IR 05000269/1985038

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Insp Repts 50-269/85-38,50-270/85-38 & 50-287/85-38 on 851112-1209.No Noncompliance or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Surveillance,Maint,Startup Testing of Safe Shutdown Facility & LER Review
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/13/1985
From: Bryant J, Dance H, King L, Sasser M
Shared Package
ML20138N863 List:
50-269-85-38, 50-270-85-38, 50-287-85-38, NUDOCS 8512240208
Download: ML20138N917 (8)


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  • - -0 101 MARIETTA STREET,N.W.'

Ib ' ATLANTA,GEonGIA 30323




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Report.Nos:'.50-269/85-38, 50-270/85-38, and-50-287/85-38

.' Lice'nse'e : Duke Power Compan iSouth Church Street Charlotte,.N.C. :28242




!FacilityName: 'Oconee Nuclear Station-


p <DocketfNos.: 150-269, 50-270, and 50-287

License Nos.: DPR-38, DPR-47, and.DPR-55 Inspection: Conducted: November-12 - December 9, 1985 Inspectors: A / C J. C. B/yaht F Ddte S'igned


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M. K. Sass 7:

p Dath Sfgned 3lg-f W t%b1fb'f


^L. ing 1 -- Dat( Signed


'dpproved'by: " W / /3 [

' H.-C. Dance,-3ection Chief


Dat6 Signed

' Division of Reactor Projects


L SUMMARY Scope: This 1 routine, announced inspection. entailed 146 inspector-hours on -site in -the areas ' of. operations, 'su'rveillance, maintenance, startup testing of the


g isafe shutdown < facility, and LER revie Results: Of the five areas inspected, no. items of noncompliance or deviations

<were identifie _

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Licensee-Employees: Contacted


  • '?M.S. Tuckman? Station' Manager


>*J.N.: Pope,: Superintendent of.0peration T.S.'Barr, Superintendent;of Technical. Services

T.B;E0 wen,; Superintendent'of Maintenance



, JR.T.; Bond,3Compliance Engineer-


4 ' *T; C.! Matthews , 'Techni cal - Special i st 1


(H.R.ilowery,)-Shift Engineer



Otherblidense'e employees .co'ntacted -included ' technicians, operators,


.; mechanics,: security-force members, and staff engineer ~ .

1 Resident:Inspectorsi



' '*J.ChBryant'



1*L.P. Kin L - . ...:

'* Attended exit-intervie .


J ' Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on December- 10, 1985;with Ltho'seipersons indicated in paragraph-1 above. The licenseeLdid'not identify

' = asiproprietaryf anyi of.L.the. materials prov.ided to ' or reviewed by- *the 4 11nspectors;during this= inspectio .c fi.icensee ction'on Previous Enforcement Matters



(Closed)- Violation /85-10-01: Control Rod Position Limits. The inspectors t


. verified that Lall corrective' actions specified have been satisfactorilyt


' l completed.- This, item 11s close ' ~ Unresolved Items

' Unres'olved items were not-identified on this inspectio : 5 '. Plant' Operations- -~ -

LThe inspectors reviewed plant operations throughout the reporting period to


verify?conformance with regulatory requirements, Technical Specifications



/ (TS), ? andi adm.inistrative_ controls. Control' room logs, shift turnover

' records and' equipment . removal f and restoration records were reviewed


routinely. . Interviews were conducted with plant operations, maintenance, l chemistry, health physics and performance personne , , -


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Activities within the control, rooms were monitored on an almost daily basi f Ins"pecti'o ns ;were. conducted on : day and 'on night- shifts,- during week days and -


ron weekends. LSomeiinspections were made during' shift' change in~ order to evaluate 4 shift ' turnover performance. Actions observed were conducted a ; required ; by : Operations . Management Procedure _2- The complement of-x l licensed personnel on-each shift inspected met or exceeded the requirements ~.


ofJTS; Operators were responsive to - plant.' annunciator alarms and were cognizantsof1 plant condition :

-Plant tours were taken'throughout the reporting period on a routine basi : The areas toured included the;following:

Turbine Building:

Auxiliary Building Units 1, 2, and 3 Penetration Rooms

' Units 1,2, and 3~ Electrical Equipment._ Rooms

. Units 1,2, and 3 Cable Spreading Rooms-

~ Station. Yard l Zone within.the Protected Area


Standby Shutdown-Facility Keowee Hydro Plant-DuringE the . plant . ; tours, ongoing activities, housekeeping, security, equipment status,-and radiation-control ~ practices were observe Lunit' 1Tand - 2 remained at essentially 100*4 power- throughout the reporting


period, November 12 to December 9,=198 Unit 3; began the ' report period shutdown for_ replacement of a main turbine



. -

- ~ bearing; As ' the unit _ was .being shut down --a steam -generator tube leak ideveloped. The leaking tubeFand another.which demonstrated reduced wall


thickness 'in' A" steam : generator, were plugged. The turbine bearing wa's replaced end th$ uniC made critical 'at 4:47 p.m.Lon November 16. It reached

.100*4 power at 11:14 a.m. on November 17.

Unit 3 ' wated et 100% power until 8:43 p.m. on November 24 when it was-shut?dovn for 'f ailure of ' main turbine bearing No. 1, the same bearing

position whicn had failed previousl During extensive examination, the Licensee found no specific <cause for the bearing' failure. No condition was found - that was not within toleranc In order to eliminate possible i contributing factors,1two oil lift pumps were ~ replaced, the journal , was machined, all bearings ' inspected, and efforts made to provide. perfec'


alignment of the shaft. At the end of the report pe'iod, work was nearint completion and it is anticipated that Unit 3 will be.on line by December 1 ~

No ' violations or deviations were identifie ;

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L 6.1 iSurveillance Testing; .



LThe z surve111ance ' tests l'isied f below!were- reyiewed and/or1 witnessed byl the

, - ~ ; inspectors :to verify - procedural; and _ performance adequacy. The completed

.; tests? reviewed were examined forEnecessary, test prerequisites, instructions, facceptance ? criteria,' technical content, cauthorization .toL begin -work, data-fcollection, (independent verification < where required, . handling _of-

deficienciesinoted, iand ' review of completed _ work. - The : tests : witnessed, .in LwholeLorfin part,'were? inspected to determine that approved procedures.were:


, .


iavailable, test equipment was! calibrated,. prerequisites were met,7 tests were

' conducted according to procedure,; test results were acceptable .and systems




irestoration_was complete c Surve'111ances witnessed'in wholeaor;in part are as' follows:

v PT/0/A/0150/008 Reactor _ Building Personnel Lock Leak' Rate Test, m -- Unit 2

' -

PT/0/A/0610/02=, -ExternallGrid Trouole Protection System Logic


and Switchyard Isolation Logic Test T

LSurveillance tests reviewed were:







WR 51511'D- Read Senscr Voltages for Reactor Building Normal-

' '. _

l Sump Level Sensors PWR-57126 C! 3 '

~ Install.Strongbacks for Performance-of Personnel

- 41 ' Hatch Leak' Rate Test Perform.E/S System Logic Sub System 1, LPI




Channe113 On-line Instrument Calibration

, WR:55052 A Perform E/S System Logic Sub System 1,'HPI and RV' Isolation, Channel 1, 0n-line:Instrumenti '




WR' 55319 : A -Perform:Cor'e Flood Tank Pressure Instrument :

Calibrat"on Required by Technical' Specification-s 4. ' ~


N,o violations or deviations were identifie t


' Maintenance Activities . Maintenance activities were observed and/or ' reviewed during. the ' reporting


period to . verify-that work was" performed by qualified personnel and _that Lapproved procedures in use adequately-described work that was not within the

skillcof the Ltrace. , Activities, procedures and work requests were examined



~ to - verify i proper authorization- to begin work, provisions for. fire, g  : y -cleanliness,/and- exposure control,- proper return of equipment to' service,


f and tha'. limiting conditions for operation were me ' '


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procedures: reviewed weref

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f JInspectlCibles'in; Penetration 1-C-F-73 for ~ '


R $ Q J 'r &WRT23756 Bi  !

A Of [A M' . L LJ ' ^. JVisible Damage . .


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' 4WRi54883 C f 4WRi57517)A;s M 1 (Repair Electricall Penetration1 C-F-90 JPerform PMion Breaker TC-9,L" Low Pressure





gP A * 1 . 1

'~ ,JInfection/ Motor 3A":


Mf? "' f~ p; 7WRi57516

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.  ; n 7AI~ ' , - Perform PM on Breaker 3TC-8,<"High._ Pressure; Injection MotorL3A".

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(WR(57557JCL - _

Perform Mle'TestiofxTransformer Bus 2,' Unit. 3, ,

M  %:4: .- a?. _ .. s3B2T-2.. ' . . ' ..

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W _;WR 52778;DJ G , JAssistil&Elin Testing;SSF Diesel; Instrumentation u t ,g A sf .

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@g ; 4 ',: No-' y, a violations'or: deviation $wereident1fie ^


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V!N: [8M/ReahoriBuihiinglSpray}Va'1ves g' t my 3 ' ; , , 7' . _ ,

i' - W .N SA ? Duke;PoweriCompany1, design / review off 0conee electrical loads? determined -




@ ' -}thathundercertainconditionss of degraded.Lsysteml voltage, thelpower supply ,

< y D ' w itojreactor buildilng # spray 1 valves might bel:. inadequate to- open; theXvalves i

? D ' 1 g jimmediatelyTunder? accident conditions. Specifically,1 valve 2BS-2!wasifound: *

y< E Cinadequate and'the' remaining five valves,atwo in;ea'ch unit,;were determined ~


y w

. . tolbe < marginal t i;The; valves; involvedeare,J in iUnit 1, !1BS-11 and 1185-2; in  :


^. ' N Uni,tl2 N2BS-1 Land!2BS-2; Unit 3 f3BS-11and 385-2.' , .

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?y 3f x . ( AtJ 5:45ip;m.1on L November l19, valve ' 285-2 wasideclared inoperabic, thus-OM; Jplacinglunit 2 Cin"aili_miting ' condition' forf operation. On November 20, Lit" '

, . -


s L wasidecid(dito 'operateiwith all jsixfspray valves;open until furtherf action p


7r :could?bettakenito cimprovelthe1 voltage; situation. 'The valves are- normally



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(closededuringE reactor Loperationland Jopen :;automatica11yf ath10. psig . _


I w; < s ; containment pressure. LThe; building ; spray.pumpstalsoLstart at;that pressure?.

TF_c ;The111censee sijustification3f or/ operating;in th.simanner islthat1the spray;  !!

%s 2?


system isCanyaccidentimitigating system and,)asjsuchfdoes not require thet gM g& _ Q; double?; boundary. Table isolation ' ofethat ' non-accidentrmitigating; sys


iTechnicalf Spectfications, 4.4.1,istate the~ check valveslinf the


ispraylsystemJare used ^ forlcontainmentMisolation. - Permanent corrective V Jm-V'


?."' 'actio'nhwas. tot replace the? power . cables L to; the ~ valve operatorsEwith'



m ! considerably heaviericable,'thusireducing'line;1oss. This action'was taken:



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A F ?on' bothivalves on each unit.' iThe Evalves were ttested iand' rt; turned to the t  :

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gnormallylclosed position by November 24.


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M L (Nolviolation'sdrdeviations;wereiidentifie .




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vr,- w[KeoweeiHydro' Unit No. 2.Out of. Service .

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Keowee= Unit 2 was-taken.out of' 4
20 p.m. on November 19, due to a




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wi T burned: field; coil pole connecting -strap. . Technical ' Specifications (TS)

ve < - -

TS 'also permit 5 Qy M *, cpermitfo'ne shutdownfofsone Keoweef unit tounit'for Keowe'e be 'out- of. service maintenance for' afor period 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> of up to 45 daystat m n w ,,



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W Unit'2'was shut:down:for

$ 1(f '@t$reeiyeariintervalsSwithoutiprior;NR ~ m l maintenancex for}about? 20 ? days:lin 11984.' ; Ford approva the c current" repai rs , f the .

a, .

( jlicenseefwasjpermittedfto. extend the::72 ho_ur? period,/ifine'cessary,1without-

%s, ) W- (an emergencylTS Jchange,vsince La 45 day shutdownjwas:already analyzed and 'a i

" * 1, 7 portion!ofdthel45 daysthad?n'ot been used. :RepaiFsinscessitated' removing the--


% yg. generator ~rotos The; generator was.-repaired:and Keowee Unit 2 returned to:

' ~




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W_a aservicefat.5:55!a.m.Jon , ,; November.2 ._%  ;,.....-q _

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4 y% _ ?lon [ Licensee 1EventL Reports  :,

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@ - . / qThelinspectors breviewediinonroutine . event? reportsf toi verify the report-


- s N idetailsj met { license frequirements, -. identified thef cause Kof Athef event, . ^


J. W  ; described (correctivef action's lapprog riata foMthe -idenfified cause, and 7 -d

@ Q *1- Ladequatelyfaddres' sed the ~ event :and_ 'anyD generic implications. In addition, l y3 Mas appropriate Mthe! inspectors examined (operating and maintenance logs,^a'nd- s PI D j ' irecords:andLinternalLinvesti_gation reports,


w '



. W NPersonnel[wereIihterviewedito;vertfy that the report accurately. reflected


,t'4 , kthe-circumstances ofLthe event,.that;the corrective action had been taken.or 4

, ,

,4 1 fresponsibilityfassign'ed Lto assureJcompletion, e-and that 1the M evedt 'was'- [

p . f1 .;reviewedbylthe.; licensee,JasistipulatedintheTechnical' Specifications.The'  :

@n, M , ,;followinglevent reports 1wereJreviewed:.



e -

% < r ((Closed)hlE_R270)85O3[ T i Rod.IndexCurve.LimitViolated: The' inspectors-qc #

i verifiedithat/all; corrective actions specified have~been. satisfactorily-4 - -Ecompleted; cThis item is' closed.

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%qg- , ((Closed)? LER 270/83-03S
Valve: Failed Dueto-Bent--Stem: f The inspectors n
  • i i M, ; J reviewed ? the1 corrective 1'? actions f and E verified that' all . have !been .




~ '

,3 completed. mThiss item isl close ; yn - ,


._ .,


g:p ? " ; . E(Open) jLER'270/82-10f Stuck Suction Relief f onithe "2B" MFWP,1After a : 9 5 jgN '

ReactorjTrip; JThisiincident resulted 1in ' the upper. surge 7 tank -level; 7

' ' WM _

falling ( below"technicall specificationilimits. ' Only Vone Toutstandin'g w m , ; commitment ' remains. - Station Modification 1584 has been: installed, but .  :


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ldoes(not; work satisfactorily. Until; operational? problems are resolve stheLER williremain ope l

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EJ' v 411.x Motor Operated Val _ve (MOV) Torque. Switch Setpoints jw i Th residentslinitiatedIinspectionfefforts to review the licensee!s'programL 1for"selectingksetting,2 and; maintaining _ swi.tch setpoints on safety related

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.J :MOV'.s.i Discussions n to;date have centored on the licensee's basis : fo ~5h;[ P R currentlylused_torqueLswitch setpoints. Additional plans are to investigate- i



Lyalve histories,f vendor frecommendations; and _ licensee valve functional

  1. , f E testingitoensurelthat;switchsetpointswillaccomodate.maximumdifferential s

pj{ < '

_ l ? pressures l expected during1 both normal and abnormal. occurrence Q~% w *



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lA'ny fihdings'will be reviewed with' the. licensee in light of the recently cm - ' issued IE Bu111 tin' No.185-03: LMotor 0peratedLValve Common Mode Failures-

 ; During Plant > Trans1_ents Due , to ; Improper' Switch Settings. 'Results will be discus'ed;in s theLnext monthly repor ,

112'; Facility Modifications (37701)

 (ThA inspectors' contin'ue'd their review of ~selacted test procedures performed

iduring checkout of, the Standby Shutdown Facility (SSF). The previous report

 ~11sted ; incorrectly 7 Test . Procedure TT/2/A/0400/07-SSF RC Makeup Pumps Flo Verification. Tests. l The correct' number- for that 'est is TT/2/A/0400/07 Additional. tests reviewed were:

TT/1/A/0400/10 SSF - Unit 1 Transfer of Control Test


,- TT/1/A/0400/07 SSF ; Unit'1 RCiMakeup Pump Performance Test


TT/3/A/0400/07- SSF - Unit 3 RC Makeup Pump Performance Test i I.n artest performed.on Unit-1 RC makeup pump. on November 23, 1984, the pump

, _

provided 24.25-. gpm" at: 2275' psig. In a'.May. 17, 1984'te'st,. the Unit.'3 R Lmakeup Jpump provided- 23.5 gpm flow .at 2500 psig. The auxiliary service :


water' pump delivered: 1750 gpm at 1110 psig as- described in the system-

 = man'ual ;The . previous report . mentioned the1 requirements of IE Bulletin 79-23 which
 'pointediout. a= potential diesel' generator failure and' specified a 24 hour full load t test. and " requested a response .from the111censee on certain
 ' circuitry" questions. 3 At the time 'of the-bulletin issuance , Oconee brd no
 ~ emergency diesels; however,'it is ' assumed that the bulletin appl.ies to the
  .SSF diesel'.

The inspector _ reviewed the' diesel manufacturer's test results as prescribed by? Duke-Power Company; ' Included in' these tests was-a full power load test conducted on.0ctober 16 and 17,. -1980 at the Power Systems Division of Morrison-Knudsen Company, Inc. :The data show that the Oconee diesel-generator-wes operated ~ continuously for 22. hours at 3500 kW (the full power

  . rating) and then for 2 hours at'3850 kW (110%). The data show that v'oltage Land frequency requirements' were constant- in each of the test periods, and
 ,that' cooling water' temperature and stator temperatures met requirement ~

LIn an' internal - letter of Octo'ber 25, 1979, concerning Bu11etin . 79-23', the- -


Llicensee Dstated that. corrections had not been made between low KVA rated . transformers 1 and' high KVA . emergency diesel generators" without adequate


11 imitations ~ on L the flow of circulating currents.- The inspector has Lrequested the licensee to verify that the in place Oconee diesel generator wiring _ meets-the' requirements of Bulletin 79-23. The results will be.given


in a subsquent: repor . t


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7 l131 > Low.Presaure Injection:(LPI) Pum '

   ;Whiletconducting a fsurveillance'. t'est' of the IC LPI pu'mp : on October 4, i k:.    ' operations personnel noticed excessive' noise and below normal flow when the-

@ pumpJ was started. The l pump ' was.' immediatelyE stopped ~and, a subsequen . "~. ~ '

   -: investigation _resulted in finding sLction1 valve ILP-7fclosed rather than-in-the required open position. The valve -lineup was rechecked and the pump

, " ' f test'.was'then satisfactorily completed. Further review revealed that the;


11nitial valve ^ lineup and test 1 preparation was' completed by theLnight shift

   : prior. togtesting -by. the day shift. The' initial lineup. required the pump to be vented and that ILP-7- be left open'. However, operations -vented the. pump
   .and then closed is;usually-done in normal venting procedures. The'

R '

   ~ lineup'was'not reverified by eitherfthe day shift operations or performance-e    -groups / prior to starting the pump. The" licensee has reviewed and documented thel incident and is- taking corrective-:actionso to ~ prevent i recurrence.

- '

   - Pending c review ^of cthe corrective actions this will be identified ' as

Jinspector ifollowup f item ' 269/85-38-01, Abnormal Operation of Low Pressure

.   -. Injection Pum . : Onsite; Review Group (403018)


..      .

LThe review = of - the' onsite safety review; group - was completed.' -A review was

   :' made? ofo a : computer. : printout of all operating experience documentation-
   -received at10conee. . This was reviewed by the OSRG - and ' screened for;

iapplicableLinformation. 'It was then forwarded to the' designated individual-in the: responsible. grou Al followup on. the review of in planti activities. for the~ purpose . of

 '  ~

F identifying deficiencies, determined that:assigments 'were made by the OSRG


Jchairman which-would cover-this are '



 ,   :No' violations'or? deviations were ide'ntifie ' .,

L4 .


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