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Forwards Addl Info Re Generic Ltr 83-28,addressing Items 2.1 & 2.2.1, Equipment Classification & Vendor Interface & Item 4.3, Reactor Trip Sys Reliability..., Addressing SER Open Items 11-13,per Request
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 05/29/1987
From: Withers B
GL-83-28, WM-87-151, NUDOCS 8706030390
Download: ML20214P459 (3)



Q WQLF CREEK NUCLEAR OPERATING CORPORATION Bart D. Withers Pr.eldent end cw Ex.cuw. omeer May 29,1987 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 Letter: WM 87-0151 Re: Docket No. 50-482 Ref: Letter KMLNRC 84-023 dated 2/29/84 from GLKoester, KG&E, to HRDenton, NRC Subj: Generic Letter 83-28, " Required Actions Based on Generic Implications of Salem ATWS Events" Gentlemen:

The enclosure to this letter provides additional information requested by the Staff with regard to Generic Letter 83-28, " Required Actions Based on Generic Implications of Salem ATWS Events". The information addresses Item 2.1, Item 2.2.1 and Item 4.3. The referenced letter provided our initial response.

If you have any questions concerning the subject, please contact me or Mr. O. L. Maynard of my staff.

Very truly yours, e_9 j

Bart D. Withers i President and Chief Executive Officer BDW:jad Enclosure

! cc: P0'Connor (2) 1 RMartin l JCummins hh e o PO. Box 411/ Burtington, KS 66839 / Phone: (316) 364-8831 I

l An Equal opportundy Empoyer M F.HCNET

Enclosure to WM 87-0151 Page 1 of 2

. May 29,1987 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING GENERIC LETTER 83-28, " REQUIRED ACTIONS BASED ON GENERIC IMPLICATIONS OF SALEH ATWS EVENTS" for WOLF CREEK GENERATING STATION Item 2.1 and Item 2.2.1 - Equipment Classification and Vendor Interface The program and actions described in the response to Generic Letter 83-28 Item 2.1 and Item 2.2.1 which were transmitted via Reference 1 have been implemented, however, two items need clarification. One item involves instruction manuals for safety-related equipment and the other concerns the approval process for the list of safety-related components (Q-List).

Instruction manuals are not necessarily included in the procurement specifications for all safety-related equipment, e.g. when procuring an equivalent part or component. The determination if an instruction manual is to be included with the delivery of safety-related equipment or parts is addressed during the development of the procurement specification. In all cases, instruction manuals for safety-related equipment are subject to the quality assurance requirements of 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix B at Wolf Creek Generating Station.

The approval process for the Q-List has changed such that the Nuclear Plant Engineering Division has the review and approval authority for all changes, additions, and revisions to the Q-List. This change was reviewed and approved by the appropriate levels of management and the plant staff.

All safety-related components at Wolf Creek Nuclear Generating Station are designated on the Q-List. This list is used to confirm that plant documents such as procedures, system descriptions, test and maintenance instructions, operating procedures, and information handling systems are properly designated so that personnel performing activities that affect safety-related components are aware that they are working on safety-related components and are guided by safety-related procedures and constraints.

Implementing procedures for the programs and actions described in response to Generic Letter 83-28 Item 2.1 and 2.2.1 were reviewed by the Staff as documented in Inspection Report 50-482/85-11 which was transmitted via Reference 2.

Ites 4.3 - Reactor Trip System Reliability (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse and B&W Plants)

. SER Open Item 11 Plant procedures address verification of the proper operation of control room indication for the reactor trip breakers.

Encloture to WM 87-0151 P2g2 2 of 2 May 29,1987

. SER Open Ites 12 Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation has reviewed the testing results presented in Reference 3. It was determined that periodic response time testing of the automatic shunt trip attachment (STA) feature on the reactor trip breakers is not necessary. The testing results documented in Reference 3 demonstrated no significant patterns or trends in trip response time versus number of actuations for any of the STAS tested at all voltage levels applied to their coils. The STA consistently had a fast trip response time regardless of the number of actuations. This position is consistent with the Westinghouse Owners Group recommendation for periodic testing for the STA.

. SER Open Item 13 Technical Specification changes for Item 4.3 are being prepared in accordance with Generic Letter 85-09 and are scheduled to be submitted to the NRC by June 30, 1987.


1) Letter KMLNRC '84-023 dated 2/29/84 from GLKoester, KG&E, to HRDenton, NRC
2) Letter dated 5/8/85' from RDMartin, NRC, to GLKoester, KG&E
3) WCAP-10835, " Report of the DS-416 Reactor Trip Breaker Undervoltage and Shunt Trip Attachments Life Cycle Tests"

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