IR 05000354/1990013

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Insp Rept 50-354/90-13 on 900618-22.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Svc Water Intake Structure & Licensee Actions on Previous Insp Findings Re Svc Water Pipe Leak Examined
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 07/26/1990
From: Mcbrearty R, Terao D
Shared Package
ML20058M439 List:
50-354-90-13, GL-88-01, GL-88-1, NUDOCS 9008100125
Download: ML20058M442 (5)













Report No.



i Docket No.

50-354 License No. NPF-57 Licensee:

Public Service Electric & Gas Company P.O. Box 233

Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 Facility Name:

Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Station Inspection At:

Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey Inspection Conducted: June 18-22,1990 A Mo3


?!24 90 I





R.W MtBrearty, Reacto(, Engineer, Materials

'd a t e'

& Processes Section, EB, DRS

. Approved by:







D. Terao, Chief, MIterials & Processes date Section, EB, DRS Inspection Summary:

Inspection on June 18-22, 1990 (Report No. 50-354/90-13)

' Areas Inspected: A routine, unannounced inspection was conducted to assess the condition of the service water intake structure.

Licensee actions on

previous inspection findings were reviewed, licensee actions relative to the service water pipe leak were examined and inservice inspection data and c

. personnel qualification and certification records were reviewed.

Results: No violations were identified.

Licensee discussions with NRR relative to repairs of the service water pipe leak were in progress, the intake structure condition was acceptable and unresolved item 89-18-01 was closed.

900810012G 900726



PDR ADOCK 05000354 Q




















i L

.1.0 Persons Contacted Public Service Electric & Gas Company

  • R. Beckwith, Station Licensing Engineer p
  • S. L. Funsten, Maintenance Manager
  • R. F. Griffith, Quality Assurance Manager
  • J. Hagan, General Manager - Hope Creek p

B. Hall, Technical Manager


R. Hovey, Operations Manager o

E. Maloney, Statinn Quality Assurance l

M. A. Oliveri, Nondestructive Examination Supervisor


  • Wi P. Treston,-Senior Engineer - Inservice Inspection


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission j


.S. Barr, Resident Inspector


F 2.0 LicenseeActiononPreviousInspectionFindings(92701)




(Closed) Unresolved. item (89-18-01):

The use of VT-3 as the method of


choice to detect cracks. The General Electric Company issued SIL No.-474

' entitled " Steam Dryer Drain Channel Cracking" to alert BWR owners of

. cracking,in the welds that attach the drain channels to the steam dryer


skirt. The notice recommended that BWR owners visually examine the subject components during outages and described actions to be taken if cracking was found.

The inspection was listed in the Long Term Plan at Hope Creek as VT-3.

The inspection was not required by the ASME Code; however, the visual examination specified by the ASME Code,Section XI for the detection of cracks is VT-1 which is a more sensitive examination.


The licensee's remote visual inspection. technique was shown to be capable

of VT-1 quality, and the Long Term Plan was being revised to list the i

examination performed on the steam dryer support ring as iT-1.

Additional-Lly, equipment improvements planned by the licensee (use of a stationary t

platform to eliminate instability) are intended to further improve the quality of future inspection results.

Based on the above this item is closed.

3.0 Inservice Inspection Results/ Personnel Certification Records (73753)


Inservice inspection (ISI) results associated with (1) the ultrasonic and magnetic particle. examination of the reactor pressure vessel and reactor

.. closure head welds, and (2) ultrasonic and liquid penetrant examination of l

recirculation system pipe welds were selected for review to verify h



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compliance with procedural and programmatic requirements. The inspector reviewed the following data:



Reactor' Pressure Vessel Welds



RPV 1 W3, shell-to-flange weld

D RPV 1 W20, head-to-flange weld


RPV 1 W22, closure-head dome weld

RPV 1 W24A, closure-head meridional weld



l RPV 1 W24B, closure-head meridional weld





Recirculation System Welds i

1-BB-28VCA-013-4, 28"- diameter elbow-to pipe weld


t 1-BB-28VCA-014-1, 28" diameter pump-to pipe weld

L 1-BB-2DBA-042-1, 2" diameter reducer-to pipe weld

1-BB-20BA-042-2, 2" diameter pipe-to-tee weld


1-BB-2DBA-235-1, 2" diameter nozzle-to-reducer weld

The inspector found that the examinations performed on the above listed i


welds complied with programmatic requirements and with applicable NDE procedural' requirements.


The examinations performed during the September / October 1989 outage



completed the examinations scheduled for the first period of the first 10



' year inspection interval.

The applicable edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI for the interval is the 1983 Edition with addenda through Summer 1983.

Pressure vessel examinations, additionally,


complied with provisions of NRC Regulatory Guide 1.150, Revision 1,

" Ultrasonic Testing of Reactor Vessel Welds During Preservice and Inservice EXaMl!iation."


Qualification and Certificatton records of the NDE personnel who performed the examinations of the aforementioned welds were reviewed to SNT-TC-1A


requirements and to the applicable requirements of Generic Letter 88-01 y

regarding training and examination at the EPRI NDE Center for the detec-tion and sizing of intergranular stress corrosion cracking. The inspector determined that applicable requirements were. complied with and that the NDE personnel were properly certified to perform their assigned duties.

Inspection-Report No. 50-354/89-18 discussed ultrasonic examination procedure 600-31 which was used for the examination of austenitic stainless steel piping systems and for the detection of intergranular i

stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC). The licensee's ISI program plan


stated that EPRI qualified examiners will be used when it is appropriate,


but did not define when it was considered to be appropriate.

Procedure-600-31 contained no reference to the use of IGSCC qualified examiners.


During inspection 89-18, the licensee agreed to clarify its commitment










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to use EPRI qualified examiners for the detection and sizing of IGSCC.

The inspector determined that the lic*nsee is currently in the process of


revising Site Service procedure contain the requirement, j

The licensee has selected the General Electric Company as its ISI vendor l

for the refueling outage scheduled to begin in January 1991 which will be the start of the second period of the first interval.

First period


examinations were performed by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI). The

previous examinations were conducted in accordance with SwRI procedures


and all of the original examination data are maintained at the SwRI l

facility at San Antonio, Texas. The licensee performs periodic audits.of



m SwRI to assure compliance with applicable requirements regarding data i


The licensee is aware of potential difficulties due to changing i

ISI vendors and is considering actions to mitigate or preclude serious




Licensee considerations include verification that all required


examinations were completed for the first inspection period, and that implementing NDE procedures for second period examinations will produce results that are compatible with previous examination results.


No violations were identified.


' ~

4.0 ' Service Water System Pipe Leak (57080)


During the course of this inspection, the licensee discovered a leak i

emanating from spool piece 1 P-EA-019-505 on the Code Class 3 "B" Service t

Water line. This is a 30" diameter carbon steel pipe with approximately



h" wall thickness.

The inspector observed the leak and noted that water

was dripping a drop at a time from what appeared to be two small pin holes i

in the pipe at approximately the 5 o' clock position.

The licensee performed ultrasonic thickness measurements of the pipe wall in the area of the leak and preliminary results showed wall thinning of an area measuring about few square inches.

Subsequent to discovery of the leak, the licensee alerted the NRC's Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation-(NRR) to the problem. At the time the inspector lef t the site, the licensee was considering several temporary t.

repair procedures using the guidance of Generic Letter 90-05, " Guidance


for Performing Temporary Non-Code Repair of ASME Code Class 1, 2, and 3 Piping" dated June 15, 1990. The licensee's technical staff was in :ontact with its NRC counterpart at NRR regarding the specific repair which would require approval by NRR.

5.0 Service Water Intake Structure


The service water intake structure was selected for inspection to ascer-tain that appropriate actions were taken by the licensee to protect the equipment and components from water damage.

It was previously identified that the seismic structure was cet painted and that measures were not taken to prevent corrosion and damage from water spraying on various components contained in the area.












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The, inspector toured the intake structure and observed that~all; areas were-i

subsequently painted and in: good condition. Covers were installed over


p the traveling screens to prevent water.from spraying on the various


F-components.and equipment, and evidence of good maintenance and housekeeping



Lwas apparent throughout the area.



'6.0 -Exit' Meeting


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.Theinspectormetwithlicenseerepresentatives,denotedinparagraphIh i




at the conclusion of the inspection on~ June'22,.1990.

The' inspector

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summarized the scope land findings-of-the inspection.



..At no time during the 1nspection was written material:provided by:the-

inspector to.the licensee..The licensee did not indicate that proprietary



information was' involved within the scope of this inspection.





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