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Provides Mods to Page 1.4 of Encl A,BCL-1081 Part 1,sent to Licensee by Ltr Re Revised Bco Organizational Info
Person / Time
Site: 07000008
Issue date: 03/23/1993
From: Toy H
Battelle Memorial Institute, COLUMBUS LABORATORIES
To: Jim Hickey
NUDOCS 9303300229
Download: ML20035A915 (2)







@BalleIJe i%ttml: Technolocy To Morls s05 Kmg Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201-2693 Telephone (614) 4244424 f acsimile (614) 424-s263 March 23,1993 i

Mr. John Hickey Fuel Cycle Division U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.



Modifications of Battelle Columbus Letter to You Dated February 22,1993, Regarding Organizational Changes Associated with Battelle Columbus Operations License SNM-7, Docket No. 70-8

Dear Mr. Hickey:

The purpose of this letter is to provide modifications to page 1.4 of Enclosure A, BCL-1081 Part 1, that we sent to you by letter dated February 23,1993 regarding revised BCO organizational information. The modifications further clarify the respective responsibilities and authorities of the RSO and the Radiation Safety Services office staff with respect to interdiction of unsafe or out-of-compliance operations ( l.1.1 and 1.1.2 ). Also we have provided additional clarification to the research line management review and approval process of proposed projects involving the use of radioactive materials ( l.1.3 ).

The attached page is provided to replace page 1.4 to BCL-1081, as submitted by letter dated February 23,1993:

New Pace and Date Pace Submitted by Letter 2/23/93 Old Pace l.4 3/18/93, Rev. 5 1.4 2/15/93, Rev. 4 1.4 3/14/88, Rev. 2 Should you have questions, please call me at (614) 424-5228 or Gregory Fess at (614) 424-7923.

Very truly yours, y gh./"

p Harley L. Toy NRC Licensing Coordinator cc: Donald R. Joy, NRC Headquarters Tin Mo, NRC Headquarters George France, Region III Office L


, / Q I' I


9303300229 930323 PDR ADOCK 07000008 C


. ~.

i 1.1.1 Radiation Safety Officer The RSO is the health physicist appointed by the CEO to represent and report l

directly to hiir, in matters of radiological safety. The RSO has the responsibility and authority for initial review of proposed operations to determine the necessity of review by the RSC. The RSO is authorized to approve s

operations which do not require RSC review and interdict operations which are i

unsafe or do not comply with Federal. State, or BC0 regulations and requirements. The RSO directs the activities of Radiation Safety Services to ensure that all radiological operations at Battelle Columbus are conducted i

safely and that personnel exposures are maintained As Low As Reasonably 1

Achievable (ALARA). Both the RSO and the RSC have the authority and t

responsibility to stop the operation of a facility or an experiment believed to constitute an unacceptable potential for radiological hazard.

1.1.2 Radiation Safety Services j

The Radiation Safety Services office within the Environment. Safety and Health Department ensures safe radiological operations throughout BCO by providing i

consulting services, review of practices, surveillance, and education in radiological safety matters as directed by the RSO. The office is staffed by 7

Radiation Protection Specialists.

1.1.3 Line Management Line management reviews and approves proposed radiological projects for submission to the RSO through the Radioactive Materials Application (RMA) process. They provide the managerial oversight and review necessary to ensure 5

consistent application within their Divisions of the radiological cont.cis required by the BC0 Radiation Protecticn Plan and other radiological cor.trols implemented by the RSO.

l i

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I Document No.

RENEWAL APPLICATION BCL-1081 Revision No. 5 Date 3/18/93 Page 1.4 Supersedes Revision 4 Date 2/15/93 Page 1.4