IR 05000461/1981006

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IE Insp Rept 50-461/81-06 on 810302,03 & 12-31.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Laydown & Storage Areas,Installation & Condition of NSSS Components
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/19/1981
From: Livermore H, Reimann F
Shared Package
ML19347F809 List:
50-461-81-06, 50-461-81-6, NUDOCS 8105260386
Download: ML19347F811 (6)




Illinois Power Company 500 South 27th Street Decatur, IL 62525 Facility Name: Clinton Power. Station, Unit 1 Inspection At:

Clinton Site, Clinton, IL Inspection Conducted: March 2 and 3 and 12 through 31, 1981

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P tur c7 ys 4-6 -9l Inspector:


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- c / / / 2 Chief F. Reimann, Acting Approved

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Inspection Summary Inspection on March 2 and 3 and 12 through 31,1981, (Report No. 50-461/81-06),

Areas Inspected:

Routine, resident inspector's inspection of construction activities including material laydown and storage areas, installation and condition of nuclear steam supply system components, fire prevention / pro-tection, documentation review, concrete placement, and welding of safety-related pipe. The inspection involved a total of 45 inspector-hours onsite by one NRC inspector ir',1uding 0 inspector-hours onsite during off-shifts.

Results: Of the area inspected, no items of noncompliance or deviation were identified.

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Persons Contacted Principal Licensee Employees

  • G.M. Brashear, Site Manager, Clinton
  • R.J. Canfield, Director-Construction A.J. Budnick, Director-QA
  • E.E. Connon, Assistant Director-Construction L.W. Dozier, Assistant Director-Construction
  • D.E. Korneman, Construction R.W. Folck, QA Specialist J.S. Spencer, Director-Engineering R. Weber, QA Engineer-R. Becker, QA Consultant J. Geier, Manager-General Engineering W.L. Calhoun, Electrical Construction B. Spicer, QA Consultant
  • M.C. Hollon, Supervisor-QA F.G. Schwarz, Supervisor c/s Construction D.J. Lindstrom, QA Engineer
  • G.N. Motsegood, Engineering Baldwin Associates
  • J.W. Smart, QA Manager T. Selva, Manager, Quality and Technical Services W.H. Harrington, Project Manager
  • J.E. Findley, Project Engineer C.E. Winfrey, QC Civil W. O'Brien, QC Piping
  • H.R. Swift, Assistant Project Engineer
  • L. A. Gelbert, QC Manager G.B. Browne, Manager, Subcontracts B. Curby, Asst. Project Manager
  • G. Chapman, Manager, Technical Services ANI M.J. King General Electric J.L. Dempster, Site Manager S.G. Hall, Quality Control Other staff and personnel were contacted during the reporting period.
  • Denotes those attending at least one of the exit meetings.

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Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Noncompliance (50-461/80-23), Incorrect handling and installa-tion of the Fuel Transfer Tube. The Licensee's corrective action was reviewed.

These actions included training sessions for riggers and handlers, (2) concurrence of the crane manufacturer, and (3) Architect /

Fngineer approval of the subject rigging.

Based on the actions taken and ongoing inspection results, this item is closed.


Functionaler Program Areas Inspected a.

P1_ ant Tours One or more plant areas were toured several times during the reporting period to observe general construction practices; area cleanliness and storage condition of equipment, piping, and electrical equipment.


Inspection of Material / Component Storage Areas The resident inspector toured storage areas in the outside laydown yard and within the power block several times during the month.

The areas were randomly selected.

The inspection-was in relation to the requ vements of ANSI N45.2.2, material protected and stored off the ground, caps on pipe ends, segre-gation of safety and nonsafety material, and general cleanli-ness for fire protection.

Six areas of concern as to fire protection were presented to the Licensee for action. The subject areas contained scattered piles of combustibles (trash, paper, tarpaulin) that could easily be ignited by welding sparks.

Two areas of concern as to material storage and segregation were presented to the Licensee for action.

Electrical cable tray, strut, and auxiliary steel were piled haphazardly and on the ground by the south end of the Service Building. Some safety-related embed material and electrical strut were not segregated from scrap material outside the equipment hatch area of the Fuel Building.

The inspector notes that the Licensee took satisfactory corrective action. The inspector also notes that the subject items represent a very small percentage of the total areas and items inspected.

No items cf noncompliance or deviation were identified.


Concrete Placement The resident inspector performed a surveillance of a safety-related concrete pour of a firish floor on the 737' level of the Radwaste Building. This pour of 53 ' yards of safety-related concrete--was covered by Traveler No.1534, and was placed on March 27, 1981.




The-following conditions were noted:


1) The traveler was complete and signed off by all parties prior to the concrete pour.


2) Concrete test results were within specification limits.

3) Roving surveillance by Quality Control was adequate and satisfactory.

4) Placement area was clean of debris. Rebar tie fastenings were secure.

5) Placement crew numbers were satisfactory. Concrete delivery and placement was satisfactory. Consolidation technique was satisfactory.

Tha inspector notes that the base mat curing compound was not

. removed prior to the pour. This condition is addressed in Report 81.03, Noncompliance 81-03-01.

No items of noncompliance or deviation were identified.


Documentation Review The resident inspector reviewed the following Contractor and Licensee procedures and related documentation:

1) Nuclear Station Engineering Procedure #33, Rev. O, ASME BP&V Section IX Repair, Replacement and Modification -

Construction Phase.

2) Quality Assurance Instruction 118.03, Rev.1, Audit Reports, Auditor to Review for 50.55e Potential.

3) Quality Assurance Instruction 218.05C27, Rev. 2, Surveillance Checklist for Drawing Control.

4) Quality Assurance Instruction 401.01, Rev. 0, Engineering Quality Assurance Work Assignment.

5) Baldwin Associates Technical Services Instruction on Process Surveillance NDE (Contractor) (Proposed).

6) Clinton Site Activities Procedure C-1, Rev. 4, Control of Procedures.

7) Baldwin Associates Technical Services BTS 404, Heat Treatment Procedure Specification Rev. 14, (with comments).

8) Baldwin Associates Procurement Manual, Rev.14.

9) NRC, NRR Prelimirary Evaluation of Clinton FSAR Sections 3.2, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.9.


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Informal comments were forwarded to Illinois Power Quality Assurance as a result of a review of BTS.04 Heat Treatment Procedure, and

BAP 3.3.2 Cable Installation Procedure.

Comments by the resident inspector are for "information only" and are intended to point out potential problem areas, and are specificaliy nonmandatory. The inspector also reviewed numerous Field Change Requests and Noncon-formance Reports in order to monitor the Contractors' provisions for implementing changes and daily ongoing plant construction activities.


Team Inspection Support A special NRC team inspection was performed at Clinton Power Plant during February,1981.

The resident inspector continues to perform informational and follow-up tasks for the region based inspection team personnel.

The inspector continues to monitor corrective actions resulting from stop-nork orders resulting from Immediate Action Letters initiated by the inspection team.

No items of noncompliance or deviation were identified.


Welding of Safety-Related Piping System The inspector observed werk including handling, protection, inspection and welding of safety-related diesel generator pipe weld 1-DG-2-4.

Activities were performed satisfactorily to traveler DG-2.

Handling and protection of t.he pipe assembly (24") was satisfactory. Joint fit-up dimensions were within Code requirements (ASME Class B pipe)

and the weld area was free of grease or particles.

The welder (F694)

was qualified to the process (GTAW) and to the metal thickness range


that includes the subject pipe.

Hisqualifjcationwillnotrunout until 5/81.

The procedure used (h-1-1-BA-L ) was qualified per ASME code to P1 to P1 material, which includes the subject pipe material SA106GrB.

Shielding gas (argon) flow was above minimem ind amperage range was within procedural range. Traceability heat numbers of the pipe spools and the filler metal rods were recorded in the traveler package.

Filler rods E70S-2 were correct for the process '(GTAW) and were of the size within the welders qualification.

After discussions with the welder, and visual inspections of his work, the f1spector determined that the welder " knew what he was doing".

The inspector notes that the weld procedure was not present in the near work area.

This has been addressed by the NRC team inspection of February,1981.

No items of noncompliance or deviation were identified.

Nuclear Steam System Supplier (NSSS) Equipment g.

The inspector observed the inplace storage and protection of NSSS components.

The steam separator and the steam dryer were properly


stored and protected. The reactor vessel head appears to be adequately stored and protected from possible overhead damage.

No items of noncompliance or deviation were identified.











Exit Meetings


The resident inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted under Persons Contacted) on March 20 and 27,1981. The inspector summarized the scope and findings of the inspections performed.


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