IR 05000461/1981021

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IE Insp Rept 50-461/81-21 on 810701-31.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Const Areas Including Matl Laydown & Storage Areas,Welding Activities,Qc Insp Activities & Concrete Placement
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/25/1981
From: Livermore H, Reimann F, Wescott H
Shared Package
ML20010F472 List:
50-461-81-21, NUDOCS 8109100262
Download: ML20010F475 (5)






Report No. 50-461/81-21 Socket No. 50-461 License No. CPPR-137 Licensee:

Illinois Power Company 500 South 27th Street Decatur, IL 62525 Facility Name: Clinton Power Station, Unit 1 Inspection At: Clinton Site, Clinton, IL Inspection Conduct

July 1 through 31, 1981



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Approved By F. W. Re mann, Acting Chief 2 C f/

Projects Section 1C


Inspection Summary Inspection on July 1 through 31, 1981, (Report No. 50-461/81-22)

Areas Inspected: Routine, Resident Inspector's inspection of construction activities including material laydown and storage areas, welding activi-ties, quality control inspection activities, concrete placement, non-destructive testing, and electrical cable pull activities. The inspection involved a total of 101 inspector-hours onsite by one NRC inspector includ-ing 4 inspector-hours during off-shifts.

Results: Of the areas inspected, no items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.

8109100262 010925 PDR ADOCK 05000461 Q




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Persons Contacted (

Principal Licensee Employees

  • W.

C. Gerstner, Executive Vice President

  • J. O. McHood, Vice Pre::ident, Project Manager, Clinton
  • G. M.-Brashear, Site Manager, Clinton
  • R.

J. Canfield, Director-Construction A. J. Budnick, Director 4

  • E. E. Connon, Assistant Director-Construction
  • L. W. Dozier, Assistant Director-Construction
  • D. E. Korneman, Construction R. W. Folck, QA Specialist J. C. Spencer, DirectorwEngineering R. Weber, QA Engineer J. Geier, Manager-General Engineering W. L. Calhoun, Electrical Construction B. Spicer, QA Consultant
  • M. C. Hollon, Supervisor @
  • F.G.Schwarz,Supervisorc/sConstruction
  • G. N. Motsegood, Engineering
  • R. Morgenstern, QA Specialist Baldwin Associates
  • J. W. Smart, QA Manager
  • T. Selva, Manager, Quality and Technical Services
  • W. H. Harrington, Project Manager
  • J.

E. Findley, Project Engineer

  • H. R. Swift, Assistant Project Engineer
  • L. A. Gelbert, QC Manager G. B. Browne, Manager, Subcontracts B. Curby, Asst. Project Manager M. Chapman, Manager, Technical Services ANI M. J. King


General Electric J. L. Dempster, Site Manager S. G. Hall, Qaality Control Other staff and personnel were contacted during the reporting period.

  • Denotes those attending at least one of the exit meetings.


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  • 2.

Licensee Action on Previously Identified Items (Closed) 10 CFR 50.55(e) Report dated 5/27/80,(50-461/8M6)


Subject: Replacement of Control Rod Drive penetration assemblies due to weldment defects. The inspector reviewed four (4) selected CRD reinstallation travellers as follows: No. IMD-37-RF1, No. IMD-38-RF2, No. IMD-39-RF3, and No. IMD-40-RF4 The inspector also reviewed associated liquid penetrant examination reports, grout work, preplacement and placement checklist (safety-related), and final cleaning travellers.

In addition, the inspector visually examined approximately ten (10) CRD weldments located on the inside of the drywell wall and found no defects.

This item is considered closed.


(Closed) Unresolved Item (8143-02), Attachment of Safety-Related Components to Concrete Fintsh Floor Slabs. The Licensee has identi-fied the locations of all topping slabs in Category I buildings and stated by letter that no safety-related piping is imbedded in sub-ject slabs. Attachment of safety-related items to these slabs is controlled specifically by drawing and is based on design tests.

The Licensee Quality Assurance has reviewed these tests and calcu-lations in Audit Q35-81-3 The inspector has no further questions in this area.

(Closed) Noncompliance Infractiori (8143-01), Failure to Remove c.

Pigmented Curing Compound from Construction Joint Surface. The Architect Engineer perfomed an engineering review of the practice of not removing curing compound prior to finish slab pours. A Licensee review of calculations and test results indicate that a positive bond exists between the finish and structural slabs; and also, that resultant bearing stresses on structural elements caused by seismically induced lateral forces acting on an (assumed) unbonded finish slab are very small, and are considered to be insignificant.

Calculations of various areaa in the power block indicate that seismically induced vertical forces are of insufficient magnitude to cause an upward bending or separation of base and finish slabs.

The Architect Engineer has revised the specification K2944 to indi-cate the present practice, thereby removing interpretation differ-ences.

The inspector has no further questions in this area.

Functional or Program Areas Inspected a.

Site Tours At periodic intervals during the report period, tours of areas of the site were perfomed. These tours were intended to assess the cleanliness of the site; storage conditions of equipment and material being used in site construction; the potential for fire or other hazards which might have a deleterious effect on personnel and equip-ment, and to witness construction activities in progress.










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No items of noncompliance or deviation were identified.



Inspection Support i

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An NRC investigation of Quality Control related activities was

perfomed for the period of June 2-19, and July 31, 1981. The


Reddent Inspector provided staff technical support and follow-l up for these activities.. All related items of noncompliance or


deviation will be included in the Region III report.

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Concrete Placement I


i During the reporting period, the inspector perfomed surveillance of the following concrete pours:

l (1) Radwaste Building, 737' level, floor slab. Traveler-1620, i

Room RM3-38, 46, 47 (2) Control Bd1 ding, 737' level, noor slab. Traveler 1613, Areas D3-39 & 19 (3) Fuel Building, Airlock basemat F-S-1-7, 737' level.


Traveler 1097, drawing CL1-OO-S-006, Sht.19A.

i The following conditions were noted:

(1) The travellers were complete and signed off by all parties.



Concrete test results were within specification limits.


l (3) Roving' surveillance by Quality Control was adequate and satisfactory.


(4) Placement areas were clean of debris. Rebar tie fastenings

were secure.

(5) Placement crew numbers were satisfactory.

Concrete delivery and placements were satisfactory.




technique was satisfactory.


(6)QualityControlconcretepouranddrawingchecklists JV 525, 526, 506, 531, and 191 were complete and signed.


No items of noncompliance or deviation were identified. -


Fabrications of Safety-Related Systems


During the reporting period, the inspector observed work including i

handling, protection, inspection, and welding of the following safety-related systems: Electrical Structure, 786 Auxiliary, i

Traveler E2f>-1401-RH1, SMAW; Piping Containment Penetration, Traveler CC-18-A, TIG;- Piping, MS Quencher Arms and Base, Fabrication Shop, TIG and SMAW, Travelers T23-004 and H1B21-D400F-A; Electrical Struc-ture, 755 Fuel, Traveler E28.-1002-03A-A5.-7B,' SMAW. For each of these j

welds one or more of the following fabrication activities was observed.

Handling and protection of piping or structure and partially completed


welds were satisfactory. Purge gas was correctly used when applicable.


The weld area was free of contaminants. The joint fit-up dimensions j

were within procedural requirements ~and the welders were certified as


qualified for the thickness and the process specified to be used for welding the joint. Technique and' weld results appeared to be satis-

j factory.






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No items of noncompliance or deviation were identified.


Piping System Nondestructive Tecting During the rep (orting period the inspector observed nondestruc-Liquid Penetrant) o tive testing am welds (3). Reference Traveler T23-004. The surfaces of the welds were satisfactory for the perfomance of liquid penetrant examination. The technique observed was satisfactory.

No items of noncompliance or deviation were identified.


Electrical Cable Installation During the reporting period, the inspector observed work including installation, handling, and protection of electrical cables.

Specifically, work associated with the electrical cables listed as follows was observed: Cables 1 DC03 B; 1 D003 A; and 1 DC03 H.

The cable was hand pulled through conduit in Auxiliary Di41 ding 781 Battery Room 1B and associated MCC1B Main Feed Breaker.

It was observed that: Pull cards were in use; cables were identified; Quality Control inspections were perfomed and Quality Control personnel witnessed the pull.

No items of noncompliance or deviation were identified.


Exit Meetings The Resident Inspector attended exit meetings conducted by Region III inspectors H. Wescott, D. Miller, R. Paul, and G. Phillip on July 21, 28, and 31, 1981. The Resident Inspector met with licensee representa-tives (denoted under Persons Contacted) on July 6, 17, 27, 1981. The inspector summarized the scope and findings of the inspections perfomed.


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