IR 05000269/1985012

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Insp Repts 50-269/85-12,50-270/85-12 & 50-287/85-12 on 850513-0610.No Noncompliance or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Surveillance & Maint Operations & Inspector Followup Items & Events
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/16/1985
From: Bryant J, Dance H, King L, Sasser M
Shared Package
ML20133E031 List:
50-269-85-12, 50-270-85-12, 50-287-85-12, NUDOCS 8508070555
Download: ML20133E040 (6)


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Report Nos:

50-269/85-12, 50-270/85-12 and 50-287/85-12 Licensee:

Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte, N.C.

28242 Facility Name:

Oconee Nuclear Station Docket Nos.:

50-269, 50-270, 50-287 License Nos.:

DPR-38, DPR-47, and DPR-55 Inspection Conducted: M 13 - June 10, 1985 h11en_J $J


f Inspectors:

s J. C. Bryan

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hav lw 7//A/W M. K. 3dsser



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L. P.pKi~ng


()fts gfred Approved by:

hu 7 /6 [6 Fl. C. Dance, Section Chief Dat4 Sighed Division of Reactor Projects SUMMARY Scope:

This routine, unannounced inspection entailed 234 resident inspector

~ hours on site in the areas of operations, surveillance, maintenance, inspector followup items, and followup of events.


Of the five areas inspected, no items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


8508070555 850717 ADOCK0500g9 PDR O






Licensee Employees Contacted

  • M. S. Tuckman, Station Manager

.J. N. Pope, Superintendent of Operations

'T. Barr, Superintendent of Technical Services J. T. McIntosh, Superintendent of Station Services T. Owen, Superintendent of Maintenance

  • R. Bond, Compliance Engineer
  • T. C.-Matthews, Technical Specialist Other licensee employees contacted included technicians, operators, mechanics, security force members, and staff engineers.

Resident inspectors J.' C. Bryant

  • M. K. Sasser-L. P. :'. * 's
  • Attended exit interview.


Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on June 7,1985, with those_ persons indicated in paragraph 1 above.

The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspectors during this inspection.


Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters Not inspected 4.

Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified on this inspection.


Inspector Followup Items (Closed)

Inspector Followup Item 50-269/84-23-01, Inadequate spent fuel pool procedure.

The licensee has implemented a new procedure for installation or removal of gamma scanner equipment in the spent fuel pools.

The' procedure's intent is to ensure the necessary precautions when moving heavy loads near or over spent fuel.

Additionally, the existing procedure for gamma scanner operations has been revised, adding the Technical Specification requirement that no loads in excess of 3000 lbm shall be moved over spent fuel.

The resident inspectors reviewed these procedures.








(Closed) Inspector Followup Item 50-270/85-10-05; Verification of refueling surveillance tests.

The resident inspectors completed a review of surveillances required for Unit 2 on a refueling frequency and determined that all surveillances were completed as required.

(Closed) Inspector Followup Item 50-269/83-33-03, Resolution of reliability of the Lee gas turbines.

Following the 1983 Keowee outage, the Lee gas turbine reliability task force was formed to review problems experienced with the turbines during the outage. The task force recommended a number of changes.

All short term changes have been implemented.


Inspector Followup Item 50-269/83-19-02, Equipment CERTS.

This item was closed in inspection report number 85-06.


Plant Operations The inspectors reviewed plant operations throughout the reporting period to verify conformance with regulatory requirements, Technical Specifications (TS), and administrative controls.

Control room logs, shift turnover records and equipment removal and restoration records were reviewed routinely.

Interviews were conducted with plant operations, maintenance, chemistry, health physics and performance personnel.

Activities within the control rooms were monitored on an almost daily basis.

Inspections were conducted on day and on night shifts, during week days and on weekends.

Some inspections were made during shift change in order to evaluate shift turnover performance.

Actions observed were conducted as required by Section 3.18 of the station directives.

The complement of licensed personnel on each shift inspected met or exceeded the requirements of TS.

Operators were responsive to plant annunciator alarms and were cognizant of plant conditions.

Plant tours were taken throughout the reporting period on a routine basis.

The areas toured included the following:

Turbine Building Auxiliary Building Units 1, 2, and 3 Electrical Equipment Rooms Units 1, 2, and 3 Cable Spreading Rooms Station Yard Zone within the Protected Area Standby Shutdown Facility Keowee Hydro Station During the plant tours, ongoing activities, housekeeping, security, equipment status, and radiation control practices were observed.

Unit 1 operated at essentially full power throughout the report period.

Unit 2 began the report period at 72% power, as limited by steam generator levels, and continued at that power level throughout the reporting period.

The unit will be shut down in the near future for a





planned 13 day outage.

The purpose of this outage is to attempt mechanical pulse cleaning of the steam generators in order to be able to increase the power level to 100% following the outage.

In addition, the 2B1 reactor coolant pump seals will be replaced.

Unit 3 operated at essentially full power throughout the report period.

No violations or deviations were identified.


Surveillance Testing The surveillance tests listed below were reviewed and/or witnessed by the inspectors to verify procedural and performance adequacy.

The completed tests reviewed were examined for necessary test prerequisites, instructions, acceptance criteria, technical content, authorization to begin work, data collection, independent verification where required, handling of deficiencies noted, and review of completed work.

The tests witnessed, in whole or in part, were inspected to determine that approved procedures were available, test equipment was calibrated, prerequisites were met, tests were conducted according to procedure, tests were acceptable and systems restoration was completed.

Surveillances witnessed in whole or in part are as follows:

PT/0/A/260/16 Keowee hydro emergency start test PT/0/A/150/09 Reactor building personnel hatch O' ring seal leak rate test.

PT/3/A/600/12 Turbine driven emergency feedwater pump performance test


Completed surveillances reviewed are as follows:

PT/3/A/800/03 All rods out boron comparison at power PT/0/A/205/01 Weekly reactor coolant flow data PT/0/A/800/30 Weekly core power distribution comparison PT/0/B/302/16 Review and control of incore instrumentation signals No violations or deviations were identified.


Maintenance Activities Maintenance activities were observed and/or reviewed during the reporting period to verify that work was performed by qualified personnel and that approved procedures in use adequately described work that was not within the skill of the trade.

Activities, procedures and work requests were examined to verify proper authorization to begin work, provisions for fire, cleanliness, and exposure control, proper return of equipment to service, and that limiting conditions for operation were me e






Maintenance work witnessed in whole or in part was as follows:

WR 97290B Addition of Restraining Braces in SSF Cabinets WR 90514C Set trip Setpoint on RC Makeup Pump, Unit 3 WR 51091D Disassemble and inspect SSF-CCW-267 WR 55155A Perform hydrogen system annual instrument calibration WR 21559B Troubleshoot reactor building normal sump level readings, trains A and B do not agree No violations or deviations were identified.


Unit 3 -Brief Loss of Low Pressure Service Water (LPSW)

At 8:37 a.m., on May 29,1985, Unit 3 nuclear control operators (NCO's)

received notice on the alarm typewriter that 3A LPSW pump suction valve was not fully open.

On checking the control panel, they found that the valve indicated an intermediate position. A nuclear equipment operator (NE0) was dispatched to verify valve position.

At 8:39 a.m., an alarm was receivtd that LPSW header pressure was low.

The NC0 immediately started 3B LPSW pump and pressure was restored.

According to control room gauges, LPSW header pressure never dropped down to zero, and no adverse effects were noted on equipment requiring LPSW.

The NE0 reported that the local pump stop switch apparently had inadvertently been pushed by a mechanic who placed a ladder against the column on which the switch was mounted.

Piping installation is in progress in the area.

LPSW pump B was left in service while the work is in progress.

The licensee had previously noted the vulnerability of some local control switches and is in the process of obtaining protective shields for them.

Construction workers will receive additional training on care to be taken in the operating plant.

No violations or deviations were identified.


Verification of Surveillance Tests During the performance of an inspection of the unit 2 startup from refueling the resident inspectors encountered difficulty in determining that all refueling surveillances had been completed prior to unit startup.

These difficulties were due in part to the inspectors' unfamiliarity with the licensee's computer system for monitoring surveillances, PMRPT, but also due to the fact that documentation of that system does not clearly define its use.

The inspectors did succeed in verifying that all surveillances had been completed as required (see section 5, inspector followup items).

There were no violations identified.

However, listed below are several findings of those problems contributing to the difficulties of completing this inspection, u



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Nuclear station directives do not indentify or cross reference which surveillances are performed to meet specific TS requirements, making it difficult to determine if all surveillances have been completed, in compliance with TS.


Many of the surveillances performed to satisfy TS requirements are performed on a more frequent basis than that required by TS.

This is more than' adequate but was hard to follow when looking at surveillances required at a specific interval, such as refocling.


Errors in the PMRPT program were discovered which resulted in some TS required surveillances not showing up on the printouts.

Their omission added to auditing difficulties.

The station management has initiated steps to improve the documentation and use of the PMRPT program for monitoring the status of surveillances. These steps include:

a detailed cross reference of TS versus the station surveil-lances, instructions to users to update the PMRPT status on a more timely basis, and revisions to station directives to more accurately define the program.

The resident inspectors will follow these changes during future-inspections.


Review of Licensee Event Reports The following licensee event reports have been closed based upon evaluation and verification by inspection of the documented corrective actions:


LER 50-269/85-02, Reactor trip on high RC pressure all six intercept valves closed for unknown reasons.

The problems were foud in an


electrical circuit of the EHC system and repaired.


LER 50-269/84-04, Exceeding of RCS cooldown rate.

The operator training package has tkan implemented to improve the training on TS requirements.