IR 05000412/1982006

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IE Insp Rept 50-412/82-06 on 820507-0601.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Containment Liner,Supports Installation,Weld Matl Control,Nondestructive Exams,Storage Controls & Site Tours
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 06/16/1982
From: Chaudhary S, Lester Tripp, Walton G
Shared Package
ML20054K670 List:
50-412-82-06, 50-412-82-6, NUDOCS 8207060042
Download: ML20054K673 (8)



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U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION OFFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT Region I Report N /82-06 Docket N License No. CPPR-105 Priority -- Category A Licensee: Duquesne Light Company


Robinson Plaza Building No. 2 Suite #210, PA Route 60 Pittsburgh, PA 15205 Facility Name: Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 2 Inspection at: Shippingport, Pennsylvania Inspection conducted: May 7 - June 1,1982 Inspectors: ,};9( 0. th)i,){_ ,-

G. Walton, Senior Resident Inspector

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date signed h b /4,/982 v -

S Ch dhary,; Reactor Inspector date signed Approved by: / M,

. ripp, Chief, Reactor Projects

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date signed Section No. 2A, Projects Branch N Inspection Summary: . Inspection on May 7 - June 1,1982 (Report No. 50-412/82-06).

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection by one resident inspector and one regional based inspector of the containment liner, supports installation, weld material control, nondestructive examinations, sturage controls, licensee actions on NRC Circulars and Part 21 reports, and site tours. The inspection involved 111 hours0.00128 days <br />0.0308 hours <br />1.835317e-4 weeks <br />4.22355e-5 months <br /> onsite by two inspector Results: Of seven areas inspected, no items of noncompliance were icentifie .

Region I Fonn 12 (Rev. April 77)

gDg7060042820616ADOCK 050004 2,

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DETAILS 1. Persons Contacted Duquesne Light Company (DLC)

  • R. Coupland, Director, Quality Control

+*H. N. Crooks, Jr., Assistant Director Quality Control

+ C. E. Ewing, QA Manager

+ R. W. Fedin, Compliance Engineer

  • W. H. Glidden, Senior QA Engineer


  • S. D. Hall, Senior Compliance Engineer P. R. Haines, Procurement Inspector

+*J. M. Markovich, Compliance Engineer

  • J. G. Proven, Construction Engineer

+ R. J. Swiderski, Manager, Nuclear Construction G. Kal6z, Site QC Engineer C. Majumdar, Site QC Engineer Stone and Webster (S&W)

+*S. T. Adams, Superintendent of Construction

+ C. R. Bishop, Resident Manager .

  • S. Bose, Structural Engineer

+ R. J. Faust, Site Structural Engineer

+*A. C. McIntyre Site Engineering Office Head R. D. Harris, Site Materials Engineer Schneider, In G. J. Timko, Site QA Manager Power Piping Company G. Cole, Weld Engineer D. Charley, QC Manager H. R. Good, Corporate Director QA Manager T. L. Mueller, QA Engineer J. Perozzi, Superintendent

+Present at exit meeting on June 1,1982



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2. Construction Site Walk-Through Inspection Numerous tours of the construction site were made to observe work activ-ities in progress, completed work and plant status of the construction site. The presence of quality control inspectors, quality control records and equipment storage was observed. During the tour on June 1 the inspector observed cable spools stored in the battery room with the cable ends untaped, bare copper cable was stored around the cable and placed directly against the cable jackets, and temporary heating ducting stored on top of the cable spools. Site quality control issued a non-

. conformance and disposition report and engineering is evaluating to determine disposition. This item is unresolved pending further evaluation by the licensee and additonal inspections by the NRC to determine if this is an isolated cas (82-06-02).

3. Licensee Action on NRC Circulars The following Circulars are closed based on evidence that they were received, and if applicable, forwarded to S&W and Westinghouse for appropriate action and that such action is in progres Circular 78-08, " Environmental Qualification of Safety Related Electrical Equipment." Response from Westinghouse to Duquesne Light, dated July 24, 197 Circular 79-18, " Proper Installation of Target Rock Safety-Relief Valve." Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated April 28, 198 Circular 79-21, " Prevention of Unplanned Releases of Radioactivity."

Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated February 8,198 Circular 79-22, " Stroke Times for Power Operated Relief Valves."

Response to Duquesne Light from S&W, reference 2DLS-982 Circular 79-23, " Motor Starters and Contactors Failed to Operate."

Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated December 10, 198 Circular 79-24, " Proper Installation and Calibration of Core Spray Pipe Break Detection Equipment." Not applicable to PWR system Circular 79-25, " Shock Arrestor Strut Assembly Interference."

Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated February 21, 198 Circular 80-01, " Service Advice for General Electric Induction Disc Relays." Not applicable to PWR system Circular 80-02, " Nuclear Power Plant Staff Work Hours." Not applicable to constructio _ . -

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-- Circular 80-04, " Securing of Threaded Locking Devices on Safety Related Equipment." Responses from S&W to Westinghouse, dated July 15,1980 and S&W to Duquesne Light, dated June 4,198 Circular 80-05, " Emergency Diesel Generator Lubricating Oil Addition and Onsite Supply." Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated June 18, 198 Circular 80-07, " Problems with HPCI Turbine Oil System." Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated May 23, 198 '

-- Circular 80-09, " Plant Internal Communications Systems." Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated July 22, 198 Circular 80-10. " Failure to Maintain Environmental Qualification of Equipment." Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated June 18, 198 Circular 80-11, " Emergency Diesel Generator Lube Oil Cooler Failures."

Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated June 18, 198 Circular 80-12 " Valve-Shaft-to-Actuator Key." Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated August 5, 198 Circular 80-15, " Loss of Reactor Coolant Pump Cooling and Natural Circulation Cooldown." Responses from S&W to Westinghouse, dated November 18, 1980 and S&W to Duquesne Light, dated October 16, 198 Circular 80-17, " Fuel Pin Damage Due to Water Jet from Baffle Plate Corner." Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated December 31,198 Circular 80-18, "10CFR50.59 Safety Evaluations for Changes to Radio-active Waste Treatment Systems." Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated January 23, 198 Circular 80-21, " Regulation of Refueling Crews." Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated November 12, 198 Circular 80-22, " Confirmation of Employee Qualification." Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated December 16, 198 Circular 80-23, " Potential Defects in Beloit Power Systems Emer-gency Generators." Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated January 23, 198 ,

-- Circular 81-01, " Design Problems Involving Indicating Pushbutton Switches Manufactured by Honeywell." Response from S&W to Duquesne

Light, dated April 21, 198 A

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-- Circular 81-02, " Performance of NRC-Licensed Individuals While On Duty." Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, April 10, 198 .


Circular 81-03, " Inoperable Seismic Monitoring Instrumentation."

Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated May 25, 198 Circular 81-05, "Self-Aligning Rod End Bushings for Pipe Supports."

Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated April 25, 198 Circular 81-06, " Potential Defitlency Affecting Certain Foxboro


10 to 50 Milliampere Transmitters." Response from Westinghouse, dated July 9,198 Circular 81-09, " Containment Effluent Water That Bypasses Radio-activity Monitor." Response from S&W to Duquesne Light, dated September 15, 198 The inspector had no further questions regarding these Circular . Licensee Action on Part 21 Report The following Part 21 report from Westinghouse was reviewed to ascertain applicability and corrective actions taken onsit (Closed) Part 21 (80-88-02): Westinghouse 7300 Series Process I&C Cards, A detailed inspection of the Primary Protection and Control Cabinets was performed by Site Quality Control and the Westinghouse Site Electri-cal Engineer. The results, documented in Inspection Report E-1231, concluded that none of the defective type of cards were present in the Primary Protection and Control Cabinets supplied to Beaver Valley, Unit . Licensee Actions on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Unresolved Item (82-01-05): Heating Ventilating and Air Con-ditioning Systems. The inspector reviewed the changes made to weld procedure SPBV-200, Revision ll, dated January 28, 1982 for inspection and removal of temporary tack weld Paragraph 6.8.2 states " Temporary tack welds shall be removed and the area visually inspected prior to final fit-up."

(Closed) Unresolved Item (82-01-06): Marks on Outside of Class 1 Pip The inspector performed numerous site tours to observe the handling prac-tices of safety related piping to ascertain compliance with *the applicable handling procedures. All stainless steel piping was being handled using webbing, rope or was wrapped to prevent damage. The case cited in Inspection Report 82-01, SIS-269-2 appears to be an isolated case. The inspector had no further questions on this matter.

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(Closed) 82-01-04: Delta Ferrite in Stainless Steel Welds. The inspector visited Power Piping Company in Denora, PA to audit the program for delta-ferrite control on stainless steel piping weld Of specific concern was the disposition of welds with ferrite under '

one percent. A discussion with the Welding Engineer revealed that Power Piping's practice is to reject and rework all welds which show ferrite readings less than one percent. The inspector verified this by reviewing the below listed record System CHS-81-3: The fabricator had rejected the 3/32 inch E316-16, SFA 5.4 electrode, lot number 50091-4. All electrode from this lot was removed from nuclear work. All welds made using this electrode were reworked and the delta ferrite was verified to be above three percen System QSS-2-3: The fabricator had rejected the 3/32 inch E300-16 electrode, lot number 50088-6. Weld "A" had ferrite readings of .8 percent. Other welds made with this electrode

"B" and "C" were checked and had delta ferrite readings of .8 and .5 percent. All welds were rejected, reworked and the delta ferrite was verified to be above three percent. This lot of electrode was removed from nuclear wor The inspector also verified that 20 percent of the welds on all spool pieces were inspected for percent of delta ferrite and where abnormalities were found, the inspection was increased to 100 percent. This item is considered resolve . Visual Examination of Welds in Steel Structures and Pipe Supports Three completed welds, Beam 11006B1, Beam Bracket SIS-PSSP-004-4-4, and 2-CCP-PSR-056-5-10 (one inside and two outside the containment),

were randomly selected for visual examination. The welds were inspected


for the following characteristics:

-- Location, length, size and shape

-- Weld surface finish and appearance

-- Weld reinforcement - height and thickness


Joint configurations of permanent attachments and supports


Finish grinding of weld surface .


Surface defects The selected welds met the above criteria and were acceptabl __

In addition to the visual examination, the inspector reviewed the documentation associated with the welds to determine the adequacy of inspection, and conformance of the welds to design requirements. The inspector determined that the documentations were adequate and the welds met the design requirement The welds were made by qualified welders using qualified procedure . Welding Material Control


The inspector examined the material handling and control of welding electrodes and wires at rod control station No. 4. The inspector observed that the welding electrodes, wires, rods, and other materials were adequately controlled. The ovens were maintained at proper temp-erature and properly calibrated thermometers displayed the oven temperature. itie oven nos.16 and 17 were stocked with E7018, Lot 36N, 3/32" and E7018, Lot 36K,1/8" electrodes respectively. The electrodes returned at the end of the shift were discarded in a controlled manne No items of noncompliance were identifie . Apparent Bulge in Cor_tainment Liner During a walk-through inspection, the inspector noted some apparent bulges in containment liner at approximately elevation 772.00 and Az 2190-3000 The inspector questioned the acceptance of the liner with such obvious

"defomation" bulge, and if the liner actually was not out of specifica-tion tolerances for erection. The licensee furnished the inspector with the final survey of the liner. The measurement, however, was done at 10 degree intervals, and was not detailed enough to disclose local defonna-tion. The licensee initiated a review of previous data, and a program of additional measurements to determine the acceptability of liner erectio This matter is unresolved pending additional information provided by the l

licensee. (82-06-01).

1 Review of Potential Generic Issues The inspector had advised the licensee of several cases where material I had been supplied by several vendors to nuclear plants which subsequently I required reporting to the NRC as 10CFR50.55(e) items. The information l

was supplied to the licensee and they were asked to determine if they had the same conditions. They have reported that the below listed items were l


not supplied to Beaver Valley, Unit i

-- Motor control centers supplied by Square O Compan "Flaxoap" cable pulling lubricant manufactured by Sherwin Williams Co.

l Welded embedments supplied by Acme Steel Engineering Company, Baltimore, M Pipe welds supplied by Associated Pipe and Engineering Company as l

discussed in IE Bulletin 82-01 Revision 0 and Revision 1, titled, "Al-teration of Radiographs of Welds in Piping Subassemblies." Since such piping subassemblies were not supplied to Beaver Valley, Unit 2, this item is closed. (82-BU-01)

10. Nondestructive Examinations The inspector witnessed ultrasonic examination of the 4 inch to 6 inch pipe


weld r.n line number 2FNC-006-16-4 shown on drawing 12241-BZ-110B-3818. The inspector checked the following items and found them acceptable:


Personnel Qualification


Instrumentation Calibration

-- Recording Results


No items of noncompliance were identifie . Protection and Storage of Reactor Pressure Vessel The inspector audited the installed reactor pressure vessel and head to deter-mine if the below listed items were complied with:


Procedures for protection of installed reactor pressure vesse A cover is provided on top of the vessel to prevent entry of any de-bris. The nozzles which are not being welded are also protected to prevent debris from entering the vessel. The interior of the vessel and associated reactor coolant pipe is presently being maintained Zone IV cleannes The above items were found acceptable. No items of noncompliance were identifie . Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters about which more infonnation is required to


determine whether they are acceptable, items of noncompliance, or devia-( tions. Two unresolved items were identified and are discussed in Paragraphs 2 and 8 of this repor ,

1 Exit Interview Meetings were held with the licensee representatives indicated in Paragraph 1 on May 14 and June 1, 1982, to discuss the inspection scope and finding A sunnary of inspection findings was also provided to the licensee at the conclusion of the report perio . . - - , - -