IR 05000461/1981008

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IE Insp Rept 50-461/81-08 on 810401-0501.Noncompliance Noted:Improper Matl Protection,Storage & Segregation of Safety & Nonsafety Matl
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/12/1981
From: Livermore H, Reimann F
Shared Package
ML20005B034 List:
50-461-81-08, 50-461-81-8, NUDOCS 8107060249
Download: ML20005B037 (7)


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Report No. 50-461/81-08


Docket No. 50-461 License No. CPPR-137 Licensee: Illinois Power Company 500 South 27th Street Decatur, IL 62525 Facility Name:

Clinton Power Station, Unit 1 Inspection At:

Clinton Site, Clinton, IL Inspection Conducted:

April 1 through May 1,1981 Yff$ssusw1L




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H. H Livemore

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Approved By:

F. Reimann, Acting Chief Projects Section 1 0 6 ' /3 ~ NI Inscection Surinary Insnection on April 1 through May 1, 1981, (R3 port No. 50/461/81-08)

Areas Inspected: Routine, Ibsident Inspector's inspection of construction activities including material laydown and storage areas, installation of rebar and cadwelds, fire prevention / protection, reactor vessel storage and maintenance, concrete placement, and installation and welding of safety-related pipe and drywell structures. The inspection involved a total of 117 inspector-hours onsite by one NRC inspector including 0 inspector-hours onsite during off-shifts.

Results: Of the areas inspected, one item of noncompliance was identified.


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Tersons Contacted


Principal Licensee Employees

  • J. O. McHood, Vice President, Project Manager, Clinton 53. M. Brashear, Site Manager, Clinton
  • R. J. Canfield, Director-Construction

/.. J. Budnick, DirectooQA

  • E. E. Connon, Assistant Director-Construction
  • L. W. Dozier, Assistant Directer-Construction
  • D. E. Korneman, Construction R. W. Folck, QA Specialist J. S. Spencer, Director-Engineering R. Weber, QA Engineer R. Becker, QA Consultant J. Geier, Manager-General Engineering
  • W. L. Calhoun, Electrical Construction B. Spicer, QA Consultant
  • M. C. Hollon, Supervisor-QA F. G. Schwarz, Supervisor C/S Construction D. J. Lindstrom, QA Er.gineer
  • G. N. Motsegood, Engheering
  • R. Morgenstern, QA Specialist Baldwin Associates
  • J. W. Smart, QA M uager
  • T. Selva, Manager, Quality and Technical Services
  • W. H. Harrington, Project Manager
  • J. E. Findley, Project Engineer W. O'Brien, QC Piping
  • H. R. Swift, Assistant Project Engineer
  • L. A. Gelbert, QC Manager G. B. Browne, Manager, Subcontracts B. Curby, Asst. Project Manager
  • G. Chapman, Manager, Technical Services T. G. Yearich, Asst. Project Manager ANI M. J. King General Electric J. L. Dempster, Site Manager S. G. Hall, Quality Control Other staff and personnel were contacted during the reporting period.
  • Denotes those attending at least one of the exit meetings.

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Functional or Program Areas Inspected

i a.

Plant Tours One or more plant areas were toured several times during the reporting period to observe general construction practices, area cleanliness and storage condition of equipment, piping, and electrical equipment.


Inspection of Material / Component Storage Areas


The Rasident Inspector toured storage areas outside and within the Power block several times during the month. The inspection was in relation to the requirements of BAPs 1.5, 2.4, and 2 7 concerning material protected and stored off the groundo caps on pipe ends, segregation of safety and nonsafety material, material identification and general cleanliness for fire prc>-


Ei.ght areas of concern as to poor housekeeping and fire protec-tion were pointed out to the licensee for action. The subject areas contained scattered piles of combustibles (trast, wood, Visqueen) that could easily be ignited by welding sparks. The areas were the four RHR Heat Exchanger rooms on the 737' and 762' levels, and the RCIC and RHR pump rooms on the 707' level of the Auxiliary Building. These areas presented potential fire hazards with the possibility of damage to safety-related material.

The Inspector also noted that the plastic protective covering over the top of the insulation panels on the two RHR Heat Exchangers was torn open. The insulation panels on these heat exchangers were s 2bjected to the ele.'ents and water damage because the roof of the steam tunnel was removed in addition to the damaged protective covering.

The Inspector also noted to the Iicensee the following areas within the Au:ci.liary Building as examples of improper material protection, storage, and segregation of safety and nonsafety material:

1) Safety-related material mixed with nonsafety handrails was evident adjacent to the 737' RHR B Pump area.

2) Safety-related pipe with ends uncapped and mixed with nonsafety material in the cross aisle of the 707' level.


3) Safety-related I beams in water and trash behind the air filter unit of 707' RHR Pump A room.

4) Safety-related pipe S10425 (20") with end open was located in 707' level RHR Pump C room.

Examples of improper material protection, segregation and storage outside the Power Block were alst presented to the Licensee:

1) Around the ERAT perimeter, small-bore pipe (RHR Safety)

and CY Safety Structural iron (safety) pipe was stored in the mud.

was mixed with nonsafety and stored in tne mud.





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2) At the west entrance to the Turbine Bd1 ding, safety-related pipe and electrical material was stored on the


ground and mixed with trash.

Inside and outside the southwest corner entrance to the Turbine Building, safety and nonsafety pipe, material and unmarked scrap were mixed. Safety-related material was partially buried under gravel.

3) At the Screenhouse in front of the pumps was storage of nonsegregated safety and nonsafety small-bore pipe.

4) On the east side of Make-up Water Pump House, there was safety-related mixed with nonsafety and unidentified pipe (10" OD x 16').

5) Safety-related electrical cable tray, strat, conduit and auxiliary steel were piled haphazardly and on the ground by the south end of the Service Building.

Some safety-related imbeds, electrical strut, and a pipe penetration were on the ground and mixed with scrap material outside the equipment hatch area of the Fuel Building. The scrap area was not marked or segregated.

Barrels of safety-related plate material contained water and had no covers for rain protection. Traceability markings were rusting away.

6) Across the road from the Fuel Building Equipment Hatch are located two separate material storage areas. The Nonsafety Pipe area contained safety-related VP and VR pipe, RT Spring Hangers, and L and U shaped structural steel in with nonsafety material as well as scrap (unmarked).

The Safety-related Containment Storage Area had examples of en to the elements and stainless steel pipe on pipe ends op(wit' VI.squeen) in pools of water. Also noted the ground was the nonsafety plate cutting operation located within the area.

7) At the south end of the Diecel Generator Building, safety-related pipe was mixed in with crane parts and wood.

Divi-sional-safety cable tray was in the dirt.

The Inspector notes that some cf the aforementioned items are repeat items listed in NRC March Report 50-461/81-06. The Inspector also notes that the storage condition of the previously noted items was not the momentary result of daily construction but was a condition barely changed throughout the month.

This item is considered to be in noncompliance of the requirements of Criterion XIII of 10.CFR 50, Appendix B, (81-08-01).

I c.

Containment Rebar and Cadwelds The Residert Inspector performed a random sample inspection of rebar and cadwelds installed in the exterior containment dome.

l The following conditions were noted:






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1) Rebar tie fastenings were secure.

  • 2) Rebar. to foms edge distance was satisfactory.

3) Cadwelds marked for identification, operator identity, and inspection completion were satisfactory.

4) Cadweld installation stagger and repair spacing was within specification.

5) Individual cadweld inspections of filler hole and end sleeve area voids and slag inclusion were satisfactory.

6) Vertical cadweld sleeves when installed in the horizontal position had the necessary wire vents installed in the sleeve ends.

No items of noncompliance or deviation were identified.


Concrete Placement During the reporting period, the Inspector performed surveillances of the following-concrete pours:

1) Five individual containment dome mock-up pours with followup critique.

2) O esel Generator Building Roof. Traveler 1548, 197 cubic yards.

3) Containment Dome (exterior). Traveler 1560, pour NT 'd-24, 358 cubic yards.

The following conditions were noted:

1) The travelers were complete and signed off by all parties prior to the concrete pours.

2) Concrete test resu2 ts were within specification limits.

3) Roving surveillance by Quality Control was adequate and satisfactory.

4) Placement areas were clean of debris.

Rebar tie fastenings were secure.

5) Placement crew numbers were satisfactory.

Concrete delivery and placements were satisfactory.

Consolidation technique was satisfactory.

6) Quality Control concrete pour and drawing checklists

JV 525, 526, 506, and 191 were complate and signed.

No items of noncompliance or deviation were identified.











Fabrications of Safety-Related Pirine Systems


During the reporting period, the Inspector on Jerved work including handling, protection, inspection, and welding of safety-related piping systems.

1) Residual Heat Removal System 1RH-21-1 1RH-26-10 1RH-22-LA 1RH-22-2 2) Fire Protection 1FP-121-5 For each of these welds one or more of the following fabrication activities was observed. Handling and protection of piping and partially completed welds were satisfactory. Purge gas was cor-rectly used when applicable. The weld area was free of contaminants.

The joint fitrup dimensions were within procedural requirements and the welders were certified as qualified for the process specified to be used for welding the pipe joint. Technique and weld results appeared to be satisfactory.

No items of noncompliance or deviation were ider.tified.


Installation of Safety-Related Structure During the reporting period, the Inspector observed work which included handling, installation, heat treating, welding and inspection of a safety-related structure. The massive contain-ment structure is located in the drywell et 900 on the 780' level and attaches to tb reactor biological shield. The structure is assembled and attached with numerors welds under the control of Traveler M27-RS-82, Rev. 11, (typical welds AMIR3A and 4MIR6A).


For each of the welds one or more of the following fabrication activities was observed. Handling and protection of structure and partially completed welds were satisfactory.

The weld area was free of contaminants. The joint fit-up dimensions were within requirements and the welders were qualified for the process speci-fled. Technique and visual weld results appeared to be satisfactorf.

Two heat control shacks were set up and manned to provide preheat and interpass temperature for welding. Temperatures were within specification and equipment calibration stickers were within due date. Heat applications were well mapped out, logged, and adequately controlled. The Inspector observed that the structure installation drawing, S27-lL25, Rev. F, included some weld map additions in red-line. The constructor took action to provide a separate weld map constructor drawing to ensure drawing control procedures were not violated.

Procedures will be upgraded to include weld maps for the structural discipline.


No items of noncompliance or deviation were identified.

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g, Re"ctor Vas"1


The Resident Inspector perfomed a cleanliness and maintenance inspection inside the reactor vessel. Entrance control was e

acceptable. Separate logs for personnel and equipment entry / exit were maintained. Cleanliness control was per procedure. Inside cleanliness was acceptable. The Inspector noted two items te Quality Assurance: tape on inside wall, and purge dam material inside the steam nozzle. Action was promised by the licensee Quality Assurance representative present during the inspection. The Inspector will follow up next time the vessel interior is opened.


Power Generation Control Complex (PGCC)

The Resident Inspector, in conjunction with inspector R. Gardner, Region III, perfomed a surveillance of ongoing work in the PGCC area of the 800' level of the Control Building. Areas of inspec-tion were:

electrical s., ble segregation and separation, cable protection and installat.ot., structural installations, and elec-trical connectors.

Items of noncompliance are contained in Region IU Report 81-09 i.

Team Insoection Support A special team of NRC inspectors perfomed a trial inspection program at the Clinton site from February 9 through February 27, 1981. The Resident Inspector continues to perform follow-up inspection activities in connection with the team findings. Two follow-up inspections were perfomed onsite by team member inspec-tor, I. Yin. The Resident Inspector perfomed staff support activi-ties during and after these inspections.

Meetings / Site Visits During this reporting period the Resident Inspector attended and/or participated in the following:

l 1) ASLB Licensing Prehearing Conference of April 14, 1981.



2) NRR Licensing Environmental Team Meeting and Site Tour, April 27 and 28, 1981.


3) Site and Power Block Tours for NRC: James R. Miller, Chief, NRR Division of Licensing; C. Grimes, Program Manager, NRR;

R. Goddard, Office of Executive Legal Director.

4) General coonlination and program revieu with agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.


Exit Meetings i

The Resident Inspector attended exit meetings conducted by Region III inspectors R. Gardner, and I. Yin on April 9, 10 and 15, 1981. The Resident Inspector met with Licensee representatives (denoted under Persons Contacted) on April 6, 13, 20 and 24, 1981. The Inspector


summarized the scope and findings of the inspections perfomed.


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