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Insp Repts 50-269/86-34,50-270/86-34 & 50-287/86-34 on 861111-870112.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Surveillance,Maint,Verification of ESF Lineups & Emergency Drills
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/23/1987
From: Bryant J, Peebles T
Shared Package
ML20210V585 List:
50-269-86-34, 50-270-86-34, 50-287-86-34, NUDOCS 8702190072
Download: ML20211A006 (7)

See also: IR 05000269/1986034



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Report Nos: 50-269/86-34, 50-270/86-34, and 50-287/86-34


Duke Power Company

422 South Church Street

Charlotte, N.C.


Facility Name: Oconee Nuclear Station

Docket Nos.: 50-269, 50-270, and 50-287

License Nos.: DPR-38, DPR-47, and DPR-55

Inspection Conducted: November 11 - January 12, 1986




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J. C. Bryant



Date Signed

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Approved by:


Date Signed



T. Peebles,' Section 'Chidf

Division of Reactor Projects





This routine, announced inspection involved resident inspection on-site

in the areas of operations, surveillance, maintenance, verification of engineered

safety features lineups, followup of events, emergency drills and performance


Results: Of the seven areas, inspected, no. violations or deviations were identi-


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Licensee Employees Contacted

  • M. S. Tuckman, Station Manager

T. B. Owen, Maintenance Superintendent

R. L. Sweigart, Operations Superintendent

J. M. Davis, Technical Services Superintendent

  • C. L. Harlin, Compliance Engineer
  • F. E. Owens, Assistant Engineer, Compliance

N. A. Rutherford, System Engineer, Licensing

Other licensee employees contacted included technicians, operators,

mechanics, security force members, and staff engineers.

Resident Inspector:

  • J. C. Bryant, Resident Inspector
  • Attended exit interview.


Exit Interview

The inspection scope and findings were summarized on January 12,198@ with

those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. The licensee did not identify

as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the

inspectors during this inspection.


Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters

Not inspected.


Unresolved Items

No unresolved items were identified during this inspection.


Plant Operations

The inspector reviewed plant operations throughout the reporting period to

verify conformance with regulatory requirements, technical specifications

(TS), and administrative controls.

Control room logs, shift turnover

records, and equipment removal and restoration records were reviewed


Interviews were conducted with plant operations, maintenance,

chemistry, health physics and performance personnel.




Activities within the control rooms were monitored on an almost daily basis.

Inspections were conducted on day and on night shifts, during week days and

on weekends.

Some inspections were made during shift change in order to

evaluate shift turnover performance.

Actions observed were conducted as

required by Operations Management Procedure 2-1.

The complement of

licensed personnel on each shift inspected met or exceeded the requirements

of TS.

Operators were responsive to plant annunciator alarms and were

cognizant of plant conditions.

Plant tours were taken throughout the reporting period on a routine basis.

The areas toured included the following:

Turbine Building

Auxiliary Building

Units 1,2, and 3 Electrical Equipment Rooms

Units 1,2, and 3 Cable Spreading Rooms

Station Yard Zone within the Protected Area

Standby Shutdown Facility

During the plant tours, ongoing activities, housekeeping, security,

equipment status, and radiation control practices were observed.

Unit 1 began the report period operating at 99% power, restricted to that

power by high steam generator level in B steam generator.

The unit

cnntinued operation at 98% power throughout the report period.

Unit 2 began the report period restricted to 92% power by high level in B

steam generator.

On November 30 vibration increased in No.11 bearing of

the turbine generator.

Vibration increased to 10 mils and power reduction

began at 7:30 p.m. on Decemoer 1 (power reduction was stopped at 15% power).

The unit was taken off line at 11:08 p.m. with reactor power maintained at


Bearing examination, repair and realignment were completed at 7:30


p.m. on December 3.

Unit 2 was returned to 94% power and remained at that

level throughout the report period.

Unit 3 began the report period in a 3 reactor coolant pump operation mode at

72% power.

As described in the previous report, reactor coolant pump (RCP)

B1 had been shut down due to apparent internal damage to the pump.


pump operation continued until December 17 when Unit I was shut down due to

increasing symptoms of pump problems in RCP-B1 and increasing vibration in

RCP-82. This event is discussed in more detail in paragraph 9.

Unit 3 will

be refueled during this outage.

No violations or deviations were identified.


Surveillance Testing

The surveillance tests listed below were reviewed by the inspector to verify

procedural and performance adequacy.








The completed tests reviewed were examined for necessary test prerequisites,

instructions, acceptance criteria, technical content, authorization to begin

work, data collection, independent verification where required, handling of

deficiencies noted, and review of completed work.

Surveillances reviewed included:

WR 59002 B Monthly PM Inspection of Keowee Hydro Generator

WR 54580 E Check and Calibrate RPS Loop A Reactor Coolant

Flow Transmitter

WR 59003 B Test Keowee Electro Mechanical Trip Circuitry

WR 56921

PM on 16 Cylinder Diesel Generator

WR 56922

PM on 12 Cylinder Diesel Generator

No violations or deviations were identified.


Maintenance Activities


Maintenance activities were reviewed during the reporting period to verify

that work was performed by qualified personnel and that approved procedures

in use adequately described work that was not within the skill of the trade.

Procedures and work requests were examined to verify proper authorization to

begin work, provisions for fire, cleanliness, and exposure control, proper

return of equipment to service, and that limiting conditions for operation

were met.

Work requests reviewed included:

WR 54759 C Replace missing washers on hydraulic snubbers

WR 04863 C Valve 2 BS4: Investigate failure to open from control

room and repair

WR 04886 C Investigate and repair reactor building fire alarm

WR 04619 C Investigate and repair 1 HP16 - will not open

WR 52514 E Repair cracked electrical penetration

WR 02672 C Repair valve 1 AS 39 - Has extreme back leakage

WR 03948 C Repair relief valve 1 MS 92 at TDEFDWP; valve leaks

past seat

No violations or deviations were identified.



The inspector reviewed several design changes and modifications to verify

that they were in conformance with 10 CFR 50.59 and Technical Specifications

(TS), and that they were reviewed and approved in accordance with TS and

established QA/QC controls.

The inspector also verified that the changes

were adequately tested, operator training packages were issued when

appropriate, and that signoffs for independent verification were recorded

where required.

Modifications were inspected in work and/or after






Station modifications examined included the following:


Modifications to condenser circulating water pumps (Report No.



Modifications to Keowee battery racks and installation of new

batteries (Report No. 86-20)


Installation of buried, protected cables to CCW 8 and 9, installation

of a new terminal box, and termination of cables,.



(1) SSF submersible pump and power source

(2) Air eductor for SSF auxiliary service water pump suction line.


Installation of yard discharge for SSF service water pump.

Review of these modifications determined that requirements had been met.

The licensee's program for temporary modifications, lifted leads and juspers

and implementation of the program was reviewed and reported in Report No.


An earlier report stated that the licensee had brought approxi-

mately 14 corporate engineers on site to reduce the number of outstanding

modifications by expediting completion, elimination of duplication, or

determination that the change was no longer needed. To date, the number of

open design changes has been reduced from 1000 down to 500. The goal is to

reduce it to 300, considered by the licensee to be a workable number. All

but 20 items have now been scheduled for completion or for review.

No violations or deviations were. Identified.


Unit 3 - Shutdown Oue to Reactor Coolant Pump Problems


Report No. 86-33 describes shut down of reactor coolant pump (RCP) 3B1 due


to increased motor frame vibration and possible loose parts on October 30,

1986, and to subsequent reactor operation at 72% power with only 3 RCP's in


On November 5, loose parts monitor (LPM) alarms were received for about 35

seconds from LPM sensors located on incore ins'.rument tubes (bottom of the

reactor vessel).

A Justification for Continued Operation was issued and

additional LPM equipment was obtained from the vendor, Babcock and Wilcox


More sophisticated equipment for analysis of impacts was later


Impacts were analyzed and taped.

It was believed that there were

several small parts of 1 to 2 ounce size and 1 or 2 pieces weighing several

pnunds but which moved very little,


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On December 15 some change was noted in patterns of vibration on RCP's 3B2

and 3A1.

Reactor coolant chemistry began showing indications of possible

fuel damage and of some wear particles in the coolant system, which

indicated that possibly 3B2 pump was beginning to wear. During the night of

December 16 and morning of December 17, vibration of RCP 382 pump shaft

began increasing rapidly.

Unit 3 was taken off line at 5:42 p.m. on

December 17 and shut down.

Unit 3 will remain shut down for refueling, with startup scheduled for

March 12, 1987.

RCP's 3B1 and 3B2 will be rebuilt, and 3Al will receive

some rework.

In mid 1985 RCP 3A2 .is rebuilt with some modifications and

3Al was rebuilt to the extent that spare parts permitted.


To date, RCP's 3B1 and 382 have been removed and examined.

RCP 3B2 has

shown no appreciable damage but 381 has extensive damage to the-impeller,


the wear ring and the suction adapter.

No significant damage to the pump


casing has been detected.

Pump damage will be

iscussed in considerable


detail in Report No. 50-287/87-01 by a Regional inspector and will not be

discussed here.


No violations or deviations were identified.



Emergency Drill

An emergency drill, beginning at 3:00 a.m. on December 15, 1986, was held at

the Oconee site to verify proper response by appropriate personnel within

the required time frame.

A site assembly was conducted and the Technical

Support Center and Operations Support Center were activated. All personnel

arrived within the time requirements.

The resident inspector was present


and monitored the drill,


No violations were identified.




Licensee Event Reports and Inspector Followup Items



The inspector reviewed nonroutine event reports to verify the report details

met license requirements, identified the cause of the event, described

corrective actions appropriate for the identified cause, and adequately


addressed the event and any generic implications.

In addition, as appro-

priate, the inspectors examined operating and maintenance logs, and records


and internal investigation reports.


Where appropriate, personnel were interviewed to verify that the report


accurately reflected the circumstances of the event, that the corrective


action had been taken or responsibility assigned to assure completion, and

that the event was reviewed by the licensee, as stipulated in the Technical

Specifications. The following event reports were reviewed:



(Closed) LER 269/86-06:

End of Cycle Moderator Temperature Coeffi-


This item was closed based on the Licensees description of the


event and NRR letter of November 26, 1986 which accepted the Licensee's



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(Clobed)IFI 269/86-18-01: Correct Post Trip Review Deficiencies. The


inspector reviewed changes to the Perfomance Manual and to the


procedure for post trip review.

Changes ir.clude the following:

Qualifications of those authorized to make post trip reviews;

requirement for a list of those authorized to make post trip reviews;

lists those parts of the procedure which must be completed prior to

approval for restart;

and describes proper completion of the proce-


12. Enforcement Conference

An enforcement conference was held with Duke Power Company (DPC) officials

in the Region II offices on December 22, 1986.

The purpose of the meeting

was to discuss findings of the Safety System Functional Inspection conducted

at Oconee'in May and June 1986.

Also, findings concerning loss of suction

to tne Emergency Condenser Circulating Water system were discussed. Action

to be taken has'not been finalized at this time.














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