IR 05000269/1986003

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Insp Repts 50-269/86-03,50-270/86-03 & 50-287/86-03 on 860218-21.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Inservice Insp,Work Observation Data Review & Evaluation & Main Feedwater flow-nozzle Mod
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/12/1986
From: Blake J, Economos N
Shared Package
ML20141N857 List:
50-269-86-03, 50-269-86-3, 50-270-86-03, 50-270-86-3, 50-287-86-03, 50-287-86-3, NUDOCS 8603180216
Download: ML20141N861 (6)


{{#Wiki_filter:.. - _. _ _ _ - _ _ ' ># R80 UNITE'151 ATES ( o NUCLEAR RE!ULATORY COMMISSION


' ~* e ATLANTA. GEORGI A 30323 . ...../ Report Nos.:- 50-269/86-03, 50-270/86-03 and 50-287/86-03 Licensee: ' Duke Power Company , 422 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28242 Docket Nos.: 50-269, 50-270, and 50-287 License Nos.: DPR-38, DPR-47, and OPR-55 Facility Name: Oconee 1, 2, and 3 Inspection Conductedy Feb ry 18-21, 1986 COL / ~<M d/// [[ Inspector: M/ _ sms N.

co hos /Dat igned 31t.!6d Approved by: J.

att, Section Chief Date Signed . En n ring Branch D i on of Reactor Safety SUMMARY Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection entailed 30 inspector-hours in the areas of Unit 1 inservice inspection (ISI), work observation data review and evaluation; main feedwater flow-nozzle modification.

Results: No violations or deviations were identified.

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_ _ _ _ _. _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _.. - .. REPORT DETAILS 1.

Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • M. S. Tuckman, Station Manager
  • R. J. Brackett, Senior Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer R. H. Ledford, Surveillance Supervisor B. Kruse, Construction & Maintenance Engineer (Welding)

E. Few, Engineering Specialist W. R. Hunt, ISI (Inservice Inspection) Coordinator G. Blubaugh, QA Specialist NDE C. R. Hensen, Welding /NDE (Nondestructive Examination) Inspectcr QC (Qualtiy Control)

  • T. C. Matthews, Compliance Other Organizations Babcock and Wilcox (B&W), Special Products and Integrated Field Services H. E. Stopplemann ISI Coordinator NRC Resident Inspectors J. C. Bryant, Senior Resident Inspector K. Sasser, Resident Inspector
  • Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on February 21, 1986, with those persons indicated in paragraph I above.

The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection finding. No dissent-ing comments were received from the licensee.

(0 pen) Inspector Followup Item (IFI) 269, 270, 287/86-03-01, Criteria for cold springing pipe during field installation, paragraph Sa.

.(Open) (IFI) 269, 270, 287/86-03-02, Use of stress relieved filler metal, paragraph 5b.

The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspection.


Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters This subject was not addressed in the inspection.

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Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during this inspection.


IndependentInspectionEffort(92706,62700) a.

Main Feedwater Flow Nozzle Installation, Unit 1.

At the time of this inspection the licensee was making provisions for installation of the new main feedwater flow nozzles by cutting out a fifteen foot section from existing piping on Line #03 Drawing No. 050 1218-1.3, design drawings 0-401 B Rev. 42 and 0-401D Rev. 29.

The replacement nozzle was fabricated by the Permutt Company in accordance with 831.1-67 power piping code.

Pipe dimensions were identified as 24" diameter schedule 80/1.218" thickness and the system, at this location, was designated "QA" condition 3 or class G. The controlling document, generated to address the work effort was Maintenance Proce-dure MP/0/B/1810/15 dated July 31, 1985.

The inspector discussed certain aspects of this modification including welding, examination and testing.

In addition the inspector reviewed, for content, certain sections of the licensee's newly issued Maintenance Welding Manual dated October 1, 1985.

It is applicable to all welding on QA condition systems, structures and components.

The manual was written to confurm to ASME Code Sections IX, III (NF) and XI.

Sections in the manual of particular interest that were reviewed for content were as follows: Section I - Introduction and General Requirements Section II - Identification and Control of Class A thru F Piping and Tubing Section III - Control of Class G8H Piping Section V - Welding of Piping Supports & Restraints Section VI - Marking & Stamping of Welds & Heat Numbers Section VIII - Heat Treatment of Welds Section IX - Issuance Control and Care of QA Condition Welding Material in The Field Within these areas, the inspector made the following observations, a.

The matter of cold springing piping during field installation has not been addressed. Discussions with cognizant personnel disclosed that no limiting boundaries exist for Oconee, but agreed to pursue the matter with Design Section and provide the inspector with a response on a future inspection.

This matter was identified as Inspector Followup Item 267, 270, 287/86-03-01, Criteria for Cold Spring of Pipe During Field Installation, t..

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In reference to the use of filler metal tested in the stress relieved condition, on field applications where postweld heat treatment (PWHT) is required.

Process specification L-200 requires that PWHT filler metal shall be used when the application in governed by ASME Code Section III requirements.

However, in the case where the application is governed by other codes i.e., B31.1/B31.7 the use of PWHT filler metal becomes optional.

In discussing this matter with site management the insp(ector ex-pressed the concern that although the applicable code s) may not specifically provide this requirement, it was not a good practice to use filler metal whose post weld heat-treatment properties are unknown on a safety-related application requiring postweld thermal treatment.

following this inspection, the inspector discussed this matter further with the cognizant welding engineer at OPC's corporate office.

The inspector expressed his concern over the proposed practice, and questioned whether it would be appropriate under QW-407 of ASME Section IX to override a referenced weld procedure qualification record (PQR) that was qualified with and calls for the use of postweld heat treated filler metal.

The cognizant engineer agreed to look further into this matter and discuss it again on a future inspection. This matter was identi-fled as IFI 269, 270, 287/86-03-02,Use of Stress Relieved Filler Metal.

Within the areas of inspection, no deviations or violations were identified.


Inservice Inspection - Observation of Work Activities, Unit 1.(73753) The inspector observed the ISI activities described below to determine whether these activities were being perform in accordance with regulatory requirements and licensee procedures.

The applicable code for the ISI is ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI,1980 Edition, with Addenda through the winter of 1980.


The inspector observed UT examination of the following weld: Item Weld # Procedure Observation B02.040.002 ISGA-WG58-2 151-130 Rev. 21 Scan and Calibration The inspection was compared with the applicable procedures in the following areas: Availability of and compliance with approved NDE procedures Use of knowledgeable NDE personnel Use of NDE personnel qualified to the proper level Recording of inspection results -

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Type of apparatus used Extent of coverage of volume Calibration requirements Search units Beam angles DAC curves Reference level for monitoring discontinuities Method for demonstrating penetration Limits for evaluating and recording indications Recording significant indications Acceptance limits Within the areas inspected, no deviations or violations were identified.


Eddy Current (EC) Examination of Steam Generator (SG) Tubes, Unit 1 ISI activities duriag this refueling outage included the eddy current (EC) examination of tubes in "A" & "B" SGs.

Data acquisition and analysis were being performed by B&W.

The approved B&W procedure 151-418, Rev.1 and related references such as, Regulatory Guide 1.83 July 1975 and Code Case N-401 were the governing documents.

The examination was being performed with a multi-frequency techniques and utilized the computerized MIZ-18 EC Examination System to analyze tube integrity.

Discussions with the licensee disclosed that as of February 20, 1986, there had been 792 tubes in Steam Generator A probed, with one tube (66-3) having a reportable, 28% indication.

In Steam Generator 8, 955 tubes had been probed, with one tube requiring plugging.

The inspector observed examination activities on A&B generators and system calibration documented in tape #3.


Inservice Inspection, Data Review and Evaluation Unit (73755) Records of completed nondestructive examinations were selected and reviewed to ascertain whether: methods, techniques and extent of the ex6mination complied with the ISI Plan and applicable NDE procedures; findings were properly recorded and evaluated by qualified personnel and programatic deviations were recorded as appropriate.

The applicable code for this activity was discussed in paragraph 6 above.

Records selected for this review were as follows: Radiographs: Item Weld S_i,ze System e C05.021.033 1-01A-1(3)29C 12"x0.562" Main Steam C05.021.034 1-01A-1(3)28C 12"x0.562" Main Steam

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