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Insp Rept 50-333/85-13 on 850429-0503.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Action on Previous Insp Findings, Records & Document Control Programs & Facility Mods
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/13/1985
From: Eapen P, Oliveira W
Shared Package
ML20134E621 List:
50-333-85-13, NUDOCS 8508200355
Download: ML20134E642 (9)

See also: IR 05000333/1985013



                              U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                             REGION I
      Report No.   50-333/85-13
      Docket No.   50-333
      License No. DPR-59
      Licensee:    New York Power Authority
                   P. O. Box 41
                   Lycoming, New York
     Facility Name: James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant
      Inspection At: Scriba, New York
     Inspection Conducted: April 29 - May 3, 1985
     Inspector:         d'              N
                      W. Oliveira, Reactor Engineer
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     Approved by:              4.EdpA                                        /3/f5~
                      Dr. P.K. Eapen, Chief, Quality                      cfate '
                      Assurance Section, OB, DRS
     Inspection Summary:
     Routine unannounced inspection conducted on April 29 - May 3,1985 (Report No.

, 50-333/85-13).

     Areas Inspected:
Licensee action on previous inspection findings; records and document control
     programs; and facility modifications.      The inspection involved 56 hours onsite
     inspection by one region based inspector and a supervisor.
     No violations were identified.

' 8508200355 850814

      PDR    ADOCM 05000333
      G                   PDR


   1.0 Persons Contacted
         New York Power Authority
         *R. Baker, Technical Services Superintendent
         *W. Childs, Senior Nuclear Licensing Engineer
          P. Contempio, Facility Manager
         *R. Converse, Superintendent of Power
          W. Fernandez, Operations Superintendent
         *H. Glovier, Resident Manager
         *R. Patch, Quality Assurance Superintendent
         *B. Prucnal, Office Manager
          H. Riley, Design Draftsman
         *V. Walz, Senior Plant Engineer Supervisor
         *E. Zufelt, Draf ting Supervisor
         * Denotes those present at the exit interview
   2.0 Action on Previous Inspection Findings
        (Closed) Open Item (333/78-14-06): Schedule for full implementation of
        ANSI N45.2.9-1974 for records management. The licensee has completed the
         implementation of an ANSI N45.2.9-1974 Records Management Program in early
         1985. Based on the review of the licensee's newly established records
        management program detailed in paragraph 3 of this report, this item is
        (Closed) Open Item (333/84-11-02): Revise Component Quality Assurance (QA)
        Classification Procedure to incorporate generic review and human factors
        consideration. Licensee has incorporated this information in the Engineer-
        ing and Design Procedure (EDP) - 12.
        This item is closed.
        (0 pen) Open Item (333/84-11-03): Perform engineering evaluation on equip-
        ment in the warehouse prior to use in Category I system if equipment is not
        in the Preventive Maintenance Program. Licensee has issued a new mainten-
        ance procedure MPT-28 on the subject and revised Work Activity Control Pro-
        cedure (WACP)-10.1.5 accordingly. The implementation of this program will
        be reviewed during a future NRC inspection.
        This item remains open pending implementation review by the NRC.

r .

     3.0 Records and Document Control
          3.1 Requirements / References
                 1.   ANSI N18.7-1972, Administrative Controls for Nuclear Power
                 2.   ANSI N45.2.9-1974, Requirements for Collection, Storage, and
                      Maintenance of Quality Assurance Records for Nuclear Power
                 3.   ANSI N45.2.11-1974 Quality Assurance Requirements for the
                      Design of Nuclear Power Plants.
                4.     FitzPatrick Technical Specifications Section 6.
                5.     FSAR Chapter 13 and 17.
                6.    New York Power Authority (NYPA) Quality Assurance Program
                7.    Plant Standing Order (PS0) 4, Rev. 2, Quality Assurance
                      Operating Records.
                8.    PSO 5. Rev. O, Control of Drawings and Technical Manual.
                9.    PS0 41, Rev. O, Operation of Archival Storage Facility.
               10.    Work Activity Control Procedure (WACP) 10.1.1, Rev. 9,
                      Work / Event / Deficiency / Form.
          3.2 Program Review
                The inspector reviewed the licensee's Quality Assurance Records and
                Document Control programs. These programs were established to meet
                the requirements of the documents referenced in paragraph 3.1. The
                licensee's procedures adequately identified the records and documen-
                tation including drawings required to be maintained and tracked. Re-
                sponsibilities and controls for storage and filing, transfer, reten-
                tion, maintenance and disposition of records and documents are also
                identified and assigned in the licensee's procedures.
          3.3 Program Implementations and Findings
                The inspector verified the implementation of the QA Records and Docu-
                ment Control Programs by reviewing the records in several department
                storage areas and the records in the storage vault. The document con-
                trol center personnel:
                (1) readily retrieved any records or documents, including microfiche
                      located in specific areas throughout the plant.
 (.   .
          (2) controlled the receipt and verification of records including
                changes and supplemental information. (The inspector reviewed
                Quality Control Inspection Reports (QCIRS) being submitted to
                Document Control Coordinator by the QA Department.   These
                records will be stored as microfiche).
         (3) controlled the access to files and the accountability of
         (4) were knowledgeable of the retention requirements and the dis-
                position of records.
         The primary document for the control and maintenance of records /docu-
        ments is the Records Retention Schedule. Various computerized indices,
         such as, the Construction Index, do exist. A handwritten drawing in-
        dex is available for cross-reference between vendor drawings and their
        corresponding NYPA drawings.
        The storage vault was inspected. This vault met the requirements of a
         single storage facility discussed in ANSI N45.2.9-1974, Paragraph 5.6.
        The temperature and humidity gage and drum chart were not permanently
         insti ' led. They were being moved from place to place in the newly
        buil vault to determine the average temperature and humidity readings.
        Temperature / humidity information was recorded daily in the inspection
        checklist. Access to the vault is controlled by the Document Control
        Coordinator. The permanent records received in the vault include the
        original contract orders (AP-D); welder qualifications, radiographs,
        material tests reports, mechanical equipment check lists, and general
        inspections reports.
        The following records and documents were reviewed to verify proper
        implementation of the programs:
               Quality Control Inspection Reports (QCIRs). QCIRs were being
               made ready for microfilming. The backlog for processing QCIRs
               was unsatisfactory by the licensee's own goals. Approximately
               ten such QCIRs were dated prior to September 1983. The oldest

i work order, WRED 71/20727 was dated May 2, 1983. QCIRs involving i modifications (Mods) are turned over to the Technical Services

               Department to be processed with the Mod package. Without the
               QCIR, the Mod package is incomplete and cannot be closed out.
               The licensee is investigating the QCIR backlog and the status of
               WRED 71/20727. This is an unresolved item (50-333/85-13-01)
pending licensee's completion of the investigation and action to
reduce QCIR backlog. ,

i Reportable Occurrences related to NRC Information Notices (IN), IE i

               Bulletins (IEB), Inspection Reports (IR), and Licensee Event Reports


  r-   .
                                IN 85-12, IN 85-17, IN 85-20, IN 85-22, IN 85-23, IN 85-24,
                                and IN 85-26
                           *    IEB 84-03, LERs 85-03, 85-04, 85-05, 85-06, and 85-08
                          *     IR 78-14, IR 82-16, IR 82-24, and IR 84-11.
                          Surveillance test records, of F-ST-24A, RCIC Class III Piping
                          Pressure Test; F-ST-9F, Emergency Diesel Generator System Air
                          Start Piping; and F-ST-390, Reactor- Building Leak Rate Test.
                         Operational logs and records such as NCO Logs, Reactor Building
                          Log, Computerized Balance of Plant Log and the Alarm Typer.
                         Hand written drawing index to verify the status of vendor
                         drawings from General Electric Company. The inspector verified
                         the revision of the following Analog Transmitter Trip System
                         (ATTS) Mod drawings yere correct: 718E846BA; 729E589BA;
                         865E365 (sheet 5); an'd 913E714 (sheet 5).
                The Technical Services Engineer is responsible for the control of
                plant drawings in accordance with PS0 5. A key element in the com-
                puterized control effort is the assignment of NYPA numbers to the
                plant drawings. The inspector reviewed 25 procedures in the areas
                of Operations, Instrumentation and Control (I&C), and Maintenance.
               Almost all of the procedures were issued in 1985. The review
                however, indicated that the procedures referenced vendor drawing
                numbers _instead of NYPA numbers. A sample of these vendor drawings
               was checked against the hand written drawing index. These drawings
                had corresponding NYPA numbers. A licensee representative stated
                that the vendor drawing numbers will be changed to NYPA numbers in


                future procedure revisions. The new procedures will reference NYPA
               drawing numbers.

, Personnel training records of ten employees were reviewed. The

                individual training records were in a three ring binder, indexed,
                legible, complete, current and readily accessible.


               The inspector also observed the following activities:

' l

                        Data entry on Work Tracking Form (WTF) No. 9 for Maintenance
                        Procedure (MP) T-21 Discharge Test of Replacement Station
Battery Cell Type NCX-2400.
                       On site preparation by the Quality Control (QC) inspector to

, witnass the disassembly of the RHR Service Water pump in ac-

                       cordance with MP-10.4, QC checklist and QC Inspection Report


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                   Filing of hard copies that could not be microfiched and the
                    filing of the poor quality microfiche of Batch 8257.                     '
             No violations were identified.
       3.4 QA/QC Interface
             Eight audits regarding records and document control were conducted in
             1984.     Review of these audits and their files indicated the following:
                   The formal audit reports contained the audit details, attributes,
                   results, and request for corrective action. These audit reports
                   were issued within three days of completion of the audit.
                   Corrective action resp'onse was adequate and was submitted within
                   two weeks. Verification of corrective action was timely.      The
                   Projected Audit Schedule for 1984-1985 indicated that the scope
                   for 1985 audits is the same as that for 1984. The corrective
                   action audits verified LER corrective actions.
            It was noted that the corrective action audits did not include the
            drawings and records control concerns identified in the NRC inspection
            50-333/82-24. (See paragraph 4.4 below for the details of the NRC
            concerns.) The QA personnel stated that they would expand the
            scope of audits especially in the hardware implementation and the
            corrective action verification areas.
 4.0 Facility Modification
      4.1 References / Requirements
                   FSAR Section 17
                  Technical Specifications
                  Regulatory Guide 1.64 (October 1973)
                  ANSI N45.2.11-1974
                 ANSI N18.7-1972
                  NRC Inspection Report 50-333/82-24
      4.2 Details
           The plant modification program was reviewed against the requirements
           of the documents identified in paragraph 4.1 using Modification
           FI-83-018, Analog Transmitter Trip System (ATTS). It was determined
           that the licensee had established the following:
 (         .-
                                 A method for initiating, reviewing, and controlling modifi-
                                 cations and temporary changes.
                                 The documentation of modification activities including those for
                                 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluations.
                                 Measures to delineate responsibilities and control interfaces
                                 among participating organizations.
              4.3 QA/QC Interface
                           QA Department reviews the modification package and identifies the
                           quality requirements including the witness points by QC Inspection.
                           Quality Control Inspection Reports (QCIRs) are submitted by the QA
                           Department as part of the completed (closed) modification package.
                           A QA audit sampled two drawings affected by a modification change and
                           found that their revisions were processed in a timely manner. Addi-
                           tional QA audits are discussed in paragraph 3.4.
              4.4 Findings
                           The inspector reviewed the status of problems encountered during the
                           ATTS modification and found these problems were or are being satis-
                           factorily resolved. Given below is a summary of the findings from
                           this review:
                                 Problem                                                                Disposition
              1.           Brand Rex Cable had lower                   Replaced this cable with other
                           than expected insulation                    qualified cable.
              2.           One Reel of Brand Rex Cable                 Did not use this reel. Vendor
                           had cracked insulation.                     provided a new reel. QA investi-
                                                                       gating the circumstances that led
                                                                       to this problem.
              3.           Wiring of Panel 9-21 not per                Resolved by Engineering Change
                           drawing.                                    Request (ECR) Nos. FI-82-53-147

, and 165. , ~

              4.           Instrument Racks Required                   Resolved by ECR Nos. FI-82-53-147
                           rework to facilitate operability            and 165.

, and maintenance.

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              5.   One Main Steam Line                     Corrected.
                   Differential Pressure instrumen-
                    tation was improperly installed
              6.   HPCI Level 8 Switch Problem             Replaced the Switch.
              7.   Several Cables were                     Resolved by ECR No. F1-82-
                    incorrectly cut.                       053-162.
              8.   TOPAZ inverters were bad.               Design change to use DC to DC
                                                           devices instead of inverters.
                   The inspector verified the status of resolution for the drawing
                   revision back log reported in NRC Operational Assessment Team (0AT)
                   Inspection Report (No. 50-333/82-24). The licensee's corrective
                   action was to reduce the back log using a plan reported in JAFP
                   Letter 82-0869 tfated August 6, 1982. However, as of May 3, 1985,
                   the licensee has completed less than sixty percent of the drawings
                   scheduled for update in 1984. If the present trend continues, the
                   licensee will not be able to meet the 1985 schedule. This back log
                   is further increased by the 1985 outage, which required more than
                  three thousand drawings to be revised. The White Plains Office
                  Support to the drawing revision efforts appeared to have lost the
                   initial level of attention. Additional corporate management
                  attention is required to meet the drawing revision goal.        In
                  response to another 0AT concern, the licensee provided a draft
                  revision to the Plant Standing Order (PS0) No. 5 for the NRC
                  review. This draft revision contained measures to provide better
                  on-site control for the drawings and records. However, this draft
                  was never formally issued.
                  The licensee representatives informea the inspector that the 0AT
                  report will be reviewed for action items, a status of all action
                  items will be established and each action item will be tracked to
                  The inspector stated to the licensee's representatives that the
                  above item (i.e. drawing revision back log and revision of PS0 5)
                  remains unresolved pending completion of licensee action in this
                  regard (50-333/85-13-02).
        5.0 Unresolved Items
             Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required in


             order to ascertain whether they are acceptable items, items of noncomplf-
             ance, or deviations. Two unresolved items were identified during the

l inspection and are discussed in sections 3.3 and 4.4 respectively. ! l , ! L

( ,.

      6.0 Exit Meeting
           The inspectors met with the licensee staff (attendees denoted in
           paragraph 1) on May 3, 1985, to discuss the scope and findings as de-
           tailed in this report. The licensee representatives acknowledged the
           inspectors' findings.
           At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the
           licensee by the inspector.
