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Generation Station - Plant Procedures Manual, Revision 13
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 01/08/2004
From: Deleon V
Energy Northwest
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML040220456 (259)


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- NORTHWEST !II People 0Vlsian

  • Solutions INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: January 08, 2004 TO: Distribution \) a FROM: Procedure Control, Adm iiServices, (901A)




The following Procedure(s) have been revised/approved and are to be inserted in your controlled copy of the Manual and the superseded revisions are to be removed and destroyed:

Procedure Rev Title/Comments 13.5.1 18 EVACUATION 13.7.5 16 OFFS1TE ASSEMBLY AREA OPERATIONS 13.8.1 24 EMERGENCY DOSE PROJECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS 13.10.1 26 CONTROL ROOM OPERATIONS AND SHIFT MANAGER DUTIES 13.10.2 22 TSC MANAGERDUTIES 13.10.4 27 RADIATION PROTECTION MANAGER DUTIES 13.11.1 30 EOF MANAGERDUTIES 13.11.7 27 RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY MANAGER DUTIES 13.14.4 41 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND TESTING 13.14.9 24 EMERGENCY PROGRAM MAINTENANCE EDITORIAL CHANGES, please replace with attached pages Procedure Rev Pa2e/s 13.1.1 32 4 13.2.2 14 2,4,8,9,3 13.4.1 28 2 13.5.5 17 1,2,3,4 13.5.7 0 2 13.9.5 13 1,3 13.10.7 19 1, 2,4, 5 13.10.8 21 1, 2, 3,4 13.10.9 35 2,9,19,36 13.11.2 9 1,6,9 13.11.3 22 2,3,4,5,6 13.11.10 18 2,3, 6 13.11.18 13 1,4,5 13.12.19 8 1, 7,11 13.12.20 3 1,4 The following have been CANCELED and are to be removed Procedure Rev Title/Comments 13.5.3 28 EVACUATION OF EXCLUSION AREA AND /OR NEARBY FACILITIES To verify receipt or cancellation of the subject Procedure(s), please sign, date and return this receipt to Procedure Control, MD 901A within TEN (10) WORKING DAYS of the date of this IOM.

Energy Northwest Procedure Control (Mail Drop 901A)

AM5 PO Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Date Signature of Manual Holder Controlled Cbpy Number 102 RS

DISTRIBUTION - VOLUME 13 Control Copy Location Mail Drop 2 *Control Room (501) (IOM to CRS) 901A 3 *Shift Manager (501) 901A 5 Licensed Training (PSF Rm. 249) 1050 6 *Simulator (PSF Rm. 235) 1050 12 PEC Library PEC 25 Bruce Bond 964F 26 Region IV, NRC 28 Region IV, NRC 30 EOF Support Engineering Library 1050 31 *TSC Emergency Response 901A 35 NRC Resident Inspector 52 State of Washington, Military Department/Lomax 55 Federal Emergency Mgmt. Agency 57 Benton County Dept of Emergency Mgmt.

58 *CGS Security (SAS-CR) (13.1.1, 13.4.1, 13.5.1, 13.5.3, 13.5.5, 13.10.8, 13.11.10, 13.12.19, 13.13.4) 901A 59 *CGS Security (CAS-AAP) (13.1.1, 13.4.1, 13.5.1, 13.5.3, 13.5.5, 13.10.8, 13.11.10, 13.12.19, 13.13.4) 901A 60 CGS Security 988A 63 Emergency Training PE30 64 *Radwaste Control Room (467) 901A 66 *Simulator, Shift Manager (PSF Rm. 235) 1050 68 *Remote Shutdown Room (467) (13.1.1, 13.2.1, 13.2.2, 13.4.1, 13.5.1, 13.10.1, 13.10.9) 901A 75 Dept. of Health Radiation Protection 78 *Control Room - (501) STA's Desk 901A 83 *MUDAC 1020 86 *Simulator - STA's Desk 1050 87 Document Control Desk, NRC

++90 *Joint Information Center (Keys) 901A 94 *EOF 1050 97 *EOF 1050 114 EP Manager PE30 127-130 (4) Licensed Training (Rms. 225, 247 or 248) 1050 132 Licensed Training (Rms. 225, 247 or 248) 1050 134-136 (3) *MUDAC Field Team Kits (13.9.1, 13.9.5, 13.9.8, 13.13.4, 13.14.4) 1050

+ +137 *MPF Field Team Kit (13.7.5, 13.9.1, 13.9.5, 13.9.8, 13.13.4, 13.14.4 901A 142 Hanford EOC/SMT 146 FEMA RX Liaison 155 *Maintenance Library (Memo to Veena) 901A 160 *OSC Emergency Support 901A 161 Equipment Operator Training 1050 164 Oregon State Dept. of Energy 219-221 (3) Licensed Training (Rms. 225, 247 or 248) 1050 223 Franklin County Emergency Management 236 Site 1 (B.Lyons) (13.5.3, 13.4.1, 13.5.7, 13.13.4, 13.14.9) 817

+ +238 *Alternate EOF (Keys) 901A 244 Ron Jorgensen PE30 245 Paul Ziemer PE30

+ + Procedure Control does the filing at downtown - Bring keys

  • Level 1 File Page 1 of 2





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.. 3 3.0 DISCUSSION ................................................... 3 4.0 PROCEDURE .. 5 4.1 Localized Evacuations. 5 4.2 Conducting a Site Evacuation .5 4.2.1 Emergency Director Responsibilities .5 4.2.2 Security Supervisor Responsibilities. 7 4.2.3 Security Manager/On-shift Security Supervisor Responsibilities for Site One Evacuation. 7 4.2.4 Radiation Protection Manager Responsibilities .9 4.2.5 Radiological Emergency Manager Responsibilities. 9 4.2.6 Site Support Manager Responsibilities .10 4.3 Response to a Credible Insider Threat - Shift Manager/Emergency Director Actions

...................................................... 10 4.4 Response to a Credible Insider Threat - Security Supervisor Actions .10 5.0 ATTACHMENTS ............................... 11 5.1 Site Map and Evacuation Route ............................... 12 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.5.1 18 2 of 12

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides direction for conducting localized evacuations within the Protected Area and evacuation of non-essential personnel from the site Protected and Exclusion Areas, including Site One.


2.1 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Section 5 2.2 PPM 13.5.5, Personnel Accountability/Search and Rescue 2.3 PPM 13.5.7, Designated Site One Authority Duties 2.4 PPM 13.7.5, Offsite Assembly Area Operations 2.5 ABN-SECURITY, Site Security Event 2.6 Public Address Emergency Message Format - Localized Evacuation, 26048 2.7 Public Address Emergency Message Format - Protected Area Evacuation, 26050 2.8 Public Address Emergency Message Format - Evacuation, 26051 2.9 Emergency Center Accountability Log, 25691 3.0 DISCUSSION 3.1 The principle consideration when contemplating an evacuation is the safety of personnel. A Localized evacuation is the orderly withdrawal of personnel from a selected area within the Protected Area. A localized evacuation will be announced using the alerting tone followed by an instructional message. A Site evacuation normally occurs at Site Area Emergency, and non-essential personnel from the Protected Area, Exclusion Area, and Site One are evacuated. Evacuees are directed to report to the Energy Northwest Office Complex (ENOC) Offsite Assembly Area for potential monitoring and decontamination. If the need for monitoring is not required at the time the evacuation order is given, evacuees may be released to go home after reporting to the Offsite Assembly Area.

3.2 The Emergency Director (ED) is responsible for determining what type of evacuation is to be conducted. The decision to evacuate personnel should be based on the course of action which presents the minimum risk to employees. Some examples of conditions which make offsite evacuation NOT advisable include but are not limited to:

  • An ongoing security threat within the Protected Area (consult with the NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.5.1 18 3 of 12

Security Shift Supervisor to aid in determining the safest course of action).

  • Inclement weather (e.g., high winds or hazardous road conditions may preclude a safe evacuation of plant personnel).
  • Radiological hazards exist (determine which action would result in lowest dose to evacuating personnel).

Other hazards exist which might subject evacuees to a higher risk to personnel safety than not evacuating.

If an evacuation is needed but conditions exist to make evacuation unsafe, such as response to a security event, personnel will be advised by the Emergency Director to remain on site.

3.3 The area selected for a localized evacuation should have well-defined boundaries (e.g., Radwaste Building, 422' Reactor Building, 501' Turbine Building, etc.). The assembly area for localized evacuations will be the onsite Yakima Building conference room or other areas as specified.

For localized evacuations that may be conducted without being in a declared emergency condition, the decision to evacuate is the responsibility of the Control Room Supervisor/Shift Manager (CRS/SM).

Normally, Protected Area and Exclusion Area evacuations will be conducted at a Site Area Emergency as a Site evacuation or when other conditions warrant. Personnel Accountability will be established for Protected Area personnel remaining within 30 minutes of the declaration of the evacuation per PPM 13.5.5. Protected Area evacuees will assemble at the ENOC Offsite Assembly Area after leaving the plant and, if required, radiological monitoring and decontamination will be performed.

3.4 A Protected Area evacuation may be conducted if a confirmed, credible insider threat exists, independent of emergency classification. Confirmation of this threat and the recommendation to either shelter in place or evacuate should come from on-shift Security supervision. The determination to shelter or evacuate will be evaluated against the nature of the threat at the time. Provided a Protected Area evacuation can be conducted safely during this event, evacuation is preferred. Otherwise, sheltering in place is preferred. All Protected Area personnel should immediately follow the instructions contained in the public address announcement.

NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.5.1 18 4 of 12

4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1 Localized Evacuations 4.1.1 Determine if any areas of the plant should be avoided during the evacuation.

If conditions exist requiring localized evacuation such as a security contingency or other localized hazard, initiate localized evacuation by performing steps on form 26048, Public Address Emergency Message Format - Localized Evacuation.

4.2 Conducting a Site Evacuation NOTE: A Site Evacuation encompasses the Columbia Generating Station Protected Area and the Exclusion Area, including all of the Owner Controlled Area.

4.2.1 Emergency Director Responsibilities

1. Determine if any of the extenuating conditions listed below, or other conditions which might preclude or delay safe evacuation, are present:
  • An ongoing security threat within the Protected Area (consult with the Security Shift Supervisor to aid in determining the safest course of action).
  • Inclement weather (e.g., high winds or hazardous road conditions may preclude a safe evacuation of plant personnel).
  • Radiological hazards exist (determine which action would result in lowest dose to evacuating personnel).
  • Other hazards exist which might subject evacuees to a higher risk to personnel safety than not evacuating.

If conditions requiring a Site evacuation are present, but the decision is made to retain personnel due to safety concerns, personnel will be directed to remain in place until directed otherwise.

NOTE: If the EOF Manager is acting as Emergency Director, coordinate the following steps with the Radiological Emergency Manager (REM):

2. If evacuation routes are unavailable due to hazards or severe weather, consider sheltering in place until conditions improve.

NOTE: The EOF Manager, if acting as Emergency Director, must NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.5.1 18 5 of 12

coordinate with the TSC Manager to have PA announcements made.

3. If it is determined that a Site evacuation can be conducted safely, direct evacuation at Site Area Emergency.
4. Determine, and include these areas in the PA announcement, if any areas should be avoided during the evacuation.
5. Ensure actions for evacuations of Site One are being implemented at Site Area Emergency.
6. Determine, if necessary, any other special protective measures which should be taken by evacuees.
7. Determine the appropriate evacuation and assembly area:

If normal evacuation impediments do not exist, direct personnel to evacuate the site and report to the Offsite Assembly Area located at the ENOC. A site map showing the primary evacuation route and assembly area is presented in Attachment 5.1.

If confirmation of a credible insider threat is received, provide instructions via public address announcement. If it is safe for personnel to evacuate, all personnel not assigned to the Control Room or filling an emergency response position should be directed to report to the Offsite Assembly Area at the ENOC, or other area as identified, and await further instructions. Otherwise, they should be directed to shelter in place.

8. If a security event or other unforeseen condition prevents or alters implementation of these preplanned evacuation plans, designate alternate exit point(s) and assembly area(s), and revise the public address announcements accordingly.
9. Perform steps on form 26051, Public Address Emergency Message Format - Site Evacuation, to direct evacuation of the Site.
  • If the PA announcement is made from the Control Room, use the PA system override switch for announcements. Return the switch to. the normal position when done.
  • If the EOF Manager is the Emergency Director, coordinate with the TSC Manager to make PA announcements.
10. Direct the Radiation Protection Manager to provide Health Physics coverage at the Radiologically Controlled Area (RCA) exit portal NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.5.1 18 6 of 12

monitors and at the exit monitors at the Protected Area Access Point (PAAP).

11. Direct the REM in the EOF to make a determination if monitoring is required for evacuees at the Offsite Assembly Area. If not, evacuees may be released to go home after reporting to the Offsite Assembly Area.

4.2.2 Security Supervisor Responsibilities

1. The preferred method of site exit uses the normal exit protocol. If desired, the gate between the egress turnstiles at the Protected Area Access Point (PAAP) can be opened to expedite personnel exit.
2. If the gate between the turnstiles is opened, log personnel offsite as quickly as possible, using the Personnel Accountability Log for System Outages.
3. Coordinate with the Security Manager to direct a Security Officer to the Offsite Assembly Area, if established, to maintain order at the designated assembly area, and to relay messages or directions to evacuees.
  • Instruct the Security Officer at the Offsite Assembly Area to communicate on the Security area wide radio channel to help coordinate evacuee processing and relay messages.
4. Direct the mobile patrol to perform a visual check of evacuation progress within the Exclusion Area Boundary, including the Security Firing Range and that portion of the Owner Controlled Area outside the Exclusion Area boundary.

4.2.3 Security Manager/On-shift Security Supervisor Responsibilities for Site One Evacuation

1. Confer with the Radiological Emergency Manager or Emergency Director in the REM's absence to determine the appropriate announcement.
2. If a radiation release is in progress, confer with the REM in the EOF to determine the need for an alternate evacuation route.
3. Initiate a Site One public address announcement by dialing 761 and reading the following message, or other announcement provided by the REM:

NOTE: Include alternate evacuation route instructions, if required.

NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.5.1 18 7of 12


Repeat the PA announcement.

4. After the public address announcement is complete, direct the SCC Duty Officer to activate the Site One and Crossroads evacuation sirens.

If the SCC has not been notified, contact the Site One Manager, Designated Site Authority (DSA) or Site One Monitor and verify that the Site One evacuation actions are being initiated per PPM 13.5.7.

Contact the SCC for the current DSA phone list, if necessary.

5. If no one can be contacted at Site One and if confirmation that the Site One gate is locked cannot be obtained, make two attempts to contact personnel listed in section one of the Site One contact list.

Direct individuals contacted to evacuate Site One and report to the Offsite Assembly Area.

6. If the Site One siren does not activate, direct the Security Supervisor to manually activate the siren at Gate 1-1.
7. Contact the Security Supervisor to inform security officers at the roadblocks of offsite assembly area location if necessary.
8. Direct the Secondary Alarm Station Operator to broadcast the appropriate message over the Energy Northwest Maintenance and Security Radio Channels. The SAS checklist announcement should direct evacuees to report to the Offsite Assembly Area.
9. Coordinate with the Security Supervisor to dispatch an officer with a radio to the assembly area to maintain order at the designated assembly area, and to relay messages or directions to evacuees.

NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.5.1 18 8 of 12

10. Provide telephone notification of the evacuation and the above instructions to the following locations. Refer to the Emergency Phone Directory for phone numbers.

Circulating Pumphouse Visitor's Center Waste Water Treatment Plant Security Training Facility/Firing Range Plant Maintenance Training Ashe Substation

11. Keep the Emergency Director informed on the status of the evacuation.

4.2.4 Radiation Protection Manager Responsibilities

1. Dispatch HP technicians to the portal monitors at the PAAP to provide instructions to evacuating personnel as outlined below, and assist in personnel monitoring as necessary.
a. If personnel were in a contaminated area, direct them to return to the RCA access point to remove protective clothing (if not already removed), and perform personnel monitoring. If contamination is found, contact the RPM at the TSC at Ext. 2852 for further instructions.
b. If personnel alarm the PAAP portal monitors, direct personnel to the Offsite Assembly Area for monitoring and decontamination.
2. Inform the Radiological Emergency Manager (REM) if personnel or vehicle monitoring or decontamination is necessary for evacuating personnel.

4.2.5 Radiological Emergency Manager Responsibilities NOTE: A radioactive release is in progress when effluent monitors indicate radiation levels in excess of normal readings or field teams detect environmental radiation 10 times greater than normal background, and the increased levels are attributable to the emergency event.

1. If a radiological release is in progress at the time of the evacuation order, monitoring of evacuees at the Offsite Assembly Area may be necessary.
2. In the event of an evacuation requiring personnel to report to the Offsite Assembly Area, request the RPM at the TSC to verify that a Health Physics technician has set up the Offsite Assembly Area to receive evacuees. Refer to PPM 13.7.5 for guidance regarding setup and NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.5.1 18 9 of 12

operations of the Offsite Assembly Area.

3. At the time of evacuation, evacuees should be directed to report to the Offsite Assembly Area. Refer to Attachment 5.1 for the site evacuation route. This direction should include an evacuation route from the list below as appropriate.
  • Primary: Route 4 South - This four lane road leads from the sites to Richland and is the main route from the site.
  • Alternate: Route 10 South - A two lane road (FFTF access road) connects Route 4 with Route 10 to Highway 240, then leads into Richland.
  • Alternate: Route 4 South - A two lane road leads northwest from the site, intersecting with Highway 240 and Highway 24 to Yakima.
  • Alternate: Route 2 South - A two lane road leading north from the site, intersecting with Highway 240 and Highway 24 to Yakima.
4. If no offsite release is in progress at the time of evacuation, evacuees should be released from the Offsite Assembly Area to go home.

4.2.6 Site Support Manager Responsibilities

1. Contact and inform the FFTF Control Room of the evacuation PADs made by Energy Northwest.

4.3 Response to a Credible Insider Threat - Shift Manager/Emergency Director Actions These actions may be taken in response to security events that occur independently of required Site evacuation actions taken at Site Area Emergency.

4.3.1 Direct protective actions for personnel based on recommendations from on shift Security supervision. Those actions will consist of either sheltering in place until the security threat is contained, or evacuation of non-essential personnel from the Protected Area to the Offsite Assembly Area.

  • Use the PA system override switch for announcements. Return the switch to the normal position when done.

4.4 Response to a Credible Insider Threat - Security Supervisor Actions 4.4.1 If a credible insider threat has been received and confirmed, contact the Shift Manager/Emergency Director. Based on evaluation of the threat at the time, NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.5.1 18 10 of 12

recommend to the Shift Manager/Emergency Director that Protected Area personnel either shelter in place, or evacuate to the Offsite Assembly Area.

1. If immediate sheltering in place is the preferred option based upon evaluation, using the EPIP Supervisor Checklist, advise the Shift Manager/Emergency Director to direct personnel to take shelter.
2. If a Protected Area evacuation can be completed safely based upon evaluation, using the EPIP Supervisor Checklist, advise the Shift Manager to direct evacuation using form 26050, Public Address Emergency Message - Protected Area Evacuation.

5.0 ATTACHMENTS 5.1 Site Map and Evacuation Route NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.5.1 18 11 of 12

Energy Northwest Office Complex (ENOC)

Evacuation Assembly Area I RWER Notification Method:

  • Public addresssystem, or
  • Telephone 120147 Ap92.0:

Attachment 5.1 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.5.1 - 18 12 of 12


  • 13 .7 .5*




........................... 2 .............

3.0 DISCUSSION ....................... 2 4.0 PRECAUTIONS ....................... 3 5.0 PROCEDURE .............. 3 5.1 Assigned Security Officer Duties ................................. 3 5.2 Radiological Emergency Manager (REM) Duties ......... .............. 4 5.3 Person in Charge Duties . ................................. 4 5.4 Parking Area Personnel Duties ................................. 5 5.5 Decon Personnel Duties . ................................. 6 6.0 ATTACHMENTS .............. 7 6.1 Offsite Assembly Evacuation Route and Parking ... ..................... 8 6.2 Offsite Assembly Point Personnel Accountability Log and Vehicle Survey Log .... 9 6.3 ENOC Monitoring and Decontamination Facility ...................... 10 6.4 Offsite Assembly Point Personnel Survey Log ........................ 11 6.5 Responder Duties Upon Arrival At the Offsite Assembly Area .... ......... 12 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.7.5 16 1 of 13

1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance for the setup and operation of the offsite assembly area for evacuee processing, monitoring and, when necessary, decontamination of potentially contaminated personnel and vehicles.


2.1 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Section 5.7.3 2.2 SPIP-SEC-04, Officer Responding to PSF Ambulance Bay/Offsite Assembly Area 2.3 PPM Volume 11, Health Physics Procedures 2.4 PPM 13.5.1, Evacuation 2.5 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 2.6 PERA 202-1448-04 3.0 DISCUSSION Personnel evacuated from the Columbia Generating Station Protected Area and Energy Northwest Exclusion Area will be instructed to assemble at the Energy Northwest Office Complex (ENOC). Evacuees may be monitored for contamination if necessary, and decontaminated as necessary.

During activation of the ENOC as an offsite assembly area, the Security Manager or Security Supervisor is responsible for dispatching a Security Officer for evacuee processing, crowd control, and message relay. The Radiological Emergency Manager (REM) is responsible for dispatching Health Physics Technicians to perform personnel and vehicle monitoring, decontamination, and record keeping as appropriate. Administrative assistance may be requested from the ENOC Facility Manager.

4.0 PRECAUTIONS 4.1 The safety of personnel takes precedence over the monitoring of personnel and/or vehicles for contamination control purposes. The monitoring of personnel or vehicles should be terminated (or not implemented) if the monitoring may increase the hazard to personnel.

4.2 Protective clothing, dosimetry, and radiological control requirements will be established by Health Physics based on good radiological work practices.


5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Assigned Security Officer Duties 5.1.1 When directed by the Security Manager or the Security Supervisor, report to the ENOC or alternate assembly area to assist with evacuee processing.

5.1.2 Upon arrival at the Offsite Assembly Area request a status briefing from Health Physics.

5.1.3 Begin completing the steps in Attachment 6.5 until the first evacuee arrives.

5.1.4 When the first evacuee arrives, be stationed at the entrance to the gravel parking area, direct evacuees to stay in a line going into the parking area.

Vehicles will be lined up down the block and should remain on the extreme right hand side of the road without blocking any intersections.

5.1.5 Ensure evacuees remain in their vehicles until directed by Health Physics to do otherwise. Caution evacuees not to eat, drink, or smoke until cleared to do so by Health Physics.

5.1.6 Maintain traffic control and crowd control. Do not turn anyone away from wanting to be monitored.

5.1.7 Once all vehicles and personnel have been initially monitored and screened, remain in the parking area to ensure security of vehicles and integrity of barriers.

5.1.8 When relieved, report to HP for precautionary monitoring prior to departing the area.

5.2 Radiological Emergency Manager (REM) Duties 5.2.1 Assign personnel to the offsite assembly area as follows:

a. HP or other qualified personnel to perform vehicle and personnel monitoring and decontamination.
b. As available, assign administrative support personnel to assist with logging evacuees being processed through the assembly area or other record keeping activities.

5.2.2 Brief the JIC HP Spokesperson on the nature of the emergency situation.


5.2.3 If radiological conditions at the time of the evacuation order do not require monitoring of evacuees at the Offsite Assembly Area, evacuaees may be released from the Offsite Assembly Area without monitoring.

5.2.4 For additional radiological assistance, contact DOE-RL to request the Department of Energy (DOE) to dispatch HP Techs to the assembly area to perform vehicle and/or personnel decontamination.

5.2.5 When activating the Offsite Assembly Area, ensure that a qualified individual is tasked with performing as the HP person in charge at the Offsite Assembly Area.

5.3 Person in Charge NOTE: The Person in Charge may be a qualified HP Spokesperson or other individual knowledgeable about radiological practices.

Obtain briefing from the REM on the status of the plant, wind direction, type and extent of release, number of evacuees expected, and the potential for additional evacuees.

NOTE: If you have to perform a JIC function that may limit your ability to monitor the radio, request a JIC Security Officer to monitor the radio until you are available again.

5.3.1 Equipment and supplies for the setup of the parking lot are located in Room 1-200 (Alternate EOF) Supply Cabinets.

5.3.2 Take a radio and orange vest out of cabinet #1.

5.3.3 Begin completing the steps in Attachment 6.5 as your JIC duties permit. Turn the portable radio on and be monitoring the radio at all times.

5.3.4 Ensure that the Health Physics representatives are located at the gravel parking area to implement the monitoring of evacuating personnel and vehicles.

5.3.5 Ensure that parking area personnel are kept informed of information to pass on to evacuees.

5.3.6 Periodically contact the REM and keep him/her advised of the status of the operation. Request that additional resources be provided if the monitoring and decon functions are overloaded.

5.3.7 Ensure all monitoring and decon operations are conducted in accordance with standard Health Physics practices.


5.3.8 If decon actions do not achieve desired results, inform the REM.

5.3.9 At shift change fully brief your relief on the status of operations being performed.

5.3.10 Upon completion of monitoring and decon operations, collect all relevant documentation for the REM.

5.4 Parking Area Personnel Duties 5.4.1 Health Physics Do not exclude non-badged individuals from being monitored. Caution evacuees not to eat, drink, or smoke until cleared to do so.

a. Instruct the driver to set the parking brake and turn off the motor. Then, complete a survey of the vehicle radiator grill area, tires, and windshield.

NOTE: Vehicles found to be contaminated will be parked and will not be decontaminated until the recovery phase of the emergency has been entered.

b. If a vehicle is found contaminated, personnel monitoring is not required, direct the occupants to park their vehicle at the south end of the gravel parking area, remain in their vehicle, and await further instructions from HP. Let them know that depending on the numbers of vehicles to be checked that it could take while before they can be further processed.
c. If the vehicle exterior is not contaminated, complete a gross survey (hands, face, feet) of the individuals in the vehicles. If not contaminated direct them to drive back to George Washington Way via the north drive onto Lindberg Street and to proceed home.
d. If monitoring indicates a person is contaminated, direct them to park their vehicle on the south side of the gravel parking area, remain in their vehicle, and await further instructions from HP. Let them know that depending on the numbers of vehicles to be checked that it could take a while before they can be further processed.
e. Periodically note the background count rate, and if it is greater than 300 counts per minute (cpm) or appears to be increasing, inform the HP person in charge. The monitoring area may have to be relocated to a lower background area elsewhere in the parking lot.


f. Upon completion of monitoring in the parking area, use the installed posts to place a barrier across the west end of the gravel parking area.

Ensure that all controlled area portions of the gravel parking area are defined using yellow barrier tape. Refer to Attachment 6.1 for details.

g. Request keys of vehicles found to be contaminated from the driver and track them using bags or envelopes labeled with the name and phone number of the driver. Indicate to the driver that their keys will be returned upon decontamination of the vehicle.
h. Take the survey instruments and go to the monitoring and decon area and complete action in section 5.5.

5.5 Decon Personnel Duties 5.5.1 Health Physics

a. Upon arrival back in the monitoring and decon area, ensure the area is properly set up. Refer to Attachment 6.3 and 6.5.
b. Periodically note the background count rate, and if it is greater than 300 counts per minute (cpm) or appears to be increasing, inform the Person in Charge.
c. Survey personnel coming into the monitoring area. Persons found free of contamination should be sent to the Richland Room to wait for transportation home.
d. When personnel contamination is found, direct the person to remove any contaminated clothing or personal possessions, and place into a plastic bag. Seal the bag and label with the individual's name and phone number on the outside of the bag.
e. If there is skin contamination, direct the individual into the decon area and complete decontamination.
f. When contamination can no longer be detected, complete a record of decontamination activities on Attachment 6.4.
g. When finished, direct evacuees to the Richland Room until transportation can be arranged.
h. At shift change fully brief your relief on the status of operations being performed.


i. Upon completion of monitoring and decon operations, complete a survey of the decon area and remove any loose surface contamination found, and collect all relevant documentation for the REM.

6.0 ATTACHMENTS 6.1 Offsite Assembly Evacuation Route and Parking 6.2 Offsite Assembly Point Personnel Accountability Log and Vehicle Survey Log 6.3 ENOC Monitoring and Decontamination Facility 6.4 Offsite Assembly Point Personnel Survey Log 6.5 Responder Duties Upon Arrival At the Offsite Assembly Area PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.7.5 16 7 of 13


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OFFSITE ASSEMBLY AREA PERSONNEL SURVEY/DECONTAMINATION LOG Name/Contamination Location Date/Time Contamination Decon Date & Resurvey Surveyor Initials Level (CPM above Time Contamination bkgd.) Level

_ I __ I _I _ 1 NOTE: After this record is complete and is not required for immediate use, forward to the Health Physics person in charge or to the Radiological Emergency Manager.


1. Go to the Alternate EOF storage room and load the cart with all the supplies contained in cabinet #1 and 2 as needed. The cart should be removed from the storage room prior to being filled.
2. Put on an orange traffic vest and take a portable radio (ensure radios are set to transmit and receive on channel 1) out of the canvas bag, and take the cart to the east entrance of the gravel parking lot.

NOTE: Reference attachment 6.1 for information on set-up in the road and parking area.

3. Set-out orange traffic cones to mark the entrance into the gravel parking area.
4. Place cones in parking area to define monitoring location.
5. Use caution tape to set-up a boundary using the metal posts from the entrance driveway south to the loading dock driveway, and then to the bottom of the stairs at the ENOC decon/monitoring receiving area entrance.
6. Set-up a monitoring area midway through the gravel parking area (stage remaining equipment).
7. Ensure evacuating vehicles pull into the gravel parking area north of the ENOC. Request two of the evacuees to obtain and log passenger names, vehicle license plate numbers, and destination phone numbers on attachment 6.2. This responsibility can be delegated to any Energy Northwest employee. Caution evacuees not to eat, drink, or smoke until cleared to do so by Health Physics.
8. Traffic cones should be placed approximately every 50 feet from the east entrance to the gravel parking lot drive way to approximately 1000 feet north to identify the traffic lane into the parking area.
9. Cordon off the entry to the gravel parking lot when the last vehicle has entered the lot for monitoring.

Attachment 6.5 Page 1 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.7.5 16 12 of 13

Monitoring/Decontamination Area Set-up

1. The supplies for setting-up the monitoring/decontamination room are stored in one of the designated storage cabinets in the monitoring and decontamination area (yellow tie wrapped).
2. Get the key for the facility rooms (Richland Room/Facility's Office) out of the key box located on the wall outside of room 1-200. The key has a large red tag and is labeled as "loading dock facility key".
3. The step-off pads are stored behind the storage lockers, and the stanchions are located by the outside door.
4. Set-up the room using the diagram on Attachment 6.3.
5. Install the spray nozzle on the faucet in the receiving area janitor's closet sink.
6. Post No entrance, No Exit signs Refer to Attachment 6.1 and 6.3.

Attachment 6.5 Page 2 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.7.5 16 13 of 13

  • 13.8.1*




............... . 2 3.0 DEFINITIONS ............... . 2 4.0 PROCEDURE ............... . 4 4.1 General Instructions ....... . 4 4.2 Dose Estimation Using QEDPS . 5 4.3 Dose Estimation Using EDPS .7 4.4 Historical Dose Projections . 8 5.0 ATTACHMENTS ............. . 9 5.1 EDPS User Guidance ...... 10 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.8.1 24 1 of 23

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides instructions for the use of the computerized Emergency Dose Projection System (EDPS) to predict offsite dose rates, integrated doses and radioactive material deposition for locations within the 10-mile Plume Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) and the 50-mile Ingestion EPZ. Actual manipulation of system display terminals is described in the Emergency Dose Projection System Users Manual referred to as the Users Manual.



2.1 10 CFR 50 .47(b) {R1594}

2.2 G12-03-020, Elimination of Requirements for Post Accident Sampling System


2.3 Emergency Dose Projection System Users Manual 2.4 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Section 5.3 2.5 NUREG 1228, Source Term Estimation During Incident Response to Severe Nuclear Power Plant Accidents 2.6 PPM 13.1.1, Classifying the Emergency 2.7 PPM 13.2.1, Emergency Exposure Levels/Protective Action Guides 2.8 PPM 13.2.2, Determining Protective Action Recommendations 3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Contours - Lines on the output map(s) connecting points of equal doseldose rate/deposition.

3.2 Delta T - The temperature difference between two sensors located at different elevations on a meteorological tower.

3.3 EDPS (Puff) - A dose projection computer program which employs all the design capabilities of multi-meteorology station data, variable source term via iterative data entry, full release time specification and a full output map selection. EDPS will compute dose/dose rate/deposition based on effluent monitor releases or reactor conditions out to 50 miles. EDPS provides the opportunity to modify the source term, reactor power, and release rates. EDPS will accept data from up to 50 meteorology stations to more realistically model the radioactive release via the puff dispersion model.


3.4 EDPS (Plume) - The EDPS Plume model accepts only a constant wind speed, direction and stability class from Columbia Generating Station per release. Additional data are ignored. Otherwise, EDPS (Plume) has similar capabilities as EPDS (Puff) model does.

3.5 Grid Points - EDPS calculations are based on two grid coordinate systems, both centered on the reactor building. For the polar grid, doses are calculated at 10 degree intervals on 6 concentric circles around the reactor. For the Cartesian grid, doses are calculated at 961 uniformly-spaced locations on the model domain (0-10 or 0-50 miles).

3.6 QEDPS - Quick EDPS is a fully defaulted, single entry screen EDPS subprogram designed for quick execution during the early stage of the plume phase and for EAL calculations. Many of the input options are defaulted with text and map output available.

QEDPS uses plant monitor data or field team data to calculate offsite doses.

3.7 Release Height - The assumed calculation release height. The effective release height is ground-level which is indicated in EDPS by entering 1 meter (or foot).

3.8 Source Term - The quantity and radionuclide makeup of the material in the release. The source term used in EDPS is based on NUREG-1228.

3.9 Stability Class - Values from A to G representing ranges of Delta T which in turn represent atmospheric mixing estimations. The NRC definitions of these ranges are used to define the stability classes used in EDPS.

3.10 Radioactive Release - A radioactive release is in progress when effluent monitors indicate an increase in radiation levels from normal readings for plant operating conditions or when field teams detect environmental radiation 10 times greater than normal background, AND the increased levels are attributable to the emergency event.


4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1 General Instructions 4.1.1 If in a declared emergency and an offsite dose or dose rate projection is needed, or if so directed, operate QEDPS or EDPS.

4.1.2 If necessary, boot up the PC at the work station. Log onto the LAN using your user ID and password:

NOTE: The PC assigned to the DOE representative at the JIC may be relocated to the Alternate EOF and used for dose projections. If relocated, it must be connected to the LAN to access PDIS.

4.1.3 Start PDIS by double-clicking on the appropriate PDIS icon on the Windows desktop. Minimize PDIS, and start QEDPS or EDPS.

When both programs are running, window back and forth for data selection and dose projection input.

4.1.4 Access the Rad Status screen by pulling down the EOP menu from the PDIS menu bar. Select Rad Status to obtain key radiation monitor data, meteorological, and effluent data.

  • Other PDIS pulldown menus may be selected to view other plant parameters or trends as desired.

4.1.5 Use either the QEDPS or EDPS based on the following considerations:

a. In the Control Room and TSC, use QEDPS to estimate doses.
b. In the EOF dose assessment area:
1) Use QEDPS to estimate initial offsite doses when plant monitoring data are available.
2) Use QEDPS to estimate offsite doses during quickly changing meteorology or release conditions.
3) When sufficient dose assessment staff are available, then the EDPS may be run along with QEDPS. EDPS results may be lower because of additional parameters supplied when entering EDPS data.


4) Once the release has stabilized or is decreasing, then sole use of EDPS is appropriate with constant meteorological conditions.
5) Use of the EDPS Puff model at the end of the Early (plume) phase, in the Intermediate phase, or with variable meteorological conditions, is appropriate.

4.1.6 Refer to Attachment 5.1 as a guide through EDPS. For more detail consult the EDPS Users Manual.

4.1.7 Real time radiological and meteorological data is used by QEDPS and EPDS by default. Historical dose projections are estimated in Section 4.5.

4.1.8 Review dose projection printouts, note any qualifying factors, as appropriate, initial for release and brief the RPM or REM, as appropriate, on the dose projection.

4.1.9 Refer to PPM 13.2.2 for Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) guidelines.

4.2 Dose Estimation Using OEDPS {C-11714}

4.2.1 Verify that system is operational by turning on the surge protector, CPU, monitor, and printer, if necessary.

4.2.2 Activate QEDPS by double clicking the QEDPS icon.

a. The Monitoring/Field Data screen lists the Plant Monitors and Field Team options used to calculate a release. Readings for all monitors listed are normally available on the Rad Status screen in PDIS for use in the TSC or EOF.
b. Select monitor to be used for the calculations from Columbia Generating Station and enter data in appropriate blocks.
1) If the release path is out the Reactor Building, the primary choice is a Stack Monitor.
2) When a Stack Monitor is selected, a screen will be displayed requesting Standby Gas Treatment System (SGT) information.

If you receive notification that the Control Room has received a high moisture alarm on Standby Gas Treatment, ensure that dose projections are performed with the SGTS Damaged option checked.

3) The default flow rate will display for the option chosen. Actual PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.8.1 24 5 of 23

values will need to be entered. If two trains of SGT are running, enter the total for both trains.

4) Enter the monitor reading.
5) In the EOF, all suspect data should be verified through EOF engineering staff.
c. Dose Estimation for Unmonitored Release Paths or if Instrumentation is Out of Service or Offscale.
1) Obtain field team data in the form of iodine air sample results or dose rates from the Field Team Coordinator.
2) On the Windows Desktop, select the Excel air sample icon corresponding to the units of the air sample.
3) Enter the cartridge and background readings, and press the tab key to perform the calculation.
4) Select field team data type from the QEDPS menu and enter field team sample results or dose rate values in the popup when prompted.
5) Use closed window readings when calculating dose projections using field team dose rate meter data.

4.2.3 Projected Release Duration

a. If End of Release is not known, a default value of the time of the release rounded up to the next hour plus two hours should be used.

EXAMPLE: Release has lasted for 25 minutes. Round 25 minutes up to 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and add 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> to give a release duration of 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />.

b. Time since Reactor Shutdown If the reactor is not scrammed, leave the value set to zero.

4.2.4 Enter Meteorology information. Stability class is entered as an alpha character A-G. Meteorological parameters from the primary met tower are normally available on the Radiological Parameters screen. If the primary met tower parameters are not available, use instructions in Attachment 5.1, step 2.2.4.k.3.

4.2.5 Select RUN to calculate doses.


4.2.6 Select PRINT to produce a paper output with emergency worker dose adjustment factor included.

4.2.7 Click on MAP to produce a projected plume map with TEDE and thyroid CDE values. If another dose projection is desired, click on RETURN.

NOTE: When returning from the Centerline Dose Results table, you may archive the results by clicking Yes when prompted. Results are archived in a file called Qarchive found in the subdirectory called Output, which is a part of the subdirectory QEDPS. Results are appended to the existing file and can be viewed with any text editor.

4.2.8 Compare doses and dose rates at 1.2 and 10 miles with EALs (PPM 13.1.1 Table 4) and protective action guidelines (PPM 13.2.1).

4.2.9 To perform another dose calculation, click on RETURN. Previous entries are retained. Enter the new values and select RUN.

4.2.10 Label and sign printed data for distribution. Forward to the REM for approval during the plume phase. In the Control Room the Shift Manager has approval authority. The Washington Senior State Official approves release data for distribution during the ingestion phase. Maintain a binder of all original printouts.

4.2.11 When finished in QEDPS, select QUIT.

4.3 Dose Estimation Using EDPS 4.3.1 Verify that the system is operational by turning on the surge protector, CPU, monitor, and printer, as necessary.

4.3.2 Activate EDPS by double-clicking on the EDPS icon.

4.3.3 Starting at the bottom of the Log On screen, enter your name and click on your location, then exit this screen via the OK button. These actions will identify your model outputs.

4.3.4 An understanding of the following is necessary to successfully execute the programs:

a. At several points in the program when a subprogram begins execution, a black window appears. Press Enter (Return) and, if necessary, click on the X in the upper right to continue.
b. Use the reactor power level default value of 100% unless the reactor has PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.8.1 24 7 of 23

been operating at a different power level for some time. Radioactive decay correction of the source term depends on the interval between Reactor Shutdown Time and Start of Release to Environment, which are entered on the EVENT TIMES screen.

c. Ensure that the plant is the first weather station selected in the meteorology module and that data are entered. The PLUME model requires input from only one set of meteorological data from the plant.
d. If the meteorology data times entered do not occur prior to or the same as the Start of Release to Environment, then you will get zero dose on your map contours window (ZMAX=O).
e. Maps and text output may be made for any 15-minute time interval (display time) in the exposure period.
f. If you get a page fault or any other error message, go back to the main screen and click on FILES then NEXT RUN to restart at the beginning of data input.

4.4 Historical Dose Projections 4.4.1 Contact the PDIS Analyst in the EOF to obtain historical values for the following computer points if the release is from the Reactor Building:

X406, Low Range Stack Monitor, PRM-RE-1A X407, Intermediate Range Stack Monitor, PRM-RE-1B X392, High Range Stack Monitor, PRM-RE-1C F146AV, Delta T F145AV, Wind direction at 33' F144AV, Wind speed at 33' Contact the PDIS Analyst to obtain additional values as necessary:

X198, Turbine Building Exhaust Flow X409, Turbine Building Low Range Monitor X394, Turbine Building Intermediate Range Monitor X366, Radwaste Building Exhaust Flow X408, Radwaste Building Low Range Monitor X393, Radwaste Intermediate Range Monitor X466, SGTS Al X356, SGTS A2 X452, SGTS B1 X371, SGTS B2 4.4.2 Enter the appropriate values and click RUN, PRINT or MAP as instructed.


5.0 ATTACHMENTS 5.1 EDPS User Guidance

EDPS USER GUIDANCE 1.0 DATA ENTRY OVERVIEW 1.1 The EDPS Main Window provides a snapshot of the flow of data required to generate a dose projection.

1.2 An arrow points toward the module(s) that are available for data entry.

1.3 As information is entered into the various modules, a check mark will display next to the completed module.

1.4 The EDPS system will highlight the normal sequence throughout the program by putting a small box around the current field requiring a response.

1.5 Use of the Tab key is the recommended method for entering numerical data.

1.6 Use of the left mouse button is the recommended method for navigation through the program.

2.0 DATA ENTRY 2.1 Input Source Term Data 2.1.1 At the "Logon as EDPS Master Terminal" screen:

a. Select location for performing a dose projection.
b. Enter your name and select "OK" to continue.

2.1.2 At the EDPS Main Window screen, select "Files" and "Next Run" to reset the program.

2.1.3 Select Scenario Description on the EDPS Main window to begin entering data.

2.1.4 Title/Model/Height/Power

a. Select the Title/Height/Bldg Wake/Power submenu.
b. Type in a Run Title for the dose projection being performed. Example:

Run 1 Attachment 5.1 Page 1 of 14 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.8.1 24 10 of 23

c. Choose the desired Transport Model. In general:
1) For most projections, select the Puff model.
  • The Plume model should be selected if the projection is for a near site vicinity map.
2) In the Intermediate (Ingestion) Phase, use the Puff Model
d. Choose Wake Effects or No Wake Effects.

The building wake option should be selected to allow building wake to be accounted for in the rate of diffusion.

e. Enter 1 meter as Effective Release Height.
f. Enter the Reactor Power level at which the plant was operating prior to shutdown. The default value is 100%. If the plant was shutdown for seven days or longer, use 0% for power.
g. When the above data are entered, select the DONE button on the screen.

2.1.5 Source Term

a. Select the Source Term submenu.
b. Select the Source Term option from the display which will be used to perform the projection.
c. When plant monitoring data are available, Monitoring Data is the desired option.
d. If the effluent monitors are out of service, refer to Section 4.0 of this attachment for dose calculations based on plant conditions or sample analysis. QEDPS should also be used to complete the dose projections based on field team results.
e. The Monitoring Data screen lists the Plant Monitors used to calculate a release. Readings for all monitors listed are normally available on the Rad Status screen in PDIS.
f. Select monitor to be used for the calculation and enter data in appropriate blocks.
1) If the release path is out the Reactor Building, the primary choice Attachment 5.1 Page 2 of 14 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.8.1 24 11 of 23

is a Stack Monitor.

2) When a Stack Monitor is selected, a screen will be displayed requesting Standby Gas Treatment System (SGT) information.

This can be obtained through the PDIS Rad Status screen. If the Filter Intact option is selected, the Filter Efficiency is 99.7%. If the Damaged option is selected, EDPS uses 0% efficiency.

  • If you receive notification that the Control Room has received a high moisture alarm on Standby Gas Treatment, ensure that dose projections are performed with the SGTS Damaged option checked.
3) The default flow rate will display for the option chosen, however, this should be obtained from the PDIS Rad Status screen. If two trains are running, add the flow rates together prior to entry.
4) Enter the monitor reading based on the Rad Status screen data.
5) Verify all suspect data through EOF engineering staff.
g. Select the DONE button when complete to return to the data input submenu.

2.1.6 Event Times

a. Select the EVENT TIMES button on the screen.
b. The following events should be displayed:
1) Reactor Shutdown If the reactor is not scrammed, enter the same time as the Start of Release to Environment. Use a 00:00 time format.
2) Start of Release to Containment For releases from other than the reactor building, enter the same time as the Start of Release to Environment.

If the reactor is not scrammed, enter the same time as the Start of Release to Environment.

3) Start of Release to Environment Attachment 5.1 Page 3 of 14 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.8.1 24 12 of 23
4) End of Release If End of Release is not known, a default value of the time of the release rounded up to the next hour plus two hours should be used.

EXAMPLE: Release has lasted for 25 minutes. Round 25 minutes up to 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and add 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> to give a release duration of 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />.

5) End of Exposure Use the same time as End of Release or a later time. For times later than the End of Release when the plume has left the area of concern, then groundshine is the major pathway of exposure.
6) Select DONE to return to the data input menu.

2.1.7 Review of Entered Data

a. Select the View Entered Values button to review data for accuracy.
b. Select the Return to Main Menu button.
c. If data needs to be changed, then select the appropriate submenu and enter the correct data.
d. When the correct data are entered, select the Store Values in File button.
e. Select EXIT button. A black calculation screen will display. Press Return, and, if necessary, use the mouse to click on the X to close the window.

2.2 Meteorological Data 2.2.1 Select Input Meteorology Data button.

2.2.2 Meteorology Data Overview Although data from multiple weather stations may be entered in the Puff model, only the data from the Columbia Generating Station meteorology tower is required and used during the Straight Line Plume selection.

The following is a brief description of the functions of each button displayed on the screen:

Attachment 5.1

a. CHANGE STATIONS Allows adding or changing stations.
b. CLEAR LIST Clears entire list of dates and times.
c. REMOVE ITEM FROM LIST After selecting an individual date and time, you can remove it from the list using this function.
d. ADD NEW DATE/TIME After entering new date and time in the appropriate fields, this function adds them to the date and time list.
e. ENTER DATA Allows entry of data for weather stations for specific dates and times.

2.2.3 Obtain meteorological data. Meteorological parameters from the primary met tower are normally available on the Radiological Parameters screen. If the primary met tower parameters are not available, use instructions provided in step 2.2.4.k.3.

2.2.4 Entry of Meteorological Data.

a. Meteorological data must be entered for times within 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> prior to, or at the same time as, the Start of Release to Environment time entered previously. Only one data time is allowed for the straight line Plume model.
b. If desired date and time is not listed, then select CLEAR LIST. Program will ask if you are sure you want to clear the list? Select YES.
c. Enter date of meteorological data in the NEW DATE field (MM/DD/YY). Press TAB key.
d. Enter time in NEW TIME field (HH:MM). Press TAB key.
e. Select the ADD NEW DATE/TIME button.
f. Steps 2.2.3.c. through 2.2.3.e. may be repeated for each date and time to be entered. Multiple dates and times should only be entered if the Puff Model is selected.
g. Select DONE.
h. Select ENTER DATA.
i. Input starts for the first date and time on the list. It may be necessary to Attachment 5.1 Page 5 of 14 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.8.1 24 14 of 23

select NEXT TIME SHEET to advance to the proper date and time before entering data for the Puff model.

j. Enter Mix Height (in meters). Refer to the list below:
1) winter 500
2) spring 750
3) summer 1000
4) fall 750
k. Enter Stab Class (Stability Class) - list is displayed on screen to choose class by number (1-7). Refer to the table below for the alpha-numeric correlation. If the AT or stability class is not available obtain Atmospheric Stability as described in step 2.2.4.k.3).
1) To determine Stability Class: Obtain necessary AT from the Rad Status screen, or PN H13-P823 Board L - Met System located in the, Control Room via the Information Coordinator. Then use the following table to determine stability class:

Stability Class vs Temperature Change With Height ( 0F/212 ft)

Stability Classification NRC Categories Temperature Change With Stability Height

( 0F/212 ft)

Extremely unstable A (1) AT * -2.2 Moderately unstable B (2) -2.2 < AT * -2.0 Slightly unstable C (3) -2.0 < AT * -1.7 Neutral D (4) -1.7 < AT < -0.6 Slightly stable E (5) -0.6 < AT< 1.7 Moderately stable F(6) 1.7 < AT

  • 4.7 Extremely stable G (7) 4.7 < AT
2) If the AT is not available, use the sigma theta available on the PDIS Rad Status screen.

Attachment 5.1 Paie 6 of 14

Stability Class vs. Sigma Theta Signal Stability Classification l NRC Categories (Degrees)

_l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J (Stability)

Extremely unstable A (1) sigma theta Ž 22.5 Moderately unstable B (2) 22.5 2 sigma theta > 17.5 Slightly unstable C (3) 17.5 2 sigma theta > 12.5 Neutral D (4) 12.5 2 sigma theta > 7.5 Slightly stable E (5) 7.5 2 sigma theta > 3.8 Moderately stable F (6) 3.8 2 sigma theta > 2.1 Extremely stable G (7) 2.1 2 sigma theta

3) If meteorology parameters are not available from the plant Met tower, contact one of the following:
  • Hanford Internet Site Weather Page (primary alternate):

Select the Hanford weather icon to access the FFTF meteorological information via the Internet. If the icon is not available, start Internet Explorer and enter one of the following addresses:

http://etd.pnl. gov:2080/HMS/stamap.htm or http://terrassa.pnl .gov:2080/HMS/stamap .htm When the icon is selected on the desktop, either a Hanford site map or the data for FFTF will be displayed. If the Hanford site map is displayed, select the 400 Area (option 9) to view the FFTF data.

Use the wind speed and direction for the 10 meter height since a ground level release is assumed.

Stability class is expressed as a numeric value. Convert the NRC stability category numeric value for AT to an A-G value for QEDPS. Use the NRC numeric value for EDPS. The above table or the aid on Board L may be used.

PNNL Weather Forecaster (secondary alternate) at 373-2710 Attachment 5.1 Page 7 of 14 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.8.1 24 16 of 23

Request wind speed, direction, and differential temperature for the FFTF met tower. If this information is not available from the PNNL forecaster, contact the National Weather Service.

Telephone the National Weather Service Forecaster (tertiary alternate) at one of the following locations:

1-541-276-4493 Pendleton, Oregon 1-206-526-6083 Seattle, Washington Request the following met data for the Hanford weather station:

Wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability, which you will need to convert to a NRC stability category of 1-7. The numeric stability category is the format that ERDS sends to NRC.

The National Weather Service does not provide a temperature differential. The NWS will describe the stability category as neutral, moderately stable, etc.

Wind speed obtained from the NWS is in knots. Convert knots to miles per hour using the following conversion:

1 knot = 1.15 statute mile per hour

1. Wind Dir (Wind Direction) - enter direction from which wind is blowing. Data point is normally available on the PDIS Rad Status screen.
m. Wind Spd (Wind Speed) - enter wind speed in miles per hour (mph).

Data point is normally available on the PDIS Rad Status screen.

n. Precip (Precipitation) - a list is displayed at left of screen to assist in proper entry. Select the appropriate choice.

O. Select Next Time Sheet button if additional dates and times are available. When data for all stations have been entered, program will display a message stating it is complete.

p. After data has been entered, select DONE.

2.3 Select MODEL DOMAIN button on EDPS Main Window 2.3.1 During the Plume phase, the 0-10 Mile option should be selected. The 0-50 Mile option should only be selected if the released material has exceeded 10 miles, based on actual duration of the release.

Attachment 5.1 Page 8 of 14 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.8.1 24 17 of 23

2.3.2 Select DONE button.

2.4 Process Meteorological Data 2.4.1 Select PROCESS METEOROLOGICAL DATA button.

2.4.2 A black calculation window will appear behind the menu. Press Return when calculations are complete and close the window by selecting X if necessary.

2.4.3 Press the Enter key to return to the EDPS Main Menu.

2.5 Transport Calculation 2.5.1 Select TRANSPORT CALCULATION. This module calculates the dispersion for each grid point.

2.5.2 A black calculation window will appear behind the menu. Press Return when calculations are complete and close the window by selecting X if necessary.

2.6 Choose CALCULATE DOSES Option 2.6.1 Select Calculate Doses.

2.6.2 For the Plume transport model, use a Display Time value which is equal or prior to End of Release in order to view plume dose rate data. Use of a Display Time after the End of Release will produce dose rates due only to groundshine from deposition.

2.6.3 For the Puff transport model, the Display Time feature allows the puff to be portrayed on the map and in the tabular output at different stages of its progression downwind.

2.6.4 Change Display Time, if desired. After reviewing data, select the OK button.

2.6.5 A black calculation window will appear behind the menu. Press Return when calculations are complete and close the window by selecting X if necessary.

3.0 DATA OUTPUT 3.1 The EDPS Main Menu should now have check marks beside all options except VIEW DOSE MAP and VIEW TABULAR OUTPUT.

3.2 Select VIEW TABULAR OUTPUT to view the dose projection data Attachment 5.1 Page 9 of 14

3.2.1 Compare dose projection data at 1.2 miles with the EALs (PPM 13.1.1 Table 4).

3.2.2 Compare dose projection data with protective action guidelines (PPM 13.2.2).

3.2.3 Print the dose projection data by selecting File on the menu bar. Then, select Print, and Complete Document.

3.2.4 Program may display a screen concerning Print destination and Port. Select OK.

3.2.5 To exit, select File in menu bar and Exit on the pull down menu.

3.2.6 Dose Assessor and REM signatures are required if the printed output is leaving MUDAC during the plume phase. The Washington Senior State Official approves data for release during the ingestion phase.

3.3 To enter new values and recalculate, select Files/Next Run.

3.4 Select VIEW DOSE MAP button 3.4.1 This module has several options:

a. Files Allows viewing of any map files on the computer.
b. Map Allows selection of the map used for the projection.
c. Dose Allows selection of the type of dose to be mapped.
d. Print Allows map printing.

3.4.2 Choose Map.

a. If the Plume model was selected, use only the following:
1) Vicinity map (Straight Line Plume Model)
2) 10 mile map (Straight Line Plume Model)
b. For the Puff model:

NOTE: Do not select Option 5 or 6 if running the Puff model.

1) Use any of the following map options:
1) 10 mile map (B&W)

Attachment 5.1 Page 10 of 14

2) 10 mile map (color)
3) 50 mile map (B&W)
4) 50 mile map (color)
2) If printing the maps, select the black and white maps ONLY.

3.4.3 Choose Dose to select the type of dose to display and contour values.

a. Contour options:
1) Clear Map Before Plot (This should normally be checked).
2) Recompute Contours (Choose this if manually entering contour levels).
3) Manually Enter Contour Levels (You may specify contour values, however, default values have been entered).
  • To print a map showing a projected Plume boundary of 100 micro R, select 1.00 E -04 only.
4) During the ingestion phase, manual contour lines may be entered to project the 500u R (relocation boundary), 20 uR and 0.4 ,R (food control boundary). To select the correct value, enter the following:

5e-4 for 500 tR 2e-5 for 20 AR 4e-7 for 0.4 tR

  • Select the ground shine projection option when calculating the food control and relocation boundaries.
b. In the Plume phase, choose:
1) Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) (rem).
2) Acute Thyroid Dose CDE (rem).
c. Map displays with contour lines drawn.
1) The value of each contour line is displayed in the upper left corner of the map.

Attachment 5.1 Page 11 of 14 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.8.1 24 20 of 23

2) The map may be moved on the screen by clicking on a location on the map with the left mouse button and dragging it. (If map is dragged towards upper left, the contour values will disappear.)

3.4.4 Map Printing

a. For 10 mile maps:
1) Select Print from menu bar.
2) Select Print map from pull down menu.
3) Enter name of person authorizing release. This will normally be the REM during the plume phase. The Washington Senior State Official approves data release during the ingestion phase.
4) Select OK to print map.
5) Computer will display message when printing is complete.
6) Different maps may be drawn and printed by starting at Step 3.4.3 and entering a different selection at 3.4.3.a., and repeating the steps through 3.4.4.b).
7) To EXIT from Map printing:
  • Select Files in menu bar.
  • Select Exit on pull down menu.
b. 50 mile maps:
1) Select Print from menu bar.
2) Select Print map from pull down menu.
3) Enter name of person authorizing release. This will normally be the REM during the plume phase. The Washington Senior State Official approves data release during the ingestion phase.
4) Select OK to print map.

Attachment 5.1

5) To EXIT from Map printing:

(1) Select Files in menu bar.

(2) Select Exit on pull down menu.

3.4.5 Distribution of Maps and Data

a. Any dose projection maps or data printouts selected for distribution to offsite agencies shall have REM and Emergency Director review and approval.
b. Maps selected for distribution should always be accompanied by the data. This is very important because the plume projected on the map is not closed and without the data sheet, the plume may be misinterpreted.

4.0 OTHER SOURCE TERM OPTIONS 4.1 Dry Well Leakage/Failure 4.1.1 Identify the condition/status for the following parameters and choose the appropriate option:

a. Core Condition
b. Containment Sprays
c. Release Path
d. Dry Well Leak Rate 4.1.2 Select DONE button.

4.2 Wet Well Leakage/Failure 4.2.1 Identify the condition/status for the following parameters and choose the appropriate option:

a. Core Condition
b. Wet Well Attachment 5.1 Page 13 of 14
c. Release Path
d. Wet Well Leak Rate 4.2.2 Select DONE button.

4.3 Containment Bypass 4.3.1 Identify the condition/status for the following parameters and choose the appropriate option:

a. Core Condition
b. Release Path
c. Leak Rate 4.3.2 Select DONE button.

4.4 Gross Reactor Release - Specified Mix 4.4.1 Base these entries on approved plant sample analyses.

4.4.2 Enter the Gross Release Rate in Ci/sec (or Bq/sec).

4.4.3 Enter the specific percentage of the Release for the listed radionuclides.

4.4.4 Select DONE button when complete.

4.5 Isotopic Release Rates 4.5.1 Base these entries on approved plant sample analyses.

4.5.2 This section allows for entry of the Activity Release Rate (Ci/sec or Bq/sec) for 50 different isotopes.

4.5.3 After entry is complete, select DONE button.

4.6 Return to Section 2.1, Input Source Term Data, of this attachment to continue entering data when an additional dose projection calculation is needed.

Attachment 5.1 Page 14 of 14 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.8.1 24 23 of 23

  • 13 .10. 1*





................. . . . . . . . . . 2 3.0 DISCUSSION ................................... . . . . . . . . . 4 4.0 PROCEDURE .................................. . . . . . . . . . 4 4.1 Shift Manager Actions ......................... . . . . . . . . . 4 4.2 Control Room Supervisor Actions ................. 9 4.3 Control Room Operator Actions .................. 10 4.4 Shift Technical Advisor/Emergency Response SRO/Incident Advisor Actions 10 4.5 All Control Room Personnel ..................... . . . . . . . . . 12 4.6 Transfer Of Emergency Director Duties ............. . . . . . . . . . 12 4.7 Actions As Emergency Director .................. . . . . . . . . . 12 5.0 ATTACHMENTS ................................ . . . . . . . . . 15 5.1 Shift Manager Checklist ....................... . . . . . . . . . 16 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.1 26 1 of 21

1.0 PURPOSE To describe the responsibilities of the Shift Manager, Control Room Operators, and Shift Technical Advisor, and actions to be taken in the event it becomes necessary to activate and operate the Control Room as an emergency response facility during an emergency.


2.1 10CFR50.72, Immediate Notification Requirements for Operating {R-1932}

Nuclear Power Reactors 2.2 10CFR50, Appendix E (IV)(A) {R-5695, R-5708}

2.3 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan 2.4 Technical Specification 5.1.2 {R1343}

2.5 OER 79071C, Unauthorized Forced Entry into the Protected Area at Three Mile Island Unit 1 on February 7, 1993 2.6 PPM 1.3.1, Operating Policies, Programs, and Practices 2.7 PPM 1.9.14, Onsite Medical Emergencies 2.8 PPM 1.10.1, Notifications and Reportable Events 2.9 PPM ABN-RAD-CR, Control Room HVAC High Radiation 2.10 PPM 5.7.1, Severe Accident Guidelines 2.11 Technical Memorandum 2117, Technical Support Guidelines for Core Thermal Engineer 2.12 PPM 13.1.1, Classifying the Emergency 2.13 PPM 13.10.2, TSC Manager Duties 2.14 PPM 13.2.1, Emergency Exposure Levels/Protective Action Guides 2.15 PPM 13.2.2, Determining Protective Action Recommendations 2.16 PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications 2.17 PPM 13.5.1, Evacuation PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.1 - 26 2 of 21

2.18 PPM 13.5.5, Personnel Accountability, Search and Rescue 2.19 PPM 13.8.1, Emergency Dose Projection System Operations 2.20 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 2.21 Classification Notification Form, 24075 2.22 Emergency Director Turnover Sheet, 25810 2.23 Emergency Response Log, 23895 2.24 Emergency Classification or Other Emergency Messages, 26045 2.25 Public Address Emergency Message Format - Localized Evacuation, 26048 2.26 Public Address Emergency Message Format - Protected Area Evacuation, 26050 2.27 Public Address Emergency Message Format - Site Evacuation, 26051 I 2.28 Follow-up Notifications, 26098 2.29 Partial Activation or Manpower Schedule, 26171 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE .

13.10.1 26 3 of 21 l

3.0 DISCUSSION 3.1 The Emergency Director (ED) is the Energy Northwest individual on site at all times who shall have the authority and responsibility to immediately and unilaterally initiate any emergency actions. {R-5708}

3.2 The Columbia Generating Station Shift Manager will normally act as ED when an emergency classification is initially declared. ED responsibilities will transfer from the Shift Manager to the TSC Manager or the EOF Manager depending upon time of facility activation.

3.3 The Shift Manager is responsible for plant operations and during an emergency will be in charge of directing the activities of on shift personnel in taking those actions necessary to mitigate the emergency conditions. The Shift Manager is the ultimate authority in prioritizing and initiating all phases of plant operations. {R-5695}

3.4 The Shift Manager and Security Supervisor are responsible to determine the appropriate course of action to deal with a security contingency that has the potential to threaten emergency response center activation and personnel safety.

3.5 Severe Accident Guidelines (SAGs) are entered and Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) are exited when primary containment flooding is required.

3.6 Once emergency operations commence and EPIPs are entered, normal work control practices are superceded by EPIP repair team work task methodology. When the emergency is terminated or recovery operations begin, normal work control practices are reinstated.

4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1 Shift Mananer Actions NOTE: Shift Manager procedural steps may be documented using Attachment 5.1, Shift Manager Checklist.

4.1.1 Diagnose plant conditions and direct necessary actions to alleviate abnormal conditions.

4.1.2 Implement the actions of Section 4.7 until relieved by the responding Emergency Director in accordance with Section 4.6.


a) With assistance from the STA, Incident Advisor, or Emergency Response SRO, determine the necessity to change the emergency classification in accordance with PPM 13.1.1. Make the necessary public address announcements:

CAUTION: At the Unusual Event level when it is desired to activate the TSC and OSC, DO NOT activate the standard auto-dialer scenario for Unusual Event. Record an on-the-fly message to summon TSC and OSC staff using form 26171, Partial Activation or Manpower Schedule, instead.

1) Emergency center activation. Refer to Emergency Classification or Other Emergency Messages, 26045, (pink form) or,
2) Localized evacuation. Refer to Public Address Emergency Message Format - Localized Evacuation, 26048, (blue form) or,
3) Protected Area Evacuation. Refer to Public Address Emergency Message Format - Protected Area Evacuation, 26050, (green form) or
4) Site Evacuation. Refer to Public Address Emergency Message Format - Site Evacuation, 26051, (yellow form).

b) Ensure appropriate Control Room log entries are made for the emergency classifications and offsite notification actions.

c) At Site Area Emergency or higher classification, assign an individual in the Control Room to perform center accountability duties per PPM 13.5.5 if manual accountability is necessary.

4.1.3 If it becomes necessary, to activate the TSC and OSC at an Unusual Event for additional support, activate both centers.

a) Use form 26171, Partial Activation or Manpower Schedule, to record an on-the-fly auto-dialer message to summon OSC and TSC staff at Unusual Event.

4.1.4 For any potential security scenario that could pose a threat to emergency center activation and personnel safety, confer with the Security Supervisor to determine:


  • appropriate areas for TSC and OSC operations
  • avenues of safe access
  • communications abilities
  • the ability of Security to keep the area safe
  • if it is safe to summon the ERO or activate emergency centers NOTE: If the SCC is not available to complete offsite notifications, the Control Room must complete offsite notifications until the SCC can resume this responsibility.

4.1.5 If the TSC and OSC are activated, direct the TSC to suspend in-plant activities until further notice.

4.1.6 If security event conditions exist for an emergency classification, declare the appropriate classification and initiate the offsite agency notification process, but do not summon the ERO or activate emergency centers until it is safe to do so. Confer with the Security Supervisor to make that determination.


a) If it is determined that is safe to activate the ERO and all emergency centers, initiate the appropriate autodialer scenario.

b) If it is determined that it is NOT safe to activate the ERO or any emergency center, AND after hours ERO response is required, initiate the security contingency autodialer scenario (#191).

1) Based on consultation with the Security Supervisor, instruct on-site TSC and OSC responders to delay reporting to their emergency centers. Refer to form 26045 (pink form) to prepare an appropriate PA announcement for on-site responders.

Otherwise, inform the OSC and TSC responders to report to their emergency center directly.

4.1.7 If conditions still exist for an emergency classification at the time the security scenario is terminated, initiate the normal notification process. Refer to form 26045 (pink form).

4.1.8 If conditions no longer exist for the emergency classification at the time the security event is terminated and it is desired to terminate the emergency classification, do not notify the ERO or activate emergency centers unless other emergency conditions make it necessary.


a) If special instructions are required to the ERO, prepare an "on-the-fly" message notification, using form 26171, Partial Activation or Manpower Schedule Message, Use WNP2 as the password.

4.1.9 If a Transitory Event has been discovered per PPM 13.1.1, notify the NRC per the instructions in PPM 13.4.1, section 5.9, Notification of Transitory Events.

4.1.10 If neither the EOF nor the Technical Support Center (TSC) have been activated, and:

a) An effluent release approaching or in excess of PPM 13.1.1 Emergency Action Levels has occurred, or is occurring; or b) An abnormal release of radioactive effluents is indicated; Then direct a qualified individual to initiate offsite dose calculations per PPM 13.8.1 and determine if Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) for the public in accordance with PPM 13.2.2, or classifications in accordance with PPM 13.1.1, are required.

4.1.11 If the Technical Support Center (TSC) is activated, transfer responsibilities for peripheral duties not directly related to plant systems manipulation needed to establish and maintain the plant in a safe condition to the TSC.

4.1.12 Maintain communications with the TSC Operations Manager concerning plant status. Use the Emergency Director ringdown phone or communicate via the Control Room Information Coordinator when both the TSC and EOF need to be on line to discuss mitigating actions prior to implementation of those actions.

4.1.13 Keep the Operations Manager in the TSC informed of plant conditions and actions which may impact in-plant or offsite activities.

4.1.14 Request the Operations Manager call in additional Control Room support personnel as needed.

4.1.15 If notified of an emergency situation that requires Fire Brigade response, perform the following:

a) Activate the alerting tone.

b) Announce the type of emergency.


c) Announce the location of the emergency.

d) Request the Fire Brigade respond to the emergency.

e) Repeat the announcement.

f) Establish communications with the Fire Brigade Leader at the scene of the emergency to obtain situational reports, confer on action plans, and assess manpower and equipment needs for mitigating the emergency.

g) Ensure the Control Room maintains accountability for emergency personnel performing Fire Brigade or Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) activities until the OSC is activated.

NOTE: When not used for Control Room dispatched activities, emergency personnel may be staged in the OSC or at a location determined by the Shift Manager and the OSC Manager.

NOTE: When activated, the OSC becomes responsible for accountability of plant emergency workers. All requests for in-plant emergency worker actions, including on shift Equipment Operators, should be directed through the TSC to the OSC for implementation.

4.1.16 Inform the OSC of:

- Known or suspected Plant hazards

- Names of dispatched Fire Brigade or EOP team members

- Assignment

- Location

- Time dispatched and expected time of return NOTE: Tasks of an immediate nature should be prefaced by the term "urgent". The Shift Manager will usually confer with the Operations Manager on tasks of an urgent nature, but the Shift Manager has the final authority in determining if a task is "urgent".

4.1.17 If a task is identified as requiring an immediate response, designate it as "urgent" and communicate the task to the TSC Operations Manager or TSC Manager.


4.1.18 If more than one "urgent" task is identified, select a priority for each and inform the TSC Operations Manager.

4.1.19 If notified of the need for offsite medical assistance for injured or contaminated injured personnel, implement PPM 1.9.14.

4.1.20 Refer any incoming media calls to the Joint Information Center.

4.1.21 Maintain a log of events and actions.

4.1.22 For termination of emergency:

a) Collect the individual After Action Reports prepared by staff personnel.

b) Prepare an individual After Action Report as per PPM 13.13.4.

c) Deliver all After Action Reports to the Operations Manager.

4.2 Control Room Supervisor Actions 4.2.1 Advise the Shift Manager of abnormal conditions and perform duties as directed.

4.2.2 Take actions to terminate the conditions causing the emergency.

4.2.3 Continuously monitor the Control Room habitability in accordance with PPM ABN-RAD-CR.

NOTE: If you initiate PPM ABN-RAD-CR while the TSC is occupied, notify the TSC Manager that an air stagnation condition will exist.

4.2.4 If the TSC is determined to be uninhabitable, initiate TSC isolation actions specified in PPM ABN-RAD-CR.

4.2.5 In the absence of the Shift Manager or higher authority, assume Shift Manager responsibilities, including Emergency Director responsibilities and authority as per Section 4.7. {R1343}

4.2.6 Direct the activities of Control Room Operators and Equipment Operators.

4.2.7 Refer any incoming media calls to the Joint Information Center.


4.3 Control Room Onerator Actions 4.3.1 Recognize unusual plant conditions and take necessary actions under direction of Control Room Supervisor and/or Shift manager to terminate the condition causing the emergency.

4.3.2 Keep the Control Room Supervisor informed of unusual conditions.

4.3.3 Refer any incoming media calls to the Joint Information Center.

4.4 Shift Technical Advisor/Emeriency Response SRO/Incident Advisor Actions

  • The Shift Technical Advisor (STA) qualified individual should stay abreast of plant activities and status. The STA qualified individual evaluates the risk associated with planned plant activities and advises shift management on actions to be taken to minimize the associated risk. When appropriate, the STA qualified individual should advise shift management on technical matters.

An STA qualified individual shall be on shift in modes 1, 2, or 3, per FSAR requirements, and will be available within 60 minutes for call in, in modes 4 and 5.

When the STA qualified individual is performing a dual role as the Shift Manager or Control Room Supervisor, another SRO (the Emergency Response SRO) shall be on shift to provide independent oversight of plant activities and status, and to assist the Shift Manager in emergency response activities. This individual may be the Shift Support Supervisor (SSS), if SRO qualified.

The Emergency Response SRO shall be on shift in all modes when the STA function is provided by the Shift Manager or Control Room Supervisor. The Emergency Response SRO is another SRO present to advise and assist the Shift Manager on emergency response actions such as emergency classifications and notifications, protective action recommendations, and off-site dose assessment.

4.4.1 If an off-normal condition is indicated, or if directed by the Shift Manager, man the duty station in the control room and maintain a log of your actions.

4.4.2 Assist the Shift Manager in evaluating plant conditions relative to preestablished emergency action levels and initiating conditions and in declaring the appropriate emergency classification. Refer to PPM 13.1.1.


4.4.3 Utilize the computer outputs (such as, TDAS, PDIS and GDS) to evaluate the potential for core damage or worsening of an abnormal event.

4.4.4 If core damage is suspected, make a qualitative assessment of plant parameters using Technical Memorandum 2117, Technical Support Guidelines for Core Thermal or Reactor Engineer during and following an abnormal event if the TSC is not activated. Provide the Shift Manager with a Plant Status Assessment.

4.4.5 Provide the Shift Manager with recommendations to minimize or control the consequences of an emergency condition.

NOTE: A radioactive release is in progress when effluent monitors indicate an increase in radiation levels from normal readings for plant operating conditions or when field teams detect environmental radiation 10 times greater than normal background, AND the increased levels are attributable to the emergency event.

NOTE: Refer to PPM 13.8.1 for dose projection guidance.

4.4.6 Perform offsite dose assessment using the Quick Emergency Dose Projection System (QEDPS).

4.4.7 Provide input to the Emergency Director for emergency classification and/or protective action decisions as necessary in accordance with PPM 13.2.2 guidance.

4.4.8 Coordinate turn over of offsite dose projection functions to the TSC or EOF when they are activated and able to assume procedural responsibility.

4.4.9 Provide information to the Shift Manager on Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures that prescribe emergency response actions that provide for employee and public safety.

4.4.10 Continuously reassess plant conditions and keep the Shift Manager informed of new data and your recommendations.

4.4.11 Refer incoming media calls to the Joint Information Center.


4.5 All Control Room Personnel 4.5.1 Upon shift change, brief your relief on responsibilities, duties and current status of tasks being performed.

4.5.2 Upon shift change or termination of the emergency:

a) Prepare individual After Action Report as per PPM 13.13.4.

b) Deliver all After Action Reports to Shift Manager for delivery to the Operations Manager.

4.6 Transfer Of Emergency Director Duties NOTE: The Shift Manager remains a part of the decision making team when in SAGs.

Announce the transition of SAG entry and EOP exit to the Control Room and TSC Operations Manager.

4.6.1 Transferring the Emergency Director duties:

a) When contacted by an oncoming Emergency Director, give a time when conditions would permit the turnover process.

NOTE: The Classification Notification Form or the Emergency Director Turnover Sheet can be used as a guide during the turnover process.

b) At the time when conditions permit, contact the oncoming Emergency Director and conduct a turnover that includes a discussion of the Plant status and emergency conditions.

c) Once the oncoming Emergency Director fully understands the current conditions and proposed actions, transfer the Emergency Director duties.

d) Announce the transfer to the facility staff.

e) Log the transfer in the Control Room log.

4.7 Actions As Emergency Director Once EPIPs have been entered (emergency classification occurs), recovery actions not specifically authorized by plant procedures which have a potential for radioactive release to the environment require Emergency Director concurrence.


4.7.1 Assume the following responsibilities, delegating tasks as needed with the exception of items a., through d., which may not be delegated to any other member of the Emergency Response Organization:

a) Classification of emergencies in accordance with PPM 13.1.1, and periodically review the classification to ensure that it reflects current plant conditions.

b) Making protective action recommendations in accordance with PPM 13.2.2, to offsite authorities responsible for implementing emergency measures for the public.

c) Approving official notifications/communications (i.e., Crash calls) to local, state, and Federal agencies.

1) Ensure that immediately after notification of the appropriate state and local agencies, but not later than one hour after event classification, a designated communicator: {R1932}

a) Provides the NRC with event information using guidance contained in the Event Notification Worksheet (25665) via the NRC Emergency Notification System (ENS), or by dialing:

(301) 816-5100 or (301) 951-0550; and b) Maintains continuous communication with the NRC for whatever period they request or until relieved by the Plant/NRC Liaison position in the TSC.

d) Requesting assistance from offsite organizations and agencies as needed.

e) Ensuring, through the facility managers, that the appropriate emergency procedures are implemented.

f) Ensuring the requisite emergency response facilities are activated and properly staffed.

g) If advised of a personnel injury or death, then:

1) Ensure that transportation to a medical facility is being arranged and next-of-kin notifications occur using guidance found in PPM 1.9.14.


2) Ensure details of the incident, e.g., individuals name, type of injury, duties when injury occurred, etc., are forwarded to the Joint Information Center.

h) Authorizing venting of the primary containment when in SAGs.

NOTE: The Shift Manager, as Emergency Director, may terminate an Unusual Event. Due to the commitment of onsite and offsite manpower and resources, only the EOF Manager as the Emergency Director may terminate an event classified as Alert or greater.

i) Terminating the emergency and entering the recovery phase in accordance with PPM 13.13.2, Emergency Event Termination And Recovery Operations.

4.7.2 If action is determined to be necessary that causes the plant to depart from Technical Specifications or license conditions, refer to PPM 1.3.1 and 1.10.1 to invoke 10CFR 50.54(x) actions.

4.7.3 Approximately every 30 minutes, or when conditions change, perform the following:

a) Review the emergency action levels (EALs) in procedure PPM 13.1.1 to ensure the emergency classification declared reflects current Plant conditions.

b) Review the protective action recommendations (PARs) in procedure PPM 13.2.2 to ensure the PARs declared reflect current Plant or radiological release conditions.

c) Review the status of onsite protective actions and whether actions should be modified based on the current Plant conditions.

d) Conduct facility briefing.


4.7.4 When conditions warrant a change in emergency classification or protective action recommendations, then perform the following:

a) Complete a Classification Notification Form (CNF).

NOTE: Notifications to the state, counties and DOE (Hanford) are required within 15 minutes of time noted on the Classification Notification Form.

b) Ensure initial and follow-up notifications are performed in accordance with PPM 13.4.1, using the completed CNF as the basis. Refer to 26098, Follow-up Notifications, for follow-up notifications.

c) Direct the Information Coordinator to inform the other Columbia Generating Station emergency facilities of the change in emergency classification and/or protective actions and to ensure a copy of the CNF is sent to the appropriate organizations.

4.7.5 Determine if evacuation actions need to be taken in accordance with the following:

a) Alert - Evacuation is optional, depending on event prognosis, consider evacuating plant personnel who are not part of the ERO.

b) Site Area Emergency - Site (Protected Area and Exclusion Area) evacuation is required for most situations per PPM 13.5.1 for personnel who are not part of the ERO.

4.7.6 Ensure the on-shift Security Supervisor has implemented actions to evacuate Site One personnel at Site Area Emergency per 13.5.1.

4.7.7 Implement a Site evacuation in accordance with PPM 13.5.1 when a Site Area Emergency is declared.

4.7.8 Authorize personnel to take potassium iodide (KI) when recommended by the Radiation Protection Manager or Radiological Emergency Manager in accordance with PPM 13.2.1.

5.0 ATTACHMENTS 5.1 Shift Manager Checklist PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.1 26 15 of 21

SHIFT MANAGER CHECKLIST Time Response Actions Completed Initials Shift Manager Actions

1. Diagnose plant conditions and direct necessary actions to alleviate abnormal conditions.
2. Implement actions of Section 4.1 or 4.7 until relieved by the responding ED per Section 4.6.
3. If it becomes necessary to activate the TSC and OSC for additional support, activate both centers.
4. For security contingencies, confer with the Security Supervisor to determine appropriate areas for TSC/OSC operations, safe routes, communications ability, and if it is safe to summon the ERO or activate the emergency centers:

a) If it is determined that is safe to activate the ERO and all emergency centers, initiate the appropriate autodialer scenario.

b) If it is determined that it is NOT safe to activate the ERO or any emergency center, AND after hours ERO response is required, initiate the security contingency autodialer scenario (#191).

1) Based on consultation with the Security Supervisor, instruct on site TSC and OSC responders to delay reporting to their emergency centers. Refer to form 26045 (pink form) to prepare an appropriate PA announcement for on-site responders. Otherwise, inform the OSC and TSC responders to report to their emergency center directly.
5. If EOF nor the TSC have activated and an abnormal release of radioactive effluents is indicated, direct a qualified individual to initiate offsite dose calculations and determine if PARs per PPM 13.2.2 or classification per PPM 13.1.1 are required.
6. If TSC or EOF is activated, transfer responsibilities not directly related to reactor manipulation to the TSC.

Attachment 5.1 Page 1 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.1 26 16 of 21

Time Response Actions Completed Initials

7. Keep Operations Manager in TSC informed of plant conditions which may impact in plant or offsite activities.
8. Maintain communications with the TSC Operations Manager concerning plant status. Use the Emergency Director ringdown phone as appropriate to discuss mitigating actions prior to implementation of those actions.
9. Request Operations Manager call in additional CR support personnel as needed.
10. If notified of emergency situation that requires FB response, perform the following:
a. Activate the alerting tone.
b. Announce the type of emergency.
c. Give the emergency's location.
d. Request the FB respond to the emergency.
e. Repeat the announcemnet.
f. Ensure Control Room maintains accountability for personnel performing FB or EOP activities until the OSC is activated.
g. Establish communications with FB Leader at scene to obtain situational reports, confer on action plans, and assess manpower and equipment needs.
11. When activated, inform OSC of known or suspected Plant hazards, and names of dispatched FB or EOP teams, assignment, location, time dispatched and expected time to return.
12. It task requires immediate response, designate it as "urgent" and communicate to TSC Operations Manager or TSC Manager.
13. If more than one "urgent" task is identified, select a priority for each and inform the TSC Operations Manager.
14. If notified of need for offsite medical assistance, implement PPM 1.9.14.

Attachment 5.1 Page 2 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.1 26 17 of 21

Time Response Actions Completed Initials NOTE: When activated, the OSC becomes responsible for accountability of plant emergency workers. All requests for in-plant emergency worker actions, including on shift Equipment Operators, should be directed through the TSC to the OSC for implementation.

15. Refer any incoming media calls to the JIC.
16. Maintain log of events and actions.
17. For termination of emergency, collect After Action Reports (AAR) from staff, prepare an individual AAR per PPM 13.13.4, and deliver AARs to Operations Manager.

Transfer Of Emergencv Director Duties The Shift Manager remains a part of the decision making team when in SAGs. Announce the transition of SAG entry and EOP exit to the Control Room and TSC Operations Manager.

1. If transferring the ED duties:
a. When contacted by an oncoming ED, give a time when conditions would permit the turnover process.
b. At the time when conditions permit, contact oncoming ED and conduct a turnover using the Classification Notification Form or the Emergency Director Turnover Sheet as a guide.
c. Once the oncoming ED fully understands current conditions and proposed actions, transfer ED duties.
d. Announce the transfer to the facility staff.
e. Log the transfer in the facility log.

Actions As Emergencv Director Once EPIPs have been entered (emergency classification occurs), recovery actions not specifically authorized by plant procedures which have a potential for radioactive release to the environment require Emergency Director concurrence.


- 13.10.1 26 18 of 21

Time Response Actions Completed Initials

1. Assume the following responsibilities, delegating as necessary with the exception of items a., through d.,

which are non-delegable:

a. Classification of emergencies per PPM 13.1.1 and periodically review the classification to ensure that it reflects current plant conditions.
b. Making protective action recommendations per PPM 13.2.2 to offsite authorities responsible for implementing emergency measures for the public.
c. Approving official notifications/communications to local, state, and Federal agencies.
d. Requesting assistance from offsite organizations and agencies as needed.
f. If advised of a personnel injury or death, then:

Ensure that transportation to a medical facility is being arranged and next-of-kin notifications occur using guidance found in PPM 1.9.14.

Ensure details of the incident, e.g., individuals name, type of injury, duties when injury occurred, etc., are forwarded to the Joint Information Center.

g. Authorizing venting of the primary containment when in SAGs.
h. Terminating the emergency and entering the recovery phase per PPM 13.13.2.
2. Refer to PPM 1.3.1 to invoke 10CFR 50.54(x) actions as necessary.
3. Approximately every 30 minutes, or when conditions change, perform the following:
a. Review the EALs in procedure PPM 13.1.1 to ensure the emergency classification declared reflects current Plant conditions.

Attachment 5.1 Page 4 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.1 26 19 of 21

Time Response Actions Completed Initials

b. Review the PARs in procedure PPM 13.2.2 to ensure the PARs declared reflect current Plant or radiological release conditions.
c. Review the status of onsite protective actions and whether actions should be modified based on the current Plant conditions.
4. When conditions warrant a change in emergency classification or protective action recommendations, perform the following:
a. Complete a Classification Notification Form (CNF).
b. Ensure notifications are performed per PPM 13.4.1 using the completed CNF as a basis.
c. Direct the Information Coordinator to inform the other Columbia Generating Station emergency facilities of the change in emergency classification and/or protective actions and ensure a copy of the CNF is sent to the appropriate organizations.
5. Determine if evacuation actions need to be taken. Site evacuations are required for most situations at Site Area Emergency per PPM 13.5.1 .
6. Direct the on-shift Security Supervisor to implement evacuation actions for Site One personnel at Site Area Emergency per 13.5.1.
7. Implement a Site evacuation in accordance with PPM 13.5.1 when a Site Area Emergency is declared.

Attachment 5.1 Page 5 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.1 26 20 of 21

Time Response Actions Completed Initials

8. Authorize increases to emergency worker radiation exposure limits when recommended by the Radiation Protection Manager or Radiological Emergency Manager per PPM 13.2.1.
9. Authorize personnel to take potassium iodide (KI) when recommended by the Radiation Protection Manager or Radiological Emergency Manager per PPM 13.2.1.

Attachment 5.1 Page 6 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.1 26 21 of 21

  • 13 .10.2*




.............................................. 2 3.0 DISCUSSION ............... 3 4.0 PROCEDURE. 4 4.1 TSC Manager Duties At Unusual Event Classification ..... .............. 4 4.2 TSC Manager Duties For Alert Or Higher Classifications ..... ............ 4 4.3 Transfer Of Emergency Director Duties ....... ..................... 8 4.4 Actions As Emergency Director ........... ....................... 9 5.0 ATTACHMENTS .............................................. 12 5.1 Duties of TSC Manager Secretary ......... ....................... 13 5.2 TSC Manager Checklist . ...................................... 16 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 1 of 22

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides instructions for the duties and responsibilities of the Technical Support Center (TSC) Manager during declared emergencies.


2.1 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Section 2 2.2 10CFR50, Appendix E (IV)(A) {R-5695, R-5708}

2.3 Safeguards Contingency Plan 2.4 PPM 1.3.1, Operating Policies, Programs, and Practices 2.5 PPM 1.9.14, Onsite Medical Emergencies 2.6 PPM 5.7.1, Severe Accident Guidelines 2.7 PPM 13.1.1, Classifying the Emergency 2.8 PPM 13.2.1, Emergency Exposure Levels/Protective Action Guides 2.9 PPM 13.2.2, Determining Protective Action Recommendations 2.10 PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications 2.11 PPM 13.5.1, Evacuation 2.12 PPM 13.13.2, Emergency Event Termination and Recovery Operations 2.13 PPM 13.13.3, Intermediate Phase MUDAC Operations 2.14 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 2.15 Classification Notification Form, 24075 2.16 Emergency Director Turnover Sheet, 25810 2.17 Emergency Response Log, 23895 2.18 Technical Support Briefing Guidelines, 25860 2.19 Emergency Classification or Other Emergency Message, 26045 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 2 of 22

3.0 DISCUSSION 3.1 The Emergency Director (ED) is the Energy Northwest individual on shift at all times who shall have the authority and responsibility to immediately and unilaterally initiate any emergency actions. {R-5708}

3.2 The Shift Manager will normally act as ED when an emergency classification is initially declared. ED responsibilities will transfer from the Shift Manager to the TSC Manager or the EOF Manager depending upon time of facility activation.

3.3 The TSC Manager is responsible for the plant management function during an emergency and will be in charge of directing plant activities in support of Control Room operations. The TSC Manager has the authority to implement any plant action deemed necessary to mitigate the emergency conditions. {R-5695}

3.4 Severe Accident Guidelines (SAGs) are entered and Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) exited when primary containment flooding is required. An announcement to the TSC and EOF should be made when this occurs.

3.5 The TSC Manager is responsible to ensure communications are maintained as necessary between the Shift Manager and EOF Manager/Emergency Director. The TSC Manager should also maintain an awareness of plant conditions and obtain concurrence of the Emergency Director prior to implementing mitigating actions identified as requiring Emergency Director concurrence on EOPs or SAGs.

NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 3 of 22

us_, 4.0 PROCEDURE NOTE: Once emergency operations commence and EPIPs are entered, normal work control practices may be superceded by EPIP repair team methodology at the TSC Manager's discretion. Consideration should be given to the severity of the emergency when making this decision.

NOTE: Procedural steps may be implemented using Attachment 5.2, TSC Manager Checklist.

4.1 TSC Manager Duties At Unusual Event Classification No action required unless you are contacted by the Shift Manager or Emergency Director.

4.2 TSC Manager Duties For Alert Or Higher Classifications 4.2.1 Obtain an electronic dosimeter from HP Access Control. Direct all others in the TSC to obtain appropriate dosimetry (DRD or PIC).

4.2.2 Respond to the TSC, present your badge to the personnel accountability keycard reader, start and maintain an Emergency Response Log, and contact the Shift Manager for an initial briefing on the current status of the emergency, status of offsite notifications, and any known or anticipated plant hazardous areas.

4.2.3 If, after obtaining the initial Plant status briefing from the Shift Manager, the EOF Manager is not yet present, contact the JIC Manager to provide status information for the first followup news release.

4.2.4 Instruct responding TSC staff to promptly setup the TSC and obtain assistance if necessary to resolve any activation problems.

NOTE: You may assume the ED duties prior to TSC activation, but ensure you have sufficient personnel and communication links to assess accident conditions and communicate classification decisions or PARs to offsite authorities.

4.2.5 If acting as Emergency Director, contact the JIC Manager and provide initial information.

4.2.6 Assume the ED duties from the Shift Manager as per Section 4.3, unless the EOF Manager is prepared to assume, or has already assumed, these duties.

4.2.7 Inform the TSC staff of who has the ED responsibility.

NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 4 of 22

4.2.8 Direct the Plant Admin Manager to contact a qualified TSC Manager on the ERO list to respond as Assistant TSC Manager, if needed.

4.2.9 Monitor the progress of TSC activation and staff activities and declare the TSC activated when the following minimum staffing positions are present and main TSC responsibilities can be assumed:

  • Radiation Protection Manager (RPM)
  • Operations Manager
  • Plant/NRC Liaison
  • Technical Manager
  • Core/Thermal Hydraulics Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Electrical Engineer 4.2.10 Main TSC Responsibilities
a. Provide plant management and technical support to plant operations personnel during emergency conditions.
b. Relieve reactor operators of peripheral duties and communications not directly related to reactor system manipulations.
c. Ensure ERDS is activated by checking with Plant/NRC Liaison.
d. If the EOF is not activated, the TSC is also responsible for:
  • Managing the overall Energy Northwest emergency effort
  • Evaluating the magnitude and consequences of actual or potential radiological releases
  • Assessing plant conditions and determining appropriate emergency classifications
  • Coordinating emergency response activities with local, state and federal agencies and providing offsite PARs NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 5 of 22

NOTE: The TSC Manager may use judgment in determining when qualified personnel will perform a task to fulfill TSC responsibilities even though the personnel may not be identified as normally assigned to the task; e.g., a knowledgeable person could perform the function of the Plant/NRC Liaison until additional personnel arrive.

4.2.11 Direct the TSC Information Coordinator announce activation to the other emergency centers and the Plant/NRC Liaison to report it to NRC.

NOTE: A radioactive release is in progress when effluent monitors indicate an increase in radiation levels from normal readings for plant operating conditions or when field teams detect environmental radiation 10 times greater than normal background, AND the increased levels are attributable to the emergency event.

4.2.12 Conduct an initial status briefing to TSC staff on turnover information obtained from the Control Room that includes:

  • Current emergency classification, cause of event and corrective actions being taken or in-progress
  • Current plant status, i.e., operating, shutdown, reduced power, etc.
  • Onsite personnel status of injuries, contaminations, exposures, etc.
  • If event involves radioactive releases
  • Status of notifications to offsite agencies
  • Status of offsite emergency response activities in progress or planned and PARs if issued 4.2.13 If the event involves a security contingency, contact the EOF Manager and request the Security Manager to determine if access security needs to be established for the TSC.

4.2.14 Provide update briefing on the status of planned and anticipated TSC actions to the EOF Manager.

4.2.15 Ensure TSC technical, maintenance, operations and radiation protection personnel are assessing plant conditions and conferring collectively to provide the TSC Manager with accident mitigation conclusions and recommendations to determine decisions on:

  • Changes to Emergency Classification or PARs
  • Preventative or corrective actions that need to be pursued or deferred
  • Tasks that need to be pursued
  • Radiological or other hazards that impact plant emergency workers NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 6 of 22
  • Need to request augmenting staff or offsite assistance
  • Evacuation actions for plant personnel 4.2.16 Direct the TSC Plant/NRC Liaison to immediately inform the NRC Headquarters Operations Officer (HOO) of declaration of emergency classifications, or changes to emergency classifications, and Protective Action Recommendations or Decisions that have been made or changed.

4.2.17 When EAL or PAR changes are identified, notify the EOF Manager.

4.2.18 Direct that plant PA announcements of Emergency Classification changes or cautions to emergency workers about plant hazardous areas are made per steps on Form 26045, Emergency Classification or Other Emergency Message.

NOTE: Tasks of an immediate nature should be prefaced by the term "urgent". The Shift Manager has the authority to determine if a task is urgent. The Shift Manager also has final authority in determining the priority of urgent tasks if multiple urgent tasks exist and a question is raised as to which has priority.

4.2.19 Ensure that the Operations Manager, Technical Manager, Maintenance Manager, Radiation Protection Manager, Shift Manager and OSC Manager coordinate the repair team actions necessary to place and maintain the Plant in a stable condition.

4.2.20 If the RPM advises the TSC Manager of TSC radiological airborne activity problems, consider having the Control Room initiate HVAC isolation actions for the TSC specified in ABN-RAD-CR.

4.2.21 If the emergency worker dose limit is projected to exceed 5 REM over the course of the event for TSC staff, or if habitability is otherwise questionable, or if TSC functions can no longer be performed:

a. If an access route to the Control Room is safe, direct TSC staff to continue their emergency duties from the Control Room. If selected TSC staff are not needed in the Control Room, direct them to the EOF or OSC as deemed approriate.
b. If safe access to the Control Room is not available, direct all TSC staff to continue their emergency duties from the EOF or the OSC as deemed appropriate.

4.2.22 For any potential scenario that could pose a threat to emergency response center activation and personnel safety, confer with the Security Supervisor to determine:

  • Appropriate areas for TSC and OSC operations
  • Avenues of safe access NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 7 of 22
  • Communications abilities
  • The ability of Security to keep the area safe 4.2.23 If you are advised of a personnel injury or death, then:
a. Ensure that transportation to a medical facility is being arranged and next-of-kin notifications occur using guidance found in PPM 1.9.14.
b. Ensure details of the incident, e.g., individual's name, type of injury, duties when injury occurred, etc., are forwarded to the Joint Information Center.

4.2.24 Conduct periodic update briefings of TSC staff. Refer to Technical Support Center (TSC) Briefing Guidelines (Form 25860) located in the TSC.

4.2.25 Direct that an announcement be made to the TSC and EOF when EOPs are exited and SAGs are entered.

4.2.26 Obtain Emergency Director concurrence using the Emergency Director ringdown phone prior to implementing mitigating actions identified as requiring Emergency Director concurrence on EOPS or SAGs.

4.2.27 When plant stability is achieved, confer with the EOF Manager and consider event termination or recovery actions in accordance with PPM 13.13.2.

4.2.28 At event termination or shift change direct an after action critique of TSC performance to summarize actions taken and identify corrective actions needed.

4.2.29 At termination of an Alert or higher emergency classification, serve as a standing member of the Final After Action Report Committee in accordance with PPM 13.13.4. If the emergency does not go beyond Unusual Event, Emergency Preparedness will compile a Final After Action Report.

4.3 Transfer Of Emergency Director Duties 4.3.1 If assuming the Emergency Director duties:

a. Contact the current Emergency Director and determine a time when conditions permit the turnover process.

NOTE: The Classification Notification Form (Form 24075), or the Emergency Director Turnover Sheet (Form 25810), can be used as a guide during the turnover process.

NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 8 of 22

b. At a time when conditions permit, conduct a turnover that includes a discussion of the Plant status and emergency conditions.
c. Once current conditions and proposed actions are fully understood, relieve the current Emergency Director of ED duties.
d. Announce the transfer of authority to the facility staff and ensure the other Energy Northwest emergency facilities are notified.
e. Complete a CRASH call to offsite agencies informing them of the transfer of Emergency Director duties. Direct the Plant/NRC Liaison to notify the NRC.
f. Log the transfer in the Emergency Response Log.
g. As Emergency Director, follow the guidance in Section 4.4.

4.3.2 If transferring the Emergency Director duties:

a. When contacted by the Emergency Director, provide a time when conditions permit the turnover of the Emergency Director duties.

NOTE: The Classification Notification Form (Form 24075), or the Emergency Director Turnover Sheet (Form 25810), can be used as a guide during the turnover process.

b. At the time when conditions permit, contact the EOF Manager and conduct a turnover of Emergency Director duties that includes a discussion of the Plant status and emergency conditions.
c. Once the EOF Manager fully understands the current conditions and proposed actions, transfer the Emergency Director duties.
d. Announce the transfer to the facility staff.
e. Log the transfer in the Emergency Response Log.

4.4 Actions As Emergency Director Once EPIPs have been entered (emergency classification occurs), recovery actions not specifically authorized by plant procedures which have a potential for radioactive release to the environment require Emergency Director concurrence.

4.4.1 Assume the following responsibilities:

NOTE: The Emergency Director must authorize requests for outside assistance, including resources available from the federal government.

NOTE: Items a through e may not be delegated.

NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 9 of 22

a. Classification of emergencies in accordance with PPM 13.1.1, Classifying The Emergency, and periodically reviewing the classification to ensure that it reflects current plant conditions.
b. Making protective action recommendations in accordance with PPM 13.2.2 to offsite authorities responsible for implementing emergency measures for the public.
c. Approving official notifications/communications (e.g., Crash calls) to local, state, and Federal agencies.
d. Authorizing recovery actions not specifically authorized by procedure which have a potential for radioactive release to the environment.
e. Requesting assistance from offsite organizations and agencies as needed.
f. Making followup notifications to offsite agencies per PPM 13.4.1. Refer to Follow-up Offsite Notifications, 26098.
g. Approving the technical content of press releases.
h. Ensuring, through the facility managers, that the appropriate emergency procedures are implemented.
i. Ensuring the requisite emergency response facilities are activated and properly staffed.

j If advised of a personnel injury or death, then:

1) Ensure that transportation to a medical facility is being arranged and next-of-kin notifications occur using guidance found in PPM 1.9.14.
2) Ensure details of the incident, e.g., individuals name, type of injury, duties when injury occurred, etc., are forwarded to the Joint Information Center.
k. Authorizing venting of the primary containment when in SAGs.

NOTE: The Shift Manager as Emergency Director may terminate an Unusual Event. Due to the commitment of onsite and offsite manpower and resources, only the EOF Manager as the Emergency Director may terminate an event classified as Alert or greater.

1. Terminating the emergency and entering the recovery phase in accordance with PPM 13.13.2.

4.4.2 If action is determined to be necessary that causes the plant to depart from Technical Specifications or license conditions, refer to PPM 1.3.1 to invoke 10CFR 50.54(x) actions.

4.4.3 Approximately every 30 minutes, or when conditions change, perform the following:

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a. Review the emergency action levels (EALs) in procedure PPM 13.1.1 to ensure the emergency classification declared reflects current Plant conditions.
b. Review the protective action recommendations (PARs) in procedure PPM 13.2.2 to ensure the PARs declared reflect current Plant or radiological release conditions.
c. Review the status of onsite protective actions and whether actions should be modified based on the current Plant conditions.
d. Conduct briefings using the laminated briefing guide. Other TSC staff may use the Technical Support Center (TSC) Briefing Guidelines (Form 25860).

4.4.4 When conditions warrant a change in emergency classification or protective action recommendations, then perform the following:

a. Complete a Classification Notification Form (CNF).

NOTE: Notifications to the state, counties and DOE (Hanford) are required within 15 minutes of time noted on the Classification Notification Form.

b. Ensure notifications are performed in accordance with PPM 13.4.1, using the completed CNF as a basis.
c. Direct the Information Coordinator to inform the other Energy Northwest emergency facilities of the change in emergency classification and/or protective actions and ensure a copy of the CNF is sent to the appropriate organizations.

4.4.5 Determine if Protected Area evacuation actions need to be taken in accordance with the following:

a. Alert - Evacuation is optional, depending on event prognosis, consider evacuating plant personnel who are not part of the ERO.
b. Site Area Emergency - Site evacuation is required for most situations per PPM 13.5.1 for personnel who are not part of the ERO.

4.4.6 Implement a Site evacuation in accordance with PPM 13.5.1 when a Site Area Emergency is declared.

NUMBER lREVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 11 of 22

4.4.7 Authorize increases to emergency worker radiation exposure limits when recommended by the Radiation Protection Manager or Radiological Emergency Manager in accordance with PPM 13.2.1.

4.4.8 Authorize personnel to take potassium iodide (KI) when recommended by the Radiation Protection Manager or Radiological Emergency Manager in accordance with PPM 13.2.1.

5.0 ATTACHMENTS 5.1 Duties of TSC Manager Secretary 5.2 TSC Manager Checklist NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 12 of 22

Duties of: Technical Support Center Manager Secretary Assignment Location: Technical Support Center Report To: Technical Support Center Manager Responsibilities:

1. Maintain a log of TSC Manager actions on a form similar to the Emergency Response Log (Form 23895) of significant events and activities involving the TSC Manager or Technical Support Center Operations with emphasis on:
a. Receipt of notifications of changes in emergency classification.
b. The time and content of center briefings.
c. Significant telephone conversations or Public Address announcements.
d. Entries requested by TSC decision makers.
e. Assignment of action items.
2. When directed, initiate Crash calls for the TSC Manager to offsite agencies by:
a. Utilizing the Crash Network System Log located in the Emergency Phone Directory.

NOTE: In the event of a Crash phone failure, alternate means of notification is required.

i. Initiate Crash call by dialing 400.

ii. Perform a roll call of agencies contacted.

(1) When initiating roll call inform responding parties to standby for a call from the Emergency Director.

(2) Following completion of roll call indicate to the Emergency Director that parties are ready for the Crash call.

(3) Note on Crash call log the time of call, message, and parties on line.

(4) Inform the TSC Manager of offsite agencies failure to respond.

Attachment 5.1 Page 1 of 2 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 13 of 22

3. When TSC Manager completes filling out the Classification Notification Form (CNF):
a. Make copy of original and provide copy to Admin Support for faxing and internal distribution.
b. Return original to TSC Manager prior to initiating Crash call notification.
4. Answer and monitor the TSC Manager's phones and record messages as necessary.
5. Monitor incoming Crash calls and inform the TSC Manager of their content and note in log.
6. Monitor the TSC Manager's checklist and notify him of actions required as necessary .
7. In the event of Crash phone failure, alternate methods of offsite agency notification are required. Use the Dial-Up system to contact each agency individually. Refer to the Emergency Phone Directory Crash and Call Roster tab for instructions.
8. In the event of dedicated emergency phone circuit failure, use the Rolm conferencing system to contact other emergency center staff. Refer to Section 1 of the Energy Northwest Telephone Directory for conference call instructions.
9. Make briefing announcements to TSC members as directed.
10. Perform other TSC administrative support duties as requested by the TSC Manager or Plant Administrative Manager.
11. Refer incoming media calls to the Joint Information Center.
12. Upon shift change:
a. Fully brief your relief on responsibilities, duties and the current status of work being performed.
b. Forward your log for review by the TSC Manager.
13. Upon shift change or termination of the emergency:
a. Prepare an individual After Action Report. Refer to PPM 13.13.4.
b. Provide support to TSC Manager as necessary in collating TSC Report or logs.
c. Deliver After Action Reports to the Plant Administrative Manager.

Attachment 5.1 Page 2 of 2 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 14 of 22

TSC MANAGER CHECKLIST Time Response Actions Completed Initials 4.1 TSC Manager Duties At Unusual Event Classification

1. No action is required unless contacted by the Shift Manager or Emergency Director.

4.2 TSC Manager Duties For Alert Or Higher Classifications

1. Respond to TSC, present badge to the personnel accountability keycard reader and contact Shift Manager for a briefing on the current status, offsite notifications, and plant hazardous areas.
2. Instruct staff to setup TSC and obtain assistance if problems arise.
3. Assume ED duties from Shift Manager per Section 4.3, unless EOF Manager is prepared, or has already assumed, these duties.
4. Contact JIC Manager if acting as Emergency Director and provide initial information.
5. Make announcements to arriving TSC staff that you have assumed the ED duties.

Attachment 5.2 Page 1 of 8 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 15 of 22

Time Response Actions Completed Initials

6. Contact a qualified TSC Manager on the ERO list to respond as Assistant TSC Manager, if needed.
7. Monitor progress of TSC activation and staff activities and declare the TSC activated when the minimum staffing positions are present:

0 TSC Manager

  • Technical Manager 0 RPM
  • Core/Thermal Hydraulics 0 Operations Manager
  • Mechanical Engineer 0 Plant/NRC Liaison
  • Electrical Engineer
8. Direct the TSC Information Coordinator announce activation to the other emergency centers and the Plant/NRC Liaison to report it to NRC.
9. Conduct initial status briefing to TSC staff on turnover information obtained from the Control Room that includes:
  • Current emergency classification, cause of event and corrective actions being taken or in-progress
  • Current plant status, i.e., operating, shutdown, reduced power, etc.
  • Onsite personnel status of injuries, contaminations, exposures, etc.
  • If event involves radioactive releases
  • Status of notifications to offsite agencies
  • Status of offsite emergency response activities in progress or planned and PARs if issued
10. If event involves a security contingency, contact the EOF Manager and request that the Security Manager determine if access security needs to be established for the TSC.

Attachment 5.2 Page 2 of 8 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 1 16 of 22

Time Response Actions Completed Initials

11. Provide update briefing on the status of planned and anticipated TSC actions to EOF Manager.
12. Ensure TSC technical, maintenance, operations and radiation protection personnel are assessing plant conditions and conferring collectively to provide you with accident mitigation conclusions and recommendations, to determine decisions on:
  • Changes to Emergency Classification or PARs
  • Preventative or corrective actions that need to be pursued or deferred
  • Tasks that need to be pursued
  • Radiological or other hazards that impact plant emergency workers
  • Need to request augmenting staff or offsite assistance
  • Evacuation actions for plant personnel
13. When EAL or PAR changes are identified, notify EOF Manager.
14. Direct that plant PA announcements of Emergency Classification changes or cautions to emergency workers about plant hazardous areas are made in accordance per Form 26045 steps.
15. Ensure that the Operations Manager, Technical Manager, Maintenance Manager, Shift Manager, and OSC Manager coordinate repair team actions necessary to place and maintain Plant in a stable condition.
16. If the RPM advises you of TSC radiological airborne activity problems, consider having the Control Room initiate HVAC isolation actions for the TSC specified in ABN-RAD-CR.

Attachment 5.2 Page 3 of 8 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 17 of 22

Time Response Actions Completed Initials

17. If the emergency worker dose limit is projected to exceed 5 REM over the course of the event for TSC staff, or if habitability is otherwise questionable, confer with TSC staff and determine if selected staff will be directed to continue emergency duties from the Control Room, the EOF, or be evacuated offsite.
18. For security contingencies, confer with the Security Supervisor to determine appropriate areas for TSC/OSC operations, safe routes, communications ability, and the ability of Security to keep the area safe.
19. If you are advised of a personnel injury or death, then:
a. Ensure that transportation to a medical facility is being arranged and next-of-kin notifications occur using guidance found in PPM 1.9.14.
b. Ensure details of the incident, e.g., individual's name, type of injury, duties when injury occurred, etc., are forwarded to the JIC.
20. Conduct periodic update briefings of TSC staff. Refer to Technical Support Center (TSC) Briefing Guidelines (Form 25860) located in the TSC.
21. Obtain Emergency Director concurrence using the Emergency Director ringdown phone prior to implementing mitigating actions identified as requiring Emergency Director concurrence on EOPs or SAGs.
22. Direct that an announcement be made to the TSC and EOF when SAGs are entered and EOPs are exited.
23. When plant stability is achieved, confer with EOF Manager and consider event termination or recovery actions in accordance with PPM 13.13.2.

Attachment 5.2 Page 4 of 8 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 18 of 22

Time Response Actions Completed Initials

25. At event termination or shift change direct an after action critique of TSC performance to summarize actions taken and identify corrective actions needed.
26. At termination of an Alert or higher emergency classification, serve as a standing member of the Final After Action Report Committee in accordance with PPM 13.13.4.

4.3 Transfer Of Emergencv Director Duties

1. If assuming the Emergency Director (ED) duties:
a. Contact the Emergency Director and determine a time when conditions permit turnover of Emergency Director duties.
b. At a time when conditions permit, conduct a turnover using Classification Notification Form or Emergency Director Turnover Sheet as a guide.
c. Once current conditions and proposed actions are fully understood, relieve the current ED of Emergency Director duties.
d. Announce transfer of authority to facility staff and ensure other Energy Northwest emergency facilities are notified.
e. Initiate a Crash call to notify offsite agencies of the transfer to Emergency Director duties.
f. Log the transfer in the Emergency Response Log.
g. As ED, follow guidance in Section 4.4.

Attachment 5.2 Page 5 of 8 NUMBER RVSION PAGE 13.10.2 22 19 of 22

Time Response Actions Completed Initials

2. If transferring the ED duties:
a. When contacted by the proposed ED, provide a time when conditions permit the turnover of Emergency Director duties.
b. At the time when conditions permit, contact the proposed ED and conduct a turnover using the Classification Notification Form or the Emergency Director Turnover Sheet as a guide.
c. Once the EOF Manager fully understands current conditions and proposed actions, transfer ED duties.
d. Announce the transfer to the facility staff.
e. Log the transfer in the Emergency Response Log.

4.4 Actions As Emergency Director Once EPIPs have been entered (emergency classification occurs), recovery actions not specifically authorized by plant procedures which have a potential for radioactive release to the environment require Emergency Director concurrence.

1. Assume the following responsibilities:

NOTE: The EOF Manager must authorize requests for outside assistance, including resources available from the federal government.

NOTE: Items a through e may not be delegated.

a. Classification of emergencies in accordance with PPM 13.1.1, Classifying The Emergency, and periodically reviewing the classification to ensure that it reflects current plant conditions.
b. Making protective action recommendations in accordance with PPM 13.2.2 to offsite authorities responsible for implementing emergency measures for the public.
c. Approving official notifications/communications (e.g., Crash calls) to local, state, and Federal agencies.
d. Authorizing recovery actions not specifically authorized by procedure which have a potential for radioactive release to the environment.
e. Requesting assistance from offsite organizations and agencies as needed.

Attachment 5.2 Page 6 of 8 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 20 of 22

Response Actions

f. Making followup notifications to offsite agencies per PPM 13.4.1. Refer to Follow-up Offsite Notifications, 26098.
g. Approving the technical content of press releases.
h. Ensuring, through the facility managers, that the appropriate emergency procedures are implemented.
i. Ensuring the requisite emergency response facilities are activated and properly staffed.
j. If advised of a personnel injury or death, then:
k. Ensure that transportation to a medical facility is being arranged and next-of-kin notifications occur using guidance found in PPM 1.9.14.
l. Ensure details of the incident, e.g., individuals name, type of injury, duties when injury occurred, etc., are forwarded to the Joint Information Center.
m. Authorizing venting of the primary containment when in SAGs.

NOTE: The Shift Manager as Emergency Director may terminate an Unusual Event.

Due to the commitment of onsite and offsite manpower and resources, only the EOF Manager as the Emergency Director may terminate an event classified as Alert or greater.

n. Terminating the emergency and entering the recovery phase in accordance with PPM 13.13.2.
2. Refer to PPM 1.3.1 to invoke 10CFR 50.54(x) actions as necessary.
3. Approximately every 30 minutes, or when conditions change, perform the following:
a. Review the EALs in procedure PPM 13.1.1 to ensure the emergency classification declared reflects current Plant conditions.
b. Review the PARs in procedure PPM 13.2.2 to ensure the PARs declared reflect current Plant or radiological release conditions.

Attachment 5.2 Page 7 of 8 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 21 of 22

Time Response Actions Completed Initials

c. Review the status of onsite protective actions and whether actions should be modified based on the current Plant conditions.
d. Conduct periodic briefings using the laminated briefing guide.

Other TSC staff may use the TSC Briefing Guidelines (Form 25860).

4. When conditions warrant a change in emergency classification or protective action recommendations, perform the following:
a. Complete a Classification Notification Form (CNF).
b. Ensure notifications are performed per PPM 13.4.1 using the completed CNF as a basis.
c. Direct the Information Coordinator to inform the other Energy Northwest emergency facilities of the change in emergency classification and/or protective actions and ensure a copy of the CNF is sent to the appropriate organizations.
5. Determine if Site evacuation actions need to be taken. Site evacuation is required for most situations at Site Area Emergency per PPM 13.5.1.
6. Evacuate Site One personnel at Site Area Emergency per 13.5.1.
7. Implement a Site evacuation in accordance with PPM 13.5.1 when a Site Area Emergency is declared.
9. Authorize increases to emergency worker radiation exposure limits when recommended by the Radiation Protection Manager or Radiological Emergency Manager per PPM 13.2.1.
10. Authorize personnel to take potassium iodide (KI) when recommended by the Radiation Protection Manager or Radiological Emergency Manager per PPM 13.2.1.

Attachment 5.2 Page 8 of 8 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.2 22 22 of 22

  • 13.10.4*




................................................. 2 3.0 PROCEDURE ................................................ 3

-3.1 Radiation Protection Manager Responsibilities ........................ 3 4.0 ATTACHMENTS ............................................... 8 4.1 Radiation Monitor Startup Checklist ............................... 9 4.2 Health Physics Network (HPN) Communicator Duties ..... ............. 10 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.4 27 of 12

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure describes the emergency responsibilities and duties of the Radiation Protection Manager. The Radiation Protection Manager (RPM) is responsible for directing Plant Health Physics staff, assessing radiological conditions, reviewing radiological data and providing recommendations concerning radiation protection measures to the TSC Manager. The Radiation Protection Manager, upon activation of the TSC, is responsible for Protective Action Decisions (PADs) within the Protected Area and, when the TSC Manager is the Emergency Director, is responsible for PARs outside the Protected Area until relieved by the Radiological Emergency Manager.


2.1 FSAR Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Section 2 2.2 10CFR50.72, Immediate Notification Requirements for Operating Nuclear Power Reactors 2.3 PPM 2.10.12, Technical Support Center HVAC 2.4 PPM 12.10.1, Sample Station Operation 2.5 PPM 13.2.1, Emergency Exposure Levels/Protective Action Guides 2.6 PPM 13.2.2, Process for Determining Protective Action Recommendations and Protective Action Decisions 2.7 PPM 13.5.1, Evacuation 2.8 PPM 13.7.5, Offsite Assembly Area Operations 2.9 PPM 13.8.1, Emergency Dose Projection System Operations 2.10 PPM 13.11.7, Radiological Emergency Manager Duties 2.11 PPM 13.13.1, Reentry Operations 2.12 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 2.13 PPM 13.14.1, Nearby Nuclear Facility Emergencies/Request for Assistance NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.4 27 2 of 12


2.14 Emergency Response Log, 23895 2.15 Technical Support Center (TSC) Briefing Guidelines, 25860 2.16 PERA 202-2918-01, TSC Access and Habitability Control 2.17 PERA 203-0396-01, On-call Emergency Planner Considerations NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.4 27 3 of 12

3.0 PROCEDURE 3.1 Radiation Protection Manager Responsibilities 3.1.1 Upon notification of an Alert or higher emergency, or if directed, log in on TES, obtain an electronic dosimeter, and proceed to the Technical Support Center (TSC).

NOTE: If you desire, a qualified RPM on the ERO list may be contacted via the EOF Manpower Scheduler to respond as Assistant RPM.

3.1.2 Present your keycard to the TSC cardreader located by the outer hallway access door to establish electronic Personnel Accountability.

3.1.3 Enter your name on the TSC Accountability Log located on the table just inside the TSC to establish manual Personnel Accountability.

3.1.4 Write your name on the TSC staffing board in the space next to your emergency position.

3.1.5 If you leave the TSC temporarily, inform the TSC Manager of your destination and approximate time of return. Note your destination on the TSC Personnel Accountability Log.

3.1.6 Establish TSC habitability:

  • If necessary based on radiological conditions, contact HP Lead in the OSC to dispatch an HP Tech to establish/monitor TSC habitability.

Once TSC habitability is established, the HP Tech may be released to the OSC.

  • Ensure both TSC vestibule doors are closed to maintain TSC environmental integrity.

NOTE: It may be necessary to establish the vestibule door as the contamination control boundary if radiological conditions prevent the use of the IPMs.

NOTE: A radioactive release is in progress when effluent monitors indicate an increase in radiation levels from normal readings for plant operating conditions or when field teams detect environmental radiation 10 times greater than normal background, AND the increased levels are attributable to the emergency event.

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  • When a radiological release has started, inform the Emergency Director. Ensure a step-off-pad and frisker are set up at the vestibule door. Post the "Release in Progress" sign above the 10 Mile EPZ map and inform the TSC staff.
  • Set up a swing gate and post the south TSC entrance door as "No Entry", and Radiological Controlled Area boundary.
  • Direct the Admin Support staff to require visitors, support personnel or other non-TSC staff to obtain dosimetry, frisk, key card into the TSC, and sign in on the manual accountability log to maintain TSC habitability.
  • Verify the TSC normal or emergency ventilation system operation.

Note and refer any local annunciators that indicate problems to the Operations Manager and Maintenance Manager.

1. Refer to the local TSC HVAC annunciator panel in the TSC Equipment Room.

a) If the TSC HVAC is operating in the normal mode, there should be no alarms on the annunciator panel, TSC-1.

b) If the TSC HVAC is operating in the emergency mode, alarm drop 1-2, FAZ SIGNAL ALARM PLANT EMERGENCY IN PROGRESS, should be in alarm.

c) All control switches on TSC Control Panel TSC-1 should be in the ON or AUTO position unless otherwise tagged.

NOTE: If the TSC ventilation monitor is inoperable, request an HP Technician to set up suitable air monitoring equipment in the TSC.

Manual TSC HVAC operation may be necessary to maintain TSC habitability per PPM 2.10.12.

  • Request an HP Technician to activate the TSC ventilation radiation monitor per Attachment 4.1.

3.1.7 Monitor the status of TSC habitability and advise the TSC Manager of any change that may require evacuating or relocating the TSC.

3.1.8 If the following conditions exist:

a. TSC general area radiation levels exceed 5 mrem/hr as indicated by the TSC radiation monitor or Victoreen area radiation monitor, or NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.4 27 5 of 12
b. TSC unidentified airborne radioactivity exceeds 0.3 DAC: (0.3 DAC equates to approximately 750 ccpm on a 40 ff air sample in the field).
  • Immediately notify the TSC Manager of the condition
  • Direct surveillance of airborne activity be increased to once per hour and results reported to you
  • Direct dose rates in the area be determined approximately every 15 minutes and results reported to you
  • Direct that projected accumulated doses for TSC personnel be evaluated and appropriate stay times be established 3.1.9 If the emergency worker dose limit is projected to exceed 5 REM over the course of the event for TSC staff, inform the TSC Manager so that plans to evacuate the TSC are initiated.

3.1.10 Refer to PPM 13.2.1 when guidance on increasing exposure limits for emergency workers or recommending Potassium Iodide (KI) is appropriate.

3.1.11 When contacted by the REM for HPC staffing, contact the OSC HP Lead for personnel.

3.1.12 Following declaration of a Site Area Emergency, use the guidance provided in PPM 13.5.1 to recommend to the TSC Manager the appropriate evacuation routes and assembly areas for a Site evacuation.

a. Support Health Physics Center staffing by dispatching an HP Technician to the HPC when requested.
b. Assist the Plant Admin Manager in completing the Protected Area Evacuation announcement form.

3.1.13 Following implementation of a Protected Area evacuation, ensure HP coverage is provided at the designated plant exit location portal monitor, and at the Protected Area exit point in accordance with PPM 13.5.1.

3.1.14 If evacuation of onsite personnel is ordered by the TSC Manager, determine hazardous areas to avoid and safe routes for evacuees.

3.1.15 Determine if radiological monitoring is required for personnel leaving site and coordinate locations for setting up monitor activities with the REM.

3.1.16 Review radiological data and provide briefings to the TSC Manager on recommendations for radiological protection measures.

NOTE: An HPN phone is also located in the EOF. An HPN communicator in the EOF may be designated by arrangement with the Radiological Emergency Manager, after EOF activation.

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3.1.17 If the NRC Operations Center requests event information on the TSC's Health Physics Network (HPN) phone, designate a knowledgeable HP person to implement Attachment 4.2, HPN Communicator Duties.

3.1.18 If the TSC is activated before the EOF:

a. Determine if the TSC needs to relieve the Control Room of responsibility for offsite dose assessment calculations.
b. Determine if Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) for the public based on offsite dose projections need to be recommended to the TSC Manager.
c. When required, coordinate initial radiological field team actions on or offsite.
d. Until relieved, perform the duties of the Radiological Emergency Manager (REM) contained in PPM 13.11.7.

3.1.19 When the designated REM arrives, provide briefing and turnover on the following:

  • Current plant status and conditions that could cause offsite radiological release.
  • Significant radiological conditions and hazardous areas on and offsite.
  • Dose projection results to this point, if any, including discussion of whether any of the documentation results for those dose projections need to be forwarded to offsite agencies and if so, who will arrange for them to be sent.
  • Current status of any protective action decisions made by offsite agencies on PARs.

3.1.20 Review plant radiological data and provide necessary in plant direction to Health Physics personnel through the Lead Health Physics person in the Operations Support Center.

3.1.21 When it is determined that a PASS sample should be obtained, direct the Maintenance Manager to dispatch a PASS team. Refer to PPM 12.10.1 and consider the following when requesting the taking of a PASS sample:

  • Conditions allow taking a PASS sample.
  • Location for taking the sample.

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  • Whether sample or samples to be taken are reactor coolant and/or containment atmosphere.
  • Radiation levels in areas where samples are to be collected.

3.1.22 Implement the actions and guidance of PPM 13.2.1 when it becomes necessary to increase exposure guides/limits for Plant emergency workers.

  • Declaration of an Alert or higher emergency classification automatically waives Energy Northwest administrative exposure holdpoints.
  • The individuals' occupational dose is subtracted from the Emergency Worker dose limit of 5 rem.
  • Request for exposure limits above 5 rem TEDE is approved by the Emergency Director. The Emergency Director may verbally delegate this responsibility to the RPM or REM as applicable.
  • If an Emergency Exposure Request is authorized, follow guidance in PPM 13.2.1.

3.1.23 As necessary, request augmenting Health Physics personnel to support plant radiological assessment and protection measures via the Plant Admin Manager.

3.1.24 Assess the need to recommend radiological protection, respiratory protection, sheltering or evacuation for personnel within the Protected Area.

3.1.25 Periodically, contact the Security Supervisor in the Central Alarm Station (CAS) to determine any habitability concerns. Ensure the Security Supervisor is kept informed of radiological conditions and protective actions for Security Force personnel.

3.1.26 As requested, provide periodic TSC update briefings on radiological concerns. Refer to the Radiation Protection Manager's portion of the Technical Support Center (TSC) Briefing Guidelines (Form 25860), located in the TSC.

3.1.27 When plant conditions make it necessary, periodically direct that:

a. Plant areas where food is stored or consumed be surveyed.
b. Plant drinking water samples be collected and analyzed.

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3.1.28 When the recovery phase is entered, provide Radiation Protection and ALARA assistance with developing plans and procedures.

a. As required, direct appropriate staff to perform whole body counting and internal dose assessment.

3.1.29 Refer incoming media calls to the Joint Information Center.

3.1.30 Assist the Emergency Director and on-call Emergency Planner in coordinating an Energy Northwest response to a request for assistance or notification of a DOE emergency.

3.1.31 Upon shift change, fully brief your relief as to events which have transpired and status of work being performed.

3.1.32 Upon shift change or termination of the emergency:

a. Prepare individual After Action Report in accordance with PPM 13.13.4.
b. Deliver After Action Reports of you and your staff to the TSC Manager.

4.0 ATTACHMENTS 4.1 Radiation Monitor Startup Checklist 4.2 Health Physics Network (HPN) Communicator Duties NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.4 27 9 of 12


1. Open power panel door to PP-TSCl-DIV A, located in the TSC mechanical equipment room.
2. Ensure that Breaker 11 is ON then close power panel door.
3. Proceed to Rack TSC-SR-1 (TSC-RAD-1).
4. If the unit is not already running, place the TSC-FN-21 switch in the RUN position.

Warming: Powering up or turning on the High Voltage for the RIS units may cause the alarm to sound. The alarm is very loud.

5. Verify that TSC-RIS-1A, 1B, and IC are operating as follows:

A. Verify that the power for each RIS is on. (Bottom switch (OFF-PWR) depressed on each RIS, and light on.)

B. Verify that the high voltage is on (second from bottom switch (OFF-HV) depressed on each RIS, and light is on).

6. Switch recorder TSC-RR-1 from standby to run as follows:

A. Press RCD on TSC-RR-1 until RCD light is lit.

B. Date, time and initial the chart paper.

7. Perform a response check of each RIS by depressing the NOR-CS push button and hold down until the appropriate meter reaches maximum steady reading, or alarm sounds.
8. Mark the response check trace on the chart recorder.
9. To place the unit in standby:

A. Momentarily place TSC-FN-21 switch in the STOP position. The LOW FLOW light will come on.

B. Press RCD on TSC-RR-1 until the RCD light is extinguished.

Attachment 4.1 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.4 27 10 of 12

Duties: Health Physics Network (HPN) Communicator Assigned Location: Technical Support Center (TSC)

Report To: Radiation Protection Manager (RPM)

Activation Level: Alert or Higher Classification Responsibilities:

1. Upon assignment, obtain a briefing from the RPM on the current status of the emergency and the known or anticipated radiological conditions and/or releases.
2. Activate the TSC extension of the HPN phone, introduce yourself to the NRC communicator and provide information you have on the current status of onsite and offsite radiological conditions.
3. After assuming this responsibility, observe the requirements of IOCFR50.72(c)(3) by maintaining continuous communications when requested by the NRC. If you leave the phone for any reason, find someone to maintain the phone in your absence.
4. Maintain a log of your communications with the NRC on the Emergency Response Log, (Form -23895).
5. Notify the RPM when you require assistance with resolving NRC information requests or when you are asked to make commitments you do not feel you are authorized to make.
6. As conditions allow, brief the RPM on the status of HPN communications with the NRC.
7. Ensure transmissions you relay are distinct and understood. Avoid the use of acronyms unless you are sure they are understood and ensure the correct letters of acronyms are understood by using phonetic spelling to clarify, i.e., "B" as in Bravo or "D" as in Delta.
8. Ensure data you transmit to the NRC represents factual information only. Avoid speculative information or editorializing on data and do not engage in problem solving discussions.

Attachment 4.2 Page 1 of 2 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.4 27 11 of 12

9. When relieved of HPN Communicator duties by an EOF Communicator:
a. Brief your relief on the status of the plant radiological conditions and on pertinent information you have given to the NRC communicator.
b. Obtain an acknowledgment from the EOF HPN Communicator that they are ready to assume HPN communications.
c. Obtain permission from NRC to discontinue communications from the TSC.
d. Notify the RPM you have been relieved.
e. Submit all logs of your communications with the NRC to the RPM.
10. Upon shift change, brief your relief on responsibilities, duties and the current status of HPN communications with the NRC.
11. Upon shift change or termination of the emergency:
a. Prepare an individual After Action Report. Refer to PPM 13.13.4.
b. Deliver After Action Report and logs to the RPM.

Attachment 4.2 Page 2 of 2 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.4 27 12 of 12

  • 13 .11.1*




.................................................. 2 3.0 DISCUSSION ................................................... 4 4.0 PROCEDURE . .................................................. 4 4.1 EOF Manager Duties At Unusual Event Classification .................... 4 4.2 EOF Manager Duties For Alert Or Higher Emergency Classifications .... ..... 4 4.3 Specific Actions to Take at Site Area Emergency: ....................... 9 4.4 Specific Actions to Take at General Emergency: ........................ 9 4.5 Specific Actions for the Ingestion Phase: ............................ 10 4.6 Transfer Of Emergency Director Duties ............................ 10 4.7 Actions As Emergency Director ................................. 11 5.0 ATTACHMENTS . .............................................. 14 5.1 NRC Response Team Briefing Guidelines ........................... 15 5.2 EOF Manager Checklist ...................................... 18 5.3 EOF Manager Secretary Duties .................................. 24 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 1 of 26

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure describes the emergency responsibilities and duties of the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Manager. {R-5695, R-5708}


2.1 G02-83-529, Backup Emergency Operations Facilities (EOF) {2.1}

2.2 IOCFR50 Appendix E (IV)(A) {R-5695, R-5708}

2.3 10CFR50.47 (b)(3) {R-1584}

2.4 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Section 2 & 6 2.5 Safeguards Contingency Plan 2.6 PPM 1.3.1, Operating Policies, Programs and Practices 2.7 PPM 1.9.14, Onsite Medical Emergencies 2.8 PPM 5.7.1, Severe Accident Guidelines 2.9 PPM 13.1.1, Classifying the Emergency 2.10 PPM 13.2.1, Emergency Exposure Levels/Protective Action Guides 2.11 PPM 13.2.2, Determining Protective Action Recommendations 2.12 PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications 2.13 PPM 13.5.1, Evacuation 2.14 PPM 13.13.2, Emergency Event Termination and Recovery Operations 2.15 PPM 13.13.3, Intermediate Phase MUDAC Operations 2.16 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 2.17 PPM 13.14.1, Nearby Nuclear Facility Emergencies/Requests for Assistance NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 2 of 26

REFERENCES, cont'd 2.18 Classification Notification Form, 24075.

2.19 Emergency Director Turnover Sheet, 25810.

2.20 Emergency Response Log, 23895.

2.21 Emergency Operations Facility Briefing Guidelines, 26028.

2.22 Follow-up Offsite Notifications, 26098 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 3 of 26

3.0 DISCUSSION 3.1 The Emergency Director is the Energy Northwest individual on shift at all times who has the authority and responsibility to immediately and unilaterally initiate any emergency actions.

3.2 The Shift Manager normally acts as the Emergency Director when an emergency classification is initially declared. Emergency Director responsibilities will transfer from the Shift Manager to the TSC Manager or the EOF Manager depending upon time of facility activation.

NOTE: An Assistant EOF Manager from another ERO team may serve as a qualified EOF Manager in the event that personnel assigned to the EOF Manager qualification group are unavailable.

3.3 The EOF Manager is responsible for the overall management of Energy Northwest resources and will be in charge of Energy Northwest emergency and recovery operations.

3.4 The EOF Manager must authorize requests for outside assistance, including resources available from the federal government.

3.5 Severe Accident Guidelines (SAGs) are entered and Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) are exited when primary containment flooding is required. The TSC Manager is responsible to communicate this to the EOF Manager or Assistant EOF Manager when this occurs.

3.6 The Emergency Director approves mitigating actions identified as requiring Emergency Director concurrence on SAGs or EOPs prior to implementation, using the Emergency Director ringdown phone, or other means if this method is not available.

3.7 The EOF Manager coordinates response when notified of an offsite request for assistance or a Hanford emergency notification has been received.

4.0 PROCEDURE NOTE: Procedural steps may be implemented using Attachment 5.2, EOF Manager Checklist.

4.1 EOF Manager Duties At Unusual Event Classification 4.1.1 No action is required unless you are contacted by the Shift Manager or Emergency Director.

4.2 EOF Manager Duties For Alert Or Higher Emergency Classifications NOTE: If you are unable to respond to the EOF, respond to the Alternate EOF located at the Energy Northwest Office Complex (ENOC).

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4.2.1 Respond to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF). Then,

  • Sign in on the staffing board
  • Obtain the EOF Manager basket and other equipment
  • Start an Emergency Response Log 4.2.2 Contact the Emergency Director for a briefing on the status of the emergency and offsite notifications.

4.2.3 Contact the JIC Manager to provide status information for the follow-up news releases.

4.2.4 Verify responding EOF staff promptly set up the EOF and obtain assistance, if necessary, to resolve any activation problems.

NOTE: Failure to staff the required positions within about one hour of classification is a violation of the Emergency Plan response requirements.

4.2.5 Ensure Essential EOF positions are present. Activate the EOF when Essential personnel are present and the main EOF responsibilities can be assumed:

  • Radiological Emergency Manager
  • Environmental Field Team Members (6)
  • Field Team Coordinator
  • Telecommunications Manager EOF Main Responsibilities
  • Manage the overall Energy Northwest emergency effort.
  • Evaluate the magnitude and consequences of actual or potential radiological releases.
  • Coordinate emergency response activities with local, state and federal agencies.
  • Provide offsite protective action recommendations.

Use judgment in determining when qualified personnel will perform a task to NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 5 of 26

fulfill EOF responsibilities even though the personnel may not be identified as normally assigned to the task.

4.2.6 When the EOF is activated, then:

  • Direct the EOF Information Coordinator to anounce center activation to other emergency centers
  • Direct the TSC Manager to have the Plant/NRC Liaison to report activation to NRC.
  • Conduct an initial briefing, including:
  • Current emergency classification, cause of event and corrective actions being taken or in progress
  • Current plant status
  • Onsite personnel status of injuries, contaminations, exposures, etc.
  • Whether the event involves radioactive releases
  • Status of notifications to offsite agencies
  • Status of offsite emergency response activities in progress or planned and PARs if issued 4.2.7 Assume the Emergency Director duties per Section 4.6. Then:
  • Initiate a Crash call per Section 4.6.
  • Inform the SCC that the EOF Manager has assumed responsibility for Crash notifications.

4.2.8 Evaluate staff recommendations on assistance from outside agencies and direct the Site Support Manager to coordinate this response.

4.2.9 Conduct periodic briefings:

  • If an NRC site response team is enroute, ensure a briefing in accordance with Attachment 5.1 is prepared. {R-1584}
  • Conduct briefings for EOF staff approximately every 30 minutes using EOF Briefing Guidelines, form 26028.
  • Brief the Chief Executive Officer/Representative as developments occur using form 26028.

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4.2.10 Ensure EOF staff are assessing plant conditions and conferring collectively to provide you with accident mitigation conclusions/recommendations to determine decisions on:

  • Changes to Emergency Classification or PARs
  • Prioritizing tasks that need to be pursued
  • Radiological or other hazards that impact offsite emergency workers
  • The need to request augmenting staff or offsite assistance
  • Protective actions for plant/offsite personnel 4.2.11 Direct the TSC Plant/NRC Liaison to immediately inform the NRC Headquarters Operations Officer (HOO) of declaration of emergency classifications, or changes to emergency classifications, and PARs made to offsite agencies, or PADs made for Energy Northwest personnel.

4.2.12 Refer calls from the news media to the JIC.

NOTE: A radioactive release is in progress when effluent monitors indicate an increase in radiation levels from normal readings for plant operating conditions or when field teams detect environmental radiation 10 times greater than normal background, AND the increased levels are attributable to the emergency event.

4.2.13 When it is determined that a radioactive release is in progress, perform the following:

  • Complete an informational CNF;
  • Initiate a Crash call;
  • Direct the Information Coordinator to notify all emergency centers.

4.2.14 If elevated radiological conditions exist within the EOF or outside the Kootenai Building/EOF:

EOF general area radiation levels exceed 5 mrem/hr EOF unidentified airborne radioactivity exceeds 0.3 DAC (0.3 DAC equates to approximately 750 ccpm on a 40 ft3 air sample in the field):


  • Immediately notify the EOF staff of the condition.
  • Direct surveillance of airborne activity be increased to once per hour and results reported.

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  • Direct dose rates in the area be determined approximately every 15 minutes and results reported.
  • Direct that projected accumulated doses for the EOF personnel be evaluated and appropriate stay times be established.
  • Prohibit eating or drinking in the EOF until advised of resolution of the EOF airborne activity problem.

4.2.15 If airborne activity levels outside the Kootenai Building/EOF could exceed 50 mR/hr, direct the Radiological Emergency Manager to monitor the intake and return air monitors and to ensure that Kootenai Building/EOF ventilation is in the correct operating mode.

4.2.16 If the emergency worker dose limit is projected to exceed 5 REM over the course of the event for EOF staff, confer with EOF staff and determine if selected staff will be directed to continue emergency duties from the TSC or the alternate EOF.

NOTE: The alternate EOF meets the functions of establishing required communications between the primary EOF and the TSC. It also serves as an assembly area for EOF responders unable to respond to the primary EOF due to hazards that prevent access to the primary facility from off site. {2. 1}

4.2.17 If near site conditions present sufficient hazards to EOF responders that have not yet arrived at the primary EOF, direct Security road blocks to redirect EOF responders to the alternate EOF, located near the Joint Information Center at the ENOC. {2.1}

4.2.18 Ensure that mitigating action concurrence is obtained prior to implementing actions that require Emergency Director concurrence on EOPs or SAGs.

4.2.19 Terminate the event and initiate recovery operations via PPM 13.13.2 when appropriate.

4.2.20 Initiate ingestion zone operations per PPM 13.13.3 when appropriate.

Coordinate the implementation through the Washington State Emergency Operations Center.

4.2.21 Determine staffing levels for the EOF and the JIC when the emergency is downgraded or terminated using PPM 13.13.2 guidelines.

4.2.22 At shift change or termination of emergency:

  • Brief your relief on the current status of the plant and emergency activities.
  • Prepare an individual After-Action Report. Refer to PPM 13.13.4.
  • At event termination, direct an after action critique of EOF performance to summarize actions taken and identify corrective actions needed.

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  • Deliver EOF After-Action Reports and summary to the Final After Action Committee or to the Emergency Preparedness Department.
  • If an Alert or higher classification was declared, delegate a chairperson and establish a Final After Action Report Committee in accordance with PPM 13.13.4. If the emergency classification was Unusual Event, Emergency Preparedness will compile the report.

4.3 Specific Actions to Take at Site Area Emergencv:

  • Ensure notifications are completed to State, County, and DOE within 15 minutes.
  • Evacuate the Site and Site One per PPM 13.5.1.
  • Direct the Security Manager to make appropriate PA announcement for Site 1.
  • Ensure dose assessment is in progress if a release is in progress or containment leakage is suspected.
  • Ensure Security has established road blocks on plant access roads.
  • Direct the TSC to make the appropriate PA announcements.

4.4 Specific Actions to Take at General Emergency:

  • Ensure notifications are completed to State, County, and DOE within 15 minutes.
  • Ensure the Site is evacuated per PPM 13.5.1.
  • Direct the TSC to make the appropriate PA announcements.
  • Direct the Security Manager to make appropriate PA announcements for Site 1.
  • Ensure dose projections are updated.
  • Ensure roadblocks are established and properly located to avoid the plume.
  • Evaluate protective actions for emergency workers.
  • Consult with the REM to determine wind direction and EOF habitability considerations.
  • Review the PARs in PPM 13.2.2 to ensure that the PARs declared reflect current Plant or radiological conditions.
  • Determine if additional PARs are required per PPM 13.2.2.

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4.5 Specific Actions for the Ingestion Phase:

  • Initiate ingestion zone operations via PPM 13.13.3 when appropriate.

Coordinate with Washington State EOC.

  • Determine staffing levels for the EOF and JIC when the emergency is downgraded or terminated using PPM 13.13.2.

4.6 Transfer Of Emergency Director Duties

1. If assuming the Emergency Director (ED) duties:
a. Contact current ED and determine a time when conditions would permit turnover process.
b. At a time when conditions permit, conduct a turnover using the Classification Notification Form or Emergency Director Turnover Sheet as a guide.
c. Once current conditions and proposed actions are fully understood, relieve current ED of duties.
d. Announce transfer of authority to facility staff and ensure other Energy Northwest emergency facilities are notified.
e. Complete a Crash call to offsite agencies, i.e., state, county, and DOE of the transfer. The Plant/NRC Liaison in the TSC should be directed to notify the NRC on the ENS line.
f. Log the transfer in the facility log.
g. As ED, follow guidance in Section 4.7.
2. If transferring the ED duties:
a. When contacted by an oncoming ED, give a time when conditions would permit the turnover process.
b. At the time when conditions permit, contact oncoming ED and conduct a turnover using the Classification Notification Form or the Emergency Director Turnover Sheet as a guide.
c. Once the oncoming ED fully understands current conditions and proposed actions, transfer ED duties.
d. Announce the transfer to the facility staff.

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e. Log the transfer in the facility log.

4.7 Actions As Emergencv Director 4.7.1 Assume the following responsibilities:

NOTE: The EOF Manager must authorize requests for outside assistance, including resources available from the federal government.

NOTE: Items a through e may not be delegated.

a. Classification of emergencies in accordance with PPM 13.1.1, Classifying The Emergency, and periodically reviewing the classification to ensure that it reflects current plant conditions.
b. Making protective action recommendations in accordance with PPM 13.2.2 to offsite authorities responsible for implementing emergency measures for the public.
c. Approving official notifications/communications (e.g., Crash calls) to local, state, and Federal agencies.
d. Authorizing recovery actions not specifically authorized by procedure which have a potential for radioactive release to the environment.
e. Requesting assistance from offsite organizations and agencies as needed.
f. Making followup notifications to offsite agencies per PPM 13.4.1.

Refer to Follow-up Offsite Notifications, 26098.

g. Approving the technical content of press releases.
h. Ensuring, through the facility managers, that the appropriate emergency procedures are implemented.
i. Ensuring the requisite emergency response facilities are activated and properly staffed.

j If advised of a personnel injury or death, then:

1. Ensure that transportation to a medical facility is being arranged and next-of-kin notifications occur using guidance found in PPM 1.9.14.

NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 11 of 26

2. Ensure details of the incident, e.g., individuals name, type of injury, duties when injury occurred, etc., are forwarded to the Joint Information Center.
k. Authorizing venting of the primary containment when in SAGs.

NOTE: The Shift Manager as Emergency Director may terminate an Unusual Event. Due to the commitment of onsite and offsite manpower and resources, only the EOF Manager as the Emergency Director may terminate an event classified as Alert or greater.

1. Terminating the emergency and entering the recovery phase in accordance with PPM 13.13.2.

4.7.2 If response to the event requires departure from Technical Specifications or license conditions, refer to PPM 1.3.1 to invoke 10CFR 50.54(x) actions.

4.7.3 Approximately every 30 minutes, or when conditions change, perform the following:

a. Review the emergency action levels (EALs) in procedure PPM 13.1.1 to ensure the emergency classification declared reflects current Plant conditions.
b. Review the protective action recommendations (PARs) in procedure PPM 13.2.2 to ensure the PARs declared reflect current Plant or radiological release conditions.
c. Review the status of onsite protective actions and whether actions should be modified based on the current Plant conditions.
d. Conduct briefings using EOF Briefing Guidelines (26028).

NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 12 of 26

4.7.4 When conditions warrant a change in emergency classification or protective action recommendations, then perform the following:

a. Complete a Classification Notification Form (CNF).

NOTE: Notifications to the state, counties and DOE (Hanford) are required within 15 minutes of time noted on the Classification Notification Form.

b. Initiate a Crash call to provide notification per PPM 13.4.1, using the completed CNF as a basis.
  • If the Crash phone is out of service, the primary back up is the Dial-Up system. To ensure completing notification within 15 minutes, contact the Benton and Franklin EOCs, DOE, and the Washington State EOC prior to other notifications.
c. Direct the Information Coordinator to inform the other Energy Northwest emergency facilities of the change in emergency classification and/or protective actions and ensure a copy of the CNF is sent to the appropriate organizations.

4.7.5 Determine if evacuation actions need to be taken in accordance with the following:

  • Alert - Evacuation is optional, depending on event prognosis.

Consider evacuating plant personnel who are not part of the ERO.

  • Site Area Emergency or General Emergency - Site evacuation is required for most situations per PPM 13.5.1 for personnel who are not part of the ERO. Site One evacuation is also required for most situations per PPM 13.5.1.

4.7.6 Order a Site evacuation in accordance with PPM 13.5.1 when a Site Area Emergency is declared and, if not yet performed, ensure that a Site evacuation occurs when a General Emergency is declared.

4.7.7 Authorize increases to emergency worker radiation exposure limits when recommended by the Radiation Protection Manager or Radiological Emergency Manager in accordance with PPM 13.2.1.

4.7.8 Authorize personnel to take potassium iodide (KI) when recommended by the Radiation Protection Manager or Radiological Emergency Manager in accordance with PPM 13.2.1.

4.7.9 When notified of a request for assistance or a Hanford emergency NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 13 of 26

notification, coordinate response with the on call Radiation Protection Manager and Emergency Planner. For Hanford emergency notifications, pay particular attention to:

  • Emergency classification
  • Type and location of incident
  • Release information (alpha, beta, gamma)
  • Wind speed and direction 5.0 ATTACHMENTS 5.1 NRC Response Team Briefing Guidelines 5.2 EOF Manager Checklist 5.3 EOF Manager Secretary Duties NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 14 of 26


1. Date and time of this status briefing: Date Time
2. Current Classification (Check): _ _ UE _ _ Alert SAE _ GE Declared at: Date Time
3. Reason for classification (include failed systems/components):

Previous classification history:

a. Classification declared at for the following reason:
b. Classification declared at for the following reason:


c. Classification declared at for the following reason:
4. Offsite PARs and implementation status for current classification:
5. Affected plant parameters (attach copy of most recent Plant Status Board display):

Fuel cladding: Intact Challenged Failed RCS boundary: Intact Challenged Failed Containment Integrity: Intact Challenged Failed

6. Prognosis (check): _ Stable Improving _ _ Degrading _ _ N/A Attachment 5.1 Page 1 of 3 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 15 of 26
7. Meteorological Data:
a. Wind direction from .(Degrees) b. Wind Speed .. (MPH)
c. Stability class: (circle) A B C D E F G
d. Precipitation (check): _ None Rain Sleet Snow
8. Offsite radiological conditions (check):

_a. No release is involved.

__b. Release is imminent.

c. Release is occurring. Release path:
d. Release started. Time: Est. Duration:
e. Release occurred previously. Duration:
f. Release stopped. Time: Date:

_ 9. Release Inventory Isotopes Release Rate lodines US Noble gases Ci/s Airborne particulates GS Liquid Ci/s Other Ci/s

9. Current dose projections:

Plume Centerline Thyroid Dose Rate (CDE) TEDE Dose Rate Site Boundary (1.2 miles) mrem/hr mrem/hr 2 miles mrem/hr mrem/hr 5 miles mrem/hr mrem/hr 10 miles mrem/hr mrem/hr

10. Onsite protective Actions:
a. Protected Area Evacuation. Status:

_b. Exclusion Area Evacuation. Status:

c. KI recommended.

_d. Restricted areas.

Attachment 5.1 Page 2 of 3 NUMBER REVISION PACE 13.11.1 30 16 of 26

11. Offsite agencies responding (check and list):

-a. Local:

_b. State:

_c. Federal:

_d. INPO Mutual Aid:

_e. Contractor/Vendor:

12. Current mitigation activities and their priority:
13. Security information:
14. Other information:

Emergency Center Status:





15. Additional Energy Northwest information sources:

Information Enerev Northwest ERO Position Location Offsite dose projections: Radiological Emergency Mgr. (REM) EOF PARs & Field Team status: REM EOF EOF habitability: REM EOF Core damage assessment: Engineering Manager EOF Containment status: Engineering Manager EOF Plant equipment problems: Technical Manager TSC Repair team status: Maintenance Manager TSC Plant operations status: Operations Manager TSC Onsite radiological status: Radiation Protection Mgr. (RPM) TSC Security status: Security Manager EOF Attachment 5.1 Page 3 of 3 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 17 of 26

EOF MANAGER CHECKLIST Time Response Actions Completed Initials 4.1 EOF Manager Duties At Unusual Event Classification

1. No action is required unless you are contacted by the Shift Manager or Emergency Director.

4.2 EOF Manager Duties For Alert Or Higher Classifications NOTE: The numbers in parentheses correspond to the step in the body of this procedure.

1. Contact JIC Manager and provide update for follow-up news release. (4.2.3)
2. Declare the center activated when Essential EOF positions are present and can assume main EOF responsibilities. (4.2.5)
3. Have EOF Information Coordinator announce activation to the other emergency centers. Direct the TSC Manager have the Plant/NRC Liaison report it to NRC. (4.2.6)
4. Conduct initial status briefing and periodic followup briefings approximately every 30 minutes. (4.2.6)
5. Assume the Emergency Director (ED) duties per Section 4.6.

Ensure that a Crash call to offsite agencies is completed upon transfer of ED duties. (4.2.7)

6. Inform the SCC that the EOF has assumed responsibility for Crash notification. (4.2.7)
7. If the Radiological Emergency Manager advises you of EOF airborne activity problems, verify the EOF emergency ventilation has been initiated. (Refer to step 4.2.14)
8. If habitability of EOF becomes questionable, confer with EOF staff and determine if selected staff will be directed to continue emergency duties from the TSC or be evacuated offsite. (4.2.14)

Attachment 5.2 Page 1 of 6 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 18 of 26

Response Actions Completed Initials 4.3 Specific Actions to Take at Site Area Emergencv: (4.3)

  • Ensure notifications are completed to State, County, and DOE within 15 minutes.
  • Evacuate the Site per PPM 13.5.1.
  • Evacuate Site One personnel per PPM 13.5.1
  • Direct the Security Manager to make appropriate PA announcement for Site 1.
  • Ensure dose assessment is in progress if a release is is in progress or containment leakage is suspected.
  • Ensure Security has established road blocks on plant access roads.
  • Direct the TSC to make the appropriate PA announcments.

4.4 Specific Actions to Take at General Emergency: (4.4)

  • Ensure notifications are completed to State, County, and DOE within 15 minutes.
  • Ensure the Site is evacuated if not I completed at Site Area Emergency per PPM 13.5.1.
  • Direct the Security Manager to make appropriate PA announcements for Site One.
  • Direct the TSC to make the appropriate PA announcements.
  • Ensure dose projections are updated.
  • Ensure roadblocks are established and properly located to avoid the plume.
  • Evaluate protective actions for emergency workers.
  • Consult with the REM to determine wind direction and EOF habitability considerations.

Attachment 5.2 Page 2 of 6 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 19 of 26

Response Actions Completed Initials

  • Review the PARs in PPM 13.2.2 to ensure that the PARs declared reflect current Plant or radiological conditions.
  • Determine if additional PARs are required per PPM 13.2.2.

4.5 Specific Actions for the Ingestion Phase: (4.5)

  • Initiate ingestion zone operations via PPM 13.13.3 when appropriate. Coordinate with Washington State EOC.
  • Determine staffing levels for the EOF and JIC when the emergency is downgraded or terminated using PPM 13.13.2.

4.6 Transfer Of Emergency Director Duties (4.6)

1. If assuming the Emergency Director (ED) duties:
a. Contact current ED and determine a time when conditions would permit turnover process.
b. At a time when conditions permit, conduct a turnover using the Classification Notification Form or Emergency Director Turnover Sheet as a guide.
c. Once current conditions and proposed actions are fully understood, relieve current ED of duties.
d. Announce transfer of authority to facility staff and ensure other Energy Northwest emergency facilities are notified.
e. Complete a Crash call to offsite agencies, i.e., state, county, and DOE of the transfer. The Plant/NRC Liaison in the TSC should be directed to notify the NRC on the ENS line.
f. Log the transfer in the facility log.
g. As ED, follow guidance in Section 4.7.
2. If transferring the ED duties:
a. Conduct a turnover using the Classification Notification Form or the Emergency Director Turnover Sheet as a guide.

Attachment 5.2 Page 3 of 6 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 20 of 26

Response Actions Completed Initials

b. Transfer ED duties.
c. Announce the transfer to the facility staff.
d. Log the transfer in the facility log.

4.7 Actions As Emergency Director (4.7)

Once EPIPs have been entered (emergency classification occurs), recovery actions not specifically authorized by plant procedures which have a potential for radioactive release to the environment require Emergency Director concurrence.

1. Assume the following responsibilities.

NOTE: Items a through e cannot be delegated.

Items f through g may be delegated if desired.

a. Classify emergencies per PPM 13.1.1 and periodically review the classification to ensure that it reflects current plant conditions.
b. Make protective action recommendations per PPM 13.2.2 to offsite authorities responsible for implementing emergency measures for the public.
c. Approve official notifications/communications to local, state, and Federal agencies.
d. Authorize recovery actions not specifically authorized by procedures which have a potential for radioactive release to the environment.
e. Request assistance from offsite organizations and agencies as needed.
f. Make followup notifications to offsite agencies per PPM 13.4.1. Refer to Follow-up Offsite Notifications, 26098.
g. Approve the technical content of press releases.
h. Ensure, through facility managers, that appropriate emergency procedures are implemented.

Attachment 5.2 Page 4 of 6 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 21 of 26

. Ensure the requisite emergency response facilities are activated and properly staffed.

j. If advised of a personnel injury or death, then:
1) Ensure that transportation to a medical facility is being arranged and next-of-kin notifications occur using guidance found in PPM 1.9.14.
2) Ensure details of the incident, e.g., individuals name, type of injury, duties when injury occurred, etc., are forwarded to the Joint Information Center.
k. Authorizing venting of the primary containment when in SAGs.
1. Terminate the emergency and enter the recovery phase per PPM 13.13.2.
2. Refer to PPM 1.3.1 to invoke 10CFR 50.54(x) actions as necessary. (4.7.2)
3. Approximately every 30 minutes, or when conditions change, perform the following: (4.7.3)
a. Review the EALs in procedure PPM 13.1.1 to ensure the emergency classification declared reflects current Plant conditions.
b. Review the PARs in procedure PPM 13.2.2 to ensure the PARs declared reflect current Plant or radiological release conditions.
c. Review the status of onsite protective actions and whether actions should be modified based on the current Plant conditions.
d. Conduct briefings using the EOF Briefing Guidelines.
4. When conditions warrant a change in emergency classification or protective action recommendations, perform the following: (4.7.4)
a. Complete a Classification Notification Form (CNF).
b. Ensure notifications are performed per PPM 13.4.1 using the completed CNF as a basis.
c. Direct the Information Coordinator to inform the other Energy Norhtwest emergency facilities of the change in emergency classification and/or protective actions.
d. Ensure a copy of the CNF is sent to the appropriate organizations.

Attachment 5.2 Page 5 of 6 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 22 of 26

5. Determine if evacuation actions need to be taken. (4.7.5)
a. Alert - Evacuation is optional, depending on event prognosis.

Consider evacuating plant personnel who are not part of the ERO.

b. Site Area Emergency or General Emergency - Site I evacuation is required for most situations per PPM 13.5.1 for personnel who are not part of the ERO.
c. Evacuate Site One per PPM 13.5.1. I
6. Order a Site evacuation per PPM 13.5.1 when a Site Area Emergency is declared and ensure a Site evacuation occurs when a General Emergency is declared. (4.7.6)
7. Authorize increases to emergency worker radiation exposure limits when recommended by the Radiation Protection Manager or Radiological Emergency Manager per PPM 13.2.1. (4.7.7)
8. Authorize personnel to take potassium iodide (KI) when recommended by the Radiation Protection Manager or Radiological Emergency Manager per PPM 13.2.1. (4.7.8)

Attachment 5.2 Page 6 of 6 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 2 o 1 ~~~13.11.1 30 23 of 26l

Duties of: EOF Manager Secretary Assignment Location: Emergencv Operations Facility Report To: EOF Manager Responsibilities:

1. On arrival at the EOF, sign in on the staffing board, obtain your procedure book from the wall rack and your supply drawer from the EOF supply cabinet.
2. Maintain a log of EOF Manager actions, significant events and activities on an Emergency Response Log, Form 23895, with emphasis on:
a. Receipt of notifications of changes in emergency classification.
b. The time and content of center briefings.
c. Significant telephone conversations or Public Address announcements.
d. Entries requested by EOF decision makers.
e. Assignment of action items.
3. When directed, initiate Crash Network calls for the EOF Manager (acting as emergency director) by utilizing the Crash Network System Log located in the Emergency Phone K> Directory to perform the following:
a. Initiate Crash call by dialing 400.
1) If there is a failure of the Crash phone, the dial up phone is the primary backup. When making notifications using the dial up, contact Benton and Franklin counties, Washington State and DOE first to ensure that 15 minute time requirement is met.
b. Perform a roll call of agencies contacted.
1) When initiating roll call inform responding parties to standby for a call from the Emergency Director.
2) Following completion of roll call indicate to the Emergency Director that parties are ready for the Crash call.
3) Note on Crash call log the time of call, message, and parties online.

Attachment 5.3 Page 1 of 3 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 24 of 26

Duties of: EOF Manager Secretary (Contd.)

4) Inform the EOF Manager of any offsite agency failing to respond to the roll call.
4. If you experience phone problems, call the ERO Telecommunication Manager at extension 8600 using any Rolm type phone.
5. In the event of Crash phone failure, alternate methods of offsite agency notification are required. Use the Dial-Up system to contact each agency individually. Refer to the Emergency Phone Directory Crash and Call Roster tab for instructions.
7. When the EOF Manager (as Emergency Director) completes filling out the Classification Notification Form (CNF):
a. Make a copy of the original and provide the copy to the Admin support personnel for faxing and internal distribution.
b. Return the original to the EOF Manager prior to initiating Crash call notification.
8. Answer and monitor the EOF Manager's phones and record messages as necessary.
9. Monitor the EOF Manager's procedure checklist (Attachment 5.2 of this procedure) and remind him of actions required as necessary.
10. Make briefing announcements to EOF staff as directed, similar to, "There will be a briefing in five minutes. Please refer to your briefing guides."
11. Perform other EOF administrative support duties as requested by the EOF Manager.
12. Refer incoming media calls to the Joint Information Center.

Attachment 5.3 Page 2 of 3 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 25 of 26

13. Upon shift change:
a. Fully brief your relief on responsibilities, duties and the current status of work being performed.
b. Forward your log for review by the EOF Manager.
14. Upon shift change or termination of the emergency:
a. Prepare an individual After Action Report. Refer to PPM 13.13.4.
b. Provide support to EOF Manager as necessary in collating EOF After Action Reports or logs.
c. Deliver After Action Reports to the Site Support Manager.

Attachment 5.3 Page 3 of 3 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.1 30 26 of 26

  • 13. 11. 7*




. 2 .

3.0 PROCEDURE .......... ..... ... .. ........ . 4 4.0 ATTACHMENTS .................. 11 4.1 Checklist for Radiological Emergency Manager Duties .12 4.2 Dose Projection Health Physicist Duties .18 4.3 Comparison of Field Data with Dose Projections .20 4.4 Health Physics Network (HPN) Communicator Duties .21 4.5 Health Physics Center (HPC) Staff .22 4.6 Health Physics Center Staff Radiological Sample Tracking Instructions ... 24 4.7 Typical Setup for HP Center Receiving Area .26 4.8 Radiological Emergency Manager Briefing Guidelines .27 4.9 Total Population Within the 10 Mile EPZ .28 4.10 EOF HVAC Automatic and Manual Operation .29 4.11 Dose Assessment Center Leadership Transfer .31 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 1 of31l

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure describes the emergency responsibilities and duties of the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Radiological Emergency Manager (REM), including oversight of:

Environmental Field Team activities; dose projection activities; Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) coordination with the Emergency Director; coordinating any offsite monitoring and decontamination activities; Health Physics Center (HPC) activities; and coordination of offsite reentry and Ingestion Pathway activities with Washington State Department of Health (WADOH) personnel. As necessary, portions of the REM duties may be delegated to staff members.

Upon arrival of WADOH representatives and/or the U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Field Office (DOE/RL) representatives, certain REM duties will be administered according to the jurisdictional authority of each agency, with the REM ensuring full cooperation and support to all agencies.


2.1 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Sections 2 and 6 2.2 PPM 1.9.14, Onsite Medical Emergencies 2.3 PPM, Operation of MG DMC-100 and DMC-2000 Electronic Dosimeters 2.4 PPM 13.2.1, Emergency Exposure Levels/Protective Actions Guides (PAGs) 2.5 PPM 13.2.2, Determining Protective Action Recommendations 2.6 PPM 13.5.1, Evacuation 2.7 PPM 13.7.5, Offsite Assembly Area Operations 2.8 PPM 13.8.1, Emergency Dose Projection System Operations 2.9 PER 201-2601, Honeywell Control Systems {PI83283}


REFERENCES, (cont'd) 2.10 PPM 13.9.1, Environmental Field Monitoring Operations 2.11 PPM 13.9.5, Environmental Sample Collection 2.12 PPM 13.9.8, River Evacuation Monitoring 2.13 PPM 13.13.3, Intermediate Phase MUDAC Operations 2.14 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 2.15 Emergency Response Log, 23895 2.16 Ten Mile EPZ Field Team Summary Map, 25130 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 3 of 31

3.0 PROCEDURE 3.1 When notified of an Alert, Site Area Emergency or General Emergency, or if directed, report to the EOF and sign in on the EOF staffing board.

3.2 Obtain your procedure book from the bookcase and supply drawer from the EOF supply cabinet.

3.3 Notify the EOF Manager (or the TSC Manager if EOF Manager not yet present) of your availability.

NOTE: MUDAC may be declared operational with less than minimum staffing, however, doing so does not satisfy minimum staffing requirements of the Emergency Plan. Contact the Manpower scheduler to fill open positions.

3.4 Inform the EOF Manager when MUDAC is operational (capable of performing dose assessment and field monitoring functions).

NOTE: At an Alert or higher emergency, a Security Officer will be dispatched to the EOF HPC to lock down the Kootenai Building and assist with EOF access control.

3.5 At Alert or higher, direct activation of the ENOC Offsite Assembly Area.

3.6 Contact the RPM and request three HP Technicians to respond to the EOF. Dispatch the Technicians to the Health Physics Center (HPC) to begin setting up the HPC per Attachment 4.7.

Upon completion of HPC set up, direct two of the Technicians to the ENOC Offsite Assembly Area to set up the Offsite Assembly Area per PPM 13.7.5.

Direct the third HP to initiate EOF habitability monitoring.

3.7 Ensure appropriate radiological monitoring equipment (dose rate and air sampling) is positioned in the lower level south end Kootenai Building near the EOF and periodic dose rate and airborne surveys are performed as necessary.

3.8 Establish and maintain contact with the RPM in the TSC for a briefing on the status of the emergency, and to provide assistance in radiological assessment, mitigation activities, or dose assessments.

3.9 When dose assessment is fully functional, assume responsibility for offsite dose projections from the RPM in the TSC, or the STA in the Control Room.

3.10 Provide an initial briefing on the emergency using Attachment 4.8 to the offsite agency representatives.


3.11 In the event of a Site evacuation, assist the RPM with coordinating Health Physics (HP) monitoring and decontamination services at the evacuation assembly area.

  • Refer to PPM 13.5.1 for Site evacuation routes.
  • Refer to PPM 13.7.5 for Alternate Assembly Area set up instructions.

3.12 If assistance is requested by Washington State Department of Health, provide for radiological monitoring of Columbia River evacuees per PPM 13.9.8.

3.13 If plant conditions indicate the possibility of an offsite release or a Site Area Emergency is declared, direct the Site Support Manager to call in an additional REM to assist in REM responsibilities.

3.14 If the determination is made to evacuate the Site, determine if radiological hazards exist or are suspected. Determine evacuation routes and hazardous routes to avoid.

Refer to PPM 13.5.1.

3.15 Provide periodic updates on radiological conditions and evacuation actions.

3.16 In the event of an evacuation, contact the JIC HP Spokesperson and request that the HP Technicians at the Offsite Assembly Area be informed that evacuees have been directed to report to the ENOC.

3.17 If conditions indicate the need for road closure, evacuation, or other protective measures, coordinate the safe placement of Energy Northwest or local law enforcement agency roadblocks with the Security Manager.

NOTE: Security no longer maintains dosimetry in road block kits for responders, and will direct personnel needing dosimetry to the EOF, except for fire and ambulance personnel who will obtain dosimetry at the vehicle trap.

3.18 When notified that personnel must pass through road blocks into radiological hazard areas, determine and implement necessary radiological monitoring and protective clothing requirements.

NOTE: The Energy Northwest administrative exposure hold point (2 rem TEDE) is automatically waived for Energy Northwest emergency workers at Alert or higher emergency classifications and increased to 5 rem TEDE.

NOTE: A radioactive release is in progress when effluent monitors indicate an increase in radiation levels from normal readings for plant operating conditions or when field teams detect environmental radiation 10 times greater than normal background, AND the increased levels are attributable to the emergency event.


3.19 If a confirmed radioactive release is in progress, the following steps should be taken:

  • Notify the Emergency Director that a radioactive release is confirmed.
1. Determine the advisability of sheltering or evacuating any manned Site facility.

Determine and direct implementation of radiological protective actions for EOF personnel, based on radiological conditions.

2. Refer to PPM 13.2.2, Section 4.3, Offsite PARs Based on Projected Doses, to determine offsite PARs and act as the Protective Action Decision Group spokesperson in proposing PARs to the EOF Manager (Emergency Director).
3. Provide the Emergency Director with updated dose projection results.

Information provided should include dose, dose rate, and the basis for the time used for the dose estimates.

4. Notify the Emergency Director and the State and County Technical Liaisons if dose rates exceed 250 mRem/hr thyroid, or air sample results exceed 1.4E-7 gCi/cc Iodine 131. Ensure that this information is marked on the CNF.
5. Consult with the Field Team Coordinator to ensure the following:

A. Dispatch field teams to traverse at designated distances (i.e., 1.2, 5, and 10 miles) and verify dose rate levels above 100 uRem/hr.

B. Upon identification of a radioactive plume, commence air sampling activities.

C. Identify plume centerline and boundaries (i.e., 100 pRem/hr).

3.20 Determine individual available doses:

1. Obtain Field Team member exposure history.
2. Obtain Field Team member current external exposure from the DRD reading.
3. Calculate a dose adjustment factor using QEDPS:

A. If the dose adjustment factor is 5 or greater, a dose adjustment factor of 5 should be implemented.

B. Provide the dose adjustment factor to the Field Team Coordinator for use in establishing field team exposure limits.

NOTE: Refer to PPM 13.2.1 for guidance on recommending administration of Potassium Iodide (KI) for emergency workers. Be PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 - 27 6 of 31

aware that criteria for recommending KI for State, County and DOE personnel are different from those for Energy Northwest personnel.

C. EOF Manager (as Emergency Director) authorization is required for issuance of KI.

4. Multiply the dose adjustment factor by the external exposure to determine current total exposure.
5. Subtract the calculated total exposure from the allowable exposure to identify available dose.

3.21 Advise the Field Team Coordinator when protective actions need to be taken by field teams, such as KI 3.22 Review Field Team summary and dose projection summary maps for the plume EPZ, and when applicable, the ingestion EPZ. Have copies transmitted to the JIC, County and State emergency centers.

3.23 Continually assess offsite radiological releases and determine the need to recommend to the Emergency Director to provide authorization to exceed Protective Action Guides (PAGs) for offsite emergency workers, in accordance with PPM 13.2.1, or general public Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) in accordance with PPM 13.2.2.

3.24 Brief all EOF personnel of impending PAR declarations prior to issuing the PAR.

3.25 As necessary, complete radiological release-related portions of the CNF for PAR modifications.

3.26 Provide PAR updates to the EOF Information Coordinator for transmittal on the Information Coordinator's network.

3.27 Conduct periodic briefing sessions of the MUDAC staff on pertinent information from incoming hard copy communications and changes in emergency status.

3.28 Act as a conduit for information flow between MUDAC, HPC personnel, and the main EOF area, and provide input into EOF briefings on status and activities of dose assessment, field monitoring activities, EOF habitability, etc., per Attachment 4.8.

1. If you receive notification that the Control Room has received a high moisture alarm on Standby Gas Treatment, ensure that dose projections are performed with the SGTS Damaged option checked.

3.29 Distribute MUDAC generated hard copy dose projection information (map and data sheets) to State and County Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs), and retain a copy for MUDAC records.


3.30 When relief from the Health Physics Network (HPN) is requested by the RPM, select a communicator and direct that they maintain the EOF HPN line in accordance with Attachment 4.4. Consider calling in an additional Dose Projection Health Physicist to fill this position.

3.31 If the following conditions exist:

  • EOF general area radiation levels exceed 5 mrem/hr as indicated by the EOF radiation monitor, or;
  • EOF unidentified airborne radioactivity exceeds 0.3 DAC (0.3 DAC equates to approximately 750 ccpm on a 40 ft3 air sample in the field), then:
1. Immediately notify the EOF Manager and staff of the condition;
2. Direct surveillance of airborne activity be increased to once per hour and results reported to you;
3. Direct dose rates in the area be determined approximately every 15 minutes and results reported to you;
4. Direct that projected accumulated doses for the EOF personnel be evaluated and appropriate stay times be established;
5. Prohibit eating or drinking in the EOF until advised of resolution of the EOF airborne activity problem.

3.32 If the EOF is activated and ventilation system problems are experienced, notify the Construction and Maintenance Services on-duty supervisor at x6063 to put the EOF HVAC system into the EOF recirculation mode (mode 3) and skip Step 3.33.


3.33 Dispatch a Health Physics Technician to the Kootenai Building penthouse to determine if the following conditions exist if the plume is over the Kootenai Building:

  • Kootenai Building intake air activity exceeds 100 mRem/hr, or;
  • Kootenai Building return air activity exceeds 50 mRem/hr, then:
a. Immediately notify EOF Manager and staff of the condition.
b. Ensure EOF ventilation system is in proper operating mode per Attachment 4.10;
c. Request the Site Support Manager to notify Facilities to assist, if needed.


3.34 If necessary, contact the TSC Chemistry/Effluent Manager for support of field team sample analysis.

3.35 As required, direct appropriate staff to perform the following tasks per Attachment 4.5:

1. Prepare, issue and collect direct reading dosimeters and TLDs for emergency response personnel.
2. Contact the Training department to determine if respirator training, medical qualifications, and fit testing for emergency support personnel, vendors, and contractors who must enter areas requiring respiratory protection is current.

3.36 If questioned by State or County officials, provide briefings that explain EOF radiological survey data and dose projection activities that determined Energy Northwest recommendations for protective actions.

1. If Washington State Radcon teams are not available, and establishment of an offsite survey or remote decontamination location is required to handle potentially contaminated personnel, make arrangements for the necessary personnel and equipment.

3.37 If injured or contaminated personnel require offsite medical attention, refer to PPM 1.9.14.

3.38 If additional Energy Northwest personnel resources are needed for Environmental Field Teams, dose assessment or other EOF radiological duties, request the Site Support Manager obtain those resources.

3.39 Assist the Site Support Manager as necessary to establish second shift personnel for dose assessment area staff, environmental field teams and HPC staff.

3.40 If offsite radiological resources are needed, inform the EOF Manager.

3.41 Determine disposition of Environmental Field Team samples gathered pursuant to PPM 13.9.5:

1. In consultation with representatives of DOH for samples outside the Hanford Reservation.
2. In consultation with representatives of DOE-RL for samples on the Hanford Reservation.

3.42 Upon notification of transfer of plant Post Accident Sample System (PASS) samples, brief HPC Staff on anticipated radiation levels and necessary protective measures.

3.43 Ensure that the Field Teams identify the trailing edge of the radioactive plume to confirm that the release has ended (i.e., LT 100 pRem/hr).


3.44 When emergency activities have resulted in stabilizing the plant, and radiological conditions are progressing from the early phase to the intermediate phase, refer to Attachment 4.11 to transfer MUDAC leadership to the Washington State Department of Health (WADOH) Representative, and:

1. Implementing PPM 13.13.3, Intermediate Phase MUDAC Operations.
2. Arranging additional support with the Site Support Manger to fulfill all responsibilities of MUDAC during this phase.

3.45 Estimate the total population exposure as a result of the radiological release. Consider total dose from EDPS, duration, and length of exposure. Refer to Attachment 4.9.

3.46 Coordinate use of Energy Northwest radiological equipment and manpower resources, authorized by the EOF Manager, to provide assistance to the state in establishing relocation centers, food control zones, or other reentry and recovery activities.

3.47 Refer all calls from media to the JIC.

3.48 Upon shift change, turn over chronological logs and brief your relief on the current status of the emergency, radiological activities, and status of work being performed.

3.49 Upon termination of the event, direct Field Team members to inventory their field team kits per the appropriate Work Order attachment located in Field Team Cabinet

  1. 1. Direct Field Team members to attach a completed EPIP 13.9.1 Attachment 5.9 to their After Action Report to identify consumed items for replacement.

3.50 Request the Field Team Dispatcher to direct Field Team members to return their equipment to standby status, such as:

Turn off GPS units Return air samplers to the cabinet Inventory kits per step 3.50 above, and reseal when done.

Field Team vehicles refueled and cleaned out.

3.51 Upon shift change or termination of the emergency:

1. Prepare an individual After Action Report. Refer to PPM 13.13.4
2. Collect individual After Action Reports prepared by staff personnel.
3. Deliver all After Action Reports and accompanying sheets to the EOF Manager.


4.0 ATTACHMENTS 4.1 Checklist for Radiological Emergency Manager Duties 4.2 Dose Projection Health Physicist Duties 4.3 Comparison of Field Data with Dose Projections 4.4 Health Physics Network (HPN) Communicator Duties 4.5 Health Physics Center (HPC) Staff 4.6 Health Physics Center Staff Radiological Sample Tracking Instructions 4.7 Typical Setup for HP Center Receiving Area 4.8 Radiological Emergency Manager Briefing Guidelines 4.9 Total Population Within the 10 Mile EPZ 4.10 EOF HVAC Automatic and Manual Operation 4.11 Dose Assessment Center Leadership Transfer Guide PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 11 of 31

CHECKLIST FOR RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY MANAGER DUTIES A. Report to the EOF, sign in on the staffing board, obtain your procedure book and supply drawer.

B. Notify the EOF Manager (or the TSC Manager if EOF Manager not yet present) of your availability.

C. Inform the EOF Manager when MUDAC is operational.

D. Contact the RPM and request three HP Technicians to respond to the EOF. Dispatch the Technicians to the Health Physics Center (HPC) to begin setting up the HPC per Attachment 4.7.

Upon completion of HPC set up, direct two of the Technicians to the ENOC Offsite Assembly Area to set up the Offsite Assembly Area per PPM 13.7.5. Direct the third HP to initiate EOF habitability monitoring.

E. Establish and maintain contact with the RPM for a briefing on the status of the emergency, and to provide assistance in radiological assessment, mitigation activities, or dose assessment.

F. When dose assessment is fully functional, assume responsibility for offsite dose projections from the TSC or Control Room.

G. At Site Area Emergency, request the TSC to complete the appropriate PA announcement for the Site evacuation.

H. In the event of an evacuation, notify the HP Technicians at the Offsite Assembly Area that evacuees have been directed to report to the ENOC.

I. In the event of an evacuation, assist the RPM with coordinating HP monitoring and decontamination services at the evacuation assembly area.

  • Refer to PPM 13.5.1 for Site evacuation routes.
  • Refer to PPM 13.7.5 for Offsite Assembly Area set up instructions.

Attachment 4.1 Page 1 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 12 of 31

J. When radiological conditions require evacuation of the Columbia River, indicating the potential for contaminated boaters, or, if requested, provide for radiological monitoring of Columbia River evacuees per 13.9.8.

K. If plant conditions indicate the possibility of an offsite release or a site area emergency is declared, direct the Site Support Manager to call in an additional REM to assist in REM responsibilities.

L. If the determination is made to evacuate the Site, determine if radiological hazards exist or are suspected. Determine evacuation routes and hazardous routes to avoid. Refer to PPM 13.5.1.

M. In the event of an evacuation, contact the JIC HP Spokesperson and request that the HP Technicians at the Offsite Assembly Area be informed that evacuees have been directed to report to the ENOC.

N. If conditions indicate the need for road closure, evacuation, or other protective measures, coordinate the safe placement of Energy Northwest or local law enforcement agency roadblocks with the Security Manager.

0. When notified that personnel must pass through road blocks into radiological hazard areas, determine and implement necessary radiological monitoring and protective clothing requirements.

P. A radioactive release is in progress when effluent monitors indicate an increase in radiation levels from normal readings for plant operating conditions or when field teams detect environmental radiation 10 times greater than normal background, AND the increased levels are attributable to the emergency event.

Q. If a confirmed radioactive release is in progress, the following steps should be taken:

  • Determine the advisability of sheltering or evacuating any manned Site facility. Determine and direct implementation of radiological protective actions for EOF personnel, based on radiological conditions.
  • Refer to PPM 13.2.2, Section 4.3, Offsite PARs Based on Projected Doses, to determine offsite PARs and act as the Protective Action Decision Group spokesperson in proposing PARs to the EOF Manager (Emergency Director).
  • Provide the Emergency Director with updated dose projection results. Information provided should include dose, dose rate, and the basis for the time used for the dose estimates.
  • Notify the Emergency Director and the State and County Technical Liaisons if dose rates exceed 250 mRem/hr thyroid, or air sample results exceed 1.4E-7 pCi/cc Iodine 131. Ensure that this information is marked on the CNF.

Attachment 4.1 Page 2 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 13 of 31

Q. Consult with the Field Team Coordinator to ensure the following:

  • Dispatch field teams to traverse at designated distances (i.e., 1.2, 5, and 10 miles) and verify dose rate levels above 100 prem/hr.
  • Upon identification of a radioactive plume, commence air sampling activities.
  • Identify plume centerline and boundaries (i.e., 100 IRem/hr).
  • Determine the need for a dose adjustment factor based on dose projection results or reports from Field Team members indicating potential inhalation concern. The dose adjustment factor provides an internal component which should be multiplied by the dosimeter reading to give an estimate of total exposure.

R. Using QEDPS, calculate a dose adjustment factor:

  • If the dose adjustment factor is 5 or greater, a dose adjustment factor of 5 should be implemented.
  • Provide the dose adjustment factor to the Field Team Coordinator for use in establishing field team exposure limits.

NOTE: Refer to PPM 13.2.1 for guidance on recommending administration of Potassium Iodide (KI) for emergency workers. Be aware that criteria for recommending KI for State, County and DOE personnel are different from those for Energy Northwest personnel.

  • EOF Manager (as Emergency Director) authorization is required for issuance of KI.

S. Advise the Field Team Coordinator when protective actions need to be taken by field teams, such as KI.

T. Review Field Team summary and dose projection summary maps for the plume EPZ, and when applicable, the ingestion EPZ. Have copies transmitted to the JIC, County and State emergency centers.

U. Continually assess offsite radiological releases and determine the need to recommend to the Emergency Director to provide authorization to exceed Protective Action Guides (PAGs) for offsite emergency workers, in accordance with PPM 13.2.1, or general public Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) in accordance with PPM 13.2.2.

V. Brief all EOF personnel of impending PAR declarations prior to issuing the PAR.

W. As necessary, complete radiological release-related portions of the CNF for PAR modifications.

Attachment 4.1 Page 3 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 14 of 31

X. Provide PAR updates to the EOF Information Coordinator for transmittal on the Information Coordinator's network.

Y. Conduct periodic briefing sessions of the MUDAC staff on pertinent information from incoming hard copy communications and changes in emergency status.

Z. Act as a conduit for information flow between MUDAC, HPC personnel, and the main EOF area, and provide input into EOF briefings on status and activities of dose assessment, field monitoring activities, EOF habitability, etc., per Attachment 4.8.

AA. If necessary, contact the TSC Chemistry/Effluent Manager for support of field team sample analysis.

AB. Distribute MUDAC generated hard copy dose projection information (map and data sheets) to State and County Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs), and retain a copy for MUDAC records.

AC. When relief from the Health Physics Network (HPN) is requested by the RPM, select a communicator and direct that they maintain the EOF HPN line in accordance with Attachment 4.4.

Consider calling in an additional Dose Projection Health Physicist to fill this position.

AD. If the following conditions exist:

  • EOF general area radiation levels exceed 5 mRem/hr as indicated by the EOF radiation monitor, or;
  • EOF unidentified airborne radioactivity exceeds 0.3 DAC (0.3 DAC equates to approximately 750 ccpm on a 40 ft air sample in the field),


  • Immediately notify the EOF Manager and staff of the condition;
  • Direct surveillance of airborne activity be increased to once per hour and results reported.
  • Direct dose rates in the area be determined approximately every 15 minutes and results reported.
  • Direct that projected accumulated doses for the EOF personnel be evaluated and appropriate stay times be established;
  • Prohibit eating or drinking in the EOF until advised of resolution of the EOF airborne activity problem.

Attachment 4.1 Page 4 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 15 of 31

AE. Dispatch a Health Physics Technician to the Kootenai Building penthouse to determine if the following conditions exist if the plume is over the Kootenai Building:

  • Kootenai Building intake air activity exceeds 100 mRem/hr, or;
  • Kootenai Building return air activity exceeds 50 mRem/hr, then:

A. Immediately notify EOF Manager and staff of the condition.

B. Ensure EOF ventilation system is in proper operating mode per Attachment 4.10.

C. Request the Site Support Manager to notify Facilities to assist, if needed.

AF. If the emergency worker dose limit of 5 rem is projected to be exceeded over the course of the event for the EOF staff, inform the EOF Manager so plans to evacuate the EOF and activate the Alternate EOF may be initiated.

AG. As required, direct appropriate staff to perform the following tasks in accordance with Attachment 4.5:

  • Prepare, issue, and collect direct reading dosimeters and TLDs for emergency response personnel.
  • Contact the Training department to determine if respirator training, medical qualifications, and fit testing for emergency support personnel, vendors, and contractors who must enter areas requiring respiratory protection are current.

AH. If questioned by State or County officials, provide briefings that explain EOF radiological survey data and dose projection activities that determined Energy Northwest recommendations for protective actions.

Al. If Washington State Radcon teams are not available, and establishment of an offsite survey or remote decontamination location is required to handle potentially contaminated personnel, make arrangements for the necessary personnel and equipment.

AJ. If injured or contaminated personnel require offsite medical attention, refer to PPM 1.9.14.

AK. If additional Energy Northwest personnel resources are needed for Environmental Field Teams, dose assessment or other EOF radiological duties, request the Site Support Manager obtain those resources.

AL. Assist the Site Support Manager as necessary to establish second shift personnel for dose assessment area staff, environmental field teams and HPC staff.

Attachment 4.1 Page 5 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 16 of 31

AM. If offsite radiological resources are needed, inform the EOF Manager.

AN. Determine disposition of Environmental Field Team samples gathered pursuant to PPM 13.9.5:

A. In consultation with representatives of DOH for samples outside the Hanford Reservation.

B. In consultation with representatives of DOE-RL for samples on the Hanford Reservation.

AO. Upon notification of transfer of PASS samples, brief HPC staff on anticipated radiation levels and necessary protective measures.

AP. Ensure field teams identify the back edge of the radioactive plume to confirm the release has ended (i.e., LT 100 uRem/hr).

AQ. When emergency activities have resulted in stabilizing the plant, and radiological conditions are progressing from the early phase to the intermediate phase, refer to Attachment 4.11 to transfer MUDAC leadership to the Washington State Department of Health (WADOH) Representative, and:

  • Implementing PPM 13.13.3, Intermediate Phase MUDAC Operations.
  • Arranging additional support with the Site Support Manager to fulfill all responsibilities of MUDAC during this phase.

AR. Estimate the total population exposure as a result of the radiological release. Consider total dose from EDPS, duration and length of exposure. Refer to Attachment 4.9.

AS. Coordinate the use of Energy Northwest radiological equipment and manpower resources, authorized by the EOF Manager, to provide assistance to the State in establishing relocation centers, food control zones, or other reentry and recovery activities.

AT. Refer all calls from the media to the Joint Information Center.

AU. Upon shift change, turn over chronological logs and brief your relief on the current status of the emergency, radiological activities, and status of work being performed.

Attachment 4.1 Page 6 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 17 of 31

Duties of: Dose Projection Health Physicist Assigned Location: Meteorology and Unified Dose Assessment Center (MUDAC)

Report to: Radiological Emergencv Manager (REM)


NOTE: A radioactive release is in progress when effluent monitors indicate an increase in radiation levels from normal readings for plant operating conditions or when field teams detect environmental radiation 10 times greater than normal background, AND the increased levels are attributable to the emergency event.

1. When it has been determined that a radioactive release has started, inform the Emergency Director.
2. Activate the Emergency Dose Projection System (EDPS) PCs, printers, the LAN and PDIS terminals. Keep the REM updated on the status of the systems and important information that could affect dose projections.
3. Activate the RSTAT summary display (a PDIS form display of TDAS signals from the STAR System) and determine if there are elevated readings from monitors that may indicate a release in progress. PDIS may be used to retrieve past TDAS readings. Contact the EOF PDIS Analyst to retrieve historical data.
4. Perform plume tracking and dose projection functions to keep the EOF staff informed of the plume projection. Maintain close contact with the REM and Information Coordinator for the current plant l condition.
5. Obtain the latest weather forecast (refer to the EDPS User's Manual) from the National Weather Service or PNNL Weather Forecaster, and ensure the Meteorological Information board is updated.

Advise the REM and Field Team Coordinator of weather conditions which may affect plume direction, deposition, or dispersion.

NOTE: Phone numbers of the weather services are located in the Emergency Phone Directory in the Offsite Agency Section and PPM 13.8.1.

6. Review dose projection results and inform the REM of projections approaching EAL and PAR limits.
7. Complete a dose projection for the REM's consideration.
a. Verify operability of SGTS based on flow rate or engineering input.

Attachment 4.2 Page 1 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 18 of 31

Duties of: Dose Projection Health Physicist (Contd.)

b. Follow the guidance in PPM 13.8.1 concerning default entries and estimates for the dose projection models.

NOTE: 1.2 miles is the distance used for the site boundary and is the basis for EAL and PAR decisions.

c. Make dose estimates for at least the distances of 1.2 miles, 2 miles, 5 miles, and 10 miles.
8. Coordinate and verify radiation conditions and equipment status with the Radiation Detection Systems Engineer.
9. Compare field team measurements to dose projection estimates using the guidance in Attachment 4.3, including terrain knowledge, weather conditions and sampling theory.
10. If there are significant, unexplainable differences between field samples and dose projections, consult with the REM regarding appropriate adjustments to be made.
11. Inform the Field Team Coordinator, REM, and staff of significant, verifiable changes in release rates, meteorology, or Emergency Worker Dose Adjustment Factors.
12. As requested, provide completed Dose Projection Summary Maps for the REM to review.
13. Label and validate by signature, printed data or maps for distribution, and maintain a copy of all authorized projections and maps.
14. When the transition to ingestion phase has been completed, generate an EDPS dose projection map for the 500 pR and 0.4uR isopleths. Refer to PPM 13.8.1, Attachment 5.1 for guidance on contour options.
15. During shift change, brief your relief on the current status of work in progress, and ensure that they understand the basis for the current dose projection and field team readings.
16. Prepare and deliver to the REM all After Action Reports, logs, authorized projections and analyses as requested.
17. Retain a copy of completed dose projection worksheets, display outputs or maps you generate and attach them to your After Action Report.
18. Assist the HPN Coordinator in obtaining answers to NRC queries.

Attachment 4.2 Page 2 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 19 of 31


1. Exposure Rate Readings
a. Using QEDPS, input field team air sample results or dose rate into the code and compare resultant TEDE values at various distances with TEDE values from a projection based on plant monitor readings.
b. Compare exposure rate measurements reported by field teams to a projected External Dose Rate for the same downwind distance.
c. Consider the following in making your comparison:
1) The time that the field measurement was made vs. the time that the projected release would reach the downwind distance based on wind speed.
2) If release rates change significantly, then consider the time it would take the lower or higher effluent concentrations to reach the field team measurement location based on wind speed.
3) Changes in sampling time, wind speed, wind direction, and stability class will cause field team readings to differ from dose projections.
2. Iodine Concentrations
a. Using QEDPS, input field team air sample results and compare resultant Thyroid CDE values at various distances with Thyroid CDE from a projection based on plant monitor readings.
1) To convert field team air sample results to ycuries/cc, select either the particulate or cartridge icon on the Windows Desktop. When the program is active, enter the field team results to calculate the necessary value.
2) Compare the Thyroid CDE rate based on field team data to a projected Thyroid CDE rate for the same downwind distance.
b. Consider the items from Step 1.C of this Attachment when making your comparison.

Attachment 4.3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE l 13.11.7 27 20 of 31

Duties of-. Health Physics Network (HPN) Communicator Assigned Location: Emergencv Operations Facility (EOF)

Report to: Radiological Emergency Manager Responsibilities:

1. Upon assignment obtain a briefing from the REM on the current status of the emergency and the known or anticipated radiological conditions and/or releases.
2. Activate the EOF extension of the HPN phone, following instructions attached to the HPN phone.

Introduce yourself to the NRC communicator, and provide information on the current status of radiological conditions.

a. Refer to side two of form 26045, Emergency Classifications or Other Messages, for a list of questions you may be asked by the NRC.
3. After assuming duties observe the requirements of 10CFR50.72(c)(3) by maintaining continuous communications when requested by the NRC. If you must leave the phone for any reason, find someone to maintain the phone in your absence, or obtain permission to leave the phone unattended.
4. Maintain a log of communications on Emergency Response Log, (Form 23895).
5. Contact the REM for assistance with resolving NRC information requests. Consult with the REM when asked to make commitments you do not feel you are authorized to make.
6. As necessary, brief the REM on the status of HPN communications.
7. Ensure transmissions you relay are distinct and understood. Avoid the use of acronyms unless you are sure they are understood and ensure the correct letters of acronyms are understood by using phonetic spelling to clarify, i.e., "B" as in Bravo or "D" Delta.
8. Ensure data you transmit to the NRC represents factual information only. Do not provide speculative information or editorialize on data and do not engage in problem solving discussions.
9. Upon shift change, brief your relief on responsibilities, duties and the current status of HPN communications with the NRC.
10. Upon shift change or termination of the emergency:
a. Prepare an individual After Action Report. Refer to PPM 13.13.4.
b. Deliver After Action Report and logs to the REM.

Attachment 4.4 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 21 of 31

Duties of: Health Physics Center (HPC) Staff Assigned Location: Health Physics Center Work Areas Report to: Radiological Emergency Manager (REM)


NOTE: At an Alert or higher classification, Security provides an officer to lock down the Kootenai Building; the officer then assists the HPC staff with access control through the HPC ambulance bay.

HPC Staff:

1. Report to the REM in the EOF, sign in on the sign-in board, and obtain a position badge.
2. Obtain keys to the Kootenai Building penthouse, First Aid Room and Field Team Cabinet.
3. Verify operability of the EOF area radiation monitor.
4. Prepare ambulance garage area and decontamination facility to receive samples and personnel.

Ensure PA speaker controls are set to maximum levels. Refer to Attachment 4.7.

5. Obtain frisker and dose rate instruments located in Decon Cabinet #14, perform daily checks, then distribute to the Ambulance Bay area radiological laboratories.
6. If necessary, prepare the radiological laboratory and Counting Room to receive and analyze environmental and in-plant samples by posting barriers to define a potential contamination zone.
7. As needed, establish Room 59D in the HPC as the Field Team sample storage room.
8. Position a Continuous Air Monitor (CAM) in the lower level south end Kootenai Building near the EOF for EOF habitability monitoring.
9. Report to the REM when all assigned systems are in a state of readiness.
10. Frequently monitor the operation of the area radiation and airborne monitors.
11. When directed, take and evaluate direct radiation and/or contamination surveys in areas of the Kootenai Building and EOF.

If requested to verify EOF ventilation radiation levels, obtain a flashlight and access the Kootenai Building penthouse. Refer to Attachment 4.10 for HVAC operation modes and set points.

Attachment 4.5 Page 1 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 22 of 31

HPC Staff, (cont'd)

12. Question Field Team members delivering samples on whether self-frisking has been performed. If not, ensure that a frisk is performed.
13. Obtain and analyze hi-volume air samples inside and outside of the Kootenai Building as necessary.
14. Perform decontamination of personnel as required and report results to the REM.
15. Insure the use of appropriate radiological precautions and good practices by all individuals involved with handling of samples throughout the sampling and survey sequence.
16. Note electronic dosimeter results and account for dose received appropriately for personnel completing a shift, or as directed. Contact HP to reset dosimeters to the fast entry mode per PPM
17. Return reset electronic dosimeters to the EOF Field Team Cabinet.
18. Monitor radiation levels in any area where samples are stored and post area(s) as necessary, or move samples to a shielded area.
19. Maintain a record of your actions on an Emergency Response Log per PPM 13.13.4.
20. Upon shift change, brief your relief on responsibilities, duties and current status of work being performed.
21. Upon shift change, or termination of the emergency:
a. Prepare an individual After Action Report per PPM 13.13.4.
b. Deliver your After Action Report and Log(s) to the REM.

Attachment 4.5 Page 2 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 23 of 31


1. Receive, survey, sort and catalog samples as they are delivered by Environmental Field Teams.
2. Adhere to appropriate radiological precautions and good practices in the handling of samples throughout the sampling and survey sequence.
3. Question Field Team members delivering samples on whether self-frisking has been performed by, or under the supervision of a qualified HP member, and if not, perform a frisk.
4. For receipt and handling of PASS samples ensure that appropriate cautions are in place and that all personnel are properly dressed out for all aspects of survey and handling procedures.
5. Perform radiation and contamination surveys on all incoming samples. Rebag all samples which are contaminated on the outer surface. Sort and store samples based on radiation levels to control exposures in the ambulance bay.
6. Ensure sample identification data is on the outside of the sample bag and the date, time and survey results are on Sample Identification Form.
7. Place the sample in storage and note the storage location on the Sample Identification Form and enter the storage date and time on the Sample Receipt Log, page 2 of this attachment.
8. When analysis of a specific sample is requested, retrieve sample and the appropriate copies of the Sample ID Form.
9. Record the new location (lab where sample is being analyzed) on the Sample ID form and the date and time of transfer on the Sample Receipt Log.
10. Send the sample to the lab or other assigned destination with the accompanying white and canary pages.
11. Refile the pink page of the Sample Identification Form in the HP Center file.
12. When samples are returned to the storage area, retrieve Sample Identification Form from HP Center file.
13. Note storage location on the white, canary and pink pages and enter the new storage date and time on the Sample Receipt Log.
14. Return the canary and pink copies to the HP Center file and return the white copy with the sample back to storage.

Attachment 4.6 Page 1 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 24 of 31









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Attachment 4.7 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 26 of 31

RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY MANAGER BRIEFING GUIDELINES NOTE: Items listed here are suggested topics for routine update briefing. Items actually selected should be used based on existing or projected plant or radiological conditions.

Radiological Emergency Manager (REM) update items:

a. Current release rate, recent trends, prognosis.
b. Offsite dose projection results and most recent follow-up messages to offsite authorities.
c. Energy Northwest (and offsite agency) field team survey results and their comparison to dose projection model results.
d. Dose projection comparison with state or other agency results.
e. Current and forecast meteorology on wind direction, shifts.
f. Status of offsite protective action implementation.
g. EOF habitability survey results and any protective actions or safe routes necessary for emergency workers outside the EOF.
h. Problem areas needing resolution.
i. NRC counterpart status report (if present).


Attachment 4.8 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 27 of 31



_____ POPVLATION _____4POPULATION .. POPVLA~~~iON POPULATION 0-2 0 0-2 J 0 0-2 1133 0-2 1133 2-5 164 0-5 164 2-5 2312 0-5 3445 5-10 2880 0-t0 3044 5-10 10,775 0-10 14,220 POPULATION TOTALS. (j) POPULATION TOTALS RING MILES l RlNGNG TOTAL MILES l CUMULATIVE RING MILES POPURTION


_______POPULATION RIGMLSPOPULATION _ ____4POPULATION 0-2 0 0-2 0 O 0-2 j 1133 0-2 1133 2-5 1 0-5 1 2-5 2477 0-5 3610 5-10 S84 0-10 56 5-10 14.219 0-10 17j8N 870747.8 June 1996 Rev I B Attachment 4.9 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 28 of 31


The HVAC panel in Room 121 will indicate as follows:

AHU-1: off AHU-2: off Misc.: off EOF ISOL.: off AD4B: off SF3: lighted MODE 1 - Kootenai Building Isolation If outside air activity causes the intake air radiation monitor on AHU-1 to trip at 100 mR/hr, the HVAC panel in Room 121 will indicate as follows:

AHU-1: lighted AHU-2: lighted Misc.: lighted EOF ISOL.: off AD4B: off SF3: lighted This configuration isolates the Kootenai Building and recirculates first floor air through HEPA filters.

MODE 2 - EOF Isolation If return air activity causes the return air radiation monitor on AHU-1 to trip at 50 mR/hr, the HVAC panel in Room 121 will indicate as follows:

AHU-1: lighted AHU-2: lighted Misc.: lighted EOF ISOL.: lighted AD4B: lighted* SF3: off off**

In this configuration, the EOF is sealed off from the rest of the Kootenai Building. Fan SF-3 recirculates EOF air through HEPA filters.

  • Chem Lab exhaust hood is OFF.
    • Chem Lab exhaust hood is ON.

MODE 3 - EOF Stagnation If the SF-3 return air radiation monitor trips at 50 mR/hr, SF-3 will stop and the EOF will remain isolated as in Mode 2. The SF-3 light on the Room 121 panel will be ON.

Attachment 4. 10 Page 1 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 l 27 29 of 31


MANUAL OPERATION CAUTION: Due to the potential for airborne contamination and area radiation, HP surveys of the following areas should be performed prior to entry.

Modes 1 & 2:

Obtain EOF HVAC key (1 F 8) from EOF key locker. Enter stairwell on 2nd floor east side by Auditorium entrance.

At top of stairs, continue left 1800, facing east wall. Above handrail at your left are two radiation indicators. Above the indicators, the gray box contains the switches for Modes 1 and 2.

NOTE: In the event that the auto-trip function fails to de-energize SF-3 on high radiation in the recirculation fan plenum (Mode 3), the manual disconnect switch is available to interrupt power to this fan.

Mode 3:

Enter SF-3 fan room, room 123. Radiation indicator is inside large gray cabinet on north wall next to door facing Room 121. Disconnect switch for SF-3 is around other side of fan from radiation indicator, on north wall. Throw this switch to OFF to stop SF-3.

Attachment 4.10 Page 2 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 30 of 31

DOSE ASSESSMENT CENTER LEADERSHIP TRANSFER GUIDE Transfer of MUDAC leadership from Energy Northwest to the State of Washington occurs following conclusion of the Plume phase. The transfer signals the beginning of the ingestion pathway or intermediate phase.

Prior to the transfer, the following conditions should be met:

1. Plant conditions are stable
2. The immediate emergency has been mitigated
3. No further threat of a radioactive release exists that could exceed Protective Action Guidelines (PAGs) to the public
4. The plume has dispersed and no longer threatens to exceed PAGs.

The following documentation should be provided to the Washington State Health Liaison during the transfer:

1. Classification Notification Forms (CNFs) identifying PARs and notifications on Potassium Iodide (KI)
2. Emergency dose projection results
  • Include both the data sheet and map projections
3. Airspace closure requests Conduct a briefing with the Washington State Health Liaison addressing the following:
1. Status and duration of the release
2. Air sample results
3. Meteorological conditions, including wind speed Direction: Stability:
4. Current field team deployment:
5. Offsite Protective Action Decisions (evacuations, etc.)

Attachment 4.1 1 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.7 27 31 of 31

  • 13 .14 .4*




.............................. 3 4.0 PROCEDURE ............................. . ......... . 5 4.1 Manager, Radiation Protection Responsibilities .............. ......... . 5 4.2 Manager, Shift Responsibilities .........................

4.3 Manager, Operations Responsibilities .....................

4.4 Manager, Resource Protection Responsibilities ...............

4.5 Manager, Information Services/CIO Responsibilities ...........

4.7 Supervisor, Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities .......... .......

. . . . .. . . . 6 4.8 Supervisor, Industrial Safety & Occupational Health ........... .......

... ..... . 6 4.9 Manager, Maintenance Responsibilities ...................

. .. .. .. . .. 7 4.10 Manager, Administrative Services Responsibilities ............


5.0 ATTACHMENTS ................................................ 7 5.1 Radiation Protection Supporting Activities ............................ 8 5.2 Operations Supporting Activities ................................. 11 5.3 Emergency Preparedness Supporting Activities ....................... 12 5.4 Industrial Safety & Occupational Health Supporting Activities .... .......... 16 5.5 Resource Protection Supporting Activities ........................... 17 5.6 Information Services/CIO Supporting Activities ....................... 18 5.7 Construction & Maintenance Services Supporting Activities ............... 21 5.8 Maintenance Supporting Activities ................................ 22 5.9 Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) .......................... 23 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 - 41 l 2 of 25

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure describes requirements for inspection, inventory, and functional testing of emergency equipment and supplies which are maintained for emergency operations, and are implemented using Passport Model Work Orders. {R-5928}, {R-7347}

2.0 DISCUSSION Quantities listed in the Model Work Orders are minimum amounts. More than the minimum amount listed is acceptable. Minimum amounts are allowed to be less than specified provided that quantities in question are returned to the proper amount as soon as practicable.

The Supervisor, Emergency Preparedness may make determinations for changes to quantities, types of items, or functional tests as required for good emergency preparedness practices.

A Level 1 library is maintained by Administrative Services as part of the Technical Support Center. Sufficient Level 1 Procedures, drawings, and other documentation are maintained in this library to support the Technical Support Center staff.


3.1 FSAR Appendix F, Table F.03-01, B.5, Administrative Procedures, Controls, and Fire Brigade {R-7347}

3.2 Columbia Generating Station Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), Section 13.3, Emergency Plan 3.3 NUREG-0654, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans And Preparedness In Support Of Nuclear Power Plants, Section H (10) 3.4 PER 293-1343, Monthly Data Circuit Test Incomplete 3.5 PER 298-0909, Air Sampler Heads Did Not Match Exploded View Configuration In PPM 13.9.1 3.6 PER 298-1498, Pass Devices Not Inventoried In PPM 13.14.4 3.7 PER 299-0393, PPM 13.14.4 References Obsolete Passport Activities 3.8 PER 299-0535, HP Routine Work Packages Do Not Correct Or Track Deficiencies That Cannot Be Corrected Immediately 3.9 PER 200-0766, No Guidance For Silver Zeolite Cartridges Expiration Date 3.10 PER 201-2314, Two Emergency Kits Not Identified In PPM 13.14.4 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 - 41 3 of 25

3.11 PER 201-2521, Required Actions In Procedure Do Not Reflect Current Work Document Process 3.12 PER 201-2565, Siren Testing Requirements And Frequency Not Adequately Described In PPM 13.14.4 3.13 PER 202-0564, PPM 13.14.4 Contains Numerous Errors And Inconsistencies 3.14 PER 202-2741, EP Forms Not Maintained to Current Revisions 3.15 10CFR50, Appendix E {R-5756, R-5928}

3.16 10CFR50, Appendix R {R-6917, R-6918, R-10307, R-10309, R-10311}

3.17 G02-92-257, letter to NRC regarding ERDS Data Point Library, 11-24-92 3.18 G02-02-016, letter to NRC regarding level of protection afforded lessees within Columbia Generating Station exclusion area, 01-28-02 3.19 Columbia Generating Station Final Safety Analysis Report, Appendix F, Table F.3-2,Section III.H 3.20 PPM 2.9.5, Plant Communications Systems 3.21 PPM 13.14.9, Emergency Program Maintenance 3.22 PPM 13.10.6, Plant/NRC Liaison Duties 3.23 SPIP-SEC-03, Response Team Leader, Owner Controlled Security Area Patrols, Mobile and Walk Patrols 3.24 EPI-15, ERDS Quarterly Test 3.25 EPI-19, Communications Test 3.26 Emergency Response Log, 23895 3.27 Classification Notification Forms, 24075 3.28 Event Notification Worksheet, NRC Form 361, 25665 3.29 Repair Team Briefing/Debriefing Form, 25560 3.30 Emergency Director Turnover Sheet, 25810 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 41 4 of 25

3.31 10 Mile EPZ Dose Projection and Data Map Form, 25831 3.32 Skin/Clothing Contamination Report, 24080 4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1 Manager. Radiation Protection Responsibilities 4.1.1 Ensure activities supporting Emergency Preparedness listed in Attachment 5. 1, Radiation Protection Supporting Activities, are performed per the process identified in the attachment.

4.1.2 Completed work order packages should be forwarded to Records Management in accordance with SWP-REC-01.

4.2 Manager, Shift Responsibilities 4.2.1 Ensure an onsite, six hour supply of reserve air is provided to permit quick replenishment of exhausted air supply cylinders as they are returned.


4.2.2 Completed work order packages should be forwarded to Records Management in accordance with SWP-REC-01.

4.3 Manager, Operations Responsibilities 4.3.1 Ensure activities supporting Emergency Preparedness listed in Attachment 5.2, Operations Supporting Activities, are performed per the process identified in the attachment.

4.3.2 Completed work order packages should be forwarded to Records Management in accordance with SWP-REC-01.

4.4 Mananer. Resource Protection Responsibilities 4.4.1 Ensure activities supporting Emergency Preparedness listed in Attachment 5.5, Resource Protection Supporting Activities, are performed per the process identified in the attachment.

4.4.2 Completed work order packages should be forwarded to Records Management in accordance with SWP-REC-01.

4.5 Manager. Information Services/CIO Responsibilities PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 41 5 of 25

4.5.1 Ensure activities supporting Emergency Preparedness listed in Attachment 5.6, Information Services/CIO Supporting Activities, are performed per the process identified in the attachment.

4.5.2 Completed work order packages should be forwarded to Records Management in accordance with SWP-REC-01.

4.6 Manager. Construction and Maintenance Services Responsibilities 4.6.1 Ensure activities supporting Emergency Preparedness listed in Attachment 5.7, Construction and Maintenance Services Supporting Activities, are performed per the process identified in the attachment.

4.6.2 Completed work order packages should be forwarded to Records Management in accordance with SWP-REC-01.

4.7 Supervisor. Emergencv Preparedness Responsibilities 4.7.1 Ensure activities supporting Emergency Preparedness listed in Attachment 5.3, Emergency Preparedness Supporting Activities are performed per the process identified in the attachment. {3.13}

4.7.2 Ensure that hardware or software changes that affect transmitted ERDS data points identified in Attachment 5.9 shall be provided to NRC within 30 days after the change is made.

4.7.3 Ensure that hardware or software changes, except data point modifications, that could affect ERDS data transmission format or computer communication protocol with ERDS shall be provided to NRC at least 30 days prior to implementing the modification.

4.7.4 Monitor compliance with this procedure's requirements, take action to ensure discrepancies are documented using the corrective action process and corrected.

4.7.5 Completed work order packages should be forwarded to Records Management in accordance with SWP-REC-01. {3.1 1) 4.8 Supervisor. Industrial Safety & Occupational Health 4.8.1 Ensure activities supporting Emergency Preparedness listed in Attachment 5.4, Industrial Safety & Occupational Health Supporting Activities, are performed per the process identified in the attachment.


4.8.2 Completed work order packages should be forwarded to Records Management in accordance with SWP-REC-01.

4.9 Manager. Maintenance Responsibilities 4.9.1 Ensure activities supporting Emergency Preparedness listed in Attachment 5.8, Maintenance Supporting Activities, are performed per the process identified in the attachment.

4.9.2 Completed work order packages should be forwarded to Records Management in accordance with SWP-REC-01.

4.10 Manager. Administrative Services Responsibilities 4.10.1 Ensure Emergency Preparedness related forms are maintained and distributed to emergency centers, as identified in each emergency center inventory work instruction.

5.0 ATTACHMENTS 5.1 Radiation Protection Supporting Activities 5.2 Operations Supporting Activities 5.3 Emergency Preparedness Supporting Activities 5.4 Industrial Safety & Occupational Health Supporting Activities 5.5 Resource Protection Supporting Activities 5.6 Information Services/CIO Supporting Activities 5.7 Construction & Maintenance Services Supporting Activities 5.8 Maintenance Supporting Activities 5.9 Emergency Response Data System (ERDS)


RADIATION PROTECTION SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Process Method Activity Frequency [ Document MWO 00CCS0 Fire Brigade Station Inventory Monthly (FSAR) WO

{R-6917, R-10307, Instructions R-10311, R-6918} {3.1}

MWO 0ODKH6 Decontamination Kit Inventory Quarterly (FSAR) WO

{R-5756} {3.1} Instructions MWO 00CCSO Type A First Aid Kit Inventory Monthly (FSAR) WO

{3.10} Instructions MWO 00CCS0 Type B First Aid Kit Inventory Monthly (FSAR) WO

{3.10} Instructions MWO 00DKR3 TSC Emergency Protective Kit Monthly (FSAR) WO Inventory {3.1} Instructions MWO OORZB2 OSC Emergency Protective Kit Monthly (FSAR) WO Inventory {3.9} Instructions MWO OORHK6 Replace Rubber Goods In OSC Annually WO PC Kit {3.8} Instructions MWO 01050707 Field Sample Kit IFS Inventory Quarterly (FSAR) WO Instructions MWO 01050707 Field Sample Kit 2FS Inventory Quarterly (FSAR) WO Instructions MWO 01050707 Field Sample Kit 3FS Inventory Quarterly (FSAR) WO Instructions MWO 01050707 Field Sample Kit 4FS Inventory Quarterly (FSAR) WO Instructions MWO 01050707 Protective Clothing Kit IPC Quarterly (FSAR) WO Inventory Instructions MWO 01050707 Protective Clothing Kit 2PC Quarterly (FSAR) WO Inventory Instructions MWO 01050707 Protective Clothing Kit 3PC Quarterly (FSAR) WO Inventory Instructions Attachment 5.1 Page 1 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 41 - 8 of 25

RADIATION PROTECTION SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Con't Process Method [ Activity l Frequency I Document-]

MWO 01050707 Protective Clothing Kit 4PC Quarterly (FSAR) WO Inventory Instructions MWO 01050707 Air Sampling Kit lAS Inventory Quarterly (FSAR) WO

{3.5}{3.9} Instructions MWO 01050707 Air Sampling Kit 2AS Inventory Quarterly (FSAR) WO

{3.5}{3.9} Instructions MWO 01050707 Air Sampling Kit 3AS Inventory Quarterly (FSAR) WO

{3.5}{3.9}_ Instructions MWO 01050707 Air Sampling Kit 4AS Inventory Quarterly (FSAR) WO

{3. 5} {3.9} Instructions MWO 01050707 Instrumentation Kit 1IK Quarterly (FSAR) WO Inventory Instructions MWO 01050707 Instrumentation Kit 21K Quarterly (FSAR) WO Inventory Instructions MWO 01050707 Instrumentation Kit 31K Quarterly (FSAR) WO Inventory Instructions MWO 01050707 Instrumentation Kit 41K Quarterly (FSAR) WO Inventory Instructions MWO 01050707 Decon Cabinet Inventory Quarterly (FSAR) WO Instructions MWO 01050707 Protective Clothing Kit 1XP Quarterly (FSAR) WO Inventory Instructions MWO 01050707 Protective Clothing Kit 2XP Quarterly (FSAR) WO Inventory Instructions MWO 01050707 River Evacuation Monitoring Kit Quarterly (FSAR) WO IRM Inventory Instructions MWO 01050707 River Evacuation Decon Kit Quarterly (FSAR) WO IRD Inventory Instructions Attachment 5.1 Page 2 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 41 9 of 25

RADIATION PROTECTION SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Con't I Process Method I Activity I Frequency L Document__

MWO 01050707 Pass Equipment Inventory Quarterly (FSAR) WO

{3.6} Instructions MWO 01050707 Alternate Assembly Area Decon Quarterly (FSAR) WO Supplies Inventory Instructions MWO 01050707 Emergency Kit Inventories Quarterly (FSAR) WO Instructions Attachment 5.1 Page 3 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 41 10 of 25

OPERATIONS SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Process Method Activity Frequency Document I MWO OODFV5 Public Address & Building-Wide Monthly (FSAR) PPM 2.9.5 Alarm System Test MWO OOCFG8 Control Room Emergency Quarterly WO Supplies Inventory Instructions MWO OOKHW8 FPSYS102 Emergency Lanterns Annually WO Instructions MWO 00CR67 FPSYS104 Emerg. Lant Annually WO Instructions Attachment 5.2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 41 11 of 25

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Process Method Activity Frequency Documen MWO 01046212 PPM13.8.1 Backup Source Monthly WO Verification Instructions MWO 01046153 Hospital Emergency Kit 1HK Quarterly WO Inventory Instructions MWO 01046156 Hospital Emergency Kit 2HK Quarterly WO Inventory Instructions MWO 01046157 Hospital Emergency Kit 3HK Quarterly WO Inventory Instructions MWO 01046211 Emergency Phone Directory Quarterly WO Review Instructions MWO 01046213 ERDS System Test Quarterly (FSAR) EPI-15 3r Wednesday of last month in each quarter MWO 01046214 Pager Notification Test Quarterly (FSAR) EPI-19 MWO 01046158 TSC Inventory Quarterly WO Instructions MWO 01046161 OSC Inventory Quarterly WO Instructions MWO 01046162 EOF Inventory Quarterly WO Instructions MWO 01046163 Alternate EOF Inventory Quarterly WO Instructions MWO 01046164 JIC Inventory Quarterly WO Instructions MWO 01046282 ERO Database Position Quarterly WO Verification Instructions MWO 01046713 OSC Generator Gas Level Check Quarterly WO Instructions Attachment 5.3 Page 1 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 1 41 12 of 25


Process Method Activity I Frequency l Document MWO 01046715 Energy Northwest Phone Quarterly WO Directory Quick Reference Instructions Review MWO 01046718 "Shift" ERO Position Report Quarterly WO Instructions MWO 01046722 "Open Lines" Newsletter Quarterly WO Distribution Instructions MWO 01046819 OSC, TSC, EOF Emergency Biennial WO Center Evacuation Instructions MWO 01059760 Site One Annually WO PMID 21429 MOU Review Instructions MWO 01046832 DOE Richland Operations Annually WO PMID 15985 MOU Review (E-Plan Appendix 4) Instructions MWO 01046835 County of Benton Annually WO PMID 21003 MOU Review (E-Plan Appendix 4) Instructions MWO 01046833 State of Washington Annually WO PMID 15984 MOU Review (E-Plan Appendix 4) Instructions MWO 01046834 County of Franklin Annually WO PMID 21002 MOU Review (E-Plan Appendix 4) Instructions MWO 01059757 Framatome Annually WO PMID 21001 MOU Review (E-Plan Appendix 4) Instructions MWO 01059364 Kadlec Medical Center Annually WO PMID 15976 MOU Review (E-Plan Appendix 4) Instructions MWO 01046829 Our Lady Of Lourdes Hospital Annually WO PMID 15988 MOU Review (E-Plan Appendix 4) Instructions MWO 01046830 State of Oregon Annually WO PMID 16732 MOU Review (E-Plan Appendix 4) Instructions Attachment 5.3 Page 2 of 5 PROCEDURE NU1MIBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 - 41 13 of 25


Process Method I Activity I Frequency I Document MWO 01068698 Law Enforcement Agency Annually WO PMID 21621 Benton County (E-Plan Appendix 4) Instructions MOU Review MWO 01046831 Kennewick General Hospital Annually WO PMID 15983 MOU Review (E-Plan Appendix 4) Instructions MWO 01068071 FEMA Annually WO PMID 21534 MOU Review (E-Plan Appendix 4) Instructions MWO 01059761 Hanford Fire and Ambulance Annually WO PMID 21430 Contract (E-Plan Appendix 1) Instructions MWO 01046836 FERMI-2 Dosimetry Lab Annually WO PMID 21004 Contract (E-Plan Appendix 1) Instructions MWO 01068702 Integrated Fixed Facility Annually WO PMID 21611 Radiological And Chemical (E-Plan Appendix 1) Instructions Protection Plan MWO 01068703 Benton County Fixed Nuclear Annually WO PMID 21612 Facility Emergency Response (E-Plan Appendix 1) Instructions Plan MWO 01068704 ESF-10.C Franklin County Annually WO PMID 21613 Radiological Emergency (E-Plan Appendix 1) Instructions Response: Energy Northwest MWO 01068705 WNP-2/Hanford Emergency Annually WO PMID 21614 Response Plan (E-Plan Appendix 1) Instructions MWO 01068706 Emergency Plan Implementing Annually WO PMID 21615 Procedures (E-Plan Appendix 1) Instructions MWO 01068707 EMF-32 Emergency Plan And Annually WO PMID 21616 Procedures (E-Plan Appendix 1) Instructions MWO 01068708 Emergency Resource Manual Annually WO PMID 21617 (86-032) (E-Plan Appendix 1) Instructions Attachment 5.3 Page 3 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 41 14 of 25


Process Method I Activit i Frequency Document:]

MWO 01068709 Federal Response Plan Annually WO PMID 21618 (E-Plan Appendix 1) Instructions MWO 01068710 Region IV Incident Response Annually WO PMID 21619 Supplement To NUREG-0845, (E-Plan Appendix 1) Instructions Volumes 1 and 2 MWO 01068711 Basic Ordering Agreement Annually WO PMID 21620 (E-Plan Appendix 1) Instructions MWO 01046880 Emergency Center Clock Annually WO Maintenance Instructions MWO 01047075 Emergency Plan Review Annually (FSAR) WO Instructions MWO 01046891 Public Information Instruction Annually (FSAR) WO Review Instructions MWO 01046892 Media Day Briefing Annually (FSAR) WO Instructions MWO 01047171 ERO Members Information Annually (FSAR) EPI-1 1 Verification MWO 01046921 Medical Emergency & Annually (FSAR) WO Contaminated Injured Victim Instructions Drill MWO 01046922 Soil, Vegetation, Air Sampling Annually (FSAR) WO

& Environmental Measures Drill Instructions MWO 01046816 Emergency Center Fax Number Quarterly WO Verification Instructions MWO 01046918 Siren Availability Report Annually WO Generation Instructions MWO 01047165 EP Sign Maintenance Annually (FSAR) EPI-8 MWO 01047076 EAL Review With State & Local Annually (FSAR) WO Governments Instructions Attachment 5.3 Page 4 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 41 15 of 25


Process Method Activity Frequency Document MWO 01047162 Population Study Review Annually (FSAR) EPI-12 MWO 01047224 Team Rotation Reschedule Annually WO Instructions MWO 01047226 Exclusion Area Briefing Annually WO

{3.18) Instructions MWO 01047291 GET Training Materials Review Annually WO Instructions MWO 01047294 Air Sampler O-Ring Quinquennial WO Replacement{3.5) (5 Years) Instructions MWO 01052501 Emergency Center Walkdowns Monthly WO Instructions MWO 01047293 Procedure Maintenance Biennially (FSAR) EPI-4 MWO 01047167 State EOC Communication Annually (FSAR) WO Channel Check Instructions MWO 01047170 Tone Activated Radio Annually (FSAR) EPI-19 Test & Survey Attachment 5.3 Page 5 of 5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 41 16 of 25


RESOURCE PROTECTION SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES I Process Method I Activity I Frequency I Documentl MWO 01046140 SCC Inventory Quarterly WO Instructions MWO 01046141 Roadblock/Sweeper Kit Quarterly WO Inventory Instructions MWO 01046142 Offsite Communications Test Monthly (FSAR) WO Instructions MWO 01051745 TSC/OSC Card Reader Test Monthly WO Instructions Attachment 5.5 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 - 41 18 of 25

INFORMATION SERVICES/CIO SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Process Method l Activity I Frequency I Document MWO 01041119 NRC (FTS 2000) Phone Test Monthly (FSAR) TSI 6.2.19 MWO 01044104 Facsimile System Test Monthly (FSAR) TSI 6.2.29 MWO OODFWO Siren System Polling Test Bi-Weekly (FSAR) TSI 6.2.32


MWO OODHP9 Siren System Test Annually (FSAR) TSI 6.2.22


MWO 01040266 WNP-1 Siren Activation Test Bi-Weekly (FSAR) TSI 6.2.26

{3.12} .

MWO 01040267 W-1 Siren Polling Test Bi-Weekly (FSAR) TSI 6.2.25


MWO 01040268 Crossroads (W-1) Siren Battery Semi-Annually (FSAR) TSI 6.2.23 Load & Activation Test


MWO 01044119 Siren Batteries Maintenance Semi-Annually (FSAR) TSI 6.3.3 MWO 01044107 Ringdown Circuit Test Monthly (FSAR) TSI 6.2.6

{3.4} . -

MWO 01044121 Information Coordinator Quarterly TSI 6.2.13 Network Test MWO 01044154 Crash System Test Monthly (FSAR) TSI 6.2.31 MWO 01044156 Dial-Up System Test Monthly (FSAR) TSI 6.2.30 MWO 01044158 Dedicated PIO System Test Monthly (FSAR) TSI 6.2.28 MWO 01044159 Plant E/R Team Radio Test Monthly (FSAR) TSI 6.2.18 Attachment 5.6 Page 1 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 41 19 of 25

INFORMATION SERVICES/CIO SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Con't Process Method Activity Frequency Document MWO 01044160 Radio Controller Console Test Monthly (FSAR) TSI 6.2.21 MWO 01044164 46 Meg Radio Annually (FSAR) TSI 6.2.11 Alignment/Circuit Test MWO 01044222 Plant E/R Team Radio FCC & Annually (FSAR) TSI 6.2.20 Calibration Test MWO 01044223 HNES Unit Test Monthly (FSAR) TSI 6.2.9 MWO 01044224 HNES Unit Battery Maintenance Semi-Annually (FSAR) TSI 6.3.2 MWO 01044225 Emergency Alerting System Monthly TSI 6.2.8 Monitor Test MWO 01044226 Public Address Override Test Monthly (FSAR) TSI 6.2.14 MWO 01044227 DAPT 640 Test Bi-Weekly (FSAR) TSI 6.2.5 MWO 01044247 Radio Pager System Test Bi-Weekly (FSAR) TSI 6.2.7 MWO 01045535 46 Meg Portable Radio Test Quarterly TSI 6.2.10 MWO 01045109 RRF Battery Maintenance Annual TSI 6.3.4

& Load Test MWO 01045938 Badger Mountain Battery Annual TSI 6.3.5 Maintenance & Load Test MWO 01045536 Vehicle Communication Test Annual TSI 6.2.1 MWO 01045537 Washington State Circuit Test Annual (FSAR) TSI 6.2.2 Attachment 5.6 Page 2 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 41 20 of 25

INFORMATION SERVICES/CIO SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Con't Process Method Activity Frequency l Document MWO 01045538 Emergency Director Ringdown Annual (FSAR) TSI 6.2.3 Circuit/Alignment Test MWO 01045539 DR192 Crash System Annual (FSAR) TSI 6.2.12 Circuit/Alignment Test MWO 00DHW1 Siren Documentation Annual WO Instructions MWO 01045540 Information Coordinator Network Annual TSI 6.2.15 Circuit/Alignment Test MWO 01050681 Annual E/R Industrial Area Annual (FSAR) TSI 6.2.16 Public Address Test MWO 01050601 Plant E/R Team Radio FCC Annual (FSAR) TSI 6.2.20 Functional Check & Calibration Attachment 5.6 Page 3 of 3 PROCEDURE NUNIBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 41 21 of 25

CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE SERVICES SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES I Process Method I Activity I Frequency [ Document l MWO OOGCF3 EOF HVAC Test Quarterly WO Instructions HPI 7.45 MWO OOGBKO Diesel Generator Load Test Monthly WO Instructions MWO OOGBK2 Diesel Generator Switch Test Quarterly WO Instructions Attachment 5.7 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 41 22 of 25

MAINTENANCE SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES I Process Method I Activity I Frequency I Document MWO 00LJ37 TSC (AMA-CF-52TT) Filter 18 Months (FSAR) WO Replacement & HEPA Test Instructions MWO 00KD42 EOF (OFMA-HF-IH) HEPA 18 Months WO Test Instructions MWO OOKD40 EOF (OFMA-HF-IC) HEPA 18 Months WO Test Instructions Attachment 5.8 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 41 23 of 25


Data Point Library Reference EPN TDAS APRM-CH-A X194 CMS-H2E-1301/CMS-CP-1301 X471 CMS-LT-6A X354 CMS-02E-1302/CMS-CP-1302 X456 CMS-PT-5 X442 PRM-LCRM-1C X392 CMS-RIS-27E X432 CMS-SUM-1 X118 COND-LT-40A X434 COND-LT-40B X373 EDR-SQRT-37 X181 FDR-SQRT-38 X167 HPCS-FT-5 X122 IRM-EMSQ-601A X184 LPCS-FT-3 X164 MS-LT-26A X130 RFW-CRM-L104 X159 MS-PT-51A X151 MS-RIS-610A X169 OG-RIS-601A X088 RCIC-FT-3 X142 RFW-DPT-17 X327 RFW-FT-802A X149 RFW-FT-802B X135 RHR-FT-15A X163 RHR-FT-15B X043 RHR-FT-15C X058 SPTM-SUM-1 X355 SRM-EMSQ-600A X296 Attachment 5.9 Page 1 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 41 24of25


The following computer points have the instrument loop listed.

EPN SIGNAL COMPUTER POINT MET-TE-10A Average Temp - 245' F146AV MET-TE-11A Average Temp - 33' MET-WMON-1A Average Wind Speed - 245' F142AV Average Wind Speed - 245' F143AV MET-WMON-2A Average Wind Speed - 33' F144AV Average Wind Dir. - 33' F145AV Attachment 5.9 Page 2 of 2 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.4 41 25 of 25

  • 13. 14. 9*




......................... . . 2 3.0 DISCUSSIONS. ........................

. . 2 4.0 PROCEDURE .........................

.2 4.1 Supervisor, Emergency Preparedness ......

4.2 Applicable Energy Northwest Managers ....

.. 34 5.0 ATTACHMENTS ................. .

5.1 Topics Requiring Periodic Review Or Action .


1.0 PURPOSE This procedure identifies the activities necessary to maintain a current emergency preparedness program in accordance with commitments made in the Columbia Generating Station Emergency Plan. {R-17101


2.1 IOCFR50.47(b), Emergency Plans {R-1605}

2.2 10CFR50.54(q), Condition of Licenses {R-1700}

2.3 1OCFCR50.54(t), Conditions of Licenses, (audits) (R-1710, R-1712}

2.4 10CFR50 Appendix E, IV and V {R-5728, R-5730, R-5896, R-5928 R-5930}

2.5 10CFR 72.44, License Conditions {R-1 1222}

2.6 NUREG-0654, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants

{R-2878, R-4114}

2.7 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Columbia Generating Station Emergency Plan 2.8 OQAPD, Appendix III {R-1368}

2.9 SWP-LIC-02, Licensing Basis Impact Determinations 2.10 SWP-LIC-03, Licensing Document Change Process 2.11 PPM 13.14.4, Emergency Equipment 2.12 PERA 201-1793-02 2.13 PERA 202-0098-23 2.14 PERA 202-0430-03 2.15 PERA 202-0558-03 2.16 PERA 202-0635-01 2.17 PERA 202-0684-02 2.18 PERA 202-0728-06 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.9 24 2 of 10

3.0 DISCUSSION The Emergency Preparedness (EP) Program for Columbia Generating Station has many facets which require ongoing review and assessment to ensure they are being maintained.

Many of these are attended to by groups outside of the Emergency Preparedness Department. For example, field survey instruments are checked and calibrated by Radiological Services, field team vehicles and emergency diesel generators are maintained by Construction and Maintenance Services, pagers and sirens are maintained by the Network Services, etc. If organizations that assist in the process of maintaining the EP Program are not diligent in performing their portion of the effort, the Program could be adversely affected.

For this reason, the Emergency Preparedness Department will maintain an oversight role to ensure that all program maintenance requirements are being performed.

4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1 Supervisor, Emergency Preparedness 4.1.1 Coordinate, as appropriate, with Energy Northwest managers to implement the requirements of Attachment 5.1, Topics Requiring Periodic Review Or Action.

4.1.2 Maintain, prepare, and archive records generated as a result of Emergency Preparedness program implementation in accordance with SWP-REC-01.


4.1.3 Notify the Manager, Resource Protection, of any condition which would preclude or interfere with the ability of Energy Northwest to implement the requirements of the Columbia Generating Station Emergency Plan.

4.2 Applicable Energy Northwest Managers 4.2.1 Coordinate, as appropriate, with the Supervisor, Emergency Preparedness to implement the requirements of Attachment 5.1, Topics Requiring Periodic Review Or Action.

4.2.2 Notify the Supervisor, Emergency Preparedness of any condition which would preclude or interfere with the ability of Energy Northwest to respond to emergency conditions.

5.0 ATTACHMENTS 5.1 Topics Requiring Periodic Review Or Action PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.14.9 24 3 of 10


1. Columbia Generating Supervisor, Emergency Annually A. Utilize guidance from Station Emergency Preparedness {R-1605} SWP-LIC-03, to coordinate Plan Review (P- review, revision, approval, and 156728) issuance of the plan to incorporate changes resulting from new regulations, critiques of drills/exercises, audit findings, and comments from personnel or agencies inside and outside Energy Northwest.

B. Ensure that the Washington State Emergency Management, the Benton and Franklin County Departments of Emergency Management, and the Department of Energy-Richland Operations are contacted early in the review/revision process and that their comments are solicited and considered for input into the process.

Document this portion of the review.

C. Ensure a Licensing Basis Impact review is performed as required by SWP-LIC-03.

D. Ensure the supporting documentation is submitted for POC review consistent with the proposed change.

E. Ensure a report of Emergency Plan changes is sent to the NRC per IOCFR50.4(b)(5) within 30 days of making the changes and/or per IOCFR72.44(f) within six months after the change is made.

{R-1700, R-5930, R11222)

F. Ensure Emergency Plan is reviewed, revised, and approved per IOCFR50 Appendix E, V.


Attachment 5.1 Page 1 of 7


2. Columbia Generating Supervisor, Emergency As Necessary A. Utilize guidance from Station Emergency Preparedness SWP-PRO-02 to coordinate Plan Implementing reviews, revisions, and Procedures (EPIPs) deviations required by revisions to the Emergency Plan or other requirements.

B. Ensure Licensing Basis Impact reviews are completed as required by SWP-LIC-02.

Ensure documentation is C. submitted for POC review, as required, and approved changes are placed in locations where they are likely to be used.


D. Ensure that revisions affecting offsite response are coordinated with the appropriate agencies.

Columbia Generating Supervisor, Emergency Quarterly A. Review telephone numbers Station EPIPs Preparedness listed in the Emergency Phone Telephone Numbers Directory and EPIPs, and (WO 01046211) change as required.

4. National Weather Supervisor, Emergency Monthly A. Check communications with the Service (WO Preparedness NWS first order station and 01046212) NWS forecasting station to ensure routine meteorological observations and forecasts can be accessed. Refer to NUREG-0654, Annex I to Appendix 2, (3)(i).
5. Emergency Action Supervisor, Emergency Annually {R-5730} A. Ensure officials from the State Level (EAL) Review Preparedness of Washington, Benton and (WO 01047076) Franklin Counties, and DOE-RL are afforded the opportunity to review EAL classification scheme. {R-5728)
6. Letters Of Agreement Supervisor, Emergency Annually A. Refer to PPM 13.14.4 Preparedness Attachment 5.3 for the list of Letters of Agreement.

Attachment 5.1


7. Plans And/Or Supervisor, Emergency Annually A. Refer to PPM 13.14.4 Contracts Preparedness Attachment 5.3 for the list of Supporting Plans And/Or Contracts.
8. Emergency Response Supervisor, Emergency Quarterly (or after A. Maintain and coordinate an Organization (ERO) Preparedness substantial change) Emergency Response Assignment List (WO Organization position 01046282) assignment list that meets Emergency Plan Section 2 requirements for review, revision, approval, and issuance of current list.
9. ERO Training (P- Supervisor, Emergency Monthly A. Review status of Emergency 158645, P156282, P- Preparedness Response Organization 146889; WO personnel in the training 01047291) database to ensure emergency position qualifications are being met by assigned personnel.

As Necessary B. Review and approve new or revised Emergency Training lessons.

Annually C. Ensure that a radiological training program is made available to local services personnel such as fire company and hospital personnel.


Annually D. Ensure that a radiological training program is made available to state and county agencies, and personnel involved with the emergency preparedness effort, at least annually.

Annually E. Conduct a review of GET materials and update as necessary.

Attachment 5.1


10. Emergency Equipment Supervisor, Emergency Monthly, Quarterly, A. Ensure tasks are performed as and Supplies (Passport Preparedness' Semi-Annually, or required by PPM 13.14.4.

and PTL tasks) Annually (as required)

Annually B. Review EP maintenance and testing activities in Passport and PTL. Verify that Emergency Plan and EPIP maintenance and testing activities are effectively scheduled and tracked in either system.

11. Emergency Facilities Supervisor, Emergency As Necessary A. Ensure facilities are maintained (NWO 01046164, Preparedness' and that modifications to any of 01046158, 01046161, Energy Northwest's Emergency 01046162) Centers are documented and approved by the Super visor, Emergency Preparedness.
12. Emergency Phone Supervisor, Emergency Quarterly A. Verify listed numbers in the Directory/ERO Phone Preparedness emergency phone directory are List/Duty Rosters (for current. Ensure Parts A & C pager carriers) (WO phone numbers are correct.

01046211) Revise as needed and make appropriate distribution. Verify phone numbers in EPIPs are accurate. If changes are made, inform SCC to ensure Parts A

& C are updated.

13. EP Program Audit (P- Supervisor, Emergency Biennially, or more A. Ensure an audit is conducted 159956) Preparedness frequently if required that meets the OQAPD requirements and includes the Emergency Plan and Implementing Procedures, training, readiness testing, equipment, and interfaces with state and local governments.

{R-1712, R-4114}

B. Ensure the Audit Report is submitted to the applicable Vice President for evaluation of findings and resolutions.

1 And other Energy Northwest managers, such as Health Physics, Operations, Chemistry, Security, Administrative Services, Telecommunications, and Maintenance.

Attachment 5.1 Page 4 of 7

TOPICS REQUIRING PERIODIC REVIEW OR ACTION TOPIC RESPONSIBILITY FREQUENCY SCOPE As Necessary C. Ensure that findings requiring Energy Northwest corrective action are tracked to completion.

D. Ensure the results of the review and recommendations are forwarded to appropriate Corporate and Plant Managers, and that portions pertinent to interface with the state and counties are made available to those jurisdictions.

E. Ensure that the EP program audit includes an evaluation of the emergency evacuation notification of individuals in the Owner Controlled Area (i.e.,

Site One, et al) and their response.

14. Drill/Exercise Program Supervisor, Emergency Annually A. Prepare and conduct a Preparedness drill/exercise program schedule in accordance with Emergency Plan, Section 8, and IOCFR50, Appendix E,Section IV F requirements.

B. Coordinate drill/exercise controllers and evaluators to control and evaluate the ability of emergency responders to perform their Emergency Plan responsibilities.

C. Ensure that drill/exercise evaluation and critique findings are formally documented, and management controls are established to ensure that needed corrective actions are implemented.

Attachment 5.1


15. Emergency Planning Supervisor, Emergency As Necessary A. Ensure Emergency Planning Staff qualifications Preparedness staff members maintain their professional qualifications by periodic attendance at industry seminars, training courses, and through observation of, or participation in, emergency exercises conducted at other facilities.
16. Population Study and Supervisor, Emergency Annually A. Review Emergency Plan Evacuation Time Preparedness Section 5, and update as Estimate (WO necessary.


17. Media Briefing (NNYO Supervisor, Emergency Annually A. Ensure annual media briefing is 01046892) Preparedness conducted in accordance with Emergency Plan, Section 9.
18. Public Information Supervisor, Emergency Annually or As Needed A. Ensure preparation and (OVP 01046891) Preparedness distribution of public information instructions on essential actions to be taken during emergencies in accordance with Emergency Plan Section 9.
19. Energy Northwest Supervisor, Emergency Annually or As A. Schedule and conduct Alert & Notification Preparedness Required operational tests of the Energy System Tests (WO Northwest Emergency Alert 01046213, 01046214, and Notification System 01046918) described in Emergency Plan, Section 6.

B. Document and transmit reports of test results as required by FEMA Guidance Memorandum for offsite activities.

20. Severe Accident Reactor/Fuels Engineering Annually A. Review and update Technical Guidelines (P-149871) Manager Support Guidelines as necessary.

Attachment 5.1 Page 6 of 7


21. Site One Supervisor, Emergency Annually A. Conduct an annual assessment Implementation of Preparedness of the Site One implementation Columbia Generating of the Columbia Generating Station Eplan Station Emergency Plan.

(P182667, P185635, P186912, R186159)

Annually B. Ensure participation of Site One personnel during Columbia Generating Station emergency response drills.

Manager, NVNP-I/HGP Monthly C. Contact entities resident in the Site One area whose personnel have neither blue nor green badges, and for whom emergency response training is appropriate, to confirm that no new or untrained personnel are employed or present.

Supervisor, Security Force As necessary D. Ensure SPIPs used to govern security actions for Site One protective actions are reviewed by Emergency Preparedness.

Attachment 5.1 Page 7 of 7

- - DATE: 01/08/04 EDITORIAL 13.1.1

3.1.3 Control Room Supervisor, Shift Technical Advisor, Reactor Operator, Incident Advisor Responsibilities Monitor the status of Plant parameters and other initiating conditions upon which the emergency classification depends, and inform the Shift Manager if any parameter approaches or exceeds emergency action levels as specified in this procedure. Refer to Attachment 5. 1, Emergency Classification Table, or Emergency Classification Chart for guidance in determining the appropriate classification. Additional information describing the basis of each EAL may be found in PPM 13.1.1A.

3.1.4 Technical Support Center (TSC) and Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)

Staff Responsibilities Recommend an emergency classification to the Emergency Director based upon plant conditions and the guidance provided in this procedure.

3.2 Use of Plant Instruments and Indications {R5727}

Plant instrumentation described in each Emergency Action Level in Attachment 5.1 is the primary instrumentation to be used. This does not preclude use of other instruments as alternate indication, as appropriate, to properly classify the emergency.

All conditions defined within the Emergency Action Levels are to be evaluated based on the existence of valid indications.

An indication or reported condition is considered to be valid when it is conclusively verified by:

  • An instrument channel check; or
  • Indications on related or redundant indicators; or
  • By direct observation by plant personnel, such that doubt related to the indicator's operability, the condition's existence, or the report's truth is removed.

Implicit in this definition is the need for timely assessment.


DATE: 01/08/04 EDITORIAL 13.2.2

1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions and guidance for the formulation of onsite protective action decisions and offsite Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) based on plant conditions or radiological releases. {R-1595}, {R-1596}


2.1 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan Section 5 2.2 NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants, Supplement 3 2.3 10 CFR 20, Standards for Protection Against Radiation 2.4 10 CFR 47(b)(10) {R-1595}, {R-1596}

2.5 State of Washington - Department of Health, "Response Procedures for Radiation Emergencies" 2.6 U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents", EPA 400, May 1992 2.7 PPM 13.1.1, Classifying The Emergency 2.8 PPM 13.2.1, Emergency Exposure Levels/Protective Action Guides 2.9 PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications 2.10 PPM 13.5.1, Evacuation 2.11 PPM 13.8.1, Emergency Dose Projection System Operations 2.12 PPM 13.13.3, Intermediate Phase MUDAC Operations 2.13 Classification Notification Form (CNF), 24075 2.14 Federal Emergency Management Agency, Area Requiring Corrective Action, ARCA S873 {2.15}

2.15 NRC Regulatory Issues Summary (RIS) 2003-12, Clarification of NRC Guidance for Modifying Protective Actions {2.16}

NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.2.2 14 2 of 12

REFERENCES, cont'd 2.16 Site Area Emergency Protective Action Checklist, 950198.1 2.17 General Emergency Protective Action Checklist, 950198.3 2.18 Decision Guide for Off-site Protective Action Recommendations, 950198.2 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.2.2 - 14 3 of 12

3.0 DISCUSSION 3.1 The responsibility for determining and making offsite Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) resides with the individual who has responsibility for Emergency Direction and Control, the Emergency Director. The Emergency Director should obtain input from the Radiation Protection Manager (RPM) in the TSC for onsite radiological conditions and recommendations for onsite protective actions, and from the Radiological Emergency Manager (REM) in the EOF for offsite radiological conditions and recommendations for offsite protective actions. PARs are based on radiological conditions or plant conditions. Recommendations based on plant conditions may result in more conservative PARs.

3.2 Site One personnel are evacuated at the Site Area Emergency classification per PPM 13.5.1. Part C Notifications implemented by the SCC and PA announcements made to Site One by either SAS or the Security Manager meets this requirement.

3.3 Implementation of protective actions for offsite areas within the 10 mile EPZ is the responsibility of Benton and Franklin Counties. There are precautionary offsite protective actions that are implemented automatically at Site Area Emergency and General Emergency classifications. These are specified under the Site Area Emergency and General Emergency boxes (Item #5) on the Classification Notification Form (CNF) (Form 24075). If there are PARs in addition to those that are automatic, they are addressed in Item # 5 for the General Emergency.

3.4 The protective actions outlined in this procedure are limited to actions for minimizing the exposure of the public within the 10 mile EPZ to external and internal radiation exposure from plume passage or inhalation of the radioactive plume. Other protective actions for minimizing public exposure via the ingestion pathway will be determined and implemented by Energy Northwest and Washington State in accordance with EPIP 13.8.1.

3.5 Plant and offsite officials should continue assessment actions based on additional plant information, dose projections, and field monitoring results. After performing the initial early evacuation actions near the plant, licensee and offsite officials should modify their protective action recommendations as necessary based on (1) field monitoring to locate areas with high levels of contamination (hot spots) and (2) dose projections which indicate that EPA protective action guide doses may be exceeded in areas beyond those that have been evacuated. On the basis of this information, plant and offsite officials may expand the evacuations to encompass other areas in the plume EPZ and, for the worst case accidents, protective actions may be required beyond the plume EPZ.

3.6 Once a PAR is made for evacuation of a 10 mile EPZ section and action has been taken by an agency to implement that recommendation as a Protective Action Decision (PAD), do not replace the evacuation PAR with a sheltering PAR. {2.16)

NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.2.2 14 4 of 12

SITE AREA EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE ACTION CHECKLIST NOTE: Completion of the following action steps may be delegated to the appropriate ERO individuals.

1. IF plant accident conditions result in a SITE AREA EMERGENCY (SAE) being declared, THEN:
  • Evacuate the Site by implementing PPM 13.5.1
  • Implement PPM 13.8.1 (if not already done), if a release is in progress, or containment leakage is suspected.
  • Ensure Security has established access control roadblocks on plant access roads by contacting the SCC.
2. IF an SAE has been declared, the above actions have been taken, and plant conditions appear to be worsening, i.e., release of radioactivity is imminent, or offsite radiological conditions dictate, THEN:
  • Evaluate protective actions for Emergency Workers outside the Protected Area but within Energy Northwest's area of authority in accordance with PPM 13.2.1.
  • The Radiological Emergency Manager should determine if wind direction requires special consideration of EOF habitability.
  • Ensure Security roadblocks on plant access roads are located to avoid plume exposure if a release occurs, or containment leakage is suspected.
  • Ensure that offsite dose calculations are updated approximately every 15 minutes if a release is ongoing.

Attachment 5.1 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.2.2 14 8 of 12

GENERAL EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE ACTION CHECKLIST NOTE: Completion of the following action steps may be delegated to the appropriate ERO individuals.

1. IF plant accident conditions result in a GENERAL EMERGENCY (GE) being declared (and the following actions have not been performed), THEN:
  • Evacuate the Site by implementing PPM 13.5.1
  • Implement PPM 13.8.1 and ensure results are updated approximately every 15 minutes if a release is ongoing, or if containment leakage is suspected.
  • Ensure Security has established access control roadblocks on plant access roads and the roadblocks are located to avoid plume exposure if a release occurs.
  • Evaluate protective actions for Emergency Workers outside the Protected Area but within Energy Northwest's area of authority in accordance with PPM 13.2.1.
  • The Radiological Emergency Manager should determine if wind direction requires special consideration of EOF habitability.
  • Recommend evacuation 2 mile radius and 10 miles downwind, sheltering the remaining sections, or other PARs based on Attachment 5.3 evaluation.
  • Determine if additional offsite Protective Action Recommendations are required by referring to the Flowchart for Offsite Protective Action Recommendations, Attachment 5.3.
  • Plume PARs should be considered beyond 10 miles if dose projections indicate PAGs (1 rem TEDE or 5 rem CDE thyroid) at 10 miles may be exceeded. For the Control Room, notify the off-site agencies via the Crash phone that dose projections indicate that PAGs beyond 10 miles may be exceeded.
  • For the TSC or EOF, obtain downwind field team readings to verify dose projection results. If time permits, consult with Benton/Franklin County EOC on the recommendation to evacuate beyond 10 miles. For PARs beyond 10 miles, do not use the 90 degree sector boundaries to define the affected area beyond 10 miles. To define the boundaries of the PAR beyond 10 miles, use geo-political boundaries such as roads, rivers and county lines. The area of the PAR should include those areas downwind where the PAG values are projected to be exceeded. If plume PARs are issued for areas beyond 10 miles that could affect areas outside Benton and Franklin county, the Emergency Director should ensure that the State EOC is notified.

Attachment 5.2 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.2.2 - 14 9 of 12

DATE: 01/08/04 EDITORIAL 13.4.1

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides instructions for notification of Federal, State and County organizations should a classified emergency provided for in PPM 13.1.1 be declared, upgraded, down graded, terminated, or a Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) be made or modified. It also provides instruction for notification, acknowledgement, and response actions by Energy Northwest emergency response personnel. {R-1586, R-1587, R-1588, R-1589, R1590}


2.1 IOCFR50.47(b), Emergency Plans {R-1586, R-1587, R-1588, R-1589, R-1590}

2.2 10CFR50.72, Immediate Notification Requirements for Operating Nuclear Power Reactors {R-1932}

2.3 10CFR26, Fitness for Duty Program 2.4 10CFR50 Appendix E (IV)(C), Activation of Emergency Organization {R-57311 2.5 NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants 2.6 NUREG-1022, Rev. 1, Event Reporting Systems 2.7 IEN 98-08, Information Likely to be Requested if an Emergency is Declared 2.8 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Section 4 2.9 SWP-FFD-01, Fitness For Duty 2.10 PPM 13.1.1, Classifying the Emergency 2.11 PPM 13.2.2, Determining Protective Action Recommendations 2.12 PPM 13.5.1, Evacuation 2.13 PPM 13.10.6, Plant/NRC Liaison Duties 2.14 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 2.15 Classification Notification Form, 24075 2.16 Emergency Classification or Other Emergency Messages, 26045 2.17 Followup Notifications, 26098 2.18 Partial Activation or Manpower Schedule Message, 26171 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.4.1 28 2 of 22

DATE: 01/08/04 EDITORIAL 13.5.5

  • 13 .5.5*





.............................................. 2 3.0 DISCUSSION ............................................... 2 4.0 PROCEDURE .............................................. 2 4.1 Personnel Accountability ................................... 2 4.2 Search and Rescue Inside the Protected Area ...................... 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.5.5 17 1 of 6

1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to establish a system for Personnel Accountability to determine and identify unaccounted for personnel. Accountability is required to be initiated whenever a Protected Area evacuation is performed. Search and rescue operations instructions are identified as follow up actions.


2.1 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Section 5 2.2 PPM 13.5.1, Evacuation 2.3 Personnel Accountability Log, 25691 3.0 DISCUSSION It is Energy Northwest's intent to complete Protected Area personnel accountability and identify unaccounted for individuals within thirty (30) minutes whenever a Site evacuation is directed. Initial accountability is considered to be complete when the final list of missing individuals for whom search and rescue will be initiated has been defined. Protected Area evacuations of non-essential personnel are performed at Site Area or General Emergency classifications, but may be directed for other hazardous conditions as well. Using the information from accountability reports, search and rescue steps will be conducted as needed to locate unaccounted for individuals.

Energy Northwest's primary means for establishing on site personnel accountability is an electronic badge accountability system. In the event of electronic system failure, a manual log system is used for onsite personnel. The manual log system may not meet the thirty (30) minute requirement.

4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1 Personnel Accountability 4.1.1 TSC Manager (or Shift Manager, if TSC not activated) Responsibilities

a. When on site personnel accountability is necessary, direct the Operations Support Center (OSC) Manager or, if the OSC is not activated, the Site Security Supervisor, to implement actions starting with Step 4.1.2.
b. If the need for a Protected Area evacuation is indicated, but the decision is made to retain personnel on site due to safety concerns, direct plant personnel to assemble at the 441 conference room or other areas as specified and keycard in at the OSC card reader for accountability purposes.


4.1.2 OSC Manager Responsibilities

a. When the OSC is activated, ensure the OSC Team Tracker has initiated OSC Personnel accountability.
b. Determine what assembly area the TSC Manager has designated for evacuees and contact the Site Security Supervisor to dispatch a Security Officer or designated coordinator to the assembly area to establish radio or phone contact with the Security Supervisor.
c. Inform the TSC Plant Administrative Manager and Security Manager in the EOF (or Shift Manager if TSC not activated) of accountability progress and results.

4.1.3 Site Security Supervisor Responsibilities

a. Initiate the Protected Area electronic accountability system by directing the Central Alarm Station (CAS) activate all Protected Area keycard cardreaders by OPENING GROUP 10 (Group Door Open Display):
  • When directed to perform personnel accountability, or
  • You become aware that an evacuation of personnel in the Protected Area has been ordered.
b. Delay generating the Initial Accountability report for 20 minutes after declaration of Protected Area Evacuation. Then direct CAS to run an Emergency Accountability Report, sorted by NAME and AREA.
c. Forward the report to the OSC Team Tracker or OSC Manager. If the OSC Manager is not yet present, forward the report to the TSC Manager; otherwise, inform the Shift Manager.

NOTE: Initial Accountability must be completed within 30 minutes whenever a Protected Area Evacuation is directed, and is considered to be complete when the report is delivered to the appropriate recipient, and when the final list of missing individuals for whom search and rescue will be initiated has been defined.

d. If the OSC is not activated, determine from the Emergency Personnel Accountability Report what individuals cannot be accounted for by identifying those names not identified as present in an Emergency Center. An unaccounted for individual is one who is listed in the Protected Area or Vital Areas, but is not listed on the OSC Personnel Accountability Log, OSC Team Tracking Log, TSC Personnel Accountability Log, CAS Manning Roster, or Control Room Personnel Accountability Log. Report the results to the Emergency Director.


e. When informed that an evacuation of the Site has been ordered, direct a Security Officer (with radio) go to the designated evacuation assembly area and:
  • Establish radio and/or phone contact with you or the OSC Team Tracker and act as a point of contact for checking personnel accountability at the assembly area
  • Maintain order at the designated assembly area and relay message or directions to evacuees
  • When monitoring or decontamination of assembly area evacuees is necessary, assist Health Physics personnel with segregating contaminated or potentially contaminated personnel or vehicles
f. If unaccounted for persons are identified, as determined by performing Step 4.1.4.e of this procedure, implement Section 4.2 actions to locate unaccounted for personnel in the Protected Area and report your results to the OSC Manager.

4.1.4 OSC Team Tracker Responsibilities

a. Place the OSC Personnel Accountability Log in the OSC. Remind personnel to:
  • Sign in on the OSC Sign in Board
  • Keycard into the cardreader at the Yakima Building Lunchroom
  • Log in and log out when leaving from and returning to the OSC NOTE: Personnel (Repair Teams) listed on the Team Tracking Log are exempted from signing in and out on the OSC Personnel Accountability Log.
b. Contact the designated accountability coordinators in the Control Room and the Plant Admin Manager in the Technical Support Center (TSC) to ensure they have taken personnel accountability actions and remind personnel to keycard in.


DATE: 01/08/04 EDITORIAL 13 .597

1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that Site One occupants are promptly notified of any Columbia Generating Station emergency evacuation requiring implementation of protective actions by Site One occupants.


2.1 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Section 5.5.1 2.2 PPM 13.2.2, Determining Protective Action Recommendations 2.3 PPM 13.5.5, Personnel Accountability, Search and Rescue 2.4 PPM 13.7.5, Offsite Assembly Area Locations 2.5 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 2.6 Public Address Message Format - Site Evacuation, 26051 2.7 SWI 7.01, Designated Site Authority 3.0 PROCEDURE Site One consists of the geographical area including WNP-1 and WNP-4 and is fenced in with one normal ingress and egress point at Gate 1-1 on the South side of Site One. In addition this area includes the area accessed from the east side of Columbia Generating Station through the Maintenance Training area gate near Buildings 176, 183, and 184 on Site One.

To assure that Site One occupants are properly notified within the required 15 minutes of any Columbia Generating emergency evacuation requirement, one of three conditions must be satisfied:

- A Designated Site One Authority (DSA) is on site. (A DSA is a Site One Energy Northwest staff member required to be immediately available to respond to Site One or manage an extraordinary condition whether on-site or off-site); or

- A Site One Monitor is stationed at the entrance to Site One and logs personnel entering and leaving the site during non-working hours; or

- The access gate (1-1) to Site One is locked. Any Site One DSA may be on site provided Gate 1-1 is locked and the Security Communications Center (SCC) is notified that they are working onsite. Other Energy Northwest employees may also be on site provided they are escorted by a DSA or specifically approved by the Site One manger or the DSA and the SCC is notified.

3.1 DSA Responsibilities 3.1.1 Remain accessible during the assignment by providing a local telephone number for the initial preferred notification and wearing a pager when on site or not accessible at the local telephone number.


DATE: 01/08/04 EDITORIAL 13.9.5

  • 13 .9.5*




................................................. 2 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ................................. 2 4.0 PROCEDURE ................................................. 3 4.1 Collecting Soil Samples ....................................... 3 4.2 Collecting Snow and Ice Samples ................................ 4 4.3 Collecting Vegetation and Garden Produce Samples .................... 5 4.4 Collecting Milk Samples ...................................... 6 4.5 Collecting Water Samples ....-................................. 7 5.0 ATTACHMENTS ............................................... 7 5.1 Sample Identification Form Instructions ............................ 8 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.9.5 13 1 of 8

4.0 PROCEDURE This procedure applies to environmental samples collected during declared emergencies, coordinated with the Washington State Department of Health, normally in locations outside the Energy Northwest Site boundary. Soil and vegetation samples can also be collected within the Exclusion Area boundary to quantify and qualify the amount of radioactive material deposited by the passing plume.

The Radiological Emergency Manager, in consultation with representatives of the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) should determine the disposition of environmental samples.

4.1 Collecting Soil Samples 4.1.1 Proceed to the soil sampling location as directed by the Field Team Dispatcher and perform radiation survey per PPM 13.9.1.

4.1.2 With indelible pen, label a new, clean, dry plastic bag with sample identification number. Refer to Attachment 5.1.

NOTE: Clipped vegetation obtained during soil sample collection may be saved and used for Section 3.3 (Vegetation Samples) samples of this procedure.

4.1.3 Select an area with minimum vegetation. Clip and remove remaining vegetation down to the soil surface and discard rocks larger than one cm diameter and any obviously foreign material.

4.1.4 Use a small digging tool from the kit to skim off a one square foot layer of soil no more than one inch deep to give a sample of two to three pounds.

4.1.5 Place soil sample in the labeled plastic bag, press zip-lock to close or twist, as appropriate, and seal shut with masking tape.

4.1.6 Complete the applicable parts of the Sample Identification Form, Form 19324.

4.1.7 Check each sample container with a dose rate meter. Record the reading on the sample container and on the Sample Identification Form.

4.1.8 Mark the approximate sample location area by driving a ribboned stake in the ground, and note the sample's identification number on the stake.


DATE: 01/08/04 EDITORIAL 13.10.7

  • 13 .10. 7*





..................................... 2 3.0 PROCEDURE ..................................... 3 3.1 Plant Administrative Manager Responsibilities ............ 3 4.0 ATTACHMENTS ................................... 8 4.1 Technical Support Center Status Board/Information Coordinator 9 4.2 Technical Support Center Administrative Support Staff ...... 10 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.7 19 1 of 13

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure describes the emergency responsibilities and duties of the Plant Administrative Manager in the Technical Support Center. These duties include administrative and logistical support in the procurement of critical supplies, equipment, and personnel scheduling for the plant emergency and recovery response. The Plant Administrative Manager will coordinate with the Emergency Operations Facility Site Support Manager for resources needed to support onsite emergency operations.


2.1 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Section 2.0 2.2 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 2.3 PPM 13.14.1, Nearby Nuclear Facility Emergencies/Requests for Assistance 2.4 PPM 13.5.1, Evacuation 2.5 PPM 13.5.5, Personnel Accountability, Search and Rescue 2.6 PPM 13.10.3, Technical Manager and Staff Duties 2.7 PPM 13.11.3, Site Support Manager and Staff Duties 2.8 PPM 13.11.18, Information Coordinator Duties 2.9 Emergency Classification or Other Emergency Message, 26045 2.10 Columbia Generating Station Public Address Emergency Message Format - Protected Area Evacuation, 26050 2.11 Columbia Generating Station Public Address Emergency Message Format -Site Evacuation, 26051 2.12 Emergency Response Log, 23895 2.13 Classification Notification Form, 24075 2.14 Technical Support Center (TSC) Briefing Guidelines, 25860 2.15 TSC Staffing Chart, 26062 2.16 Columbia Generating Station OSC Staffing Chart, 26063 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.7 19 2 of 13

  • For unfilled positions, notify the TSC Manager and OSC Manager of positions which have not been contacted. Obtain a copy of the Emergency Phone Directory and begin contacting qualified responders for the open positions.

3.1.11 Manage the activities of the administrative support staff in the TSC to include the duties of TSC Personnel Accountability, Facsimile and Records Assistance, and TSC Phone Communications.

3.1.12 When directed by the TSC Manager, make emergency PA announcements in the plant and direct the Secondary Alarm Station Officer to make emergency announcements over maintenance and security radio channels per the steps on form 26045, Emergency Classification or Other Emergency Message.

  • If PA announcements require an action to be taken, sound the Alerting Tone. If no action is required, omit the use of the Alerting Tone.
  • PA announcements following emergency classifications should be made as soon as possible and should occur within about five minutes of the announcement in the TSC. Announcements should include the time of the classifications, a brief description for the classifications, and follow the format on form 26045.
  • Update announcements should occur as directed by the TSC Manager and should include as a minimum hazardous areas to avoid, the classification, and evacuations until complete.

3.1.13 When notified of a Site Evacuation, confer with the Radiation Protection Manager to determine evacuation route and make PA announcements.

  • PA announcements for Site evacuations should occur as soon as possible following announcements for the Site Area Emergency. At Site Area Emergency an evacuation of the Protected Area must take place to ensure accountability within 30 minutes of the PA announcement. The PA announcement should use form 26051, Columbia Generating Station Public Address Emergency Message Format - Evacuation.

3.1.14 When notified of a site evacuation, confer with the RPM for appropriate actions to take. A Site evacuation is an automatic action at Site Area Emergency.


  • PA announcements for Site evacuation should occur as soon as possible following identification of the need to evacuate. PA announcements should use form 26051, Columbia Generating Station Public Address Emergency Message Format - Site Evacuation.

3.1.15 Direct administrative staff to compile a TSC staffing report on form 26062 and an OSC staffing report on form 26063, and fax them to the Site Support Manager at the EOF.

3.1.16 Coordinate with the Site Support Manager in the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) to:

  • Call out the ERO for all emergency centers in the event of a simultaneous failure of the Dialogic autodialer system and the radio paging system, making it impossible to contact the ERO normally.

Refer to the Part B Notification Checklist to summon the on call ERO team for each center.

  • Establish relief schedules to provide continuous personnel support for the plant, as needed.
  • Provide transportation, food, and other logistical support for plant emergency personnel.
  • Arrange for required training of Energy Northwest or offsite agency personnel responding to support emergency or recovery operations.
  • Obtain necessary offsite support services and equipment.
  • Obtain assistance necessary for making offsite deliveries to the site.

3.1.17 If it becomes necessary for the TSC to initiate relief shift staffing, use the Emergency Manpower Schedule, (26094) to establish a relief shift schedule for two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts, with start times of 0600 and 1800 or other hours, as directed by the Emergency Director, at 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> duration. Establish three 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shift staffing when additional staff becomes available.

Team B should be contacted to relieve Team A, Team C contacted to relieve Team B, Team D contacted to relieve Team C, and Team A contacted to relieve Team D.

Prior to contacting ERO members, determine from the Radiological Protection Manager and Security if any hazardous or security conditions require special response instructions to responding personnel. Consideration may need to be given for responding personnel to assemble at a remote location so that pool transportation or monitoring escort may be arranged.


DATE: 01/08/04 EDITORIAL 13.10.8

  • 13 .10. 8*




............................................... 2 3.0 PROCEDURE ............................................... 2 3.1 Security Lieutenant Responsibilities ............................. 2 4.0 ATTACHMENTS ............................................. 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.8 21 1 of 6

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure defines actions to be taken by the Security Lieutenant in the event of an emergency classification or when an outside request for Energy Northwest assistance has been received.


2.1 FSAR Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Section 2 2.2 SPIP-SEC-27, Owner Controlled Security Area Emergency Evacuation 2.3 PPM 13.5.1, Evacuation 2.4 PPM 13.5.5, Personnel Accountability, Search and Rescue 2.5 PPM 13.11.10, Security Manager Duties 2.6 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 2.7 PPM 13.14.1, Nearby Nuclear Facility Emergencies/Requests For Assistance 2.8 Emergency Center Accountability Log, 25691 3.0 PROCEDURE 3.1 Security Lieutenant Responsibilities 3.1.1 When notification of a nearby nuclear facility emergency is received, or a request for Energy Northwest assistance is received from an outside agency, implement PPM 13.14.1.

3.1.2 Upon notification of an Energy Northwest classified emergency, respond to the Central Alarm Station.

3.1.3 If a second officer is not present or dispatched to the Security Communications Center, dispatch an officer to assist with offsite notifications.

3.1.4 At Unusual Event or higher classification, direct the Central Alarm Station (CAS) to activate emergency card readers by OPENING GROUP 10, (Group Door Open Display).


3.1i.5 Prior to EOF activation:

a. Contact the Shift Manager prior to EOF activation to obtain information on emergency event status, then direct Security response actions accordingly. Following EOF activation, contact the Security Manager to obtain information on emergency event status. Direct security response actions accordingly.

3.1.6 Brief the Shift Manager on security contingency events that could pose a threat to emergency center activation and personnel safety. This briefing should include, but is not limited to:

a. Type or status of the contingency
b. Avenues of safe access to the plant
c. Appropriate areas for TSC and OSC operations If an evacuation is necessary and the Security Manager is not yet available, determine whether an evacuation of plant personnel would put them at personal risk due to the security contingency, and then brief the Shift Manager.

3.1.7 At Alert or higher classifications:

a. Assume the EOF Security Manager duties until relieved. Refer to PPMs 13.5.1 and 13.11.10.
b. Establish contact with the Operations Support Center (OSC)

Manager to coordinate security and accountability actions that may be impacted by OSC accident mitigation activities.

c. Dispatch a security officer to the EOF to lock down the Kootenai Building and assist with EOF access control.

NOTE: Procedure instructions for the JIC access control officer are contained in JIC Procedures.

d. Dispatch two security officers to the Joint Information Center (JIC) Support Manager to assist with JIC access control.


e. Establish plant access roadblocks. If the South Powerplant Loop road is selected as an evacuation route, verify the roadblock officer has been dispatched to open Gate 1-8, the South Power Plant Loop vehicle gate. Advise Security Officers to:
  • Admit personnel with identification of employment with the Energy Northwest, BPA, DOE, Benton or Franklin Counties, State of Washington, NRC, FEMA, FBI and Coast Guard.
  • Obtain permission to admit others from the Security Manager or designee.
  • When known, advise persons they admit of special instructions for safe routes or avoiding hazardous areas in the area of the plant.

3.1.8 When advised by the TSC Manager that offsite emergency personnel have been requested to respond to the plant site, advise the Secondary Alarm Station (SAS) of the impending arrival.

3.1.9 If a Site evacuation is directed, implement PPM 13.5.1 actions.

a. Direct the Security Officer to instruct arriving evacuees to record their arrival on the Emergency Center Accountability Log (25691).

3.1.10 Periodically consult with the Security Manager to ensure roadblocks are in safe locations.

3.1.11 If directed by the Radiation Protection Manager or Radiological Emergency Manager to shelter or administer a thyroid-blocking agent, take the following actions:

a. If sheltering has been ordered, direct Security Force Officers to move inside established structures, or use vehicles for sheltering if structures are not available.
b. If thyroid-blocking agent (KI) is recommended or if respirators are required, delegate an officer to obtain a sufficient amount of KI from storage and distribute to Security Force Officers.

Distribute to Security personnel within protected area first.


DATE: 01/08/04 EDITORIAL 13.10.9

1.0 PURPOSE To describe the responsibilities of the Operations Support Center Manager and staff for the operation of the Operations Support Center (OSC). The Yakima Building lunchroom will normally serve as the center. Other areas can be used for OSC operations as needed.


2.1 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Sections 2, 5 and 6 2.2 PPM 13.5.1, Evacuation 2.3 PPM 13.5.5, Personnel Accountability, Search and Rescue 2.4 PPM 13.11.18, Information Coordinator Duties 2.5 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 2.6 PERA 201-1590, Battery Powered Air Sampler Operation Instruction {P-180041}

2.7 Repair Team Briefing/Debriefing Form, 25560 2.8 Personnel Accountability Log, 25691 3.0 PROCEDURE 3.1 The OSC Manager shall implement Attachment 4.1 "OSC Manager Checklist" 3.2 The OSC Repair Team Coordinator shall implement Attachment 4.2 "OSC Repair Team Coordinator Checklist" 3.3 The OSC Team Tracker shall implement Attachment 4.3 "OSC Team Tracker Checklist" 3.4 The OSC Information Coordinator shall implement Attachment 4.4 "OSC Information Coordinator Checklist" 3.5 The OSC Craft Leads (Mechanical, Electrical, I&C and SSS) shall each implement Attachment 4.5 "OSC Craft Lead Checklist" 3.6 The OSC Health Physics Lead shall implement Attachment 4.6 "OSC HP Lead Checklist" NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.9 35 2 of 57


6.0 Establish and Maintain Protected Area Personnel Accountability 6.1 If a Site or Protected Area Evacuation has been ordered or as directed by the ED, establish and maintain Protected Area personnel accountability per PPM 13.5.5.

6.2 For any unaccounted for personnel, ensure the Team Tracker initiates search and rescue activities per PPM 13.5.5.

7.0 Maintain Awareness of OSC Task Status and Priorities 7.1 Periodically contact the TSC Maintenance Manager and ensure that OSC task status and priorities properly fulfill TSC needs relative to:

  • Equipment repairs and system restoration
  • Equipment and system operations
  • Radiological surveys and Chemistry samples
  • Current plant status 7.2 Conduct periodic briefings for OSC staff using either the Attachment 4.9 "OSC Manager Briefing Guidelines", or the laminated briefing guide.

7.3 Direct the OSC Information Coordinator to transmit information on OSC tasks that personnel in other centers may need to know.

7.4 When a reactor coolant sample is needed, staff the chem lab.

7.5 Maintain a chronology of significant events, actions taken and their resolutions on an Emergency Response Log (this log shall be attached to the After Action Report).

Attachment 4.1 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.9 35 9 of 57


2.0 Establish Initial Protected Area Accountability (Plant Card Reader System Operational)

Upon declaration of a Site Evacuation:

NOTE: Initial accountability for the Protected Area must be complete within 30 minutes of the PA announcement to evacuate the Protected Area 2.1 Contact the designated accountability coordinators in the Control Room and the Plant Admin Manager in the Technical Support Center (TSC) to ensure they have taken personnel accountability actions and remind personnel to keycard in.

2.2 Request CAS to prepare an EMERGENCY PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY report sorted by NAME AND AREA.

2.3 Determine from the Emergency Accountability Report which individuals cannot be accounted for. An unaccounted for individual is one who is listed in the Protected Area or Vital Areas, and is not listed on the OSC Personnel Accountability Log, OSC Team Tracking Log, TSC Personnel Accountability Log, CAS Manning Roster, or Control Room Personnel Accountability Log.

NOTE: This report should be blank when nonessential personnel have evacuated the Protected Area, and emergency responders have keycarded into their Emergency Centers. It will identify personnel in Vital Areas as they are dispatched from the Control Room or OSC, however.

2.4 Inform the OSC Manager and TSC Plant Admin Manager of accountability results.

3.0 Establish Initial Protected Area Accountability (Plant CardReader System NOT Operational)

Upon declaration of a Site Evacuation:

NOTE: Initial accountability for the Protected Area must be complete within 30 minutes of the PA announcement to evacuate the Protected Area 3.1 Request the Site Security Supervisor deliver the last available Emergency Personnel Accountability Report to you for review and determination of unaccounted for individuals.

Attachment 4.3 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.9 35 19 of 57

5.4 If plant conditions are worsening or radiological release conditions are anticipated, contamination of OSC work areas can be minimized by any or all of the following:

  • Restricting Yakima Building access to only one access point and posting the remaining doors as not available for access
  • Staging a step-off-pad and frisker inside the access point if background conditions allow, or Routing personnel entering the Yakima Building through the access control IPM-8s for contamination monitoring prior to entering the OSC
  • Setting up a controlled area for isolating contaminated personnel as necessary 5.5 If the emergency worker dose limit of 5 REM is projected to be exceeded during the event for OSC staff, inform the OSC Manager so that OSC evacuation plans may be initiated.

6.0 Implement Protective Measures for OSC Personnel 6.1 If radiological release conditions exist or radioiodine is suspected or detected:

  • Instruct OSC personnel to read their dosimeters frequently.
  • Have HP personnel inform individuals in the Protected Area when KI has been recommended
  • Provide assistance to the OSC Team Tracker in recording when individuals take (or refuse to take) KI on the OSC Accountability Log
  • Evaluate and implement appropriate actions to replace or evacuate personnel unable or unwilling to take personnel protective measures 6.2 If OSC relocation is deemed necessary, assist the OSC Manager in relocating necessary OSC resources.

6.3 If notified of Site or Protected Area evacuation actions, determine when HP resources should be sent to evacuation egress or assembly points for radiological monitoring of evacuating personnel.

Attachment 4.6 NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.10.9 35 36 of 57

DATE: 01/08/04 EDITORIAL 13J.11.2

  • 13 .11.2*





............................................... 2 3.0 PROCEDURE ............................................... 2 4.0 ATTACHMENTS ............................................. 3 4.1 Open Items Log .......................................... 4 4.2 EOF Briefing Guidelines .................................... 5 4.3 NRC Response Team Briefing Guidelines ......................... 8 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.2 9 1 of 10

3. Engineering Manager update items:
a. Reactor condition, core cooling systems operations status.
b. Containment status, current trends, prognosis.
c. Review of accident mitigation objectives, priorities and strategies.
d. Status of engineering evaluations in progress.
e. Engineering support being provided EOF/TSC by offsite agencies.
f. Problem areas needing resolution.
g. NRC counterpart status report (if present).


4. Site Support Manager update items:
a. Status of administrative and logistics support being provided (admin. supplies, copy machines, facsimiles, etc.).
b. Status of coordinating offsite agency personnel/equipment response.
c. Status of personnel accountability (if Site evacuation ordered).
d. Status of relief shift or meal scheduling (if applicable).
e. Problem areas needing resolution.
f. NRC counterpart status report (if present.)


5. Security Manager update items:
a. Security activities in support of emergency operations.
b. Review security requirements for EOF access, access roadblocks, plant badge issuance.
c. Status of offsite agency response and civil authority roadblocks or river evacuation activities (if applicable).
d. Summarize any significant discussions/direction from local law enforcement authorities.
e. Problem areas needing resolution.
f. NRC counterpart status report (if present).


Attachment 4.2 Page 2 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.2 9 6 of 10

7. Meteorological Data:
a. Wind direction from (Degrees) b. Wind Speed .. (MPH)
c. Stability class:
d. Precipitation (check): None Rain Sleet Snow
8. Offsite radiological conditions (check):
a. No release is involved.

_b. Release is imminent.

_c. Release is occurring. Release path:

d. Release started. Time: Est. Duration:

_e. Release occurred previously. Duration:

f. Release stopped. Time: Date:

. Release Inventory Isotopes Release Rate Iodines Ci/s Noble gases Ci/S Airborne particulates Ci/s Liquid Ci/S Other Ci/S

9. Current dose projections:

Plume Centerline Thyroid Dose Rate (CDE) TEDE Dose Rate Site Boundary (1.2 miles) mrem/hr mrem/hr 2 miles mrem/hr mrem/hr 5 miles mrem/hr _ rmrem/hr 10 miles mrem/hr mrem/hr

10. Onsite protective Actions:
a. Site Evacuation. Status:_

_b. KI recommended.

_c. Restricted areas._

d. Emergency Center Status:.




Attachment 4.3 Page 2 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.2 9 9 of 10

DATE: 01/08/04 EDITORIAL 13.11.3

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure describes responsibilities and duties of the Site Support Manager. The Site Support Manager provides support to the plant and secures assistance and supplies during the emergency and recovery phases. The Site Support Manager supervises the EOF Information Coordinator, the Telecommunications Manager, Manpower Scheduler, and the EOF Admin Support Staff.


2.1 FSAR, Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Section 2.2 OER SIL324R6, BWR Emergency Support Program 2.3 PPM 13.4.1, Emergency Notifications 2.4 PPM 13.5.1, Evacuation 2.5 PPM 13.11.18, Information Coordinator Duties 2.6 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 2.7 Emergency Response Log, Form 23895 2.8 Classification Notification Form, Form 24075 2.9 EOF Staffing and Organization Chart, Form 26061 2.10 Emergency Manpower Schedule, Form 26094 2.11 Manpower Schedule Message, Form 26095 3.0 PROCEDURE 3.1 Site Support Manager Duties 3.1.1 Report to the EOF when notified of an Alert, Site Area or General Emergency, or if directed.

3.1.2 Notify the EOF Manager of your availability.

3.1.3 Maintain an Emergency Response Log (23895) of the actions you take.


3.1.4 Determine if ERO personnel have been notified for all EOF positions:

  • Obtain the Dialogic printout available in the Logistics Area.
  • Compare the list of individuals indicating they are responding to the positions listed on the EOF Staffing Chart. If all positions are responding, inform the EOF Manager that personnel have been notified for all EOF positions.
  • For unfilled positions, obtain a copy of the Emergency Phone Directory and begin contacting qualified responders for the open positions. Notify the EOF Manager of any positions which cannot be contacted.

3.1.5 In the event of a simultaneous failure of the Dialogic autodialer and the radio paging system, direct the Manpower Scheduler to coordinate with the TSC Plant Admin Manager to call out the ERO using the Part B Notification Checklist to summon the on call ERO team for each center.

3.1.6 Ensure that the Significant Events Status Board and other appropriate displays such as the classification, plant status, and Emergency Classification/Protective Action Status display are maintained by the Information Coordinator.

3.1.7 As personnel arrive for center activation, complete an EOF Staffing and Organization Chart (26061) for all first shift responders. Complete a second staffing chart for second shift Essential personnel. Distribute copies to EOF Managers.

3.1.8 Compile a copy of staffing and organization charts received from the JIC, TSC and OSC and forward them to the Manpower Scheduler.

NOTE: All requests for outside assistance must first be approved by the Emergency Director.

3.1.9 Obtain outside assistance, equipment or personnel as directed by the Emergency Director. Coordinate deliveries with the Security Manager and the Radiological Emergency Manager.

3.1.10 Assign and supervise administrative support staff as they arrive.

3.1.11 If Site evacuees in the Exclusion Area need transportation, coordinate with the Plant Admin Manager in the TSC to make a public address announcement to direct the evacuees to the appropriate assembly area.

a. Arrange transportation for evacuation of personnel in the Exclusion Area, if needed. Confer with the Security Manager and Radiological Emergency Manager to determine an assembly area for Exclusion Area evacuees needing transportation.
b. Keys for a vehicle pool van are located in the field team cabinet for use during evacuations.

3.1.12 If the state or county is not represented at the EOF, request the State and County Liaison to obtain information on county response actions from the Energy Northwest representative at the Washington State, Benton, and Franklin County Emergency Operations Centers (EOC).

3.1.13 Contact the Security Communications Center (SCC) Duty Officer and assume responsibility for making the Part C Notifications in accordance with PPM 13.4.1.

Make the Part C notifications as required for the appropriate event classifications by providing information on items 2-6 on the CNF, as requested (phone numbers are located in the Emergency Phone Directory under Offsite Notification Checklist).

NOTE: The SCC provides Part C notifications of plant emergency classification levels until relieved of this responsibility.

3.1.14 Keep the EOF Manager informed of offsite agencies' decisions, requests, and offers of assistance that are brought to your attention.

3.1.15 When the Site is evacuated, contact the FFTF Control Room and inform them of this action. This is a courtesy call and no action is required of FFTF at this time. Refer to the Emergency Phone Directory, Offsite Agency tab, for the phone number.

3.1.16 At General Emergency, recommend an airspace or airport closure request with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Attachment 4.4.

a. Copy the completed Attachment 4.4 airspace closure request form and provide it per the distribution list on the Attachment.
b. If airspace or airport closure occurs, and you become aware that aircraft providing support for emergency operations may need airspace or airport access, request exceptions with the FAA.

3.1.17 Support EOF briefings per Attachment 4.5.

3.1.18 Coordinate the obtaining of resources needed to support emergency operations that include, but are not limited to:


IN NOTE: The on call procurement person should be contacted to assist with procurement and purchasing services. Refer to the Emergency Phone Directory for the roster.

a. Administrative services and equipment
b. Accommodations and transportation for responding offsite personnel, including GE personnel responding to the site under the BWR Emergency Support Program.
c. Finance and purchasing services
d. Commissary services
e. Emergency Response Organization shift relief (for prolonged emergencies)
f. Labor Relations or Human Resources services
g. Legal or insurance services
h. Facility Services 3.1.19 Coordinate with the Plant Administrative Manager on providing personnel, equipment, training, or other administrative resource support for the plant staff.

3.1.20 Coordinate delivery of food and other services with the Security Manager, Radiological Emergency Manager, and the JIC Support Manager.

3.1.21 Discuss relief shift scheduling with the Emergency Director, and arrange for Emergency Response Organization (ERO) relief staffing, if necessary, according to instructions outlined in Attachment 4.1.

3.1.22 When preparing to enter the recovery phase, compile the recovery action lists developed by the TSC and OSC, which identify short and long term recovery items. Forward these action lists to the EOF Manager for input into the master recovery plan.

3.1.23 Refer any calls from the media to the Joint Information Center.

3.1.24 Brief your relief on items of note that happened during your shift and on status of ongoing work.


3.1.25 Upon shift change or termination of the emergency:

a. Prepare an individual after action report. Refer to PPM 13.13.4.
b. Collect the individual after action reports prepared by staff personnel.
c. Deliver all individual after action reports and Emergency Response Logs to the Assistant EOF Manager.

3.1.26 Participate as a member of the After Action Report Committee chaired by the Assistant EOF Manager when required.

4.0 ATTACHMENTS 4.1 Manpower Scheduler Duties 4.2 EOF Administrative Support Staff Duties 4.3 Telecommunications Manager Duties 4.4 General Emergency Airspace or Airport Closure Request 4.5 Site Support Manager Briefing Guidelines K>


ll DATE: 01/08/04 EDITORIAL 13 .11.10

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure describes the emergency responsibilities of the Security Manager in coordinating the actions of the Security Force and, when necessary, local law enforcement agencies during emergency events.


2.1 FSAR Chapter 13.3, Emergency Plan, Sections 2 and 6 2.2 PPM 13.5.1, Evacuation 2.3 PPM 13.10.8, Security Lieutenant Duties 2.4 PPM 13.13.4, After Action Reporting 3.0 PROCEDURE 3.1 Security Manager Responsibilities 3.1.1 Proceed to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) when notified of an Alert, Site Area Emergency or General Emergency, or if so directed.

3.1.2 Sign in on the Sign-In Board, obtain procedure book from wall rack and supply drawer from EOF supply cabinet.

3.1.3 Notify the Site Support Manager or EOF Manager of your availability.

3.1.4 Establish and maintain periodic communication with the Security Supervisor and Security Communications Center (SCC).

  • If the South Powerplant Loop road is selected as an evacuation route, verify the roadblock officer has been dispatched to open Gate 1-8, the South Power Plant Loop vehicle gate.

3.1.5 Contact the SCC and the Security Lieutenant to inform them that you are present at the EOF. Advise the Security Lieutenant that you are assuming the Security Manager responsibilities, and assuming Site 1 evacuation notification responsibilities.

3.1.6 Record significant actions, events and their resolutions on the Emergency Response Log for attachment to your After Action Report. See PPM 13.13.4 for after action reporting.


3.1.7 Direct Energy Northwest Security assigned to roadblocks to control access as follows:

Admit personnel with identification establishing employment with Energy Northwest, DOE (or one of their subcontractors), state (Washington or Oregon), county, FBI, NRC, FEMA, Coast Guard, BPA or local law enforcement agencies without further clearance.

3.1.8 Obtain clearance for emergency vehicles and personnel to enter the Protected Area from the TSC Manager.

3.1.9 Make decisions on authorizing unbadged personnel access through Energy Northwest roadblocks or access to the EOF.

3.1.10 Evaluate Security manning needs and authorize the call out of additional personnel, as required. Coordinate with HP Center staff and responding Security Officer for accountability of evacuees reporting to the EOF.

3.1.11 Confer with the EOF Manager to determine if the emergency requires a Safety representative. If so, coordinate call-out with the Site Support Manager.

3.1.12 When an offsite accident results in injury or death to an Energy Northwest employee, obtain the name(s) and coordinate next-of-kin notification with the Human Resources Manager of Compensation and Benefits.

3.1.13 Coordinate response actions with local law enforcement agencies as necessary. Provide information that may affect offsite traffic control point operations to the Local Law Enforcement Agency representative in the Benton or Franklin County EOC.

3.1.14 If the Offsite Assembly Area is expected to be used, contact the REM at an Alert to determine if a Security Offer should be dispatched to the Offsite Assembly Area.

3.1.15 At a Site Area Emergency, implement actions for evacuation of the Site.

Refer to PPM 13.5.1 for Site evacuation information.

3.1.16 If evacuation or relocation of onsite or offsite Security personnel is necessary due to an actual or potential radioactive release, coordinate with the REM regarding where to relocate and hazardous conditions to avoid.


SECURITY MANAGER BRIEFING GUIDELINES NOTE: Items listed here are suggested topics for routine update briefing. Items actually selected should be based on existing or projected situation conditions.

Security Manager update items:

a. Security activities in support of emergency operations.
b. Review Security requirements for EOF access, access roadblocks, plant badge issuance, etc.
c. Status of Site (Protected Area and Exclusion Area) evacuation and accountability issues.
d. Status of offsite agency response and civil authority roadblocks or river evacuation activities, if applicable.
e. Summarize any significant discussions/direction from local law enforcement authorities.
f. Problem areas needing resolution.
g. NRC counterpart status report (if present).


Attachment 4.1 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.10 18 6 of 6

DATE: 01/08/04 EDITORIAL 13.11.18

  • 13 .11. 18*




............................... . 2 3.0 PROCEDURE ................................... . 2 3.1 General Information Coordinator Responsibilities ...................... 2 3.2 Control Room Information Coordinator Responsibilities .................. 4 3.3 TSC Information Coordinator Responsibilities ........................ 5 3.4 OSC Information Coordinator Responsibilities ........................ 5 3.5 EOF Information Coordinator Responsibilities ........................ 5 4.0 ATTACHMENTS ............................................. . 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION PAGE 13.11.18 13 1 of 6

  • Time other emergency centers were activated.
  • Significant information announced from other emergency centers.
  • Significant items appearing on your center data displays. If assigned responsibility, record information on center status boards. Use up or down arrows to indicate trends, as appropriate.

3.1.12 Announce significant information to other centers, such as:

  • Time your emergency center was activated.
  • Items announced to your center staff.
  • Items ordered transmitted by the center manager.

3.1.13 Use three way communications for specific center communications and for specific communications within your center.

3.1.14 Refer any calls from the media to the Joint Information Center.

3.1.15 Upon shift change, brief your relief on responsibilities, duties, and status of work being performed.

3.1.16 Upon shift change or termination of the emergency:

3.1.17 Prepare an individual After Action Report. Refer to PPM 13.13.4.

3.1.18 Deliver After Action Reports and logs to your center manager.

3.2 Control Room Information Coordinator Responsibilities 3.2.1 If the TSC Information Coordinator is not on line yet, transmit significant information from the Control Room such as:

  • Emergency Classification changes.
  • Protective Action Decisions made for Energy Northwest emergency workers, e.g., Site evacuation, KI for emergency workers, etc.
  • Plant status information with emphasis on inoperable systems. Refer to Plant Status form (25918) information to broadcast if PDIS is not available. Information should be provided block by block.
  • Requests for assistance as determined by the Shift Manager or Control Room Supervisor.


NOTE: When activated, allow the Control Room Information Coordinator to report Radiological Status and Met Data if PDIS is not available.

  • Time checks according to the Control Room digital time display.

3.3 TSC Information Coordinator Responsibilities 3.3.1 Transmit significant information from the TSC such as:

  • Plant status information with emphasis on inoperable systems. Refer to Plant Status form for examples of information to broadcast.
  • Significant equipment out of service (OOS) or returned to service that is not listed on the Plant Status form or the Plant Status board.

NOTE: When activated, allow the EOF Information Coordinator to report offsite Radiological Status and Met Data.

  • Significant system repair results.
  • Protective Action Decisions for Energy Northwest emergency workers, e.g., Site evacuations, KI for emergency workers.

3.4 OSC Information Coordinator Responsibilities 3.4.1 Transmit significant information from the OSC such as:

  • Significant Repair Team activities and findings.
  • Inquiries to establish personnel accountability.

3.5 EOF Information Coordinator Responsibilities 3.5.1 Transmit significant information from the EOF such as:

  • Significant on-site and off-site coordination activities with outside agencies.
  • If requested, provide Field Team readings.
  • Significant technical analyses results reported by the Engineering staff.
  • Dose projection results
  • Notify all stations immediately when an offsite release has occurred.


DATE: 01/08/04 EDITORIAL 13.12.19

  • 13.12.19*



2.4 Shift Change 2.4.1 When shift turnover occurs, the oncoming ERO member should sign into the JIC as described in 2.2.1 and 2.2.2.

2.4.2 Oncoming JIC personnel should attend a JIC staff briefing conducted by the departing and oncoming JIC Managers and scheduled for the beginning of each shift.

2.4.3 JIC personnel being relieved should complete an After Action Report, brief their relief on the current status of the emergency and relevant position-related functions being performed, and turn over to their relief all pertinent documents, forms, and supplies.

2.4.4 Oncoming JIC responders should advise their JIC supervisor or manager when turnover briefing is complete and position duties are being assumed.

2.4.5 Oncoming JIC managers should advise the JIC Manager when responsibilities for positions under their supervision have been assumed by oncoming shift.

2.4.6 When turnover of JIC positions is completed, the oncoming JIC Manager should notify the EOF Manager in the EOF.

2.5 Event Termination 2.5.1 When notified that the emergency is being downgraded or terminated, the JIC Manager should determine the minimum staffing necessary to continue JIC operation. The JIC Manager has full authority to augment or downsize JIC staff based on the requirements of the response.

Any decision to downsize or terminate JIC operation should consider media and public pressure for information rather than the operational status of other emergency centers. The Manager, Communications, Marketing and Member Relations should be consulted prior to deactivation of the JIC.

2.5.2 Upon being relieved or dismissed, JIC responders should complete an After Action Report per PPM 13.13.4, attach all logs and pertinent documents, unless these are required for use by the next shift, and deliver the package to the Support Manager.

2.5.3 At termination of JIC activities, all JIC responders should participate in the post-event critique to discuss JIC performance.

2.5.4 Update Plant Status Line per Attachment 5. 1.3. Confer with Shift Manager regarding responsibility for future updates of the Plant Status Line.

2.5.5 When the JIC is deactivated, all JIC responders should replenish or identify needed supplies in their work area and return the area to normal work conditions.


c. Obtain the JIC Manager procedure handbook from the bookshelf in the JIC Manager's Office area and ensure responsibilities under your position are appropriately assigned:
  • Preparation of First Energy Northwest News Release
  • Energy Northwest Spokesperson
  • Energy Northwest Technical Spokesperson
  • News Conference Preparation and Presentation
  • Governmental Affairs Activities
d. During normal working hours and prior to full JIC operation, request that Communications, Marketing and Member Relations staff record any pertinent inquiries regarding the event and bring them to your attention or forward them to the JIC Media Coordinator.
e. Prepare a first news release or delegate to the Assistant JIC Manager preparation of first news release announcing the classification of an emergency event. The news release should be prepared in accordance with Attachment 5.1.1, Preparation of First Energy Northwest News Release.
f. Declare the JIC activated when the criteria stated in 2.1.4 of this procedure are satisfied and notify the Emergency Director.
g. Brief the staff on the status of plant operation, the emergency event and other information relevant to JIC operation. If phone team traffic is such that they cannot leave the phone team room, ensure that at least one Phone Team Supervisor attends the briefing.
h. Assign preparation of a news release announcing JIC operation and activation of media and public phone lines.

Attachment 5.1 Page 2 of 5

DATE: 01/08/04 EDITORIAL 13.12.20

  • 13.12.20*




2.3 Media and Information Management 2.3.1 Public and Media Phone Teams

  • Activate the phone lines as directed by the Phone Team Supervisor
  • Respond to inquiries for information about actions of Energy Northwest and offsite agencies represented in the JIC
  • Remain operational for the duration of the event or until the media and public inquiry rate may be handled by Communications, Marketing and Member Relations. {R-4882}

2.3.2 Information Manager {R-4650}

  • Identify, monitor, and track rumors and misinformation, using feedback from the Media Coordinator, both phone teams, and monitoring of actual radio, television, and print coverage
  • Make corrections to misinformation or rumors by providing correct information for news conferences or news releases 2.3.3 Media Coordinator {R-1591}, {R-3291}, {R-3453}, {R-4651}
  • Identify and communicate issues raised by media who report to JIC
  • Provide timely information to assembled media as approved by JIC Manager 2.3.4 Attached Duty Descriptions
  • Duty Description items are not necessarily in sequential order of performance. The user should scan the entire list and prioritize activities as appropriate to the situation. JIC personnel should not rely upon these guides alone to determine how to accomplish the items for which they are responsible.
  • JIC Manager and management team have full authority to modify this guidance for Energy Northwest personnel should the situation warrant modification. Such changes should be consistent with Section 2.3.1 of PPM 13.12.19.