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Requests Written Confirmation by 851201 of Licensee Understanding That Relief Granted from ASME Refueling Water Storage Tank Check Valve Inservice Testing Requirements to Facilitate Planning of Equivalent Flow Test
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/16/1985
From: Mcdonald R
To: Varga S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8509230185
Download: ML20205C738 (1)


. - . . - - . . . _ - .. .- . . - - .~. . . _ , . -_ . _ _

Mailing AddreCs Alabama Power Company i 600 Wrth 18th Street Post Office Bon 2641 Birmingham, Alabama 35291 ,

Te'4phone 205 783-6090 t

! R. P. Mcdonald 1 Senior Vice President Fhntridge Building y yyyj) y Q)g ,

September 16, 1985 .. ,

i Docket Nos. 50-348 1 50-364 e


< Director, Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission i Washington, D.C. 2055b Attention: Mr. S. A. i irga i

Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant - Units 1 and 2 j Refueling Water Storage Tank Check Valve Inservice Testing l Gentlemen
  • i
By letter dated November 15, 1984, the NRC transmitted u Safety
Evaluation for performing the inservice testing of the Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) Containment Spray suction check valve for each unit.

i The NRC safety evaluation provided a clear description of the required [

j frequency of the disassembly test method, but Alabama Power Company is }

j uncertain whether the relief included the required frequency of the  :

i equivalent flow test method. l l

It is Alabama Power Company's understanding that relief was granted to

either 1) disassemble the RWST check valve or 2) perform a test which will demonstrate equivaler.t flow through the check valve. This relief was provided on a refueling outage basis and not every cold shutdown as stated in the ASME Section XI Code Section IWV-3522.
Alabama Power Company requests written confirmation of the
aforementioned position by December 1,1985 in order to facilitate planning

, for an equivalent flow test during the upcoming Unit 1 and 2 refueling j outages.

1 If there are any q"estions, please advise, f l

{ Yours very tr NY 9 f i-R. P. Mcdonald ,


! RPM /BHW:gri-042 l


  1. k i: de Hr. E. A. Reeves by7 ,

Mr. W. H. Bradford l

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