IR 05000373/1979033

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IE Insp Rept 50-373/79-33 on 790801-31.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Procedures,Personnel Qualifications & Preoperational Test
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/19/1979
From: Spessard R, Walker R
Shared Package
ML20125B211 List:
50-373-79-33, NUDOCS 7910250036
Download: ML20125B213 (6)


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Report No. 50-373/79-33 License No. CPPR-99 Docket No. 50-373 Licensee: Consonwealth Edison Company Post Office Box 767 Chicago, IL 60690 Facility Name: La Salle County Station, Unit 1 Inspection At: La Salle Site, Marseilles, IL Inspection Conducted: August 1-31, 1979 l A>4cnC-R. D. W ker g t 9 9/79 Inspector:

Approved By:

WWh%ct R. L. Spessard, Chief 9//9/71 Reactor Projects Section 1 Inspection Summary Inspection on August 1-31, 1979 (Report No. 50-373/79-33)

Areas Inspected: Routine, resident inspector, preoperational inspection consisting of a review of licensee actions on IE Circulars for the years 1978 and 1979, operating procedures, emergency (Operational Abnormal)

procedures, qualifications of certain personnel involved in the Quality Assurance Program for preoperational testing, portions of the draft copy of the Technical Specifications, and portions of the preoperational test program inpplementation; witnessing of portions of a preoperational test; and, a plant walk through. The inspection period involved a total of 105 inspector-hours onsite by one NRC inspecto Results: No items of noncompliance were identifie , 03b 0pO

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DETAILS 1. Persons Contacted

  • R. H. Holyoak, Station Superintendent
  • R. D. Bishop, Technical Staff Supervisor
  • J. Reardanz, Quality Assurance Engineer C. W. Schroeder, Assistant Technical Staff Supervisor J. Harris, Training Supervisor J. Marshall, Operating Engineer J. Renwick, Operating Engineer T. Hammerick, Technical Staff J. Andrews, Technical Staff M. Santic, Technical Staff W. Kirchoff, Technical Staff
  • Denotes those present at the exit intervie . Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (0 pen) Unresolved Item: Operational Training requirements in the FSAR require development of a Replacement Training Program. This item was reported as an open item when inspected in inspection reports 50-373/79-09 and 50-373/78-26. The item remains open, status unchanged, and is reassigned as open item (373/79-33-01) per this repor (Open) Unresolved Item (373/79-23-06): Operator unable to find alarm procedures in the control roo The licensee has taken the following corrective action with respect to this item: The books containing the Operational Abnormal (LOA) procedures that are in the control room have been relabeled to identify them as either abnormal or alarm procedure The operators have received training to refresh them with the details concerning how to use and find the LOA procedure A program has been initiated to identify each window on the alarm panels via a grid coordinate numbering system. The identification system will aid the operator in locating the specific alarm within the procedure in question. The program is not completely implemented at this tim This item remains open pending completion of the described identi-fication program and inspector determination of the adequacy of these corrective action _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _




(0 pen) Unresolved Item (373/79-15-14, 373/79-15-15, and 373/79-15-24):

Operating Procedure Deficiencies. The inspector rereviewed the following operating procedure LOP-HP-01E, High Pressure Core Spray System Electrical Checklist (373/79-15-14). LOP-HP-01M, High Pressure Core Spray System Mechanical Checklist (373/79-15-15), LOP-LP-01M, Low Pressure Core Spray System Mechanical Checklist (373/79-15-24).

These checklists were reviewed against actual installed component The inspector found errors remaining in the checklists. The errors have been identified to the licensee for corrective action. These items remain open pending inspector verification that the errors have been correcte (Closed) Unresolved Item: Fuel Haadler Training Program to meet FSAR commitments. This item was inspected and identified as an open item in inspection reports 50-373/79-09 and 50-373/78-26. The training program to meet this commitment has subsequently been developed and consists of the following: Fuel Handling Foreman Training. The Fuel Handling Foreman will l attend the staff systems course end an augmented systems course


consisting of intensified training in the systems used in fuel handling, including administrative, operating, abnormal / alarm, i and technical staff procedures relevant to those system Fuel Handlers Training. The Fuel Handlers will receive the staff systems course and documented on the job training super-vised by the Fuel Handling Forema (Closed) Unresolved Item: General Employee Training Program to meet FSAR commitment. This item was inspected and identified as an open item in inspection report 50-373/78-30. The FSAR has been amended to remove the requirement for a test to be administered upon completion of the General Employee's Training Program. The inspector could find no regulatory basis to require such an exam and NRR has approved the FSAR change which removes the commitment. The General Employee's Training Program now meets the FSAR requirement (Closed) Unresolved Item (373/79-15-26): Licensee's response to IE Bulletin 78-03. The inspector has determined that the licensee's management forwarded copies of the bulletin to appropriate onsite management representatives, that the information discussed in the licensee's reply was accurate, that corrective action was taken by l



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the licensee as described in the reply, and that the licensee's reply was prompt and within the time period described in the bulleti No items of noncompliance were identified in this are . IE Circular Followup The inspector reviewed the licensee's actions regarding all IE Circulars issued during calendar years 1978 and 1979. The results of this review are as follows: IE Circulars determined to be not applicable to this licensee are: 79-01, 79-06, 79-14, 79-16, 78-01, 78-05, and 78-1 IE Circulars received by the licensee, reviewed for applic-ability, and appropriate action taken or planned by the licensee are: 79-02, 79-07, 79-13, 78-06, 78-07, 78-11, 78-12, and 78-14. Action on these Circulars is considered to be close IE Circulars received by the licensee, reviewed for applic-ability, and no action has been taken or planned at this time by the licensee are listed in table form below. These Circulars are considered to be open items per this report and are so identified in the tabl Circular Responsible IE LSCS Station Open Item Number RIII Branch Responsibility Number 79-03 Safeguards / Security Unassigned 373/79-33-02 79-04 Operations Tech. Staff 373/79-33-03 79-05 Construction SNED 373/79-33-04 79-08 Safeguards / Security Unassigned 373/79-33-05 79-09 Operations Rad-Chem 373/79-33-06 79-10 Construction Station Construction 373/79-33-07 79-11 Construction SNED 373/79-33-08 79-12 Operations Unassigned 373/79-33-09 79-15 Operations Rad-Chem 373/79-33-10 79-17 Operations Tech. Staff 373/79-33-11 78-02 Operations Unassigned 373/79-33-12 78-03 FF&MS Unassigned 373/79-33-13 78-04 Construction Station Construction 373/79-33-14 78-08 Operations Unassigned 373/79-33-15 78-09 Operations Station Maintenance 373/79-33-16 78-13 Operations Unassigned 373/79-33-17 78-15 Operations Unassigned 373/79-33-18 78-16 Operations Tech. Staff 373/79-33-19 78-17 Safeguards / Security Unassigned 373/79-33-20 78-18 Operations Unassigned 373/79-33-21 78-19 Operations Unassigned 373/79-33-22 l -4- 90019231



Action taken by the licensee on these items will be reviewed by an inspector from the appropriate RIII branch on a subsequent inspectio No items of noncompliance were identified in this are . Review of Operating Procedures As part of the inspectors continuing review of station operating procedures, a review of LOP-0G-03, " Filling and Venting the OFFGAS System Drains" was conducted. The inspector found that this pro-cedure does not address filling the loop seal drain from the stac The plant valving that is currently installed does not provide the capability to perform this evolutio Plans are being made to modify plant valving to permit this evolution, and when the valving is modified, this procedure must be changed to reflect the modifi-cation. This item remains open. (373/79-33-23).

No items of noncompliance were identified in this are . Review of Emergency (Operational Abnormal) Procedures The inspector reviewed LOA-0G-02, "0FFGAS Hydrogen Explosion" and found the following errors in this procedure: Format. The headings after B. Immediate Actions are out of sequence, i.e., the procedure sequence is B, E, D, with no Item E.4.c is not complete because it does not identify the l loop seal that drains the stack to the Auxiliary Building Drain !

Sum Item E.4 has an incorrectly referenced procedure. The correct reference should be LOP-0G-0 This procedure will be reviewed at a later date to assure that  !

changes are made to correct these errors. This item remains ope l (373/79-33-24).

No items of noncompliance were identified in this are . Review of Qualifications of Personnel Involved in the Quality Assurance Program for Preoperational Testing j l

The licensee reported that Mr. Robert Stone, who has held the position i of Site Quality Control Supervisor, has been transferred to a position l in corporate headquarters. The licensee has replaced Mr. Stone in I this position with Mr. Patrick Manning. The inspector subsequently reviewed Mr. Manning's qualification for this position. The inspector found that Mr. Manning has appropriate education, training, SNT


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. qualifications, and work experience to meet ANSI 18.1, FSAR, 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, ANSI N45.2.6, and ANSI N45.2.23 requirements for this position.,

No items of noncompliance were identified in this are .. Review of Draft Copy of Technical Specifications The inspector participated in meetings with representatives of the

. licensee's Technical Staff, Operations Department, Training Depart-ment, SNED, Off Site Review, and Licensing Administrator. The meetings were held to review the status and company positions with respect to pending open issues with NRR on the Technical Specifi-

. cations. The inspector'and the licensee's representatives discussed items that needed clarity for mutual interpretation of the Technical Specification No items of noncompliance were identified in this are ) Review of Preoperational Testing Program Implementation The inspector walked-down the components in the High Pressure Core Spray and Low Pressure Core Spray Systems to assure that component tagging for jurisdictional control of these systems is being accom-


plished in accordance with the applicable procedure (LSU 100-5) in the licensee's startup manual. Each component observed by the

' inspector had the appropriate tag or tape in place .

No items of noncompliance were identified in this are . Witnessing of Preoperational Testing The inspector witnessed preoperational testing on the Standby Liquid Control System. The test involved pump check outs in which water i was to be pumped from the system test tank and returned by the pumps j to the system test tank. The test failed to produce the desired result on two different occasions. The licensee is investigating i the cause of these failures and the test will be rerun to produce l the desired results when the system faults are correcte No items of noncompliance were identified in this are . Plant Walk Through The inspector ccaducted plant walk throughs on various occasions during this inspection period. The inspector observed continuing improvement in station housekeepin ~



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