchangers per loop is 88.0 0F. This meets the Technical Specification limit of 880F.

The SACS system design allows for a SACS heat exchanger outlet temperature limit of 100OF with the exceptions listed below. The Technical Specification has been updated to reflect the UHS temperature limits using the higher SACS temperatures. It is recommended that for a SSWSISACS loop outage, normal design basis alignments with all equipment operating, or a 30-day SSWS/SACS pump AOT, the UHS irnit should be 88.0OF. This limit may be exceeded for an Indefinite period of time up to a value of 89.0F provided that all SSWSISACSIEDGs components are operable. An indefinite period of time is allowed since the analysis demonstrates that a limiting single failure (active short-term or passive long-term) can be accommodated up to 90.1 0F (the. limiting single failure is an EDG failure without a concurrent EOB failure). This recommendation was included in LCR H98-02.

The UHS temperature limit for normal operating conditions is required to be 890F. This temperature limit will ensure that the normal SACS operating temperature limit of 95°F can be maintained while supplying the non-safety related TACS loads. The results of the normal two-loop alignment model run shcw that the limiting temperature is 88.7°F. This is based on the A-loop removing the full TACS load as specified in Reference 4.1.1 and the 13-Loop removing the SFP, PCIG, Control Room Chiller and 1E Panel Chiller heat loads. The SACS abnormal operating procedure (Reference 4.3.6) states that the operators can reduce reactor power or remove components from service as needed to



CALC. NO.: EG-0047


NM RED Rev. JBM 3 ORIGINATOR , DATE REV: 3112/2002 2 11/30/2005 KCK RED REVIEER/VE'RIER, DATE 3/20/2002 12/0612005 maintain SACS temperatures less than 950F. This ensures that the Technical Specification limit of 890F can be met.

7.0 Output Documents 7.1 SH.OP-AP.ZZ-0108, Exhibit 3 7.2 HC.OP-AB.COOL-0001, Conditions H and I 7.3 HC.OP-AB.COOL-0002, Conditions H and I 7.4 Technical Specification 3/, Ultimate Heat Sink 8.0 Design Margin The margin to the Technical Specification requirement of 88*F is zero when considering the AOT cases. When all SSWS/SACS/EDGs components are operable and when the EOB valves are opened, the margin to the Technical Specification requirement of 89'F is 1.1°F.

9.0 DOCUMENTS AFFECTED Procedure SH.OP-AP.ZZ-0108(Q), Exhibit 3, should be revised as follows for the EDG Room Recirc Units 1.-A-V-412 through 1-H-V-412 (Reference Order 80087020, Activity 0010):

Required Action when one EDG room cooler is inoperable:

  • When a SACS pump is out of service and when river water temperature is greater than 80cF, declare its respective EDG inoperable.
  • In any other SACS configuration, when river water temperature is greater than 81 0F, declare its respective EDG inoperable.

Required Action when two EDG room coolers are Inoperable:


CALC. NO.: IEG-0047



EG-OD47, Reviftmo 3.Afttahmenvt Page 2 of 9 A8j1s AIASSSI 4 1 W2W AA 8818 c CCCCAAAAIIA S a oA Cmm AI HAA gg mmmHIIII aDA a a W

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  • 9 s w 1077 11490881

______c L wFFm oWW aaaa 1 2221.2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 15M Q 0"0 10954.01 1 .11 8.2 811 OX -.

122M1222.2 X 8520.01889-.0 1222I C221 1 1 I , 1077.01 1154.0 11049.01 82.8 88 I Di!!

EDWS alkxPles I 122. 222. 72h I I ]XI I I . I 221 14203. 0.01 11420.0111520.01 85.5 88.4910:4x 122.2_ 222.21 72 h I I XJ I I I I 221 0.01 14154.01 11423.0111523.01 85.81188.50 05X2 *u 112.1 112.11 212. 14d 22214d 222 14d 221 2

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- I II IIC .- II II - 121 1154. 0.0 1134. 11847.0' s1.z8 88.5 1!5 J~I Of I 111.1 222.2148 I 211.1 211.1 222.2 148 222.2 148 IC IC I


2... I II.III..

-_ I 111II ICI L


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1 1121 12 9420 1121 7748.0 7714.01 0.0 99.


W980 928.0 845.01 9781.0 1433.0 931.

77.1488.D lxlma mf 71.8 8.4S31 14x2 832 8401 lUxla j_

SA22IF2U 80dI II III II II IrIA iI II :I:IIrI rI 1I I 221 10510977.01 1098.0 11049.01 J 89.871 8.12I Di~~p SACS HX Failures 1221.21 222.21 72hIII lI III IIII I I]I IIIIIII IiI I I 1221 11025. 1M017. 10954.01 1104.01 78.131 88.12 1 2022 222A 72 h 10.

2.2 224721 2.471

11 IFI jJj[

.A AiiAL A A Af fij:i.12 24 24 11025. 109T77 105.

0.01 14154-01 11423.0

. 0.0 1197.

11040.0 115230.


0.00 88.0

.0 0.00 87.4 87.81 01 0x 5x


22.2 2A h _ I- I.JII A ~A A I1 241 834.0 8310. 8M00 8 I. .0 35 i~

69OT-SS "I .0 197.0FaWD IMIBM SesPk 1 22 2 IAlA I I I CIC 24I0.0I0.I11974.0 2080.0 0. 87.51241

1. 1 7h IZ2 AJ I I I I CICI I I AI I I I 241 0.01 0.01 10915.01 11009.01 0.900 88.66 S~ob- C AOT-One SACSRMPtmpruLoop

-- 212.21 721I I I I I I JAI I IA I I I I I I I 1221 WW 10954.0o 11040.01 I 0412Lt94~

AOT -One SSW PaanrLoop iIt~I1JZAJ 2h Al III ICICI I IIII11III2I1 2321012ND 0.01 MD]12447.01 1 3.95184.021 3W-c.Muh 1 12212=1I7h JAIAI I IC I I I I 221 12198.0I 0.01 832.0 8482.0 83.711 85.131 452 A.

I.22-1 221 2h I JA AI A I II I I I I I I I 221 821-1.0 8175.0 8248.01 8315.01 84.751 84.89 4x2cu I NlW~ FaIlurmyAMre murdIn miepiopIate ~wM mr an -X. Corwequwane d Vie spectife fialu ware maked m4tha C vnd perbir aimi weremmakedwulh an . The se~lcAOTrcondfficn csidere warndessioped by maridrg heAOThI~aweswl n A.

LOCA -95

EG4D047. Revisio 3,Attadhment 5 Page3 of rArri~


~~ii AAAA S sSS 1



A $ S L L A

o Ba886 aA W W W W uU88S P P PPpp cc hh ABS rVEEISp p p CC C CA S S BIC CCCA AAA

~E C 8D E E Eo B S I

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22. 2 Z~
22. 1 1 1 - I I I I I -I I I I 22 106. 1010054.

127 10137.01 88.33 88.201 01x EOB Faliwu I222.2 222.21 I I I I I I I I I I X I IIA I I I 1221 7459.01 7427.01 7778.0 784.01 84.58 85.261 Ulxlb-P*

SSWS Ptnn Failume I 122. Z222. 3Md JXJ I ~C I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1221 10797.0l 0.0[ 10538.01 1062.01 81.02 88.621 18x2 -

$SWSHX Falise 122.2 222.21 72 h I 1 I I I I XJ I I I I I I I I I I J I I I 1221 11322.0 0.01 11519.01 11821.01 82.581 89.361 04x2 ch I 122.2 Z2222 72hl I I I I I XJ I 1_ I I I I I I I I I I I. 1221 0.01 11871.01 11523.01 11625.01 62.&M 89.351 05x2_p l EDG F&lie iiIz::IXmIII1F r-_____

11.1222.21 14d I ICE iI I I Id I I I I I-II I I I X 1121 10797.01 0.0 1058.01 1062.01 I D51 861 I -. k 112.1J -221 14dI C' I 4 J J I C l_-III X 11 M .01 0.01 8828.01 8897.01 5671 a!91 1l2xl8 ]

211.1 111.1 222. 1L4d 222.2 114 d _Cj-CjIc c(

I. X-

-869 12 06 900 00 896 820 01 890 __ 5548.2 8.5 1x lx SC212-.212'22.21i30d I II I II JX I 221 10282.0 102171.0 10054.01 10137.0l 89.4 88.201 01x2 .

SACS HX Falhtes 122121 222.21 72hII I II I I Jt I I I I I I IX I I II 1221 10262. 10217.01 10054.01 10137.01 75.34 88.201 0142 .Pk AOT - SACS Laow Famkrw_

202.21 222.41 72 h I I I I II I I I I I AIAJI II I12410262.01 10217.01- 10M0541 10137.011 0.001$6.211 01,c2..p.plu 10_1224 7 II PI I I I I A AJ I I I I I I I 1241 0.01 1187.01 11523.0 11625.01 0.00I 87.691 05az2 pl 22 72hIA I I I I I PIP I I J ALI AJ I I I I I I 1241 0.01 0.01 1322101 13343.01 0.001 88.911 11x2 .phj Aar - SSVWS Loop Fablure 1 22 2M 7 I CICI I I I I I II 1241 0.01 0.01 10514.01 1059.01 0.001 86.731 5&Q2p.u I IAJA I I JJL I I I I I I I I I I I 1241 0.0 0.01 13221.01 13343.01 0.001 88.811 11x2 p.p ACT - One SACS PMepPe L IIn 22 0Wo11270 1212.21 212.2 72hf iA A 22I10262.0I 10217.0 1005.01 10137.01 89.961 94.401 O1x2 AOT - Ons ySpp PerLoo E~lI IIUUII_ II II 5W-P.pki I 12221 Ml72h)i A Al 1 tL.~~Ll C '

II II II 221 W211090 9090.

0.01 0

0.01 8793.01 10911.01 88680 SIA614 6120!

57.691 86811 I1 222.2 . 1 72 h I IA IA I .I II I I I I I I I I I 1_ 221 7511.0 7480.01 7367.01 7428.01 1 84.681 84.48F NOW.r P*&zM'm wer swiked inthe appropriate cdw.a wifl an -XI Consequencs of ffu specffed bfafLue wre Inticed atlh a 'C, andopeatoractionswerenusk~ed withn P. ThespeOfliAOT cond~fto consieed weredevelopedby. marhi thw AOT fltweswth en A.

LOP -95

EG4OO47, Revisio 3,Attahment 5 Page 4 of 9 r 7I-r 00 1111 121 111111 17" 2

AI AI S s B1 S

i S

i II 7I s W

A C8D ABAA BBII S SS S A S s S S L L S 12 12as AA A ASSSS 4 W W W IN 0 0 A B SS s SSS cc CC C CAAA A B S a S S o o C W Ww u US S S C h h A 5 S SSSC C CA C D I L pp WW WWaa 856 L F F F F f o A P PPP pp *rfrE E P PPP EEEo I I I I UI o o 0 m mmml IIHH HHggO0m m mm HHHHD Dc a a a H H No FaOlReM I .22 -222.21 A - I I I I I I I I I I I I. 221 12099.01 12044.01 11844.0 11948.01 1 89.671 89.88 OlxO-pl SSWS Pump Failre 1 122.21222.21 30d I XI I CI I I I I I I I I- I I I I1 221 12383. 0.01 11877.01 11977.01 63.101 89.88a18x0ppl SSWS HX Faffues I 122.2 2222 72 h I XI I I I I I II I I I 1221 13913.01 0.01 13232.01 13352.0 64.801 90.311 04x 1 122.21 222.21 72h I I I IX I I 1221 0.01 1385.01 1323.01 13355.01 64.551 90.311 05x0 .p4lu EOG Faiures ji 9I11i YiI

~zl ~M~L111 I4d
IIr1 1 I112.1
L I I I I I I 22Z1 11CI ICI 14dI




-1 I I 1

I I I I l l LLILt C:tI I IXI 1 1

121 Iii 123830l i mn 12383.0 0.01 11877.01 irmpA ni 0.

1f~lo0 187.

1197.01 iodq7-nI 1197.0 I

2218.8 eov~

Ann9 or2i 14.0Oa 819 a 89.6 xOpl 1 21-1222.21 iII jI I I I jIIIC I I JII I IX 1121 10806.0 10484.01 10419.01 10497.01 73.9 86521 14x0 .O SACS Pump Failre 21-2.21 222.2 30d Ti T1 IIII IJI l1 I-1 Ix I II II I I I 1221 12099.01 12044.0 11844.01 11945.0 90.631 89.561 OlxO phi SACS HX Failure U-221.21 m.2h 1 [:IrII :I:IJI I II I l~:4::1 II X:III I 1- 221 12.11D40 11844.01 1194.01 78.88 89.56 OlxO.Pk Ip AOT - SACS Loop FalluMs 20 24 2 I I I I i1 . .IIII I2LAJAI I .. I I.II I. .I..I. I 1241 12099.0 12044.01 11844.01 1194.01 I 0.00l 87.95 flxo phi 102.2 222.41 72 11 iII I JI IiII II JAA]Z I I I II I II I 1241 0.01 138801 13238.01 13355501 0.001 88.9 VjxO p.pu I 2-2-2L4172h 1: I II I P PI IIjI IJAA[J 1iIII tIjI1 1241 0.01 0.01 14798.01 14938.01 j 0.001 V41 1x.1 L ACT -SS Loop Failures-1 22 ?2j7 A IJIIIIIII ]II I I IIII J I III I 241 0.01 0.01 11848.0 11743.01 0.001 87.791 55x0..4pU 22 AOT - Onea 224 2 SACS Pm e L IIIIJ.LALA.

a IIII..II II .IJIIJI I 1241 0.01 aO 14798.0 14938.01 0.001 89741 lIxOP I 1212.21 212.21 72 h I l IIJ I IJI I EAllT I II JIIE IiIII I I II 1221 12D99.01 120440.0 11844.01 11945.01 91.03M_94.561 01xO 4pkI AOT - One SSWVS PUMpPe Low _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

122.21 122.21 72 h I AJ A I I I I I I I I 12 290 0.01 0.01 12252.01 6M3.13 62.9 Em~p 1 122.21 222.21 72 h I AAI I I IC I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1221 10381.01 0.01 983M 97.01 W I 80.331 88.051 4x.l I 222.2 222.2172h] JAJA I I I I I I I I I I I- 1_I__I I I IJ L 1221 8 -13. 8537.0 84030 847.01 88441 86.27 34X0-pl Notar FaiWks wenremakd intheapprmprlatooouslwith anT. Consequences ffthespecdfldallwure ee markd witha C.

w4aandopreo aionsowere fmailcd with an W. The specfic AM coridltia censiered were deve"oe by nmking the AOT Mums wit an A.


EG.0047, Rsvisoq 3. AttachymA 5 Page 5 of 9 j1JL AA 6SSS 2IIICCCAAA2 W WW W uUSS S hhA 588 8 8CSC C 0CA CB3Dp LS APP PP ppWW WW aISII pp rrE A

EP AA P PP sS S SSL S4 E EEE a FI F I I f a a 0 m m mm II HH HHgg00inm m m H HHH ODD a S 1 222.2122. I I I I II I I I I I I 1221 10262. 1217.01 1004.0 10137.0 57.63 87.491 a1 D4 ECB Fogums 222. 222.121 1 1 11 1 - J I~ XjI II I L I I I 221 7450.0l 7427.0I 7778. 7840.0 1 83.608433 ixIb 122.2rim.I 30 1XI II I I III I II I AA II II 1221 l057, - 0.01 105WA 10625.0 62.35 87.051 1642o 8SWSHX Fadure 122 2 .2 72h I X I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1221 11922. 0.0 11519.01 11621.01 6405 88.741 04 122.2 22. 72k I I x L I I I I I I I I I L I I I I I 1221 0.0 11877.01 11823. 11825.01_ 63,08 88.751 V-ic2 .ppl 112.1 222.21414d C (III - Cno~i ___ n01038. 1065. 6147 8.-- 5 I 2 112.1 222. 14d C I4C C C IX 1 121 88090 0. 8626. 869.01 57.51 86751 lwoxia 212.1 222. 144d cCI12X3026.0 I 690. 668. 9031.01 66.1 NM.2 14X2 "u L

212.1 W212 144 1211.1 22.1 4d I I I IIIII:11I C

C. I ly 12 688.01 "IILLI7nI 682.0 123. 24 85131 83.201 l4xl 211.1 222.2 144 I220,gCC 222.2I I IIII 1 IIIX 1 12 2P0 amo 6966 0.01J 74.871 86.22 2-P)

[iACSjEr AUSdJI LLLAI IIIIiEL I I: I I 128.010217.01 1005.01 10137.01 6 9.09 87A91 0x2 ]

SACS HX FwNtm 221.21 222.21 72 I I I II I I I I I 1j- [IXIIII j11 22 1 10262. 10217.0110064.011037.01 I 74,00 87A49 Oix2-4 ]

AQ~r-SACS Lac Fwq 2ZL4 72h II241 A A 10282.01 10217,0 1005.0 10137.01 00 85.89 OWz2 i I 22Al h 1 I A 241 o 11877.0 11623. 11625.01 00 87.38L 06 -42 1 I AI72h ut24 0. 0.0 13221.0 1334301 0.00 86.611 11x2pp I II!IALL.. 4 48A0 7427.0 17776 784.0I 00 8214L Sixib-P 222IZ Iii AAI I IcIcI I I Ii I I;II I I I II II1:E 1241 0[iz 0.0 10514A.IM0 1~I [ 8&1 ~W 2 2 I I I I I I AJAJ I I I I 14 0 0.01 13221.01 13343.01.1 ml " w VP 221 Z417h l l I I CIC I- I AI I11I I I I I I I I 1 21 - M 0.01 035.01 9527.01 L G.D 91 V l- i

~. , 5 -- o remixip ?Loo 2 2 2212.2 3

72 t I I I I I I AI IA I I I I I I II 12 E 1004 1017.0 MO Z . Irn.5O I 72h I I I I I I I I I I I I IAI I Al I I I IX; I I I 1221 1 PIuI IOAD 0137DI JUUM XWLJO 1LIL12.2 L 2 17h AIAI I I I ICICI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1221 11049.01 o.01 0.01 10911.01 1 82-71-62.:551 SW PAvl 72h A AIC I 22 1 9 90 I 0.0 0l68 B793 8.0 8.77 85.99 4 W o42 172h -AIAl I -- 221 7511.01 7480.01 7367.01 7425601 63.7'1183.501 34x2i4A.

Noft r Few w wom e we m kdi*1Mwao pq pq wcomm y6 gMIt*X CoW equuM wsofon M d edfalur w rem kad uWM 8aC ,

611 o ofl m u wetmb re ihfe vra 81 ..The sp.464A OTCOIK WSCOW " edweredeyslope by ~marigff AOT M - wueslfihm 'V LOPSSE-95

EG-01047, Revision 3, Attachment 5 pageS Of 9 A B SASASS InI 9AC BB .Ic In A




AC WWW W u U S 8$S h hA 8 Sc CC C A C SD p p o 0 A P PP pp r rE EP P PP EE ES o I I I I f p~~~~~~~mn II HIIH H 9g m m nimIHH HH 0DDDD 0 0 a 122225 1222.2B I 221 11025.01 1097.81 1095.01 11049.0 93.an9 93A.49 oix2 C.w E01S Falrxw 222.2 II22 IX I I I I I I I I I 1221 834.01 8310.011~ 90 A3 I 1222 222. 3Md IXI I I I IC I IA I I I I I 221 1154.01 0.01 11540 11647.01 I 8.97 193.9 1 8x2 4f SSWS HIXFolum.

122. 2 22. 72 h I I I I I I IXI I142010 I0.0I 22 11420.01 12. 71 1. 93.81 1 4)a r.u 1 122.21 222.72h I I I I I XI I I I I I I I I 221 0.01 14154.0111423.0111523.0 71.85 93.81I 05x2 c f Iu EDO Follure 21I 222.21 21.222.2 14d 111222.2 14d 4

l d

_C: :1:jo c

C oI II I I I:C i IC t


[ixl 121 12 7745.0 608.


7714.0 60450 0.0 11334.0 9283 11548.0 11433.0 93610 11647.0861930 92.45 891 9375 19181 4~cf 14x1a cpkiU 8 cu 111.1 211.1 222.2

~gm14d 1~d C -

j S Ao 121 9462.

0645.06.3 771 00 96980 9781.0 8.19.8lha~

1-rn aUS SACS P~mv Fils 1212.21 222.21 30d I I LI LIIIIIIII I I.I.L. JL.LLI I LI I 1 22 11025.01 10977.01 10954. 11049.0 1 95.09 193451 OI a.cp 2122Z2172hII IJ LI.. LIIIII IIIIX LLLL IEIC 1221 11025. 1097.01 10954.0 11049.01 ___7 AOT-SACSLaomFstkNes 202.2 222.41 72 h I- I I II :I I. I- I A A I I I I I I I 1 1241 11025.01 10977.0 10954.01 11049.01 001OMI91.98 I 1x2 c4*u

10. 224 72 h I 22Z?4 7 I I 202.2 222.41 72b h

I I I-I:II 1 J I_

I J A A J J Ii I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 14 14 241 0.01 0.01 834.0 14154.01 11423.01 11523.01 0.01 11974.01 12080.01 8310.01 850. 9.01 0.00 j 92.411 0.00 0.00 9M .J OWx 04Olu 5 C..2 89.791 Dixb c~plu

!Lu AOT -SWLopFls O22.22. 72h I Al~AlI II (CICJ:IIII:.J.jII I II II::I II:1241 0.0 0.01 11974.01 1208.01 0.00 92.88 554x2*

1 -22 22AI72h I AjlA I II1 ICICLLI.I IJAI.II.ILILIILILI I II 1241 0.01 0.01 10915.01 11009.01, 0.00 91.941 55xlkAb AO neSW PWM LOOP - _ _ __ _ __ _

122.2 122.21 72 h I IAAII I CIC1TITIIII I ILIjI.I.Ij221 I29. 00 0. 12447.0)1 1 70.07 1 70.131 52xZc.ulu I 122.2W~n 7211 AJAJ IIICIclI IIIIII IIIjI 1221j121jij1 (LL _I2 89.83 L~f "A~

L 22M172hIJJJI I I I-L-L JI:II:I ILI 121 821.0 h7.01 8249. 8315.01 90.22I 90.361 34x2 c49 Noew Falues wemepsmie In th uapvsiopta cotixm with an W. CMMWquWCes of Ith specflied fNfrre weremmae with a 'C, aid apeaclouuw -.aer ied wit an P. The sPecifl AOT caefon Is coreidere were devebwed by maddng fth ACT ftlkm wMt mAi LOCA -100

EG40047, Rev~son 3, Attadhmart 5 Page 7 of 9 12A1CsBD A AASaS W W A A CB5DABA A BBI I S s sS A S S S S L L A a S SSS c c C C CCAA AA B S 5 5 s a C W W WW u US S S S h tAABS S S SC C0 C CA C B D p 0 L L ApW WWWaaSS SS L F F F F f oA P P PPpp r EEPPPPE E EE I I I U f o a 0 HmmH H HH g O0 mnim mHHH DD DD No Foltires

[22221 222.2 1 11 I I I I I II I I I 221 10262.01 1027.01 1005.01 10137.01 93.391 93.28 GIx 222.2 22221 1.1 I I I - I I I I I XI I I I 221 7459.01 742701 m &OI 784.01 89.611 90.301 Olxlb~i~

12U "I I2 IXI jjh I I I I I I I 1 221 11922.0 0.01 11519.01 11621.01 67.751 94.431 04x2 ppi

12. 222 hXI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1221 0.01 11877.01 11523.01 1182.01 87.691 94.44 05x2 .plu OG Failure 112.1 211dT 1- -


r. - 7.. T I T T.f . TT CIII F~ZrI IiI

. I.-


. r .T T K Inx1L 7 .rr I 1121 10791.01 0.0 10310 10625.0oj 65.601 93.691 I8~

- - -- ---- -- ---- -- - -----.. ----- I 212.1 222.2 14d C I III- C I II I 1121 9026.0 8900 8986 90310 1 93.84 92.07 212.1 222.2 4d [ j II - -I -1 I-I 121 68520 6826.0 7232.0 7284.0 190.7089.23 14x1.. hi 111.1 222.2 l4d _ C C C121 10791.0 0.0 105380 10625.0 8465 93.69 18x2 Pia 211.1 211.1 222. 14d 222.2 l4d _

C C-12 219028.0 852.0 89900 6826.0 89660 723206 90310 7284.0 j80.64 72.2 9207 89.23, 1+/-&~l 14xia-pg SACS Pump P.3w,

[ 212.21 222.21 30dIIII I1I-[ I I IIII IEJJI I I I I 221 10262.0 10217.01 10054.01 10137.01 94.51 93.261 012 SACS HX Falures

[ 221.21 222.21 72 hI II III .. IJII III I I IJI IXI I 221 10262.01 10217. 10054.01 10137.01 80.481 93.261laNA AOT-SACS Loop Faflirse_______________________

20-122.17h1 TIE11 1AIAI I I I 1241 10262.01 10217.01 10054.01 1170 ,0 131 ox_-

20.2 224 72 h I I PJI I I I A IA I I I II I I I I I 121 01 15701I 1ma0.00l l25 1 ov l ow P 22.21 222.41 72 h I I I I I I P AIAI I II II I]IIcI I]IIIIfI _ 241 0.01 0.01 108214.0 10543.01 1 .0 &6 11 p ,fu

[ 22.21 24 72 hIAIAI 11CIIII IIII I IIII I I I 2741 0.01 0.01 130514.0134.01 IJA.01 malI ;aJ-PE.

AOT -Omr SSWS Purm ParLoop _____________________________________

1~j22.21 2h I AlA EilI IIIIII1I22L ~~ 1 22217 h Ij~A A LI1 22-17 . lf I Jfl C IIII LI . I .II .I I I III I

I II I I I II 1221 221 909.01 7511.01 0.0 87930 0.01 1091.01 I 8868.0 683.7I 62.871 91.85 4x 7480.01_ 736701 7425.01 89.711 89.511 34x2 4 a Nots Falueswsm mw*ed Intheppmptsftacohmiwth anT. Cmas~qwpce of the specidW failures were inare w~i a 'C',

and operator saoswersoe mad wth an '.The spe~cifAOTcondlllnscosidered weudev~eboedby n~kestn teAOTfailures wilhan A.


EG-0047, Rev~sion 3, Attachment 5 Page 8 of 9 Ir-1r -rriririrrr F FF I---- I I[ I i i AS ¶ 2 1 2 S A C B D AAB B A B S DD 12 12 S S S S W ACBDVA BAA BBI I S S SS A S S S S L L S 12 12 ss A A AASS SS + w w w w o o A B aSSSSSS c c CC C CAA AA B S S S S o o C WW W W U USS SS h h A B S SB S CC CCC A C B D p p o L L p pWW WW aa SS SS L F F F F I o a A PPP pr rE E P PPP EE EE o I I I I U U f o In0 mmm In l4H1Hl g g00Om mmInHH HH0D DDD II a o a o. H HI T I )0 xx xx w L......L.. - ... L a.

No Folures 1 22221 222.21 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I -- 1221 12099.01 12044.01 11644.01 11945.01 1 94.751 94.641 Olxopu SSwS Pup Fliffi.

122.21 222.21 3d I XJ I Cl I I I I I I I I I I I _ I I I 1221 12363.01 0.01 11877.0 11977.0 688261 94.661 IxOJpplu L 2122.2122.21 24Id II 1X I.I..J..It.. _I CIIIII I II AI I 1 1221 10506.01 104601 1323U[0 13397.01 169.751 95.411

[ 111.21 222.2 17 I.dIII C l XIi I I I I I IIICII IXII 11212 126.01 0.0[ 1187.01 11977.01 87.6971954.65 18x0p

[211. 1 222.2 14d I C I I II I I I I I.. I I ICI I I I I I JX jj 121 1056M.01 10464.01 10419.01 1049.01 84.07 93.59 14x0 ~pu SACS Pump Feiwus

( 212.21 222. 30 d I ll l !L LLi iJXD I I II I I I I 11221 12099.0 12044.01 1184..01 11945.01 96.87 94.5-4 DolxO )u SACS HX Fsflkrea 221.21 222.21 72 h UIII II I LLITXJ

- III i ~IiI II 1221 12099.01 12044.I 11844.01 1194.01 84.021 94.64l Ol*xO*

I Z~ -SCLoFikir 47 I 102. 222.41 72h IJI III i

I I 11jrIiAiA I vvI~Ir 1241 jI IJAJAJ I I I I 1 14 12099.0 0.01 12044.01 11M4401 ¶194.01 I 0.001 93.21 _lxO..p~plu 13858.01 13236.0 13355.01 0.001 93.971 0x 1 221 7 hI 22.4 I I J JP I - A A I I _ 1 1241 0.01 0.01 14798.01 14938.0 l _0.001 94.78 _lxO .plu AOT - SSWS Loop Falksies I III II 22.21 222.41 72 h IAIAI CC I~TI I I I IILI I I 241 0.01 0.01 1148.01 11743.01 1 0.001 92.861 55x0.Plu 22.212.41 72 h I I I J J J I I I I I .L .I..

1 I..I I..II I[I I 1 24 0.01 0.01 14798.01 14936.01 0.00 94.7 ll AOT - ne SSM-o.-m-122.2 122.2 72 h I IA I A I IICICI I I I I I 1221 1239.01 0.01 0.01 I2252.01 I 68301 68141 5xj.~

12221L! M L 1A IJJI ICJ I I II II I I I Ijj..I 1221 10381.01 0.01 9893.0 997. 65.50l 9311 4s0

_Rh 1__JAI AIZLI I I II IIIII LL .LL L IJ-LLII 1 221 8573. 8537.01 8403.01 8470.01 91.481 91.313x U NOte. Fouefus wern maedIn the a popila ote owm withan X. Consequencesof the specifid falireweremariced wth a'C, arid operator actiowere mawrked with an 13F.. The spedii AOT conditlon considered were developed by mnod"n theAOT failuwuswith an 'X.


EG-0047, RevPsin 3, Attedmwoet 5 Page 9 orf 9 1 1 njAS I ~ AI S B S A83

.LI .....


LLppW1iW aaII 0 flnm

.1 aEFZ 58 S tI av B

HHHH Xa ixeea cc g

CCCC 0O0mmnmmHH*IH B a~

j fl 0D x AA 333 A A xX HOD G G D

B L F a

V w

s a

S a



I No FARM 222.2  ;'e*~ I I I I I ~ I I I I 221 10262.0 10217.0O-Wii~U1 192.63 V-a2~4 ~

122.2~g~22.24h 112. 2 1121I22I2 22.2 14d 4d U I CIIFII II I z I1I ~II1 11


_ 122 1770 529.01 11877.0t~ 112.


.j 0.01 1680 15628.0 1250 02.

O 0.0 6s 667.06.71 O1 9


.75 05 1x~~~

-90.51xlivu 122~i.21 22221~ 72h I I I I IIIIXt I I II II IlIIIII I I 11221 9026.01 690.01 1159601 9i201 1 691619 7410 04A2-O 212.1 22.2=1 d C2 I X I I IC I-II I ..- L I 122 665.01 61826.0 15 72320D7284 O 6910.2 66.20 l,,xlp4!wI 1121 21211...

222.2 14d 14d IC 11211 I

I 2I I

-I I1 1I cI I I I I

jII Ic I




x Xiz 1 112 12 .,Itf 0.02 105360

-M0 10625.0 W70 GS.4 U71907 92.95 lx-4f 8IL4 I X -C 1121 90260 8990. 89M0 fn 7997 21211 222.2 14d IC I II -1 I I IE ~X1L _ 1121 68090 082.0 8723202M.690 767 90 0275 l4xlvaPp*

21112I T 143d IJIII I I II jII t l I I I I II I 122 10662. 6828701 100402037.011971.3 -149 70a ;i =j SACSHXom AOT -SACS LOOP FIie 202.2 22A 72h I I -111 iI I IIIAA- -.- 124~ 102.01 1021170 fl.0 I O no 12.2 222A472h IAII I It P.I.L I- A-A24 0.0 117. 115230 112. 92.41 0Om 22 22.41 72h I I I I I I IjIJA A A -I I I II.- 124 7459.0l 7427.01 777o.0 76400 am oi30 x1b-J~

ADT -SSWSoo Fafesh 2221 222A472h I lA l I I I I I I I I 124 0o 0.01 1051401 1059901 0.001 9A31 55x2.942 2221 22AI 2.hIAI 1 11jj~ JA.A . II IjI jI I II I II II 1124 0.0 JjII.0 1 1343Lj I OLO 7i61 llx2b..~

V I AMT- one 88W3 Perro 1 = 1 = M I JA A l III Idol I I II I I II I I I I I I I I I 1221 11049.01 0.01 0.01 1091M1.067.691 67.6? 1 x AlIAA -

1221 909.01 0%.0~~5 63.91 g -

IFz-~l 2 1 72 I IA AI I I I I I -I I I I I I 221 7511.01 7480.01 737.01 742.01 668871168.50 2-pf Noke Fafres were maredirfth apprapet cochnnwith sW.Comecwenceear6~spec~d falieswere mwked writh C'.

and opmeatoi sfa wers marked wMt u*P,.The speeffle AOT cwion corsidered were devloe by maridothe AOT faezee with an A.


ATTACHMENT 6 PROTO-HXIf Output for Uncertainty Analysis EG-0047 Revision 0 Pefl j *;

e DS

A~-Oo' Pe C ,4i7*cw,.ojr ll0w~~ 6 P49-C 10VID 13:49:33 PROTO-HIX 3.01 by Proto-Power Corporation (SN#PHX 1006) 11/29/99 PSE&G - Hope Creek Calculation Report for lAlE201 - SACS Heat Exchanger LOCA 222.2 . 10000 SW - 959F SACS Calculation Specifications Constant Heat Load/Eot Outlet Temperature Method Was Used Extrapolation Was to User Specified Conditions Design Fouling Factows Were Used Test Data Extrapolation Data Data Date Tube Flow (gpm) 10,000.0 Shell Flow (gpm) Shell Flow (gpm) 9,416.9 Shell Temp In (°F) Shell Outlet Temp (IF) 95.0 Shell Temp Out (F) Constant Heat Load (BTU/hr) 86,150,005 Tube Flow (gpm)

Tube Temp ln (Or)

Tube Temp Out (°F)

Fouling C'alculation Results Shell Mass Plow (lbm/hr) U Overall (BTU/hrfN°F)

Tube Mass flow (Ibm/hr) Shell-Side ho (BTU/hrft 2.°F)

Tube-Side hi (3TUhirft1-* 0F)

Heat Transfirred (BTU/hr) 1/Wall Resis (BTU/hrt-°F)

LMTD LMTD Correction Factor Effective Ar=a (ft2)

Overall Fouling (hrfl50 F/BTU)

Property Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (fth) Shell Temp In (0F)

Reynold's Number Shell Temp Out (OF)

Prandd Number Tav Shell (SF)

Bulk Visc (Ibrn/fthr) Shell Sldn Temp (SF)

Skin Visc (ltim/.thhr) Tube Temp In (0F)

Density (Ibm/fl') Tube Temp Out (°F)

Cp (BTU/Abrr°0F) Tav Tube (OF)

K (BTU/lirn OF) Tube Skin Temp (OF)

Extrapolation Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (Ibm/hr) 4.711E+6 Overall Fouling (hr-ft 2.0F/BTU) 0.001200 Tube Mass Flow (Ibm/tr) 5.045E--6 Shell-Side ho (BTUbrft2 0-F) 815.5 Tube-Side hi (JTU/hr~f2. 0F) 1,481.4 Heat Transferred (BTU/hr) 8.615E+-7 1/Wall Resis (BTU/hrft2 . 0F) 3,917.5 LMT 8,3 LMTD Correction Factor 0.7692 Effective Area (f 2) 46,295.0 U Overall (BTU/hrft2F) 293.2 Property Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (tWe 3.38 5.98 Shell Temp In ('IF) 113.3 Reynold's Number 2.988E+04 4.410E+04 Shell Temp Out (0f) 95.0 Prandtl Number 4.32 4.82 Tav Shell (0f) 104.1 Bulk Visc (Ibtu/ffhr) 1.58 1.77 Shell Skin Temp (OF) 101.2 Skin Visc (Ib:m/frhr) 1.63 1.73 Tube Temp In (OF) 87.2 Density (Ibm'fts) 61.94 62.57 Tube Temp Out (°f) 104.6 Cp (BTU/lbirm F) 1.00 0.98 Tav Tube (0F) 95.9 K (BTUhrflt°E;) 0.36 0.36 Tube Skin Temp (0F) 97.6

    • Reynolds Number Outside Range of Equation Applicability II With Zero .Fouling The Test Heat Load Could Not Be Achieved

E40q- f. ATO.f"A* (

2O ddI /0 13:53:07 PROTO-HX 3.01 by Proto-Power Corporation (SN#PHX 1006) 11/29/99 PSE&G - Hope Creek Calculation Report for lAlE201 - SACS Heat Exchanger LOCA Unartaintv 5%SACS Flow Calculadion Specifications Constant Heat Load/flot Outlet Temperature Method Was Used Extrapolation Was to User Specified Conditions Design Fouling Factors Were Used Test Data Extrapolation Data Data Date Tube Flow (gpm) 10,000.0 Shell Flow (gpm) Shell Flow (gpm) 9,887.7 Shell Temp In (°F) Shell Outlet Temp (OF) 95.0 Shell Temp Out (OF) Constant Heat Load (BTU/hr) 86,150,005 Tube Flow 12pm)

Tube Temp In (OF)

Tunbe Tem Out (af)

O Fouling Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (bm/hr) U Overall (BTU/hrft2F)

Tube Mass FGlow (lbm/hr) Shell-Side ho (BTU/hrft2 *F)

Tube-Side hi (BTU/brf2-F)

Heat Transferred (BTU/hr) 1/Wall Rests (BTU/hr *t2F)

LMTD LMTD Correction Factor Effective Area (ft)

Overall Fouling (hrt'-F/BTU)

Property Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (ft/a) Shell Temp In (IF)

Reynold's Number Shell Temp Out (0F)

Prandtl Number Tav Shell (0F)

Bulk ViSc (lbn/ Shell Skin Temp (-F)

Skin Visc (lbra/frhr) Tube Temp In (OF)

Density (0bnm ) Tube Temp Out (°F)

Cp (BTU/Ibmnv0F) Tav Tube (0F)

K (BTU/hr*iV'F) Tube Skin Temp (-'F)

Extrapolation Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (Ibm/hr) 4.946E+6 Overall Fouling (hrfl 2 . 0F/BTU) 0.001200 Tube Mass Flow (bm/hr) 5.045E+6 Shell-Side ho (1TUJ/brAft 2 F) 838.9 Tube-Side hi (MTU/hrJ/ 12.F) 1,479.0 Heat Transftred (BTU/hr) 8.615E+7 1/Wall Resis (BTU/hr-MtE@) 3,917.5 LMTD 8.1 LM1TD Correction Factor 0.7756 Effective APua (W2) 46,295.0 U Overall (BTU/Ur-f2.LF) 296.0 Property . _

Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (M/) 3.S5 5.98 Shell Temp In (IF) 112.4 Reynold's Number 3.123E+04 4.396E-104 Shell Temp Out (IF) 95.0 Prandtl Number 4.34 4.84 Tav Shell (°F) 103.7 Bulk Visc (llbn/fYthr) 1.58 1.77 Shell Skin Temp (OF) 100.8 Skin Visc (lbin/fthr) 1.63 1.74 Tube Temp In (0F) 86.9 Density (Ibr/fl3) 61.95 62.58 Tube Temp Out (OF) 104.3 Cp (BTU/lbin 0 F) 1.00 0.98 Tav Tube (°F) 95.6 K (BTU/hr-ft-)F) 0.36 0.36 Tube Skin Temp (IF) 97.4

    • Reynolds Number Outside Range of Equation Applicability II With Zero Fouling The Test Heat Load Could Not Be Ahieved

E6 -ooi 7 c"v.O A0MWM, r4 P&1 3 0 A 18:30:26 PROTO-HX 3.01 by Proto-Power Corporation (SN#PEHX 1006) 12/14/99 PSE&G - Hope Creek Calculation Report for 1AIE201 - SACS Heat Exchanger LOCA Unceiainty - 3.0%/a SSWS Flow FF` I, Calculation Specifications II Constant Heat Load/Hbot Outlet Temperature Method Was Used Extrapolation Was to User Specified Conditions Design Fouling Factoas Were Used Test Data Extrapolation Data Data Date Tube Flow (gpm) 9,700.0 Shell Flow (gpm) Shell Flow (gpm) 9,416.9 Shell Temp In (0F) Shell Outlet Temp (";) 95.0 Shell Temp Out (°f) Constant Heat Load (BTTU/hr) 86,150,005 Tube Flow (gpm)

Tube Temp In (OF)

Tube Temn Out (CF)

Fouling Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (Ibm/hr) U Overall (BTU/hr ftl' F)

Tube Mass Flow (Ibm/hr) Shell-Side ho (BTU/hrft2 *"F)

Tube-Side hi QBTU/hrfl2 F)

Heat Tranderred (BTU/hr) 1lWall Resis (Q3TU/ft 2 ."F)

LMTD LMT Correction Factor Effective Area ()

Overall Fouling (hrft2"FABTU)

Property Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (f/) Shell Temp In (IF)

Reynold's Number Shell Temp Out ("F)

Prandtl Number Tav Shell (°F)

Bulk Vise (Ibm/fthr) Shell Skin Temp (OF)

Skin Vise (lbmrafhr) Tube Temp In (IF)

Density (Ibm/A) Tube Temp Out (F)

Cp (BTU/lbrr°F) Tav Tube ("F)

K (1BTU/hr fl °E) Tube Skin Temp (IF)

Extrapolation Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (bm/hr) 4.711E+6 Overall Fouling hrft.°FJBTU) 0.001200 Tube Mass Flow (Ibm/hr) 4.894E+6 Shell-Side ho (BTU/hrf2.`F) 815.5 Tube-Side hi (BTUF/r-ft2.OF) 1,445.4 Heat Transferred (BTU/hr) 8.615E+7 I/Wall Resis (BTJ/hr'f2-*F) 3,917.5 LMD 8.3 LMTD Conection Factor 0.7669 Effedve Arta (W) 46,295.0 U Overall (BTU/hrfP °1;) 291.6 Property Shell-Side Tube-S~ide Velocity (ft/s) 3.38 5.80 Shell Temp In (OF) 113.3 Reynold's Number 2.988E+04 4.275E404 Shell Temp Out (OF) 95.0 Prandd Number 4.32 4.83 Tav Shell ("F) 104.2 Bulk Vise (bmlnfthr) 1.58 1.77 Shell Skin Temp (OF) 101.2 Skin Visc (lbm/ft'hr) 1.63 1.73 Tube Temp In (F) 86.9 Density (lbmW) 61.94 62.58 Tube Temp Out ("F) 104.8 Cp (BTU/lbm °F) 1.00 0.98 Tav Tube fF) 95.8 K (BTU/hrf1 F) 0.36 0.36 Tube Skin Temp (OF) 97.6

    • Reyolds Number Outside Range of Equation Applicability II With Zero Fouling The Test Heat Lead Could Not Be Achieved

r~ -VI 04 /0 14:04:45 PROTO-EX 3.01 by Proto- Power Corporation (SN#PHX 1006) 11/29/99 PSE&G - Hope Creek Calculation Report for 1AlE201 - SACS Heat Exchanger LOCA Uncertainty - 5% Heat Load Calculation Specifications Constant Heat Load/Hot Outlet Temperature Method Was Used Exrapolation Was to User Specified Conditions Design Fouling Factois Were Used Test Data Extrapolation Data Data Date Tube Flow (gpm) 10,000.0 Shell Flow (gpm) Shell Flow (gpm) 9,416.9 Shell Temp In (OF) Shell Outlet Temp (IF) 95.0 Shell Temp Out (°F) Constant Heat Load (BTU/hr) 90,457,505 Tube Flow (gpm)

Tube Temp Tn (°F) ffTubc Tcm Out (°};)

u Fouling C(alculation Results Shell Mass Flow (ibm/hr) U Overall (BTUl/hrft2)

Tube Mass Flow (Ibma/r) Shell-Side ho (B1TUJhr ftP.F)

Tube-Side hi (BTU/hr-ft2F)

Heat Transfrred (BTU/hr) 1/Wall Resis (BTU/hr fl2.0F)

-LMTD LMTD Correction Factor Effective Arma (fr)

Overall Fouling (hrft'eF1BTLU)

Propert Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (ft/f) Shell Temp In (0F)

Rcynold's Number Shell Temp Out (IF)

Prandtl Nuirber Tav Shell (0f)

Bulk Visc (Ilbm/fthr) Shell Skin Temp ("F)

Skin Visc O(bm/fthr) Tube Temp In (OF)

Density Qbumft') Tube Temp Out (OF)

Cp (3TU/lbmn 0F) Tav Tube (IF)

K (BTU/hrift °F) Tube Skin Temp ("F)

Extrapolation Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (Ibmr/r) 4.711Et6 Overall Fouling (hriftll.°FMTJ) 0.001200 Tube Mass Flow (Ibm/hr) 5.045E+6 Shell-Side ho (BTUJ/r*fl2 .F) 816.6 Tube-Side hi (BTU/hrft2 -IF) 1,482.0 Heat Transferred (BTU/hr) 9.046E+7 1/Wall Resis (B3TU/hrL`°1;F) 3,917.5 LMrD 8,.7 LMTD Correction Factor 0.7690 Effective Area (W2) 46,29<i.0 U Overall (BTU/hr*t F) 293.3 Property Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (ft/S) 3.38 5.98 Shell Temp In ("F) 114.2 Reynold's Number 3.002E+04 4.412EI-04 Shell Temp Out ("F) 95.0 Prandtl Number 4.30 4.82 Tav Shell (F) 104.6 Bulk Vic: (lbim/fthr) 1.57 1.77 Shell Skin Temp (OF) 101.5 Sldn VisC (lbm/nRhr) 1.62 1.73 Tube Temp In (F) 86.8 Density (lbm/ft') 61.93 62.57 Tube Temp Out ("F) 105.0 Cp (BTU/lbvV°F) 1.00 0.98 Tav Tube (°F) 95.9 K (1BTU/hrf1 ;°F) 0.37 0.36 Tube Skdn Temp (IF) 97.8

    • Reynolds Number Outside Range of Equation Applicability IIWith Zero Fouling The Test Heat Load Could Not Be Achieved

E'L -oo'4? sco A c*tv' (, ( . S ofk 14:08:24 PROTO-HX 3.01 by Proto-Power Corporation (SN#PHX 1006) 11/29/99 PSE&G - Hope Creek Calculation Report for 1AIE201 - SACS Heat Exchanger LOCA Uncertainty -0.79°F SACS Temp Calculation Specifications Constant Heat Load/Hot Outlet Temperature Method Was Used Extrapolation Was to User Specified Conditions Design Fouling Factois Were Used Test Data Extrapolation Data Data Date Tube Flow (gpm) 10,000.0 Shell Flow (gpm) Shell Flow (gpm) 9,416.9 Shell Temp In (°F) Shell Outlet Temp ("F) 94.2 Shell Temp Out (°F) Constant Heat Load (BTU/hr) 86,150,005 Tube Flow (gpm)

Tube Temp In (OF)

Tube Tem Out MP Fouling Calculation Results Shell Mass flow (lbm/hr) U Overall (BTU/hr*'*PF)

Tube Mass Flow (ibm/kr) Shell-Side ho (BTU/hrft2 "F)

Tube-Side hi (BTTU/hr ft2-F)

Heat Transferred (BTU/hr) 1/Wall Resis (BTU/hr-ft2 0F)

LMTD LMTD Correction Factor Effective Area (Wt2)

Overall Fouling (*hr" 1F/BTU)

Property Shell-Side Tube.Side Velocity (ft/s) Shell Temp In (°F)

Reynold's Number Shell Temp Out ("F)

Prandtl Number Tav Shell ("F)

Bulk Visc (Ibm/frhr) Shell Skin Temp (IF)

Skin Visc (lbm/ftrhr) Tube Temp In (°F)

Density (1bmtftl) Tube Temp Out (°F)

Cp (BTU/lbm*"F) Tav Tube ("F)

K (BTU/hrfr°F) Tube Skin Temp (OF)

Extrapolation Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (Ibm/hr) 4.711E+6 Overall Fouling (hrft2 °F/BTU) 0.001200 Tube Mass Flow (ibm/hr) 5.045E+6 Shell-Side ho (BTULI/-hIF) 813.1 Tube-Side hi (3TUJ/hrf2--F) 1,474.5 Heat Transferred (BTU/hr) 8.615EI-7 1/Wall Resis (BTU/hrfl 2 .-F) 3,917.5 LMTD 8.3 LMTD Correction Factor 0.7698 Effective Area (fW) 46,295,0 U Overall (BTU/hrf2-F) 292.6 Property Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (M/A) 3.38 5.98 Shell Temp In (OF) 112.5 Reynold's Number 2.963E+04 4.371E+04 Shell Temp Out (OF) 94.2 Prandtl Number 4.36 4.87 Tav Shell ("F) 103.4 Bulk Visc (lbm/fthr) 1.59 1.78 Shell Skin Temp (OF) 100.4 Skin Visc (Ibm/firthr) 1.64 1.75 Tube Temp In ("F) 86.4 Density (lbmifl') 61.95 62.58 Tube Temp Out (OF) 103.8 Cp (BTU/lbwvF) 1.00 0.98 Tav Tube (F) 95.1 K (BTU/hrftl "'F) 0.36 0.36 Tube Skin Temp (OF) 96.9

    • Reynolds Number Outside Range of Equation Applicability II With Zero ]Fouling The Test Heat Load Could Not Be Achieved

4_-ooqi g<e, 0 4Wi"IO7 (a P fX C. eJC /a 14:15:20 PROTO-UX 3.01 by Proto-Power Corporation (SN#PHX 1006) 11/29/99 PSE& G - Hope Creek Calculation Report for 1AIE201 - SACS Heat Exchanger LOP/SSE 212.2 - SSWS Flow = 10000 Calculation Specifications Constant Heat Loa4mbt Outlet Temperature Method Was Used Extrapolation Was to User Specified Conditions Design Fouling Factois Were Used Test Data Extrapolation Data Data Date Tube Flow (gpm) 10,000.0 Shell Flow (gpm) Shell Flow (gpm) 7,118.4 Shell Temp 10 (IT) Shell Outlet Temp (F) 95.0 Shell Temp Out (OF) Constant Heat Load (BTU/hr) 83,968,500 Tube Flow (spm)

Tube Temp In (OF)

Tube TemP Out M Fouling Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (lbm/lhr) U Overall (BTU/lrft2-.F)

Tube Mass Flow (Ibm/hr) Shell-Side ho (BTU/hrft2 *F)

Tube-Side hi (BTU/hr-°F)

Heat Transferred (BTU/hr) 1/Wall Resis (BTU/hr ft2."F)

LMTD LMTD Correction Factor Effective Arcs (ft)

Overall Fouling (hrt- 0 F/BTU)

Pmert _Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (f1ls) Shell Temp In (0F)

Reyold's Nunber Shell Temp Out (°f)

Prandtl Number Tav Shell (0F)

Bulk Visc (bImtt-hr) Shell Skin Temp (0F)

Skin Visc (lbm/frhr) Tube Temp In (OF)

Density (0bm%) Tube Temp Out (0f)

Cp (BTU/lbmn°F) Tav Tube (0f)

K (BTU/hrft.0 F) Tube Skin Temp (OF)

Extrapolation Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (bm/hr) 3.561E+6 Overall Fouling (hrit 2 0F/BTU) 0.001200 Tube Mass Flow (Ibm/hr) 5.045E+6 Shell-Side ho (BTU/hrft20IF) 693.1 Tube-Side hi ( rTU/hre °.F) 1,494.5 Heat Transered (BTU/hr) 8.397E47 l/Wall Resis (BTU/hrfP2OF) 3,917.5 LMTD 9s0 LMTD Correction Factor 0.7301 Effective Ara (fW 2) 46,295.0 U Overall (BTU/lrbf2-lF) 276.2 Propety_ Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (ft/a) 2.56 5.!9 Shell Temp Id(f) 118.6 Reynold's Nwuber 2.321E+04 4.482E+)4 Shell Temp Out (°F) 95.0 Prandtl Number 4.19 4.74 Tav Shell (IF) 106.8 Bulk Vise (Ilbinft hr) 1.53 1:74 Shell Skin Temp (TF) 103.0 Skin Visc (lbin/fthr) 1.59 1.170 Tube Temp In (IF) 88.9 Density (IbrnaIt-) 61.91 62.56 Tube Temp Out (OF) 105.8 Cp (1BTU/lbmr°F) 1.00 0.98 Tav Tube (OF) 97.4 K (BTU/hrtf°PF) 0.37 0.36 Tube Skin Temp (OF) 99.2

    • Reynolds Number Outside Range of Equation Applicabil ity II With Zero Fouling The Test Heat Load Could Not Be Achieved

4-OO'Q J wt 40 r.4cmow.4rm p'qI 7 a /1 14:39:48 PROTO-HX 3.01 by Proto-Power Corporation (SN#PEX 1006) 11129/99 PSE&G - Hope Creek Calculation Report for I.AIE201 - SACS Heat Exchanger LOP/SSE Uncertainty - 5% SACS Flow Calculalion S ecifications Constant Heat Load/HEot Outlet Temperature Method Was Used Extrapolation Was to User Specified Conditions Design Fouling Factors Were Used TestlData Extrapolation Data Data Date Tube Flow (gpm) 10,000.0 Shell Flow (gpm) Shell Flow (gpm) 7,474.3 Shell Temp In (0f) Shell Outlet Temp (IF) 95.0 Shell Temp Out (0F) Constant Heat Load (BTU/br) 83,968,500 Tube Flow (gpm)

Tube Temp In (OF)

Tube Temp Out (OF)

Fouling Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (Ibm/hr) U Overall (BTUhr ftP 2 F)

Tube Mass flow (Ibm/hr) Shell-Side ho (BTUbhrft2F)

Tube-Side hi (BTUA/h2. F)

Heat Transfered (BTTUJ/r) 1/Wall Rests (BTU/hrfPt'°F)

LMTI) LMTD Correction Factor Effective Arca (fri)

Overall Fouling (hrf2-°FABTU)

Property Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (M/O) Shell Temp In (OF)

Reynold's Nuamber Shell Temp Out (OF)

Prandtl Number Tav Shell (°F)

Bulk Vise (lbmt/fthr) Shell Skin Temp (OF)

Skdn Vise (Ibm/ft hr) Tube Temp In (of)

Density (lbrm ) Tube Temp Out (IF)

Cp (BTUAbrntF) Tav Tube (0f)

K (BTUthr ft0 F) Tube Skin Temp (OF)

Extrapolation Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (ibm/hr) 3.739EA-6 Overall Fouling (hr*fP OF/BTU) 0.001200 Tube Mass Flow (lbm/hr) 5.045E+6 Shell-Side ho (BTU/hrf'. 0 F) 712.9 2

Tube-Side hi /Tfi .'F) 1,492.2 Heat Transfeired (BTU/br) 8.397E47 I/Wall Resis (BTU/hrIft2F) 3,917.5 LMTD 8.8 LMTD Correction Factor 0.7372 Effective Area (fF) 46,295.0 U Overall (BTU/hAft2'F) 279.1 Property Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (ft/s)

  • 2.68 5.99 Shell Temp In ("F) 117.5 Reynold's Nmnber 2.423E+04 4.469EH)4 Shell Temp Out (OF) 95.0 Prandtl Numter 4.22 4.75 Tav Shell (f) 106.2 Bulk Visc (Ibm/ft hr) 1.54 1.74 Shell Skin Temp ("f) 102.6 Skin Vise (lbi/flfhr) 1.60 1.71 Tube Temp In ("f) 88.7 Density (Ibm/:') 61.91 62.'6 Tube Temp Out ("F) 105.6 Cp (BTU/Ibm°F) 1.00 0.98 Tav Tube (°F) 97.1 K (BTU/hr-f'F) 0.37 0.16 Tube Skin Temp ("f) 98.9
    • Reynolds Number Outside Range of Equation Applicability II With Zero Fouling The Test Heat Load Could Not Be Achieved

E4-oo'0, 2ea.o 4r0r 4awsv 4 p.1 t o1 18:42:22 PROTO-HX 3.01 by Proto-P1ower Corporation (SN#PlX 1006) 1V14/99 PSE&G - Hope Creek Calculation Report for lAlE201 - SACS Heat Exchanger LOP/SS Uncertainty - 3.0% SSWS Flow Calculation Specifications Constant Heat Load/Hot Outlet Temperature Method Was Used E polation Was to User Specified Conditions Design Fouling Facto; Were Used Test Data Extrapolation Data Data Date Tube Flow (gpm) 9,700.0 Shell Flow (gpm) Shell Flow (gpm) 7,118.4 Shell Temp In (IF) Shell Outlet Temp (0F) 95.0 Shell Temp Out (OF) Constant Heat Load (BTU/hr) 83,968,500 Tube Flow (gpm)

Tube Temp In (IF)

Tube Temp Ct(°E;)

Fouling Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (Ibmlhr) U Overall (BTUAhrftl-"F)

Tube Mass Flow (Ibrn/hr) Shell-Side ho (BTU/hr"Ft )

Tube-Side hi (BTU/hrfl:2F)

Heat Transferred (BTU/hr) 1/Wall Resis (BTU/hrft2l°F)

LMTD LMTD Conection Factor Effective Area (ft2)

Overall Fouling (hrft"'F/BTU)

Property Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (ftlS) Shell Temp In ()

Reynold's Number Shell Temp Out (IF)

Prandtl Number Tav Shell ("F)

Bulk Vise (Ibmlfhr) Shell Skin Temp (1)

Skin Vise (lbm/ft hr) Tube Temp In (IF)

Density (Ibm/ft') Tube Temp Out ("F)

Cp (BTJlbm °.F) Tav Tube ("F)

K (3TU/hr-fr F) Tube Skin Temp (IF)

E3xtrapolation Calculation Results Shell Mass Flw (Ibm/br) 3.561E+6 Overall Fouling (hrft/2 FBTU) 0.001200 Tube Mass Flow (Ibm/ir) 4.894E+6 Shell-Side ho (BTU/hr.ft2') 693.2 Tube-Side hi (BTU/hrft 2 .") 1,458.8 Heat Transferred (BTU/hr) 8.397E+7 I/Wall Reis (wBThrf2.0 3,917.5 LMTD 9.1 LMTD Correction Factor 0.7275 Effective Area. (ft2) 46,295.0 U Overall (BTUJhrfft2."F) 274.8 Property Sholl-Side Tube-Side Velocity (ft/s) 2.56 5.fbi Shell Temp In ("f) 118.6 Reynold's Number 2.322E+04 4.348E+04 Shell Temp Out ("F) 95.0 Prandtl Number 4.19 4.74 Tav Shell (F) 106.8 Bulk Vise (lbrri/frhr) 1.53 1.74 Shell Sldn Temp ("F) 103.1 Sldn Vise (lbr/fthr) 1.59 1.10 Tube Temp In (F) 88.7 Density (lbn/t ) 61.91 62.56 Tube Temp Out () 106.1 Cp (BTUJlbm "F) 1.00 0.598 Tav Tube ("F) 97.4 K (BTU/hr ft T) 0.37 0.36 Tube Skin Temp (IF) 99.3

    • Reynolds Number Outside Range of Equation Applicability II With Zero Fouling The Test Heat Load Could Not 13e Achieved

F4 - A37 4,vo 0 74roy,,er 6 p~f 4Faf ja 14:29:23 PROTO-HX 3.01 by Proto-lower Corporation (SN#PHX 1006) 11/29/99 PSE&G - Hope Creek Calculation Report for L1AE201 - SACS Heat Exchanger LOP/SSE Uncertainty - 5% Heat Load Calculation Specifications Constant Heat Load/HA Outlet Temperature Method Was Used Extrapolation Was to User Specified Conditions Design Fouling Factoni Were Used Test Data Extrapolation Data Data Date Tube Flow (gpm) 10,000.0 Shell Flow (gpm) Shell Flow (gpm) 7,118.4 Shell Temp In (F) Shell Outlet Temp (OF) 95.0 Shell Temp Out ("F) Constant Heat Load (BTU/hr) 88,167,000 Tube Flow(Qpm)

Tube Temp In ("F)

.1 Fouling Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (Ibm/hr) U Overall ( rTU~"r ft'F)

Tube Mass Flow (Ibm/hr) Shell-Side ho (BTU/hr F)

Tube-Side hi (BTU/hrt"2.OF)

Heat Transferred (BTU/hr) I/Wall Resis (BTU/hrft2'0F) -.

LMTD LMTD Correction Factor Effective Area (M2)

Overall Fouling (hr-ft"FIBTU)

Pperty - _Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (S/) Shell Temp In ("F)

Reynold's Nwmber Shell Temp Out (OF)

Prandtl Numnter Tav Shell ("F)

Bulk Visc (Ibmn/fthr) Shell Skin Temp (°F)

Skin Visc (Ibznfithr) Tube Temp In ("F)

Density ObmPfts) Tube Temp Out (°F)

Cp (BTUflbm °F) Tav Tube M K (BTU/hr't F) Tube Skin Temp (°F)

-Extrapolation Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (Ibm/br) 3.561E+S Overall Fouling (hrft2*"F/BTU) 0.001200 Tube Mass Flow (Ibm/hr) 5.045E+5 Shell-Side ho (BTU/hr1ft 2."F) 694.4 Tube-Side hi BTU/hr-ft2 ."F) 1,495.8 Heat Tranrred (BTU/hr) 8.817E+7 1/Wall Resis (BTU/hr-ft 2"aF) 3,917.5 LMTM 9.41 LMTD Correction Factor 0.7297 Effective Area (ft:) 46,295.4)

U Overall (BTU/hrt 2 ."F) 276.4 Property . _

Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (f/s) 2.56 5W~ Shell Temp In (IF)

  • 119.8 Reynold's Nuiber 2.335E+04 4.488E+04 Shell Temp Out (°F) 95.0 Prandtl Numbwr 4.17 4.73 Tav Shell ("F) 107.4 Bulk Visc (Ibni/fthr) 1.52 1.74 Shell Skdn Temp (OF) 103.4 Skn Visc (Ibn/ftbhr) 1.59 1.70 Tube Temp In ("F) 88.6 Density (Ibm/ft') 61.90 62.56 Tube Temp Out ("F) 106.4 Cp (BTU/lbmn`F) 1.00 0.98 Tav Tube ("F) 97.5 K (BTU/hrflcF) 0.37 0.36 Tube Skin Temp (OF) 99.5
    • Reynolds Number Outside Range of Equation Applicability II With Zero Fouling The Test Heat Load Could Not Be Achieved

E4-6'OL0 IQ,,O Aetaci (a P,-I 0 aX foI 14:31:45 PROTO-IHX 3.01 by Proto-Power Corporation (SN#PHX 1006) 11/29/99 PSE&GT - Hope Creek Calculation Report for 1A1E201 - SACS Heat Exchanger LOP/SE Uncertainty -0.79°F SACS Tmp Calculation Specifications Constant Heat Load/EGX Outlet Temperature Method Was Used Extrapolation Was to User Specfied Conditions Design Fouling Factori Were Used Test Data Extrapolation Data DataDate Tube Flow (gpm) 10,000.0 Shell Flow (gpm) Shell Flow (gpm) 7,118.4 Shell Temp In ("F) Shell Outlet Temp ("F) 94.2 Shell Temp Out (IF) Constant Heat Load (BTU/hr) 83,968,500 Tube Flow (pm)

Tube Temp In (-F)

Tube Tem Out (OF)

Fouling Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (lbm/ir) U Overall (BTU/hr*t"F)

Tube Mass Flow (Ibm/hr) Shell-Side ho (BTU/hrfl2."F)

Tube-Side hi (BTUr/lrftf F)

Heat TInsfened (BTU/hr) l/Wall Resis (BTU/hrYf2F)

LMTD LMTD Correction Factor Effective Area (ft)

Overall Fouling (hrft1"'F/BTU)

Property Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (fils) Shell Temp In (OF)

Reynold's Number Shell Temp Out (F)

Prandtl Nuiuber Tav Shell (F)

Bulk Visc (lbm/ftbr) Shell Skin Temp ("F)

Skin Visc (lbm/ft hr) Tube Temp In ("F)

Density (Ibmilt) Tube Temp Out (°F)

Cp (BTUI~bmz'F) Tav Tube (

K (BTUJhftu'f ) Tube Skin Temp (IF)

Extrapolation Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (Ibm/hr) 3.561E+6 Overall Fouling (hrfi2 "F/BTU) 0,001200 Tube Mass Flow (Ibm/hr) 5.045E+6 Shell-Side ho (BTU/hrft2 -"F) 691.2 Tube-Side hi (BTU/hr-f2-F) 1,487.6 Heat Transfeired (BTU/hr) 8.397E+7 l/Wall Resis (BTUJhrftl2 F) 3,917.5 LMTD 9'.0 LMTD Correction Factor 0.7308 Effective Ara (f) 46,295.0 U Overall (BTU/hrfft2°F) 275.6 Property Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (ils), 2.56 5.98 Shell Temp In ('EF) 117.8 Reynold's Number 2.302E+04 4.443E+9 Shell Temp Out ("F) 94.2 Prandtl Number 4.23 4.79 Tav Shell (7F) 106.0 Bulk VisC (Qbam/ hr) 1.55 1.76 Shell Skin Temp ("F) 102.2 Skin Visc (lbm/ftrhr) 1.61 1.72 Tube Temp in (°F) 88.1 Density (lbmnft3 ) 61.92 62.57 Tube Temp Out (OF) 105.0 Cp (BTU/1bm,'F) 1.00 0.98 Tav Tube ("F) 96.6 K (BTU/hrft*") 0.37 0.36 Tube Slin Temp (IF) 98.5

    • Reynolds Number Outside Range of Equation Applicability II With Zero Fouling The Test Heat Load Could Not Be Achieved

ATTACHMENT 7 Effects of Increased SACS Flow Rate Amen*e a; 2 EG-0047 Revision 0

EG-0047 Revision 0 Attacmunent 7 page 1 ofX 2-SACS Flow, QSACS lMAS neitTemperaure. TBACShi I I SS Inlet Temperature I, '-_Ei13sws Outlet Temperature, T.,ou SESWS Flow, QsSWS 0

I SACS Outit Ternperature, TBAC Sost Items that must remain constant:

SACS Heat Exchanger Heat Load: Qheat SACS Outlet Temperature: TSACS.out SSWS Flow Rate: QSSWS SACS Heat Exchanger Area Assumption:

Increased SACS flow rate has negligible impact or SACS heat exchanger overall heat transfer coeficient, U.

Therefore, U is constant. This is reasonable since the SACS flow increase is about 150 gpm out of approximately 6,000 gpm delivered to the SACS heat exchanger.


Increased SACS flow rate due to chiller control valves controlling to UFSAR flow rates rather the EG-20 required flow rates.


Decriased SACS inlet temperature.


The moverning equation is Q (heat) - M (SACS mass flow)

  • cp * ( -TSACSout)

The increased SACS mass flow rate will increase the heat transfer across the SACS heat exchanger if the tempirature difference ( - TSACS.out) remains the same.

Since the heat transfer across the SACS heat exchanger must remain the same (Qheat is constant), the temperature difference must decrease to maintain the same heal transfer with the higher SACS mass flow rate.

Since the SACS outlet temperature cannot increase (TSACS.out is constant), the SACS inlet temperature must decrease.


Decreased SACS inlet temperature (see above)


Decreased Log Mean Temperature Difference acroas the SACS heat exchanger.

I EG-0047 Revision 0 Attachment 7 page 2 of 2 However, the LMTD must remain constant.


The governing equation for the heat transfer across the SACS heat exchanger is Q (heat) = U (overall heat transfer coefficient)

  • A (heat transfer area)
  • LMTD Since the overall heat transfer coefficient and the heat transfer area are constant, the LMTD must remain constant in order for the SACS heat load (Qheat) to remain constant.

With the SACS outlet temperature remaining constant and the decrease in the SACS inlet temperature, there are two options for maintaining a constant LMMD.

1. Increase the temperature rise of the SSWS flow, or
2. Decrease a SSWS temperature.

Option 1 is not possible because:

The governing equation for the temperature rise of the SSWS fow is Q (heat) - M (SSWS 1low rate)

  • cp *

(TSSWS.out - Since the SSWS flow rate is constant, the SSWS temperature difference (TSSWS.out - must remain constant to maintain the constant heat input (Qheat is constant). Therefore, the temperature rise for the SSWS flow cannot increase.

Therefore, to maintain the same LMTD, a SSWS temperature must decrease. Since the temperature rise in the SSWS flow cannot change, both the inlet and outlet SSWS temperatures must decrease, Therefore, the increased SACS flow rate through the SACS heat exchanger results in a lower SSWS inlet and outlet temperature.

ATTACHMENT 8 PROTO-HXTM output for uncertainty analysis for plugged tubes *1I EG-0047 Revision 1 page of 2

02-17-2000 13:48:11 PROTO-BX 4.00 by Proto-Power Corporation .(SN#PHX-1009) Page I PSE&G - Hope Creek Calculation Report for IA1E201 - SACS Heat Exchanger LOP/SSE - 212.2 - AT&Z - SSWS - 10000 - (0 tubes plugged)

Calculalion Specifications.

Constant Heat Load/HDt Outlet Temperature Method Was Used Extrapolation Was to User Specified Conditions D)esign Fouling Factors Were Used Test Data Extrapolation Data Data Date Tube Flow (gpm) 10,000.00 Shell Flow (gpm) Shell Flow (gpm) 6,881.50 Shell Termp In (OF) Shell Outlet Temp (-F) 94.97 Shell Temap Out (OF) Constant Heat Load (BTU/hr) 80,367,750.00 Tube Flow (gpm)

Tube Terap In (OF)

Tube Termp Out (°F)

Fouling Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (Ibm/br) U Overall (BTU/hrf*2F)

Tube Mass 1Flow abm/hr) Shell-Side ho (BTU/lhr*F) 2 Tube-Side hi (BTU/hrift'F)

Heat Transferred (BTU/hr) I/Wall Resis (BTU/hr*2F)

LMID LMID Correction Factor Effective Area (ft)

Overall Fouling (hft2.O°F/BTU)

Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (*Is) Shell Temp In (-F)

Reynold's Number Shell Temp Out (OF)

Prandtl Number Tav Shell (°F)

Bulk Visc Obm/ftrhr) Shell Skin Temp ("F)

Sldn Viso (bm/ft hr) Tube Temp In ("F)

Density (bnft) Tube Temp Out (IF)

Cp (BTU/lbm.°f) Tav Tube (IF)

K (BTU/hrft"F) Tube Sldn Temp (OF)

Extrapolation Calculation Results C1lAAA AZ-trl10 tll ..........

. mh^

^ H 151u Nissr~ o

[o'L wunur W4stu 1.l0 uverawl rouing karw-i LI. U) U.UULiUU Tube Mass Flow (bm/br) 5,045,457.04 Shell-Side ho (BTUhrJft 2.aF) 678.7 Tube-Side hi (BTU/hrf*"F) 1,495.0 Heat Transferred (BTU/hr) 80,367,750.74 1/Wall Resis (BTU/hr OF) 3,917.5 LMTD 8.7 LMTD Correction Factor 0.7253 Effective Aiea (ft2) 46,295.0 U Overall (BTU/hr*-- F) 273.9 Property Shell-Side Tube Side Velocity (O/s) 2.47 5.99 Shell Temp In (°F) 118.3 Reynold's Nrumber 22,412 44,847 Shell Temp Out (-F) 95.0 Prandtl Number 4.1979 4.7352 Tav Shell (f) 106.7 Bulk Vise (Ibnm/fthr) 1.5353 1.'381 Shell Skin Temp (°F) 102.9 Skin Visc (Ibmtfrthr) 1.5959 1.7042 Tube Temp In (OF) 89.3 Density (Ibm/A') 61.9065 62.3556 Tube Temp Out (OF) 105.5 Cp (ATU/Ibanicf) 0.9989 0.9840 Tav Tube ("F) 97.4 K (BTU/hrft"F) 0.3653 0.3612 Tube Skin Temp (OF) 99.3

    • Reynolds Number Outside Range of Equation Applicability F-4-0041  ?,eV I It With Zero Fouling The Test Heat Load Could Not Be Achieved A4i-rc4ew~rr 8 pale I af 2:

02-17-2000 13:51:56 PROTO-HX 4.00 by Protc-Power Corporation (SN#PEX-1009) Page 1 PSE&;G - Hope Creek Calculation Report for IlA1E201 - SACS Heat Exchanger LOP/SSE - 212.2 - A1&2 - SSWS - 10000 - (50 tubes plugged)

Calculation Specifications Constant Heat LoadMot Outlet Temperature Method Was Used Extrapolation Was to User Specified Conditions Design Fouling Factors Were Used Test Data Extrapolation Data Data Dat Tube Flow (gpm) 10,000.00 Shell Flow (gpm) Shell Flow (gpm) 6,881.50 Shell Terap In (IF) Shell Outlet Temp (0F) 94.97 Shell Temap Out (°i) Constant Heat Load (BTU/hr) 80,367,750.00 Tube Flow (gpm)

Tube Temp In (OF)

Tube Temip Out (OF)

Fouling Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow abm/hr) U Overall (BTU rft%2-F)

Tube Mass Flow (ibm/hr) Shell-Side ho (BTUtrJft2/-F)

Tube-Side hi (BTU/hrIt2 °F)

Heat Transfirred (BTU/hr) l/Wall Resis (BTUChft2 .0 F)

LMTD LMTD Correction Factor Effective Area (frZ)

Overall Fouling (rhiftF/BITU)

Prow* Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (fWis) Shell Temp In (IF)

Rcynold's Number Shell Temp Out (0F)

Prandtl Number Tav Shell (PF)

Bulk Visc (Ibm/frhr) Shell Skin Temp (0F)

Sldn Visc (Ebm/ft hr) Tube Temp In (OF)

Density (lbnm/) Tube Temp Out (

Cp (BTU/lbinv"F) Tav Tube (IF)

K (13TU/hr*t F) Tube Skin Temp ("f)

Extrapolaticn Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow [Ibm/hr) 3,442,461.18 Overall Fouling (. z"FIBTUJ) 0.001200 Tube Mass Flow (lbm/hr) 5,045,457.04 Shell-Side hO (JTU/hr-ifP2F) 678.7 Tube-Side hi (JBTU1hrEft2.F) 1,505.3 Heat Transtrred (BTU/hr) 80,367,749.67 1/Wall Resis (3TU/hrlft 2."F) 3,917.5 LMTD 8.8 LMTD Correction Factor 0.7282 Effective Area (W) 45,888.9 U Overall (BTU/bhrV"F) 274.2 Provert _ . Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (ft/3) 2.47 1;.04 Shell Temp In (1F) 118.3 Rewold's Number 22,412 45,230 Shell Temp Out ("F) 95.o Prandtl Number 4.1979 4.7369 Tav Shell (F) 106.7 Bulk Visc (lbm/ft-hr) 1.5353 1.7387 Shell Skin Temp ("F) 102.9 Skdn ViSc 01)m/fthr) 1.5962 1.7048 Tube Temp In ("F) 89.3 Density (Ibm/f') 61.9065 62.5559 Tube Temp Out ("F) 105.5 Cp (BTUlbin"'F) 0.9989 0.9840 TaV Tube ("F) 97.4 K (BTU/hr it °F) 0.3653 0.3612 Tube Skin Temp (F) 99.2

    • Renolds Number Outside Range of Equation Applicability 64-oo'7 R2 ev II With Zero Fouling The Test Heat Load Could Not Be Achieved ,4,,4cY "r s8 p'iye Z 4S Z

ATTACHMENT 9 Calculation for bypass flow on 20-inch butterfly valve EG-0047 Revision 1 page 0 of OI

P.02 FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET ofTmtatow SawOLfor ?4... SfndV&s 950 I,4r St t"t Sm CA Mt,UL Cuft Wnaht mow Coaftw Oonp" fn W.: fY14) VA.*3O7r =I2llFkar (714) 52"2801 Mm: Larry Waterworth ID:0 Chrs 2*hmrr P8EU& DATE: January 24, 20a COWPANY; (856) S-1995 PAGU: 2 TEL; fAMPr (8) 33"95250 CC:

SUSEfCT: Bypass kw for 20' SIP Chris, as requasUd. After Atched a he calculaions for the bypail flow on the 2O1 BIF valve that the exposed crass-careful study of the body. disc end seat d&t14 drswinp we dstarnd wetonal area wU t approinsatly 1.1 in". (6B attached).

It you have any questions pese give ma a caW.

8inmrely, Larry Wietercrth Applieations Engins*r 661-mVf7 Aw 1 A7Y4ers'^,T9 01 ezMe 8eA V 4 m>31VBN2 bj 4 919 0a.0( )2 Nt 20 1 0 ' Zesmasseas 1

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PC Feb-24-00 1 1:22A PI I1:3 I1 l¢ t -


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ATTACHMENT 10 PROTO-FLOd Flow Summary and Pump Status Reports for B" LPC I injection - Design Pump EG4047 Revision 2 Page 1 of 5

03/19/2002 16:13 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Serial #PFL-1006 'argc I ..r Utility - S:\Mcchanical\Specialty\Computer Ptograms\Hope Creek\BC-0056\BC-0056R3.pdb - Vcrsion Plant - System Flow Summary Report Otiniwrguncic: 1Ircssttrc= 1OI-4 Sium 0=1.01.-2 lFriclionlm .OH-5 I CV=I.o1M P:V' l .Oli-3 ' - 1alancingj PitramIlls CU~s(Id "B"LPCI Injection - Design Pump FlOW SUITimary Title Diameter Flow Minlimum Flow Nl'.SHA NP'Sl I (in) (Ipmr) (gpm) (ft) Ratio B RlIR Strainer 23.250 10,860.37 13RIIR Pumi p 29.250 10,860.37 32.05 11.45 1 RIIR lix IlipLI 17.000 2,478.87 13RI IR I Ix Output 17.000 2,478.87 13RHR 1-Ix Bypass 17.000 8,381.50 FE-NO 14B 17.000 10,860.37 B L.l'CI Illow 11.374 10,860.38

! Reverse Flow Through Check Valve && Pump Flow is Past rfnd of Curve

    • Flow Below Minimum $$ NPSH Available Below NPSI I Rcequired PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment 10 Page 2 of 5

03119/2002 16:13 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Scrial #PFI ,- 1006 PaIgeL I 0,,

Utility - S:\Mechanical\Specialty\Computer Programs\Hope Creek\BC-0056\BC-0056R3.pdb - Version Plant - System Pump Status Report "B" LPCI Injection - Design Pump PumpNamc: AP202 Manufacturer: Model:


Pump Status: OFF Flow (gpm): Total Head (Vt):

Hydrau lic Horsepower: Speed (RPM): 0 Etficiency Curve: NONE Elficiency (%): Pump Heat (B'I'U/hr):

Pump Impeller Datum (ft):

Pump Suction Temp (°F):

NPSH Curve: XP-202 NPSH NPSH Available: NPSH Required:

Pump Name: Cl'228 Manufacturer: Model:


Pump Status: OFF Flow (gpm): Total Hcad (ft):

-lydraulicHorsepower: Speed (RPM): 0 Efficiency Curve: NONE Efficiency (%): Pump [-[cat (B1T'J/hr):

I'ump Impeller Datum (ft):

Pump Suction Temp (01?):

NPlSH Curve: NONE NPSII Available: NPISH Required:

PSEG Calculation E3-0047 Revision 2 Attachment 10 Page 3 of 5

03/1 9/2002 16:13 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Serial #PF1 ,-1 006 Paigc2 oI' Utility - S:\Mccllaical\Specialty\Computer Programsl-lope Creek\BC-0056\I3C-0056R3.pdlb - Vcrsion Plant - System Pump Status Report "B" LPCI Injection - Design Plump Putnip Name: C1'202 Manufacturer: Model:


Pump Status: OFF

[:low (gpm): Total Head (1t):

I-lydraulic Horsepower: Speed (RPM): 0 Efficiency Curve: NONE Efficiency (%): Pump l-Icat (BTU/hr):

I'ump Impeller Datum (ft):

Pump Suction Temp (IF):

N1'SH Curve: XP-202 NPSH NPSH Available: NPSI-I Rcquired:

Pumnp Name: BP202 Mantfacturcr: Model:


Pump Status: XP-202 Design Hlow (gpin): 10,860.37 Total Head (ft): 337.22 Ilydraulic Horsepower: 902.02 Speed (RP1,M): 0 Efficiency Curve: NONE efficiency ('%a): Pump I-lcat (IBTUA/r):

Pump Impeller Datum (ft): Inlet Node Wlev. (ft) : 55.75 Pump Suction Temp (OF): 170.00 NPSI I Curve: XP-202 NPSH NPSH Available: 32.05 NPSH Required: 2,80 PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment 10 Page 4 of 5

03/19/2002 16:13 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Serial #PFL-1 006 I)tg: 3 o.f Utility - S:\Mechanical\Spccialty\Computer Programs\Hope Creek\BC-0056\BC-0056R3.pdb - Version Plant - System Pump Status Report "B" LPCI Injection - Design Pump Pumip Name: 1DlP202 Manufacturer: Model:


Pump Status: OFF Flow (gpm): Total I-lead (ft):

llydraulic Horsepower: Speed (Rl'M): (1 I'll'iciency Curve: NONE 1 fficiency (%): Pump Hcat (131'111ir):

Pump Impeller Datum (ft):

PIump Suction Temp (OF):

NPSI-I Curve: XP-202 NPSH NPSI-I Available: NlSII Required:

Pump Name: DP228 Manufacturer: Model:


Pump Status: OFF Flow (gpm): Total Head (ft):

-lydraulic [Horsepower: Speed (RPM): 0 Efficiency Curve: NONE I-,fficicncy (%O): I'ump l-leat (13'111/lir):

Pump Impeller Datum (ft):

I'ump Suction Temp (IF):

NPSH Curve: NONE NPSH Available: NPSII Required:

PSEG Calculation eG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment 10 Page S of 5

ATrAC HMENT 11 PROTO-FLOm Heat Exchanger report for LOCA Short-term I I EG-0047 Rrvisioa 2 Page 1 of 26

03/19/2002 141:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Scrial #PFL--1006 lage I *l'25 Ilectric and (3as - S:\MECHANICAL\SPECIALTY\XUHS\EG-0047\CD\PROTO-Fl .0 DATrABASFS\UI-ISLOI'SI:-9545.1D113 -

Hope Creek Generating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Report

('COnVcI>ciiW: 'r umirc=1.01.S SLuin Q=1.01-2 IFrlcdlon= .0r16 fiCV-1 .0ni-4 IPCV= .0l .3T'cmpunilurc=:5.O1I -3lisnbcuikg 1'iarmecers isud LOCA Short-term - I SACS Pump 2 Hix per loop 00El29 WIX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / Not in Fnow Path Mlr: 13asco. Inc. Model: ES-24/ 18096 Dwgs: PM050-0039-3 System Fluid:

HIeat Load = 574,700.00 BTU/hr 00K107 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / Not in Flow lath Mfr: American Std. Model: 06060 Dwgs: PM050-0022-5 System Fluid:

Heat Load-= 2,240,323.00 BTU/hr IDC150 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mlr: Model: Dwgs:

System Fluid:

Heat Load = 500,000.00 13TU/hr 101.1110 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mlr: Basco, Inc. Model: 8A24A08072 Dwgs: 1'1-342287 System lluid:

I-lcat l.oacl= 741,434.00 BTU/hr O[i 14 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / Nat in Flow Path Mfir: Gen. Elect. Co. Model: MDE0965400 Dwgs: PM003-G- 1-7 SystcnlFluid:

Heat Load = 392,415.00 BTU/hr 101.O129 1-lX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On 1Not in Flow Path Mfr: liasco, Inc. Model: ES-24/1 8096 Dwg s: PM050-0039-3 System Fluid:

IIcat Load = 574,700.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I I Page 2 of 2.6

03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Serial #PFL-10006 Puigc2 or 25 Electric and Gas - S:\MECI-IAN ICALASPECIALTY\XUHS'EG-0047\CD\1'ROTO-FI .O D)A'T'ABAS.'ES\IJI ISI .CIS F11-9545.1'1)13 -

Hope Creek Generating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Report Convergc2nce: lrmitrc= Suni Q=1 .O'-,2 P2riction=1.01--6 PCV-1.01F'-4 IC(V1.01E-3 TcIliivralturcr5.OE-.3 - 1lalhncing PalrutrS CJstUed C.0H-5 LOCA Short-term - I SACS Pump 2 Hx per Loop 10K 107 IFIX Type: Fixed Heat "Load HX Status: On I Not in Flow Path Mfr: American Std. Model: 06060 Dwgs: PM050-0022-5 System Fluid:

I-leat Load = 2,240,323.00 BTU/hr IA I Rl 18 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mfir: Del-aval/IMO Model: MDE1328000 Dwgs: PM0 12-0099 System Fluid:

Heal Load= 400,000.00 BTUlhr IA1E201 [-IX Type: Shell & Tube HX Status: On / il Flow Path Mfr: Graham Mfg. Co. Model: 92-6-504 CGN Dwgs: PM069Q-0058 Tube Fluid: Brackish Water - 12 ppt Shell Fluid: Fresh Water Sholl F'low = 6,775.67 Shell Temperatures = 104.45°F - 93.00 0F Tu be Flow = 10,000,00 Tube Temperatures = 90.30°F - 98.09'F Construction Type: TEMA-G I Shells, 0 Shell Passes, 4 Tube Passes Shell Min Area = 6.3120 ftA2, Design Shell Velocity = 3.900 ft/s, Shell Diameter - 92.000 l1afflc Info: Spacing 62.000 in, Thickness = 0.000 in, Area 0.000 ft^2, K - 0.000 Tubes: Din = 0.694 in, Dout = 0.750 in, Length = 42.00 ft, K = 9.50 Tube Pitch = 0.9375 in Tube Pitch Type = Triangular 5,700 of 5,700 Tubes Active UTubes = No Effectivc Area = 46,295.00 ftA2 Area Factor = 0.9849 Fouling - 0.0000 (inside) 0.0012 (outside) Hoff = 0.4842 I,MTI) = 4.2758 LMTD Corrections FP= 0.7298 lb 1.0000 Ilcat lond = 38,505,051.58 BTU/hr UOverall = 266.52 B1lJ/hr/ftA2/OI IA2El1 18 HX Type: -Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mfr: I)cl,aval/IMO Model: MDE1328000 Dwgs: PMO 12-0099 System Fluid:

Heat Load = 400,000.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I I Page 3 of 26

03/19/2002 li: 19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Serial #PFL-1006 lage3I f 25 lilectric and Gjas - S:\M ECHANICAL\SPECIALTY\XUHS\EG-0047\CD\PROTO-FtO DATA B3ASES\UJI-ISI ,OISI'*-9545.1T1)1B -

Hope Creek Gelierating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Report

<onvcipi mcc: I'rcssurcc 1.)1:-s Sum= Q=1 .Oi-2 FIrcto11 0.OhVCV=I .01i-41'CV= .OIt-3 kmAicrI~lIIlc5.01 Balanicing Parnim Iars IsIeI LOCA Short-tern - I SACS Pump 2 Hx per l.oop IA2E201 I-lXType: Shell&Tube HX Status: On/in Flow Path Mfir: Craham Mig. Co. Model: 92-6-504 CGN Dwgs: PM069Q-0058 Tubc FlUid: Brackish Water - 12 ppt Shell Fluid: Fresh Water Shell Flow = 7,115.28 Shcll Temperatures = 104.45°1 - 93.21°F Tubc Flcw = 10,000.00 Tube Temperatures. = 90.30WF - 98.331F Construction Type: TEMA-G I Shells, 0 Shell Passes, 4 Tube Passcs Shell Mlri Area = 6.3120 ftA2, Design Shell Velocity = 3.900 ft/s, Shell Diameter - 92.000 B Info: Spacing = 62.000 in, Thickness = 0.000 in, Area = 0.000 ftA2, K - 0.000 lamc

'l'ubes: Din = 0.694 in, Dout = 0.750 in, Length - 42.00 ft, K = 9.50 Tube Pitch = 0.9375 in Tube Pitch Type = Triangular 5,700 of 5,700 Tubes Active UTubes = No Eflhctive Area = 46,295.00 ftl2 Area Factor = 0.9849 Fouling =0.0000 (inside) 0.0012 (outside) 1Hoff= 0.4842 LMTD=4.3161 LMTD Corrections FI? = 0.7364 Pb = 1.0000 I-lcal load - 39,714,559.46 BTU/hr UOverall = 269.90 BTU/hr/ltA2/IF HX On u .. _ .

IAX 1109

  • I-IX Type; Fixed Heat lwoad HX Status: On I Not in F~low P'ath Mfr: Basco Inc. Model: 8A43AO8048 Dwgs: PI-342287 Systeni Fluid:

I lent Load - 537,626.00 BTU/hr IA e IlI lIX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On /Not in Flow Path Mfr: General Elect. Model: 264A4808 Dwgs: PM003-TR-18-5 System Fluid:

Ilent Load - 9,360,000.00 BTU/hr IAEl 12 lHX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mfir: GenvIral Elect. Model: 114D8270 Dwgs: PM003-G-1-7 System Fluid:

HIat Load = 5,487,500.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment 11 Page 4 of 26

031i9/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporatio - Serial #PF'L-1006 ;agu4 or 25 Electric and Gas - S:\M ECI-IANICA I,\SPlRCIA LTY\XUI-IS) EG-0047\CD\PROTO-I:I.,O I)ArABASI3S\U l-ISLOI'SIE'-9545.1'1)13 -

Hope Creek Generating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Report

('unvcerjol ce: PrI~siurcL.OE-5 Sum Q-1I.O1-2 Friction=l.ll. 6 I'CV=I.0Ei. 4 I'CV=I.OI' 3 'I'empcrm: 5.OI' BaIlanlcing I'aralnutcrs IINCud LOCA Short-term - I SACS Pump 2 fix per Loop IAEI 15 . HX Type: Fixed Heat load HX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mfr: I-l.K. Porter Co. Model: T- 140963X45 Dwgs: PE005-0012-9 System Fluid:

HIecat l.oad - 5 15,000.00 BTU/hr IA.E 116 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: OI / Not in Flow l'atI MWr: General Elect. Model: 15588243P001 Dwgs: PM003-'1'6-1-2 Syslem lluid:

Heat l~oad - 42,500.00 BTU/hr IA.E 17 HX Type: Fixed -leal Load HX Status: On I Not in Flow Path Mfr: General Elect. Model: MDE0924300 Dwgs: PM003-C;- 1-7 System Fluid:

Heat Load-- 8,050,000.00 BTU/hr IAE126 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mfir: American Std. Model: 5-046-17-168-3 Dwgs: NI-B31-SI-120 System Fluid:

Hcat Load -- 5,630,000.00 BTU/hr IA.E 130 I-IX Type:, Fixed Heat Load I-IX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mflr: Ametek/Whitlock Model: 4-WI 8HT-4-A-CB Dwgs: PIM007-0031-3 System Fluid:

I-leat Load - 42,300.00 BTU/hr IA.,202 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: off Mfr: Alfii-Laval Inc. Model: A-20-BXS Dwgs: PM071Q-0010 System Fluid: Fresh Water

((eat Load = 0.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment II Page 5 of'26

I 03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Serial #PFL- 1006 Page 5 ol 25 Electric and Gas - S:\M ECHAN ICAL\SPECIALTY\XUHS\EG-0047\CD\PROTO-FlO DATABASES\ I-1SLOI'S [1-9545 .11)13 -

Hope Creek Generating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Report CoveCrgence: Prcsurc=1.0fl-5 SunIQ=I .01-2 1CV=1.0- PCV=1.E-3 4riction-.01-6 rL'plLr l lancing PalmiwtCrs Used LOCA Short-term - I SACS Pump 2 Hx per ILoop I AE205 HXType: Shell & Tube HX Status: On / in Flow Path Mfr: Della Southern Model: 21A9227AN Dwgs: NO-El11-B001-5 Tu1bc Fluid: Fresh Watcr Shell Fluid: Fresh Water Shell Flow = 2,504.00 Shell Temperatures = 170.00°F - 129.891F T'Iube Flow = 7,524.39 Tube Temperatures = 93.1 I TF - 106.20°F Construction Type: TEMA-E I Shells, 0 Shell Passes, 2 Tube Passes Shell Miii Area = 5.0880 ft^2, Design Shell Velocity =; 4.200 ft/s, Shell Diameter = 0.000 Baffle Info: Spacing = 0.000 in, Thickness = 0.000 in, Area = 0.000 ft^2, K = 0.000 Tubes: Din = 0.902 in, Dout = 1.000 in, Length = 33.94 ft, K = 9.40 Tubc Pitch = 1.3750 in Tube Pitch Type = Triangular 430 of 430 Tubes Active UTubes = Yes Eftectivc Area = 3,740.00 ftA2 Area Factor = 0.9789 Fouling - 0.0005 (inside) 0.0005 (outside) Hoff= 0.7815 LMTID = 49.0546 LMTD Corrections IF = 0.9620 Fb 1.0000 Heat Load = 48,965,025.60 BTU/hr UOverall = 277.44 BTU/h,/rtA2/OF IA112 14 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load 1-1X StatUs: On / Not in Flow lath M rr: CVI Inc. Model: C735-9934 Dwgs: PM048Q-0071-4 System Fluid:

[I-cat lond = 9,565.00 BTU/hr IAE1218 HiX Type: Fixed Heat Load ItX Status: On I Not in Flow Path Mf'r: CVI Inc. Model: C735-9934 Dwgs: PM048Q-007 1-4 System Fluid:

Hcat Load 10,750.00 BTU/hr IAE278 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mflr: CVI Inc. Model: Dwgs: PM048Q System Fluid:

Iteal l~oad -- 6,000.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EFG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I I Page 6 o f26

03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-I'LO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Serial #1'1F- 1,006 lPigc6 of' 25 Ilectric and Gias - S:\MECHIANICAL\SPECIALTY\XUHS\EG-0047\CU\PROTO-11 .O DA'TABASES\LIHISI XOlSI .-9545.1I1)13 -

l-lope Creek Generating Station - STACS Heat Excharnger Data Report

('oenvcrp~tcc: l'rcsswe-- .0I.-5 Stan Q'=1.01'-2 Vrictionr-.term- l:CV= 1.01.m-4 pI .0I4-3 'I2 Lioo -5.p 3 - I iIaninci Hxpcra I ucl l'n.rN LOCA Short-term - I SACS Pump 2 1-Ix per l~oop I AE328 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load I-IX StatUs: On / Not in Flow Path Mfr: Parker-Hanison Model: HDTC-SS-6-2 Dwgs:

System lluid:

Heat Load - 55,000,00 BTU/hr I AE404 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load I-IX Status: On / in Flow Path Mfr: American Std. Model: 17072 CPT Dwgs: PMOI8Q System Fluid: Fresh Water Tube Flow = 883.09 Tube Temperatures = 112.61 °F - II 5.70°F H-leat Load

  • 1,353,000.00BTU/hi IAE405 FIX Type: Fixed Heat 'Load HX Status: Oil / in Flow l'ath Mfir: American Std. Model: 19084 CPT Dwgs: PM018Q System Fluid: Fresh Water Tube Flow = 880.69 Tube Temperatures = 100.24°F -. .112.61°F Heat Load = 5,412,000.00 BTU/hr IAFA08 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load FIX Status: On / in Flow Path Mfi: American Std. IModel: 19198 Dwgs: PMO 1SQ System Fluid: Fresh Water .

Trbe Flow = 879.46 Tube Temperatures = 93.11 OF - 100.24°IF Heat Load = 3,1 I 8,000.00 BTU/hr IAKI II HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HIX Status: On / Not in Flow P'ath Ml'r: Carrier Corp. Model: 19FA553B5005932 Dwgs: PM623-0002-9 System Fluid:

I-lcat I oad 19,500,000.00 BTU/br PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I I Page 7 of 26

- gI 03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto -Power Corporation - Serial #PFL-1 006 Page 7 of 25 FIleciric and G as


Hope Creek Generating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Report Convorgcnec: I'rmsmurc=-.Ohi-5 Sum Q=1.01I.>2 Frlction-i.OUA-6 FJCV--l.OI!4 IPCV=1.01.-3 'I'empcrniurvc-5.0h' kalincing PaaiincIurs Iscd LOCA Short-term - I SACS Pump 2 Hx per Loop I AK202 HX Typc: Fixed Heat Load 1X Status: On / in Flow Path Mfr: CVI Inc. Model: C735-9909 Dwgs: PM048Q-0044-2 System PIFluid; Fresh Water Tubc Flow = 4.98 Tube Temperatures = 93.11 IF - 113.31 °1 letIclooad 50,000.00 BTlU/hr IAK400 FIX 'T'ype: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mfr: Carrier Corp. Model: 19FA455B122022 Dwgs: PM723Q System Fluid:

Heat Load = 7,530,000.00 BTU/hr I AK403 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On I Not in Flow Path Ml;r: Carrier Corp. Model: 19FA441BI142020 Dwgs: PM723Q System Fluid:

I [cat Load = 2,520,000.00 BTU/hr I AP176 HX Typc: Fixed Heat Load I-IX Status: On / Nol in Flow Palh Mfi: Carrier Corp. Model: 19FA999-1007- 18 Dwgs: PM623-l118 System Fluid:

Heleat l.ond - I 00,000.00 BTU/hr I Al'202-1 IX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / in Flow Path Mfr: Graham Mfg. Co. Model: 8X4C-12 Dwgs: NI-El l-C002-51 System Fluid: Fresh Water Tube Flow = 18.76 Tube Temperatures = 93.11 °F - 102.76°F

[leat Load = 90,000.00 BTU/hr IA P202-2 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / in Flow Path Mfr: Graham Mfg. Co. Model: 992C430BX Dwgs: NI -E11 -C002-6 System Fluid: Fresh Water Tube Flow = 8.02 'rube Temperatures = 93.1 1°F - 95.624F I-leat Load = I0,000.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I I Page 8 oF26

03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Serial #PFL-1 006 PagcxX o25 Flectric and Gas - S:\MECI-I AN ICA L\SlE'CIALTY\XU HS\ISG-0047\CD\PROTC)-Fl .0 r)A'AT3ASI4S\tI IISI ,OPS F.-9545. 11)13 -

I-lope Creek Generating Station - STACS Heat Exchauger Data Report

('Cnvrgecnce: Pressurce =l.011-5 Siuni Q= L.01.-2 Iriclion=1.01.-6 i4 I'CV-1-.OiF-3 'Ijcmpirailmu=5.01.-A -I hlminning I'aramnckn, I hewd 1.01 LOCA Short-tern - I SACS Pump 2 Hx per Loop I AVE412 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / in Flow Path Mfr: Trane Co. Model: MDE1291600 Dwgs: PM73 IQ Systeni Fluid: Fresh Water

'I'ube Flow = 367.96 Tube Temperatures = 93.1 1OF - 99.1 2°F Heat Load= 1,100,000.00 BTU/hr IAVHI 13 llX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / Not inFlow Path Mfr: Amer. Air Fitl. Model: H36MPACYA Dwgs: PM6 1 A-0030-4 SYSClm FIILuid:

-I-cal l..oad - 502,78 1.00 BTU/hr IAVHI- 16 IIX Type: Fixed Heat Load I-IX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mfr: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: H36MPACYA Dwgs: IPM61 I A-0033-4 System I:luid:

I-lenl Load-- 530,000.00 BTU/hr I AVH208 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / in Flow Path Mfr: Amer. Air FMr. Model: MDE1572400 Dwgs: PM71 IQ System Fluid: Fresh Water Trubc Flow = 30.1 1 Tube Temperatures = 92.87°F - 98.87°F H-leat Load- 90,000.00 BTU/hr IAVH209 HX Type: Fixed Heat l.oad FIX Status: On / in Flow Path MIr: Amer. Air 17tr. Model: MDE1571400 Dwgs: PM71 IQ System Fluid: Fresh Water Tuibe Flow -=62.78 rube Temperatures = 93.1 1IF - I00.48XF I-leal Load - 230,000.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I I Page 9 of 26

03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Serial #PFL-1006 Page) o. 25 l-I'ectric aid Cas - S:\MECHAN ICAI,\SPECI ALTY\XUHS'EG-0047\CD\PROTO-FI,O.0AI'AT3ASI3S\ II SI .0('SlE-9545. 1)1)11 -

Hope Creek Gencrating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Report Convcrgcncc l1russsIrc=1 OI ;5 SUMn 0=1.011-2 Frictlnn=l.0R.-6 :V-I ..01-4 .- 3 -alIuncing P'aramiuckrs Useid LOCA Short-term - I SACS Pump 2 Hx per Loop IA VI-12 10 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load IX Status: On / in,Flow pnth Mrr: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: MDE1570300 Dwgs: PM71 IQ Systeim FIluid: Fresh Water

'l bc lIlcw= 115.61 Tube Temperatures = 93.1 1OF - 100.42°F I Icl l-ond --- 420,000.00 BTU/hr I AVI-121 I HX Type: Fixed Heat Load FIX Status: On / in Plow Path Mfr: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: MDE1573500 Dwgs: PM71 IQ System Fluid: Fresh Water Tube Flow 90.74 Tube Temperatures= 93.1 1°F - 99.09°F l-leat Load 270,000.00 BTU/hr IA VH213 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HIX Status: On I in Flow Path Mfi: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: MDE2478600 Dwgs: PM786Q System Fluid: Fresh Water Tube Flow

  • 337.78 Tube Temperatures = 93.1 1°IF - 99.66GF I-lent Load = I, ,100,000.00BTUlhr 11.1111118 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HIX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Ml'r: IDcl,aval/lMO Model: MDEI1328000 Dwgs: PMO12-0099 Syslcm Fluid:

IHlcat load 400,000.00 BTru/lir PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I I Page 10 of 26

03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Serial #1 l ,-1006 Pagc IOofr 25 Electric and Gas - S:\M F:CI-IAN ICA L\S[ECIAL'rY\XU HS\BG-0047\CD\PROTO-FI .0 DATA BASI-S\I ISI ,()ISI .-9545.1')1 -

Hope Creek Gererating Station - STACS l-leat Exchanger Data Report (Coivergenic: IninureI.OF1 -5tSumQ1.01 '-2 IFriction=I.01i*-6 I CV=1.O1I.-4 PCV= 1.I)1-3 1empcrilurc= .0Ii-3

- Bealancintg I'raliciKehnrs Used LOCA Shozi-term - I SACS Pump 2 Fix per Loop IBIE201 HX Type: Shell & Tube HIX Status: On I in Illow Path Mfr: Grahan Mfg. Co. Model: 92-6-504 CGN Dwgs: PM069Q-0058 Tubc Fluid: Brackish Water - 12 ppt Shell Fluid: Fresh Water Shcll Flow 6,104.78 Shell Temperatures = 105.67°F - 92.79°F Tube Flow = 10,000.00 Tube Temperatures - 90.3097 - 98.1 9°F Construct ion Type: TEMA-G I Shells, 0)Shell Passes, 4 Tube Passes Shell Min Area = 6.3120 ftA2, Design Shell Velocity = 3.900 ft/s, Shell Diameter = 92.000 Baffle InIb: Spacing = 62.000 in, Thickness = 0.000 in, Area = 0.000 ftA2, K = 0.000 Tubes: Din = 0.694 in, Dout = 0.750 in, Length - 42.00 ft. K = 9.50 Tube Pitch = 0.9375 in T'ube Pitch Type = 'riangular 5,700 or 5,700 Tubes Active UTubes = No fi'cctive Area - 46,295.00 flA2 Area Factor = 0.9849 Fothing = 0.0000 (inside) 0.00 12 (outside) Hoff = 0.4842 I.M'IT') - 4.5402 LMI'D Corrections FF = 0.7150 Fbo- 1.0000 Hlcat load = 39,014,231.01 BTU/hr UOverall = 259.62 BTU/Ihr/flt2/oF IB2E1 18 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mfr: I)cLaval/IMO Model: MDE1328000 Dwgs: PM012-0099 System FLuid:

I-leal load - 400,000.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachmeni; I I Page IIof 26

03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Scrial #PFL- 1006 lragc II of 25 Eleciric and Gas - S:\M ECHAN ICA l\SPECIALTY\XUHS;\EG-0047\CD\PROTO-17 .0 DA'I'A BASI,-S\U1-ISI.()I'S Ih-9545.1'3)1I -

Hope Creek Generating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Report olnvutgCllC: I'nIrc~t OF-S Sum Q=1.01:-2 Frctlon=l1.0l4-6 ICV=1 .0:4 .- 3 ltmnlenIuTc=5.OV-3 -B3alanciing 1'araimicers dIsed LOCA Short-term - I SACS Pump 2 Hx per Loop 1132H1201 HX Type: Shell & Tube I-IX Statis: On/in i Flow l'ath Mfr: Grahaam Mfg. Co. Model: 92-6-504 CON Dwgs: PM069Q-0058 Tube Fluid: Brackish Water - 12 ppt Shell Fluid: Fresh Water Shell F'low 6,326.62 Shell Temperatures - 105.67°F - 92.941:'

1'TUIh Flow = 10,000.00 Tube Temperatures = 90.30°' - 98.39 0F Consiruction Type: TEMA-G I Shells, 0 Shell Passes, 4 T'ube Passes Shell Min Area = 6.3120 ftA2, Design Shell Velocity =-3.900 ft/s, Shell Diameter = 92.000 Baffle Info: Spacing = 62.000 in, Thickness = 0.000 in, Area = 0.000 ftA2, K = 0.000 Tubes: Din = 0.694 in, Dout = 0,750 in, Length = 42.01) fl, K - 9.50 Tube Pitch = 0.9375 in Tube Pitch Type = Triangular 5,700 of 5,700 Tubes Active UTubes = No Effective Area = 46,295.00 ftA2 Area Factor = 0.9849 Fouling 0.0000 (inside) 0.00 12 (outside) Hoff= 0.4842 I.M'IrD 4.5763 LMTD Corrections FF = 0.7199 Fb 1.0000 I Ieat Load = 39,976,485.28 BTU/hr UOverall - 262.1 1 BwU/hr/ffA2/0l1 113E1 109 FIX Type: Fixed Heat Load FIX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mfr: 13asc:o Inc. Model: 8A44A08048 Dwgs: 1'1-342287 System lFluid:

leat loail - 481,650.00 BTU/hr I3Ei I I FIX Type: Fixed Heat Load F-IX Status: On I Not in Flow Path Mlfi:CGencral Flect. Model: 264A4808 Dwgs: PM003-TK- 18-5 System Fluid:

Heat Loadc-- 9,360,000.00 BTU/hr IBII 12 HX 'rype: Fixed Heat Load FIX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mfr: General Elect. Model: 114D8270 Dwgs: PM003-G- 1-7 System Fluid:

Heal Load - 5,487,500.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I I Page 12 of 26

03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Plower Corporation - Serial #I'FL- 1006 Page 12 oli 25 llectric and Gas - S:\MEC1-ANICAlSPECIALTY\XUHS\EG-0047\CD)\PROTO-l:I1.C I)A'I'ABASI-'S\UI I SI ,O]ISIBr9545.PI)13 -

Hope Creek Gcncrating Station - S1'ACS Heat Exchanger Data Report (nncrtencc: , Sum 1'rcssurc=1 .i-S Q=l .0ot-2 Fricltion5 1.01i^6 ICV= 1en.0I4 e'CV= *kzlnurul ure: 5.01 Bulancinig niluatinters t scd LOCA Short-term - I SACS Pump 2 HIx per Loop IBEI 15 I-IX Type: Fixed Hleat Load lIX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mfr: I.lK Portcr Co. Model: T-140963X45 Dwgs: PE005-0012-9 System Fluid:

1I-cal Load = 515,000.00 BTU/hr IBEI 16 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX StatUs: On / Not in Flow l'ath M1r: General Elect. Model: 155138243P00 1 Dwgs: PM003-T6- 1-2 System Fluid:

-lent Load = 42,500.00 BTU/hr IBIE1 17 HX Type: Fixed Heat l.oad HX Status: On / Not inFlow l'ath M I'r: General l'lect. Model: MDE0924300 Dwgs: PM003-G- 1-7 System Fluid:

Helat Loadi = 8,050,000.00 BTU/hr I Bl-126 lIX 'I'ype: Fixed Heat Load I-X Statis: On / Not in Flow Path Mfr: American Std. Model: 5-0046-17-168-3 Dwgs: NI-B31-SI-120 System Fluid:

I-lcat Load = 5,630,000.00 BTU/hr IBE 130 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load I-IX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mfr: Ainetek/Whitlock Model: 4-WI 8HT-4-A-CB Dwgs: PM007-0031-3 System Fluid:

Il cat Load = 42,300.00 BTU/hr I Br,202 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load FIX Status: Ofr MlR: Alfa-Laval Inc. Model: A-20-BXS Dwgrs: PM07 IQ-00 10 System Fluid: Frcsh Water I-lent Load 0.00 BTU/hr PSFG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I I Page 13 of'26

03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Serial #PPLI,-1 006 Plagc 13 of 25 Electric and Gas - S:\M ECI-IANICA L\SPECIA LTY\XUIS'\EG-0047\CD\PROTO-FI ,O I)A'l'A 3AS I'.S\UJ iISI )ISI .-9545.1'1)1I -

Hope Creek Generating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Report

('Cnvergence: PressLrc=lO.V.-5 SLiMQ=1.0P-2 Friction=t.0I3-6 ? ICV=1.0-4

.0-3 Iemifeli=5.OI Balancing ilimi-nmlrs IUsed LOCA Short-term - 1 SACS Pump 2 lix per Loop I BE205 HX Type: Shell & Tube HX Status: On / in Flow Path Mfr: Delta Southern Model: 21A9227AN Dwgs: NO-E I -B001-5 Tube Fluid: Fresh Water Shell Fluid: Fresh Water Shell Flow 2,504.00 Shell Temperatures = 170.00°F - 137.39°1 TIube Flow 2,982.66 Tube Temperatures - 92.87°F - I 19.71 °1:

Construction T'ype: TEMA-13 I Shells, 0 Shell Passes, 2 Tubc Passes Shell Miu Area = 5.0880 IIA2, Design Shell Velocity = 4.200 Wt/s, Shell Diameter= 0.000 Baffle Iniro: Spacing = 0.000 in, Thickness = 0.000 in, Area = 0.000 ftA2, K = 0.000 Tubes: Din = 0.902 in, Dout = 1.000 in, Length = 33.94 ft. K = 9.40 TIbc lPitch = 1.3750 in Tube Pitch Type - Triangular 430 of 430 Tubes Active UTubes = Yes Effective Area = 3,740.00 ftA2 Area Factor = 0.9789 Fouling = 0.0005 (inside) 0.0005 (outside) Hoff= 0.7815 LM'I'I) = 47.3481 LMTD Corrections FF = 0.93 IF rb 1.0000 lcat Load 39,822,296.86 BTU/hr UOverall = 241.52 BTU/Iir/ftY2/ 0 F I BE2 14 I-IX Type: Fixed Heat Load

  • HX Status: On I Not in Flow Path Mflr: CVI Inc. Model: C735-9934 Dwgs: PM048Q-007 1-4 SystemIllluid:

Heat Load - 9,565.00 BTU/hr 1131E-,218 I-IX 'I'ypc: Fixed Heat Load I-IX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mfi:CVI Inc. Model: C735-9934 Dwgs: PM048Q-007 1-4 Systlem Fluid:

I-leat Load - 10,750.00 BTU/hr I BEl278 llX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mtr: CVI Inc. Model: Dwgs: PM048Q System FluHeid:

IHleat Load = 6,000.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment i I Page 14 ofl26

03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Scrial #['FL-10006 &gc lt ol 25 Plectric and Gas - S:\MECI-IANICAI\SPliCIAlTY\XUI-IS\EG-0047\CD\PRO'T'O-l:IO l)A'I'A IASFPS\IJI ISI, 0)PSI1-9545. Pl')l -

Hope Creek Generating Station - S'lACS Heat Exchanger Data Report (Covet'gunwcc: stmn Q=1 .01,-2 IFricfion= 1.0146 CV= 1.01 u'rmsstire:=l.llI-5 "-4 I'CV=I .t)I--3 Icini railurc=5.OE IIiininc c ls ud PiillclPan I LOCA Short-term - I SACS Pump 2 Hx per loop IIE328 FIX Type: Fixed Heat Load FIX Status: On / Not in l'low Path Mfr: Parker-Hanison Model: HDTC-SS-6-2 Dwgs:

System Fluid:

Hleat l,oad = 55,000.00 BTU/hr I FIE404 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / in lPlow Path Mfi: American Std. Model: 17072 CPT Dwgs: PM018Q System Fluid: Fresh Water Tube Flow = 1,012.42 Tube Temperatures= 109.86°F - II 2.56°F Heat load = 1,3 353,000,00 BTU/hr I13E405 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load FIX Status: On / in Flow Path Mfi: American Std. Model: 19084 CPT Dwgs: 1'MO18Q System Fluid: Fresh Water Tubc Flow -- 1,010.07 Tube Temperatures = 99.08°l- 109.86°1:

I-leat Load - 5' ,412,000.00 BTU/hr 113I,408 FIX 'Type: Fixed Heat ],oad 1IX Status: On / in Flow Path Mfir: American Std. Model: 19198 Dwgs: PIM018Q System Fluid: Fresh Water Tube Flow = 1,008.85 Tube Temperatures = 92.87OF - 99.080 F I-leat Load- 3,,118,000.00 BTU/hr IBKI II HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mfr: Carrier Corp. Model: I9FA553B5005932 Dwgs: PM623-0002-9 System Fluid:

I leat l.,oad ^ 19,500,000.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I I Page 15 of 26

03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Serial #PPL-1 006 iugc i5 (ir 25 Electric and Gas - S:\MECHANICAI,\SPECIALTY\XUHS\EG-0047\CD\IPROTO-lF1,0 DA l'ABASI.S\UHSI-X)$,ISI"-9545.P1)13 -

Hope Creek Generating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Report Con~llV(rgnCIC: I'rssure-1.('-A Sl Q-.LOCA2 Shritl-ltr.0m-6 ICV=1.01S-4PumCVp1.0-3 1xlanpierg

'rwipcratuIX=-5.01'.3 - Parameters Usod LOCA Short-term - I SACS Pump 2 I-x per l.oop I LBK202 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: Oln / in Flow Path M I: CVI Inc. Model: C735-9909 Dwgs: PM048Q-0044-2 System Fluid: Fresh Water Tubc Flew = 5.55 Tube Temperatures. = 92.87011- 110.97 0 1 1-lcat Iofid Goa 50,000.00 BTU/hr I HIK400 I-IX'Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / in Flow lPath M1r: Carrier Corp. Model: 19FA45531220:22 Dwgs: PM723Q System Fluid: Fresh Water Tubc Flow = 1,585.1 1 'T'ube Temperatures = 92.87°F - 102.41 'F I-lnct load = 7,5530,000.00 BTU/hr

_~~~~~ _. ........, . ....

I BK403 HIIX Type: Fixed Heat 'Load i-IX Status: On / in I.low lPath Mfr: Carrier Corp. Model: 19FA441B1142020 Dwgs: PM723Q System lFluid: Fresh Water Tube Flow = 406.99 Tube Temperatures = 92.87°F - 105.3 1°F Heat Load = 2,5520,000.00 BTU/hr

, _ , , ~~. ......

113 1'76 IIX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Statuls: On / Not in low lath Mfi: Carrier Corp. Model: 19FA999-1007- 18 Dwgs: I'M623- 118 System Fluid:

Heat Load - I00,000.00 BI'U/hr 1BP202-1 I-IX 'I'ype: Fixed Heat l.oad HX Status: On / in Flow Path Mfir: Graliam Mfg. Co. Model: 8X4C-12 Dwgs: NI-EI l-C002-51 Systcm Fluid: Fresh Water Tubc Flow = 26.50 Tube Temperatures = 92.87°F - 99.690 F Heat load - 90,000.00 BTU/hr II i

i PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I I Page 16 of 26

03/19/2002 Ie:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto- Power Corporation- Serial #PFI,- 1006 Page16 il' 25 lFlcctric and (3as - S:\MECHANICA L\SPFC1ALTY\XUHS\EG-0047\CD\PROT'0-I;.0 DA'I'A BASIIS\LJ II SI.,0)PSll-9545.1'1)1B -

Hope Creek Go:ierating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Rcport (Cinvelpginc: tressurc-I .ORi-5 Suim Q(.l A)I-2 I rition= .L01-61VCV=I .01'-4 ICV=I .(l-3 'I'm1erisurn:=5.Ol{ I lancing laralmirs Usd LOCA Sliort-term - I SACS Pump 2 lix per l oop IlRP202-2 HX Typc: Fixed Heat Load 1IX Status: On / in l'low P'ath Mfr: Graham Mfg. Co. Model: 992C430BX Dwgs: NI-11l-C002-6 System Fluid: Fresh Water Tubc Flaw = 9.51 Tube Temperatures = 92.87°F - 94.9861W I-leat Load-- 10,000.00 BTU/hr IRIVEA4 12 HIX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / in Flow Path Mlfr: 'iranc Co. Model: MDE1291600 Dwgs: PM731Q System Fluid: Fresh Water TLIbe Flow = 493.72 Tube Temperatures = 92.87°F - 97.34°F Heat Load - I, I00,000.00 BTU/hr I VI-I 13 I-IX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Stalus: OIT Mi'r: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: 1136MPACYA Dwgs: PM6 I A-0030-4 System Fluid; Ilcat load -- 0.00 BTU/hr I13V11116 HX Typc: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mlr: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: H36MPACYA Dwgs: PM6 IIA-0033-4 System Fluid:

1Icat load = 530,000.00 BTU/hr 113VVH208 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load H-IX Status: Off Mfr: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: MDE1572400 Dwgs: PM71IQ System Fluid: Fresh Water l cat Load = 0.00 BTU/hr IBvI-1209 1HX Type: Fixed Heat L.oad HX Status: Ofr Mfir: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: MDE1571400 Dwgs: PM71IQ System Fluid: Frcsh Water Hleat Load - 0.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I Page 17 of26

03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-l'ower Corporation - Serial #P 10-]006 PIage 17 or 25 IlIectric and Gas - S:\MEC1-ANICAL\SPECIALTY\XUHS\13G-0047\CD\1'ROTO-FI .0 I)A'A'AI3ASIES\UH-SI ,()I'SF.-9545.1'1)13 -

I-lope Creek Gcnerating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Report L'invurjcIeuc: Prm-surc=l.01'-5 Sum Q=I .01'-2 Iriction=L 1.0116 ICV= 1.01--4 C'V-1 .01.3 IonpcistiircS.OI). Bulancinig Ihiiraml-Wrs (Isud LOCA Short-term - I SACS Pump 2 Hx per Loop 113VI-12 10 FIX Type: Fixed Heat L~oad HX Status: On / in Flow Path Mfr: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: MDE1570300 Dwgs: PM711 Q System Fluiid: Fresh Water Tubc Flow = 139.03 Tube Temperatures = 92.87°F - 98.94 0F l leaft Load = 420,000.00 BTU/hr 113 VI-12l1 1 HX Type: Fixed H-leat Load HX Status: On / in Flow Path Mfi: Amer. Air Fllr. Model: MDE1573500 Dwgs: PIM71 IQ System Fluid: Fresh Water

'Iubc Flow

  • 104.60 Tubc Temperaturcs = 92.87°1: - 98.05011 H-leat load - I270,000.00 BTU/hr IB'V H213 FIX Type! Fixed Heat Load I-X Status: On / inl Flow path Mfir: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: MDE2478600 Dwgs: PM786Q System Fluid: Fresh Water Tube Flow = 396.64 Tube Temperatures - 92.87°F - 98.44°F Hlcat Ioadcl = 1,1 ,100,000.00 BTU/hr JCIFI 18 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HAX Status: On / Not in low Path Mfi: Dcl.aval/1MO Model: MDE11328000 Dwgs: I'MO 12-0099 System Fluid:

Hlcat Load -- 400,000.00 BTU/hr IC2 lI Is 1-IX Type: Fixed Heat Load HIX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mfr: DeLaval/IMO Model: MDE1328000 Dwgs: PMO12-0099 System Fluid:

Ileat Loadc- 400,000.00 BTU/hr ICII 12 FIX Type: Fixed Heat Loadi I-X Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mfr: Genoral Elect. Model: 114D8270 Dwgs: PMOO3-G-1-7 System Fluid:

Ileat Load -- 5,487,500.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I I Page 18 oF26

03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Serial #PFL,-1006 1ave It o.l 25 E7lectric and (ins - S:\M BCI-IANICAI.\SPECI ALTY\XUHS\,EG-0047\CD\PROTO- 1l O DA'I'ABASFES\U I-IS I.O(lSI '-9545.1l1)11 -

I-lope Creek Generating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Report (onvcrgetice: 'rcqure= .IOF-S uin .OI-2 Fricilonl .01'-6 VCVmI .0-4 PCV=I .tIF-3 'I emlcratLc (nQ=I f IBilalacing fl'armuilios UIsed LOCA Short-term - I SACS Pump 2 Hx per Loop IC, 130 I-IX Typc: Fixed Heat Load IIX Status: On /Not in Flow Pall Ml'r: Ametek/Whitlock Model: 4-W18HT-4-A-CB Dwgs: PM007-0031-3 System Fluid:

I-lealt load - 42,300.00 BTU/hr ICF4A04 1IX Type: Fixed Heat Load lIX Status: On / in Flow Path Mfr: American Std. Model: 17072 CPT Dwgs: PMOI8Q System Fluid: Fresh Water

'rubc Flow 890.54 Tube Temperatures = 12.45°P - 115.51 OF Heat L.oad I 3353,000.00 BTU/hr IC1e405 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX StatUs: On / in Flow lath Mfr: American Std. Model: 19084 CPT Dwgs: PMO I8Q System iFluid: Fresh Water Tube Flow = 888.14 Tube Temperatures= I 00.180F - I 12.45°F I-lc[a t ,oad - 5,412,000.00 BTU/hr I Cl .4() FIX Typc: Fixed Heat L~oad I-IX Status: On / in l'low Palth Mlir: American Std. Model: 19198 Dwgs: PMO18Q System Fluid: Fresh Water

'Iube Flow = 886.91 Tube Temperatures = 93.11 °F - 100.1 8°F Helnat l.oad = 3,118,000.00 BTU/hr ICKI II [IX Type: Fixed Heat Load FIX Status: Onl / Not in Flow latlh Mlr: Carrier Corp. Model: 19FA553B50059.32 Dwgs: PM623-0002-9 System Fluid:

I-leat Load 19,500,000.00 BTU/hr ICF'176 HX Type: Fixed l-leat Load HX Status: On / Not in Flow P'alh Mflr: Corrior Corp). Model: 19FA999- 1007-1 3 Dwgs: PM623- 118 System Fluid:

I-leaf l oad-- 100,000.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I I Page 19 of 26

03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Scrial #PFI.-1)006 i'ugc 19 of' 25 IFlociric anid Gas - S:\MECI-IANICAI \SPECI ALTY\XUF-IS\EG-0047\CD\1RO'1'O-FI,O nA PTABAS IiS\E J1-NUAIS 11-9545. P1)i3 -

I-lope Creek Generating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Report Cutivcragunce; 1'rcsmirc= .01. 5 %ium Q=1 .OF-2 Friclion=l .01;- FCV'1 .0J-4 PCV=1.01.-3 l'cmnIcnIatn~:5.01.3 - 1Bnl uncing Paitiriaelen, l Jsed LOCA Short-term - I SACS Pump 2 lix per Loop ICP202-1 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / in Flow Path Mlr: Graham Mfg. Co. Model: 8X4C-12 Dwgs: NI-El l-C002-51 System Fluid:

Shell flow = 22.97 Shell Temperatures = 93. 1 tF - 100.99°l H-leat li.oad 90,000.00 BTU/hr I CP202-2 HX Type: Fixed Heal Load HX Status: On / in Flow latlh Mir: Grahami Mfg. Co. Model: 992C430BX Dwgs: NI-E II-C002-6 System Fluid: Frcshl Water

'Tube Flow ---8.40 Tube Temperatures = 93.1 1°1; - 95.51°F 1 Il l,OBd = 10,000.00 BTU/hr Il'VE412 IIX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / in Flow Palhi Mfr: 'lrane Co. Model: MDE1291600 Dwgs: PM73 1Q System fluid: Frcsh Water Tube Flow = 371.05 Tube Temperatures = 93.1 F - 99.07°F Heat Load - II 100,000.00 BTUlhr ICVIHI 13 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On I Not in Flow Path Mfir: Amer. Air Mltr. Model: H36MPACYA Dwgs: PM61 IA-0030-4 System Fluid:

I-leat loactd 502,78 1,00 BTU/hr ICVH1210 I-IX lType: Fixed Heat Load I-IX Status: Oil / in Flow Path Mfr: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: MDE 1570300 Dwgs: PM71 IQ System Fluid: Fresh WatCr

'I'UbC 1FlIOW - 102.16 Tube Temperatures = 93.1 1°:- 100.98°1O t'leal Load - 400,000.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I I Page 20 of 26

03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Serial #PFL-1 006 l1agc2O l'i 25 Electric and Gas - S:\MECHANICA L\SPECIALTY\XUHS\lG-0047\CD\l'ROTO-l1 ,O DATAbASES\UiHSI ,O)PS I-.-9545.1P1)13 -

Hope Creek Gen-rating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Report Convcrgence: I'rcssurc=l.01. SLim Q=1.1O-2 rictlion=l.01.( FC'V=I .01-4 ICV-I.OIU-3 'I'emaeni.t' 5.OIs llaliniig P'irnmiie Lorz Used LOCA Short-terln - I SACS Pump 2 Hx per Loop ICVI-121 I I-IX Type: Fixed Heat leoad HIX Status: On / in Flow P'ath Mlir: Amer. Air FIltr. Model: MDE11573500 Dwgs: I'M7 IIQ System Fluid: Frcsh Water

'rubc Flow = 91.t5 Tube Temperatures - 93.1 1°F - 99.07'F Hlent Load - 270,000.00 BTU/hr ICVH-213 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load I-X Status: On / in Fllow Pmath Mri: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: MDE2478600 Dwgs: PM786Q System Fluid: Fresh Water T ube Flow -- 333.44 Tube Temperatures = 93.11 IF - 99.74T I-leat Load- I, I 00,000,00 BTU/hr IDEI 12 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load FIX Status: On ( Not in Flow Path Mfr: General Elect. Model: 114D8270 Dwgs: PM003-G- 1-7 Systcm Fluid:

I Icalt I oai 5,487,500.00 BTUA/r I D 4A04 FIX Iype: Fixed I-leat Load FIX Status: On / in P low Platl Mlr: Amci ican Sid. Model: 17072 CPT Dwgs: I'MO I 8Q System Fluid: Fresh Water i

'lube Flow = 1,006.95 Tube Temperaturcs = 109.95 0F - I 12.660 F 11cal Load = 1,3153,000.00 BTU/hr I DE405 I IX Type: Fixed Heat Load FIX Status: On / in Flow Path Mfir: American Std. Model: 19084 CPT Dwgs: PM018Q System Fluid: Fresh Water Tube F,low = 1,004.59 Tube Temperatures 99.1 1 -F109,9591, Hrcat Load 5,4412,000.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I I Page 21 of 26

03/19/2002 14:19 PRO'T'O-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Serial J1. -l006 I'itge2 of 25

--icctric and Gas - S:\MECIIANICAI.ASPECIALTY\XUHS\I',G-0047\CD\PROTO-I1,O l)A'l'A13AS es\tJ 01l'Sl ,-9545.111)13 -

Hope Creek Generating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Report Conivrncnac: l'rcssurc=.0lE-.5 Sum Q-l .01F-2 F~ricfon=1.011-6 FCV=I.0lA-4 PCV=I,.OII-3 1cn1pCratiSiru5,O0 linatinchi PnrllallrS 115i1(1 LOCA Short-term - I SACS Pump 2 Hx per Loop I DE408 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: Oil / in Ilow l'ath Mflr: American Std. Model: 19198 Dwgs: PMO I8Q System Fluid: Fresh Water

'I'ube Flow = 1,003.37 Tube Temperatures = 92.87°F - 99.1 1°F llcat Load 3,1 18,000.00 BTU/hr IDKI II 11X Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / Not in Flow Palh Mfr: Carrier Corp. Model: 19FA553B5005932 Dwgs: PM623-OO2-9 System Fluid:

Hleat Load - 19,500,000.00 BT'U/hr IDP176 I-X Type: Fixed Heat Load I-IX Status: On / Not in Flow l'ath M lr: Car r icr Corp. Model: 19FA999-1007-18 Dwgs: PM623-1 18 System Fluid:

I-lent ILad = I00,000.00 BTU/hr I DP202- I HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / ill llow Path Mfr: Graham Mrg. Co. Model: 8X4C-12 Dwgs: NI-El I-C002-51 System Fluid: Fresh Watcr Tube Flow = 23.88 Tube Temperatures - 92.87°F - I 00.44 0F Heal Load- 90,000.00 BTU/hr IDP202-2 I-IX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / in lFlow l'atl Mfr: Graham Mfg. Co. Model: 992C430BX Dwgs: N 1-'l l-C002-6 System Fluid: Fresh Water lubec Flow = 9.34 Tube Temperatures:= 92,8701 - 95.020F I-lal Load = 10,000.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I I Page 22 ol'26

-U 03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-:Power Corporation - Serial #PFL-1 006 IPaic22 oif 25 EIlectric and Gas - S:\MECHANICAI\SPECIALTY\XUHSIEG-0047\CD\PROlO-FI;O DAI'ABASl S\UITSISOPiSE-9545.11)13 -

Hope Creek Generating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Report

)nlwcrjgcncc: I'rcssture=.CiI.-5 SuLi Q=1.01I-2 17riclioll=l.O01-6 FCV=i.01'-4 I'VYI.OII.3 I'cmperalurc-5.0h' illlalicnhig h'irni1lel'rs llstcd LOCA Short-term - I SACS Pump 2 Hx per Loop I PVI412 HX lype: Fixed Heal Load HX Status: On / in lFlow Pjalt Mfi:%Traric Co. Model: MDE1291600 Dwgs: IM73 IQ System Fluid: Fresh Water Tuc Flow = 490.24 Tube Temperatures = 92.87°F - 97.37i[

I-lent l oad 1 1100,000o00 BTUlhr IDVI-J1 13 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load IIX Status: On / Not in Flow lath Mfi: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: H36MPACYA Dwgs: PM61 I A-0004-7 System Fluid:

I-lent loadl 502,781.00 BTU/hr I DVH2I0 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / in Flow Path Mfr: Amer. Air FItr. Model: MDE1570300 Dwgs: PM711 Q System Fluid: Fresh Water Tube Flow = 135.14 Tube Temperatures = 92.870F - 98.8 °OF I-leat Loa:l 4100,000.00 BTU/hr II)VI1211 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load I-IX Status: OQ, / inl llow P'atl Mfi: Amcr. Air Fltr. Model: MDE 1573500 Dwgs: PM71IQ SystemI Fluid: Fresh Water Iubc Flow = 104.63 'Tube Temperatures = 92.87017 - 98.05°l llcat load 2270,000.00 BITU/hr HX Type: Fixed Heat Load

..HX. Statuis: Oil / in Flow Path IDVI-1213 Mfr: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: MDE2478600 Dwgs: PM7I 86Q SystemIFluid: Fresh Wat er Tube Flow - 389.04 Tube Temperatures = 92.870 F - 98.55'P Heat Load - ,I100,000.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment I I Page 23 oF26

03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Scrial #PFI.,- 1006 Iage 23 ol' 25 I'lectric nnd Gas - S:\MFCI-IANICAI,\SPE.CIAITY\XUHS\IG-0047\Cl)\I'ROIO-rI . l)A'T'AilASIS\LJIlISI ,(I)I.SI,-9545.1'1)11 -

I-lope Creek Generating Station - ST'ACS Heat Exchanger Data Report Convurl!CIIe: Ilressure- IL.01-5 Sutm Q=1.01I.2 FriCllon= L.01-6 FCV=I.0lt-44'V=I.tIh-3 IenInCrC-5.0I Balancing Plariniclers JUed LOCA Short-term - I SACS Pump 2 I-Ix per Loop I EVF3412 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / in Flow lPatl Mfr: Trane Co. Model: MDE1291600 Dwgs: PM73 I Q Systcm Fluid: Fresh Water

'I'ubc Flow =431.14 Tube Temperatures = 93.11 'F - 98.24°F IHleat I.oad - I, ,100,000.00 BTU/hr IEVHI 13 HX Type: Fixed Heat load HX Status: On / Not in Flow Path Mfr: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: 1136MPACYA Dwgs: PM6 I A-0004-7 System Fluid:

Heat Load -: 502,781.00 BTU/hr I EVI-12 10 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: oil Mfr: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: MDE1570300 Dwgs: PM71 IQ System Fluid: FIresh Water Heat Load - 0.00 BTU/hr IEVH211 HXX Type: Fixed Heat Load F-IX Status: orr Mfr; Armer. Air Fltr. Model: MDE 1573500 Dwgs: PM711 Q System Fluid: Fresh Water H-leat l.oad-= 0.00 BTU/hr I EVH213 HIX Type: Fixed -leat Load HX Status: On / in Flow Pati Mfr: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: MDE2478600 Dwgs: PM786Q System Fluid: Frcsh Water Tube Flow = 330.26 Tube Temperatures = 93.1 °0F - 99.81°F I-lent loacl - I I100,000.00 BTU/hr IIFVIi412 HX Type: Fixed Heat l,oad HX Status: On / in Flow Path Mrr: Tranc Co. Model: MDE1291600 Dwgs: PM73 IQ System lFluid: Fresh Water Tubc Flow = 493.72 Tube Temperatures = 92.87°F1- 97.34°F Heat Load = II 00,000.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2 Attachment II Page 24 of 26

03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Serial #PFL-1006 I'a~g2I .r 25


,-9545.11)J3 -

Hope Crcek Generating Station - STACS Heat Exchanger Data Report toivmrjtciic: I1ressirc= I.01?-5 Suim Q=1.01P-2 Frictlon=-l .oi-6 lCV-l .01P-4 I<CV 1.Oh-3 'inpcrnIiri:=5.oF-3 liHalaning PnmIuIIerLIs Uwd LOCA Short-term . I SACS Pump 2 Hx per Loop IFVIH1 13 IIX Type: Fixed Heal. Load I-IX Status: On / Not in Flow lath Mlr: Anier. Air Fltr. Model: H36MPACYA Dwgs: PM6 11A-0004-7 Systeln Fluid:

I-leat load = 502,78 1.00 8TU/hr I PVI-1210 I-lX Type: Fixed Heat load HX Status: off Mlvr: Amer. Air FIlr. Model: MDE1570300 Dwgs: 1'M71 IQ Systeim Fluid: Fresh Water I-leat Lond = 0.00 BTU/hr Il;VI2 11 FIX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: off Mfr: Amer. Air FlItr. Model: MDE1573500 Dwgs: PM71IQ System Fluid: Fresh Water l leat load = 0.00 BTU/hr IIVI-1213 FIX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: On / in Flow Path Mfr: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: MDE-2478600 Dwgs: PM786Q System Fluid: Fresh Water Tube Flow - 393.22 Tube Temperatures

  • 92.87°F - 98.49°F I-leal Load - 1.1,00,000.00 BTU/hr IGV 412 -IXType: Fixed Heat Load lIX Status: On / in llow 'ath Mfr: Trant, Co. Model: MDE1291600 Dwgs: PM73 IQ System Fluid: Fresh Water Tube Flow = 434.76 Tube Temperatures - 93.1 1°F - 98.20°F I let l.oad = I, ,00,000.00 BTU/hr IGVI-1210 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load FIX Status: Off Mfr: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: MDE1570300 Dwgs: PM71 IQ System Fluid: Fresh Water

-lteal Load = 0.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Rcvision 2 Attachment I I Page 25 of 26

03/19/2002 14:19 PROTO-FLO 4.51 by Proto-Power Corporation - Serial #11+1,- 1006 llogc23 olr 25 lLlectric and Gas - S:\M ECI-IANICAI.ASPI'CI AlTrY\XU l-IS\EG-0047\CD\PROTO- Fl .0 I)A-ABASI S\UI ISI .()ISI-9545.1'I)1 -

Hope Creek Generating Station - S'l'ACS Heat Exchanger Data Report Cnvu~rgonew I'rcss;urc=l.j (I SuniuQ-l.Olt-2 IrIciolln=L.OI.(, IFCV=l.0I%-4 P(V .tli-3 I'ilcralur5.0P-3 Bilumicing PurinmuIcers thsd(I LOCA Short-term- I SACS Pump 2 lix pcr Loop IGVH21 1 ItX Type: Fixed Heal Load FIX Status: Ofl Mfr: Amer. air FlItr. Model: MDE1573500 Dwgs: PM7I IQ System Fluid: Fresh Water Heat load= 0.00 BTU/hr I:lHVE412 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: . On / in Flow Path Mfr: T'rane Co. Model: MDE1291600 Dwgs: PM73IQ System Fluid: Fresh Water I'ube Flow - 571.96 Tube Temperatures = 92.871F - 96.73°F I-leat load = 1,,100,000.00 BTU/hr IlIVI1210 I-IX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: Ofl MiY: Amer. Air NUtr. Model: MDE1570300 Dwgs: PM71 IQ System Fluid: Fresh Water I Icat Load -- 0.00 BlTU/hr

.- -_ b............- -.- . ..

IIIVH211 HX Type: Fixed Heat Load HX Status: Off Mfr: Amer. Air Fltr. Model: MDE1573500 Dwgs: PM71 IQ System Fluid: Fresh Water I[lent LoEd = 0.00 BTU/hr PSEG Calculation EG-0047 Revision 2


I I Page 26 of 26



Reference No. EG-0047 Revision 3


STATEMENT A line-by-line check and IDV was performsed lAW NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0010.

The approach taken for evaluating the "HC SS Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature Limits!'

is conservative and appropriate. The assumptions and inputs for the design calculation are complete and correct.

Minor errors marked-up within the design calculation have been incorporated. The conclusion addresses the issues as identified in the Purpose of the design calculation.

The individual named below in the right column hereby certifies that the design verification for the subject document has been completed, the questions from the generic checklist have been reviewed and addressed as appropriate, and all comments have been adequately incorporated. SAP Order/Operation final confirmations are the legal equivalent of signatures.

Ali Fakhar Robert Down 12/5/2005 Design Verifier Assigned By Name of Design Verifier* / Date

-(print name of Manager/Director)*

Design Verifier Assigned By Name of Design Verifier* / Date (print name of Manager/Director)*

Design Verifier Assigned By Name of Design Verifier* I Date (print name of Manager/Director)*

Design Verifier Assigned By- Name of Design'Verifier* / Date (print name of Manager/Director)*

  • the ManalledSupervisor acts as Xt Design Vertfler, the name of the next higher level of technical management Is required In the left column.

Nuclear Common page 1 of 2 Rev. 2




1. Cover sheet - Check CP and ADsICDs Incorporated and add DCPIAD number.
2. Section 3.2.2 - add data for LOCA with 2 heat exchangers
3. Section 4.0 - update reference 4.1.12 to revisIon 4 and verify no Impact to EG-0047.
4. Page 14 LOPISSE second bullet - provide clarification as noted.
5. Section - clarify first paragraph for compensatory actions as noted.
6. Section - clarify first paragraph as noted.
7. Section 5.4 - clarify last sentence as noted.
8. Section 5.8.1 - add clarification to first sentence as noted.
9. Page 24 last paragraph - state that temperature does not Include uncertainty.
10. Section 5.10.2 last paragraph - state that temperature does not Include uncertainty.
11. Table 5.11 a - add summary similar to that above Table 6.11 b.
12. Section 6.0 last paragraph - add clarification to shed RX power to reduce TACS loads.

RESOLUTION 1.. Checked.

2. Added LOCA case.
3. Updated.
4. Clarification provided.
5. First paragraph clarified.
6. First paragraph clarified.
7. Last sentence clarified.
8. First sentence clarified.
9. Stated.
10. Stated.
11. Added.
12. Added clarification.

ACCEPTANCE OF RESOLUTION Resolution accepted - R. Down.

Robert Down 12/512005 James Murphy 12/612005 SUBMITTED BY DATE RESOLVED BY DATE Nuclear Common pasge 2 of 2 Rev. 2




HCGS Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature Limits Page 1 of 4 Activity Desciptlon: The UHS analysis was revised for EDG room cooler maintenance. All heat loads were reviewed and revised according to appropriate up to date references.

Note that more than one process may awIy. If unsure of any answer, contact the cognizant department for ouldance.

Activities Affected Yes No Action

1. Does the proposed activty involve a change to the TecJhnical If Yes, contact Licensing. See NOTE In Specifications or the Operating License? Section 4.1.1 LCR No.

Does the proposed activity Involve a change to the Quality IIf Yes, contact Quality Assessment.

Assurance Plan? Example:

  • Changes. to Chapter 17.2 of UFSAR
3. Does the proposed activity Involve a change to the Security O if Yes, contact Security Department.

Plan? Exampl1:

  • Change program in NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0033(Q)
  • Change indoor/outdoor security lighting
  • Placement of component or structure (permanent or temporary) within 20 feet of perimeter fence
  • Obstruct field of view from any manned post
  • Interfere with security monitoring device capability
  • Change access to any protected or vital area
  • Modify safeguards systems or equipment
4. Does the proposed activity Involve a change to the - 17 If Yes, contact Emergency Preparedness Emergency Plan? Examples:
  • Change ODCM/accident source term
  • Change liquid or gaseous effluent release path
  • Affect radiation monitoring Instrumentation or EOP/AOP setpoints used In classifying accident severity
  • Affect emergency response facilities or personnel, Including control room
  • Affect communications, computers, Information systems or Met tower
5. Does the proposed activity Involve a change to the ISI - ED If Yes, contact Engineering Programs Program Plan? Example: ISI/IST.
  • Affect Nuclear Class 1, 2, or 3 Piping, Vessels, or Supports (Guidance In NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0007(Q))

- b I -

Nuclear Common IRev. IO

A NC.NA.AS.ZZ-0059(Q)



HCGS Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature Limits Page 2 of 4 Activities Affected Yes No Action Does the proposed activity involve a change to the IST r IfI Yes, contact Engineering Programs Program Plan? Example: ISIIST.

Affect the design or operating parameters of a Nuclear Class 1,2,or 3 Pump or Valve (Guidance In NC.CC-AP.ZZ-0007(Q))

7 Does the proposed activity Involve a change to the Fire R 1 IfYes, contact Design Engineering.

Protection Program? Examples:

  • Change program InNC.DE-PS.ZZ-0001 (Q)
  • Change combustible loading of safety related space
  • Change or affect fire detection system
  • Change or affect fire suppression system/component
  • Change Ire doors, dampers, penetration seal or barriers
  • See NC. CC-AP.ZZ-0007 for details
8. Does the proposed activity involve Maintenance which - IfI Yes, process in accordance with restores SSC s to their original design and configuration? NC.WM-AP.ZZ-0001(Q)


  • Implements an approved Design Change?
  • Troubleshooting (which does not require 50.59 scnren per SH.MID-AP.ZZ-0002)
9. Isthe proposed activity a temporary change (T-Mod) which El if Yes, contact Engineering.

meets all the followingconditions?

  • Directly supports maintenance and IsNOT a compensatory measure to ensure SSC operability.
  • Will be in effect at power operation less than 90 days.
  • Plant will be restored to design configuration upon completion.
  • SSCs will NOT be operated Ina manner that could Impact the function or operability of a safety related or Important-to-Safety system.

Nuclear Common Rev. 10




HCGS Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature Limits Page 3 of 4 Activities Affected Yes No Action

10. Does the proposed activity consist of changes to 1 Iif Yes, process in accordance with maintenance procedures which do NOT affect SSC design, NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0001(Q) performance, operation or control?

Note: Procedure Informaison affecting SSC design, performance, operation or control, including Tech Spec; required survellance and Inspection, requires 50.59 screening. Examples Include acceptance criteria for valve stroke times or other SSC function, torque values, and types of materials (e.g., gaskets, elastomers, lubricants, etc,)

11. Does the proposed activity Involve a minor UFSAR change m is If Yes, process In accordance with (including documents Incorporated by reference)? Examp-le: NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0035(Q)
  • Reformatting, simplification or clarfricatons that do not change the meaning or substance of Information
  • Removes obsolete or redundant Information or excessive detail
  • Corrects Inconsistencies within the UFSAR
  • Minor correction of drawings (such as mislabeled ID)
12. Does the proposed activity involve a change to an - 1 If Yes, process In accordance with Administrative Procedure (NAP, SAP or DAP) governing the NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0001 (Q) and conduct of slation operations? Exrnples: NC.DM-AP.ZZ-0001(Q)
  • Organization changes/position titles
  • Work control/ modification processes _
13. Does the proposed activity involve a change to a regulatory 3 If Yes, contact Licensing.


14. Does the activity Impact other programs controlled by - 1 If Yes, process in accordance with regulations, operating license or Tech Spec? Example_: applicable procedures such as:
  • Chemical Controls Program NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0038(Q)
  • NJ "Right-to-know regulations NC.LR-AP.ZZ-0037(Q)
  • State and/or local building, electrical, plumbing, storm water management or "other" codes and standards
  • 10CFR2i occupational exposure Nuclear Common Rev. 10




HCGS Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature Limits Page 4 of 4 Activities Affected Yes No Action

15. Does the proposed activity affect the Independent Spent D If Yes, contact Licensing and initiate the Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) or the Dry Cask Storage `10CFR72.48 screening process per System (DCSS) or their analyses? Examles: NC.NA-AS.ZZ-0041 (NAS-41).
  • Affect the spent fuel canisters or casks
  • Affect the method of lifting, rigging or transporting DCSS
  • Challenge Spent Fuel Pool level limits or reactivity limits
  • Affect flne hazard analyses for the Heavy Haul Path
  • Affect procedures for DCSS operation or ISFSI activities
16. Has the activity already received a10CFR50.59 Screen or Ed Take credit for I0CFR50.59 Screen or Evaluation under another process? Examples: Evaluation already performed.
  • Calculation
  • Design Change Package or OWD change ID:
  • Procedure for aTest or Experiment
  • DR/Nonmonformance
  • Incorporation of previously approved UFSAR change
17. Isthe proposed change a change to a Chemistry procedure 0 0 If YES, no 50.59 Screen Isrequired.

as descrIbed Inparagraph 4.1.7?

.. ~~~ _ .- .

If any other program or regulation may be affected by the proposed activity, contact the department Indicated for further review In accordance with the governing procedure. If responsible department determines their program Is not affected, attach a written explanation If ALL of the answers on the previous pages are "No," then check A below:

A. [x3 None of the activity Is controlled by any of the processes above, therefore a 10CFR50.59 review l required. Complete a IOCFR50.59 screen.

If one or more of the answers on the previous pages are "Yes," then check either B or C below as appropriate and explain the regulatory processes which govem the change:

B. f ] All aspects of the activity are controlled by one or more of the processes above, therefore a 10CFR50.59 review IS NOT required.

C. ( ] Only part of the activity Is controlled by the processes above, therefore a I 0CFR5O.59 review IS required.

Complete a 50.59 screen.


200 Noemer0 Jaeupy1/120 November'30, DATE 2005 James Murphy NAME (PRINT) 12/3112005 QUAL EXPIRES l z/o 16r Robert Down 12131/2005 PREPARER'(SIGN) DATE NAME (PRINT)

Nuclear Common Rev. 10


FORM-2 10CFR50.50 SCREENING Page 1 of 4 Revision 0 Document I.D.: EG-0046 & EG-0047 Revision: 5& 3


STACS Operation & HCGS Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature Limits Applicabilty:

Salem 1 Salem 3 (Gas Turbine) PSEG Common Salem 2 x Hope Creek Salem 1 & 2 Common Hope Creek & Salem Common

1. Brief Description of activity Change to: 09 Facility 0 Procedures a Methodology OTest/Experiment 0 Fission Barrier What is being changed and why The iollowing Isa list of revisions or additions the STACS analyses & UHS analyses:
  • Degraded pump curve has been revised
  • Cv value for EG-V023 has been revised and does not require aleakage bypass value in model
  • Speclal cases have been added to determine the affects of taking an EDG room cooler out for maintenance.
  • Minor revisions to SACS heat loads due to Input calculation revisions Design Functions The Safety and Turbine Auxiliaries Cooling System (STACS) Isa closed loop cooling water system consisting of two subsystems: a Safety Auxiliaries Cooling System (SACS) and a Turbine Auxiliaries Cooliing System (TACS).

The SACS, which has a safety-related function, Isdesigned to provide cooling water to the engineered safety features (ESF) equipment, Including the residual heat removal (RHR) heat exchanger, during normal operation, normal plant shutdown, loss of offsite power (LOP), and a loss-of-coolant accident (LOGA).

The TACS, which has no safety-related function, Is designed to provide cooling water to the turbine auxiliary equipment during normal plant operation and normal plant shutdown.

The heat from both systems Istransferred to the Station Service Water System (SSWS) via the SACS heat exchangers.

Effect on Design Functions The STACS and UHS analyses show all equipment will receive their minimum required SACS flow equal to or above the Technical Specification UIHS temperature limit of 89*F for all modes of operation and accident scenarios. Therefore, the Individual sub-components of SACS will perform Its safety function during accident conditions.

2. Surnmarize regulatory change determination (Other applicable regulatory processes identified on Form-1)

Nuclear Common Rev. 10


FORM-2 IOCFR5D.59 SCREENING Page _ 2 of 4 Revision 0 Document l.D.: EG-0046 &EG-0047 Revision: 6 &3


STACS Operation & HCGS Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature Limits No other regulatory processes were Identified con Form 1.

3. Does the proposed activity require a change to Technical Specifications or the Operating License? Yes - No x_

If YES, then a License Amendment is required prior to implementation of the activity.

LCR Number: N/A_ _ _ _

4. Does the proposal require a UFSAR change? Yes No_x_

UFSAR Change Notice No. N/A_

Describe UFSAR change: N/A

5. 50.59 Screening Questions Answer ALL screening questions Yes No
a. Does the proposed activity Involve a change to the facility that adversely affects a UFSAR described design function? a 0
b. Does the proposed activity Involve a change to procedures that adversely affects how UFSAR described SSC design functions are performed or E I controlled?
c. Does the proposed activity revise or replace evaluation methodology described Inthe UFSAR that either:
  • Is used In the safety analyses or Q 0
  • establishes the design bases?
d. Does the proposed activity Involve a test or experiment NOT described in l:he UFSAR? (SSC Is utilized or controlled in a manner that Is outside the reference bounds of Its design or Inconsistent with analyses or 2 0 descriptions In the UFSAR)
e. Does the proposed activity require a change Inthe Technical Specifications or Operating License?
6. Select the appropriate conditions:

0 ifall questions are answered NO, then complete the 50.59 Screen and Implement the activity In accordance with the applicable governing procedure(s).

O If question a, b,c,or d Isanswered YES and question e Isanswered NO, then perform a 50.59 Evaluation (Form-3).

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FORM-2 10CFR50.59 SCREENING Page 3 of 4 Revision 0 Document l.D.: EG-0046 & EG-0047 Revision: 5&3


STACS Operation & HCGS Uitimate Heat Sink Temperature Limits 0 If question a, b, c, and d Is answered NO, and question e Is answered YES, then a License Amendment is required prior to Implementation of the activity, E If question e is answered YES for any portion of the activity, then a License Amendment Is required prior to implementation of that portion of the activity. In addition, if question a, b, c, or d Is answered YES for the remaining portions of the activity, then a 50.59 Evaluation shall be performed for the remaining portions of the activity 50.59 Evaluation No: N/A__ _

7. If a 50.59 Evaluation Is not required, provide justification for that determination:

All sub-components cooled by the STACS will receive its minimum required flow to perform Its safety function or normal operating design function. The UHS temperature limit for conditions resulting'from design basis failures is 90.1 "F. This meets the} Technical Specification limit of 890F. The UHS temperature limit for conditions resulting from design basis failures concurrent witlh equipment outgages permitted by Technical Specifications AOT Action Statements Is 88°F. This meets the Technical Specification limit of 880 F. Any maintenance work performed on EDG room coolers will be limited to a UHS temperature that corresponds to a SACS temperature necessary for all equipment to' perform their safety functions. Therefore, the revision to the STACS and UHS analyses does not involve a change that adversely affects a UFSAR described design function.

Procedure SH.OP-AP.ZZ-01 08 will be revised to update the limitations of the UHS temperature when an EDG room cooler Is taken out for maintenance. Procedures HC.OP-IS.EG-0001 through 0004 will be revised to update the required differential pressure across the'SACS pump during Inservice Testing. Procedures HC.OP-SO.EG-0001 and HC.OP-AB.ZZ-01 35 will be revised to update the SACS pumps maximum flow rate. All changes to system procedures ensure the SACS system meets the design requirements necessary to mitigate a design basis accident. The changes ensure Operators do not operate the STACS outside of Its design bases. Therefore, the revision to the calculations does not Involve a change to procedures that adversely affects how UFSAR described SSC design functions are performed or controlled.

The methodology used In Safety Analyses are unaffected by these revisions. All Inputs to such analyses are unchanged. These calculations dio not establish design bases of any kind. They, in fact, ensure the design bases are met for the STAC:S, Therefore, the revision to the calculation does not revise or replace evaluation methodology described In the UFSAR.

The revision to the calculations does not Involve a test or experiment of any kind. Since the UHS limiting temperature Is greater than or equal to the Technical Specification temperature limit, it does not Involve a change to the Hope Creek Technical Specifications.

Nuclear Common Rev. 10

I NC.NA.AS.ZZ-0059(Q)

FORM-2 iOCFR50.59 SCREENING Page _ 4 of 4 Revision 0 Document l.D.: EG-0046 & EG-0047 Revision: 5&3


STACS Operation & HCGS Uhimate Heat Sink Temperature Limits

8. List the documents reviewed containing relevant information, including section numbers (UFSAR, Tech Specs, and others):

UFSAR Section 5.4.7, "RHR System" UFSAR Section, "Low Pressure Coolant Injection"

-UFSAR Section 6.8, 'FRVS" UFSAR Section 9.2.2, "Safety and Turbine Auxiliary Cooling System" UFSAR Section, "Control Area Chilled Water System" UFSAR Section 9.4.1, "Control Room and Control Area HVAC Systems" UFSAR Section 9.4.2, 'Reactor Building HVAC" UFSAR Section 9.4.6, uStandby Diesel Generator Area Ventilation System" UFSAR Table 9.2-4, "STACS Flows and Heat Loads" Technical Specifications Section 3.4.9, "Residual Heat Removal" Technical Specifications Section 3.5.1, "Emergency Core Cooling System" Technical Specifications Section, "Filtration, Recirculation and Ventilation System" Technical Specifications Sections, 'Safety Auxiliaries Cooling System" Technical Specifications Section 3.7.2, uControl Room Emergency Filtration System" Technical Specifications Section, "Residual Heat Removal and Coolant Circulation" COMPLETION AND APPROVAL cJ A lb November 30, 26iO5- James Murphy 12/3112005 PAR S DATE NAME (PRINT) QUAL EXPIRES dlA)- December 6,2005 Robert Down 12131/2005 REVC DATE NAME (PRINT) QUAL EXPIRES December 7, 2005 Emin Ortalan 9120/2005 APFRVRSN) DATE NAME (PRINT) QUAL EXPIRES Nuclear Common Rev. .10